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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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FP EPP ONE Pr DON'T CRY lett Studio has the best the Gift problem. A doz- in dn ot our distinctive: make twelve Xmas gifts, t which is sure to be ap- Have the BEST or PHOTOGRAPHER in SARTLETT STUDIO Fourth Ave. se Mover D FOR SALE ;CAVATING VY TEAMING ETE. WORK. LAIT ONTHREAL STREET Phone 260. HAT LIVERY COMPANY Reposito Fourth Aves amland Theatre.) Pm and double outfits scriptions for sale or Automobile De- all times, AY FOR SALE, by the 1oad, Nor the bale or ton. HONE 703, , STABLE PHONR 42 728 J. S. FOLLIS racting Co, NOEONTO BT. ng. Coal pam a Graves leavy Horses fer py All Thana, ONE Don t Pay Rent - or high rates of interest- We Will Loan You. Money To buy or Build Houses g To Pay Off Mortgages at. To Improve Real Estate 5 We Guarantee the time when your jndebt: edness-will-be-paid off. Offtes-open evenings Welte, phone oF call: International Home Par- chasing Contract Co.,Ltd. Medicine Hat Office 89 Main Sty Over Assiniboin Music Store, TERMS One-Quarter Cash; Balance months, Reduced prices by the blogk. apital Realty: 420 Main Street - Phone 799 2400.00 each Three 75-ft. corners, Blocks 10 60-tt-cormer; Block-106: -Snap for two 1000.00 50 rt. Block 50, 2100.00 50 ft, corn r; Block 82, 250.00 to 450.00 each. Fine residentiat Icts. WE HAVE 20 ACRES CLOSE TO REDCLIFF WHI 4 WE CAN SELL AT FARM LAND PRICES. HOUSES FOR SALE. Fiv room Cottage with bath, full basement. On. CentralPark, Cottage in South Yuill. yris tid bath. No. 1 Bungalow, oak floors, beamed ceilings, Stands on 60 ft. in Central. Patix 2200.00 Terms very easy; monthly payments. Cottage in N, Yulll. 4500.00 Terms. Six room House with large barn, hen house and work shop. SEE'US FOR ae WE HAVE 6,000 AURES S ADJOINING THE CITY. RIVERDALE 850.00 each,regular. 20 lots in Block 8, facing the river. week at this price, WE HAVE 4000 (FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS) IN CASH TO INVEST xe What have you to offer in block er half. lock propositions? THIS IS GENUINE Real Estate ... POWNSITE. 51 ft on Toronto. Street, 30,000 8000 handles: 60-ft. cornerin Block 92, 8000; HERALD A-4t. Sn Blok 4. 82000, Usual. RIVERSIDE PARK. 3 and 14 tn- Btock 20; 960:-- Usual. Tote 33 and. 34 ip Blook 7. 33050. Usual. Lots 26, 27, and 28 in Block 15, 425 cach. Lota 29-20 in Block 16, corner, 1000. Usual, ; POWELL. List your property with me, T have the buyers. Hadi 1 Becker Block 20 HOMESYEADERS, ETC, COAL COAL Blacksmith s Coal. Targa or small quantities shipped to-any station. Esplanade and N. and Btorage: Railway. S. TAYLOR co. Room1t Becker Block. P 0, Box- 13- ae Medicine Hat Meat Market Fresh Meats at 10c, 2iZ0, 15, 17440, 20 and 22 4 a Ib. Rigs call every motning. PHONE 878.- S15 THIRD AVE: Se WINTER VEGETABLES arsnips, Beets, Onions Cabbage, Potatoes. FRED SMITH Basement Under Pruitt Bloek. TORONTO STREET. Box 480 Medicine Hat. Fall-is-He re * D 80 IS Thee CLEANING BY THE NEW VACUUM PkO- CESS. COSTS LESS THAN THE OLD WAY AND IS FAR BETTER WE CLEAN THE CARPETS ON THE FLOOR AND TAKE OUT ALL GERMS WITHOUT WEAR R TO CARPETS. Gas City Vacuum Cleaning Go. + Phone 707 s O.i-tm J. . LARSON, Manager. Phone 669, Box 304, Hollinger Agency. PHONE 433 384 MAIN STR: CROSSLEY BROS Builders. Contractors, 729, ores St, ie. for Sale, SUB ERIEH Now tor the Dally Yew, Ris anguish, hig BoFror, anid Mait. you Dave had any be are about eae At 6 gotting Inte. Tm the moun*aing erybody gets up -et-daybronk. eeping bags are tents, 1 Unie fo goto iss paris ta c FRB. slowly..10 meaningly tow: upon whom the if still lingered, he modded toward the young brook, and them repeated his speaking glance at Ber. His meaning. was patent, al p20 ate slap had seen the covert Come Kirkby, quick response, cort. 1 waat- No, never eee of the tragedy paid tho: eirt tn shall be tay es: hetore I turn tn- fi ahe-said, as Brad- Doth -volimteered. and:the-young They-stop- HAVE YOUR CLEANING DONE the rushing tor- The noise the low tones of acclimated. The fect; tt-was late October and the advantage. Svtracted her, she liked to take her rod with Louise awioni she was Louise Newbold, put there was an- other man; I suspected it afore, that s why she was-sad, W'en we found ber Arew out from his rqugh hunting coat package of led ; they were carefully enclosed in an. oil skin an tiga witha faded ribbon. You see, he continued holdilig them in his hand yet careftilly concesling them from the peopl at the fire. Wen she fell off the llff somehow the mule: lost bis footin , nobody never knowed how, leastways the mule was dead an couldn't hie spur or shelf about a below the brink; evid carryin ae letters in her dress. Her bosom Wa friebitully tore. open an the letters was lyin didn't see* em, because he went down into, the canon an came up to the shelf, or butte head, were the body was lyin , but we dropped down. I was the first man down an I got em. Noho: else seein me, aa thore ain't human eyes, not even my wife's, that s ver looked on them lettars, ox- cept mine and now yourn. See ate soins war eive: toa to T am, said Kirkby. But why? Twant you to know the hull story. - But why, again? rather guess them letters'll tell, lanswered.the old man eyasively, an like you, and I don't want to see you throwed away. What do you mean? asked the girl curiously, thrilling to the solemnity ot the moment, the seriousness, the kind affection of the old frontiersman, the Weird scene, the fire ight, the tents gleaming ghostlike, the black wall of the canon und the tops of the moun- tain range broadening out beneath the stars in the clear sky where: they 'twinkled above her head, the strang (and terrible story, and now the letters fm her Sesod, wae paspa: sere Ba be ed wily Biman testing. on the shoulder. Tend the ieee te-nald;- they fell the story. Good might. CHAPTER IV. The Pool and the Water Sprite. Long after the others in the camp had sunk into the profound slumber jeupied by Hifid Maitland alone gave levidence that she was Buby over the Hetters which Kirkby had handed to her. It was yery t-girl in- deed who confronted the old frontiers man the next morning, At the first convenient opportunity when they swere alone together she handed him the packet of letters. Have xOiLread em? he asked. Yes. Wall, you Keep 'em, said the old Mebbe you'll want to But I don t understand why youl want me to have them. Wall, I'm not quite sure mys. why, but leastways I do an 4 T shall be very glad to keep them, sAi4 the girl still mdre gravely, sline ping them into one ofstne pockets her hunting shirt avehe spoke. Continued.) it was in the night the better they Sometimes with the others, but more -Praxitel een sion Fares i se Canadian:Pacitic the story Of certain persons Who Aramk-of it and conquered She could not, as she bad sald, see Any personal application to herself tn thei. and yet in way she did feel that the solution oF the mystery would be hers some day. Eapoctally -did she. think this om account of the stringy but, aul t open emnpanis ot e-Obe . Phere was much to do about 6 camp in the morning. Horses and Durros to be looked after, fire wood. to de cut, plans for th day arrauged, excursions aid out, mountain projected. Later on unwonted bands must be taught to cast the fy for fhe mountain trout which filled the brook and pool, and all the varied duties, de- taflg and fascinating possibilities of camp -life- must be explained to the Rewoomers. ifhe first few days were days of learning and preparaticn, days of mis- hap and misadventure, of joyous Yaughter over blunders tn getting sot- tled, or Jearning the mysteries of rod and line, or becoming hardened and Weather proved per. rain and sunny. daya, Invigorating and ting to the last degree. They had huge fires and plenty of blankets and the colder Tt was an intensely new experience Iphia, but she showed a marked interest and adapt- ability, and entered with the keenest zest into all the opportunities of the charming days. She was a 00d sports- woman and she soon learned to throw * fiy with the best of them. Old Kirk- took her under his especial: pro- tection ant as he Was one of the best rods in the mountains, she had eyery She had always lived in the midst jof life. Except in the privacy. of her own chamber she had rarely ever been alone before not twenty fect froma man, she thought whimsically, but het the charm of solitude at- jand wander off one. enjoyed it. The main stream that flowed down the canon was fed by many affiuents frofi the mountain sides, and in-each of them voracious-trout appeared. She explored them as she had opportunity, She actually often by herself. She discovered charming and exquisite noo little stretches of grass, the size perhaps of Small room, flower decked, ferny bordered, overshadowed by tall giant, pine trees, the sunlight moss covered boulders, wet with the v rdashing. spray of the roaring brooks, Jay tn midstream and. with other natural stepping stones bardby invited her to cross to either shore. Waterfalls iaughed musically in. her ears, pools tempted her skit and address. Sometimes leaving rod and basket by the waterside, she climbed some particularly steep acelivity of the canon wail and stood polsed, wind blown, a nymph of the woods, upon some pinnacle of rock rising needie- Tike, af, the canons edge above: the ure d weaved to and fro beneath ber fect. There in the bright light, with the breeze blow: ing her. golden hair, looked like some Notse goddess, blue eyed, ex- hilirated, triumphant, She was a perfectly formed woman on the ancient noble lines of Milo -ratherthan th degenerate softness of Medici. She grew stronger of Iimb quicker and steadier of eye and hand, cooler ot ese demanding, compelling among the rocks im this mountain air.. She was not a tall woman, indeed slightly under ratber than over the medium size, but she was so perfectly proportioned, she car- ried herself with the fearlessness of a young chamois, that she looked taller than she was. There was not an ounce of superfluous flesh upon her, yet she had the grace of Hebe, the strength of Pallas. Athene, and the swiftness of motion of Atalanta. Had she but carried bow and spear, had she-worn tunic and sandals, she might aye stood for Diana and she would have had no cause to blush by com parison with the finest model of chisel or the most splen: did and glowing example of Appelieg brush. Uncle Robert was delighted with -her; his GOHTIDUTION to her western outfit was a small Winchester. displayed astonishing aptitude his instructions and soon became won: derfully proficient with that deadly weapon and with revolver also; There was little danger to be appre: hended in the daytime mountains, the more ex; thought, still it was wise for the girl always to have a weapon in read: so in her journeyings, eithet the chester was bling from fier sho angled at her hip. At fratishe too) both, but finally it was witligrek pened. then she had seemed- the of the wilderness of her One night after ence of nearly two taing and, yg bredking up nd, back to Civil- announced that early the be was going down thi fishing excursion. f ithe party bad ever fol- tle river very far, but it n that some ten miles below Stream merged in a lovely wem- lke Inke in a sort of crater in th The packet was natjbitky. the fet- not uygny nor were they of t Tomith, he could easily. 3 them on her: person and in some strange and unexplicable way she was rather gisd to have them mountains. From thence by a series of water falls it descended through the foothills to the distant plains be- yond, The others had arranged to climb one especially dangerous and ambition provoking p ale which tow (To be continued.) filtering I don't as through their thin foliage, checkerig These'll explain . He the verdant carpet beneath. Houge or carried in her hand, or l e the cat h PACIFIC. COAST POINTS Single Fare. Plus. 2.00 For the Round Teip : Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster: SPECIAL PA TRIP Los ANGELES. SAN DIEGO ANTA BARBARA and SAN DATES OF SALE: Dec, 12, 18, 14, 1912; Jan. 17, 18, 19, 20, and Fob. 11, 12, -18, 1918. RETURN ee ae 80 1918 For tail eis to , local Ticket Agent, a to ok eee ae ee eee Tourist: Sleepers To sistee John gt; Connceting with wines EXCURSION RATES On Sale Dai Reserve a Ne CHRIS' Hat CHRISTMAS ad -. Write J, CARTER, Gen ast 210 Port Aven Wins . 1A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent, eis i SE DOMINION ees CANADA Tn connection with special rates on the railways, Nov. 7 to Dee. 31. SS. LAURENTIOC from Portland De- cember 7. SS. LAURENTIC from Halifax, De- camber 8. 8S. THUTONIC from Portland, De- cember 14. SS.TEUTONIC from Hialtex, Deceni- ber 15, 88. CANADA from Portland, Decem- ber 21. SS. GANADA from Bale, ber 22. Decem- Travel by the Laurontle or Me. gantle, the and best, or by the one-class (IT) abin steamers Teutonic Canada, larce and Other Christmas Sailings Celtle, New York-Liv rpool, Decem- New. York, N. .Southampton, De- cember oS -Southampton, Decem- aka, Ney York-kondon, De- rz. ian, Bosiou-Liverpool, ew York-Liverpool, Decem- as Oceanic, N. .-Southampton,. Decem- her-14, St.Paul, N. -Southampton, Decem- her 14. pene New York-London, De- vember 1 Winefredinn, Boston-Liverpool, De- cember 18, Also sailing yia one Sort and r3 turning via another. Apply for particuuars to nearest railway or SS. agent, or to W. M McLeod, Can. Western Passenger Agent, 333 Main Street, Winnipeg. Decem- Public Meeting to re- iets. of the various com- Council Chamber on Fri- Dec8mber 6th, 1912 at 8p. m All ratepayers are invited to. be pres- ent, 119-6 * H. BAKER, City Clerk: Electric Re eee for Men Poshetaivery Bicts influ bate Phosphonol torte sprope? tcomlon'trestor Him and sitality Veemetare decay nad Ul teceat weakness averted at once, Phosphonol will make you 9 news ce 3a Boas otro for G6. St Catharines, Ont: Sold at Pingle s Drag Store, The city, 851 tly. Noi a month. perty. It will make you money while vom sleep, Here are a few Snaps, Betior buy today before you go to sleep. Tomorrow they may be all gone, 3 COUSINS AND SISSONS 100. ft. cornor in Block 82 for 1470. 50 ft. corner in Block 8 for, 650. CENTRAL PARK 2 2 A fot Best fe fab lot in Block 28 WEMLD, 25 ft. Jot in Block 9 for 100 ft. Jot in Block 14 for RIVERSIDE PARK 50 tt. lot in Block 7 for i 60 ft. lot in Block for ALTAWANA if 371-2 tt. lot in Block aye MARSHALL- WITOHELL NRDWARE C0. TORONTO STREET, the following: CONTRACT T ANl tabor and terlals for consticting a Dump shaft, 130 ry 18ineh steel inteke 3 tur from shaft to River, 225 teet ta length, and aaans intake in river. terials for constricting trame- pow Bouse at Bow CONTRACT Ai Iabor and ma terials for constructing frame fros casing for etandpipe, 25 feot in diam eter and 113 2ogt bish. - Plans and specifications for all contfacts may be obtained from John Galt Engnesting Co., Lid Win- himpeg and Calgary, on deposit of - cheque for 10, which will be return ed to bona fide tenderers, Tenders which must be accompan- ied by an accepted cheque of five per cent. of the amount of the tenders, should be sent to the undersigned uot later than 20 o'clock on Monday. De- comber 9th, 1922, The Corporation does not bind ft Seit to accept the lowest or any: tend: J. GEO..B.R. BOND, fe Seor tary-Treasurer, Bassano, Alta., Noy, 1912. PUBLIC NOTICE The annual meeting of the Medi cine Hat Agricultural Society will be held in the coart room, city hal on. Wednesday, fourth day of soo jock. p.
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Image 1050 (1912-12-04), from microfilm reel 1050, (CU1773327). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.