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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MALING R SMUT --. Quart ... Pint PAY MORE ews. Block. We guar faction with ' every carry all the new- -to-date styles and A trial order is all 3 1.25 6.50. NEWS BLOCK 88-tt Taylor s insfer tentnn ion to all orders. ing with Plano Van uty. Delirerea. NE NA. 349. CURTIS ale Stables uns, Drivers, Saddle rses for Sale, ) HEAVY DEAYING. ay for Sale. ) McCLAIN PROPRIETOR Box 304, LEY BROS. . Contractors. Lockwood St. es for Sale. 2 STABLE PHONE 02 726. , S. FOLLIS acting Co. rORONTO ST. g. Sand, Coal Graved ting a Specialty. avy Horses for sale af i Times. Y TEAMING AND EXCAVATING nd Sand for Sale, Phot 0. Box ween? Ath e Mover FOR SALE AVATING Y TEAMING ETE WORE. rn TREAL STREET hone 260. Reynolds TER, ETC. ples in Wall Paper. Are. Phone 690, WATCH REDCLIFF GROW 6,000 Population in 1913. FIVE HUNDRED LABORERS WANTED At Once n the factories and for ditch work. : CONSTRUCTION WORK HAS COMENCED on the plants of the Hargrave Brick Co. and the Redcliff Rolling Mills and Bolt Co., Ltd., and Redcliff Motors Company Linited. Nine Large Manutaciuras Enterprises: se ing 1500 men now absolutely assured to be in operation in six months, with a monthly pay roll of B00. STILL MORE TO BE ANNOUNCED SOON EDCLIFF Is the Fastest Growing Town in Western C: nad: Consider what its population will be in.another six months. Itsgreatest need is more houses lots of them increasing number of new-comers. THREE HUNDRED NEW HOUSES ARE NEEDED 3 accommodate the day, E IMMEDIATELY; ALSO STORES OF ALL KINDS. Every Day Counts. DON'T BE ONE TO SAY IN AFTE YHARS I might have done it BE ABLE TO SAY I did it, and BUY NOW all the Redcliff Real Hstate yo * can. It will make you comfortable in your oe a e. Itis ee ely the best investment in Western Canad ee at the present time. : The Stoner Agency Redcliff Realty Go., Lt ei 4 Medicine Hat Soetets ee geeongest within two years for'the use of yes the splendid apple show. This was / man who complained-at dealings with LONDON 10 SPEND present dimensions of 408 feet and OKANAGAN COUNTRY opened early in the afternoon by Sir the wholesalers, and his remarks ap- 7S could not possibly control but 64 feet, sels of the largest dimensions. At Richard McBride, w o was backed by plied to other cities as well as to Which must be taken into account by Steel Swing Bridge. the same time the new quays wilt Mr. R. F. Green, M.P.; Hon. Price Vancouver. He said that on 4 rising the Okanagan growers. With this in OVER TEN MILLION The new South Albert dock will be form an integral -part of the general CLOGGED WIT Ellison, Mayot Brien of Vernon, W. market the jobbers bought out and view, he advised the curtailing of the linked up with the Albert dock itself scheme of extension to be undertak T. Shatford, M. L. A, and Mr. Scott out, while at periods of low prices Peach acreage. DOLLARS On DOCKS by a passage 100 feet wide, spanned en later on. ay Allan, The Yast mentioned is a natu- they would accept consignments only Grow Winter Apptes. v py a lnrge steel swing bridge. An im- In the ease of the London dock the FRUIT ral. master of cer monies. He is alon sale on commission for what they Mr. Stewart came ont very strong rr 7 portant feature of the water area will Problem is to adapt older structures rotund peYson of much ability, and would happen to bring. in his domand for winter appies, (THis Amount, However, will) pe te provision on the south side to the latter day needs of vessels en- area president of the Agricultural Assocta- Hon, Price Ellison, minister.of ag- You can grow great. craze of Only Provide for Prelim- or seven settles, 60 designed as .to gazed in the coasting, and continen- Hundreds of Tons Of tion ana the apple show. He 1s the riculture, delivered a brief address, in Mackintosh reds, Jomathams-andott- Spary Extensions and Im Permt of the direct transiniesion of tal trades. The scheme now to be ers, but they won't Yast. You can t Foods between ship and barge with- carried out provides, amongst othor Peaches are Rotting in 5. R. Ricketts of Vernon. which he mentioned that he had been The opening ceremony ably dispos- approached regarding proposal to Keep them. Yon are Torced Bell the Orchards. ed of a fruit conference was called. erect a big storage warehouse to con- them quick You wun t wait Tor te was the most enthusiastic that the tain a plant for handling fruit. Fol- your price, for the aprile will net CARLOADS OF APPLES eee cc ambers of the Vancouver lowing him, Mr, Foley Bennett, presi- Keep. . My advice 3s to grow some board ever engaged in and probably dent of the Associated Board? of thing else and you wun control the markets of the wortd. CHange to the: NEVER REACH USER one of the most important, The out- 'Trade of Okanagan; Mr. Speers of the C Standing feature was an address by Vernon Fruit Company, Mr. Galloway long keepers and will wll the winner Tae Sr F. B. Stewart, head of the largest of the Okanagan Frult Company, and through when tre potrket sums. provements. ... -.. -- -Jout interference with the operations things, for the widening and deepen- aYvdisearding direct on to the dock ing of the comparatively narrow pas- BCHEME S TOTAL COST quay. 1 is hoped that the new dock sage known as the Tobacco dock, the IS NOTED AT 70,000,000 win ve completed within four years. construction of a ferro-concrete Jetty, At Tilbury practically every ong.of and the necessary sheds in the west To Provide Additional the vallable berths 1s already al- ern dock to accommodate five addi- lotted, ana the problem is how, pend- tional vesels. Berthage to Meet Tn-);,. ne carryinz ont of the general The Bast Indian docks, witha total reasing Needs of Ocean ana muvh-needed scheme of exten- of some thirty-five acres of water Orchardists Advised 00 trait and produce firm in British Co- Mr. Symington, a Northwest dealer, Mr. Stewart diseumsed the uuestion Grow Fewer Peaches and inmbia and himself the owner of alall gave thelr Ideas of the situation. of frelght rates, comparing Wenn hyipess- ston, to provide additional berthage within three miles of the city, will be More-Winter Apples. ranch of a couple of thousand apple A Central Belfing Agency and, Okanaepp shoei sit e sosail ae w mest aa quickly as possible the in- put at the service of steamers pf s trees. Following an able introductory Ont of it all was evolved Siding. curls Every club in the National and Am- least m, Oct. 2i More hum 14, creusihg needs of the big ocean lin- 8,000 to 9,000 tons. For this purpose: suning ie ito be spent on the great ers whith use this dock. the slock-giving access from the basin. speech by President A. B. Erskine, something like this: . Tha Mr, Stewart placed the position of the the Induitry 2 conte aay ate 1s Seta od Bee cae. and sschemre ait the port lt;f Lo Additional Quay. to the import dock and orfginally 10- Vancouver wholesalers before the aust yy ieee oe, te cele he EE i asi So ace te te pe ere. eave ac- An expenditure of 1b318, tended for the Bast India company s gathering. He openly questioned tar ar P gt; zthe sexe Benin oe ee lay Cae See eae ders amounting to - 2,350,- provided for means that a length of v sgel of 700 to 1,000 tons, is: to be than last year that the tmatketing Wisdom: of such tremendous whey ae a ed ae enioyind le me er the ee erwanty: preliminary extensions and abott 2,000 feet of edditional quay widened and deepened. - system of the district bas broket of peach trees by Q)-cvmmilssion. He's up against real hard work, and two players of the Cleveland club are o Ae ie ES pect Wigs equlpmegRiein be consiegcted Trea tundreas of toms ot ponchve He concluded. koug talie with President oven while the call of glory urges Dledged to Join. Joe Birminghaty geetrecudare the See eee the ortimerds Tons on Ing, not afr the National Hockey Asso- him on, he s kicking himself for be- Vernon,-Oct. 29 There 1s the most Hf -prolitic crop this year that has ever i Jaden the peach and apple trees of the Okanagan. It is so much greater who was named as the Cleveland di aft mtion and at his sug rector;-has-since been appointed man- pro AL samy sae gens tons of apples will never each g stion wel ing such a blamed fool as to ever pane ; teor, earionds will never be muther d 2f talked oyer the prospects for a com- get tangled up in the competition. amer and mankee Ott ineligible to plinecmpiete scheme as then out- : eee eereney Took veuttitully Xe Pat- mlssion, said-Lester. I told him Tt jg a good guess thet if Tank-) membership in the fraternity. The with aq involve, it wae tated, Hl tea now, still on the trees, sreWinnipeg, frankly that we were not looking for ard skips were picked for the follow. Cleveland players ar expected to Join) sionSengiture af over gourteen - then and Mackintosh dnson in Mon One, but that if they really desired it ing year right after the final fad formally as soon as Birmingham's will a aa Now Is Your Opportuniy uenare and Nort sbecial trip to To- We would assist them. We agreed tt yeen played, sixteen mon who would success as director is named. Dues the 24 now placed tm the banda TO MAKE MONEY gahman. Regarding the Would be better for all hands to re- positively decline the honor would are 18 a year. There is no insur- in thictors comprises the Albert by investing in real estate would, , ou-t port that Ernie Johnson had signed sp ct each other's contracts, but 1 te the players in that final. In fact, ance penetit. of ith) extension and important 4 with the Wanderers and intended to balked on his suggestion of a salary the Tamkaftd final reminds us of what The officers are to act as an advis- Hf sents at the Rast and West play in Montreal Lester was rather limit for we don't need one. I prom some alleged wit remarked of matri- TY board to which will be referred) slgn q yondon and Tilbury docks. We have the best buys in the city; money- makers from the drop of the hat, and it will be- well worth your while to see us before investing. skeptical. ised him that during my visit 1 mony: Those who are out want to Sil disputes or questions involving the until, foremost among the, pres Expects Johnson on Coast. would not tamper with any players get in, and those who are in walnt to rights of players. The fraternity will fousth which is likely materially have his signed contract, and so S4er-contract, and I kept my word. get out. not apply for representation on the Joined. employment in the part as I know he will play with the found the Ottawa, Quebec, and Wan- It is up to-the 0.C.A. to make the National Commission. The players Mot yet the new deep-water dock: ninster team, declared Lester Ter Players all under contract and competition fit both parties. (Minko) satisfied they can always get pitcher of the existing Albert Be corning. If it is true that Sam 1 left them alone and Mr. Quinn it'free for all, so that all can get in, their rights frome the commission a8 Plank ofjew dock, which is as- eim has signed him for the *b tked me for my attitude. For that and cut down the games so that it Is now constituted. and McCosge an imperatively de- to the accommoda- large tonnage, will ers I do not think that the Te 600 I do not think that the Na- those who are in can enjoy them- darea of sixty-tive own there ill stand for st. 1 oR8l Astolation will acle np Tich- elve: g ee Cork Le oO g Urosses of 35 feet, which Ahen 1 was down there not to h any player they had un- If the commission goes through it and T kept my word, Will mean the abolition of the Stanley MERICAN FOOTBALL -, neressed to 38 Umpire Allows Run and the Game Breaks a. abe other club owners will CUP 88 championship trophy. In- Nr solayers I have under con- *te4 We Will have an annual cham- all fonshi ksgiving Day Games. b; 4 Other men are makin; 2 this invention wine thelr agreements. Donship series aiitiar to the world s ( aueaneeriee ON Calfeld, Colo;, Oct, 29- When Al- He stole third atertn and eects ane why Rie yee series. The Eastern, clubs gt; a bert Billings Kicked 48 cork leg home. when one of bis Sauk J. P. Morgan says: There is more money made sends a stream of vita Will be practi- Derves. Organs ond iigas Inst year. Lestor WeFe delighted with the idea and I time you are asleep. ; players up with the *himk it will go through. We wi : a rheumatism, weak bac.: gt; play an aay Amherst 15, Trinity 0. i ness, stomack, liver and Foul. whom y an annual series of seven games army 38, Colgate score being already ito 6 tic, the a the rumer; the cork k erossed the plate, while Fs arleocelen and ai DeTHORAIy, (oo oe a er coceae coment Bucknel 0, Cornell 14 umpire called the runuer safe. . Then letager Dry Cell Storah ine Tat tartiste +-Georgetown 20. the Tast bassball game ithe sot the lex dropped to the ce up in a row. a t high-grade battery, re back. Just who There is a chance that Didier Pitre, ; a ae : a vard 30, Brown .10. i Satcher i charging with vinegar of achneouver team is tB ensational French player, wil Fava exiversity of Pennayivan- tHlowever, Umpire Jerry the prone See ti eee Ber ant eascer apnied. Gor haw a Jot ot ome (0 the coast. He has not algned yen consulted the rale book, declared weatching doselywand roles that contract yet in the East and Lester 7. that there was no precedent and held Yoot at the end of the cork touche, at a low price without addea Kendall, the Princeton 22, Dartmouth 7 the plates . ; PHONE 90. for fancy book: A booklet ( by Patrick, as tendered him a fat salary which syracuse 18, Michigan to his decision. NEWS BLOCK, Opp. POST OFFICE, Chicago 7, Perdue 0. jorthwest 20, Indiana 5 across the home plate yesterday af- to shortstop. The shi in real estate than in Wall Street. ternoon in the ninth inning, the the ball to the catcher 11 2 Give us a call ft i : fine . : ns bart alee mailed free; sea; star. The him thinking, Another player Yale 13, Washington and Jeff. 3, When the teams ined up foribi y he opposing team. claimed that HE. METZGER, VITALIZER ic is frat whe mies come West is Art Ross of it was found that one team was shy Billings was ott becaule the catcher rr 11 give Montreal, who has been offered th der too large or too small for i im Welore tie mont wi offered the No onder s for n man. Billings of the cork leg, theed. ed thi lock, Cor. 7th Ave. and Sheperts in biggest salary ever tendered a player the News Job Department. Give us a colunteered, and the first thing he Ba 8t., Bast, TuThSa Calgary, Alta. for it 1z in the Dominion. trial. did was to knock a two bagger.
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Image 779 (1912-10-29), from microfilm reel 779, (CU1773060). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.