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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Come and-Inspect the range of Caps and Gloves, of which you are in immediate need. Our stock s selected makers and is thoroughly thing to fit and please. aaa case POP from the most competent adapted to your needs. You will find quality at fair prices and* some- Also By Tears They Had -Confessed Killing. Paris, Ot, 29: French judges and Juries are dealing most sympathetic ally with eriminals. A jury has ac- quitted thres young. women wito had confessed to murdering their lovers. In on case it was sufficient for the prisoner to burst into tears in telling her tory. The jury did not wish to vany further heartrending details. Man named Parreties and his son sentenced to three months im- yent and a fine of 15 at Bezie- a dog. At a previous trial they were and to pay a fine of 10; but following an outburst of popular indignation a retrial was ordered. Three Women Acquitted a voy of eighteen, named Rourhes, Despite the Fact that strangiea tis aunt in order to inherit her money. The President commut- ed his punishment to a mere trifle. Statistics show that last year 2,109 murderers and murderessea were ar rested; and only eleven, all men, were executed. . Riverdale, a continuation of The Esplanade, on the river banks, beau- tiful situation, no hills, Price 250 per lot. They will make a big pre fit in the spring, growing rapidly i- value now. Get in and buy at ono. Pingle, Wales and Bell. A small want ad in The Daily News sentenced to two months hard labor FINED 100 FOR POLICE ASSAULT Donald Mathewson Put Up Also Two Sureties for. Good Behavior. SAME FINE FOR MAN Wi OBSTRUCTED OFFICER H. J. Guenther Paid . 100 and- 5.75.Costs for Friday. Night Case. Donald Mathewson paid 100 and 3.60 costs and furnished two suri ties, his own for 1,000 and another for 600 to ensure his good behaviour year for assaulting P. C. Mo- Queen on Friday evening. In default of. paying the fine he was given the option of six months term in jail. H, J. Guenther, who was mixed up in the same case and was found guilty of obstructing the officers while in the discharge of their duties fined 100 and also 5.75 costs. He paid. i J. Hobbs was drunk in charge of his team. He paid 5. N. MoClellan and B. H. Sanderlon paid the usual for being drunk. Judgment against Hewitt and Black for a plumber namei Mo- Donald was given for 23.40, the Magistrate knocking off 6.30. COAT THIEF GIVEN 6 MONTHS SENTENCE setting fire to a little girl and Classified Column will bring results . , Robinson Stole Coat of NEW GOODS are arriving every day at The Fair store. The store where you get service, quality and keen prices. See us before you buy your winter Blankets. We have an extra good buy. . THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN HIGH GRADE GROCERS AND DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, PHONE 81. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SED AVE. McKinnon s Ltd. 391 MAIN ST. ASK FOR GENUINE Butternut Bread RICH AS BUTTER. 5 eo SWEET AS A NUT. Avoid Imitations, Look for the Label. Or did you feel the need of extra covers? If so drop in and see our new stock of WHITE BLANKETS Heavy Scotch Blankets, 6 Ibs., 5.85; 7 Ibs., 6.30; 8 Ibs., 7.20. Best Canadian Blankets, 6 lbs., 3.85. Our Special, 6 Ibs., 3.25. A full line of Quilts, Comforters, Pil- lows, ete., always in stock. J. J. Moore Son Phone 515 North Railway Street EVENTUALLY ---WHY NOT NOW ? *Mother s Bread ? TOOK FOR THE LABEL PHONE 26th TASSIE BROS. iedenenn tice EN Young Man From Train. HAS POCKET FULL UF PAWN TICKETS Police are of Opinion That He is Wanted Elsewhere for Same Game. The police made a good arrest on Saturday night of a coat thief named E.C, ybinson who the police are of the opinion has been working all along the line. They expect: that, hd is -wanted elsewhere, and: while, he: is serving a six months sentence which twas handed out to him by the magis- trate this morning, they will endeavor to learn something of his past. Robinson, landed in the Hat on Sat- urday evening. H was registered fat the Alberta. when arrested. He had been travelling on the train with young lad who was going through to the coast. Robinson's ticket was for Calgary. When they landed here both got out on the platform for a walk. Suddenly Robinson disap- peared. When the Iad again board- ed the train, luckily beiore it was ready to pull out he missed his coat. Suspecting imniediately that Robin- son had taken it he got his-grips and stopped. off. At the police station he gave a description of the suspect and the police were not long in round- ing him up. It was found that he had taken the coat valued at 35 and checked it at the depot. The magis- trate sentenced him to six months at Lethbridge. In searching the prisoner the. police found that his pockets were full of pawn tickets, is- sued at different points all the way from New York and Brooklyn to Medicine Hat and so they are of the. opinion that he has been working the same game at every place he struck and then made himself scarce as soon as he had pawned the stolen article. Wanted at MooSe Jaw. The police of Moose Jaw are look- ing for a Greek named Gus Tingos, whom they want on a charge of theft of 200. He left that city on Saturday and the police there thinking that he had boarded train No. 1 for the west, wir- ed ahead and asked the local police to search the train, This they did but were unable to locate the pris- oner. Chief Holidaying. Chief of Police Bruce is holidaying and Sergeant Campey is acting Chief of Police. HOLIDAY QUIET Hat Shooting Parties Re- port Great Suecess Pot- ting Chickens. Thanksgiving Day in Medicine Hat was a rather quiet one. The day was Not of the best for out-door pleasures, although a rreat many parties took Advantage of the week-end and h l- Iday for a shooting trip... Yesterday was an ideal day for. hicken and ;f00d luckte reported by many sports, Theesday severing, Oct. 20th, at 8 oel ck, Gard party will pe given by the young Iadies of St. Patrick's Chniseh, in the'mew school, corner of Balmoral Stand East Aliowance: .who att hd will be assured a Fei plearant evening. 0-4 Bi , Riverside, 60 ft. for -, appearance SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, W. R, Penland, accompanied by land and Mise-Laggan, has Tetufned. from a trip to Great Falls nd other Montana points. Mr, Pen- land drove his new Winton Six and made great thme on the home-stretch, leaving Havre et nine o'clock im the morning, stopping an hour and a half for lunch and reaching Medicine Hat before ix o'clock in the evening. Mra. J. J) Howagan, of Rush Lake, ie visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. H. Cun- Altre. Dr. Carmichael, of Edmonton, spent the holiday tn the city. A large number of Hatters spent the week-end and holiday at Calgary; Many took inthe prise fight A fair-sized house greeted the Con- stance- Crawley Co. at the Opera House last night in the Divorcons. Miss Crawley and Mr. Maude, the stars, appeared to good advantage in the production. This is the second appearance of this company here this Season. Their offering last night Was even more acceptable than their Previous on s, The Tennis Club held an informal dance in the Becker hall last night. Some fifty couples were present and the evening proved a. most enjoyable one, J, Leonard's orchestra supplied, the music. J. M. Sullivan, of Calgary, State Deputy of the Knights of Columbus, visited the clty Sunday and yesterday, and met the local Knights in regard to the forming of a council here, which matter is now under consider- ation. A counel will be formed dur- ing the next couple of months. Mr. Hector Lang, B.A., and fam- ily, of Regina, spent the.week-end at the home of Rev. Heuth, Princess Ave. Mr. Lang, who is a brother of Mrs. Hench, was very favorably impressed with the growth and pos- sibilities of Medicine Hat. Happy Jim Miller conducted a re- vival meeting for . the Salvation Army in Dreamland Theatre Sumay ovening. : W. Overpack returned from Moose Jaw last. night. Richard Richmond, .P.R. pagsen- eee higissmman has transferred to, Letlibridge and will in future run omega thbridge to Calgary. Mrs. DP, ie S. Currie. entertained, a number of her girl friends at a de- lightful thimble tea ? on Saturday afternoon in honor of her sister, Miss Edith; Maveety,,of Calgary, who is spending Thankegiving with her. Houses for sale on easy payments or will exchange: for real, estate. Ap- plyto Hotson und Leader. bi-u The Daily News delivered in the city 35 a month. Modern Homes If you want something good and up-to-date, I can supply your needs. I have 23 houses of var- ious sizes. and special attention given to the layout inside. Almost half of these homes are sold already. See me personally and get first-hand informa- tion. W. Hl. ROSEWARKE Montreal Street. Phone 800, A FEW SNAPS SOUTH YUILL Three 50 ft. lots near Ogilvie Mills, 600 each. * 100 ft. corner, Columbia Ave, 4,000. NORTH YUILL 6 ft, Block 18, (Bridge St) 850. .. CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block 7, 1,000. BO fty Block 3, 1300. ROME, Block 9, 945. Corner, Block 15, 1400, facing Park, 600. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX P*60 ft, Block 24, 1100. View Park) lot RIVERSIDE 20 ft. on Broadway; 900. 50x260 on river, 2,000. H.C. PETTET CO. adjoining new 850. All around sold at 1000 50 ft. Do it quick. Pingle, Wales Boll. i 84tt 868 Toronto St. Phone 481. INTER TIMETABLE TOOK EFFECT SUNDAY Trains 61 and 62 do Not Pass Through Hat Now Other Minor Changes. The editorial Columns of Saturday s felpally Owned Street Railway because The new winter timetable went in- to effect on Saunday night. Trains No. 61 end 62 which under the sum- mer timetable rag from Calgary to to Winnipeg mow runs from Moose Jaw to Winnipeg. The times of several-of-the other traing have been changed, the ma- jority of them running from 6 to 15 minutes later. The time of the local to and from Calgary is unchanged. The new timetable is published at the head of the editorial columns. the man s name, street address, amount due, ete, ete, port of a municlpal street rallway, allright, allright, the . B RB. could cfford to put such a rule in force, look like business? Doesn t it make you laugh In a crowded street car, too. we touch turns into Money. Aldermen Away on Railway Agreement Aldermen and City Solicitor Are ir Winnipeg Today. Ald, Brown, Ald. Pratt and City 8o- leitor Mahafty are in Winnipeg today going over the stree. railway agree- ment with Winnipeg's city solicitor, They will then send the agreement on. to Sir Max Aitkin s associates at Mon- treal for, consideration and signing, SOMEBODY IS SLIPPING. INTO MONEY. uying is the secret of success. Buy all of Medicine Hat you can. P ERRY, SEWELL PERRY'S REALTY REVIEW OH YOU FREE RIDE EWS upholds a Mun- lasgow, Scotland, has such a fine system and because of that system's courtesy to the travelling public, to wit: If a fellow boards a street car and finds that he lias not the price of a fare, the conductor just takes him to ride to his destination and the following day the Com- Pany sends a collector away around to the man s address and collects tuppence. That's sure some recommendation th sup. such laxity on any railroad in Western Conada, where 20 many people are trying to get something for nothing. We wonder if The NEWS In the same columns says that It does not fook for its support from auto owners as much as it does from the dinner-pail man, Somebody asks the question: From whom does the NEWS get its financial support By the way this Paper was wailing over the lack of local advertising all sum- mer, one would imagine that this paper would appreciate support it gets even from the men who happen to own autos. BUY IN WESTOVER PARK EVERYTHING WE TOUCH TURNS allows Imagine Does it Son nies Lots 28-29, 1050. Block 82, Lots 17-20, 640 a pr. REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL S HOME-MADE BREAD sBlock 4; Lots 25-26, 900 a pr. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 800 a pr. Block 29, Lots 25-26, 800 a pr. Block-2 - Lots 84-88, 700 a pr. HERALD Block 8, Lots 3, 4 and half of 5, gt; 1100. Terms, Block 6, Lots: half 48, 5000. Perms. Block 7 , Lot 16, 750. TOWNSITE 49, 50, Block 84, Lot 24, 1875. Terms. GAS CITY REALTY Co. 410 Main St. Phone 695, MEDICINE HAT Fire; Life, Aceldent, Hall and Plate Glass Insurance. Athabasca Landing 160 Acres First-Class Land Adjoining property selling 150 and 200 per 25 it, lot, Wille sacrifice for quick sale, 150 PER ACRE. 36,000 CASH, BALANCE ONE AND TWO YEARS. A GENUINE SNAP, OWNER 222 24th Ave. East, VANCOUVER. 913 years, niece has visited the estate of Lord Terms. President of Soo Railway is Said to Have Legal Right Block 82, Lot 20, 1500. Terms. to Succeed. Blotk 82, Lot 19, 1600, Terms, Search For Heir To English Barony Minneapolis, Oct. 25 That it he chooses, some day he may inherit the estate and title of Lord Muncaster, Was the stateient yesterday of Ed- ward. Pennington, Soo line: President. Perinington said, however, that he would not- attempt, to obtain the title, but would remain an American, The story became known today on receipt of a despatch stating that Lord Muncaster was searching for the descendants of a branch of the family which came to America many, president of the years ago, and asking concerning Mr. Pennington's ancestors. I have known about this said Mr.. Penningtot, for My MONEY inside property. HL W. IRELAND. WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. WE have Eastern customers who desire to purchase IF you have any to sell come in and Hear the Conversation H, 8, ELLIS. The Medicine Hat Security Co. ROOM 4, BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 305. Muncaster, and members of my fam fly tell me that there is no doubt that 1 am the legal heir to the title and estate. I am not, however, inter- ested in investigating the matter, nor am I in communication with Lord Muncaster. Foster's Shoe Repairing Depart- ment is saving others money. Why not you? en aes A FLYING SKY PILOT (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Prince Albert, Sask., Oct. 29, Rey. Geo. Grey, of Halcro, Sask. won the first annual Hernld road race over a six mile course today in 36 1-2 min- utes, Hleven runners started in this contest. A Wyero, of Prince Aibert, was a close second, In fact, Grey only won out in a clever sprint a few feet from the finish-and then by inch - es, Phil, Manby, of Regina, was a close third. TALKS A. T. CUAXTON 500 for 50x186, Block 33. 700 pr., Block 28. 3900 pr., Block 9. 400 pr., Block 27. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr., 5-6, Block 20. View tots, worth 1800. COUSINS AND SISSONS 650 pr., south half of 28. OLD TOWNSITE 4400, 1-2, Block 86, Braemar St. 100 ft. corner. 5500, Lots 16 and 17, Block 84, with house. 25,000 for 100 ft, Block 22. 35,000 for 130x120 corner Montreal and Sth Ave. 1450, Lot 14, Block 82. 3,500, Lot 3, Block 11, St. North. 5,000, Lot 7, Block 52, Main St. South, worth 10,000. COTTAGES 2700, Cottage, 5 rooms, 560x130, South Yuill. Snap. 8000, House and barn, lot 60x 130, corner Montreal and 6th Ave. B.F.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRG STORE. TORONTO ST. Main lot hhh hreitttbhebb heb bbhebrrbrrrrrrrrrrrnr dissolved. feed the body. Pelebelinlelelelnininfeleinfeininintntejnininjntninteivinininin DROP ONE OXO CUBE It is then ready for use asa into a cupful of boiling water and stir until nourishing, strengthening beverage. OXO IS A CONCENTRATION OF PRIME BEEF. Tt contains the whole goodness of th best beef, the stimulant extractives which tone up the nervous system and aid digestion as well as the rich nourishing proteids which + * H.W. lIreiand Co. ty Main Street. Phone 54; i oletntapated Turks Def in Battle and Scra ERKALAR Reported 1 - Russia H derstand War. Cc. London, Oct army was def Visa, Remit a cording to an ed by the Ott The Turkish and wounded. Greeks Washington, the Greek fore tion here tods right wing of. day oceupled E suit of the Tu wing last nigh Mentenee Cettinje, Mn centre column commanded by fele, today eff the southern. der General Mz of Sentari. Austria a Vienna, Oct. Russian Gover an aunderst COULD John Dua Near Irv: ing in Hi PREFERRE TROUB Deceased 1 Coming Couldn't Survives John Duasct steader residir Irvine, commit o'clock yester body was fou law and a n rope'in the bi been dead som The decease Whali Sh. Total of 5 Boats Alberni, Oc catch of the stations on th couver island season which ing .sixteen- sp steamers . whic couver island, dergon; Orion dastian, Capta Captain Searl: Victoria to go Point Ellice, The White + five vessels + Vancouver iels 167 whales, The Orion to one sperm, an: ty-one, with ts worked from Germania, an and St. Lawre Avera The five ve harbor and N Queen Charlot to return with vessels are th Green, Brown pated that th the ten whale Feach 1,000. lower then Ia: The crew 0 exciting ep 10
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Image 784 (1912-10-29), from microfilm reel 784, (CU1773056). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.