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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Machine are giving a key at unlocks: the ly free. Company r STREET xt To the manufac- t being able to t the Harvard f Men s and hings; Ladies te., I will sac- Ladies and Oxfords; sizes . 00; Sacrifice -LES iving here in a 1 Ontario Russets and he heart of the and one who e lowest prices ntioned goods. sewhere. jisions Co. ice. ipped for the Estates ry description. HT and HEAVY DRAYING fo Vore VITALITY Do you find the falland winter trying? Do you get run down catch cold easily feel like Huddling-in a warm room instead of braving the biting blasts? Yowido not need to. Start now to build up reserve strength with : NA-DRU-CO Tasteless Cod Liver Oil a viialaing compound of pure Cod Liver Oil Extract, with Malt, Hypophosphites and Wild Chetry, As an all-round tonic and puilder-up this preparation has few, it any, equals. It puts an edge on ths appetite wvcids digest Hes cand easily sates nourlshment tones up the nerves and strengthens the lungs, bronchial tubes and throat, In 50c, and 1.00 bottles, at your druggist s. Preparation of Don't wait to shovel the snow, Dad, cateh your car. I need some fresh ai : You-should not be out sweeping: the.steps, a woman remon- there strated, so many are passing to,. you don't have to do that E know it; but T-like to do it, and ray, if folks don t want to notice me n I'm sweeping, al right, I don't waht their notice. She was right. If they were ashamed of her saving her hard-worked father some labor, Uielr recogaitton was not worth having. / Now, 1 do not belfeve in imposing on boy, and making of him what other boys dub a issy, but he neod not grow up in oomplete ignorance of household duties, because circum- stahees may sometime place him where a knowledge of how to prepare a meal for himsenf will be a necessity. He cannot better gain that experience National Drug Chemical Co. ol Canada, Limited: FOR WOMEN BY ONE OF THEM The ladies of Knox Church are holding a bazaar in the basement of St. John's Church on Tuesday after- noon, Nov. 1, and a musical concert in the evening at 8. The Daughters of the Empire will hold a meeting in the council cham- Der on Thursday, Nov. 14, at 4.15 clock. All ladies wishing to join the Society are cordially invited to attend. The W. A. of St. Barnabas Church are haying a social afternoon on. Tuesday, Noy. 12, at the home of Mrs. Soans, 724 Ottawa St. The Mission Circle will meet in the Baptist Church on Tuesday at 3.30 o'llock. The Woman s Missionary Society of St. John s Church will meet in the basement on Monday, Nov: 11, at 8 p. m. Strangers welcome, The Sehool House as a Public Foram An idea which ts taking great hold in the United States and which is spreading inte Canada is the estab- Ushment of what is termed folk cea- tres at the rural schools. The idea is that the school house Should be the community centre of the Sisteict; mot open on a certain speci- Dr. Ma-tells FemalePiils Nineteen Years the Standard Prescribed and recommended fo: women s ailments, a scientifically prepared remedy of proven worth. The resuit from their use is quick and permanent. For sale at all drug Stores. .0.d.-10mo. fled night for a specified purpose, but open at all times to everyone as a community centre, for gatherings either. social, political, forensic, de- dating, or what not. There is an apparent attractiveness about the idea which strikes the im- agination at once: Bffictent democra- ey depends essentially upon the peo- ple getting together, a something which even the funny papers admit when they. cartoon the circle about the country store stove settling the nation s problems. As a matter of fact, it is about the red stove that the great problems are settled, and this desire to discuss things being a natural desire,.to make the school a folk centre would comply with a per- fectly natural requirement at the very foundation of the nation s: well being. How naturally the folk centre might become the place for th . discussion of public affairs, andvhow quickly it would become the habit of thought to preserve the passing idea for expres- sion there There is a writer some- where, Elbert Hubbard -most- likely, who says the way to learn to write fs to write, and just so the way to learn to think is to express the thoughts to others. Under the initiative and referen- dum; for instance, the people would rule, and with the school house as a community centre at which public questions would be discussed how quickly the great bulk of the people would learn to analyze an idea and how soon they would learn to rule wisely. The sooner the school centre idea. is put into use the sooner the great questions will be dealt with wisely instead of being allowed (0 go by detault, as they so frequently do now, dex upon the word of some tim -sery- ng politician with an axe toagrind, are pleased to note that Prin- Marguet, who, by her marriage, became . Crown Princess of Swed- en in 1 is a strict teetotalar, The Crown Princess is a member of the Union of her adopted land, and dia+ piays deep interest in its work and success. Why do not mothers teach thelr boys to be helpful around the house? Time and again I have visited and boarded in homes where the boys sat around with perfectly idle hands, and a pale, weary mother prepared.a m al, going from pantry to kitchen, dqwi cellar, in and out of the dining room, and not a step was saved her by the stalwart sons and their father. Bless you, that wasn t thelr work Have not they .carried in wood and water, haven't they been to the barn, or mowed the lawn, fixed the furnace, and carried out the ashes? True, they have, but that is no reason why one cannot watch the toast, and ano- ther go down cellar for the butter, and lend a helping hand when theta are so many things to watch all at once, the porridge, ham and eggs, skimming the milk, and slicing the bread. It always amuses me how in- terested they are in the proceedings, they watch every move and turn, and yet if one of them faced the problem of getting breakfast, he would regard 4t-as an appalling task. Every boy should be taught to arrange on a tray dainty breakfast for mother when she has one of her bad headaches from over-work or anxiety, I have wondered at girls, too; who in the province of man s labor, shrinking from helping father or bro- ther because it was not their work. Away with such. foolishiess The yery dearest, brightest girl I ever knew would don her brother s coat and carry in the wood for him if he were late getting home; she would mow the great wide lawn, and often from the breakfast table would call, stress, and well, A man's knowledge should not re- The Uttle things, not yet begun, A smile for some Who find it hard Ah say, what is thete to retard A helping hand for s2e whose days are afraid to be seen doing anything than by- assisting mother or sister where no mald is Kept, and many a boy in a pinch Bas turned bis in- formation thus gained into a practic- al channel, obtaining a position where such qualifications were re- quired, often accompanying an x- ploring expedition im the capacity of cook, receiving both pleasure and profit trom the trip. Many a delicate wife has blessed the mother who taught her boy to lend a hand in of illness. and will not discuss the many a woman who plays ob her husband's ability along those Hines, and imposes on good nature to -, the extent of neglecting her home, . Knowing he will ome to the rescue, * ceive such a test, tf should be held as Bec fit a man who stands 6 feet or more. The waistline See bt Sale en TallMen, be wrong, and other proportions will be out tee Tall valued by egnsdlentious course, it. oJnct prise such men should wear Type C garments only. gift in man; when he uses it to de- preciate her work, or interferes too A retail tailor cannot make a perfect suit fora vig mae ie much in her household affairs. Tye G single suit length. Because he buys 3 yard suit a Why Don't You. Men, and 4 yards are needed. This is where Semi-ready I Tailoring * Soine things there re you cannot 66, - scores,-for.every piece of cloth is imported i in 70-yard lengths. i For which you weren't intended: - But there are paths you might pursue, sdyre Sens, Biz Men, oer ee ee Different patterns for, oat, Vest and Trousers: are for Type F Why. try to do. what can't be done, be ten, YOTY stout'men. In F we have the right pattern for men it Men. While that which an is waiting? Might prove so compensating. To fae the world of sorrow. That smile from you tomorrow? H. S. IRELAND Are near the eii aud dreary. : MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. COAT made for a man of 5 elect 8 cane of weight above the average for their height. Every size and physique type 1s specially considered in the designing and tailoring of Semi-ready Clothes. hard to fit in Suits and Overcoats, at 15 and up: We Ge the We fit the he went back to railroading. That Was too. tame, and unston, snswer- ed the call of Cuba Libre and. hik- Jed off for Havang, The Cuban revo- aysion against Spain was then wag- and Funston was the accredited If but a smile comes Back to you, You'll be the galnefy won't you? So easy tis for you to do. i And;-it-you can, why den't you? Ah why not help him on his way, a7 AEF And make the end more cheery? ARu FRED lear autromplndent of Cinvpers: Well 47 Years Ago Man of Many i, ie just couldn't keep out of the Trades First Saw Light cae oweyer, and entisted in the of Day. - uban army, in which: he soon be- came a Hetitenant-colonel and chief Reason for Thankfulness. Happy and strong and brave shall we be able to endure-all things, and do all things if we believe that every day, every hour, every moment, of our lives. POS oo ooo rote tie ele ro Seep ero lr otloete eoateaseate teatestoeteeteateetestostnele Retiotedtoddy 10.00 DEPOSIT Secures an Acre of Twely e Lots in: Connaught Gardens 2 3-4 Miles from Post Office, One Mile from the Factories, 3-4 Mile Nearer than Sunnyside, Level Land, Rich ou Plenty of Water. eehertonte ate teatecteetedteetpfonly o, oS dodedededed fe eS Se aetoate-ehoatetoat oats heaton po eteete feat foag oe . os e Pe he radestestoatec oe . te testost Re of tea oe tof . o S foe ee i Gosteson 30) os Auto at your service; look it over to-day; onl PRICHS, 250 and 800 gt;per acre, 10 Cash Deposit; balance 1-3 in 80 days, 1-3 in six months 1-5 in twelve months. JUST THINK OF PURCHASING 12 LOTS FOR ON BASY PAYMENTS. Phones 433, 493, 701 OPEN EVENINGS. 384 oe STREET. y takes 401 min HOLLINGER AG followed the disaster. pheaw, this In not , book, at Brandon, Man. He but, The Butchers Union at San cisco, Calif, will take action on proposition SsPreattiliates with the ternational union. The Brotherhood of Railroad-man, newspaper reporter, ot artillery under General Garcia. id botanist, explorer, war correspond- He was in the battle of Desmayo, and Ladies of Cul 3 ent, and, least o fall, and more than Wrote a story about it that is one of finement Uses ithe classics of military iterature. As ja Cuban officer, Funston fired the, first dynamite gun .ever used in act- jual warfare. He knew nothing about big, guns, but took. chance, with the printed directions on the all, a fighter from the word go, sum- marizes the career of Gen. Frederick Funston, U, 8. A a carrer that com- menced forty-seven years ago today in New Carlisle, 0., when and where Righting Fred was ushered into the world. His father, Edward Hogue Packing case as his guide. Funston, was something. of a scrap- When Uncle Sam interfered in the per, himself, having served gallantly cuban affairs, Funston was made through the civil war, retiring with Colonel of the Twentieth Kansas, the rank of captain. Later Funston which, however, got no further than pere married Ann Elizabeth Mitchell, Fiorida. Next he bobbed up in the a descendant of Daniel Doone, the Pniiiipines, where he fought the lit- mteates ote (3, Rentuck pioneer and Injun-killer. tie brown men to a frazle, and won es, there is fighting blood in thejimmortal fame by capturing Gen. gt;a Funston veins, as he-has proved in aguinaldo, president of the Philli- ag Cuba, the Phillippines and elsewhero. pine republic. He didn't svim a fe The elder Funston, in addition to his river, as was reported at the time, 35 war-like activities, served three terma but he aid risk his Ife in a thouc He in the House of Representatives, and sand ways that have not been ment- eS oe was promifent in the polities of ioned. He was rewarded by being Kansas, which state was the scene of made a obrigadier-general. Gen. 3 Fred Funston s youthful activities. Funston was in cbarge of the De- eae) partment of California at the time of the San Franisclscq cart beg pardon the San Franscisco fire, and Fighting Fred was still in his teens when he flew the coop of his parents and went to Mexico, There ered that will Pest Dandruff. is aecepted by days, or money back. word BALVIA 48 on every bottle. Sold at Pingle s Drug Store, Medicine Fiat, Alta. Tonic. Tt, wae the Eat Beautiful. At ast a rem That. Dandruff i aes The manufacturer guarantees ft. Tt will grow batr, stop ftehing scalp, falling and abundant ft prevents turning grey, and nddi tre. and makes the hair thick. hair from fe and Ins- SALVIA is a hair ressing that has become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the social Value of beautiful large, generous bottle costs only 50c, hair, A 9 a he acquired a speaking acquaintance brought order out f the chaos that 3. with the Spanish language, but not BS much else, and soon. decided that Kansas was good enough for him. After leaving the University of Kan- Sas be went t- lt;ssee* City and got 8 job as train collector. Railroad- ing didn't particularly. appeal vo him, so he next tried his hand at report- ing on a Kansas Gity newspaper. At the uatversity he had accumulated considerable knowledge about flora and such things, amd this) enabled him to land an appointment) asa government botanlit rather tame, but In F; botanical caf en/ was. tw ment and batrbreadth Pie ees Wire Tito the tits atten Tee of GMOS Mctlene. Funston camped on th iiKlondyke in the win- ter of 1893-4, angl alone, floated down Yukd In ae frath, canoe. That eFngrlence, was ong tne apt have Protiiturely,.aged he Pabetage -hom- comfortable. y.but the bulletcheaded*? Young. ti enjopable and an invigorating winter. . canshyy gijoyed it, He: dame giit of oa ane Loole for the label shown above. od be iGhiry beyond the Arctictelrgle Wit Dane 1s reuy thoroughly chilled; aud pro- Frost and enjoy yourself thoroughly this winter by wear- ing an Eastern Aviation Cap. Just the thing for driving, skating, tobogganing, snow-shoeing just the thing for our crisp, clear, cold, invigor- ating western climate. The Eastern Aviation 2 is the first and best cap of its feind made in Canada. It is all pure, selected wool aoft, fiizzy and Buy your Eastern Aviation Cap now and be prepared to spend an ed to the tropics to get thawed 10 Manufacturing Co., Lid. ) oat, After running a coffec plant- Traro, N.S. ation-tn one of the Central Amovican os banana republics for a short time, Dibiis t ALL WOOL HEALTH Easterm Hat and Cap Ahi
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Image 875 (1912-11-09), from microfilm reel 875, (CU1773042). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.