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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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eadily as 8 locomotive t miles west the fourth haee, and on this run as fought. The graye ry artifice to get Into- this side of the valley. anted men an exceed- the fifth purmuer re vor. 10 had been-shead-ai gt; pped to the rear and sad. . Immediately he ' old range far across ley. As relentless a the rider, Fully thirty ron, The new man but purred his horse . keen jump went the a half crazy animals. ly to quit, but Oblet white coat now muddy: a of alkali dust and per attempt to slacken the ressed. the harder, for certain distance he saw io be his: reit he he saw it was Allison, sett horee in our out- fter a gopher Allisom the final run. Hither jeen easily roped now. would have weicomed that was not the plan. ey Bad escaped by run- time they were To get wanted; if it was not them quit in one day, pe taken, The appear san was too mich they ss of the struggle Old up hie tail, stopped, wamnied: then glanced at their a momert ab if to ediency of further ef- back to the spot where nd awaited the coming Leaw a little five year sing at Warrior's mane, mb upon his back, grip with fier knees in sbout as.a youngster climbs a. that ran forty miles. a man to catch him y unfastened, totally in- uggles of the child, iderful Run. on Table Mountain, in recently we noticed a horse carrying, saddle ack. He led a bunch of s he Tan he was never dred vee ahead of his. Sam ingle footer, Asoc padre Prepare Yourself for Jn Sayory Canyon just Business. us with ue nid wanted ENTER THE Weaienaay, Tuy 20m, (si. c Blk. Lots, 20, 36-40, 400 each, 1-8, 6 12. ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450. each, ROSEDALE TRACKAGE. Lots. Price and terms. 5, 6, 2500, 900 cash, 6 and 12.- 8, 18-19, 4000, 1-8, 6 and 12. , 6 and 12, List with us, we have buyers Bik, 6, 138 ft, 4200, 1 for your property, Phone 776. J. A. LANDRY CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence and Office, - 711 Otfawa St, Phone 626, style, See me, and 1 will show -you the lots: and some of the houses I have put up. minutes Close in means 65 trom post office. HOUSES FOR SALE. a Speciality. Parcels Dellrerea, PRONE NO. 349. Phm. B. Complete stock of T cines, etc. Fossum Re se: Modern and sanitary in every tgspect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for and return: the goods. A few of our Best Buys NTRAL * PARRY Bik. Lots, Price and terms 20, 2223, 800, 1-3, 6 and 12. 28, 1-2-3, 1500. 1:2, 6 and 12. 6, 1-2, 1275, 1-2, 6 and 12. COUSINS . SISSONS. Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12. 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-3, 6 and 12. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. New Dairy. Box. 831. Job Work Attended to. If you want modern home, olo8e fu, 1 can supply you, as I have several goed lots on which I am prepared to: build for you according to your own idea and R. B. Taylor s Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Prompt Attention to all orders, Plano Moving with Piano Yan Can't Find The Spot or stain on your clothing when It has been cleaned at the Globe Cleaning aiid: Pressing o's: Your sult of light colored Sum- mer glothing lasts you Just three times a8 long and always looks new and natty by. sending it here when it.needs pressing and cleaning. Our system of dry cleaning 8 a boon to those who wear light colored clothing. THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING PRESSING ' CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. The undersigned has decided to open a dairy on his farm, Sec. 25, Tp. 12, Rge. 4, and de- liver . . Pure Milk to customers in the city at the rate of 8 Quarts for I. 00 a cleanly. and scientific manner and will be up to the standard as called for by the provincial ordinai As I have but a limite quan- tity for sale, will be pleased to receive orders up to Saturday, 13th, inst. Preference will be given to the large orders in case too many come in. Will be pleased to have my dairytuspected and milk tested at any time by proper author-- ities. I am on the main fine of the t lephone and will have phone connection as soon as same can be obtained. Address GEORGE N, SMITH Shiloh Farm, Medicing Hat, oe Cn MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS Dooley. 45 To-day, Has Amaseed a Fortune Ex-Chicago Newspaper Man. Who Today Draws Highest is culbratin his forty-fift birthday today, bad cess to him. Ingratichude, Shakespeare or Teddy Rosenfelt In 1900 Mr. Dunne took up his res- has rolghtly sald, stingeti Wke an deuce in New York and has since de- adder an Is wofse than a sarpent' s Voted his entire the to turning out tooth. Now, it was- only, yisterdah,/tle Mr, Dooley stories and occa- t this Dunne was here in sfonal magazine contributions. Ten , lappin up suds an wis- years ago he married Miss Margaret dom, Th Jew'ls thought -that drops Abbott, a daughter of the late Mary out i vme lips, Hinnissy, in which he Perking Abbott, a well known Journal- seemed so inthrested, he picks up an'/ist and author of Chicago. weaves into a garland for his etarnal . Mr. Dunne s probably -the highest hing of w counterpart tn real) Phone 433. Wa: f Any of the Alleged Humor Writers of th lal ofthe We Have Some Extra RESIDENTIAL . 200, 50-ft., Block 54, Montreal St, (By O. Terence) oye . a oe eave, stantan. sat ae Rea eile Paste. THe teh savonaeey- GOO Propositions in 13, 6,22. ee by he ps pers that on-ler Was not altogeth creation of 1 ms t Soe a ae See ik ee 120, 90 ft Block 80, More St Business Property. Main St., 500 per foot. Toronto St., We want listings of all your property. 400 per foot. Montreal St., 400 per foot, corner. liter? Does he, Hinnissy? t' Archey Rond and spind his money over me bar, as w'd be was a basebalt reporter, and his first the circum- big Ye know y'rself, Hinmpsy, make a trip around the world with many other the Chicago National League baseball man, he cannot stand prospirity, so/team, then champions of the world. glory. An when he amasses a come down jnst and proper under stances? that he does not. Like he goes off to Noo York, where he puts on airs an dhress s lke a wed- din guest, an spinds wan day of th week writin what I niver sald, Hin- nissy, an th' other six clippin koo- pons from government bonds. Annyway, sald Mr. Hennes: hasn't suffered anny financial re- varses since he left here. They say he gets wan hundred dollars a word tir what he writes. Hub, grunted Mr. Dooley, 'tis 2 fool ye a-a-re, Hinnissy, to belave such rot. If ye want to know what anny actor or writer rully gets, sub- trac be sivin an extrac th cube root. Whatever may be Finley Peter Dunne s income, it is certain that he has done exceedingly well for a young man who Is only forty-five years old today. Mr, Dunne Is a native of Chi- cago, born July 10, 1867, and was ed- ucated in the public and high schools -the-Windy-City. At the age of eighteen he began his-newspaper ca- time he was on the staff of the Chi- cago News, and afterward was with the Tribune, city editor of the Timed, editorial writer on the Tines-Herld and the Chicago Evening Post, a1 editor of the Chicago Journal, It w: while he was connect d with the Eve- ging Post that he first introduced to fe public fhat genial character of + Archey Road, the now world-famous WoeeserseetornreTTesee re M. CAWKER, 4 Drusggist t Articles * Drug, Sundries, Proprietary Medi- 3 Dispensing of Physicians Pre- Phone 75: 3 ACT Old Townsite Block 52, 100 ft. fa the paix. Usual terms, Merald Block 14, 4 lots at 950 a Central Park Block 27, 7 lots at 900 a pair. view, Usual Terms, High School Annex Block 21, 2 slope. tral Park. Will trade for PHONE 237. UICK IF, YOU'WANT THEM Only 105600 a pair. Riverdale 20 lots, block 3, only 23 Fine modern, roomed house Ner G.G. MacBean Co. icing Toronto Street. Only 3750 pair, on the usual terms, Level and a fine lots, fine view, level, high, no Terms, 0 each, Uusual Terms. w and up-to-date, block 16, Cen- lots. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING. -S ud built corral-on one ding down from Table y some clever, work and single footer and bis nd to the corral, but ex the wings im he can be caught, ne, rorning x hattoreed Sho ted, took np their trall, up to the band ran them ght. horses were found less 1 where the chase was ght before, having gone pring for water.. Until r evening different men edly followed that band. was at a trot, for the exteemely precipitous s not bard to trail them, torn their heels eo badiy d from them at nearly ss was coming on the cond day of the chase, ird day the band had d when but one of the ained with the chestnut sed 1n on the almost ex- oped im, and rode him him over the following. ting on his wgndertai sitive head, enormous 1d wealth of muscles, that the horse had ip- derful run, pred another. Why He's had seven years? Contractors. Windows, 183-1me. DRAYING. Phone 189. Phone 509. SOUTHERN ALBERTA WILLIAMSON PATERSON . Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt - Attention. See Us for Sereen Doors and BOX 353.- PHONE 712 ATKINSON FISHER SFER AND Orders Promptly Attended to, t Roynl Bowling Night reer 1 S14 Montreal Street. 10,000 Mile Proof Some things about a car you can se and understand easily, others a little driv- ing will demonstrate, but it takes about 10,- 000 miles to prove the ina in a car, It Is in the 10,000 mile characteristics,that Studebaker E-M-F- 80 and Flanders 20 ears are most clearly first. The better you know thenr, Your confidence is continually repald because Studebaker- E-M-F 80 , and Flanders 20s are built in the Jargest and best automobile fuctories-In the world by-men who are-aeccareft of the ear s appearance. Studebaker-Flanders 20 Touring Car, 1,000 Walkeruille With Top, Windshield and Speedometer, 1110 Send for our eatalogue. Te Studebaker Corporation of Canada, Ltd. WALKERVILLE, ONT. Teal P the better you Mke them. Canadian Car for Canadians. f. 0 by St will interest you. tor- pald of living humorous writers. The chune beyant the drames of avyrice, Published collections of his does he show himself a thrue pathrite yarns have won immense popularity : . and a dead game spoortin charak- England and throughout the Fnglis)- Does he speaking world. + reer as a newspaper reporter For a - ey are p 2,000, 50 ft., Block 58, Ottawa St, (beautiful view.) 1500, 50 ft., Block 83, Braemat St. 1500, 50 ft., Block 86, Balmoral St. We will sell it for you. Dooley During his early cafeer Mr. Dunne CAiD SATURDAY ONE.DGB.CRY, nprans Actual Steel Laying on Mc- Arthur Line is Now Under Way. newspaper assignment was to GATHERING OF CATHOL (Special to the News) Chamberlain, 8, Dz July 10 What is probably th emost unique religious gathering of the summer was operied BEIDGING TO BE today at the new town of White River, near the Rosebud reservation, where several thousand Indians the Catholle religion assembled for a camp-meeting. The Indians have gath- ered from several, States, tie reser- vations representted including , the i d 7 Standing Rock, Cheyenne River, Rose- Edmonton, July 10. Workmen of bud, Lower Brule, Pine Ridge, Yank- the Edmonton gt;and Dunvegan and ton and Sisseton.. The meeting will British Columbia railway began work last several days and Will be address-/at the Edmonton terminus on. Friday. ed. by num rous -Cathollc priests as A start is being made laying the steel There is No Further Interruption. the-red race, sufficient track laid to allow of th steel laying tiachinery, being used, the Jatest equipment, together with a large force-oi men, Will be put on, CURE PNEUMONIA - The steel at present In the yards is sufficient for the first seven or eight WIE A SER BA tes of track;- which will be laid guring the next few weeks, * : tm the velnity of the Sturgeon riv- Disease, Says New York er a targe amount ot bridging wil be Doctor, Conforms to Gen- done. All the piles necessary for eral Law of-Infection,: /this work are already on. the ground and as soon as the bridke timber ar- New York, July 1) After experi- rives from th? mills this, part of the ments ex ending over ten years into Work will be proceeded with, The the nature and cure of pneumonia, Morinville and other. grading outfits Dr. A.B, Wailsworth of the College of are pushed out of the right of way, Physicians-ahd Surgeons, gives; in the sixty-five miles, from this city. Once July number of the Journal of Exper- across the Sturgeon River, large imental Medicine, his ciutious, but mileage gf track will be laid without definite conTlusign thatthe disease interruption: conforais to the general law of infec- The engineers are now putting in tion and that it can be cured by the ihe stakes at the site of the round- administration of a serum. Previous jouse in the yards situated west of experiments have brought out many ine Bronx in this city. The terminal facts of immunity against various o he tind will also be gpnstructed forms of infectipn, bit as Dr. Wads- ) ar6. worth says, the study has overlooked the protective a whole and the results of earlier work has been left in a chaotic state. i (Specal tothe News) Louisville, Ky., June 10. An army of 2,000 Greek letter men recruited Havana Is Waging trom coiges and universities trove War Against Rats out. the country took possession of pa Louisville today, the occasion betng the twentieth biennial grand conclave experts Not Quite, Sure or tne Kappa Sigma fraternity, The Whether Plagne Has sessiois of the gathering will last Reached the City. three days and will be liberally in- terspersed with features of entertain- Havana, July 10. Whether Havana Ment i has been invaded by bubonic plague fue-Kappx-Sigma fraternity in Am- will be officially determined today. Tca was founded at the University Present indications point to the ex- 0f Virsinia in 1869. It derives its or- Istence of one case that of a Span- 8li ancient European secret and who Sipe admitted to Lae Animas OT er Which was founded at the unl- versity of Bologna about 1395 ,and Hospital omPvuly 3. This patient was). reaq later to the, universities of examined yesterday by a board of the Du'se miovence and Orleans, Since most prominent physicians in Havana. .2 tntroduotion Into America. the His symptoms, in-the-optnion of some srowen of-the fraternity has been of the members ofthe board; reveal- -ery rapid and it is now represented ed conclusive evidence of bubonic a+ the leading colleges of the coun- plague. On account of the failure try py 78 chapters, sccm TROUBLE BREWING Govt. Placed a Candidate Against Labor Men in Bye-election Martin is Fighting. (C. A. P, Cable) London, July . One of the most prominent figures in the Hanley elec- tion campaign is Joseph Martin, MP. Heiress Weds Inventor (ir jo steporting the labor caudidate ie 7 as a protest against his own party Love s- Young Dream ? Is attempting to fitch that seat from Fulfilled for Pair at Fifty the 1sborers. The-iabor party held the seat, but Chatham, N. ,, July 10 At the Om vacancy oceurring the Liberal Methodist Episcopal yarsonage last *ecuttve determined to put a candl- evening, Miss Anna Hawley of Chat- ate im the field following which a, ham, sister of Edwin Hawley, was thtee cornered fight has developed married to Ernest W. Ogden, by the With much bitterness between: the two Hav, Robe tk Ross. sections 6f the government supporters. The marriage 1s the culmination ot , 78 Tabor members in the House a courtship that has gone on since Commons threaten to abstain from chilghood.. Bach ts about 50 years ot P T visions as a protest against sco They ware bord ia katie: and t2e Liberal executive and conceivably fave lived Bere ail. thelr itves this might place the government in a very embarrassing position. Mr. Ogden is the inventor of pro- Joe Martin, with his characteristic cess for reproducing pictures and for enthusiasm for the weaker cause has transferring pictures to glass. The snap his fingers at his party man- Bride nhetlted one-titth of her broth- arene . ie agers and thrown himself heart and ers estate. Her portion is sald to,be soul into this sectional campaign. At 4,000,000. the last general election the vote was KAPPA SIGMA FRATERNITY action in accordance with the bac- terlological examination now In pro- gress: Y In the meantime the sanitary au- thorities are taking the utmost pre- cautions to prevent the spread of the disease and instituting a vigorous war against. rais. All premises to which. the least stispicion attackes are being famigated. Labor 4,858, a decrease of 3,000 of the labor majority. 7 4 sep DON E ATS STURGEON , professing hen for Sixty- five Miles well as some of the noted leaders of/py hand, but as soon as there. is - Complete catalog of over 5,000 records, at any Healers, or free by mail, Double-Sided Records are 90c. for the two selections. OUT.TO-DAY A FEW SPLENDID SELECTIONS FROM THE NEW LIST. 10-inch Double-Sided- Records, 90 cents for the two selections. Movin Man, Don't Tak Grand. folon 17081 Revenge Baby to Sey a AL Solaon 7092 ite Seba Mgnt nee On the Road to Mandalay vo (feat aie A FAMOUS ENGLISH SONG BY CARUSO 88378 The Lost Chord . Enrico Caruso A CELEBRATED OLD BALLAD BY McCORMACK . 64260 Silver Threads Among the Goid -- Joh McCormack BERLINER-GRAM-O-PHONE COMPANY, MONTREAL, 5 LIMITED ViCTROLAS: Ce gt; 20. to 250. DEALERS Sold ou easy pay- -ments as- low as Creates a Magnificent Head of Fluffy, Tuxitaee Hair Men and Women. of Cul ure nse Salvia, the Latest Paris Hair Dressing and Tonic It Will Make Your Hair Grow or Your Money Back, SALVIA The Pride of Paris Haic Dressing and Tonle at-once goes to the roots of the hair and turns harsh characterless hair into Ddeautiful wavy hair, full of-character and life hair that changes the whole-a SALVIA destroys the dandruff aad will positively make hair SALVIA is not a sticky sulphur preparation, but a pleasant. non- stickily and daintily perfumed. Ladies of taste and refinement wouldn't think of using any-other. All actresses in every country now use SALVIA continually. We claim and absolutely guarantee that SALVIA will create a new growth of hair. If your hair is getting thin, commence using SALVIA at once. It will soon stop your hair from falling out and make the hair grow. SALVIA is compounded by expert chemists, who hav niade the. hair and ts diseases a life-long study. If your druggist doesn t happen to have SALVIA in stock, insist on his getting it for you; don t allow him to sell you something just as good, because there isn't anything just as good as SALVIA. All wholesale druggists in Canada sell SALVIA; and your druggist, if he is up-to-date, keeps it. Refuse substitutes. A large generous bottle sells for 50 cents, Sold at Pingle's Drug Store. DO CHR PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry which meets every requirement. The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and wmexcelled in laying qualities. gs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- ting. Cogkerels for ee A. J.N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE POOLED SHHODEEDOOS. ceo Moat ots goo Teeny yee eee News Want Ads. Pay. Try Ema
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Image 50 (1912-07-10), from microfilm reel 50, (CU1772114). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.