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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The Shirts in our 1 -00 are ate purchasing and nc Take a good look at thi They are the result of careful and fortun- at a very reasonable figure. 1.00 each, all sizes H. S. IRELAND C. P. R. MEN'S STORE, west window at Great Values yw are offered to you ein and do it today. REPRE EERE EEE EE WORLD o SPORT Eeehhebiebicbicieeieieieieieieiebeieleieinielebeieieletetnte GIANTS ARE HOT AFTER OLD RECORD OF CHICAGO CUBS Barney Dreyfuss Predicts Slump for McGraw s Men and Says Pirates Will Come Fast on the Home Stretch. Now that the National League sea- son of 1912 is half over the chances the Giants have of-making three new Tecords can be figured on. One mark John MeGraw hag his men shooting at ig the record for the greatest number of games won in a'season, npw tield by the Chicago Qube. In 1906 the Cubs finished the season with 116 games won and thirty-six'lost. So far as the Seasonbas gone the Giants have the edge on the record. Up to and includ- ing July 6, 1906, the Cubs had won fifty games and lost twenty-one. Up to July this season the Giants had won fifty-five and lost thirteen. The Cubs average was .704 per cent;while. thatiof the.Glants was .809. Accbrding to these figures the Giants ean drop quite a few points in per- centage in the games still to be played * and still do better than Chan e's world eaters did in-1906. the New York club. In 1887 the Giants Of old Stole 383 bases, as compiled by; President N. B, Young of the Nation: League and published in A. G, Spalg ing s' Official National League Guide 1888. In 1887 John Montgomery W of the Giants Jed the league in stolel bases, with 111 to his credit. Up to July 5 of this season the Giants had stolen 168 bases. It is'ad- mitted that the scoring of stolen bases Dack in the 80's was not governed by the atrict rules that it fs at the present time. Whether the Giants succeed in bettering the record of thelr eminent predecessors or uot, it is certain that their work on the base paths bas been a big clement of their success Bhils'sen- son, Effective pitching is a great ald to a team s success, so is skilful bat- ting, but it 1s equally necessary a base has been obtained by hi base on balls or any other way, a other bases should be secured by fal base running. Whenever the Giants losetwo-samest in succession, which has. h very rarely this season, the Pittsburg. where Pre Dreyfuss and the Pirates still have pennant This is Barney's latest keep his spirits up: Giants lead-being-2 game on the next Wester teams In that division shape than on the New 4 invasion of the West. Of were off form then and we couldn't Another record the Giants-are after 4g the base-stealing record of the N: tional L ague, which is now held: SREAM FREEZERS, LAWN. SEATS. PHONE 26.,, TORONTO CLEARANCE SALE ON LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, GRASS SHEARS, NOZZLES: WATERING CANS, ICE At specially REDUCED PRICES for the next TEN DAYS. THE MARSHALL-MITGHELL HARDWARE CO.,LTD. give them the best-in-our makenp, but Cammy and others are now able to get the ball over. Chicago is also going HAMMOCKS AND ST., - MEDICINE HAT. F, B, McKinnon desires to trons for their that on and after April 15th the Joint Stock Company, Limited, and would bespeak for the eompany* mee of their esteemed patronage, with an 2 continam continuation of that service ana associated mith this store. erous patronage during the past seven years fr whteu he has coutucted his bakery busisess, and begs to state z Watoh for further Aanouncements thank his numerous friends and business will be carried on as a ee of a unity wales bas 8 been - B. McKINNON 235-d-tf Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, tt. WHEN YOU ARE EATING MOTHER YOU ARE EATING THE BEST LOOK PORTH LABEL, TASSIE BROS. S BREAD PHONE 256. Helen Stiles ai better, during July, have more than a five-game lead by Aug. 1. If that comes true, then keep your eye on the Pirates for the run lown the home,stretch. Our men are batting finely. aga when Donlin ts able to work regiariyiye will uve strong offensive ji Gof bsive team. In the game Marqugr sivon at New York. I am surd 'th Mike been on duty we Woul hat Bowed the leaders up inthe: entre series. Marquary didn t pitch well against wh He ts rls and If he stands up wall on the pext Western trip it will) a surpeish,. We hit him hard, too. oust Not any more, He tsn't Je to o muctt piso than serve a slow aut * Tis a critic When the Giants cotue to Forbe: ld for the second Western Jauntithey will not find a of Corsairs, but to swap badin- temper. The their spirits or. even an . Go after the league may yet be in the old Altogether it's going to be a of of of of afe ofp ole ofe of ole ole ole ole of hard Job for the Giants in the West +f I'l wager that they won't +f Lo z Esneeeepecesed Bilt Armour, the former Detroit-To- ledo mauager,, 1s scouting for the St. Cardinals, BASEBALL NOTES Shortstop Dow, the former Brock- ton player, Is making good with the New York Highlanders, In the absence of Manager Frank Chance Joe Tinker acts as captain manager of the Chicago Cubs. Three times thls season the Giants have run up nine wins in a row be- sides their sixtecen straight victories. The Minnesota-Wisconsin League has disbuuded, the Winona team be- ing In the lead when the league bit the rocks, Teputation as a fence buster by leading Charlle Dooin's Quakers In batting. The White Sox have sent Walter Johngon II. back to Racine and will now try out Cy Young III, who hails ; from Stevens Point, Wis. League afe hitting for .300 or better; while the American League has only. twenty-one men in the select circle: Claude Rossman, the former De- troit first baseman, now with Min- neapolis, is Jeading the American As- sociation in batting with an average of 878. Catcher Forrest Cady, of the Boston Red Sox, is a sreat pegger to the bases. It fg. said that only one matt has stolen base on him cleanly, this Season, Casey Hageman, who has been sent Back to the Denver club by the Boston Red Sox, refunes to report to the Grizzlies on account of a cut in salary. Buffalo fans are not very strong for George Stallings Bisons this seasqn. The team has not been able to: hold lits.amm with the leatlers in the nIter- i rattomat teag yes You haveito hand it to the St. t yy Browns for, rani wo tniak: tO neon ont hace C? T noticed the color 20 Sher men's face tu ; he was into the big leagues. -rett, the former Princel playing sucha good ge Chase co tibly. weakening the Prestdgnt, Johnson is: in with PresdentiComiskey, of the Wh Sox, and if s said that the lea ecutive isyhere fn an effort to fl what is ailing the Highlanders : dent Johggpn realizep-that the Ameri- can League is at a low ebb York and may take drastleymeasures to sfenetnen the league's, senffitives. MATCH TWO FAST TROTTERS Dudie at and Archdale to Meet Cleveland, Grand Rapids, Mich, July 17 Helen Stiles and Dudie Archdale were matched yesterday for 5,000 a side for a race to be trotted at the Cleveland grand circuit meeting. This match grows out of the race for the Alcyron. purse here Tuesday, when Helen Stiles won after Dudie Archdale had taken. the first. two heats, ) eae ) JULY 17 IN PUGILISTIC, ANNALS 1849 One. of the longest battles in ring history was fought between Mike Madden and Bill Hayes at Edenbridge, England. The bout went 185 rounds, or 6 hours and 3 minutes of actual scrapping. The only fight longer than this was between James Kelly and Jonathan Smith, at Melbourne, lasting 6 hours and 15 minutes. 1207-Bob Fitzsimmons attempted to come back and met Jack, Johnson at Philadelphia, the black inan winning fn two rounds. Fitz was entirely out- classed and-at the mercy-of Johnson. 1907 Sailor Burke defeated Jack Robinson in four rounds at New York 1909 Johnny Frayne knocked out Young Corbett in nine rounds at San Francisco. 1911 Joe Mandot defeated Bayo Driscoll n eight rounds at Memphis, Tenn. JULY 16 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS 1900 Frank Erne and Terrible Terry MeGovera fought their me- battle in Madison Square Garden, New York, McGovern winning by a knockout in the third round. Eme agreed to knock out Terry within ten rounds or lose the de- cision, bat himself knocked out. 1901 Joe Gans defeated Dal Haw- kins in 3 rounds in New York. Gans and Hawkins engaged in three of the most terrific battles in ring history. In the first meeting Haw- kins, who was a, Californian, won the decision. In the second battle, after both men had been knocked was down several times, Gans scored a sation. cine Hat man say: them all st month eeaso, the team at the top at the .e and drew away from the ae . have T also h : Pale geet this. sea This 37 fancy only Dppa Rixoy, 2M, with-the Phila- that Medsuonals; Charles Hightower, Corie, with Buffalo; John B. University of Eticago, with the delphia Nationals; Joseph Tarbell, Vermont College, with Cleveland; Nash and ConZelman, of Brown, with Cleveland, und Warher, of Brown, with Pittsburgh. Several mifor leagues divide their close of the first half of the season plays the team winning the second half for the championship of the league. Among the teams that have won their right to contend for the pennant at the close of the season are: Jacksonville, in the South Atlantic League; Salem, in the Ohio and Pennn- sylyania League; Selma, in the South- eastern League; Cleburne, in the South Central League; Wichita Falls, in the Texas-Oklahoma League, and Vicks- burg, in th Cotton States League. When Hub Pordue was reinstat- ed by the Boston Braves he was unable to pitch on account of hav- sore when he was suspended that he tore up his uniform and threw his glove in the alley. The of the La Grande Western Tri- State League, is a woman She is * areal fan, knows the national pastime from the big gate to the -fag pole-and doesn't- give hang whether the suffregettes win or lose. Catcher Bill Carrigan and pitcher Ray Collins have been doing great work for the Boston Red Sox. Bothy Bill and Ray got away to a poor start last spring, but have sinch come to life covered with spangles. Managerial duties taust have taken the kick out of Jimmy Callahan bat. hitting, up to his mark, club-working in Pravidence, Hank Perry threatens to do some of the heavy hitting that made him fam- ous last season. Pitcher George Bell, who used to jmotable featherweight championeliy-twil for ihe Brooklyn Dodgers, is Pitching. winning ball for Joe Me- Ginnity's Newark team, in the In- ternational League. New nares appear in the High- landers line-up nearly every day. It is only a question of time until Frank Farrell will have an entirely new crew of tossers. Roger Bresnahan ought to ask for Carnegie medal to be presented to Johnny Kling, the lite saver. The Beavers have stood between the Cardinals and the pit ait season- gt; knockout in the second round. Kaisgr s Old Timer 10 Cigar, 4 Cactus Cravath s ving up to his wrong Detve H ewsty by taktng Thirty-one. players 1n the National uniform. Hub -became so+ The White Sox pilot is not Inst season s' Now, that he has got his. wag Pingle s Drug Store is the only place in ,the city where you can buy the Great French Tonic and Blood Purifier VIGOROL Get a Bottle To-day and To- morrow You'll be Better. VIGOROL s a French Tonic com- posell of harmless ingredients, com- pounded by chemists. It is very rarely you can get a medicing that wil do its work as quickly as VIG- OROL., You will at once feel its stimuleting effects, Rheumatism can and will be driyen away it you take VIGOROL. It makes you feet like a new person in a few days. Aro you not feeling yourself? Have you that tired, lazy feeling? Do you feel dizzy? If so, there is something VIGOROL, You will eat and feel better in a few days. If you don't, Mr, Pingle will refund you your dol- lar, VIGOROL will cure all kid- ney, liver and stomach trouble, bil: Jousness and indigestion, and tones up the entire system. LIL ARTHUR HAS WENT Police Court s Colored Com, edian Failed to Rerty this Morning. J. W. Johnson, the culled pusso who was. charged at the: police court yesterday morning. with being druvk and disorderly, and who alleged that Lots 3-4, Block 10, 1050 Cash. Lots 1-2, Block 5, 1150, terms. Riverside Park. RealEstate SNAPS Residential Property 50 ft. on Hsplanade, 1500. Townsite 100 ft., Block 33, 5,000, (Apartment house site.) 60 tt er, Btock 81, 1600. 84 ft. corfer, block 59, 4200. High School Annex Present Daily Av Advertisers in Da of the Weekly No oxtra charge. vertisers. VOL. 3; NO. 7 Engla Lots 31-38, Block 7, 600 pair. 60 ft. corner, Block 23, 1200. Terms. 25ft. with shack, Block 24, P Lots 3-20, Block 13, 600 pair. 3900. Terms, 50 ft. Block 28, 900, Lots 13-14, Block 1, 750 pair. Central Park 50 ft., Block 4, 1300, Lots 26-80, Bleck 15, 600 pair. 100 ft, Block 6, 1,000 pair. Terms. , Reached Secor . Herald Survey- Tots Ta Blocks 7, 18 and 14 at Membe Lots 8-9, Block G, 1500 pair. 410 Main St. Phone 6 Constables Pickering and Campbell had caught him by the throat and choked him at the police station, was let out on Dall until this morning so that more evidence could be given. However, when his'name was called he was not present, and Chief Bruce said he had x ason to believe the man had skipped the country. Magistrate Kealy gave th police instructions to have the man arrest ed if he showed up in fown gain. His 5 bail was confiscated. Rey. A. W. Herman and family of Bow Islandveft for the East this morn- ing. Mr, H. M, Whimster, pr sident of Fernie Tyographical Union, is in town today. He is enjoying an extended va- cation and will spend a few weeks with refatives in Walsh. R. B. Hallaces and F, T. Kennedy of Suffield are staying in the city. D W-Munton; Winnitred, 15 regIst ed at the Alberta. M. F. Zeiga and Walter Kelly, sano, are in the city. Bas- A. A. Strawby and P. Muirhead of Seven Persons are at the American. w. Royal. C. Hodges, Bowell, is at the F, H. Dinor, Carlstadt, 1s a visitor in the city. Miss Amnie Bright, of Listowel, Ont., en route to the coast, is the guest of the Misses Reid, 427 Brae- mer street, cit; Ea ee P, was da tha city for a short time this morning. SAGE ESTEE ETE : MUSIC DRAMA : Seeeeeeeeeeeee The Man from Canada, the hilari- us comedy Which makes its first ap- pearance at the Opera House on Thursday night next, so far this sea- son has been one of the big hits on the road, the press being unanimous fy praising it, as being so different to others that have visited them. There s not a dull moment, the action being lively, entertaining, and the laughter spontaneots, not a patehed-up and frayed conglomeration of other peo- ple s ideas, but fs filled with plenty of witty dialogue, novel and original mu- sical numbers, all of which are of the whistly kind, and from which facts The Man from Canada gains its sobriquet, A show with - laughter. Last-bUt not least the Tom Marks Company 1s presenting this attraction, which is a sure guarantee that. the public can expect something good. POLICE COURT For being drunk and jncapable J. Juleson was fined 5 ani costs and J. Scanion 3 and costs the police court thfs morning. * H, Anderson, on the eyldence of Const. Pickering, was fined 5 and costs or being drunk while in charge of a team, and C. Stewart was order- ed to pay a similar sum for being drunk and using filthy language. number is 166. 6-4 Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- The Beaver Lumber Company phone 4 If you:are looking -for a Flome, see vA ROSEWARNE 305 North Railway st. Phone 478: House and barn on Yuill St, 50 ft. lot, 2 Lots, Central Park, Block 28, 625 the pair. 4 Lots, Block 2, Powell, 1,000 for the 300 each; South Yuill 50 ft. lot, Block 8, 1050. 60 ft. lot, Factory St... 500. Also large list of property Riverdale, Fuller-Harlow, Rose- dale, Altawans, Herald, etc. H.-C. PETTET CO, 968 Toronto St. Phone 451. of Esplanade, Post Office, fe havea nice selection of perties in the Herald, Riv- erside and Riverdale. They are our favorite. locations and we -+ have dug out a special nice lot of pi in fact, these loca- fions are our special gilt-edged its for , our clients. gwho are interested in upon us. WE HAVE In.Cousins and Sissons and North Yuill we hold large par cele of. 1 We have been favored DF somp of our friends with. exe lustre stings. sure street. Filt-edged proposition it grows dajly In value, We have the largest Ustings in the clty tr you to compare with, and Subscribe now 01a Townsite Biock the pair. U: Herald Block 14, 4 gt 950 a Centrat*Park Block 27, 7 lots at view, Usual Terms. PHONE 287. sty. facing Toronto Strest. Only 8750 High School Ann x Block 21,2lots,tise view, Idvel, high, ni 3 slope. Only 1050.00 a pair. -Riverdale 20 lots, block 3, only 237.50 each, Dusual b Siped Fine modern, roomed house New and up-to-date, block tg Cen- tral Park. Will trade for lots. G.G. MacBean Co IMPERIAL RANK Bone. , on the usual terms. a patr, Level and. r Terms. Plates, Fancy Pieces, Main Street, plying the most satisfactory. A CLEAN UP IN Crockery Cups and Saucers, a 2 Jardineres; ete., etc. Prices Greatly Reduced to Clear H.W. Ireiand Co. Phone 54, ama Canal Bill in tt sented to Secretary Mitchel Innes, in ish Embassy, Washington, July : est Sec send it at once to P probably will trans with a special mess Mr. Tunes me steamer in New Yo: brought the note in ington. The - comm derstood to be an. ported by argument the free toll provisi of two being picked mute ,was affected. quimault,. P./I. Led tection officer, turn navy and vessel fiscation to H. M. Th The, Newingtony we Clay Quot-te-Sam Ju ito was si than -tw g on- het the ited with jes from iden voys previou: mit, Was sighted inside? What are you do Newington'e trolls out, bi alt There was tered her cou ing to ionist 2 ROG * PACE NEED ESS London, Jilly 18. ally, the British Libe Premier Borden's the overseas domini participation in the al polley and naval cont on contribution, time to work out. presi The Chronicle, Lit takes. the view n at no distant We have met the + ebb bi bbb Pb bok teh, Thursday, Jt This coupon wi consecutive coup Dally News, and t titles the holder gramme reprodu famous panting, gale Coupons should be presen News office any Monday, June 241 This pleture ca
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Image 95 (1912-07-17), from microfilm reel 95, (CU1772116). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.