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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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y Wtb, 1912. D FOUND te 4 of keys. Owner by calling at News or this ad, 301dte XED bay goldings, white ongleft thigh. forggetarn to jucts Co. a99att. LANEOUS olvers, valises, sical instruments, rat waggona, bug- pidycles. carpenter dea and furs, horse bought ang Tailoring a opposite e. .P. 0, box 368. Jest Prices Paid tor 2eDtt. HAT HIDE, FUR 0. The absve have selection of Second * he city. We -carry: and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- * Beksiens Harness, o6 tiecticned shore prloos. Call at 808 or Phone 687. tf ACCOUNTANTS ON CO nd auditors, teak . tora, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Leth- Ibeon, C.A,, resident 198, Burns Block. great ee ONEERS ) CO... Live Stock Auctioneers, 519 Tor- Sales ever, Friday at 1 o'clock. Ranch ales conducted any- furniture sales con- Consult us, our ex- disposal free. Phone me Co. 619 .To 1s2ae 88 CARDS, iG MACHINES an aniing Pianos and and to rent -Alr nee, W. J. Fleming, Street. Wins z8ldes ang confidently claiming vic- ly admit it:is impossible to size up claiming particularly the North Sas- katchewan and: the along the mtn line of the The Liberdis claim that the districts which were 5. 0verwhelmingly for r - ciprocity last September, will remain true to the govertiment and are count- ing on Southern and Cgntrat Saskat- chewan as their strongholds. can tell unt the night of Tally th .and if the lection many are predicting the result. may hit the trooks and see that not be known for several days. Present Dally Average 1666 Coptes. Advertisers in Daily get the benefit of the Weekly country circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisers, VOL. 2, NO 307 BP, Bree eeetergesretoetoetoatoatoatons oie beahoegoet . Barbaric Days Recalled By Call to Arms of the Sask. Conservative Press Conservatives Must Arm ? Out of Business ' Exteeide a Hees: 7 o2ee Don t Hesitate to Enock in the-Head The Semi-Murderous Advice Handed Out to the Peace- MEDICINE HAT NEWS W. A. P. AND , TELE * Loving Human. Beings of the Prairie Provinces i: hy Regard to Hlogttin Dey, Regina, Sask, July 10 Charges on election day anid ate prepsring for ard counter charges and arrests and ao soenes at the polls... Poth par- 8 are calling upon their workers to splay aerate: abo markludthe older Tai tsiptrsvosions and hens Wl ng days of tHe Bittereat campaign in The Rogina. Provines in an cdi, the history of Saskatchewan elections. torial today, actually alls upon th: Feeling is running high and both electors to-arm. The Proviuce sara, Conservatives must arm afi): proteci the polls. Don t: hesitate to kitock in the head one of Calder s crooks. The are nothing but a band of heele: hirelings and criminals secured to ter- Forize the electors. See that the yua- ishment inflicted is enongh t6 put them out of business for tie day. - The attorney general's department has ceased to administer justice. It is making a reign of terror in th province, Conservatives must protect H themselves, smash every crook who attempts interference. ikere is no Jaw in Saskatchewan: but there will Don t hesitate to, 2 blow is sufficient to put this gang cut of Both -sidesiare anticipating: trouble business. tory.. As a-matter of fact both sides are nervous of: the result and. frank- the situation, Th Conservatives were constitudncles PLR, Ko on is all close as be after July 11th. frill be received .ad- be undersigned up to. of Monday, the 16th 2, for the erection of chool building for the shool District No. 76. for an amount equiy- at. of tender to accom- : ifications may be seen the architect in the edicine Hat,, Alta. any tender rot neces- NAPIER, Secretary, School District No. 76. e2ggaiat WRIGI HT - a ms Broker. forwarding agent, as- cecutor of pap rs for g Into the United B. R., Real and General Agent. CINE HAT. lett, B.A.Sc pal Engineer, Alberta Land Surveyor Spur Railways, Pi , Sewage, Irrigation, eg lans, Ete, a erlal Bank Building. Phone 420 69 British Miners Ss Die in Explosion MBB voaies of 65 ricitms of a series of ex morning have been brought surface Seareh of the mine will ingrease the death roll to 80. Were mine workers, others Were men wl entombed. Plained to-King George and another Yorkshire colliery. 4 iery adjacent to the one in which the Presence of King G orge and Queen Mary in Vicinity Bieatis of Saving Many. Others From a Like Fate Rescuers Died From Other Explosions Which Followed. : conlabrouxh, Eng, (C. AP. Cable.) 10 The explosion ocurred today. The pres- ence of their Majesties in the district reatly minimized the fatality be- cause the miners were jelebrating and had taken a holiday. Therefore, instead of the tisual 136 only 32 men were working in that part of the mine when the accident, happened. Thirty of these were killed: outright and one, the manager of the pit, was Up alive but died Taver- The explosion which . killed the miners occurred early in the morn- ing. It was-followed by .an explos- fon aboiit five o'clock in the aiter- noon which resulted in the collapse July losions in the Cadeby colleries this to the It is feared that a further Of the killed, 30 ho went into the pits to rescue those Among. these are-thre inspectors, ineluding inspector. of North Vernment 1 ickering, the chief niines inthe Yorkshire and Midland district, who was to have ex- Queen resenting HON. . R. MITCHELL PORTOGESE ROYALIST REBELS -OUTWITTED GOVERNMENT TROOPS Defeated Fifth Infantry in a Short ort Battle, IRE-INFORCEMENTS WERE. RUSHED 10 AID SOLDIERS City of De Basto Shelied but Later Found to be De- Put Them sbitc Works, who is rep- Alberta Government. in connection with the welcome, Loate dete toeteteaty deetpitetuetoateateatparefecfeogech fess had been unable-to-appear in the Poteet Se-age-efo-ao-ase-ets BOSTON ANGIENTS IN LONDON (Special to the News) London, July 10. The members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, who are to make two weeks visit with their name- sake organization, the Honorable Ar- tillery Company of London, arrived in England today. The visitors were met at Liverpool, and escorted to this clty by a delegationrepresenting the London company, Tomorrow a ban- House in honor of the Americans, EAT RECEPTION en DUKE AT PEG Arrived in City Last Eve ing and Was Greeted By Immense Throngs. (W. A. P. Dispatch. Winnipeg, Man. Jily 9. Greeted by an outburst of enthusiagn never equalled inthe history. of Winnipeg, their Royal, Highnesses, the Duke of Connaught anr Princess arrived here tonight. Fifty thousani people crowded the thoroughfar along which the royal party passod Sregeat-cgocteateadectects MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA, WEDNESDAY. JULY 10, 1912 quet will be given at the Armoury . in, en imposing: procession of soldiers, fraternal sdtieties, veterans and boy scouts, - Tie Royal visitors were Ariven t6 the city hall, where, on a large platform, Mayor Waugh extend- au In replying the, Duke expregsed regret that the Duch- Wolitertut ception.- difficult for me he said, to recognize: the Winnipeg which 1 know W. LEONARD PALMER Organizing Director, of the Tour og British Manpfacturers SURE RESORT GUESTS FORCED 10 - raptaly in that to which: your city is the living wit- ness. welcome and in concjusion: desire to express miy hope and belief that you are now ona wave of which nothing in the stop. Schedule-time at half past tyo, this atternoon, the Duke of Connaught op- en d the Canadian Industrial Exhibi- tin, A big crowd had sathered in tront of the grant stand. ' tt te nation and discouragment which have outiof the field, but those who were 22 years ago, in the Winnipeg of to- day, for your-history hds-moved-very- - e. ere have been periods of stag- driven some of the iess -deterrhined not discouraged reaped a rich harvest I thank you once more for your prosperity world can Winnipes, Dispatens 3uly 10. Prompils on Three hundred and fifty guests were he formal ceremony, when in replying. 0 a toast, His Royal Highness made. Thousand Island Park of Waterdown, -N. Y., De- -vastated by Fire. LOSS 1S ABOUT. 50,000.00 Burned More Than 8 Hours No Deaths or Serious . Injuries Resulted. (W. A. P. Dispatch) Watertown; N. FLEE FROM FLAMES which WI; entire business section, the Columbian Hotel, the New York State Educational building and The loss is approximately 500,000. No Hives were lost nor werethere any serious casualties: so far as could be: learned tonight. Present athe luncheon which preceded inore than eight hours, The hotel and* cottages of the fashionable re- sort were fittest with summer gueats- Looteet come to the British Manufacturers, and invites a Careful Investigation Into Our Great Resources, SPOOLS ELSES EDEL ODORS ESOL OSD O ROSIE Gaily Decorated Autos Toured: Them Through The Sty: The English manufacturers, the her self-governing Dominions, arrived iu the-city this afternoon at 3 o'clock. They catie by special train frem Lethbridge and a large concourse of people greeted them at the C.P.R. de- pot. Mayor Spencer, the different alder- men, members of the Board of Trade and Industrial Bur au, all Joined in jextending-to the visitors true Hat hos- pitality. Mayor Spencer extended to them the freedom of the-city for the button hole; Thirty autos, pmost representative body anft the larg- Rallway Street, and the visitors we: est body of leading men that ever left Soon started on a long tour throug the, Mother Country to* visit one of the city. The Rosery was the fir point reached and each of the visito wai presented with a flower for h R, Mitchell, seeeeeeeoosesooooee: Representatives of the Mother Country s Greatest Industrial Plants Some of Are Cities in Themsel7 s, Reached City by Special Train This Afternoo: Imea up on Nor The different manufa turing plants were then jtaken in ar the residential section. Ansley's coal imine will then bo-VIBI ed and if time warrants a visit wi be made to Redelift. It is expect that by seven o'clock the tour wi be-finished and a mass meeting wi then b held in the city ball, At th necting: speeches will be made. Ho Mayor Spencer itors will be the spekers. All w: (Continued on page . The Mene-reit line toe-Falr Grounds will be built. This tie city cauccil granted permission for the builaiig- of the line, and it will be rlsned so as to be completed in time for the Fair and the labor day sports, 4 The council held a meeting this morning to consider the matter. It was. brought up at the meeting on Monday night last, but Was laid over ti the Agricultural Society had had time to take the matter up and discuss ils. morning Secretary Hassard presented a resolution from the'Socle- after, jahead distincti n , Inte 10 Thdu- me ee ihieaee the effect thet they favored it by 0 aisactrovs *d asked the city is possible, at the same time protecting he inerests of ont nractically th 7 the citizens and property owners, to' dren. that the + Theingineer, and Board Works, will malke th final arrangements. Thus this elty ,vill-have the uniqu of being the first city i the weat to.have a one rail line. ter the fair the line will be torn and removed to.Calgary. The fare for passage will round trip. for adults, 15 grant permission-forthe building. ity Council rants Pe Permission to Coding to, Ere Ling to Carry Passengere to the Fair. after considering 8 matter, decided that providing suit: ble arrangements can be made wif the company and a satistactory bor put up guaranteeing the bulldiny j the line, and the removal of the trac company . could x City Solieito eighty- ven cottages. The fire burned for wa be Decided Tomorrow. lary this afternoon the workings of of the roof, overwhelming the rescue brigade. The King and Queen vistt- ed the scengj tonight and personally pr s nted their sympathy. The King yesterday visited: a coll- Over Two Hundred and Seventy Six Thousand More + Cigarettes Smeked This Year Than Last Accord- Ottawa, Ont, July 10. An ONSUMPTION -OF LIQUGR-AND- TOBACCO INCREASES; Infant: ing to Statistics. lt; (W. A. P. Dispatch) enor- sumption of cigarettes is particularly fo Jo Se oe oko ole fe of os mous increase n. the consumption of great, notwithstanding the fight F Canadigns of liquors, clgars, cigar- which is being waged against their TING ONE + ettes and tebaccos.of all kinds is the/use, While 575,935,770' were smoked troops outstanding features oof statistics /in 1911, 782,663,840 were consumed AR DO THE Just compiled by the department of this year. . This gives a startling in- and al K OF TWO * inland revenue. The increase crease of 276,527,770. jars vary in value as they vary in s power. s drawn passes, + + ho * scartising ie 51D, + COME TO HEADQUARTERS + , Yo make one dol- + op Lisbon usual work of two. erienc d reader of * When you hear of natural gas at Taber, nat- ot. the penis. wi always ural-gas at Lethbridge, natural gas at Macleod preake that, is, make -it and natural gas at Calgry: it seems wonderful to - lly the fad the delias-ot think that they all have to come to Medicine Hat 1ch above par are 3 in your pocket lepend on how close- udy -the buying, op- oitlined in the THE LY NEWS * * LETEEE EES bb bob ob tt (ene ee EE RE EEE EEE EEE PEDEE SS Society. to get their supply. It costs nothing at Medi * cine Hat, but when taken off a corporation gas + line, there isn t much given away. Come and sit + on the pot lid, where there are no. mid- dleman s profits to pay. besiegers found the stree' Uniess the Portugese - decides to weaken dangerous meaanre to take in ern province is likely to continue for some time to come. serted. (WwW. A. P; Cable) Lisbon, July-10. The Royalist reb- els in the north of Portugal egain out- manoeuvered the Republican govern- Ment troops today, after the-sanguin- apy encouhter yesterday at the town Jot Cabeceirea de. Basto, which wa held in strong forea by the Royalists who: defeated the Fifth Regiment of Reinforcements of govern- ment troops Were rushed to the scene of the fighting and a strong cordon of Infantry adveneed-on-the-insurgent town, pouring n a heavy fire-A-few scattered shots were the only response to this attack and then the final as- sault was made by the Severnment with fixed bayonets and . the deserted 1 the houses empty. tg the mountaina with the Ror- alists and now are hidden along the government the garrisons of and Oporto, which would be a view possibility of revolutionary out- In. the big cities, it seems like- Royalist warfare im the north- A sale of home-made cooking will be held at the*residence of Mrs. F. War- +f den, 201 Ottawa St, on Thuredar, Jule 11th, afternoon and evening. Tea and wee cfeam will be served. Under the spices of St. Patrick's Ladies Altar e 305d8 o M * fe es, bas ee Wha. is: extending the city's official tennial, the hundredth - The racing programme is now in progress, * woe bbb hhh he et - - 1 HIS WORSHIP MAYOR SP welcome to the visitors today. celine con- anniversary f the settlement of the Province of, fanitoba, GREAT WATER SUPPLY When you hear st water a walk along the banks ot our aren Saslgtehewan and such a magatficont river - at, our doors, 377. many of whom had to vacate so hur- Tiedly that they Jost practically ail their belongings. TODAYS MARKETS hicago, Ill., sharp upturn because: of reported ser fous, damage from storms in Minneso- ta. The close was steady with Sept. J-wheat 1 3-8 cents net higher at 1.00 2. Winnipeg, July 40. July wheat 108, 107 7-8; Oct. 95, 3-4, July flax, 1 Wheat, (W. ALP. Dispatch) ining aground of the Birdland, which Ehieft last might for Baltimore from *E Buttato; gave rise to wild rumors that fone of the large excursipns had gone down near Buffalo. cal statements of the companies and the government the tumor is baseless. No. American Markets. Minneapolis. July. 10. 108. 5-8, 10 Dec, 102 3-8, 102. Chicago, 7-8, 104 1- 102 3-2, 102 1-4, A BAD RUMOR 7 (Special to the News) Regina, Sask., July 10 The fate of the Liberal Government, which,-under. Premier Scott, has. been in power continuously since. the formation .of the Province of Saskatchewan nearly seven years ago, will be determined in the general election tomorrow. The campaign closed rather quietly today, many of the meetings and:demonstra- tions planned as a wind-up of the contest having been abandoned as a result of the catastrophe which befell this city a week ago. Both -parties express thems lves confident of winning the election, but as a matter of fact the Ptovince is so large, the constituencies so new, ani the voters list so-vastly changed-from the last Bane that the results of the Premier July 10. TheFe was a 177; Oct. closed 165, Cash Pric s 1 Not Tany large degree 0 of certainty. trative record. 1-2; Bept, 101 Fe Ge fe oho eforsse ofe abe ole oe ods ode ef + + + z ety July 10. July Sept. 100 3-4; wheat 104 100; Dec. employes totat-seventy-five thousand. Mr. Aer he eR aggregating 40,000,000. armaments, 25,000 men. + + + explosives and munitions. mm According to lo- each, + life saving stations the building of ships. administration elevator question, the creation of a Provincial system of telephones, the Tn Kis fight for a renewal of Dowel with regards to the caralauvesin eel The party. has. brought fit -several- prominent Manitoba orators to as- sist in their campaign. The Conser- vatives declare that reciprocity is ab- solutely dead, and that thg-Liberals have revived the issue only to pre- CAPITAL OF 250,000,000 18 REPRESENTED Fifty-four manufacturers and financiers Who arrived in Medi- cine Hat today represent capital aggregating 250,000,000. James N.-Vickers of the firm of Vickers,Limited, Shef- +f field, Barrow-on-Furriess and London,alone reprasepts capltal sfe His company-bullds ships and He employs more They represent practically every, line of manufacturing en- +f fb terprise in Great Britain, from the making of Jams and pickles to PELEPEPEREE ESTE EEE EE ERE handling of other important problems, The Governmeht also relies on. the reciprocity argument to attract the heavy American vote. The Conservatives for. the first time Constituency. gS : Seba eee + oe + + By * + + * Their mak s than +b * +
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Image 44 (1912-07-10), from microfilm reel 44, (CU1772117). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.