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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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BLOWN UP WHILE - PSOCCUPANTS SLEPT None Were Injured Own- er Says That it Was At- tempt on His Life. CW. ALP. Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 30.Shortly ) after one o'clock this morning the gt;) Wall of John Dragin s house at 4.25 ) Heatiey Ave., was badly. damaged and Ais kitchen wrecked by a terrific ex- Plosion which awakened the neighbor- Mood. Dynamite, in the opinion of the police, was the cause of the ex- losion, and Dragin believes that it Was murderous attempt on his life eo by a man who a few days ago threa- fened to kill him. In the house were persons, including Dragin, iis wife and five small children. It Was a miracle that they were not kill- d ak Several occupants were sleep- ing directly over the place where the harge of powder was placed. BORDEN GIVEN - GREAT SEND-OFF Premier Now on His Way Home Aboard Allan Lin- er Pleased With Recep- tion. w Mrs. Borden and Mr. amd Mrs. Pel- letier took their departure from Eus- ton by special train to sail this jeveningfrom .iverpool on board the Allan liner Vinginian. A large and representative party bade them a hearty farewell, those om the plat form including Lord Strathcona, W L. Griffith, Sir Hatman Just, repre senting the colonial office, Col. Sam Hughes, Col. Morrison, Major Ro- bertson, and other members of the military contingent who have just arrived, besides many members of the Canadian colony in London. Be- fore their departure the platform was cleared in order that Premier Borden and Lord Strathcona might ibe photographed. Premier Borden in his final mes- sage expressed the highest apprecia- tion of the efforts of those who had contributed to make the visit of the Canadian Minister such a happy one. The question of conditions of maval will be considered by the Cabinet al- defence and Canada s share in it most immediately on his return. The most delightful experience 1 have ever had, was Mrs. Borden's description of her stay in England. T am leaving London with aheart- full of gratitude to the people of your country and especially to Eng- land women suffragists. They are your women folk and T bear for them the kindest feelings Ithough I do not opprove of their methods. When the train started out Mr. Borden leaned over the window and bowed in response to cheers of the crowd. Other passengers on the Vir- ginian include Lieut.-Co,. Macdonald, Sir Charles Chadwick Healey, K. C., B. A.; Judge Dunlop of Montreal, W. (C. A. P. Cable) London, Aug. 30. The visit of the Canadian minister came to a co eee Loeay ween tes Pree en Girl Soap Box Is Official Score Keeper of the Wilson Campaign Miss Hill s Dainty Fingers Marks Progress of Democratic Candidate for Whom She Spellbinds on Street Every Night. In front of a big desk at the Wilson and Marshall new palatial headquar- ters in the Fifth Avenue Building sits a girl apparently playing 2 game that Tequires all her attentign... Before her lies a big map of the United States and now and again seh arefully selects a thumb tick from a parti-colored collection beside her and decorates the surface of one division of the big checkcrboard, pressing in here or there a yellow, green, blue or red headed pin. Each day the numbers of the colored pegs increase phorically, Miss Hill adroitly turns and soon every state in the Union will be similarly covered. The girl is Miss Alberta Hill, the only woman officially conhected with the Organization Committee of the Democratic combination of which Senator Gore is chairman. It is a game Miss Hill Is playing, a war bame and the map before her is fight is progressing. To the initiated the yellow pegs show that here have been returns reveived from the State, green from the county, red from-the Congressional district and blue: the. Precincts showing that the work Db Precinct of the locality indicated. As reports come in from other States counties, Congressional districts and precincts showing that the work is. being organized, co this curious little game becomes each day more inter- esting. She Boosts Wilson from Top of Soap Box. Miss Alberta Hill, only twenty-one, suffrage leader, street speaker, or- Banizer, and campaign orator, bows at ehtshrine of the Democratic nom- ne ewho she thinks has been raised Up-as a leader at a great crisis. Hav- ing the demeanor of a little Quaker- 8s, yet she is full of the fire of a righteous cause and is the most en- Donner und Blitzen, Cries Parrot as His Cage Drops New York, Aug. 30. Here i of treasure trove. Not the The good ship Cincinnati set sail from her pier at Hoboken. second-class deck at the omceed a snug fortune. Now the wile was returning to visit the home of her girlhood. Their happy union any they a Mrs. Anne couldn't think of yart- so it political and talks Woodrow Wilson. With as great acclaim as her hearers greeted her suffrage speech they join in demonstrations for the Democratic nominee for president. And when the little Wilson campaign buttons are distributed semblance of a riot en- sues amiong those who fight for the souvenirs, England Had Its Cromwell, America Mr. Wilson, bas Miss Hill, and when asked if on closer knowledge he came up to her expectations gasped for breath: expectations? He simply soars. Oh, he is: perfectly wonderful. been raised up at this time to fill the gap. : been so tn all ages that when a coun- ed to fill t. When France needed a leader Napoleon came forth. Eng- its Wilson and its Lincoln. of ker official duties at headquarters be able to go out campaigning in the regular sense, she will continue to make her Thursday night thusiastic of the scores of enthusi- meetings an opportunity to boom Mr. asts who each day fill the corridors Wil a tale;sea. As she stood at the rail, a wet treas- handkerchief in her right hand, she ure troge of pirates bold, but a yam * Une Hams over the rail in a new- of the sea just the same. ly gilded cage. waved to Herr Leupp. who talks English with a slight Ger- vag- Stem line Frau Anna got mixed her gesticulations. Her right hand Fifteen years ago they came to thia 2 aised to her eyes to dash the , amd by thrift and industr tA away. F, McLean, M. P., L, Worthington Evans, Unionist member for Colches- ter; Norman B. Cash, K. C., F. EB. K. C., and Ordex, Orator Push Tacks Into Map That and offices of the Wilson and Mar- shall headquarters, Her enthusiasm for suffrage is only. rivalled by her enthusiasm for Wood- row Wilson. The two go hand in hand together, and every Thursday night finds Miss Hill mounted on a soap box somewhere in the Second As- sembly district, of which Miss Lavin- ia Dock is leader for the Woman Suffrage party, propounding votes for women to the dwellers of the east ide. meeting, while she has her audience with her, practically as well as meta- the attention of the crowd to matters been an admirer of she simply Come up to my Then earnestly: I believe he has I do, indeed. It has always try needed a leader some one appear- land had ts Cromwell and America While Miss Hill will not on account street Goodbye, papa, she cried and Good-bye, papa, repeated Hans, As they were ahout to cast off the in She forgot that she held the parrot and disengaged her left hand from the cage to help out her right hand. With fluttering feath ers and indignant ser ams Hans went tumbling to the dock in his gilded cage. Donner und Blitzen yelled the outraged bird. *Vot the hell. Two ongshoremen put a taole cage slipped and down came the bird to the longshoremsa, You tam fool roared Hans. Donner und Blitzen * A rope was thrown from the ship, ja knot was passed through the ring of the cage and it went crashing against the ship's side as the line was cast off. Donner und Blitzen yelled the vird again as the cage was dented in against the ship's side. Pretty Hans, cooed Frau Leupp. stretching forth her hands. Pretty hell returned the pious stern bird. Donner und Blitzen Good bye, papal Good-bye, papa Good-bye, Hans, shouted Ru. dolph, Good-bye, mamma. 14-YEAR-OLD GIRL TOOK STRYCHNINE Wetaskiwin Girl Mistook Deadly Poison For Medi- cine and Died. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Wetaskiwin, Alta, Augy-30. Fern Dayton, 14 years of age, daughter of R. Dayton, a farmer residing 14 miles from town, died today from strychnine poisoning. The girl swal- lowed the poison under the impres- sion that it was medicine. A physi- clan was sent for, but the victim died before his arrival. FT. WILLIAM READY TO RECEIVE THE DUKE Will Be Shown Around the City and Taken for Yacht: Trip. Fort William, Ont., Aug. 30. Fort William ist in dress*to receive His Royal the Duke of Connaught and party upon arrival at three o'clock to-morrow after noon. The business section is a mass of bunting and the rest of the city is splendidly decorated. His Royal Highness will be met at the Union station by the Mayor and city clerk, He will then proceed to the audi torium of the city hall where an ad- dress of welcome will be presented. Bouquets will be presented to Her Royal Highness the Dushess-of-Gon- naught and Her Royal Highness. the Princess Patrica, by the Women's Canadian Club and the Caughters of the Empire. After leaving the city hal, the eentral school will be visit- ed, then the genera hospital will be inspected and the party will pro- ceed to the yacht.Sigma at the dock for a trip around the harbor. The Party will leave for the west at 6.30 p.m. western time. *) CHICAGO STREET CAR MEN MAY REJECT INCREASE OFFERED Ballot Taken Today Mat- ter May Go to . Arbitra- tion. (CW. A. P. Dispatch) Chicago, II1., Aug. 20. Rejection of the new three-year contract granting cent an hour increase in pay was generally regarded .as the probable Chicago street car men finished this morning. The count of the vote was not expected to be announced until tomorrow. In case the contract is re- Jected, the issues in dispute will be arbitrated. a BRITISH ARMY AVIATION PRIZES BEEN AWARDED Ex-American Gets 20,000 For Flight in His Own Machine. (W. ALP. Cable.) London, Aug. 30. The two leading prizes in British army aviation were awarded today by the British war office to S. F. Cody, once an Ameri- can citizen, but now a naturalized British subject. Cody won the principal award, the first prize of 4,000 ( 20,000) im the competition flying in planes made in any country. He flew in 2 machine made of his own construction, i WATCH WAS STOLEN who visited the city for the fair have not left. This afternoon. Mr. C. Krauss reported to the police that a valuable watch had been stolen from Office for a few minutes unattended and on returning found that the watch was stolen, 31, where we will have om display Trimmed Hats and Noveities. L. J. MeLEAY, Intperial Bank Buikting. A tenbour day for farmwork is be- through the ring im the top of the cage and hoisted it to a porthole. sectioos of the Northwest, and in and was decided Just as somebody was about to grab order to get belp the farmers are world. would teke Hans across the the cage through the porthole . the yielding to the new scale. img demanded by lsborers in certain MEDICINE HAT DAILY +yilely be may have acted while im outcome of the balloting which 10,000 i lover ber thikdren. No wonder sone and daughters can stay Our Fall opening, Sgturday, Aug. til all boars of the night FLATBUSH GIRLS DRINK T00 MUCH, ASSERTS PRIEST Father T. A. Hickey De- clares He Sees Females of Tender Years in Saloons. MERE BOYS GET DRUNK He Inspects Road Houses and Reprimands Girls For Imbibing. Liq and the fact that our yong girls and boss imbibe too freely of it, are the causes of nine-tenths of the trouble In New York, This is the belief of the Rev. T. A. Hickey, pastor of St. Brendan's Ro- man Catholi Church of Flatbush Father Hickey has been preaching against the frequent use of liquor for the last three Sundays, and has even gone so far as to make a persona inspection of many of the road houses within the bounds of his parish. He has reprimanded several girls, begging their mothers tq be more strict. with the children. BLAMES THE MOTHERS POR LACK OF VIGILANCE. Mothers know too little of their daughters whereabouts. From the time a girl becomes old enough to earn her own living she disregards her mother s opinions and paddies her own canoe. gt; I consider it a curse for any girl to earn her own living. Every girl loses her feminine charms once she is made to battle with the world. Fhe corftinual journeying to and from work is-what places many of our young girls in hospitals. A girl place is home, and she should be forced to remain at home. God made woman to be. the maker of the bome and to have children. Bvery girl should know how to cook adin- mer or wash the dishes. Her re- creation should be had in company with the other:members of her fam- Ba VOCATES LOCKING GIRLS OUT AFTER 10 P. M. Mothers know little and care less what is happening to their daughters They seldom reprimand them fo coming in late, and think it: clever of their girls to be able to drink a few cocktails or a glass of beer. It is my belief that when agirl returns to her home aft r 16 o'clock she should not be permitted ty enter the hhouse. I would close the door in ber faee. Any girl who visits roadhouses in the company of young men and sits up until all hours imbibing liquors is not fit to enter a respecte able home. i I think the young men are equal- ly as bad as the young girls. Boys, as a rule, think that im order to Popular they must beebitie int i ed every once in a while. They are not good sports if they ean't drink. Moreover, the girls will have nothing to do with the majority men unless the men drink. That is pre isely where most of the trouble lies. When a fellow is seen intoxicated, no matter how a that state, he will be received with open arms. at. the home cf some re- spectable girl on the following even- ing. I sincerely wish. girls would im- sult such men when they eall to vis- BOYS OUGHT NOT TO ify into 2 boarding-bouse mistress. wonder 2 mother has no jurisdicti his i Sh the ways have plesty of money on drink. Is there any wonder daughters. Today s Snaps BROADWAY, Riverside, facing river and city, Block 13, Lots Sand 16, 3 and 4, 775 pair ; terms. . 5 and 6, at Block 19, Riverside, 25 ft. lots, 350 each. BLOCK 1 and 26, BLOCK and 16, 800 palr 5 palr. Riverside, . Riverside, Lots 25 15 Low CHAKLES ST., Central Park Splendid large new just finished, on Every convenience. Good terms. house 50 ft. lot. 6,000; CHARLES ST., Central Park 3 large new houses, 4500 each, Good terms. NORTH YUILL Block 16, lots 7 and 14; of river and city, 5 and 6 5Q each, HERALD Block 8, good view lots 3 and 4, 759 pair. HILL Block 28, opposite Block. 18, Herald, 50 ft, cheap buy. for 525. A NORTH YUILL Block 6, two new house: for 2800. One- third down; balance arranged TOWNSITE Block 80, lots 19 and 20; 5200 the pair. TOWNSITE Block 1150. 82, lot 36, GOOD BUYS in Cousins and Sissons, Yuills and Herald. RIVERDALE Good level lots at 185. Good terms, Pin gle, Wales - Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE 791, about the necessity of guarding their I have seen many girls from this parish visiting road houses, and I have reprimanded them sovere- ly. The crisis has come. Liquor is the cause of nine-tenths of the trou- ble in the home, and unless its. use is forbidden we can never hope for any better results. poe FURNISHED HOUSE WANTED. Modern, for few months. Careful ten- ants. No children. Can give refer- Is the Advice Handed Out By Hon. G. E. Foster in Speaking at Toronto. Sitcations Wanted, Help Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, etc., ads under these headings? 26 words, one day . 36 26- words, three days 50 25 words, six days .. .. 1.00. Additional words at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents, Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No. 18 ring 2, and it will receive attention. FOR S4LE JFOR SALE Automobile. this years model. Run less than 2,000 miles. A bargain ior somebody. Might ment. Phone 782. P.O. Box 3. 33-tf FOR SALE SOMB HOUSEHOLD furniture, Also one furnished room to rent . Apply 109 Montreal. 42-3 FOR SALE A FINE FIRST CLASS boarding house, central location; 12 steady boarders; furniture and busi- ness; Apply. box 932 or 802 3rd Ave- nue, 42-6, FRESH FROM OUR GARDENS, choice sweet peas and astors, large bunch 25c; also three large heads of finest celery, 25c. Delivered to any address in the city. T. H. Mills, 211 Yuli St. or phone 95. 43-3 FOR SALE TWO FRESH JERSEY cows. Apply to J. Malcolm Co., of- fice up Times stairway. 43-3 ROOMS TO RENT. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Apply 222 Montreal St. 44-3 FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT Close in. Gentlemen preferred. Apply 720 4th Ave. 42-3 TO RENT FURNISHED ROOM TO Jet in modern house with private family, on the hill. Only ladies need apply. Teacher preferred. Plione 747. 43-3 BOARD AND BOOM. WANTED TWO LADY BOARDERS. House modern. Apply 824 Braemar Street. 46 WANTED TO RENT ences. Phone 536. A SUITE OF FURNISHED ROOMS wanted for light house keeping.. Ap- 44-3 take well located lot for part pay- V4 FURNISHED HOUSE to let for two months. Apply Box 776, P. 0. 9-6t eNnanr WANTED for vacant store op the corner of Montreal street and 8rd Ave. Fine location for any business. Reasonable rent. Living Toom overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G. MacBean Co. Imperial Bank building. roate WANTED TO BUY ANTED TO BUY: in Old Survey, Herald or Park. Give prices, terms, etc., to P. 0. Box 510. Owners only need apply. 50 feet in Hill or Herald between To- ronto and Ottawa Sts, Price must be right, as I mean business, One-third cash, balance 9 and 18 months, vend- jor to pay commission, W. H. Steb- dings, 316 Hargrave St, Winnipeg, Man. 39-6 er STRAYED 50 REWARD The above will be payed for information that will lead to the recovery of one brown Selding with white stripe on nose, 5 years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left sbould- er; one gray gelding weighing about 1800 Ibs., branded ) on left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Pete Weiss on the 13th of May. R, I. Starks, Medicine Hat. att MONEY TO LOAN MONEY TO LOAN PRIVATE MON- EY to loan on residential property. Apply to P. 0. box 857. 42-3 NURSING 18S AMBROSE Trained Nurse, 09 Braemar St. Phone 747. 35-12t CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS W. 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- lished 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge. AE. Gibson, C.A, resident Partner. Phone 198. Burns Block. 276att +++. +. CORSETIERRE SSPIRELLA Corsets made to meas- ure, guaranteed for one year against breaking or rusting. At office in Pingle block, Main street, from 2 p. m.to5 p.m. Office phone 594. At house, 7 school Avenue, opposite east side of High School, in evening. House phone 699. Mrs, Matthews. Au 22-3 m AUCTIONEERS ply to News office. 43-4f HELE WANTED. ter, Minister of Trade and Commerce WANTED Brick layers. Apply who with John T. Reld, Minister of Customs, paid a brief visit Canadian Exhibition today, speaking: at the directors luncheon, they warn- ed the farmers of western Canada W against trusting to the various rail- ays to remove their grain the weather conditions spoiled the Present crop of wh at. The minister W4 stated that it was essential that the farmers of the prairie provinces se- cure private barns to the Elizabeth Street school, Victoria Ave. and Elizabeth St. Lussier Constru- ction Company, Limited. .. .. 37-12t TANTED Capable general servant Apply 1017 Esplan B8-tf. family of two. ade. TANTED General servant for family of three. Apply L. Hewit:, 935 Montreal St. 38-tt to. house their crops this year. He said that in oth- er years a large quantity of grain had been ruined through the farmers not providing shelter until the railways could handie it, and that be was cer- tain that this would be the case this Year if the farmers do not take im- mediate precautions to prevent Fecurrence of it. LEARNED BY EXPERIENCE. His Better Hali i think it s time we got Lizzie married and settled W Essenkay OWNERS or AUTOMOBILES Eliminate all possibility of Gre trouble by having your tires Enquire W. A SPRINKELL Care of GINTHER LAND CO. ANTED 15 laborers, 3 per day, on pipe Iine work at How Island. Ap- ly International Supply Co, phone . 36-tf housework. Apply 123 Toronto St. 44tf GENERAL SERVANT WANTED Apply to Mrs. James Hargrave. 44-tf WANTED EXPERIENCED WAIT- ress. Apply to Cosmopolitan Hotel 44-3 car young men kate to get married, and why our young girls refuse to be- come mothers? If they bad lese (money and respetted ity more they would bave Kittle cause for drink there woald be lees crime in''the T am tired speaking to mothers 1 T. Ff. Reynolds PAINTER, ETc. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690. SITUATIONS WANTED. Subscribe now for the Dally News. STOCK AND FURNITURE SALE A Specialty, Prices right. Call or write P.O. box 826. 102 Main St, Medicine Hat. G. L. Satterlee. 44-8t hair, wool and f.ithers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Tailoring Co., 312 Fourth avenue, opposite Dreamland theatre. P. O. box 358. 295. The Best Prices Paig for the above. . Bartlett. B.A.Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor W. E. WRIGHT Customs Broker. Consignee and forwarding agent, as- sembler and executer of papers for shipments gulag ini the United States. Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker and General Agent. MEDICINE HAT. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Binning) The Daily News delivered in the elty 25 a month. Painting and Paperhanging. Proclan * WUath-Qvers for common expres UWale-Cver wear can t wear - Wat without becomir tic about them). Try a pair TURPIN THE MEN'S Where you get the Bi BIG ADVANC POR BAYLE FIGHT Record Crowd i to Attend A: Outside of Cit (Special to the Calgary, August 25 crowd which ever at Dont in Canada will i de present at the bat Bayley and Billy Alle held here on-the mor ber 4th. This was 1 when the advance sai opened. Within three sale was opened over lars worth of seats hs cash and telephone orders for as many received. Because of Seats no orders from being considered unle by cash. The new Deing built by Tommy side the city limits comfortably seat people. It is locate about twenty yards of tracks and good car s assured by the leasin cipal cars by Tommy vars will be used sol ing spectators to the 1 ute car service being The fight between znd the Ministerial Calgary, who are ben the lid down, will hav. the championship ox chances are now that will make no further the lid in the city devote his energies Permanent auditorium the arena where-the bout is being held. there is an ideal one. Side the Jimits of the and therefore outsid tion of the Calgary pc this will be a benefit the keeping down o city will serve to gi his out of town arena fight market. Gets Anothe New York; August Farrell of the New yesterday closed a Rochester Club for Lelivelt, who was for Athletics, and Washir will join the Highlan gust. Ladies an Gents Tai We have a fine rai LADIES and FALL svUI Come and judge Also see the late: See us about y P.8. We will sell the yard if you WOR Phone 517. 81
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Image 389 (1912-08-30), from microfilm reel 389, (CU1772546). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.