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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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their geveral systete Of tomencla-) ture. t It Nqoks ike IWGk Of backbone to Iet anybody change Fou after you mlnd, replied Fall is Here AND,S0- 18 HOUSE CLEANING TE ePAGE BROS. have g idde up your 5 THE ONE-PRICE CASH STORE J)? eter w fe ook Superintendent Hayg at this. dune- By: ore VACUDE PROS ire rose to ask If the, tfustes would ) ORSS, Nine Less HAN THE rd have the name changed now and gol OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER e back on the request made at the lay- l WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON of the Yell, it hasn't been called that returned the trustee Jamieson, THE FLOOR ANY TAKE OUT ALL GERMS. WITHOUT OR TEAR TO CARPETS. Gas City Vaouum Cleaning Co. i Phone 707 O.1-1m J. LARSON, Manager, WEAR yet. His consent has only been asked. I wouldn't be changed in Such a mat- ter, There is nothing to be gained, by waiting dntil every man in town has gelected his winter snit he- ' fore choosing yours. In? E STYLE-CRAFT TAILORED CLOTHES It would at least be Very discour- said Superintendent Hay, Well, we might as well strike that motion from the books then, replied trustee Jamieson. Whereupon the board fell to won- dering whether the motion was really on the books at all. Trustee Turpin delved in the. big book for a time and eventually discovered that there MEDICINE MA LiVERY COMPANY i : ee a rion was a motion desling with one of the) General Feed bles. we will show you the most attractive garments ever, schools, bit It did not stipulate in 86 double outfits of all descriptions Beautiful in design, with all the new season s many words that the schools should sale ot Ue eo Re time re ; ant in finis E ; Ned after the streets. e undertake aking. eurves worked in; elegant in finish, handsome inifa- He ee aie oon er snaae the ten- Uon of exprese delivery by horsa OF tomobile... Enquiries soll lted by day ot night. Phone 703. . City Of Me brie, perfect in fit, and always at moderate prices. Suits at 15.00, up to 25.00. tative suggestion that the City Coun- cll be asked to take measures to re- name the Street Connaught Avenue. It was pointed out, however, that it was probable all the streets would soon be numbered, Then it dawned on the board that even though the) school had b en named after the street, the whole matter might be overturned and the name be useless.) Well, I am satisfied that this: be made an exception, but I want the policy to stand, declared Trustee Jamieson, He added that street names for the schools made it easier to find the buildings. Superintendent Hay. pointed out Connaught School to Keep Proposed Name) 222- : ed the authorities. Some. of the schools in Toronto were named after streets, but many of them were called after people. i Trustee Smyth Snally moved that the action in requesting permiesion dicine Hat ROS. a 388 Toronto St. LePAGE B Phone 28. a t tres Voters List: The atientlon of any person wish- ing to have hig qr her name added to or removed, from the Voters List, as prepared, 5 called to the following extractffrom the City Charter: Any petson who has been resi- dentin the aity in the then cur- rent year prior to, the first day of July and continuously since and who is otherwise duly qualified but whose hame does not appesr on the voters list, or who by er- ror ia not assessed on: the roll high enough' to be qualified as a Yoter, of Whose name ix put down in error, or whose name has Yeen omitted from: the last revised as- sessement roll, may either by him- self or his agent, apply to have the voters list amended upon giv- ing to. the City Clerk notice in Discussion airman, Mr. Nelson had hardly, Stated that he could hot consent to the Proposal when the question was thrown into. the arena. After Long S School Board Determines to Follow. Reeent Re- e Ef would not name a school after : to name the building the Connaught 3 the King of-England, declared trus- e Connau Question Bobbed up After tee Jamieson. Schook, be ratified, This was pissed. Jocular Suggestion That , S es were turned quickly in his New Building Be Named Sy. CHIEF JUSTICE . We lald down 4 policy, that the for Chairman. Schools should be called after the 4 ' strebts on which they face, eoitin- MOSS BURIED aa ae the followingform: i Men Take notice that I intend to ied: Jamieson. And J icant Tasted slightly over three days: the fie tae Ontario's. Leading Copnaught Scheot, apa fet Chap ee etn ee eee 4 apply: to che, Gounefl to have. my new Connaug . permission should baye been asked Turn Out to Pay ft name aatentty cae votors list tor high lights in the revent reception toffn this case until the proposal had - spe ts to Departed. as the case may-be), for the fol- the Governor-General, almost lost its been brought before the board. There Ara sth, (eee sie a to, Ont, Oct. 14 Amid every . FMS Ate or Avbothaite sign (Of the great respect in which name last night. a motion on the books dealing with Ne Wad held by his fellow e After a brief period of calm, which Name of Appellant: Signature of Agent: Notices served upon the City Cleric under the above clause shall be serv- edon or before the 25th day of: Oc- or The question was not down om-the this question. When J have my, order paper, but. the Sehoo . Board) mind made up I haye it/made up. wrested with it vivaclously for a p r- What ig tie use of making a palicy, fod. In the end it was rule that'the and then, on the first o sefon, bend- M* ae ee Justice a mame stould remain, so Connaught ing Uke Willows before th wind? con Seat cate ae School it will be. p The trast es didsnot appear. to here . a ERIE. the Waeniveraite of the York Law and kal associations paid there The problem bobbed to:the-si hig question, . tribiite Of appreciation of th life and in a charmingly unex je ate Chief Suistice of + During a lst in the trustee jocuiarly of the new schools b nam the Nelson School, as a'tribute to the ; a WE i BOTH LOSE MON NIBBS ve Se bf 4 Is af the Assiniboia Hotel IN; all this week. 3 gh aes : oo men. f - -WE EARNED 25 PER CENT. 8 2 : Ss . RS e on paid in Capital from Jan. 1st to J uly 1st. Hees 9 2s ms ? Pe its to ret Sot fost S 2 5 eS lt; 2 Pe mo Seats 2 cS oageat Agents for Royal Insurance Co. TO. COAL MINERS PETRIFIED Cases, stoves, musical instruments sies, harness, sold. Apply to the Harvard Tafloring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland. theatre. Phone 295, The Best Prices Paid for the above: Pingle,. Wales - Bell avenne; near Postotiios PHONE Zi, Block 3 and 6, 800 ea, i HERALD Block 17, 735 per pair. Block 8, 800 per pair. COUSINS SISSONS -Block 31, corner, pair; 700, Block 24, 750 pair. CENTRAL PARK Block 17, 875 per pair. Riverside, on Broad- way, close in, 1,000 per pair. Riverdale Dandy riv- er lots, continuation of Esplanade. Only 250 each. NORTH YUILL Block 2, 50 ft, for 1,600, terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 28, 50. ft., for 600, terms, Block . 18, 900 pair, terms. RIVERSIDE Block 7, facing river, 875 pair. E: Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dominion aud Alberta, Land Suryeyo: Industria Spur Rallways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation ; Plans. Etc. Room 14, Imperial Bank Bulldtng. Bat Phone 4 REAL ESTATE OAKES, EVERARD CO, 365 1-2 Main St, Phone 656. Real Estate tor: Drug Co, St. Sold at Pingle s Drag Store. Houses for sale om easy payments or will exchange for real estate. Ap- ply to Hotson and Leader. 54-tf AUCTIONEERS Situations Wanted, Help. wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these beadings. 25 words, one day . a6 25 words, three days bo 5 words, efx days .. ..81.00 Additional words at ame tate: No aq accepted for tesa than 26 cents. h:tmust, aocompany, the order. Phoue your ad to No, 13 ring 2, aid wilf' receive attention, 10,00 DAMER WATCH, CAMERA, DOMINION TRADE EXTENSION BU- REAU, 2 Vendome Block, eg 5 WANTED A TIDY, RESPECTIBLE girl for room-mate. Apply 408 1-2 Main. 81-3 ANY SMALL JOBS OF CONTRACT- ing, either carpentering, painting, la boring, plumbing, engineering, ate., Will be indertaken by the undersign ed. Estimates given. Patrick Muc- Court, 728 Third Ave., or general de very, city postoftice. 82-6 WANTED GENERAL SERVANT, Highest wages paid. Appiy Mrs. Dr. Slack. 84 WANTED. AT ONCE DAINTY GIRL Yor general house work. Apply Mra, G. W. H. Simpson, Central Park. 82-6 HELE WANTED. WANTED FOUR . FIRST CLASS carpenters, 50c an hour, Winter's work guaranteed. McLaughlin Mclean, Redclitt., 82-4 WANTED AT ONCE YOUNG MAN under 85, speaking Polish and Ital- ian, as interpreter. Can make 50 per week. Roomt.4, News. block. Office open evenings. 82-1 SHINGLERS WANTED APPLY A. Dickinson; Hotel Cecil. 81-8: A CAPABLE MAID FOR GENERAL house work. 25.00 month. Apply 419 Main St. 81-8 WANTED SBRVANT GIRL. .APPLY 601 Montreal St. 81-3 WANTED A SMART GIRL, CAPA- ble of taking care of baby in the af- ternoons. Apply 711 Esplanade. 81-tf WANTED SOLICITOR TO SELL shirts. Apply room 3, News block. itt TWO GORDON PRESS FEEDERS watited at. once. Apply to foreman News Job Department. tt ae SERVANT WAN APPLY TO Mrs. B. B, Lively, Main St 78tt) WANTED SERVANT TO DO GEN- ERAL house work. Maid to help care for young children, eldest five Years. Apply to 801 Toronto street. s 75-tf. BRICKLAYERS WANTED ON THE Ogilvie Flour Mill job, Wednesday morning. Telephone 787, Job Office, or Assiniboia Hotel ev. adian Stewart Co, Limited. 15-tt. ss . WANTED AT ONCE A GENERAL servant. Apply 132 Montreal St. Mra. James Cain. 15-tt, WANTED -CARPENTERS, LABOR- ers and teamsters. Apply A. P. Burns Contracting Co. i mite) Coulee Mines to sub-let for the win- ground. Ho MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUP AND JUNK, The above hav: on hand the best selection of Becom and a nice. new line of winter goods We buy everything mentioned abov and pay the best prices. Call at 60- South Rallway St. or Phone 587, v WANTEDOLADIES AND GENT cast-off clothing, shoes, watches jeweiry, guns, revolvers, valises, su furniture. Democrat waggons, bug Dieyeles. carpente todla, ete., raw hides and furs, hors: hair, wool and f thers, bought an P. 0, box 358 WANTED Laborers by the; Canad- jan Stewart Co, 30c per hour Apply Ogilvie Mill site Mott WANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job: Boarding camp on site. Canadian Stewart Co; Lad. Sse 33-e logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen 20date MAID WANTED APPLY GEnERAL Hospital. Git ee WANTED 20 FIRST CLASS Miii- wrights. Highest wages paid, Apply to Medicine Hat Milling Co, 0-tf. Peo he ee WANTED HALL GIRL. APPLY housekeeper, Assinibia Hotel. So aaas BOOMS TO RENT. TO RENT RED SITTING ROOM; also bedroom; suit two gentlemen. Close in. 426 Toronto Street. 81-3 leis FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT IN jodern house.- Every convenience. 5 minutes walk trom depot, Abply 201 Balmoral St TWO FURNISHED ROOMS rent in fully modern house. Apply 215 Toronto St. FOR QUICK SALE, ONE ENAMEL bed, ong mantle-bed, and toudh. Ap- ply 280 Montreal St. 4 883 TO RENT AT ONCE, TWO FURN- ished toom, with all cunyenfences, 10 minutes walk from city or without board. -Gen lemen pre- ferred. Apply phone 559. 82-3 BARN TO RENT. BARN TO RENT APPLY 143 BRA- emar St. 82-8 or suitcase, tree of cost. If you are interested, get pafticulara from THE at Sugar Bowi, a icine eh Ny s1-6 925 REWARD THE ABOVE WiLL, SUPUATIONS WANTED. ATION BY COUPLE to Gare for tock, or oversee on Fanch for winter months, Address hox 1982. Nows. ottice, stating wages. 32-3 ee eT ROOMS AND ROARD WANTED Ss WANTED s1 WANTED ROOM AND BOARD iN private family. Apply, box 1380: News offive 48-6 ROOMS WANTED, s WANTED SMALL FURNISHED house for five montiim, of 2 house Keeping room. No children: State terme, Address vox: 1879, Newa of- ge 86 WANTED BY A YOUNG MARRIED coupls, no children, a furnished: house for winter, or room and board Jn. private family. Apply box 188t, Ne office, STORAGE WANTED ee WANTED STORAGE FOR Eonkes Shed-or any king round. Oy box 18, olty. WANTED TO BUY WANTED MILCH COW: A. P. Burns, Esplanade. WANTED TO BUY Buliding lots ia Old Survey, Herald: or. Central Park. - Glve prices, terms, ete.,to P. (O.Box 510.Owners only-need apply. : fee oc B8+th WANTED CLEAN -, COTTON. RAGS. Apply 877 Esplanade. cote LOST AND FOUND Sarees ee LOST BLACK COCKER SPANIEL puppy, 2 white spots on breast, bob- tailed. Good reward. Box 52, Medi- cine Hat. 81-3 eS eee LOST SMALL BLACK PURSE CON- taining about 25.00, in 4 or 5 dollar bills and loose change. Apply 200 Ottawa St. Mrs: H, Harksell. 78- a eReRY 8 Taree ae STRAYED - ONE DARK BROWN mare, white, star in forehead. Weight about 900 ls. Brand on hip. Also one yearling colt, follows mare. Re- ward. Apply E. J. Fewings, Medicine Hat. 81-6 APPLY 78-tt FOR SALE FOR SALE A FINE LOT OF MAR- quis seed wheat, grown on new breaking. 2.00 per bushel. O.J. Me Gee, Redvers, Sask. 81-.-80 FOR: SALE COGKS, HENS, COCK- erels and pullets, in R. C. Brown Leghorns. Will sell cheap if taken in large numbers. .P. Riches, 99 Toron- to St Pe 1-8 s fae Re FOR SALE IMPROVED FARM, 480 acres, 160.aeres in. cultivation; 320 in Pasture. Good house, granary, eto. Can siso. furnish an quar- ter section in cultivation. Price rea sonable. Good terms. Stock and im- plements may be had at reasonable price, A bargain if you want one, J. N, Overhultz, S. W. 2-3, 6-11-6. 78-7 FOR SALE ONE* HEAVY BLACK fmare, 5 years old; one heavy bay mate, years old; one bay mare colt 6 months old. RW. Marshall, 719 East Allowance. Box'376. 81-8 FOR SALE ENGINEER S 15 INCH K. .B aye level, only hgd one sea son's use,Cheap for cash. P.O, Box 929. 81-3 FOR SALE AT HALF PRION, TWO bathtubs, good as new. For further information, apply at News office. 81-3 AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE, EVERETT 30h.p. touring car. Nickle trimmed, fully equipped, in perfect running or- der/anit used only four months. Cheap for cash, or one-half down and bal- ance arranged. Box 1374 News of- floe. 3 176 STRAYED STRAYED ONE BAY GELDING branded on shoulder;: white star on forehead, whit stock- ings behind. One sorrel mare brandea T and On hip, white blaze on face, white. stockings. Frost snip tip of each ear, i about. the stockings 4m each case. Reward for informiation, Apply H. B. Browne Co:, Ajiction.. cers, Medicine Hat. Phone 763 41.3 be paid for information that will lead to the recovery of one grey gelding, Stelghing about 1300, branded either ' H. F- monogram on left shoulder, or ) on left thigh. This horse ig four years old and has trim- med tail. R, B. Starks, Medicine Hat, Sept. 30, 1912. eort 7 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 'W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartored accountants and auditors, (estab Uabed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine 82-3 Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth bridge. AE. Gibran, C.A., reaident partner. Phone 198. Burns Block, abate CORSETIERRE With SPIRELLA CORSETS MADE TO measire, guaranteed for one. year against breaking and rusting; very, light weight. House No. 7, School Ay. enue, opposite east side of) high schoo . Phone-699 for appo write P, 0. box,
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Image 682 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 682, (CU1772905). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.