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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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gt; Deeeteatectrgecieeteadectestoctess An enterprising merchant is thoroughly alive to the faet that The High Cost of Living is in wany cas knows reason, -deesn t it, space costs money ? It will pay you, there- fore; to watch-varefully the announcements of the stores that advertise. the good stores advertising in the Medicine Hat Daily News. sTHE CHURCHES PRAYER AND CHRISTIAN MIS- The battle is not yours, but God's IL Ghron., 20;15 was the text from which Rey. C. 'T. Holman preached on yesterday morning .omptished. in the First Baptist church. After pointing otit that success could only be eehieved as-the missionary. propa- ganda was viewed as a Divine.enter- prise, and the method adopted re- cognized the Spiritual power of: pray- er. Mr. Holman went on to say: It is not necessary for me here to tint , -basis for prayer. That ft has such a basis-I have so doubt. It 4s not a force outside, warring verse. i am-convinced that God has s0 constituted the universe so as to make provision for the operation of jen s prayers. Provision has cer- tainly been made in the laws yhich govern the universe for the operation of, men s Wills and activities, and there is nothing. unreasonable in be Heying that provision is for the operation of men : need wilt) never come to us though the world be fut of them, unless -we-perform act- fons, Which shall appropriate them. And why shonl it seem unredsonable that prayer is essential to the appro- plration of certain other. blessings? Certainly, this fs not susceptible of scientific proof, but a belief in the effectiveness of prayer within the reign of law is not contradictory. The simple: truth fs that experience: has taught mankind that prayer ts effic- tous. Surely prayer is that activity which, in harmony with God's, aw: fn the universe, releases, the irresist- able might of , and its Him to accomplish His purpose. By: -prayer -a spiritual force is released. which operates in the minds and hearts of men. Prayer is not a force arring wy 2 God answers prayer He acts through the operation of His laws. It this thought, that prayer is -ab- S solutely esnential would grip-us, sure- Aly it would make difference in the amount of time We give to its exer- cise. We are guilty of comparative prayerlessness. Anfl the leaders of missionary enterprise are uring prayer upon us because they realize that prayer is not merely the propar- ation for the work, but that prayer is the conflict and the struggle itself. The chief reason that prayer is neg- jected s because other things seem an oppressive burden. that the margin between income and expenditure is often a very narrow one. He buys newspaperspace to let-people know that he knows, In short, he advertises. The merchant who advertises has some- thing worth while to tell. real, and earnest, and practical, while D+ es of people -had not the same teeting Sastesteds etcecnth Po oe Posted MPAs oa es of os s , He That stands to because newspaper You'll find all prayer does not seem 0. But the truth is that if the church can be rought to pray every other difficul- ty is overcome. Let us learn the lesson of Christ that it is by prayer that the work is even all. to be ac- Ask and it-shall-be giv- en.unto you. Ye Teceive mot be- cause ye ask not, or because ye ask amis: PRESBYTERIAN Rev, Morrow occupied the pulpit in the Presbyterian church yesterday morning, and preached an interesting sermon from Acts 2nd,-3 verse: Hesaid that Peter. in his sermon towhich the verse referred, did not te say to these Jews. He told them what he knew.. He gave them his ex- perience. They could picture the scene, The vast multitude listening to Peter, not wanting to believe what they heard, but Misy have to for he is speaking from his own experience, testifying as to what he knew. That. was the kind of sermon they wanted. the present time, They often hi a preacher give a Sermon that th person's ears, but left no impression, afterwards. What they wanted was a preacher to give his experience and testify as to what he knew. It was that kind of sermon that the blind man gave when Jesus -annointed his eyes and made him see, He did not know of, great many things, but there was one thing that he did know, Whereas I was blind I can now see. Peter spok to the hearts of these people not. to the head, and what he said was convincing. He wished God would give present day ministers the power. to preach:to the hearts of men, for great and lasting good would come of it The reverand gentleman, continuing. Sav an interesting illustration.. In Whitfield s. time, when certain class- think before hand what he was golng s . HEW METHOD OF . RESISTING ARREST Young Female Disrobed and Held Officers at Bay fico, July 13. Wbon dotee- tives tried to arrest: Ann ears old, today on a charggof ares ot a diamoud ting valued at 75, held them at bay at the deor of her room in a house on Broadway all day Prov Currie, The young Woman as soon as the I jevectors began questioning her bolted into her room and started to disrobe. The, officers tried to take her im charge, but her actions became such that sthey desisted and bivshing left the room. For several hours, at varying In- tervals, the Inspectors in turn asked the Young woman to come out. She re- fused, It was not until evening that a young woman, friend of Annie, succeeded in persuading her to dress. KING RECEIVES THE BOSTON ANCIENTS Sp ctal-to-the News) London, July 15. The grounds 6t Buckingham Palace preseiited a bril- Hant-scene-this morning when King George received the members of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Com- pany of Massachusetts, who are pay ing a visit to England. The visitors were presented by Lord Denbigh, the commander of the Honotable Art ery Company pf London, HIBERNIANS GATHER IN CHICAGO gt; (Bpecial to News.) Chicago. July. 15. Delegates from nearly every States are in Chicago to a erence the seas national convention of the Ancient Order of Hibernian: which is to hold forth here during th re - week. Simultaneously the Ladies Auxiliary algo Dolds it annual session... A grand ball;tonight is the tirst feature of an elaborate program of entertainment prepared in honor of s visitors. Tomorrow morDning the delegates Vill attend a pontifical high mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Name. At noon the convention will assemble for business in Emmet Memorial Hail, with National. Presi- dent John J. Regan of St. Paul pre- siding. MEET TO PLAN WILSON CAMPAIGN (Specal to the News) Chicago, Ili., July 16. With a large majority of the members in attendance the National Democratic Committee assembled in Chicago today for its first meeting since the Baltimore con- vention.. Before th meeting adjow it is expected that many of the de- talls of the presidential campaist about to begin will have been defin- jy settled. The meeting will de- upon the man who is to have jeral charge of the contest and also quarters, Arrangements for the notification meetings and the first big: rallies of the campaign will also be considered by the national 2 NEGRO EDUCATIONAL CO (Special to the News) St. Paul, Minn, July 15 Many heads of colleges and industrial schools for the training of the color- ed race arrived in this city today to take part in the annual meeting of the Negro National Educational Con- gress. .The gathering will be in ses- gion four days, during which time the work of, the various classes of ne- gro. educational institutions, will be exhaustively discussed. TOWN PLANNING CONGRESS refusing y clothing. e chief lieutenant -at the campaign) VIGOROL The Great French Tonic Makes Men and Women Sirvag a Pingle, Your Drugeist, ts the First to Lmport this Into Medt- cine Hat Get a Bottle and be Healthy. Since the introduction of VIGOROL, mito Canada the sale bas been phen- omenal. VIGOROL is purely a tonic it bulids up therun-down system. creates a new lease of life. The only question is what to take. You can rely upon VIGOROL as one of the sreatest if not the sreatest, that man ever prescribed. Every drop of this wonderful. Frenci Tonic con- tains life. Your nerves are toned up to thelr proper tention. The stom- ach.and bowels are made healthy and strong, while the kidneys and liver are cleansed and put in good work- ing order. Headaches, billousness: and all blood impurities are at once removed. The akin becomes clear land healthy, VIGORO n short will change your whole system making it pure and healthy. Mr. Pingle, your druggist, will tefund your money if it fails. Price 1.00 a bottle. ALTA. TENNIS TOURNEY Will Be Held in Calgary on August 5 to 10, Inclusive. The Alberta Provincial Lawn Ten- nis Tourn.ment championships will be held in Calgary: Aug. 5 to 10 inclusive, Four new shate courts, together with. two asphalt courts hav and an excellent club house erected sc that the comfort of the players is now Well looked after. cellent prizes, They are: Gentlemen's Singles for. Champion- ship of Alberta Challenge Cup do- nat d by L. H.Doll. Holder: W. Nap- jer Smith (New Westminster, B. C.) Ladies Singles for Championship of Alberta Challenge Cup donated by F. C. Lowes. Holder: Mrs. Dudley Smith (Calgary.) Gentlemen's Doubles for, Champion- ship of Alberta Challenge Cup don: ted by Hon. W. H-Cushing. Holders Messrs. R. T. Holman and-S. G. Wheat- ley (Calgary.) Mixed Doubles for Champlonship Burns. Holders: Mrs. A. -B.Shaw and 8. G. Wheatley Ladies: Doubles: for Champlonship of Alberta Challenge Cup donated. by E H Riley, MP.P. Holders: Mrs. A. E: Shaw and Miss -J. Sparrow, (Cal- gary.) Gentlemen's Singles Handicap. Gentlemen's Doubles Handicap. Ladies SinglesHandicap. Ladies Douhles;Handicap. Mixed Doubles Handicap. Besides the- Challenge Trophies, prizes will be given in egch event. En- tries must be in July, 31st. Jee EEE EE EE EE EE, ie ca 2 + fe LEEPER EEE EEE Dynamite was: first officially tried and approved at Mertsham, England, forty-four years ago today. . Alfred Nobel was the inventor of the now generally used explosive. Nitro sly- cerine has been discovered by Sob- rero in 1847. Nobel began to exper- iment with the dangerous substance in 1863, but found that great uncer- tainty and hazard attended its use. In 1867 he contelyed the idea of mix- FIRST THINGS. and attitude to Christianity as in the. present day, that wonderful preacher addressed a meeting at Exeter. He took for Ig text What must we do to be saved? After the conclusion of the sermon, one of his congregation came up to,fim and said: I came here for tle express purpose of breaking your head, but you have al- most broken my heart. If they recognized they were living in sin, this message gave them hope. While Peter pointed out the sins of these Jews, he also pointed out a way of overcoming them. He exhorted them to repent of their sins, Turn to God and seck-for his mercy, and make their peace with God that day, God ercome the sins that previously over- came them. He hoped all the con- gregation would take home-with them that day. would then give them strength to ov- that message (Special to the News) Winnipeg, Man., July 15. The first town planning congress ever held in Canada assembled in this city today and will continue in session until Thursday, Noted experts of the Un- ited States and Canada. are here to discuss the various problems relating to the city beautiful. Frederick Law Olmstead of Boston, Walter D. Moody of Chicago, Louis Betz of St. Panl and Guy W. Haylor of London, England, are among those on the pro- gramme for addresses, THE SUMMER GIRL Her heels are the highest, her hose is the thinnest, played; Her neck Js the lowest, her sleeves are the shortest, Her earrings the longest that were made. Her feather s the tallest, her watch is the smallest That ever kept time in a circle of + pearls, Her handbag s the biggest, her puffs are the broadest 3 That ever were pinned to a struc- ture of curls, Her hatpin s the stiarpest that ever projected Ten inches or more from a lingerie hat; Her sunshade's the deepest that ever was carried, And shaped like a Chinese pagoda at that. Her collar s the ment That e er from the makers of tin- gerte came, west bit of mdorn- the beaches, And living as ever right up to name. Minna Irving in New York Times. Her skirt is the narrowest ever dis- ng itrogtycerine with some- solid and absorbent inert substance. Silic- eous infusorial earth proved to be well adapted for the purpose, since it took up much as three times its weight lor nitroglycerine Without becoming, more than damp to the touch. This mixture of earth and nitroglycerine, to which was added a little alkaline material to neutralize any. acid that ealied-Gynamite. Although less pow- erful than nitroglycerine, dynamite Is for more dependable and less dadger- oils. Ignited, in the open air, dyna- mite will burn rather than explode although it would be just as well to accept this-statement as fact without experiment. SEATTLE S GOLDEN POTLATCH (Special to the News) Seattle, Wash, July 15 The pres- mee of hundreas of : home from the Portland convention swelled the attendance and added to the gayeties of the opening today of Seattle's annual carnival, known ad the Golden Potlatch. The carnival festivities will continue until the end lof the week. The programme provides for a succession of day parades, bril- Mant night pageants, athletic and Kaiser's Old Timer 10e Cigars If you are a housewife you cannot reasonably hope to be healthy or beat- tiful by washing dishes, sweeping and doing housework all day, and crawling Into bed dead tired at night. You must Get out into the open alr and sunlight. If Youcdo thig-every day and keep For she is the summer gitl back to your'st inach snd bowels in good or- by: taking Chamberlain's Tablets needed, you should become both thy and beautiful. For sale by all Tere-5 Atberta Chalienge Cup donated by P. might be set free by the later, Nobel aquatic competitions and outdoor) There's many a home seek- shows, a in + the city every day personal- 420 Main Street We have opened a real estate-office at 420 Bf Main street. We intend do a legitimate, 0 the square business ti handling Medicine Hat City property and sur- rounding subdivision acreage and farm lands. We have spent several days in securing some of the newest and best listings; have already secured some of the best buys in inside pro- perty and hold exelus- ive listings on large tracts of subdivision acreage. We earnestly solicit your listings and patronage. OLD TOWNSITE 50 fet, Block 5, on Main Street, 100 feet from City Hall, 40,000. 75 feet with large modern, house) facing Ottawa, between Fourth and Fifth Avenues, 10,000. HARLOW-FULLER . aots 14, 15, 16 and 17, Block 8. Each lot 220x330 feet. 900 each. Terms. CENTRAL PARK n ein. lots. 950 ae 1050 terms. tot. SOUTH YUILL Lots 11 ant 12, Block 8,, 3700: Terms. YUILL Lot 5, Block 7, 1000. Terms. Let us show you some good buys in Mai street property. Let us show you some good buys in sub- divi ion acreage. RIMMER SMITH 305 North Railway St. Phone 47 Houge and barn on Yaill st, 50 ft. lot, 1850, terms. 2 Lots, Central Park, Block 28, 625 the pair. 4 Lots, Block 2, Powell, 1,000 for the four. Terms. ee ae ip. Wanted, Oftice and paying for this ad. Additional words at saiie rate, NO jad accepted for less tian 25. cents. cash must accompany the onder, Phone your ad to No. 13 ring 2, and i will recetve attention. 3 HELY WANTED. WANTED AMan and wife-to liv house on Or wi housekeeper cream, ggs and potatoes, ete, for vegetables, charge Alig. 1st inst. bell, manager. ducts Company. WANTED An experienced: girl general house Balmoral. St. stenographic 1317 News office. sured. Apply room 1, 386 MAID WANTED Apply to-422 planade sditch, work, Have 2000 miles let. Sizes of ditches from 3 to Bassano, Alta. tre St, Calgary. SITUATIONS WANTED. apply to box 1318 News office. 1319, Medicine Hat News. * home. 1814 News office. FOR SSLE Hello Yes, We'll fix that Type- writer, Gas Jet, or anything else that is out of order. Phone 561. A. TILLEY. City SaleStables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. S LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING. Hay for Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 8. / PROPRIETOR SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. *Phone 260. J.J. LAIT 116 MONTEEAL STREET EERE EEE EEE HOME SEEKERS + EXCURSIONS. ly vonducted, too, by readers of The Daily News Want Ads. property for. houses, cot-- plan a tiome seekers excursion through the Wants; bid pos- sible tenants come and look at what you have to offer. The Wants cost but 25 for one ins rtion, 3 for 60c, one week for 1.00. bb bbe beob bbe teobet bey Peaeeenaeaeeee ob bp * House Mover et See ee AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, in first-class condition, 30 horse power, fully equipped. Apply P. 0. box 597. To RENS ? ' O RENT A five ply 634 Montreal St. ROOMS TO RENT: ROOMS TO LeT Single and double room suitable for ladies-or gentle- ait men. 622 Balmoral St. ply 200 Ottawa St Main St. St. Prite 16. one child need not apply. Allowance St. ). po RENT Purnished rooms nen. Apply 426 Toronto St. + WANTED. ply box 1315, News office. WANTED Smalt children. flee: Apply to box 1312 News BOARD AND ROOM. OARD AND ROOM Five rooms, 103 Montteal, rae saat roUND A Duneh of keys. Demonstration Fart. would also sult. To board the working men. The man will be engaged to work of farm, woman. to prepare board for men. Free house and coal. Farm produce will be supplied at cost, such 9 milk, turnips, An acre of ground is allowed Men's board is pald by Governmeiit Salary and rate for board to be agreed upon. To take A. B. Camp- sosatt SS WANTED Womlan to clean office daily. Apply Alberta Clay, Pro- work, Highest hy Wages paid) Mrs. Al F. Krapfel, 501 Sdtt i eee WANTED Man for office: One who is able to take dictation and. do work. Apply to box 2ast rANTED A girl for general house work and capable of cooking. Ap. ply W T. Finlay, 503 Esplanade. sosact WANTED A few smart young men Ee 28gatf WANTED- Small team outfits: tor foot bottoni. Jense, McDonnell Co., erate WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now ony Situations guaranteed. Special Yates to Jadies Particulars and cata- logue fre . Moler College, 609 Cen- 294att WANTED Situation as bookkeeper by experienced young lady. Please 4a3t Ady seeks engagement as compan- Yon help or housekeeper. Don t ob- J t to going to coast. Apply, box 4a6t er SITUATION WANTED Young Eng- dish girl seeks situatfow in private Cannot cook. Apply to box 2 ase eee SSSR EES Ae 26 CS, roomed house, possession on the 15th inst. Ap- RENT Furnished: room suitable for two or three gentlemen. Ap- 4a3t RENT Room or rocm and board with.private family. Apply to 131) ae Bast RENT Furnished room, in fairly modern house, for 1 or 2 gentte- men. Apply phoife 627, or 711 Ottawa 2att OR RENT 2 rooms furnished com- plete for housekeeping (modern). Parties with more than 409 East 2ast i parior, bed-sitting room, modern conventencts, suitable for two gentle- arate WANTED A violin cello, cheap. Ap- 2a3t farnished cottage latt newly furnished. Terms moderate. 30746 geldings, white on-teft thigh. LOST AND FOUND Owner can have same by calling at News solatt MISCELLANEOUS a QWANTED-LADIES' AND GBD cast-off clothing, shoes, watches Jewelry, guns, Fevolyors, valises, wult cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat, weggons, bug- gied, barness, bicycles. carpenter toda, etc., raw hides and furs, horse wir, wool and f thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Har Co, 312 Fourth avenue apposite Dreamland theatre: P. 0. box 358. Phone 295, The Best Pricen Paid for the abave. 28Dtt (Pas MEDION HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furnitiire, Stoves and Redding, now and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- volvers, Wagons, Buggies, Harness, and a nice new line of winter good We buy everything mertioned sbov and pay fhe best prices. Call at 50 South Ralway St. oF Phone 587. tf CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS WV 4 HENDERSON Co., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- 1882), auditors; city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- brldge. AD HL Gib on, C.A, resident partner... Phone 198, Burns. Block. P ateatt brow and General At onto St. 'Stock on Market bag Tor- ; every. Friday rieet ZL o'clock. Rancb and farm: sales Conducted .any- where. furniture sales con- eee anywhere, Consult us, our ex- 708. Pre: Cb, E19 To- ronto, Stel isgate gute CARDS, o W.B. WRIGHT 8 Customs Broker. Censignee and forwarding agent, as- eembler and (executor of papers for shipm nts going into. the United States, Commissioner in B. R., Real Estate Broker, and General Agent. E: Bartlett, 'B B.A.Sc Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor -Industrial, Spur Railways; Water Stipplies, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Bte. Room 14, Imp rial Bank Building. Medicine Hat. -/ . Phon 420 Tender: to sell Medis and refreshments at Ex- hipition, , during Fair time, will .bp Heeelved by the undersigned up: to Ropn-S turday, 27th inst. The vig of tie Bitchen will be understood sijta be inclu ed in the tender, and must -be in-use to provide ot meals Hfor 4 week before and during the fair, Further particulars on applica- tion to the secretary. 7 . H./HASSARD, Secretary. tt 3a1zt eee ke ee ee : A GOOD WANT AD. : Is, of course, one which will; f+ *f. bring the greatest number of replies or answers. It is a Jaw that increased demand * makes certain the quicker dale, The Want Ad. a the brief- +h est kindof an Ad. that is ever +h written, and hence in its brev- *f ity there must be wit-wisdom. +h The Want Ad. can only inter- est the reader on the basia of be his interest. Hach ceader is interested in each and all of f the five essentials. to every Want Ad. Thess essentials, ef im the order of their import * ance, are, first, the hames bf * the article or thing advertis- ed; second the quality of the article or the kind of thing advertised; third the price of farticle or thing advertis- ed; fourth, the address, or street number) of the advertiser, and, fifth, name of the advertiser. When the above essentials are fully and truthfully stat *h ed in the Want Ad, th best fh results are obtained; but in f proportion to the number /of f these essentials ommitted: sie from the Ad., does the advert- *f iser curtail the results to his jefe Ad.- Each Want Ad. is an +f opportunity; 160k for them in The News, Phone 18. + r EEE EE EE EEE E Beebe bbb een eb ek eo of- all Tommy's Aunt Won't have anoth- er plece of cake, Tommy? Tommy (on a visit) No, I thank you. Tommy's Aunt You seem to be suf- fering. from loss of appetite. Totomy That, ain't loss of appetite, Wht I'm suffering trom is politeness, obese elke bok idee Xclusive privilege Y Taltorag z . o-tge ate etd +s , Seat ees oe. : : : 4 4 LOCAL TO Medicine Will B Teams. Both Medi -4ifle-clubs- shooting con Calgary tom Hat boys ar ing-a good this. meet ai past, W. RoSin M. Piumley, Peard are-te while J. Wri Vand G. o J representing CANAD Ml Q Bisley, Ju Canadian 5 graph Cup, Andrew 2: Battershili on 31, Diat rest 33, Ker Maggs 31; Pherson 29, Mortimer 33 Holater. 28, Stoddart's4, El Two Big pan Loudon, tiateh betw Players whi at the Oval draw. game was: first. inning 125 for seve tralla first ings, 200 for Northamp: by ten wie ed Kent by Yorkshire ered 543 Seponalble fc innings, 284 * sony ia 1 1890 Jimm:; Tean we lately D was bo 1900 Wwillls Tommy Brookly 1908 Dann; and Yo fon, at 1909 Billy fought with Ps of the 1911 Frank man fo Rockaw Loose Lee , Department plying the
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Image 73 (1912-07-15), from microfilm reel 73, (CU1772103). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.