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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ongs. d Checus LLS. i Cormack r Whitehill t to Know am-0-phone without question the ano six, eight or ten ts real mert as a ther in the city. nt-when we want it it is made, icCo. Big Fiddle. Terms Arranged. gt; CO Y fore you buy. lt; . lt; ae gt; wie bauer lt; joan Oo 3 gt; 5 So jim: i 0 . 2 w ITIVELY GIVE FF 4 5 about our plan of z rated Upton make 2 5 wal x wal. 3 oo sto stesteste atest re Co. oats Pat natedestecte Sees Priduy, Noveober 2th, 1912. ISIS the Redcliff Motors Co., Limited Only a Few More Days in which to secure some of these Shares, Hurry, before the lots with which we are giving this stock are all gone: This is absolutely the best proposition you ever had offered to you. You can sell your lots for more than you pay for them an THIS STOCK IS POSITIVELY WORTH ( 100.00) PER SHARE AND WILL BE WORTH MUCH MORE THAN THAT ASK US WHY WE ARE MAKING THIS GREAT OFFER. DO IT HAVE YOUR STOCK CLEAR WHEN THE FACTORY HAS BEEN IN OPERATION FOR SIX MONTHS. STRUCTION. Now COME AND SEE THE IMMENSE BRICK FACTORY BUILDING WHICH THIS COMPANY NOW HAS UNDER CON- pr ceotortrstortpstertostoste socio ntestodte soso soho sit tr teo sant Bralrestenie sete sont ots Bros Dr. Dillon, Most Reliable Co: Plain Statements Turkey and Bulgaria Evit.ently Preparing to Renew Struggle. London, Nov. 29. Dr. Dillon wires tothe Daily Telegraph as follows: Vieuna, Thursday night All diplo- matic influences on which the arrange- ment of eqitheastern-Hurope depends gontinue bpibe eminently: favorahle to pacific issue, and thir-gratifying Tac, 23 seoguizta by all others ex- cept one or two journals, which hav- ing ventured far on the path of sen- sationatiam, are now endeavoring to save their face. s Aust. 3-Hungary is behaving with forebearance towards Ser- vis, whoee troops, if they enter Dur- azz0, will not create an accomplished fact, or aught else except to admin- ister a further shock to Europe's be- lief in Servia's common sense. breath and the general feeling of 2 ingness it causes. Thousmics thresch three gener- ations and the wide seid -uver have found, as you will find, that give the necessary relief quickly, safely, gently, naturally. This harmless family remedy is justly famous for its power to put the bowels, liver, kidneys and stomach in regular active workine order. In every way in feelings, looks, actions and in powers you will find yourself altogether better after yeu have used Beecham s Pills For Quick Relief You ought to be sure to read the directions with every bax. Seid everywhere, 25 empire with the least amount of .8k. respondent, Gives. Two Germany is lone with Briain in her endeavors to smooth th foreign amicable settlement. is bringi own interest, while Russia his nob only offered King Peter's mi tisters counsels of moderation, but hai in- sistefly pressed it upon them. and, judging by private despatch ss to some purpose. The resolution, of uke Servian annex a strip of Albanian seaboard and ke-p it against all comers, is credibly +tmted to be fast evaporating and in gov- ermment circles in Belgrade th, con- fidence is timidly expressed that mi itary victories be crowned Ly a friendly settlement, all around. T have just met a personage who recently conferred with the, Ru siaw emperor sind arrived here today, He, assures me the Czar is firmly rp oly- ed to carry out his own policy. bich aims at 9 peaceful solution of th-:in- ternational difficulties and that he will not allow the Views of irre: ton sible groups to prevail over ear aest and promising endeavors to st tain th -bighest amount of good of the mi of pucness is now yur a ng the place of Cagio.c10s among the powers. They are divis- ing practical methods of dealing vith the new state of affairs and the maintenance of their interests wt der conditions which it is Jpfeass to gauge in advance. Bulgarian Attitude. The European conference on the question ulthough not raised offic: 0 ly,.is moving slowly toward 510 tion. Today, intelligence was rec-iv ed that the Bulgarian governmet is also opposed to the settlement of those matters in-whieh-it itself directly concerned -by internatic ual assembly, unless the.finctions of this body are restticted to the work of registering pre-arranged decitig: I knew several days ago that view had been ascribed to the 1 d- garian cabinet. At present thet Fe /Purks even though unable to assume great for their .cbjeat er r is The Stoner Agency, MEDICINE SOP tect cteate cto ateetotoateetecte ate ctoatenteeseinn reteoatetoasote SEPP LPL POPPI ELIS ESOP LOD Oar gran 9 EUROPEAN NATIONS ARE ALL STRIVING 10 SETTLE BALKAN TROUBLE PEACK HAT gary, Germany and Bulgaria that are of the same way-of thinking on the subject. : War May Ensue. In another message Dr. Dillon says: Fears are entertained. that the Peace pouparlers will, fail and the the offensive immediately will allow hostilities -to be resumed. In this case ion to the Bulgarian army of next. year's recruits would not suffice to enable it to grapple with the formidable task awaiting it. I am disposed to believe: the Ser- vian troops would in this case be called upon to assist their. ally. In- formation reached here this morning to the effect that certain nrisunder -. stood military-movements which are, now being executed in Servia, hays oops to the Wehtalja Hines, The statement that Greece would make a separate peace if ground- Jess. fi RAILWAYS BLAMED IN SOUTH AFRICA i fay Capetown, Nov. 20. The dear food problem has had to be faced in Rhodesia as in other parts of the work, but as one of the definite causes for this condition of things - Redcliff Realty Co., Ltd. REDCLIFF THE MYSTERIOUS DISAPPEARANCE OF ENGLISH LADY Retired Lawyer Suicides Becaus e is Not Found +All. England is Being Searched. London, Nov. 29 Ehgland has had nd mofe interesting cases of mysier- ious disappearance than that of the beautiful Mrs. Sydney Nowilt, wifo of a Bhoffigld mezthant H . lt; lt; Laug searenea;for her, be cause of the interesting facts leading to her: disappearance from a hotel at Newatay, Cornwall, and there are Stiggestions that the strange cireum- staneds be Inid before Sir Arthur Conan: Doyle. ; Her disappearance followed by: the suicide of James A. Delay, a retired Singapore Jawyer, who became in- sane over his fuilure to find her after seatching for twenty-four hours alon: the head lands of Comwall. The Nowilts met Delay two . years ago. - The lawyer became infatuated has been discovered, it is hoped that a solution will be arrived at before. long. F The high cost of living is attribut- ed-to the railway freight rates. These rates have formed a cause of compint. throughout South Africa: for several years. For every. 25 spent in groceries, for instance, by the inhabitants. of Bulawayo, 5 goes to the railways. The local Chamber of Commerco has now taken the matter in hand, and has drawn up a scale-of railway rates that, while offering a fait exe duction to the purchasers, will yet, it is expected, satisfy the railroad aministration department. The pro- posed tariff txes two cents per poind as te inaximum rate of freight from Port Elizabeth with a similarly red.eed tate from the Portuguese port to Beirat. This woukd-effect a sating of five per cont on cereals to the consumer and over 10 per cent 1 bottled and tinned ments, fruits drevegetables . Berlin, Nov. 20. Germany is plan- ning to crovte an air fleet consisting at first of twenty Zeppelin dirigibles cof 920,000 eubie feet ean: ed of t/-miles-an hour, capable of remaininy aloft for days. Each ip will carry ont ton explosins, A bill to this be intro juced-in the reichstag by the governr-ont. at least three powers Austr... f+ 0- Subst+ibe now for The Dally: News. ho with Mrs. Nowilt and pressed his at tentions tipon her to an extent that. caused the object. of his adoration to write a friend that his attentions had become so annoying that she was not enjoying her visit. in Corn- wall, On Saturday slie left the Atlantic Hotel at Newquay. She took noth- img with her and apparently had Meanwhile theories have beon ad- of the man who was madly in love with her, and then when his suicide oceurred felt the notoriety that must follow was too much to bear and has gone into hiding. These persons believe when the case has lost interest she will be found and claim the money left to her. A woman answering : her description was seen at Tunbridge on Wednesday last at the station. She was a stranger, and her destination was not traced. er cINC ANGEL WILL GET ROYAL JEWELS Lisbon, Nov. 29. The Portuguese government haye come to the decis- ion that the furniture, jewels, work of art and other property beloncing to King Manuel and Queen Amelie shall be sent to them in London. In order to separate between the be- longings of the royal - family and those of the state, old inventory fhooks off the family are being con sulted. ; At the time of the revolution many Valuable articles disappeared from the Neceessidades palace and among them a dagger richly carved and studded with Precious stones -at- tributed to Benevueto Cellini. The dagger, which was Valued at several thousand pounds, belonged to the Duke of Bragandagi. Subsequently, while the inventory. of'the articles in the royal palace were being taken, the missing dagger was returned, KING W gone for a walk. Delay was also staying at the hotel and when she did not return, he made a search. His distress was acute. With Lieut. West, of the Coast, Goad, he searched along the head Jands and iwhen West disagreed with rim about the possibilities of Mrs. Nowilt having wandered so far away, he became angered and tried-to throw. the officer from the cliff. Like a crazy than the lawyer returned to the hotel, By. this time others had been enlisted in the search and word was wired to Sheffield to Mr. Now- GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC WANTS MORE TIME fie G.TP., it is Ottawa, Noy. 29. sald, will apply fora lon on railway. the prairie section Last year they aski ob- tained an. extent twelve months, This period expires on De- cember i) The vectiol m near ly completed but. some work re- maitigyto b done, and cannot very well proceeded with during the wint jouths. Vice President Wil- Git. The next day Delay was found) iam yWaiyyright and General Coun dead. He had banged himself. coast hasbeen hope that if she ended her life, 6r clothing might bs found. sail the searched with the beat sel W..H. Bicgah; ot the G.T.P., were The excitement over the rhysterious in Ojtawa last night and the matter disappearance and suicjde wha added wag discussed. It'is likely that a sort to when the authorities epimined extension will be granted. the 'papersilelt by Delay and ; dund y and a a will in which 150,000.had Been left Foster's Shoe Repairing Depart to Mrs. Nowilt *as a token of ment is saving others money. Why friendship. not you? u of The husband of Mrs. Nowilt ha . z effect ,will, been unremitting in his efforts to . For large returns from small, in get some trace of his wife: The vestments Montrose has them all ut Subseribe now for the Dally News. Pee Tat Bes ae vanced as to the disappearance. Many believe that Mrs. -Nowilt has COMMUNICATIONS *- ended her Hie. Others think she -* ? o went away to escape the attemtions fe of ofe of fe oie fe le de ob ob ob ote NOTB While we weleome all com- munications from otr readers, wish t to be thoroughly understood that we do not necessarily sub- seribe-to oF 8hdorse the opinions expressed by our correspondents, All letters must. be signed by the writer, with his full name, and street address, for publicdtion; as We publish no communication sign ed. With snonymous names, even -aMe To the Eaitor of the News: Your remarks in your editorial of yesterday regarding the regulations for the market, may be to the point Dut as yet'no one can say positively just what time regulations will be reqtilred before anyone, can sive an opinion we would be justified in ace cepting. Phe one thing at which we are aiming is to make the market an at- tfactive place for both those who sell and buy. we find that is o'clock works th hardship on the farmers, which you say, and does not At present the farmer doe take any trouble to display bi duce in such a way that. o has any chance of buying on want to get then Into the hi displaying their produee in the ket building wherg)clie wome have every opportunity. It right for a retailer to climb u a Wagon wheel sid Fummage in a Wagon box for what he but a woman hot do this No one knows the ma capable of under proper mana but it will require some very changes defor the best is. ot or will exchange ply to-Hotson und Leader. facilitate trade, we will change the hour. Our first endeavor will be to build up a bigger market jfor the stuff which the farmer produces. The far mer is-our first consideration. Our Becond consideration is the supply- ing of the: residents of Medicine Hat with these necessities of life at the minimum of cost. The retailer is th Jast consideration. s from 180 to 25) One-Quarier Cash; Balance 6, 12 and months. Reduced prices by the bloek. an (
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Image 1013 (1912-11-29), from microfilm reel 1013, (CU1773253). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.