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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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4g bi Royal Young housekeepers have dis- what. the older ones have known for many, many years that g. Household SPE Serican Comptroller of Surrency Makes Annual ort Favorable Fig- Washington, Dec. 14. Business in ral, as reflected in the condition f the banks of the United States, has im the country's prosperity, according to Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency, in his annual report, made public today. The banking power of the nation, represented by capital, surplus, pro- tits, deposits and circulation, reach- ed during the year the enormous to- tal of 22,548,707,000, showing an in- crease of 5.69 per cent over 1911, 8 per cent. over 1908. Since 1900, the banking power has increas- ed 111 per'tent or more than doubled. During the last twelve years, the immber of banks has increased by over 107 per Cent,, and their volume of business as indicated by deposits, shows an increase of 127 per cent. The comptroller s report consists, of mass of statistics with analysis, Sell - most of which previously have been published. Jn connection with the rates on money, which recently have been soaring, the comptroller simply ob- serves that the rates were normal up to August, with tightening of the money market thereafter. According Hair Grower. It is guaranteed to/ ary common-sense. to the iast condition report, Septem- grow hair. - By proceeding with the policy of ber 4, the comptroller. points out SALVIA destroys dandruff in ten Mr. Borden, they were today becoming that New York and Chicago. were gays. partners in the empire. Canada was slightly deficient in the amount of their legal reserves and St. Louis slightly excessive. Banks in the ma- Jor portion of other reserve cities Were also slightly deficient, but the country banking maintained an ex- cess of the legal requirements. Less than 70 per cent of the. total amount of the national bank notes which the national banks might cir- culate under the law has been issued. Based upon the September 4th report, the banks might increase their cir- culation by 321,927,060, Mr. Murray says. The national banks, the feport in- Alcates, hold over 80 per cent..of the bonded debt of the United States in the way of security for circulation and public deposits and as nvest- ments. atl Duging the fiscal year 1912, the national banks paid dividends aggre- gating 120,300,872, or 11.66 per cent on capital, and 6.93 per cent on cap- ita and surplus combined. The net earnings of 149,056,003, were equiv- alent to 8.59 per cent of capital and surplus. During the last 43 years the hanks have paid an average an- nual dividend of 9.17 per cent.on the capital stock. Bight national bauks, with an ag- gregate capital of 1,100,000, failed during the year ended October 31, while 83 national banks, with an aggregate capital of 21,605,250, were piaced in voluntary liquidation. FINANGIAL STRESS CHARAGTERIZES END (Continued from oage one) count, rate but the bank's reserve now practically at its minimum, and any increase, in the demand for gold from other countries would undoubt- edly bring about a six per cent. rate with its accompanying stringency. Hoarding Gold. The actual scarcity of the money is primarily due, of course, to the ac- about tivity in the world s gold. which so much has been heard a yearsago, has been mu h more prac- i ring the autumm a Galicia have azy stantial reports come of . this than it was Only fro since the present diffigulties arose, but the facts: that in all European ebiiatties has beex a marked. disposition 01 One banker, who has an. exceptional jestimates the amount taken out of the banks and hoarded during the past few weeks at 185,000,000, the process being nearly as marked: in Franee as in Austria. In one aspect the present situation compares favorably with the situa- tion. following Agadir troubles. There has been no disposition on the part of the bankers of one country to lereate difficulties for other countries by calling in loans. On the com trary, a distinguished characteristic of the present situation has been the evident general desire to relieve rath- er than increase the embarrassment. This leads to a consideration of the brighter side of the shield, for while there is a disposition here in Lon- don to believe that American views of the situation are characterized by the national optimism, it is still re to regard only the danger points and disregard the efforts which all the countries concerned, except possibly Servia, seem to be making to avoid contact with them. May Now Have Beautiful Hair All . First-class and Guarantee it to Grow Hair,. or Refund Your Money. ? Your druggist is' hacked up: by the manufacturers of SALVIA, the Great The roots of the hair are so nour- ished and fed that a mew crop of hair springs up, to the amazement and delight of the user. The hair is made soft and fluffy. Like all Am- erican preparations SALVIA is dain- tily perfumed. It is hard to find an actress who does not use SALVIA SALVIA is a non-sticky prepara- tion, and s the ladies favorite. A large generous bottle 50c. OPPOSITION MAY FORGE ELECTION (Continued frem page one) advises the opposition to obstruct, and force a general election. P, Mi G. Speakx Hon. Pelletigr continued the debate on the naval bfll at. the opening of the house today. He said that an effort had been made by grest flour- ish of trumpets, to make the Laurier plan seem something big, but in the end it amounted to nothing practical or tseful. It could only result in hampering the British navy. There had been an effort in other words, to make it ap- pear that this mayy would be on the firing Ine, but everyone Knew that the ships would actually be far away from where the fighting was taking place. The trial of strength will not take place in Canada or in Canadian wat- ers, sald Mr, Pelletier. If the mo- ment of striking whieh we all hope will be long averted tomes, the bat- tle will be fought in the North Sea and in the home waters of Britain. Everybody knows that. Then these big units wiil be in the Atlantic ind the Pacific. It is all over. The minister inquired of the oppo- sition how they proposed to man this larger fleet when they had failed entirely to man the Niobe. This was question worth considering. He made a comparison of the wages pald on the Canadian ships and on Brit- ish warships, whigh included the fol- lowing details, Table: anadian. British. javy. Navy. Oc 40 50e 28e Able sfamen qpey day Ordinary. eamen . withdraw. moneyfrom the banks. cognized that it would be.a-mistake Nationalist. The Ladies of Medicine Hat continually. To Quebec county and beat you Ladies of society and influence use broke in Jacques Bureau. no other. Surely this is not said by a man he has jshall be liable to a flogging. sy . M00 to 1.00, SA rcicwer reed thre Wat of officers and men slowing t larger pay on on theOshadian ships than on British Wirsbips, In spite of this, theyhad been unable to man thelr ghips in Canada, Longshore meri) at Montrefil, he pointed ott, earn forty dollars a week, with little experience. He would there ask the government if they were Bolng to pay high wages or were they favor of conscription, He asked them for an answer, (Liberal: cries ef No, no. : StU1-Born Bill. Proceeding Mr, Pelletier produced a copy. of a bill drafted in 1904 by Hon. Mr, Prefontalne, but which had not Deen placed before, parliament, in which there were provisions made for the Canadian naval militls by enroll- ment, conscription and a penalty of six months imprisonment for every man who would not be enrolled. Sir Wilfrid declared that he would thke no responsibility for the bill. It luad been still-born, he said. The bill was not presented to the house, and the plates were all brok- en at the printing bureau after it had been run off, said Mr. Pelletier, but. the idea is there and I thought posite to launch their navy. The minister continued by showing what the cost of the upkeep of the Niobe and Rainbow: had been. The total was. over three quarters of a million dollars. The cost of maintain- Ing the Laurier navy would t -doub- led, he sald, if the higher rates of pay were to prevail. And: this navy would be powerless, useless and defensele for the purposes for which it was i tended: What the premier had pro- posed, he declared, one hundred times more effective and would cost less. What .we .propdse, sald Mr. Pelle- tier, ls more teliing and with cost Yeas. The Liberal policy is largely. Dombast and peanut politics. We have no shipyards, we have no trained of- ficers. They want the baby to talk and walk before it is born. We have Thad tons of words, but Canada wants. action. This country is getting sick of words. (Cheers from both sides.) A Voice You had better sit down then. gt; Mr. Pelletier said that the oppo- sition leader had an opportunity to prove himself a big man, He had the chance of his life. He had not risen to the occasion. As for-Hon. Mr Gra- ham, who was spoken of as a possi- ble leader, he had treated this matter with levity and even with, flippancy. Continuing, Mr. Pelletier said -that. Mr. Grahami had made a marrow and a national plea. He wiis becoming a Somebody ought to take your place, retorted Mr. Graham, amidst laughter. Mr, Pelletier said this talk of Downing Street and famlly compact was 2 thing of the past and intended to create prejudice in some parts of the country against the empire. They were: told they were being asked to pay tribute to Great Britain. A tric Dute, he said, was a duty imposed by a conqueror on a conqu red people: Surely those who used this. argument must think Canada has lost its ordin- had, He was certain the people of this country would approve of their action. gt; Give us a chance, ham. Where would you run? retorted Mr. Pelletier. said Mr. Gra- who has a minority in his own rid- ing, was Mr. Pelletier's come-back. Mr, Pelletierssaid this was a tri- bute of the heart ahd a tribute of our self-respect. In that way alone, it could be called a tribute. Proceed- ing, Mr. Pelletier said. a pressing need for naval assistance exists and should be dealt with now. If steps are not taken it might be too late. It is the duty of the admiralty to think of tomorrow. Mr. Pelletier de- fin d an emergency as danger,, real or apprehended. Dealing with costs of the goyern- ment s proposal, he said that the plan amounts to a loan of the ships which will come back to Canada lat- er on. Touching on the matter of a par- ticipation in the councils of the em- pire, Mr. Pelletier said that this pre- liminary step woyld give Can da preliminary voice. With a permanent. Policy we would secure permanent voice. BRITISH WHITE SLAVE TRAFFIC BILL 1S PASSED London, Deo. 13 What is known as the white slave traffic bill receiv- ed royal assent yesterday and im- mediately became operative. A nun ber of notorious offenders in conse- quence fled from London, The provisions of the dill emgower a constable to take * into ciistody without a warrant, any person whom cause to suspect of com- mitting or attempting to commit violations of the aw. Such a per- son may, in addition to the suffeciag a term of imprisonment, be sentere: ed to be whipped. Men s:oported by white slavers are brought ler the vagraney act of 1808 and, if con- fly nowspaper states has caused the followiug letter to be Sent by his private secretary, Lord Knollys, to F. of the Soripture Gitt Mission: ting your Tetter of the fifteenth in- stant to the, King and am directed to inform you in.reply It fs quite true that he promised Queen Alexandria jammed a California anti-capital punishment league: The speakers began their fifty persons, men atid women, were at nesday representatives of the league cording to the plans;-the protest di- reeted specifically against the Hang - today. radical club, the local Socialist po- ers and clergymen are included in the peace prize will not be awarded this isn parliament has found no person taking a higher plane than it ever - Saturday, December 14th, 1912. GEORGE READS HIS BIBLE DAILY London, Dec, 14 The church fam King Georg Q, Brading. secretary have had the honor of aubmit- as long ago as 1881 that he would read a cMapter of the Bible daily, and that he has ever since adhered to this promise. Yours very truly, Knollys, PROTESTING : AGAINST... CAPITAL PUNISHMENT San Francisco, Des. 18. Crowds downtown street imter section here until a late hour last night at the 24-hour meeting addresses at 6 o'clock last night and will continue until six tonight, About. on the platform. The campaign was planned as a protest against hangiig Mantel Bom- nela, who was to have been hanged San Guentin pen today. When Gov. Johnson reprived Bombela Wed- said the meeting would be held ac- ing of four meh at Salem, Oregon, Members of the San Francisco litical organization, and many writ- list of speakers, The addresses are being delivered in half-hour relays. NOBEL PEACE PRIZE NOT TO BE AWARDED; NONE FOUND WORTHY Christiania, Dec. 13. The Nobel year. This is the first time since the establishment of - the. Nobel-founda- tion that the committee of Norweg- worthy of the award. The commit- tee states that it has decided there has been- no work deserving of the prize. It has been Tecommended that the prize, approximately 40,000, be re- tained for the benefit of the founda tion fund. OLD LADY KILLED BY TORONTO CAR Toronto, Dec. 13. Mrs. Bird, 60 Years of age, was instantly killed by a street car here this morning. Bob- bie Chamberlain, six years old, her grandson, also received:,probably fa- tal injuries. Auction Sale on Tuesday Dec. 17th At 130 elock Prompt. On the MARKET SQUARE Ors A large quantity of Stock Food, Horse and Cattle. Remedy, In- ternational preparation Chick-- en Food, Horse and Cattle pre- parations. Also 50 barrels of Apples, 50 cases of Oranges, 20 cases of Onions, and various other foods a1 vegetables. For further particulars apply to H. B. BROWNE Co. Live Stock ai Auet- font 19 Toronts St. icine Hat, Phone 708, SINGER SEWING MACHINE AGENCY Machines for Sale and Rent. 421 Toronto Street. P. , Box 184 tf Phone 593 OFFICE PHONE NO. 368, STABLE PHON) 2 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy 7 Tepes. Sand, Coal Grave eavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale All Tinses, Oakes Everard Co. REAL ESTATE. vieted under that act a second ti Petty officers 1.00 66 Subscribe now for The Daily News. 965 1-2. MAEN-STRERT, PHONE 556 Listings Wanted, See us for good brrys in Hill, Fess Yuill and Powell. BELL SONS Real Estate Brokers. INSUBANCE, LOANS, ETC. Corner of North Kallway sud Main Streets. PHONE 633-254 VERY CHEAP HOMES Queen Street Now four room- ed cottage; gas and water. 31800. Only 400 to handle; balance over five years if nec- essary. Rents now for 20 per month. See it, See it. High School Annex Two room- ed whack for 1800. 400 cash; balance 15 a month. Balmoral St A terrace of 3 Houses, the lot for 3200. 1500 cash; balance arrang- ed. Ss Queen Street 3 roomed Cot- tage; gas and water, 1400, 400 cash; balance 15 a month without interest. It Tents at 15 a month, THE REASON We sell so much perty is. because we al- ways make our clients large and quick re- turns. Special Values in Cor- ners Delivery guar- anteed. os 100 ft. corner, North Yuill, Lots 1 and 2, Block-17, 2900. Us- ual terms. Sure money maker. 100 ft. corner, Central Park, Lots 37 to 40, Block 24, 2700 usual terms; . 2500 Nagas Special. 100 ft. corner, Riverside, Block 13, 2050. Usual terms. To- day only. 100 ft. corner, Riverside, Block 7, 2000. Usual terms. Snap, 50x237 ft., Block E, 2500. One- third cash; balance over 3 years. River lots. Best, building sites in the city. Very special. 150 ft. corner, South Yuill, Block 13, 4500, Easy terms. Best in South Yuill. 50 ft. corner, Herald, Block 9, 1500. Usual terms. SPECIALLY SEL - ECTED FOR. THE RIVERSIDE 200 ft., Block 7, 1,000 a pair. Usual terms. 500 ft., Block 13, 1000 a pair. Usual terms. 50s237' ft. corner, Block B, 2500. One-third cash, bal- ance over two and three yrs. Commands magnificent view of city and river. 50 ft, Block 7, facing Broac- way. 1200, Usual terms. 50 ft, Block 4, 1000. Usual terms, 25 ft, Block 3, 450: Terms, Must sell. 50, ft, Block 12, Fourth Ave, only 1200.. Usual terms. 25 ft. Block 19, 500. Terms. Riverside is the -cheap- est close-in buy? in Medicine Hat today. CENTRAL PARK 100 ft, block 20,' 1850 pair, Usual terms, 50 ft., Block 29, 1100. Usual terms, Level view lots and close to park. 50 ft. Block 5, Charles St, only 1800, - Usual terms. 100 ft. corner, Block 24, 2700. 1000 cash; balance 6 and 12. 50 ft, Block 3, Charles St, 2000. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS 100 ft, Block 4, facing south, 1250 pair. Usual terms. 10 lots, Block 35,. only 750 a pair. Usual terms. 50 ft., Block 19, 1300, Usual terms. 100 ft,, Block 30, 1100 pair. Usual terms. 300 ft., Block 18, 1350 pair. Ad- joining school and facing south, Usual terms. NORTH YUILL 100 tt. corner, Lots 1 and 2, Block 17, Queen Street, 2900. Usual terms. This 1s a spec- ini; aelivery guaranteed, Ses tt. Block F. Price for 50:ft.. 1850. HIGHLAND ST. Block 20, 100 ft. - 1700 pair. Usual term: BENDING Block 5, 75 ft. facing south, 1600. Usual terms, We want your listings. Car at your service. PHONE 633. W. KEITH .c. 8 Le WANTED A GOOD WOMAN TO DO FOR SALE FOR SALE 50 FT, BLOCK. 106, Redelitt, 1600 1458 News office; terms. Owner, Bituations Wanted, Help Wasted, For Bale, Lost, Found, etog ads under these hvadings. 25 words, one day... ' lt; lt; 25 words, three days -.. 50 6 Box it BUFF LEGHORN COCK AND HENS for sale; singie bird, pair, trior or four. Thoroughbred prize winning 26 words, olx days 1.00 Additional: woras at same rate, No ad accepted for lesa than 26 cents, Cash must accompany the order, Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and ft will receive attention. PI NEN oe BELY WANTED. lt; . WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN house work. Apply Mrs. H. Steward, 520 Fifth: Ave. 183-3 Medicine Hat. house, with water and gas; lots. Apply 941 East Allowance, icine Hat Music Store, ork Sass. family washing. Will be delivered and called for. Apply Mrs. H. 0. Wheel- 128-6 VIOLIN FOR SALE FIRST CLASS child's violin and case. Every neces- sary equipment that a riolin needs, Price 20.00 or 30.00. Apply Med- 121-tt FOR SALE A FINE -LOT OF MAR+ stock. Apply F, G. Forster, box 569, 1318138 FOR SALH--7 ROOMED Gop dust across street are valuable business uis seed wheat, grow: To bi rB er, or Phone Redcliff 23. te grown of new 'o buy 0 of breaking. 2.00 per bushel. 0.J. Mie. To Pay Off WANTED BOY TO ASSIST WITH Gee Redvers, Sask. 814-80 7 ; delivery dray next week. Apply A. - 'o Improve B, Rossiter, 138-3 LOST AND FOUND We Guaran' BLACKSMITH WANTED ONE USED FOUND DOG, BLACK SPANIBL. HF ed and sharpening to shoeing hors not claimed within three days Mexers, S ven Persons 128 St, tta Dox 1457 News office, WANTED HALL GIRL APPLY Housekeeper, Assiniboia Hotel. 182 3 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Every convenience; two qildren in family. Steady employ- ment to suitable person. Apply Mrs. B..G. Smith, corner Braemar and. sth Avenue, 182-6 LosT I WANTED. to Marshall Bates. WANTED MEN TO LEARN BAR- ber trade; eight weeks completes; situation furnished; tools free; won- derful demand for barbers. Write for our new, free illustrated catalogue, Moler College, 604a Centre St., Cal- gary. CARPENTERS. APPLY: 183-2 Apply at News office. Third Ave. Ave., opposite City Stables. WANTED, BRUSHMAN FOR CLEAN, ing, pressing and repair work. Men's goods only. Good wages to right man, Box 1451 News office. 181-8 STENOGRAPHER AND TYPIST wanted at once. Must be-experienced. Reply, full particulars by letter. Sou- office, CORRESPONDENCE SMALL INVESTOR. Bell Sons thern Alberta Land Co. Ltd. 131-3 please correspond with Mrs. B. Tay: Be sold to defray expenses, Apply 188-1 LOST A PURSE CONTAINING A Sum of money and a bunch of keys, Finder will be rewarded for the re- turn of same to 435 Toronto St. 133-2 LOST GOLD -LOCKET, VED M. H. T. C. Return to Timemy Re ward: 1.50 s AIR OF HEAVY BLACK motor gloves, left in post office on Thursday between 7.30 and 8 o'clock. 192-8 LOST A CHILD'S BROWN FITCH, sable muff, with heads and tails, near Finder rewarded on re- turning to Mrs, D. Robertson, Third 134-8 FOUND AN UMBRELLA WAS found in opera house some time ago. Owner will remit sum for ad -when they receive umbrella. Apply News: 11st WILL MILLENIUM DAWN FRIENDS Office open eve Interne chasin Medicine Hat ( 0 Capit. 420 Main s NOTE THE 8000.00, 75 t. corner, 2000.00 each. Two. 200.00 to 450.00, eac z lor, Coleridge, Alta. 133-6 1500.00 pair. Terms in a butcher shop. Also Jady .Look- STRAYED keeper. Apply Medicine Hat Meat Market. 129it 25 REWARD THE ABOVE 1400.00, Terms. ABOVE ATES town. WANTED PANTRY, GIRL. APPLY Cosmopolitan Hotel. 128- tt be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, weighing about 1300, branded either H..F, monogram on Ieft shoulder, or We have some of, th properties, WANTED GENERAL SERVANT, ) 2 left thigh. This horse ts Apply to Mrs. W. G. Lynch, 603/ ) four years old and has trim- Main St. 125-tt med tail. R. H. Starks, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30, 1912. pe BRICKLAYERS WANTED. ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job. Telephone 787, Job Office. Canadian Stewart Co., Limited, 76-tf MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS WANTED. POSITION WANTED AS CLERK IN dry goods or general store. Can speak English, Galician, Polish, Douk- hobor. Apply box 1453, News. 132-3 WANTED POSITION AS CLERK or bookkeeper. Apply box 1437 News office. 121-t Fy, WANTED TO PURCHASE WANTED FROM OWNERS, LOTS OR acreage within the city limits, suit- able for subdividing. Submit full de- scription and location, with lowest price, terms, etc. Apply Box 1447, Daily Neys. 129-6 on hand the best selection of 8 Hand Tools in the city. We a Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, and second hand Clothing, ie volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harn: WANTED TO BUY Building lote im Old Survey, Herald or Centra) Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply and pay the best prices. Call at South Railway St. or Phone 587. FUR SBASON 18 OPEN. Don t your furs or your raw hides you call up 587 or write P. 0 702, Medicine Hat. Our price is fro 2.00 up to. 6.00. Don't forget it, call or write. WANTED TO RENT WANTED PLACE TO STORE FUR- niture of seven roomed house. Re- quired in about ten days. Apply box 1455 News otfice. tf WE PAY THE BEST PRICES Second hand furniture, tools, stoy rifles, guns, raw hides and furs. Cs at 312 4th Ave., opposite Drean theatre. Phone 295, D. Davis, prietor. 119-1 WANTED ON OR BEFORE 26th January, house to rent. No ohildren. Write box 1428, News office. 116tf AUCTIONEERS H- 8. :BROWNE CO, Live Sto and General Auctioneers, 519 onto Bt. Stock Sales ev on Market Square at 1 o'clock. and farm stock sales conducted where, House furniture sales ducted anywhere, Consult us, our perience at your disposal free. 708, H. B, Browne Co, 619 ronto st, WANTED SIX OR SEVEN ROOMED house to rent. Fairly close in pre- ferred. No children. Apply: box 1456 News office. tt ROOMS WANTE WANTED ONE OR TWO FURNISH- ed rooms in quiet neighborhood close in, by a young business man. Excel- lent references. Box 1452, News, 121-3 WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent in connection with Young Wo- men s Christian Association. Address applications to the Secretary, stat- ing terms. Box 1438, News. 129-6 GEO, SATTERLEE, LIVE STOCK General Auctioneer. Sales on mark every Friday Right price. Office 10 Main St. P. O. box 826, Medicin Hat. 42 ROOMS TO RENT, CORSETIERRE TO RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOM in modern house, Main street. Min- ute from post office. Apply box 1454 News office. 183-3 SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE measure, guaranteed for one against breaking and rusting; Vv light weight, House No. 7, School A enue, opposite east side. of 1 TO RENT TO RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. Apply to 234 Toronto St, and 327 Main, Phone 697. 131-3 write P, 0. box 72, Mrs, Matthews. 121- Loose Leat System The News Jo D partment has every facility. fo supplying the most satisfactory. The Daily News delivered- in the city, 35 a month. cot SKATES SHARPENED PARTIES wanting skates ground, ean have same done in first class manner at the skating rink, Main St. J. Halward. 125-tf DANCING CLASSES EVERY MON- day, Wednesday and Friday. Ar Tangements made for out-of-town oF private lessons if desired. K. Her- man,/513 Toronto Street, Medicine eee ae ees ae LOOK LOOK HERE THE RA school. Phone 699 for appointment o * We have 6000 acres We-aleo-have a halt. We have only four GIVE ' '2S MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above hav, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re and a alce new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abor , HIGHEAND 81 2000 1750 31000 CENTRAL PAI 39200 i606 8000 SOUTH YUILL 761575- 6000 BLOCK PROP: 8. 1-2 ti 8. 1-2 21-30, All Bk Hollir PHONE 433 varie Your
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Image 1124 (1912-12-14), from microfilm reel 1124, (CU1773277). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.