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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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SATURDAY AND MONDAY NEXT. fe have on exhibition in our Show Rooms a spec- display of fine Furs. We can show you these amples and book your order for anything you re- quire in Furs. By doing this we can save you banoney, as these goods have beenmarked at a small adv: ance on factory prices. You will see what you are buying. And every garment or piece of fur is guaranteed by the*manufacturer. Call in and let vs show you some of the finest Furs ever fisplayed Mink Ruffa and Stoles, Hudson Seal Butts, Alaska Sable Buffs and Stoles, with Muffs to : Persian Lamb, Black and Natural es LePAGE BROS. Phone 28. 388 Toronto St. POUCE DEPARTHENT my PAR DIVIDEND 1 1812 Despite Increased Force and Other Heavy Expendi- tures Department is Self-Supporting This Year Licenses Add Goodly Sum to City Coffers. Guardians of the, law, criminal e- department will this year. practically Av glance through the lst of the licenses issued reveals the Iament- able fact that ond Cannot have his palm read in Medicine Hat. Other than this lMne there are plenty of licenses of various kinds, that is, oth- er than Billy Lauder, who holds the distinction of being the city's only bh poster. Dogs this year show a falling off, while the city's population is in- creasing. Th fight against) dogs is making heavy. inroads on the an ine population, well over hundred haying been killed by the dog cateh- er this year, z A partial list of the licenses as at present existing in the city, is as follows: Dogs 132, shooting gallery 1, elec tricians 13, journeymen electricians 10, master electricians 4, gas fitters 9, circus licenses granted. 7, fees. 490, hotels 6, newsboys 44, boarding houses 8, automatic machines 7, can- vassers 8, teams 12, real estate 50, laundries 7, pool rooms, 5, cigarettes 17, second hand stores 4, bakeshops , restaiirants 17, soft drinks 16, feed stores 3, liveries 3, cabs 4, plumb- ers 7, milk vendors 19, butchers 12, theatres 3, auctioneers 3, sewer Jay- year, and also that 1,000 has 'been ers 5, peddlers 25, sign writers 2, Spent: in improving the Police court, auto liveries 12, employment offices and officers quarters and offices, the 2. Collecting the various.licenses, which duty falls to the lot of the Chief and his/men, is one of their most ardous duties. No one ever. religtied the idea of paying a license, no one ever will, They don't in Medicine Hat, and the Chief of Police has bad am- Wle evidence of this fact. We ate happy if we get a license paid after making two trips for the money, says the Chief times we make six or seven or elght or nine. This year s license fees will total t least 7,000, and all Hcenses will expire at the end of the year. On the first of January, 1913, the new and increased license fees will all go in- to effect, and. this will send next Year's total close tothe 10,000 mark. Then of course, there is the poll tax of over 2,000, collected by another department but which adds to the license total. The . licenses: collected '-this year. hhaye been heavy: Jan., 1,989; Feb,, 84.50; Mar., 303; Apr., 601.50; 544.50; June, 1,390; July, - 76. and August. So far this month 500 has been collected. Despite the fact that- five men. hhave..been added to the force this Ungrateful Prisoner's Parting a Shot Brings Sorrow to Chief We Won't Come Back Here Again They Told Him As They Wended Their Way Into the Cruel World and Liberty Once Again. mad-jed to love trim for they called again today. McDermott, it might be not led, was in court yesterday. The Chief extended the warm hand of wel jeome to them when they returned. But, as court was over, Mr. Schmidt jand Mr. McDermott waited on the Chief, a la deputation style, and in a chorus, rather a ductatic style, one im a rich tenor and the other a jstrong baritone voice, sang that dear old song entitled You'll never see us here again, all the same as a imam leaving the land of his bivth. 'They then beat it. Has the Chief not ample reason to be depressed? It might be noted that each left ithe Chief 5, however, and J. Mc- Kay ditto. TORONTO DOCTOR HELD Is Alleged Dr. A. B, Cook Performed Forbidden Operation No Bail Granted Chief ot Police Binee is the dest, most peeved, irritated, angry, ++ discontented, diseoncerted, 1inconsol - able man in the Hat today. Sorrow in the last few hours has cut its swath on his maly brow, long fur- fows have made inroads on a for- mentioned ef looked a5 left in- the filled the description to a en picture of artists sacri tain WE he News man hurried to ask the Chiet the cause of his grief, hoping to congole with him, possibly cheer him up; to rescue him from himself in other words. -It was long time, however, before the Chief could be Prevailed upom to divulge the cause of the shocking change which had com over him, Two or three salty tears tind replaced the above men- tioned one velore tie had completed his narrative, or tale of woe. Taik about ingratitude, when the News man heard the Chief s fale, he did console with him, realizing that the Chief indeed had ample cause to focl down hearted. Ingratea, that they are Mike McDermott and Peter Schmidt are the two men who have driven our Chief into his, present 1 state ) These gents have LS on the, Chiet very recently. one toon (W. A. P, Dispatch) Toronto, Sept. 20. Charged with performing an illegal operation on Ruth Adams, Dr. A. B. Cook, a pro- minent city physician, appeared in the police court this morning. T. . Robinette, K.C., appeared for the accused doctor and decided to re- serve plea and election for week was refused. Grab Apples on consignment at, h76aarge box. Lively Fruit Store, Main Street. -Photie 367 60-2 Post from the building inspectors In the throughout month of August is far ahead of the same month-iast year with regard to the estlinated value of granted for the ings. Fifty-two municipalities are represented in the table below, and the grand total uring the past month is almost 20,000,000. figures for month of 1911, the totals. show an APPROXIMATE VALUE OF PERRMITS GRANTED IN AUGUST, (52 Edmonton Point Grey ... 8. Vancouver Swift Current . Windsor the East. Figures received by the Financial various cities and towns Canada show that the permits erection of bulld- of permite issued comparison with: the corresponding City WBerlia Gasp coo cases see by Brantford Chatham . Galt ... . Halifax - Hamilton ..- Kingston . Lachine -.. London ... .. .- Maisonneuve . Montreal . North Bay . Ottawa . i Peterboro ... Preston ..- ... ++ St. Catharines . St. John Sherbrooke (E) Stratford . Sydney. Toronto . Welland ... Windsor... tectors, and various others, are prove self-supporting. Next year names for the police. However, in if our friends: keep coming as reg- Fort William . Medicine Hat, the above is only al tlarly we willbe able to pay a divi- Kamloops small part of the work of the police. d nd, says th Chief. Lethbridge - Winnipes -. Total 23 astern cities Urrotal 24 Western Citi s Total Hast and West .:. ... .. Sherbrooke (EB) . Stratford ... Sydney - Toronto . Brandon Calgary Edmonton .. Fort William Kamloops. - Lethbridge... Macleod. Medicine Hat Moose Jaw Nanaimo . Nelson... es. eee + N. Westminster . N. Battleford - Oak Bay... ... Port Arthur .. Prince Albert Prince Rupert Red Deer . Regina ... Saskatoon . Vancouver Vernon . Victoria .. Winnipeg: Total Total 21 Western cities . 24 Western Cities ... Total North Bay Welland ... Point Grey 8. Vancouver . Swift Current Weyburn Yorkton East and West Grand Total ... -136,094,2 weregate cent. Ranked over Edmonton, ronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Hat, Moose Jaw, Fort William, Ham- increase in. order Victoria, ton and Matsonneuv Medicine Hat stands first in per- centage increase on the eight months with 408 per cent. is second, St Catherines third and B monton fourth. ceptions, among the eastern citles FINE IN ALBERTA EIGHT MONTHS BUILDING PERMITS SHOW FEW DECREASES IN DOMINION AT YEAR-END; GREAT PROSPERITY Medicine Hat Leads the Whole of Canada in the Race for the First Eight Months of the Year With 408 Per Cent. North Battleford Second With 337 West. Leads of 56.8 according to actual Increase, the cites with gains cities in the western provinces are one million dollars Saskatoon, To- permanent development is going on Medicine North Battleford With a few ex- folio per the percentage Increases are above the 25 per cent. mark. While the large gains made by gratifying and show that rapid and there, yet the ontstanding and most gratifyine feature is the gen- eral good showing made by the old er and maturer cities In the east, This is a most tangible proof that Canada's present period of prosper- ity is not confined to the newer sec- Atlantic to the Pacific Coasts. Situations Wanted, Help J wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc. these headings, 26 words, ohe day 3 26 words, three days 50 26 words, olx daya 1.00 Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 18 ring 2, and. it will recaive attention. i BELY WANED. 'WANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 300 per hour Oxilvie Mill site Apply 2ett WANTED AT. ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill Job. on site, Uons, but is widespread from the Boarding camp Canadian Stewart Co, 83-tt WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redelitt Hotel. -awidgs 1290, Nown oftice, FOR SALE FIVE PASSENGER. Ford Automobile, in-good-running or der, Will consider real estate. Box 61-3 ete aa Se FURS FURS URS LADIBS* and gents fur coats remodelled. Own skins made up and dressed. Apply J. W. Crisall, Medicine Hat, Agent for the Andre Van Veen Go, Phone 378. P. O. Box 725 s Be nm Gs FOR SALE 1 ROAN HORSE. DRI- ver, Bentle. Apply to 609 Bast Al- lowance, or box 237, BP. 0, 60-8 PROPERTY AND HOUSE FOR SALB or to rent. Apply to the Alberta Cafe. 69-13 ee FOR SALE--NEW SEVEN ROOMED house, on corner. Jot, Charles St. 1500. Terms. Apply A. Dickinson. 59-6 eo ee FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and bus- iness. Apply box 933 or 800 rd Ave, nue, 5T- in R. 0, Brown Leg- horns; also fancy and common plg- eons. Percy Riches, 99 Toronto St. 67-6 BOARD ANB BOOM. TO RENT ROOM AND BOARD, AP- ply corner of Maple and Hast Allow- ance, near the Ogilvie Milla. 60-3 WANTED TO BUY ee WANTED TO BUY FROM OWNERS only, for cash, lots in city of Medi- cine Hat. State condition of title and full legal description. 319-9 1-2 St. Sunnyside, Calgary... 56-6 WANTED TO BUY Building lots in Old Survey, Herald or Central Park. Give prices, terms, etc. to P. . Box 510. Owners only need apply: +38-tf, WANTED TO PURCHASE LOTS IN Herald, Cousins and Sissons and Cen- tral Park. Apply G. G. F., Box 940, Medicine Hat, Alta, Si-tt WANTED TO BENT WANTED TO. RENT, WITH OPTION of buying) small -house or cottage: Box 1361, News office. 61-3 To RENT TENANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street and 3rd Ave. Fine location for any Dusiness, Reasonable rent Living Tooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G- MacBean Co. 3 STALL STABLE TO RENT AP- ply E. Houghain, 308 Balmoral St. 60-3 STRATED 50 REWARD The above will be payed Yor information that will lead) to the, recovery. of one brown gelding: with whitd atripe on nose, years old, And weight about 1300 Ibs. Brani .HF monogram on left should- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs,, branded ) on left thigh. These horses were / last seen at Pete Weiss on the 18th of May. R. 16att gies, harness, bicycles. carpenter tools, ete., raw hides and furs, horse hale, woot and f-.thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 318 Foxrth avenue, opposite O. box 368 Olttes.) Beers, ee 1912 1911 Ine, Beas WANTSD Men and women to learn ' 39,685 58.9 barber trade, Summer rate now ae Bain tn Manitoba and Saskatchewan on situations guaranteed. Special 9.058 13) ae Fates to ladies, Particulars and cata- 43260 BNE 88.4 we logue free. Moler College, 609 Cen- So wee ee Ae + . hey 7 .- EST- 502,700 S58.500 L088 a1 lat state Orel moet Ok Macitcba TEE, CNADIAN HOME. INV 80, ee MENT CO., LTD. has dn opening for ene 96,925 3.8 12nd Saskatchewan. There was some 16,085 4355 373 ne two men with good ability and char- frost. in Northem Alberta, but in acter for the position os salesmen. eee 43,457 58-3 )s42 provines the weather contitines 441,900, 835,600, 315.7 e BI ta Applicant will need to apply by let- Prospects are for fair and cool- 1. 1,264,893 32924 281 ter and follow up by a personal call. 13,800 24.775 464.3 Teme Man., Sept. 20. Drizat. Al be able to furnish first class 4 Brandon, Man., Sept. 20. Drizzl- reference. To men as stated above 265,575 1AQB 21 adn whisk gcechiandedlseateca: 83,670 39,480 276.9; 7S 720 W : ' quick advancement is assured. Apply 11,100 3.950 56.2 Morning about cight-thirty has again Supt, office Imperial Bank Build- 109,820 96,570 Tora Put a stop to what little threshing ins, elty. 81-8 36,100 22,100 +379 was taking place in eee 300,000 100.000 50.0 Many farmers planned to commence GENERAL SERVANT WANTED 21,082 3,082 17.1 *2zeshing to-morrow, but now find it Apply Mrs. Thos. Knight, 619 Brae- 109,350 77,000 298.0 mPosstble before Monday or Tuesday mar St. 61-6 3,822,975 1,945,608 136.4 ** the earliest WAGER COSGKG Gobu. anne 20,550 18,193 *46.9 ED DINING ROOM GIRL 5 696 , Pipe, cating and cooking apples Wages 36 month. Phone Brooks Ho- 128,420. ath S ) for 1.75 per box at Lively s today. tel; Brooks, at their expense 61-2 i, Cheapest in town. Phone 367. 60-2 .. a at 219,595 27,958 191,687 685.4 WANTED GOOD COMPETENT ATO AO Sere et. cerEAaO O88 girl for general house work, in fam- Bee 0 eee eee z ily of four. Apply E. N. Cawker, 428 60,110 429,490 267.7 Fewings St. 61-6 14,100. 121.6 fom Lands : eae nee hn Siegel 0 4 W4 THD, A GIRL TO HELP ABOUT 40,900 *93.2 Suaivis Pr etl fl k 1, Good wages paid. Apply box 187,500 335.4 wa y 5 qe News office. 60-3 89,683 Ss is SS eee eee aoe Half Eres Suiniag. iiieticr a Hoon nae ownship 18, Range 1. medicine Hat Milling Co, 60-tf 5 for sale ; near new 120.850 Industrial Sites; near WANTED DINING ROOM GIRL. 127,100 o--Canada Cement Co. APply Cosmopolitan H el. 60-tf 111,460 son Dy a 32,075 r 15. Teche ie cheap and Wanrep SHBEPHEROER. APPLY 1,004,390 303,625 700,765 230.8 on good terms; within 4p, Burns. 60-t 1,190,550 475,275 656,275 137.9 the 3-mile circle. Spec- 55,315 16,775 38;540 229.7 jal- sub-division pro- WANTEO a HOUSE MAID. APPLY 1,525,918 944,970 580,948 61.5 perty and will short- - D- Lively, suger Bowt. 59-3 17,430 25,700. 8,270 *8 ieahe ucldskt ah 430,815 429,295 / 24 Yi a mu WANTED CARPENTERS, LATH- 1,746,400 eoobbigher price, when /ers and plasterers. None but. first- further d v lopments class need apply. A. Dickinson, Ce- wee 7,044,106 5,211,998 BM32,970 46. take plage. Call upon Hote. 69-6 14,458,893 6,976,695 4,483,238 64.3 hig dial fi rep eae same iS See us 40r par- wanTED DISHWASHERS. BEST 19,102,939 12,186,882 6,916,208 56.8. ticulars.of this spec- wages. apply at once. Palm Cafe. 216256 eS ial offer, open for a 59-3 SR ae few days only. WANTED GOOD GENERAL SER viamaagle s sear Ws There is not exactly a boom amt. to work by day. Old Country aasp0g (1188s in Riverside property, but a Sit Preferred. Apply 220 North Bs- JASE ZS gt; 0 steady and persistent buying. P/nade. 59-6 19,903,172 a We still hold a quantity of good Wanpmp.A SHOR MA ,908,1 vas tas phe WANTED, A SHOR MAKER. STEADY i912, 1911 sInc. Pot. i higher, certainly than sop, Good wages. Foster Shoe Store, 460,750 315,865 144,885 45,9 When we first bronght it be- Main st. 59-3 812,398 413,905 398,485- 96.3 fore the public in July, but they 146070 89,757 -86,8185 62.7 are on faee They are not WANTED A SMART BOY TO 281,647 201,040 80,607 - 41.0 nearly at the top yet. jearn the art of printing. Must be 408,885 321,500 87,385 27.2/ RIVERDALE LOTS AT 185 / over 14 years of age. Apply to fore- 4,018,200 2,778,480 1,239,770 44.6 BACH Level, and a charm- man News Job Department. tt 378,594 216,661 161,933 74.7 ing river view; will be most 329,875 180,970 198,905 72.7 valuable property. SITU. 881,088 625,388 205,700 32.9 See ee ae 2,014,828 916,100. 1,098,228 119.9 WE have several fine Farms T apy waNTa eptest 11,179,376 10,351,554 827,822 8.0 and Ranches for sale. ene te small Pe ececene 2,738,925 2,020,375 718,550 35.6 We hav over 60 Houses for house, occupied by gent en only. 285,750 225,366 60,384 26.8 sale. Mending done, Address box 159. 61-3 221,000 220,875 125 1 We have some of the choicest 502,810 132,385 370,425 279.8 buys in Medicine Hat. CARPENTER 412,550 298,200 114,350 38.3/ We can sell you to make a change. Stair Tea tee 950,000; TERROR: 200,000. 26:7 good profit quick, Special Abie to make and fit up hardwood 256,573 96,532 - 160,041 165.8 . Snaps in Riverside and Her- inishings. Box 1358, News oftice 508,386 441,262 67,124 15.2 ald and can deliver same day. , z 3 19,317,820 16,608,845 2,713,975 16.3 Good buys in Townsite and 621,093 516,370 104,723 20.2 Yuilis. EXPERIEN ae ee z CED. FIREMAN.-BESIRES. 5 : LISTINGS WANTED We have position, elther stationary or trac- pA AGT SERGE 34716. S348, plenty of buyers if prices are tion. Would work by month or day. +- 14,890,866 9,957,768 1,733,098. 17.4 iveasteikiie c ase. see ae References furnished. Apply box 1355 - 706 7 a News office, ag 2,570,950 1,185,660 1,435,200 I 887,843 398,094 251 P g W. 849.808 66 181,983, ingle, Wales BOOMS TO RENT. BA, rs orn aan Leeoaee. Bell FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT IN x 4 modern house; all conveniences; 5,536,810 2,004,519 1,442,291 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, 7 aa 290,472 103,896 126,636 Halfominute past Post Office. POMS: central locality, om hill. Ap- 236,815 128460 113,855 PHONE 791. aa ESN, (t Dhcme EEE oo 1,313, 8 436,786 SITIES een a meee cs 512,590 FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT ALL i Se . CORSETIERRE modern conveniences. Apply 627 783,509 308,302 451,207 149.8 moatultee 816479 ATL 585 344,894 73.0 Ser G Mea Ss Dison: eit 1,509,850 707,345 802,505 113.5 (RELLA reets made to meas- X02 RFE amass 129,981 94,924 73.1 8Fe, guaranteed for one year against OMS 70 LET BITHER FURN- 282,180 670 8,610 45.7 Brescing or rusting, At office in Bir xi, umiumiahed. Apply 949 4,622,479 3,842,670 779,809 20.8 Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. aes bien 6608445 3,717,601 2,977,754 80.1 m. to 5 p. m. Office phone 694. At To ENT 2 FURNISHED Re 14,151,702 11,822,702 - 671,000 * 5.7/house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east tet in modern ee Sie pas 335,985 170,242 5 side of High School, in evening. Yuin st. 87-6 5,781,255 2,197,920 Houee phone 699, or write P. 0. Box 16,298,600 13,911,900 72, Mrs, Matthews. Au 22-3m ROOMS WANTED. 46,676,110 23.7 WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS' WANTED AT ONCE ONE LARGE 2,926,842 56. 996.666 25, 980,176 45.5 cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, front bed sitting room. Apply News ++ Jewerry, guns, revolvers, valises, walt office. s1-tt 129,602,952 94,723,046 34,879,906 36.8 88e8, stoves, musical instruments, 445,815 furniture, Democrat waggons, bug- .WANTED TWO ROOMS, FURNISH- ed, for light housekeeping, by mar- ried couple, No children. Apply box B.B., News office. 60-tt WANTED AT ONCE, BY YOUNG jnan, room in private family; quite central and-modern; none other need apply. Box 1348 News 52-tt FIRST CLASS DRESSMAKING AT WHEN WANTING A MATERNITY nurse phone 609. 61-3 WELL SINKER eS ae ee J/sPARTINGTON, 1406 COLUMBIA, Medicine Hat Well Sinker. 61-3 Avenue, MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TC LOAN PRIVATE MON- ey to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857 58-6 EDUCATIONAL TEACHER OF MYER'S KINDUR- GARTEN, Elementary, Primary and Junior Grades of Toront) Conserva- tory, would come to city if sufficient pupils could be obtained. Address P. 60-3 0, box 628. AUCTIONEERS fT. . BROWNE CO, Live Stock and General Auctioneers, 519 Tor onto St, Stock Sales. every Friday on Market Square at 1,o clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted axy- where, House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere. Consult us, our 6x- Portenos ot: yous Siepouat: tree Fieas 08, H. B. Browne Co, 619 To- rseats (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO.. The xbove have on hard the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new Iine of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 504 South Railway St. or Plots 81. w Tonto Bt, Subscribe now for the Dally News. Horse Rear 812 F Drea Beg to annou pleted: arrang the business General Feed double outfit sale or hire, The Compa tions of expr automobile. Enquiries CHARTEE W. REND Accountan shed 1882), Hat, Winnipe bridge. AE Partner. Phe
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Image 505 (1912-09-20), from microfilm reel 505, (CU1772544). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.