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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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gf the range of Caps and Gloves, of which you are in immediate need. Our stock is selected from the most competent makers and is thoroughly adapted to your needs. Yougeill find quality at fair prices and some- were full of molasses. Attracts was caused by the actions of one young man who imagined one of his e fellows Was a girl and ardently made love to her. Through an accident to the trans: former by which he hoped to reduce Much mirth udienc Many ated at Opera House Last Evening the city electrical current, Corbin was unable to produce the acts call- ing for the use of electricity. expects, however, to have his appar- atua tn full working order for tonight and Saturday evening. Miss Crawford was well received * Several songs and the two Irish hild comedians earned a gen- jerous share of the applause, Mirth Caused by Hypnot- The bill offered by Corbin was the attracting an audience bd the Opera House. The of the programme was demonstration of hyp- The spectators indulged in laughs at the antics of the ie Ae opening We are showing a nice yariety of Ladies Fur Hats, also a good line of s: Hate at very moderate prices, The Misses Quinlan, LePage Bros,, Toronto St. Children are arriving every day at The Fair store. where you get service, quality and keen prices. See us before you buy your winter Blankets. We have an extra good buy. The store THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN HIGH GRADE GROCERS: AND DRY GOODS. MERCHANTS. PHONE Si.. CORNER OF OTTAWA AND SED AVE. Pails, Rolling Pins, Drying. Racks, Towel Rollers, Bakeboards, ote. Buttermakers? supplies at extra special prices: BOWLS, PRINTS, SPADES, LADLES, Etc. See our Window for Prices. J.:J. Moore Son North Railway set 129, 2000; 130, 2000; 131, 2000; 132, Phone 51 Bs McKinnon s s Ltd. 391 MAEN ST. with the exbibits at the Dry Farm- ing Congress and also with Leth- bridge. Mayor Hatch, of that city, despite the fact that he was a busy man, found time to show the Hat, City Fathers around the city: ASK FOR GENUINE Butternut Bread SWEET AS A NUT. Look for the Label. turn. Avoid Imitations. Don t be content to read about it. be convinced. * Mother s Bread ? 100K F OR THE LABEL. . PHONE 256, Try a loaf and TASSIE Thpe GOING UP FAST and Foundations Being Put in The work on the new water-works contractors have succeeded by the ald of the steam shovel they have out there in getting through with the 6x- cavation work Quickly. Part of ie construction of the building is to be that of the Ogilvie Mills, All the cer ment work Is being bound with heavy steel through the centre. At the Pre ihe Gent time there are filly 60 men at Work. They are experiencing great difficulty in securing carpenters, and eight or ten more are needed at once, PREPARING FOR WORK Mr. Dawson 1 Has Started P. H. Bartlett at Work on 3, Levels, ete. men who purchased the opera and hotel sife on Main stregt instructing go over their purchase, get. the lev- els, sewer and water mains, etc, and prepare it so that the plans may be started at once. Mr. Dawson in- structed P. H. Bartlett to do the work and it 1s expected t-hat the bullding will be started at once. , STANDING OF CONTESTANTS Interest in the 400 Piano ily. The first week of the 400 Plano Contest sees a large number of con- testants entered, but the standing as published this week may be altoget- her altered. next week. Contestants are known by number only. Votes may be obtained for all purchases at the Marshall-Mitchell . Hardware. store or at-the Daily ottice, The following is the standing for the week ending October 28ra 1, 2000; 2, 2000; 8; 2000; 4 Otte. + B7, 2000528, 2000; 29, 2000: 30, 2000; 31, 20007' 32, 2000; 38, ie ; 40, 2 00; 44, 3 , 2000; 72, 2000; 73, 2000; 74, 2000; 75, 2000; 76, 2000; 77, 2000; 98, 2000; 99, 2000; 100, 2000; 101, 2000; 102, 2000; 103, 200; 104, 2000;.105, 2000; 106, 2000; 107, 2000; 108, 2000; 109; 2000; 110, 2000; 111, 2000; 112, 2000; 113, 2000; 114, 2000; 125, 2000; 116, 2000; 117, 2000; 118, 2000; 119, 2000; 120, 2000; 121, 20007 222, 5040; 123, 2000; 124, 4000; 126, 9660; 126. 2000; 127, 2000; 128, 2000; 144, 2000; 145, 2000; 14 2000; 148, 2000; 149, 200 LIKES AT BEST Mayor Spencer Pleased With Dry ry Baeminie Cok gress Exhibit, Mayor Spencer was much taken It is a a city, said the Ma; e-always said every time 1 go away, 1 am just a little more Pleased with our own city whea I re- The Santa Fe Railroad says that as result of its safety habit eam- paign among its employees the num ber of accidents has decreased 26 per cent. within-the last ten months. During last August: the Toronta (Canada) Street Ratlwaymen s talon, eprolied one-hundred Rew. mi fourty-towr left: the radiway Be thres 4, WATER WORKS PLANT /99 AS lt; gt; ee eee Mrs, . J. Bajetal held cine mest Donde a Sra ae and, All Excavation Work Done re tie aemees Mrs. Me, we Donald assisted in receiving and Mru. * Thos J. Taylor ushered the to the dining room. The assivtents Refused. in the dining room were Mrs. Nelson me Spencer, Mrs. 1. Cosens; the plant to the west of the city, 18 be- McPherson, Miss Cosens, Miss Jarr- ing rushed along at a great rate. The ott, Miss Glyde McLaren. Little Spencer made a guests Misses, Myrtle charming door-keoper, Ins. Shoebotham of cement work has been started. The Police, is Medicine - very heavy, and along similar lines to trip, OW HOTEL AND OPERA) oo, sun. ax the city this moming. and 8 . S. Potter to Eiko, B. Mr, T. F. Dawson this morning re- , Bhs Tamia cb wit ceived a wire from the New York Thanksgiving night. Miss Reid goes to Calgary tonight him to have a surveyor end engineer lt; spend Thanksgiving Day. The First . Baptist Church holding their Anniversary Sunday, Oct. 27th, when Rev. Blundell will preach. will exchange for real estate. Contest Growing Stead- ao to Hotson Sas are being held in Alexandra School for foreign borm each night of the weck from 80. At Toronst Street School for English-speaking students On Monday, Wednesday . and Friday, from 7.30 to 9.30. Technital Training .Classes at Toronto Street Schoo October 29th, and will be held: thereafter on Ties days and Thursdays of week from 7.80 to 9.80. lasses will be in charge Mr. Bailey, director of. Manual Training in the city schools. ba opened If you want something good and up-to-date, I can supply your needs, T have 23 houses of var- ious sizes. Attractive. in appearance- and. Special attention given to the Almost half of these homes are sold already. See me personally and get first-hand informa- W. A. ROSEWARNE Montreal Street. Phone 800. Tayout inside. A FEW SNAPS SOUTH YUILL Three 50 ft. lots near Ogilvie 300 ft corner, Columbia Aves NORTH YUL 50 ft, Block 18, (Bridge St.) CENTRAL PARK 50 ft, Block 7, 60. ft, Block 3, corner, Block 15, ( 1400. tt facing Park; 600. SCHOOL ANNEX lock 24, 1100. adjoixing sae RIVERSIDE 80 ft, on Broadway, 900. 506x250 on river, 2,000, H.C. PETTET CO. Four Quebec capitalists wore the city yesterday and looked number of different properties, ing shown around by Mr, 'T. Son. They looked o large. of property and offered.A Gash : the Mounted probably the largest 6 fom any to Many Berries and Daas vieosiae eee on am inspeotion Hat, but it was refused*by the, rr. They left last night for the, West. Spamalot : Alex Mr. ode ing to for ander Johnstone Gorrie, Shires, a aE imtea eee a: Doble, of Quebec City, . MreJuscher- 2.8 Fass pro 6 cau is a brother of the ir of Public Works of Quebec. Mr. Gor- rie Ia the frat Superliitendent of ON. R. cousis AND SISSONS are cet Block , Lots 28-29, 1050. Terms. Block 4, Lots 25-26, 900 a pr. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 800 a pr. 5000. Terms. TOWNSITE GAS CITY REALTY Co. MEDICINE HAT Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and + Plate Glass Insurance. i Athabasca Landing 160 Acres First-Class Land Adjoining property selling 150 and 200 per 25 ft. lot. Will sacrifice for quick sale, 150 PER ACRE. 96,000 CASH, BALANCE ONE AND TWO YEARS. A GENUINE SNAP. CM NER 282 24th Ave. East, Snaps CENTRAL PARK 900 pr., Block 9. 400 pr. Block 27. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX 1100 pr,,-5-6, Block 20, View lots, worth 1800, COUSINS AND SISSONS 660 pr., south half of 28, OLD TOWNSITE 4400, 1-2, Block 50, Braemar St 100 ft. corner. 5500, Lots 16 and 17, Block 84, with house, 25,000 for 100 ft. Block 22. 35,000: for 180x120 corner Montreal and Sth Ave. 1450, Lot 14, Blook 82. 3,500, Lot 3, Block 11, Main St. Nort. St. South, worth 10,000. COTTAGES 2700, Cottage, 5 rooms, lot 50x180, South Ywill. Snap. 8000, House and barn, lot 50x 130, corner Montreal and 6th Ave. Phone 481. M8 Toronto St. B.F.SOUCH, Phm.B. DRVG STORE, TORONTO ST. + QUEBEC CAPITALISTS : LOOKING OVER CHTY (7222 . 8weue eraaners 'Made- Big-Cash Offer. For Piece of Land But Was ucoday orening, O3. 20th, at 6 o'clock, a card party willbe given hy the young ladies of St. Patrick's Se Ae comer of s Allowance. svo All. who attend will be assured a Sound lovesinens Block 32, Lots 17-20, 640 a pr. Block 29, Lots 25-26, 800 a pr. SAI Block 27, Lots 34-38, 700 a pr. Housea for sale on easy payments HERALD Block 8, Lote 8, 4 and half of 5, Batt 1100, Terms. Block 5, Lots half 48, 49, 50, Block 7, Lot 16, 750, Terms. Bloek 82, Lot 20, 1500. Terms, Block 82, Lot 19, 1600. Terms. Block 84, Lot 24, 1875. Terms. 410 Main St. Phone 695. Selected. 500 for S0x186, Block 33. - 700 pr., Block 28, 5,000, Lot 7, Block 52, Main REALTY REVIEW Success is the Pride of Endeavor Muscle is the. cheapest commodity on the market one lar and a half per day. Brains the most expensive, 75,000 per year to tho C. PB. B, President, A peep into the future bespeaks street cars for Medicine Hat and rapid increases in reaity values. The mass of men who utilize thelr think box (the commodity that gets the money) aro buying heavily. now in WESTOVER PARK There's no. use working forever when little investment in Westover Park will start you on the road to wealth. The path of success is the path of common sense, We specialize in Business Properties, the We are City Agents for all lines of Steamships, Now, 4s the time to book for Xmas Sailings, PERRY, SEWELL PERRY REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL BROKERS. Montreal St. Bakery MITCHELL'S HOME-MADE. BREAD REPRESENTS THE HIGHEST TYPE OF BREAD MADE. ONE TRIAL WILL CONVINCE YOU. PHONE 560. TORONTO'S DRINK RECORD) EW ARcHrTECr. W. H. Bourne Has Has Openca am Office in the Becker Block. In Hleven Toate Drunken- ness Has Increased 350 wy. y. pours, ARIBA, who re- Per Cent. in the City. cently arrived in Medicine Hat, has opened offices at Room 22, : Becker (CW. A. P, Dispatch) building. Mr. Bourne is a methber of Toronto, Oct. 25. The Plotiee , the Royal Institute of British -Archi- the officlal organ of temperance here, tects and before leaving for Canada gives figures showing the convictions bad practised for himself in the Old for crime in Canada since 1901, Country for thirteen years. Located Drunks have increased in Canada in the city of Darlington during the from 12,215 yearly to 24,080: greater part of his career, Mr: Bourne Drtnkenness has increased almost Was the architect for numerous hand- 83-Der cent. in the 41 years, In To- some and pretentious buildings, -in- Tonto in the one year, from 1919 to cluding Ubraries, schools, hotels, rail 1911, the cases for disorderly condtict way stations and many beautiful res- and drunkenness increased over 2,000. dences.. Mr. Bourne stopped for a, In 11 years drunkenness has increas- short time in Calgary but was pre- d in Toronto by 350 per cent. valled upob to come to this city, Where a greater amount of buildiag Plumbers and Steamfitters Int r- is taking place than in any ee Part national Union has increased its of. Alberta. membership by six thousand in a Sie cee ae year, The total membership The Dally News delivered in the 30,000. lelty-ae month. MONEY TALKS WE have Eastern customers who desire to purchase inside property. IF you have any to sell come in and Hear the Conversation H. W. IRELAND. i. 8. ELLIS, A. T. CLAXTON fhe Medicine Hat Security Co. ie -ROOM 4, BECKER BLOCK. PHONE 305. APPLES Nova i Gravensteins : NOW IN STOCK BARRELS i lt; v 3 a fo 0 9 Messrs M. Andrews ha deal where property . Hodder, on ner of Four planade, I the Avenue the Esplana price paid, im the neigh The corner NO BOAR CPR Department Not App for Freig ME Will President W. A. Ottawa, Oct. ot Labor has board of concil P, R. Co. and Railway Eniplo 5,000 men in tl way, A comm has been sent the Brotherhoo decision, the + men state, wil final, and furth be made to th company has the men as, a A further con Aster of Labor- ing but he att - Tanke any state Deputy Minis stated however, mo change in th partment is sti termination not The departme: Teasons for not Tt is understoo: included in the way Employees claims that it a year for the inquiry and plar 2 ite eee + APPOINT? ae - (Ww. A. * Ottawa,-0 WG, Haul new chief j preme Cou ewan snec tice Wetmo: stood that t cil. was pas: theorizing t and will be Governor-Ge heb bebebebeb bh + + + * + i
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Image 766 (1912-10-25), from microfilm reel 766, (CU1772918). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.