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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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with these blue white silk, with gt; the simplest gs. of black silic. y, as he gazed at athing-sults, up 2 of. the creation t-Christian one, see if you don t he universe and that he had ex- ed. aoe to him; and, in and the. undu- their soft move- t of flower pet- vanity of a pea- t, th hardness elty of a tiger, erof 2 jay, and ashtri created SE eee aek eee bbe y Hi Bread y that Mother It's so good try it, you'll see bothering with y longer... take a rest for a gt; us supply: the ink you'll ike : Bread as well perhaps. better. RDSON, MGE. TED + lvance CANADA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 10, 1912 AILY EDITION A Po AND . AP, Nye. YELEGHAPEIC SERVI ontenegro Has Lead Zurks Forced co Relinquish Advantageous Outer Posi- tion Near Podgritza to Enemy King Nicholas Son Fires First Big Gun Fight Starts Punctually at 8 am. and Military Band Plays National Anthem As Forces Go Into Action King Nicholas is in Camp To-Morrow Night City Council Wants to Know Whether or Not Ratepayers Are in Favor of Granting Franchise or Whether They Want to Stick to Municipal Ownership. A mass meting of the:citizens of the city will be held in the City Hall tomorrow (Friday) night to discuss the Street Railway matter. The council, fi alling-the meeting, decided that they would not at this time discuss the various clauses of the-agrement, but would hold meeting at a later date for this purpose. Tomorrow night s meeting is just with the object. of finding out the the mimicipal 0 question. willing to have the matter go through said the Mayor, or whether they want The meeting. will open at 8.o'clock. feeling of the citizens in regard to We want to know if the citizens are if we can get a good agreeme to stick to municipal ownershi, So that the citizens can have an ides of the main points of the agree- ment 8 proposed, the- News agaia-produces brte synopsis: of the main clauses. They. are: 4 1. Franchise. tobe for twenty years. 2 Gity may take aver entire system at actual value of tangible: pro- perty. , 3, Failing agreement as to value question to be settled by arbitration. 4 Assessment subject to present system of taxation. 5. After first five years Company to pay City annually 5 per cent of gross-earnings. of entire system, 6.. Compatiy fo begin active constructive operations within 6 months of passing of by-law. Three miles to be in operation Six miles in twelve: months. Nine miles. in twenty. months. 7. Before construction all plans to be approved by city. 8. Gas for power and operation of system shall be purchased from City at.5 cents per 1,000 cubic feet. within nine months. 9. City shal not grant authority to any other individual, firm or cor- Boration right to operate street railway Teference to interurban railway. 10. All power houses, generating limits of the city. 3 11. Company to run cats at intervals hours of 6 and 24 o'clock. 12. Charges for fares shall be not 6 for 25c; in city except as provided for with stations, etc., to be situated within as requested by City between the more than: Single fare, 5 cents, or Workmen's tickets, 33 for 1.00; school children under fifteen, 40 Hiekets: for 1.00 Free transprtation to policemen, postmen and firemen in uniform. 15. All disputes between City and tration boar: Generalization vs. Specialization Company to be settled by an arbi- ne IT Big Contest on at Alexandra School Hottest Election In the History of the City Voting Today. The liveliest place in town today is the Alexandra High School. The whole student body ia impatiently awaiting the on-coming elections. When the ballots are counted this, afternoon; the tale will-be Early in the term it was decided to carry on the literary work-in true collegiate style. In order to do this two political bodies were organized, viz: The Old Lits and The Progres- sives. Ralph Forster was chosen a5 leailer of the Old Lit party, while Barrie Glover was to hold the whip over the Progressives. The parties met in caucus, discuss- ea the needs of the society, weighed their resources, drew up and pre- sented their party platform to, the electorate body. The Old Lit platform has among its number the following planks: (1) Those upholding old established Lit- erary Soclety procedures; bi-weekly meetings of the, society; (3) Those favoring the in- trodnetion of outside talent to sup- Those which. promise debates at 60 per cent. of the regular meetings; (5) One. advocating the appointment of a scribe to report school news. The Progr ssive platform denoun- ces these, principles 982-aske: (1) That we donot follow precedent but only; hold those offices. Generalization. sressives ia Specialization. In First Real Battle) tions in which Montenegrin guns had been placed the night before. . Stronz detachments were held in reserve should the Turkish forces prove larger than the reports of the scouts indicated. TURKS HAD TO RETIRE. fective was proved by tirement of the Turks. After ari. At two o'clock the Turks Iand- ed-troops on the shore of Lake Scutari, near the Montenegrin front- ier. A general engagement followed, and was still in progress at 5 o'clock in the afternoon over an extensive front. Crown Prinee Daniells, Mon- tenegrin, is commander-in-cltief. GREECE WILL PROBABLE MOVE London, Oct. 10. Another day has elapsed without, so far as is known. any extension of the Balkan war. The early rumors that Bulgaria and Servia have declared war are not confirmed. None of the embassies or legations-in - London last might had heard of any developments since Montenegro made her hostile declara- (3) For better organization on in Glee and Dramatic Club work; 4) That the critics re marks do not find a place on the pro- gramme; (5) That those best fitted for positions on th executive; shall The slogan of the Old Lit: party is That ofthe Pro- Several open meetings were called, at whieh time the leaders and can- idates made known the strong polnts tion. It may be assumed that -while making some show of defence to- wards the. powers intervention, the Balkan states are busily engaged in completing the concentration of their forees. The King of Greece returned to may indicate sty fecha easigst el Suu cag anc rene WATER EINK RULES tami danore than delighted with what 1 hookenssnvw. Servian army coming ui fhe No further details of actual rave been received. RUSSIA NOT MOBtLIZING. lization of her army. understood that Germany will states should War ensue. of Ottoman arms. 1,000,000 FROM ESCAPE TAX. Constantinople, Oct. 10. The am- bassadors have not as yet held any communication with the Porte and the Balkan representatives profess still to be without structions, Thus the situation appears to be ub- mobilization of the is being carried change. The Turkish army with remarkable smooth ness. The tax to escape military ser- days. will immediately take the offensive. Athens, Greece. Oct. of the platform, giving reasons why his residence last night he said: each student should support them. There will Not be another chance to argue from the platform, for the elec- tions are being held today. At last night's meeting a commit- see. that poll- and ;, ballots, batlot boxes, etc., pencil be-ready-and that returning officers, etc. be in the Ottoman empire. poll clerks, scrutineers, their respective places on time plement the talent of the school; (4) No trouble is being spared by both jectures atid) sides to score few more votes in the sbort time that remains. As far as can be calculated, the sides are this means that there will be a bitter fight right to the Inet Up to time of writing no) Candidate hasbeen -accused-of drib- about even, minute. ir play rules tne game. The crowd grected words with . cries ply was word for whieh he had already said STRONGER-EFFORTS FOR Be PEACE. Constantinople; Oct: (Continued on page twelve) Athens yesterday and some definite move may be expedted on the part of Greece Ih is sugested that the Montenegrin advance on the frontier the intention of that The Russian Government has is- sued a denial of the reported mobi- Russia de- clares that all the reserves called up: for test have been dishanded. It is pro- tect Turkish subjects in the Ballcans Constantinople, Oct. 10. The Suk tan went to Top Kapu Palace today to pray over the relies of the pro- phet treasured there for the success vice has brought 1,000,000 to the wational exchequer in the last few ROUMANIA REMAINS NEUTRAL. London, Oct. 10. The Times de- sphtch from Sofia says thatthe Re- umanian Government has given Bul- that We specialize in ideas and meth- garia explicit assurance of her mev- of ods of our own; (2) That outside tal- trality, couched in the most friendly ent be sought for the open meetings language. The Turkish Government made great but unsudcebstul efforts in September to secure the co-opera- tion of Ecrumania. The next move will be a formal declaration pire t whereapon the Bulgarian army, i e ee Sabtah nce oa Bea Bee wie Term as Governor-General GREEK PREMIER Bg cihae rears te ead of Wales Visit in 10 Greek Premier. Elefterio Venizilos, still hopes for peace. Addressing a great crowd which gathered: outside T still hope that peace will be maintained. Our allies do not de- ask for also corresponds to the in- terests of the neighboring empire a first and indes- for the peaceful coexistence of the Balkan peoples end Prince of Wales and Prince Albert the premicr s of the Duke's term will be very pop- of hurrah for ular fn Canada. war, upon which M. Venizilo's re- word with that cine Hat, Questioned being a day abedd of time, Mr. Sifton explained that in his ff about tho country be 2 answer 36 ininy ques- fons relative to Medicine Hat's ld Gevelopment that he took . the first opportunity available, stace Mis return from the East, fo seckjthe fountain head and thoroughly post Kimselfon the teent-of igetr industrial sin. this city, . Accompanied by Hon. . R. Mitchell, he visited the various: manufacturing Im therafternoon the vtwer Ministers aitoed to Red- elit, wit Onobis returmijourney to the West, the Premier had occas- fon to meet Sir Wm. MeKen- zie and General Manager Mc- Leod, of the Canadian Northera Railway and) states that in the course of his conversation i . with these gentlemen in regard to rallroad development in Al- berta.. both spoke of Medicine Hat as a point to which they were most anxious to extend thelr system at the carllest possible moment, When asked as to the date upon which the Legislature would convene, Mr, Sifton made his first definite official an- nouncement in this regard, stating that the members would not be summoned to as- semble until the new year, by which time the retarns- from the various departments for 1912 would be fally made up for the twelve months and would therefore be im the most satisfactory shape for analysis by the House, GE, FOR DUKE May Ve Extended so He Will Be in Canada for wu. 5 (COA. P, Cable) London, Og. 10. It is almost cer- fain that the Duke of Connaught s ing Trath snys: It is very the Cauadian Government when the visit Canada in 1914. ..The extension ENGINEER KILLED, Five Others Hurt. When Rigler went to right field and O Lough passenigor heavy fog. term in Catada will extend another sire to make conquests and what we year says Truth, which generally grain. Is reliable in such matters, Continu- gots the direct benefit of the plan. able that he should be at the head of of Rube Marquard Battle Each Allowed Seven Hits ers Weakness in Spots Lost Game. But One Error Marked Game Boston Inf Wonderful Fight and Robbed McGra: Sure Hits Tomorrow in New York. The Giants made it one all today by play-off of, the, second game of the wor Boston, after. the game beifig called yest with the score standing 6 all. a Rube Marquet ate predict at he would go to pieces: by hit Buek O Brien s gilt-ed, 2 his own position saved the ful trimming; lt;p 10.0 1-0 FIREMAN INJURED) 232220 Oo on nea ret ; Umpires: Evans behind the bat Train Leaves Track Near field. Mansfield, Ohio. Chicago, Oct. 10. Engineer Rana - Hie eet fens; HOOPER, xf. fatally injured and five were hurt in the wreck of a Baltimore. and Ohio passengdr train before 6 o'clock this (LE WIS, Lf. morning. Running near Mansfeld, GARDNER; 3b. Ohio, between Chisago and. .New QTAHL, 1b, York, it ran into a cutroff of empty WAGNER; cars which has been left standing on. 4 SS. the track by a switch engine only a) CARRIGAN, ec. liftle while before, and which could) O'BRIEN, p. not, be-seon' by the engineer of the x train on account of a Pirst Innings * ee ae pee pea i York Devore singled. after exe. i hey three bali tw e Were sgaly ahaken po . Tua aeeldet casa ae to ie hit and rua play. o stealing, Carrigan to Wagner, bellig: Dlocked six teet off the bag. Snod- Stags flied to Speaker. No one hit, no errors. RATES FOR EAST Boston Hooper flied) out to Flet- cher, Marquard has good speed and . New York Fietcher took his al . fast breaks Yerkes balls, O'Bri unsteady Official of G, No H.. Says tue arowea: cnoared Speaker aw he sould fot control ila molat ball Freight Schedule. Would,-came to the piate. Speaker out, Doyle quard sacrificed, O'Brien to Otherwise Be Higher een No runs, no hits, no er- Devore fanned. Doyle line 6 Stab , No Fins, no There. f Second Innings, Boston ca: igs ee carriage will draw up. been arts Three autos will precede the Duke's with Supt. Hay dictions: carriage for conveyance of party and AS the carriage draws up to ut New York -Murray out Ottawa, Ont., Oct. 10. The Rail - right, Merkle sacrificed and a i way Board yesterday delvedinto s0- O'Brien to Stahl, Murray. went tol other mass of facts and figares'sub-)-third om the play. Murray scored on mitted by the C.-P. R. in conection Herzog s sactifice fly to Hooper with its defence of its ,western whose throw to the pinie falled t freight ratifis in the western rates catch the a case. The C. P..R. did not close its : ease but towards the end of the sit- 2 ting witnesses for the company mere T M i 7 P, lace to. Mr, D. B. Hanna, Vice S . President of tho . No R. system, o Orrow Ss - rogramme. who was being examined by F. H. - The Ducal trein will be drawn up) fore preceding. the Duke's, who i at 10.40 a.m. Car thts pointe wntid Abatiparty rebut form immediatel ite th ae seats form i iately opposite the pas- eee a te. ae fate sage-way leading to N. Railway St 5 situa z 4 5 rs phay- if it was not for the competition fags capa cena Salute and at interval eastern tated would be increased. He tbe at where merry St eee Proce eae G slared Hat) int many. ways the sae raone se fn or two selections. cost of operstion is higher in the 17 a. i west, notably on account of the wea- ther conditions, the higher range of wages, and the greater cost of fuel. re i Continuing at this morning's ses- city officials. form the children massed ai sion Mr. Hanna commented on tho The platform will be roped off 21 point arranged will sing six bar fact that there is a great demmmd in fect from edge to enable trainmemto the National Anthem. Wher Saskatchewan and Alberta. for signal and will also be roped 0) arty take their places on the ranch lines. Branch lines did not cach side of. the passage way lead- form Rule Britanaia -will be pay, howover, and 2 portion of the ing to N. Railway. street. by, the children, followed by the cost of operation must be taken from The Veterans wi- form up on each mony of laying the foundation the earnings of the main lines. . If side of the carpet-runner, but fail the branch Hines demanded were of the carpet square square, abo two Paces . Sisson giving names, serviee and engagements. gists of the 9 departure from the outlined, drawing up-at the given by Colonel Sis Hall where H. R. H. will again o4 ter his carriage and proved te -will then be railway: station, preceded as belo in the Western United States. The The route The rates are framed on the basis commenced to three antos. making the lowest possible charge On arrival AI other details such as dee the-chief-product of the country, sare Band formed . up/on left fiank tions, platform building, arr The farmer is the man who will play six. bats ofthe Nationa ment of route are im the hands Anthem. Autos; after ocenpants special committoss. Mr. Harma then turned to the cost alight, will draw up in front of Fire H. STEWART, operation. In reeent years, he Hall to ace crowding and await Chairman Programme said, wages had heen steadily going termination of proceedings. i : si up inte cites had been coming After occupants of fit ebb bere down. Since 1905 the pay of con- riage alight, the carriage will be ductors had increased by 22 per cent; taken away and brought - REDCLIFP S NEW BANK The Duchess of year, In the autumn Connaught and per cent; shop employes, 33 per cent: Princess Patricia are coming to Eng-) and Innd for a few weeks? visit in April Hanna then informed the Board that) of next year, , They will visit the in 1896, when the Canadian Northern Oi Crown Prin e and Princess of Swe- commenced business, the gross earn: Si m at Stockholm, and it 's probable ings of the 4- More that the tatter sill-sisit Canada next 22,600,000 and the 28 per cent; firemen, 22 City Halk da 45 minutes tor the pur- * hs t the Duke back to the * Te Merchants Bank engineers, despatehers, 26 per cent. Mr. Horm and take mp theiy Hor the balance of. the . roo atitos as ber Canadian Pacific were up at net earnings. pas Sra 8,006;000-
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Image 648 (1912-10-10), from microfilm reel 648, (CU1772893). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.