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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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December 1ith, 1012, et FOR SALE ERENT ERT TS -60 FT, BLOCK. 106, 0 terms. Owner, Box tee, at ORN COCK AND HENS gio bird, palr, trlor or hbred prize winning F. G. Forster, box 569, 1818133, lt;7 ROOMED Godp water and gas; just are veluable business 941 Kast Allowance. 128-6 SALE FIRST CLASS and case, Every neces- nt that a violin needs. oF 30.00. Apply Med- isl Store, iai-te eee A FINE LOT OF MAR- heat, grown of new 00 per Bushel. 0.3. Mo- Sask. 81-280 r AND FOUND +, BLACK SPANIBL. IF within three days defray expenses. Apply Ws Office, 183-1 IRSE CONTAINING A and a bunch of keys, be rewarded for the re- to 435 Toronto St. 183-2 ) LOCKET, Return to Tim VED Re- OF HEAVY BLACK left in post office on een 7.30 and 8 o'clock. wa office. 132-8 ILD'S BROWN FITCH, ith heads and tails, near Finder rewarded on re: ira, D, Robertson, Third e City Stables. 131-3 AN UMBRELLA WAS ra house some time ago. remit sum for ad -when umbrella, Apply News 11st RESPONDENCE NIUM DAWN FRIENDS spond with Mrs. B, Tay- e, Alta. 133-6 STRAYED D THE ABOVE WILb nformation that will lead ery of one grey gelding, out 1800, branded either ram on left shoulder, or aft thigh. This horse is years old and has trim- EH. Starks, Medicine Hat, 2. : oott SCELLANEOUS ARPENED PARTIES 'es ground, ean have same irst class manner at the c, Main: St. J. Halward, 125-tt SLASSES EVERY MON- day and Friday. Ar made for out-of-town of ons if desired, K. Her oronto Street, Medicine ICINE HAT HIDE, FUR INK CO. The above hai best selection of S ) in the city. We o swelry, Rifles, Guns, Re asons, Buggice, Harnces, new line of winter goods erything mentioned abor gt; best prices. Call at ray Bt. or Phone 587, OK HERE THE RAl ON IS OPEN. Don't or your raw hides ) 587 or write P. O ue Hat. Our price is 96.00. Don't forget it, te, HE BEST PRICES d furniture, tools, stov , Taw hides and furs. Ave, opposite D one 29 , D. Davis, 119-3 AUCTIONEERS OWNE CO, Live 8 neral Auctioneers, 519 itock Salea every? Square at 1 o'clock. Rs tock sales conducted an puse furniture sales where. Consult us, our Your disposal free. P Browne Co, 519 181 re TERLEE, LIVE STOCK ctioneer. Sales on mai sy Right price. Office 10 P. 0. box 826, Medleint 126 CORSETIERRE CORSETS MADB uaranteed for one saking and rusting; v t, House No. 7, School Avi site east side. of higt me 699 for appointment o box 72, Mrs, Matthews. 121-ong af System The News Jd has every facility fo he most satisfactory. Saturday, December Idth, 1922, Don t Pay Rent We Will Loan. Money To buy or Build Houses 25) To Pay Off Mortgages t To Improve Real Estate a Cent. We Guarantee the time when your, indebt- edness will be paid off. Office open eveningy - - - - Welte, phone or call International Home Pur- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. Medicine Hat Office 389 Main St, Phone 888, Over Assiiibola Music Store. You Per Capital Realty Co. 420 Main Street Phone 799 -REDOLIFF NOTE THESE PRICES. THEY ARE ; SNAPS 9000.00, 75 t. corner, Block 108. Usual terms. 2000.00 each. Twa corners in Block 76. Usual terms; + 200.00 to 450.00, each. Residence'tots in all. parts of the town. COUSINS AND SISSONS * 1500.00 pair. Term , Z lots in Block 20. 5 HERSLD: -ete Se 253s 27 tute 1400.00, Terms. Twolots in Block 9. Good view of the river and town. Be TOWNSIRE We have. some of, the best buys in the city-in close-in improved properties, See us avout this, SUBDIVISION PROPERTY * We have 6000 acres adjoiiing the city suitable for subdivision We-aleo-have-a -half-section near Redcliff at farm Inn prices: : RIVERDALE We have only four-lots left in Block 8 at 400. GIVE US YOUR: LISTINGS. of 'y Cyris 1. Brady Se ho stood up and litared at herin great alarm, which soon gave way to reas- Burance. She had not fainted, there Was a little tinge of color in ms that had rubbed up against bunting coat; she was wlar breathing told him was of course the very eines for her, and yet abe Be allowed to sleep until rid of her wet clothing something had been wounded foot. It was berrassing situation. 5 ; H 38 git Ee 2 Ay q if iff 4 omewhat shapeless woolen gown. You can wear this to sleep in, he gontinned. First of all, though, Iam going to have a look at that foot. He Went ow its where her wound- pbsolutely alone, mercy; you are stronger than have no choles but to do what pid me. And in addition to th ural weakness of my sex I am more helpless from this foot. do you intend to do with me? do you mean to treat me? Tt was a bold, and it evoked the As God is my judge, BAI quietly, just you ought to be treated, as 1 would want ancther treat my mother;or my sister, or wife she noticed-how curiously his if Th T ner an in my life, he edttind d earnestly, only one, that 1 he rected himself, and once again slie marked that peculiar contraction of the lips. . And I could-not help that, he added. one. after gazing at him long and hard as if to search out the secreta of his very NOW ON THE MARKET Prices from 180 to 250 TERMS One-Quarter Cash; Balance 6, 12.and 18 : zt tmonths. Z 7 Reduced prices by the block. 16.6. MaeBean Co. UTE EVENINGS ROOM 7, IMP. AL, BANK BLDG., 4th AVI ROHANTS ADVERTISE To-day s Specials . HIGHTAND STREET 92000 Terms. 50 ft. block 2, Central Park 1750 Termis. 50 ft., block 22, Herald. 4000 Terms. 100 ft. corner, block 22, Herald. CENTRAL PARK 3200 Terms. 1600 Terms. 99000 Terms. SOUTH YUILL 761575 Terms. Lot 7, block 5, King Street. 6000 Terms. 50 ft:'Columbia Avenue. BLOCK PROPOSITIONS (Ternis.) 8, 1-2 Block 17, Bending 400 per Tot: 8. 1-2 Block 27, Bending 785 pair. 21-30, Blook 3, Bending S400 per lot All Block 27 and 28, Harrisville 225 per lot. THESE WE CAN DELIVER TODAY Hollinger Agency PHONE 433 384 MAIN STREET 100 ft. corner facing the Park. BO ft. block 16, facing south. 100 ft. block 16,-.- Aerie You ans Yo the Dl IN THE NEWS ve soul. things dearer will be safe with you. have to trust you. hope, came: the quick comment, wthat it is not oaly-toe-that. I don't swant to be trusted upon compulsion. 1. You mitist Have fought terribly for my life in the flood, was the answer. I can r member what it was now, and you. carried me over the rocks. and the mountains without faltering. Only a man could do what you have done. I trust you anyway. 1 uk you, said the man briefy as he bent over the Injured foot again. The boot laced up the front, the short skirt left all plainly visible. With deft fingers he undid the sodden mot and unlaced it, then stood hesi- tatingly for 2 moment, don t Hke to cut your only pair of shoes, he: sald as he made a sht motion to draw it off, and then observing the spasm of pain, stopped. Needs must, he continued, taking fut bis knife and slitting the Jeather. He did it very carefully so as not rain the boot beyond repair, and gnally succeeded in getting ywithout giving her too mucl And she was not so tired or 80 miser- able as to be unaware of his gentle cness. His manner, matter of fact, business like, if he had been a doctor one would have called t professional, istinctly pleased ber in this trying And unusual pogition. Her as stained with blood. The man rose Kigo his Tet, took from a ride home- made chair a light Mexican Blanket nd Tala it considerately across the r, 1 Sa he was not at ores? lifriined aikle, but it seemed to him that her foot had been Geught be tween two tossing logs, and had-been Bailly bruised. It was very painful, Dat would not take so long to heal as sprain. The little foot, normally so white, was now black,and blue and the skin had been roughly torn and broken, He brought a. basin of cold water aid towel and washed off the Blood, the xii down the pain and successfully stifiing any outcry. Now, be sald, you must put on this gown and'xet Into'bed. By the time you are ready for it I will have some broth for you and then we will Wandage that foot, I shall not come + for en. you will be alone ant ,. ja 1B turned and l ft tho room, shut titgethe door after kim its he went The Ghalice Continued ) iber ana Trust you, said the girl at last, Yon have saved my life and eae t too close to-prevent circu- A Romance of Go lorado Gourage the stoky of certain -persons Who drank of it and conquered Hime ar day Enid herself and this ine great haste. She was alm exelted and ap prehensive to recall the painful cir cumstances it upon her first isrobing. She a she trusted the man absolutely, yet sho would not have been human if she had not looked most anxiohsly toward that closed door. He mae plenty of nois im the ottier out. Fors Maitland un time nervously He Walked Nervously Up and Down, some steaming broths She wondered how he had madev tifm such a hurry, but after he poureddityinto-a granite ware cup and offered it to her, she took ft without question. It was thick, fed 'that she. take mors, and more. Finally she rebelled. Well, perhaps that will do.tor to oa som Ie Jegk at your fd0t. fer: Pv d' that he tind fala. on tong roll of Whitt cloth; she ould not iknow that he chad torn up one of his sheets to'make ban- dages, but so it was. He took the lit- He foot tenderly es Tam going td nt he paid. Tam going to find,out f there is anything more thamea bruise, any bones broken. There was no denying that he di pain her exquisitely. can't help it, he sald as she cerfed aloud, I have got to ade what's the matter, Iam. almost through now. Go on, I can bear ft, she said faintly, I feel so shuch better, any- way, now that I am ry and warm. So far as I can determine, said: the man at last, it is only a bad, ugly bruis ; the skin s tori, it-has been Dattered, but it is neither sprained nor broken, and I don't think it 1s go- ing to be very serfoiis, Now I am go- ing to bathe it in th hottest water you can bear, and them will bandage it and let you go to sleep. He went out and came back with a cettle of boilipg water, with which he Taved again and again the poor, torn, battered little member. / Never in her Mfe had anything been so grateful a: these repeated applications of hot w: After a while h applied a heal ing lotion of some kind, then he took his long roll of bi and wound 4exterously around her foot, not lation, but just tight enough for sup port, then as he finished she drew tt: ack beneath the cover. Now, said he, there Is nothing more I'can do for you tonight, 1s theret Nothing. I want you to go to Bleep now, you will be perfectly safe here. I am s0- ng down: the canon to search No, said the girl Appr at a hee ed; ho was tearful jene would have a nervous breakdown. Very well, be ild soothlagty, jwill not leave you till the morning. i lim the store room, he ohall bo right within eall at any time. Tt had grown dark outside by thiy time and the two in the log hut could arely see each other. *T think T shall light the fire, com jttnued the man, t will be sort of Gompany*for you and it gets cold us here nights at this season. I shouldn't wonder if this.rain turned into Besides, it will dry your blothes for Then be went over ty the Breplace, strick a match, touched Jt to. the Kindling ynder the huge 10g already prepared, and in a moment a cheerful Diaze was roaring up through the chimney. Then be plelKedyup from the floor where she had. casei In a heap her bedraggled, garments, He ightened the: ag. best he equid, bung them over the backs o/ chairs and the table, which he drew as near to the fire as was safe. Hav- ing completed this unwonted task be turned to the woman who had watch: d him curiously aid wervously the while, 4 Is there anything more that I can do tor your Nothing. You have been as kind and as gentle as-You were atfong and brave, - cating gesture. Are you quite comfortable? that wounded member. hard but comfortabl than the aleeping bags to w late she had been accustomed...;. Few women had gone through. such experiences, mental and physical, as: had befallen her within the last few of body and. spirit to which she. lind been subjected, her mental faculties would have been on the alert andthe strangeness of her uniqye. position would have made her so, neryous that she could not have slept... For the time being, however, the physical demands upon her entity were paramount; she was dry, she was she Was fed, she was free from anxiety and she was absolutely unutterably weary. Her thoughts were Vague, inchoate, unconcentrated, The fire wayered:before her eyes, she closed them in a:few, moments and didnot open them. y Without a, thought, without a care, fhe fell asleep. Her repose was com: plete, ndt'd Ureai eVen disturbed the profound slumber into which she sank. . Pretty pleture ste made; her head thrown backward; her golden. hair toughly-dried and quickly plait- ed. in Jong: bralds ome-of which fell ie Ke. othel seurled,loyinaly .anguind, her neck, Her face inthe natural, Nght would have Jooked, pallid. from what she had gone through, but the fire cast red glows apon It; the Stful. Nght filckered across her coiintentiice- and some- times deep shadows unrelleved , - centuated the paleness born of ter sufferings. There is no ght that plays so many tricks with the imagination, or that so stimulates the, fancy light of an open fre. outbursts ft sometim dite touches to th dead. Had there been any ey ' this girl, she would have 'inad ''a de- lightfal picture in the warm glow from the stone hearth. There were no eyes to look, however, say those which belonged to the man on the other side of the door. On the hither side of that, in where the fire burned on the hearth, there was rest in the heart of the occupant; on the farther side where the fire on f burned in the heart, there was tumult. Not outward and visible, but inward and spiritual, and yet there was no lack of apparent manifestation of the turmoil in the man's soul, Albeft the room was smaller than the other, it was still of a good size. He walked nervously up and down from one etid to the other as cease- Jessly as a wild animal mpatient of ity stalks the narrow mits of This contracted cage. The even. tenor, of his life had suddenly been diverted. The ordinary sequence of his days had been abruptly changed. The. pri- yaoy of five years which he had hoped and dreamed might exist as long as he, had been rudely broken in upon. Humanity, whichhe had avoided, from which he had fied, which he had east away forever, bad found him. Abiit, excessit, evastt, 6 his departures were all in vain world with all its grandeur and tts in- significance, with all its powers and ita weaknesses, with all its opportu: nities and its obligations, with all its Joys and its sorrows, had knocked at his door; and that the knocking hand irae that of a woman, but added to perplexity and to his dismay. je bad cherished a dream thet he derously awakened. Everything was changed. What had once been easy had now become impossible. He might send her away, But though he lawore her to secrecy sh would hav ew tell her story and something of his: the world would learn some of ft and ek him out with insifiable carlos: ity to, know. the rest. Eye as keen as his would present- ly search and eerutinize the moun- tains where ae had They would see what hr find what he bad found, gold-usting, would swarm upon the hfits and fight and loweand breed and aie. Great God He coulf of course move on, but where? And went he. whithersoever he might, he would now of necessity carry with him another memory which until that mount there alone, Slowly, laboriously, painfully, he had built bis Rowse upon the sand, iad blown and the -Money Makers NORTH YUILL, Lots 27,28) Block 2, 3,000. Lot 5, Block 7,. 1860, Lots 5, 6, Block 8, 2600. Special: A 7 room house of 5 East Allowance, 4 blocks from the depot, for only, 3 4500. ' HERALD, iis 14, 15, Block 9, cortier, 'Fis00. Lata 23, 34, Block 14, 1800, Lots 4, 5, Block 1, 1600. 27, 28, Block 18, 1700. CENTRAL P. Block 4, 1600. Lots 6, 7. Block , 1800. 75 feet facing South, Block 13, 5, 2090. Lots 83, 34, Block 13, 1260. 3 3 Ht 5 RE patt Re aes sf F ibe re aes tn a g man. e Once long ago the gentlest and ten- derest of yoices called from. the dark to the light, the blind. And it is given to modern science and to skill aometinies to eniulats achievement. Perhaps? the surprise, the amazement, the bewlldermest, of him who having -been blind see, if we oan imagine tt not haying Tbe a bet to nderstanding man's enidtidtt when this woman came suddenly into hfs lonely orbit: Hi eyes were opened although he woul mot know t.;:He fought.down his new consclousness and. would, have none of dt... Yet itiwas there, He loyed her With did Selkirk welcome the savage shirer of his solitude Sup- pose she had been'a woman of his own race; had'ehe been old, withered, hid- cous, he must have loved ber on the fnstant,much more if she were young fnd beautiful. The thing was inev- Itable, Such passions are born. God busy haunts of: men.-wh as plenty as-blackbergles, to use Fale staff's simile, imd where a man may somet choose between hundred, of a thotpand, such loves are born, for ever. A volce. in. the night, a face in the street, a whispered word, the touch, of a hand, the answering throb of an- other heart and bebold two walk to: gether where before each walked alone. Sometimes the man or the wom: an who fs born again 6f love knows it not, refuses to adinft it, refuses to recognize it: Some birth pain mubt awaken the consciousness of the new Ife, It those, things are true and. possi- dle under every day conditions. and to ordinary men and women, how munch more to this solitary. He had seen this woman, white breasted like the foam, rising as the ariclent god- dress from the Paphian sea. Over that' recollection, a8 he was a gentleman and a Christian, he would fain draw a curtain, before it erect 2 wall. He must not dwell.upon that fact, he would not linger over that moment. Yet he could not forget-tt. Then ho had seen her lying prone, yet uriconsclously graceful in her aban- donment, on the sward; ho had caught glimpse of her, white face desperate Jy uptossed by the rolling water; he hid looked. into the unfathomable depth of her eyes at that moment when she had awakened in his arms) after such a struggle as had taxed bis tmanhood and almost broken his heart; hhe bad cftried her unconsciously, ghastly white with her pain-drawn dace, stumbling desperately over be : rocks in the beating rain to thi There he had held that poor, a aoe Uttle foot in his han treating it, when 3 his lips passionat it of all he-bad 1 nto her fice, warmied with the red) Ught of the fire, searched her eyes Almiont like blue pools, in depths thers yet lurked life ana Hae while her golden Hair tinged aon by the blaze lay on. the white low and he loved her. God pity. fighting against fact and admission of At, yet:how could he help it? He had loved once befdre in his ith, With the fire of youth aid spring, bat it was hot like this. He did not Feo- ognize this new passion th any Hight from the past; therefore he would hot admit it. Hence, he did not ander atand it. But he saw and admitted and tnderstood enough to know, that the past was no.longer, the supr subject fn his life, that the present home. (To be continued. ET Place your orders now for the News big handsomely fIlustrated In- dustrial number. Ready by the first gt; Over sixty pages. of the year, tf. We are selling these for a: small profit, We still some of the old-stock. yonr own price, : If you are one of our custom- ers You know the truthfulness, of this ad. Te not, we ask 16 come in anid prove it youself ah fain : : TAILORING CO. Opposite Dreaniland, HARVARD to have the of your home decorated G. W. Donner Guarantees inside , DON'T. CRY a ) Whe Bartlett Studio has, the best solution fot the Gift problem, iA doz hotos im) oie: of oun. distin: styl h will make twelve Xme each one of which is sure:tobe preciated. Have the BEST or Ni ING. ie wnt iB ) There's a PHOTOGRAPHER your town. ae 4 THE BARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Bale. Yuill Street. Phone No, 416. P. 0, Box 81. Crystal Ice Co. NUMAN SANDERSON Successors to Mr. Peter Robinson, MEDICINE til GARTAGE CO. ALL KINDS Household Mg a de
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Image 1125 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1125, (CU1773276). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.