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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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lailly you build, consider first. Don't be per- buy, CHEAP LUM- use it's cheap une the We have it, and ov- he Bullder requires. stock or LUMBER, ASH, PIR FINISH, AK, MAPLE, BIRCH FLOORINGS. * the agency for the Morgan Doors, + OOR BEAUTIFUL WOOD FIBRE, LATH SDAR POSTS, WIL* OW POSTS AVER IARD ile Stables 8, Drivers, Saddle es for Sale, HEAVY DRAYING, for Sale. McCLAIN PROPRIETOR Box 04. ' EY BROS. Contractors, ckwood St. for Sale. lt; STABLE PHONE 402 728 S. FOLLIS ting Co. i RONTO ST. Sand, Coal Graved Specialty. Horses fer sale at Times. D EXCAVATING Sand for. Sale, Phone. Ni Box phone No. 418, pe a Bynolds ETc. in Wall Paper. Phone 690, ; LLANOTHER CTORY 7 Nr Crear rnse eorsee osteo efoeloteatey REDC for P e comple Redcliff Motor Co THE WALLOFF MOTOR CO, of Minneapolis, willst immediately. Building to b plant will be known as the C off with '75 men, which will be largely increase time. This means money tot ted in six weeks. Th , Limited and starts 3ed in a short space of he wide-awake investor. i. : Three Factories Secured in REDOLIFF 18 RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURING IN. IMPORTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT S00. One Wee k and More to Follow. Redcliff now has industries and their pay rollis a Redeliff Brickand Coal Co. ms Pay Roll 12,500 5 AlbertaOrnamental IronCo. 65: Redecliff Clay Products Co. Redcliff Mill Elevator Co. Pay Roll 9; Pay Roll Pay Roll 5,000 '300 5,000 Redcliff Realty Co. Redeliff Hotel Company Stores, Bank, Lumberyard ete. 12; Pay Roll McLean McLachlan (CONTRACTORS) Pay Pay Roll 6; 10; art buil e Red s follows: Roll - 15; Pay Rell T in, ; TO BE ZS os White Men and Indians Fight On Fishing Vessal at Masset Sequel to Knocking Indian Overboard Materializes in Sanguinary Affray on Steamhsip Claxton, Two Being Knocked Unconscious and Another Sustain- ing Broken Arm. (Masset, Oct. 10. Cool heads, white men's boat from the steamer among the older men of the comfaun- the whites knocked one of the In- ity managed to prevent a setious dians overboard. The whites then hauled him back to safety, but not until the Indian got his dander up and wanted to fight. MERRY BATTLE. Several other Indians witnessed the affair and they thought an at tempt had been made on the life of the man who was knocked into the salt chuck, The two whites, both clash between the whites and the Haida Indians of the reservation, three miles from town, following a fight aboard the fishing steamer Clax- ton, participated in by two . white fishermen and about a score of . In- dians. Following an argument over the bandiing of a line thrown to the Does Dry Lumber Count With You? Then see our new, large stock under sheds. Quality and price guaranteed best in the city. The C. Lean Lumber Co., Ltd. Yards, East Allowance. Phone 772. OLDEST ACCIDENT OFFICE Railway Passengers Assurance Co. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. CAPITAL 5,000,000 CLAIMS PAID 30,000,000 Established WOKRINGMEN S COL. LECTIVE-INSURANCE. EMPLOYERS LIABILITY. OC. A. KRAUSS, General Agent. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. OFFICE PORTER BLOCK, MAIN STREET. FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. deat Now IS THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO. SOAR. THINK TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALL THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. genc Toronto Street, Medicine Hat PEO Oreo eres SSoetortoehaatertentecteetesteeteetegogeetoetoes scrappy: men, were wholly willing, and when the Claxton reached the wharf a merry battle was in pro- gress, Fearing for the lives of the whites, who were fighting against heavy odds, with fists and clubs, Captain Warren, of the Claxton, signalled tho shore for assistance and a score of white men started on the run from town. Indians also.came on the run from their . village, grabbing weapons as they ran. Some of the whites had armed themselves before starting out. BOTH SIDES HURT. A pitched battle seemed. imminent when the two forces met and saw the condition of the combatants on Houston, Texas, Oct. 10 The mark the formal stittite of Liberal the world. mon in the Municipal following the return of the der, a Munfelpal a reception tendered by Mr. and Mra angural lectures Majestic Theatre. Probably never. before in the by the Iate William M. Rice, a former citizen of Houston, who was murder- 28, 1900. The lst of lectures sched- nied on the programs for the inaug- uration exercises includes such by Professor Rafael of Madrid; Professor Emile Borel of Paris, Senator Benedetto Croce of Naples, Professor Hugo de Vries of great academic festival arranged to inauguration and dedication of the William M. Rice In- and Technical Learning began here today under the most auspicious conditions and in the presence of a large gathering of edu- cators and students from all parts of The festival is planned to extend over four days and will close on Sunday with a special ser- Auditorium, guests from a visit to Galveston. The Dro- gram of the opening day includes an informal breakfast at the Hotel Ben- Tuncheon at the City Auditorium, a garden party in the Academic Court of the Institute, James A. Baker and a number of in- by distinguished solentists from various parts of the world, at the Institute and at theh his- tory of the country, has the inaugur- ation of a new institution of learning been marked by'so large a gathering of famous men of science and a ser- jeg of Inaugural lectures of equal importance, as the opening and dedi- ation of the William M. Rice Instl- tute, founded with the millions left ed in New York City on September Altanilray Crevea poard the Claxton. Both white boys were taken off unconscious, bleeding and fearfully bruised, while several Indians were in little better shape, one of them having sustamed a broken arm. The older men on both sides prevented the, more belligerent from fighting further. But during the night things. began to happen again, emall arguments taking plac, and both this town and the Indian village remained awake all night, fearing the other would make some attempt to renew hostili- ties. Magistrate Harrison took things in hand and served warrangs on the whole catioodle and fined whites and Indians who participated in the ructio Ee For A Murdered -Man s Millions Amsterdam, Professor Sir Henry Jones of Glasgow, Privy. Councilor Baron Dairoku Mikuchi of Tokio, Professor John William Mackall of London, Privy Councilor Professor Wilhelm Ostwald of Gross-Bothen, Germany; Professor Henry Poincare of Paris, Sir William Ramsay, K. . B., of London; Professor Vito Vol- terra of Rome, and several other dis- tinguished scientists, - William M. Rice, whose name will be perpetuated by this great institu- tion of learning, was formerly a resi- dent of Houston. lt;He had mad a great fortune in this State and, re- cogniging the educational needs of this Section of the South, he concely- ed the plan of founding a great technological institute in this city. More than ten yeats before his death Mr. Ricgilaid the foundation for his plan, which, at fitst, contemplated merely training school with an en- dowmoent of 200,000, As he elabor- ated his plans ne became more and more interested in the subject and added to the proposed endownment, until a short time before his removal 49 New York, he made a will bequea- thing practically bis entire fortune to the institute. The Rice Institute was incorporated in 1881 as the William M. Rice In- stitute for the advancement of litera ture, science and art, under a liberal charter granting a self-perpetuating board of seven life trustees . great freedom in the subsequent organiza- tion of a non-political and non-sec- tarian educational institution in the city of Housion, Texas, At present this board of trustees consists of the. following members: James Addison Baker, chairmall; James Kyerett Mc- Ashan, vice-chairman; Enianuel Ra- phael, secretary; Benjamin Botts Rice, treasurer; William Marsh Rice, jr, Cesar Maurice Lombardi and Ea- gar Odell Lovett, who is also the head of the faculty. At the expressed wish of the foun- der the elaboration of his plans and their practical execution was not un dertaken in his Mfetime. His death in New York City, in 1900, under mysterious. circumstances, caused a great senaation. After thorough in- vestigation Albert T. Patrick, a law- yer of New York, who had profes- sional dealings with Mr. Rice, was arrested on the chatge of having murdered the. aged philanthropist, with the ultimate object of obtaining possession of the fortune left by the latter. After a sensational trial Pat- rick was found guilty and sentenced commuted. Even then he did timate freedom but without success. litigation. fn Princeton and he accepted. After a year constructng the ballding was begun. pleted. The curriculum of the inst fute will include the natural sciences, sciences, onomties, arts, PALATIAL HOTEL IN DALLAS aa Dallas, Texas, Oct. 10 The pre- sent week has witnessed the opening in this, city of-the palatial Adolphus Hotel, built by Adolphus Busch, the St, Louls millionaire. Tbe new hotel cost more than 100,000 and is de- cnared to be tle finest in the South. The building is twenty-one high and contains 200 apartments. Its interior furnishings are of the most luxurious character. A small want ad in The Daily News Clasattied Golumn will bring. results to-death, The condemned man then began 9 determined struggle for life and liberty, unparalleled in the his- tory of American courts, Using ov- ery jegal weapon of defence that in- genuity could find available, Patrick fought his case through court after court, until his death sentence was not rest, but continued bis fight for ul- The Settlement of the estate could only be brought about after years .of When the trustees finally obtained possession of the estate the latter had increased from 8,000,000 to nearly 10,000,000.. The trustees invited Dr. Edgar Odell Lovett, pro- fessor of mathematics and astronomy University, to become the head of the proposed institute of travel he returned and the work of Only foud of the building are com- the rhathematical branches, applied languages, philosophy, ec- sociology and the Hberal stories Clark, aid LAWYERS CROOKS, HE WARNS HEIRS TO ALS) 100,000 Will Declares All Attor- neys Are Expressly Ed- ucated to Rob. New York, Oct. 10 I hereby par- ticularly warn you agaist Probate Judges and attorneys-at-iaw, and sin- cerely trust you will not have oo- casion to consult or employ tlie lat- ter in regard to this instrument, was the advice given by Ezra C. Bart- lett, Who Will was filed in the Surro- gate's office yesterday, to his. heirs, who Will divide an estate valued at almost 100,000, My personal experience, Mr. Bartlett added, in dealings ocial and otherwise with lawyers has been extensive, and careful observation in other instances has convinced me that they are all dangerous crooks, only disguised, and expressly educated and trained to obtain one s confidence in order that they may defraud and rob with impunity. Mr, Bartlett's opinton of the egat traternity was record d after he had artle pomt Te ATs mamed as executrix, directing that Should she dle before him, their bro- ther, Hdwin 1. Bartlett, should be- come executor and sole beneficiary. But, though thus apparently giving ll to one person, Mr, Bartlett ex- pr ssed the wish that this person should see that the other brothers - and sisters share equally fi his es- tate. He provided'that-shou d-any of them die before him that person's share should go to the remaining brothers and sisters, not to: the chil- dren of the dead person. Eara Bartlett set.dowm that he had decided to teave all perty un- WHAT THESE NEW FACOTRIES WILL - A Y e Soateate ofr efoateateateatede- cee efoatesteatesieioste ese ste toate see te eee ee Sra sr eae aar ey ERASMUS HALL CELEBRATION, New York, Oct. 10 Public official of the State and city, togethe: wit many noted edugators, from yariot parts of the country, took part in the opening of the celebration lt; the 125th anniversary of Brasmu -Hatlhigh schoel in the flatbush sec tion of Brooklyn. The dedication lt; the new school building .took plac this afternoon and Was the first presentation of ar pageant illustrating the history. lt; New York from its firat settlemex by the Dutch down to the presen time, The celebration will continis over tomorrow, inine ills, I began t take Lydia E. Pink ham s Vegetable and Live been prolonged. : 'T deeply regret that T did not know of your medicine long before I did Friends often speak of the wonderfa change in my health, and I tell them that your medicine did it. Mrs. J.W. Straw Ley, Cheneyville, Lo, Distressing Case of Mrs. M. Gary Chicago, Il. ' I have used Lydia B fegetable Compound der the control and super ision of one person, so as to prevent my es- tate being sold or disposed. of by an administrator - NRE) Gendt paee which he had always found expen sive and vei h beneticiary Besides Annle Cora Barttet; lives at Jefome, Ariz, Mr. Bartlett left another slater, Overbrook, of Seattl a) More sea fish ment Tasty: Pinkham s V to backache and it has certainly made ney woman of me. After my first baby wa born I was left a perfect wreck. 1 wa 96, weak I could hardly do my bousebok aties and suffered with an awfal back Bat since I have used your Com i the'pains in my back have left m pound iy mother wed it. also throng Change of
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Image 650 (1912-10-10), from microfilm reel 650, (CU1772887). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.