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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ovember 7th. 1012. old selling om do- ta: Don t you believe yout ntity of your so assuring that or every bushel P car, x or eight ounce grain and we - Its real value, qualities can w a good price if d. We under- ness thoroughly, ae points that w market pros- the BEST; ft to you. We are very low prices son. sed and bonded. ean low prices. uld be willing a fair legitimate ence :BANK OF Ss. Winnipeg, Man. Man. ASethoateateateageate * se after Why getting uilding - roe Ss 2 soages 2 - oe Poet tes sot te 4th The Wil- 1601 Books, Mitts and how. Cases, + nd aKittle est bidder, ANTIC ees ROYAL MAIL 4 HPRESSES ROUTE) OL s. Complete ade with any or write 2, Winnipeg. Th POO oOoS ) hat I wishet tomarry me V Coainbrecea caciy Stuer and he wis 0) Soap. It s. Best for Baby Best for You . THIS TIME IT IS A PROP ,. THE MANY ANNOUNCEMENTS OF NEW FACTORIES WHICH WE WATCH REDCLIFF GROW 6,000 Population in 191 Sy STILL SOMETHING NEW TO ANNOUNCE OSITION OF EVEN GREATER INTEREST TO INVESTO RS THAN ANY. OF HAVE MADE DURING THE PAST MONTH READ THis Gu and after Novem er 5th, and until the give to ony and every purciu.ser of lots in blocks clusive, one share of stock fully paid up and non- eight-8 per cent. are fully paid for, providing the final payment PO Noe Rhee De Ploy soloed dodio tod of e x is due Me te. the 2ist day of September, 19.12. THE PRICES HAVE: NOT ioe + Se sos so os tf if *e ot fous nD) sotto Sotoateageegecy Segoe Soeseatoales foateateetosy eS pany Limited, until a total of Thirty Thousand Dollars 30,000.00 worth has been given away.. Every share of this stock will represent One Hundred Dollars 1C0.00 in essh paid into the treasvry of the Redcliff Motors Company Limited, by the Red- cliff Realty Company Limited. The terms on these lots will be the usual terms of one- third cash, one-third in six months and one-third in twelve months with interest at The stock will be trarsferred to the purchasers when the lots All lots will be sold at our last published Price:list, which was issued on I The Stoner Agency, , ; MEDICINE HAT PELPOVECOS POC OSSOS SS Seooees te se as es a as REDCLIFF MOTORS COMPANY, LIMITED, has a brilliant future. . Its large brick factory building is now under construction.. It is backed by men of wealth and business ability.. The management is thoroughly experienced and able.. Already/ they have several orders for their product and many enquiries.. In our opinion their stock will soon be worth double par. THINK THIS OVER DID YOU EVER HEAR OF A PROPOSITION TO EQUAL i IT? This is only one of the many things we are doing and are going to do'to make Redcliff a large city. We now have, or have under construction, nine large healthy manufacturing enterprises, with a monthly pay roll of over Eighty Thousand Dollars ( 80,000.00) and STILL MORE TO coME- WATCH US Redcliff Realty Co, Ltd. REDCLIFF First day of December 1912, we will 96 to 99, 122 to 130, 142 to 148, all in- assessable in the Redcliff Motors Com- i: is made within thirty days after same BEEN RAISED A Victoria Ss Diary Gives Interesting Sidelights Pubiication in England of Great Queen s Private Re- corde Tells Many Stories Which Never Before Reached the Public People May Now Know How Happy Match With Albert, Prince Coasort, Was Consummated Victoria Proposed. (Special to the News) London, Nov. 8 Queen Victoria's happiest, brightest momeme in my iary, written during her girlhood, life. 1 told bim tt wa a great sacri- telling how she met Prince Albert, fice which he would not allow. fell in love with him, proposed to him 1 then told him of the necessity and married him, has been published of keeping it a secret, except to his with the authority of King George. father and uncle, Lesguld and Vock- Many legends have been printed mer, to whom he said le would send concerning sis strange proposal to a courier the next day ud aiso that her cousin. The following entry, it was to be as early a- the first of made Oct. 15, 1829, disposes of these February. 1 then toid sim to fetch tegonds for ail time and tells of the Ernest, which he did. wd he con- royal romance in the young queen's gratulated us both ami s emed very own words: happy. I feel the happiest of-hu- At about half-past twelve 1 sent an beings for Albert. He came to the closet Queen Victoria made a mer mind where I was alone and after a few to marry Albert after six months of minutes.I eaid to him that I thought deep thought and many tete-a-tetes he must be aware why i wished bim with her mentor. Lord elbourne. to come here, and it would make mo Finally Prince Aibert came on a vis- too havpy if be would consent to it The r'l-important moment had ar- coln, he said. All we have to dv is to keep the faith; remain steadfast: to the right; stand by your principles. stand by your guns and victor; complete at last is sure. That immediate success did not come to the candiflates is of no con- Sequence. The big thing has been accomplished. The es a new partyin the mation that has come to stay; a new spirit in Americanism that means ultimately real progress; a new life in politics that marks a bet- ter national existence.. Progressives in every State had their baptism of fire. They are unafraid still and will pre- serve their organizations where. tae said was too long. That Pariia- Nearly a whole chapter in the book ment must be assembled in order to is occupied by the queen's story of make provision for him, and that if the famous bedchamber ee it was settled that it shouldn't be im which the young newly talked about, said Lord Melbourne. sovereign set her foot own It prevents any objection, that it fought for power te have around ber had better be in January or Febru- such women as she wished, ana eet ary after Parliantent m Be later: out upon which I observed: So soon About this time she wrote: Was Not Alarmea At 9 a m. Lord Melbourne, who I You are really alarmed when it 53 im my room, and of course, quite comes to be put in this he sxid Slone, as it always the case. laughing, which I assured him I was The words quite alone , and al- not. Then I asked if had mot better Wa s alone, -are underscored. The tell Albert of my decision soon, in Stone was doubly underscored. The which the Lord agreed. diary covers only the years 1832 to The following is the queen's own 1840, but 3/fills two large volumes. story of the wedding: Lord Mel- It was edited by Viscount Esher and bourne stood close to me with the Published by Murray. It contains Sword of State. The ceremeny was 4rawings of the courtiers made by very imposing and fine and simple. Vitoria and I think ought to make am ever- lasting impression on everyone who LAY CORNER STONE Promises at the altar to keep what FOR MASONIC TEMPLE he or she promises. . Sat On Sofa. Dearest Albert repeated evers- thing very distinetty. I Tete 20 hap- i stone today fo- the py when the ring: was put .on-T?ti gt; -dansdhsie Temple'ta this city was hand by Athert- - - - ana sat on made fhe occasion for a large and. SSt in lt;y drawingroom with Al- notable gatherins of high dere Ma- j bert and we talked together there sons from many parts of Kentucky. from ten minutes to two until twenty The exercises were conducted under A MERE INCIDENT TO PROGRESSIVES Governor Johnson Declares Defeat Will Not Kill New Movement. HE PREDICTS FINAL SUCCESS Moose Party Has Come to in United States Polities Chicago, Nov. 8. Gov. Hiram Johnson, of California, defeated for LIQUOR LICERSE ORDINANCE APPLICATIONS For Retail Liquor Licenses. A seeting of Ui Board. ok i sssese, Commissioners will be held ix the City Hall, Medicine Hat, Atterts, on Friday, Retember 6th, 1912, at evers- 70 o'clock a.m, to consider the fol- lowing applications for, retail licenses: bal bah 8 belied READY FOR TRIAL OF ANGMEN Owensbarn, Kr., Neo * any- fight and of little more consequence to the ultimate success of earnest men than was the missing of train? Taea with his campaigning, but with determined bearing and umabat- 8 force, he sounded what he char- acierized as anew call to the ameose; and then gave the call to his, Yollowers to begin a fight for 1916. We might express our determina of 209 talesmen. The gang leaders are to be given separate trials. Whitey Lewis will be the to oe: first to ace prosecution It is ex- met, ested to have everything in readi- 3M and ness to begin his trial about the mid- A. le of next week. William Shapiro, 5 ariver of the murder car, will be , Tived. This is bow the queen made known her decision. Should be Secret. After a little pause, I sak to Lord Melbourne that I had made up my mind about marrying dearest Albert. You have, he said. Well then, about the time? Not for a year, I thought, which Kind. aa /fectionate. Would Be Yery Happy. I told him I was quite unworthy of him. He said the would be very happy, dies Heben mit dir suzubrin- en, and was so kind and seemed so happy that I really felt it. was the For A Soft Healthy Skin Use Baby s Own ALBERT SOAPS, LIMITED, Mfrs., MONTREAL, vegetable oils made fragrant by flower -extrects, which help 4the skin, make Baby s Own Soap the best ior toilet and nursery use. lather delights all. one of the leading witnesses for the Prosecution. tion in the words of Abraham Lin- were present today at the shaking veise. Dearest Atbert camel goaication or the now later texaple up and we took leave of mamma and P. H. McCarthy, president of the State Batlding Trades Council, was) Epis pale prety (Special to the News) Trenton,.N. J, Noy. Miss Inez Mitholland, the militant-suffragist of New York, js billed as the principal speaker at the the New Ferses tion, Which began assembly chamber. here today. The clude with the eles morrow. Mrs. EF. Fe clien, is slatedito iiereed Miss Clara Laddy as president of the associ INDIAN inarneis F (Special to the Caleutta, Nov. 8 The receipts of Indian railways Absolutely pure Its fragrant,creamy : e Cheapest and e fox: ae : best. polish for instant use. , Stoves, Grates A few rubs and Tron bring the shine.
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Image 859 (1912-11-08), from microfilm reel 859, (CU1773100). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.