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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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li Glasgow House: For the Xmas Trade THE LATEST CUCIE NOVELTIES These are just to hand and will help you in your Christmas shopping. We invite special attention to Silk Underskirts, Silk Afterndon and Party Dresses. ilk Kimonas, See the new belted Skating Coa ing Coat in bright red. Very new. * 4: The The He laszow House of Fashionable Dressers E QUEBEC BANK ) Yetters of Credit umd Money Orders sold, payable in all parts of GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED, MEDICINE HAT BRANCH PORARY OFFICE, 394 TORONTO STREET JOHN INWOOD, Manager. ROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869. THE Capital and Surpins .- Accounts of firms, corporat 2 terms. MEDIONNE HAT BRANCH. G H. MeDUNNOUGH, Manager. 24,000,000, tions and individuals carried, on favorable FOURTH AVENUE. Ror Sos reser eloctoat geo Imperial Bank of Canada Capital-Paid Up .. Reserve Fund ... A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. R. G. WILKINSON, Manager, Medicine Hat Branch. Sr oeeite Cosiecteae aes eleeteateeteaeete sty MERCHANTS BANK OF CANADA. . THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. 180 Branches in Canada. 6,000,000. ave e Soaks 044 Ms s Be ... 6,460,000 2, Sy ogres Coat oe Stes fe SPP oees Established 1964. Capital Paid Up, Total Assets (Nov. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000, A general Banking Business Transacted- Special attention to Savings Accounts, W.-0, JOY, Manager + + Medicine Hat Branch Automobile Livery Phil. Cocking 438 Cor. Roy and 5th Ave. Phone 804 LONG AND SHORT TRIPS IN OR OUT OF THE CITY MURRAY OLSON Real Esiate - Insurance aise and Employment Agents. 5 386 TORONTO STREET. Please write or phone 942 or call on us. Property solicited. Your listings of City or Farm i Piaiio bing ' a A Speciaity Cc. P. R. PASSENGER, ) WINTER 1918588. 235 FEFECTIVE.GOR, 27, 1912, -Basthound. Arrive Laave Train and Terminal. 2 8.00 20 Imp, Ltd., Vancouver to Montreal, 4.15 23.00 Local from Calgary. Westbound, Arrive Leave Train and Terminal. 2 20.20 20.40 Imp, Ltd. Montreal to Vancouver, 3 12.00 12.25 Van. Exp. Toronto to Vasicouyer. 15 6.30 Local for Calgary. CROW TRAINS. Arrive Leaye Train and Terminal. 2.40 No. aa Portland, - w+ 945 to St, Paul. 11.15 Local for Cranbrook. Local trom Cranbrook, 23.13 Express for Kootenay Landing, Express from Kooteriay Landing: 518-511 512-519. 19.25 520-513 814-517 4,30 east. shot ; A. J. N. TRRRILL, B ttor RUONE: Editorial, Reportorkal, and News Dept Vs RONG s Circulation and Job Depts. nna 2 VQ DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yaa, delivered. ...34.00 1 year by mall... months, 4 livered. . 2.00 months, by mail. 8 ek delivered. . 1.00 3 months, by maf. 1 fhonth, delivered: :..35 old ad resser st ba given WEERLY NEWS, contains a rumma y of the mews:of the weok. local and district. 6 months, In advance Toe Tear in advance.... 1,80 Tuesday, December 17th, 1912. (Edmonton Bulletin) to break into the limelight as u cham- pion ef reduced railway rights for Westen Canada. A word on behalf of this desirable innovation-is of course welcome, from what- ever quarter it comes. But the West will sistance of Mr. MacLean. We had an ex- perience last session of how much Mr. Mac- Lean s championship of lower. railway rates is worth. Mr. MacLean made a long speech in the House of Comimons in-support of a motion proposed by himself condemn- ing the existing rates and demanding their reduction to the Eastern level.. When he had finished, Hon. Frank Oliver asked him if he meant that. railway rates throughout Canada should be equalized. Mr. MacLean replied that he did. Whereupon Mr. Oliver announced that the Opposition would port made it certain that the motion would earry,and equal rates be established as the law of 4 the certainty that the motion would carry established, Mr. Maclean withdrew it, be- cause the approval of the motion would be a vote of censure upon the Government which Mr. MacLean supports. With that ineident-in mind, Western people will not grow unduly expectant of getting cheap freight rates through the activities of Mr. W. F. MacLean. What that gentleman is after is not lower rates for the West, but increased notoriety for himself. When he had the chance to lower. the rates he killed it. OES PUBLIC OPINION The Wylie Bird. Edmonton Bulletiti: D. J. Wylie, Maple Creek, Conservative member in the S; katchewan legislature, is in no desper: election time. He says he is too old a bird as the Wylie Old Bird. The True Imperial Policy. + Lethbridge the counter policy, introduced as an ame ment by Sir Wilfrid Laurier, the nz insignificance. -Throughout a whole-h Dominion takes a real part. * Men, Not Money. 5 THIS DAY IN CANADIAN HISTORY December Seventeenth 4 .05 20,30 Toronto Eep., Vancouver to Toronto 4.40 Sanne an auaine fo stp cach; whilst Quebec and Montreal each had 2240 23.10 St, Paul-Seattle Exp. St. P. to Seattle. 2.85 Soo-Spokane-Portland Ltd., St. Paul 9.55 Soo-Spokine-Portland Lxd., Portland Note Trains 1 and 2 carry sleeping cars only between Winnipeg and Revelstoke. No. 11 and 12: do not come inte Medicine Hat passing time at Dunmore, miles ment, and later, when Qlarke announced Medicine Mat News Leblished by the Medicine Hat News Con Ltd, every yooned on May 9th, 1793. ful evening at its office, Main Streeu. Wedicine Hat, Alta AHONE: Advertising Addressee chatiged as often aa desired, but bota o.w aid/ Publishec every Thareday in sixteen or more paces, and 3 months, in advance..50e MERELY ADVERTISING HIMSELF. MR. W. F. MacLean, M. P,, is again trying 1908 First-furkish parliament-o; not build expectations of any immediate or startling reduction upon the promised as- vote for his motion. This unexpected sup- alold hurry to vindicate certain transactions at to be caught by'a pinch of salt and has thus probably-earned enduring name and fame ld: Side by side with al program of Mr. Borden fades almost into the former throbs the true-imperial spirit, offering-in d manner aid in which thc Lethbridge Herald: Sir Wilfrid did jot think a money contribution was the desire of the Can: n people during the South African war. So far 4s the naval policy is coneerned, he believes they still hold thie same opinion. There are a lot of loyal Cau- adians who think as he does. * Quebec: The time was considerately selec: ted by the authorities tas least inconven- jent to the private interests ? of the members. The House consisted of fifty members, eighteen counties sending two representatives each, three counties, one four members; Three Rivers had two; and William Henry (for Sorel) one. Judging says Kingsford, by the names, only: sixteen members were of British origin; and throughout the. fifty-si: of the Assembly of eo Cunada tee pre Lowi la the pr portion was neyer increased. M. J. A: Pa- net, an eminent advocate of Quebec, was elected speaker. Sir Alured Clarke, the Lieutenant-Governor, opened the House. Much time was taken up in discus- sion of the.rules of procedure, and the question as to the use of the French and English languages. The House passed an address of gratitude to the King on the happy change in the form of govern- that France had declared war on Great Bri- tain, expressed loyalty to the British Crown, The session lasted for eight days less than five months, the House being pro- EMILY P. WEAVER. THIS DATE IN HISTORY December Seventeenth 3 1778 Sir Humphry Davy; inventor of the Se nee: born. Died May 29, 1792 First Provincial parliament of Low- er Canada met at Quebec. 1807 John Greenleaf. Whittier, the Qua- ker Poet, born at East Haverhill, Mass. Died at Hampton Falls, N- H., Sept: 7, 1892. 1874 Emigrant ship Cospatrick. burned at sea, with loss of 465 lives. 1880 Paul Kruger elected president of the South African Republic. 1895 President Cleveland sent to Con- gress his memorable on message Venezuela. 1907 Sir William Thomson, who was ere- ated Lord Kelvin for his valuable service in science, died in. London. .Born in Belfast in 1824. eee pened by the Sultan. ah eB Pets a eee SE THIS iS MY 68th BIRTHDAY Frank Plumley Frank Plumley, who represents the Seec- ond Vermont, district inthe national house of representatives, was born in Eden, Vt., Dec. 17, 1844. -After graduating from the law department of the University of Michi- gan he was admitted to the bar in 1869 and has since practiced his profession at North- field, Vt. His debut in public life came in 1876, when he was elected prosecuting at- torney for his home county. Later he ser: ed in both branches of the Vermont legisla: ture, filled the office of United States di trict attorney, and for four years sat on the bench as judge of the Court of Claims. of Vermont. He was elected to Congress on fHe-tand East and West. But withthe Republican ticket in 1908, and. has been twice honored with re-election. Mr. Plumley is noted as an authority on inter- national law. In 1963 he was selected as umpire in the settlement of the disputed claims of England and Holland against Venezuela and two years later he again served in the:same capacity in the French- Venezuela dispute. oo CONGRATULATIONS TO: Prince Joachim, youngest son of the German emperor, 22 years old today. Professor Charles R.. Henderson, of the University of Chicago, one of the most not- ed American authorities on sociology, 64 years old today. Sir Herbert Beerbohm Tree, the eminent: English actor and manager who is now pay a the United States, 59 years today. xg I WILL 99 ww BY GEORGE MATTHEW ADAMS, I will make this day worth while, I wili drop the past, remembering it only as val- uable path through which I have walked into the Now. t-wilt-take up the work-of-the-day-ne-a-personal pledge to. do my best with interest and enthusiasm. I will do the things I have failed to do before. Iwill at- tempt new things that I know now that I can do. I will go ahead. I will play the game today with a warm heart and a cool head. 1 will simile when I feel like frowning. 1 will be patient when I feel tempted to scold. I will ta personal command of myself. I will be Joyal to the concern for which I toll. will be faithful to all my trusts, I will master the smallest detail. I will hoost not knock. I-wil-do- not intend. I will get things done. I will work because I like to, 1 wilt be fair ang faxt-recrasethere-ts-mn-othrer way to Wwhts F-WH- ae right because it Is right, I will drink of defent, HIt comes at times, as good medifene. 1 will sweat by courageous effort determined to succeed at all-times, 1 wi be carefal of my time, considerate of my health, Jealous of my honor, I will help make the day great for everyone with whom I come In contact. will work forgthe people whom I serve with all mii) heart and with all my mind and with all my ieeiigtloy For In the glory and snecess of my 601 On December 17th, 1792, the first Legis- lative Assembly of Lower Canada met at the glory and success of my own s lh I will make this day worth while, a2 Tuesday, Desember 17 PHONE . 904/ . Is Parkview Lots 300 to 700 each Tretowanocllevines Asency Medicine Hat,Alia. Canada Xmas Cards The Finest Assortment Ever Show in the City Pingle s Drug and Book Store OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 OCLOCK We are Loaning Money at Per Cent. PER ANNUM TO OUR. CONTRACT- To Buy or Build Homes, To Pay Of Mortgages, To Improve Real Estate. INVESTIGATE OUR CONTRACT PLAN AT Wear Made To Order Shirts MADE BY LASTIMO Room 8, News Block. We guar- antee satisfaction with every Shirt. We carry all the new est and up-to-date styles and A trial order is all CANADIAN HOME INVESTMENT CO. LEMTED: 225 Pacific Building, Van- eouver, B.C. IMPERIAL BANE BLDG. MEDICINE HAT, ALTA, Office Open Evenings Until Nine O'clock. patterns. we ask. Prices 1.25 6.50, ROOM 8, NEWS BLOCK R. B. Taylor s Transfer: Light and Heary Dra; Prompt Attention to an orders: Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality, HONE NO. 349, Meininiet 8 COMPLIMENTS AND CONGRATULATIONS that come with the arrivel ot Santa Claus are always welcome, especially where they are appreci- ative of our good work n clean- ing and pressing men s garments. We want every one to look their dest on Christmas Day, in clutii- ing that is spotless, shapely and genteel. If you have auits or over coats that need doin; them to THE GLOBE ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Improved methods make our service particularly efficient. CHRISTMA Cost of Living ing Nov. Higher Than H. B. CURTIS Ottawa, Dec. 16 A the cost of living 8 4m the report of the la for November. The 4 dex number of wholes approximately one pol 184.2, as compared wi 129.4 in The advance was due. er prices for fish, tex Teathers, fuel and ligh tario grains, dairy lumber and miscella: Prin up send aap : tober and CitySaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRBAYING. Sale. AN. a cipals . ie Witness, Twice One Wife of J quired First Husbands at London, Ont., Des. ial adventures nature are being rels PROPRIETOR E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist Complete stock of Toilet Articles jundries, Proprietary Medi- cines, ete. fispensing of Physi scriptions a specialty. 204 South Ry. St. POCO OTOOL OL ODOM awing the Line This must be done in the heat and cold, frashing, froning and stretching the line make a woman Took olds for there fs a way ont hen you imbib e n- ns Pre- brought against Eme Hydro-Rlectrie canva: of bis first wife test latter was married pefore she was and agcordingly the 1 fens asserts, is not is the husband of of the complainant, fort of Aylmer, with who is arrest. Phone 75. of all, this, w naunars T. F. Reynolds PAINTE Latest samples in Wall Pap 126 Bighth. Ave. nia .. There price and work'is suck, you are sure to ETc. ifeprerve mar sTeam LAUNDRY Phone 8 Phone 69 .
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Image 1142 (1912-12-17), from microfilm reel 1142, (CU1773372). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.