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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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fought the Yankee hand to band it. Pesape the Liveliest ght of freedom from pela, Many women tooks old and drain against: brainand general Froest s whole 2ife, however, was the machinery, as it were, o'pasethove pal period that tearclined the weil-knowa Dr. benefited thousands onsen to inet throne Sees after wa sftee using two Something of the Career of Su) ' est, of Scotland Yard, 16. I can tell- igs been the writer's Iuck, how. * said Big Bill Pinkerton rais- eo x ene. from his Heavy fore-finger to emphasize own 3 luminating o comm ats from Forest's famous oon his that the whole tribe of Se and little will breathe : has quib the detective business for good. Scotland Yard, nae S 2 , the man in ques: tion, tmiled beniguly. Forest, W. A. Pinkerton and the writer sat in the big office at Seot- land Yard, which Forest has oocu- Pied for the past seven years as str erintendent of the Criminal Investi- gation Department of His Majesty's ritieg which are essentially femi tendent Frank Fro- sartorial experts had a chance to Retired draw comparisons between the royal) Is your *Great Detective Tells of Adventures. against n American cowboy wie al- your ready iad six) murders to bis credit . and who did bis Nivel best to make the killing of Froest con- stitute a seventh. the Hike of M. -Lecoq or This was ses aetective's aw of g en poor Jacques Fut- sareer, but he ly had tasted the Thinking Machine, mettle of Ameri ane or rather Irieh- not likely to have pictured A.norioart for under Inspector Lit- Frankie Froest gu the last word tiechild, he had fought the Fenians in in dandyism, Ho is 8 very Beau Irctand, and, gout up against thom in Brumimel of sleuths, whose silk bat Paria eo he knew what to expest-in (for he has sported topper and)a real bad man. from the States. the Reccmpanying frock coab sinc he This bad man's name was Kubno, became Bead bf the - C. ED. is and ho,hailed trem Primrose City, Wisconsin. The murders ha was ly ho bas Heaten them. ae may mind's eye the ones, and committing them King s look dowdy when, 45 fre- Kuhne signed ons cattle boat bound Hig Majesty and for Liverpool) At Queenstown, Fro- the superintendent are omview simul- est, whe then Was unknown to fame, taneously, and who is said to be able put of in) a mall boat, met the to roll an umbrells with an art vm- cattle boat and limbed up over her approached by any kfown person side, There on deck and of ler than Froest, Who is not much The last toa: by the-way, that over medium height. FIGHTS WITH COWBOY, Kune? said Fro- drawing bis bow togs tod hows of the dood of et: to cho hig sleuth-hounds was ey, when ai isan abepgin alt bolidinaners iwtfer bos dest 5 have carried him not without some gether, ragelgierioaly nasty stabs and slaches through life down they wei, the his knife through -the detective's deers and rikaiasn calsee aaa be- clothing and trying to grip his it hind the sleek, well-fed appearance throat. But jovial elub-mau, and this effect Yard man s wore down his his dancing blue eyes, which, how- man, wad that s why there isn't a ever, can harden pitilessly, his cocky little mustache, and. his elosely- shaven cranitm combine to heighten. Yet ibis wrong to say that cwanted for, were particularly oeeat entsc cowboy jabbing the Sootland ? 80 the best I could do was to send the shetiff some dried primroves, and heewas pleased almost to pieces. Telling this story reealled another American sherifi a Kentucky one, this time, to Froest, and incidentally the histary of the Smith Weston whiet keeps company with O'Brien's Colt on his mantel-piece. ANOTHER EXCITING CAPTURE. got a man in London for this sheriff, said Froest, ignoring the de- tails of what must have been another exciting capture, who hed killed somebody in lmmatic asylum-in Kentucky, and the sheriff gave me his gin asa souvenir. This murd- es was one 6f the deep, silent kind, warned sheriff and his as- when they got to the States. Ifthe jumps overboard while you're going Soros, I said, well, he'll be dead and that s up to him. But look out when you touch land Well, do you know that in spite of my warning thom, be gave them the slip at New. - Nork,- and. whats more, in, and they never saw him againil The Daprencetntindent chuckled at the recollection. What happened to them when they gob home, he add- ed, God knows. Frank Froest probably comes as near being fearless as it is possible for a man'to be. The bij part of his life has been spent in the hourly danger, if not: expectation, of by either plugged or stabbed. xaw young policeman the first Tom Took atter htnrearetutty-+ - cocoa of the -very-finest- Cocoa-Making In cocoa-making, honesty may have two meanings. A manvfacturer may set out to prcauce a medium ge cocoa. He may onestly adhere to that standard. But the standard is low. The cocoa st suffers. Or + A maintacsieaees may He then puts himself under constant extra expenise. much more than medium grade. beans. He must czmpley tiled, and therefore expends factory foremen. e must install expensive modern machi He must use cave, cate, care, and expensive time from the start to the finish of his cocoa-making. In Lowney's we set out to fore + cocoa that could be oa eee belt. a oer factory a Montreal showe the eins we tk This we are accomplishing. And the result of an set ial The) finest cocoa beans must be used. They cost honest adherence to this high-standard ay can njoy in.a wholesome up of Lowney's Cocoa, Sold by grocers. In tine- A0e to ery tlan pee The every mi I fore chor ST Cont Keegy P lice, bat which soon will know Frankie Froest s air is am out- ae fo bao After Lo no more. As head of the C. I. D. and-out good sort is deceptive, z . a School B as it is called, he has been com- except as appearing to indicate a i ia ean ie was in Ralls manderin-chief of the most famous soft-living man of whom it would be and ready for more trouble. to Follo army of Togue-catehers in the world, easy to get the upper hand, for even ONE OF MANY CLOSE CALLS . quest. which he joined, thirty-four years As a boy in the West Coantey, tie read Garboriau and about Allan Pinkerton and made up bis mind to de 2 detective, and now Forest of bis the Yard is. renowned all over Eur- ope, as well asin South Ameritas and Australis, where he has baz big game of:the criminal variety, and at the Cape, whence he went to bring Dr. Jameson to England after the big, bad men he has landed in quod will tell you that he is. one of the best. , The its the man has had The his tow; came over to take him tough customers who have had to home. Oddly enough, though- he is knock under to his Porthos-like came from Primrose City, he declat strength Hoe finally put the brace- ed he never had seen primrose in lets on one man af ra titani his life, amd it seemed to be. the struggle all over a first-class com- thing after Kukme that he -most partment of an express train, and wanted to see over here. Well, it even after he was hand-cuffed, this wasn t the seasomfor primroses, so thug managed to raise an iron foot- I sent him some seeds, witich refused warmer between his manacles wrists to come up. Them I sent itm some and tried to brain the detective with young plants, but they died n route, Here is a typical story of one of his many close calls, After shadow- ing a French crook who eventually was guillotined for murdering a pal in London for s veral days, Broost into a haneoie on the Embank-' ment. On the way to the Yard the Frenchman said, You were mever nearer to death than when you: were shadowing mp in Piecadilly, the oth- er day, M: Froest. I saw (continued on pi Question B Jocular New Buil for Chair After a briet Yasted stightly * mew Conraugh high lights in the Governor-G name last nigh The question order paper; b wrested with it fod. In the en mame should School it will The. problem in 2 charming During itt trustee joeniar of the new sch the Nelson Sch oateateateeoete-ctesteateetoetoeteesoaeateegs redeedeate te aedtoncontenceadeaeeteede eegen ease eee THE REDCLIFF ROLLING MILL AND BOLE OOM pANY, LIMITED, will locate at Redcli i the construction of the factory buildings is now arriving on the ground and work will commenc predate This enterprise will employ eighty-five men at the startand with men of large financial means and practical experience back of it, it promises to beconte one of the largest manufacturing enterpris s in Western Canada- FOUR NEW FACTORIES SECURED DURING THE PAST MONTH AND STILL ANOTHER TO BE AN- NOUNCED WITHIN THE NEXT FEW DAYS AND YHT MORE TOC OME. FACTORIES ON WHICH CONSTRUCTION WORK WILL. COMMENCE AT ONgS ARE: i Redcliff Rolling Mill and Bolt Works, Rollers of Iron and Makers of Bolts and Nuts. The Diamond Flint pany of Ti Walloff Motor Comp: C. H. Munderloh Company of Montr al. largest Window in Canada. ; THESE FOUR NEW pONtee WILL EMPLOY ONE THOU PER ; the i Te for ohgecee in the Wests REDCLIFF'S MONTHLY PAY ROLL IN oa MONTHS WILL BE AS FOLLOWS: Redeliff Brick Coal Company, Limited. 24,000-00 loh Company . Redcliff Rolling Mill Bolt ene Ltd. 7,500.00 y Products Diamond Flint Glass Company . 8,500.00 Mill aes oa y:. Redeliff-Motor Company, Ltd. . 4,500.00 Lachlan McLean, ctors . Redeliff Hotel Company, Limited. i 800,00 FOR BUSINESS REASONS . Miscellaneous .........-4.-y-+-- 2,000.00 Grand Monthly Total... ... Alberta Ornamental Iron Company, Ltd... 12,500,00 TWO NEW FACTO: ortunity, Mr. In. Does this mean anything to you? ge have poney it surely does. Right now vis your o ue hi an enormous Pay Roll gees 9 the future stability lt; o 4 vestor, before prices agin to soar. nk what suc. Redcliff, and buy all the Redcliff property you can. REDCLIFF. NEEDS 2223s 2 2ceycustemme teorcerounmon , See the Pr A gency, About t Reeheseatees Seeiesae eae eeosth es Se-eSo-efe-e, oo are Soetoro ctecteateet verdes Fe a ae oatostostosee peeeeeees a x Soak 2 ares ces oe a o fe os So oe Poa e So8 Coats teas Soateateateste-
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Image 681 (1912-10-15), from microfilm reel 681, (CU1772901). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.