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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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IN GROCERIES THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY FOR CASH ONLY SPEGIALS Hatpins of Sealing-Wax The dea of fabricating hatpin heads of a fine quality of sealing-wax, into which little loose gem stones of other QFHaments could be set while the Wax asst hot occurred -to-a clever-W6- she was turning Out q store Of odds and onde ct Jew llery that had come to grief. in the name draw: too, were never shabby old batpli More or.jess fusty, with hea maged tn one way or another. She ran the pit part of each of these through good, stout emery paper untll the rust was a thing of the past, then Brough out her alcohol lamp and the ahart eudao:-4 Greengage Plums, regular 25 , Speck 2 for Red Cross Pickles, Chow vegular 85 . Special, per bottle Peaches, Pears, Rispberriss Strawbe: cies and Cherries; 2 th. tins, regular 25c. Special 2 for 45 , oF per doz ting, assorted 2.50 Apples, 8 1. tins, reguler 20, Special Ube or 7.for .... -Applea, gallon tins, regiar 50c, Specist 40e or 4 for Malta Vita and Foree, ular 1Sc. Special for Corn Piakes, regular 1 :, Special 8 for , Stephsns, large 20 oz. b. ttles, and Chow, reg. 40 . Sood Red Rose Baking Powdut, 18 oa. : s, reg. 860. Special 20c or 2 fc Coffee, good and strong, regular 40c, Sp.cial per-Ib. Raspberry Vinegar, lige bottles, regula: 50e, Special . Hine Fulce, large bot regular 00. special . Coftes, 1 ib. fancy ting, regular She, Special per tin - Coffee, 4 th, fancy tins cegular 2.00. Sp cial per tin . Dalry Barter, per porns seRcEe canny Lowney's Cocun, 1 Jb. dns, regular 60:. Eyeclal per tin - Lowney's Cocoa, balt D. ting, regular vc. Special per tin a Preserved Ginger in jars, regular 36c. Sp2cial per Jar . Cowan's Chocolate, bini: 1b. bars, regular Se. Spectal per bary: . .20e Bracknells Club Sauo, regular 25e. Specie. 2 for . Potatoa, nice and diy. Special, per bushel Polly Prim Cleuaser, regular 10 , Special for ... Evaporated Apricots, regular 25c. Special Tb. for . Evaporated Peactes, reg.dar 20c. Special 2 , for . Prunes, regular 20c. Special 2 Ihe. for .. Evaporated Apples, 1 ular 20b. Special 2 Ib. for . Le Sardines, Finest imported, in olive oll, reg. 1 1-2c. Special 2 fen-23e, Tollet-Paper, flat, os. or rolls, regular 3 for 25. Special 4 fo 25e, . Granulsted Sugci, 20 1. sacks; reguier 1.60; Special 145 Tb. ilus. asp, and Straw. rag. 115 3 for 2c, or per ozen (Glass dish given free with every 3 peckages.) Dustbane Sweeping Compound, regular 45c. 13yecial per. tin Glycerine Tollet Sipe aquares Yor .- * abe. Fe Soda Biscuits 25 32skets, Special 2 for s Suits, up Oltve OW, pure -grilea tins, regular 2.25. Sp cial per gallon 1.85 H. P. Pickles, regiiar,35e. Special per bottle . 25e. se 2.35 Di Pork and Beans; latxe 3 lb. tins, regular 35 . Syecial per tin ....26 Monk and Glass (Justard Powders, regula? 2 for 25c, Spec. 8 fo Me, Monk and Glass Custard Powder, 1 I. tins, reg. 9c. Spec. per tin Lim: Beans in tiie, per tin ... Grapy Nuts, regular 17 1-2c. Special per packet lt; 21 Shredd a Wheat Biscuits, regular 17 1-2c. Spe lal per packet Ise. Essence, reguiar 25c. Special yer bottle . Special for - ice, regular 5c. -Speclal per bottle ..... e. ur, 98 Tb sack, regular 3.35. Sre cial per sack 8.20 Vermicelli and-Maccaroril; regular 15 , Special 2 Vinegar Malt Quart bottles, regular 30c...Speclal.por bottle erp S Swift's White Laundry Soap. Special.6 for . i Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap. Special 11 hars for etiey's Tea, 3 ib. Uns, regular 1-25. Special each Heintz Dills in ti Special per tin.. Jello Iee Cream Powder, regular 15c. Mushrooms in Bottles, regular 60c. Special Me botrie : Asparagus in bottles, rogular-60c. Special per bott.o . Abe. Honey; 5-5. tins, regular 1.00. spect Se, 3 ID. Uns, regular 60c. Special per tin ce seeeteeets Sle Old Caiet Laundry Soap, regular'25e per cart in. Spaeial 5 car- toons for see - 1.00 New Cabbage, per Ib. NO DIS CASH. COUNT ON TIESE PRICES. + G00DS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF THE CITY, C. 0. D. Giycorina, Pomise ant, Uncle Tom Tas Bosh, rem. 106. Bpestal 2 tor 366-7 SS ith a cup of o sompiete. Then sheProceeded to cover the heads of the pins with ordinary melt: mealiug-wax from the kitchen; whe: dt had been kept for sealing bottle, She let the cor coo lightly, and with deft touche: ed it as she wanted for a foundation. ext she took up an inch length of dull blue letter wax in a pair of pincers and Melted it carefully over the spirit flame. The hatpin, the head of which had. been dipped th cold water for.a few moments to harden the founda- tion, then dried, had now a layer of the blue wax daubed entirely over, the coarser kind, making a thick Betting in which a moment Inter/she deftly wile Masri Eo2 Dist Kon by a tat, but whiten jot e -so perfectly in the wax that bo crack was noticeable. The wax was Kept softened over the flame until whaped carefully o the form desired In a head of lavender wax sho set dull gold ball to match her winter toque, which was trimmed with grey- puyple violets. In a third she pressed Quaint little cameo, which showed well in an amber, gold-flecked retliag. Lastly, she used up all the tiny end by meiting one after another and ap- plying t to's dull red toundation in dabs, here and there, until t was a particolored mass, which she then held over the flame and twirled ski fully. until the gay bues blended in a sort of irndescence, with touches of Heads and, the desited ect wants it was allowed to lie in cold water tor minutes. When taken out+ gry near to being the had. ithe sew ateinss ating, t KITCHEN 1s t Insects like nefther galt nor am, and a small quantity sprinkled on. rie carpet will keep them away a ary Comparatively few people know that small pinch of baking sods keeps milk fresh Yonger than sugernod it is a better pian than boiling it When pork is good the rind is thin. smooth, and cool to touch. Bacon have aathie ried ihe fat tre firm, and tinged .red by the curing: the flesn should be a clear with: ty y adhere tf the Done. Chamols ieather glo lt;s. how so much worn, m washed in a warm lather, Slip them on hand so that the fingers can be easily rubbed. Rinse. in a. weak lather. Squeeze out the water hen Nl .. out the gloves and hang . the air ta dry. which are To zive a, gloss to linen when trot tng a piece of mu:ton ta of pea or, better stil of white wax. Much boiling the starch glassy gurface- s desired: it should also be Stetined. Dip-and wring ou the articleseveral-times thatit may be evgnly and thoroughly Incorpora- tea wAy the starch; then ary on the ine. Before froning, dip and wring out of a weak solution of coll starch, oli up, and let the pleces remain two hours before ironing the SOME LAMP HINTS The secret of making la:1ps always burn well to keep reservoir Tscripatously cleas Ch always leaves sediment, and if this is allowed to accumulate the ofl, will not burn as brightly as it should. Empty the res- ervoir once a week, wash out with Vhot-water-and pearlash; and drain-well before filing again. Each girhole , of the burns should be cleaned out every day, and the wick wiped at the tece af remoxe. ow the a small piece epends upon thoroughly a hoetee Soke stoh Snsenentontonts Me peas in) - w MEDIOINE HAT DAILY Wows. gudey, yee, co: place for them, This Was . pans, etc. Boone Cabinets have 12 special features not found on any yther makes. We are now showl a variety of 1: same Boone styles, allow in price. vered extension cupboard is 42x44 in, and fitted sith large fitted wi Th art glass, Pri os e Sot fe s of GOLD DINNE Soossedte Of semi-porcelain, wi of gold. Pieces, Compo: cs quest Syclomiatics Your ; KITCHEN The Boone Will Help You , viet, cor No. 15 (as cut) built of solfd oak,in the du golden finish. grain drawer. glass splice jars,-lass tea and coffee jars and th doors are lurge cupboard fitted with Freight Paid to Medicine Hat. A WHI E AND IN OPEN STECK side hair line * Price 16.50 Hald down in Medicine Hat. . Sample mailed FREE on PP reeeteate ates 00608008000000000000 The Neilson Furniture Company, Lin 118. Eighth Avenue East, Calgary weet nical, cic, by paoviding a-permanent where they can t spill or l ak out, and where they won't became dirty or damp. You can cook better, bake better and feel better, if you know just where everything is. ware, knives, forks, spoons, dishes, baking ea 040000000008006 ORDER BY MAIL Our Mail Order Department. is thoroughly organized for the safe ar transaction of business. our requests for information and samples of merchandise will receive Antelligent attention le t pos ible delay. This Kitchen Cabi Laid Down in. Medicine For 26.50 overec The bass h exfsboard with shelf, he im and one cutlery dra i he top cupboard has four large pa ctments, three drawers and sugi and nine e'metal cans ; capacity one Price 26 5 Laid down in Medicine Hat POE ete els fe ke oheede ode ode ole abe fe of P - SREASE-ADDRESS ALL ENQU Has met- top 48x36 in.extended and 4 xze-vlosed. THE top- high. The interioris tinished In white detachable flour bin and sifter, large suga Wied partitions and la gt;te metal ned ce 43 200 : THESE ARAB RENAISSANCE CURTAINS ARE ONLY 3.00 A PAIR A very special line of very ser- viceable curtains dining living .room plain centres with- one inch Tow of insertion down border, entwin- aw 7 enot at corner. R SET ith small sition 97 for, room or re- B love: Tel Sa ACT -ACT QUICK. IF YOU WANT Tee Old Tevislle Bios 3) tun tt, taddug urupt skate: On y 8750 the getr, Vaued earme, ee ee line ot dss Merald Block 14, 4 lots at 960 a pair, on the usual terms ttern 4.95 Central Park Block 27,7 lots at 000 a pair. Level and tine view. Usual. Terms. 5; SEES High School Annex Biock 21, 2 lots, fine view, level, hich, no slope: Only 1050.00 a pair. Terms. Riverdale 20 tots, block J, only 227,5) each, Uusual Terms: Fine modern, 8 roomed house New and up-to-date, block 16, Con- tral Park, Will trade for lots. G. .GM cBean Co. IMPERIAL BANK PET BETE. *PHONE 66 Piano Moving A Speciaity Tasker Transfer Co. LIGHT and HEAWY apid ear ee Retsonvi DRAYING jable 864 Toronto Stre Taxi Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAX COMPANY Au fries: Promptly. Attended to, New ars, Carefat Drivers, Phone 666 Day. 211 tigi - top with ap Soft rag ti the charred edges. A wick should never be cut, but occasionally it shouldbe taken out, and-svaked t vinex?r anu thoroughly be minutes spent in cleaning a iamp: the morning will often save a who evening's annoyance. THE-CARE OF STOVES Have two sheets of asbestos fastens ed together to cover the-entire top of the kitchen range whenever it 1s in use for cooking purposes. Circles of asbestos are attached to the main sheet. These can be lifted when the stove holes ar required for simmer, ing and slow cooking The-asbesto prevents al : burning, It fe especially, useful when frying, as. it saves the Stove from being spattered. with grease. When all cooking for the day: -is done, remove the -shest;and- the Stove 4s quite clean, It saves -black- To make * good thick-curtain at a Uttle cost, et.soms.clean sacks and sew them trgether, the length you re- quire. Tho cover both sides with efetonne, aud you will have good curtain to bing over door to exclude raught. TG SAVE MANTLES When lrhting the gas, turn ft on fora few sconds, then hold the match Rita Seige 2 So-efoeg OHH De HOS RY cS s uare handles, 98-piece Dinner 40-piece Tea Se A sample mailed on FREE, 2. , OUR STOCK PAT- 21-2 yards tong, 40 incher 31 ren gecrRa dic aeskinteenomerrae ee 1 . cecien, tvo lines open 3.00 a Pair. + stock, kermis shaped cups. SPECIAL VALUE Tne hollow pieces all have Set, at SCRIMS : 22.50 In cream, white and-arab, 40 in. t, 6.25 wide, retju ed 221-2 cents a yard WRITE FOR SAMPLES. tO MAIL ORDER ic Ouie Genuine Persian ee Let Us Talk About Se Oriental Ca THE POETRY OF COLORING plese 2in, WILL APPEAL TO YOU. YOU AS AN INVESTMENT. : As you enter. the eolor suffused of our Carpet Department is an u assortment of Oriental Rugs a Vista of dreams of the Grout N pieces alike in pattezn- of coloring. two pieces of the same size. Each: in itself having its.own SIZE, PATTERN, COLOR, EFFEC a INDIVIDUALITY Sia lt;-deont ft 16-in; by 2 ft. 5in., by 43 ft. 5 in, -Hali Runners and Wall P ) Sizes from 3 ft. 6 in. by 8 ft. 2in, by 13 ft. 4 Patterns for eyery pu Jose. Re Library, Dining Toom or All pric s from + 7.50 to 275. WE ASK YOU TO COME. WE ae up ving ro you TO VISIT THIS STORE SAMPLES When writing for samples of Grapery. fabrics; Iinoleums or oftelotns, please state-th and-character as-nearly as. possible. ENQUIRIES Write and ask us any want answered. pleasure in supplying you with any information you desire roe merchandise. Our ae department wil The Neilson Furniture Company, L gt;418 Eigeth osseous East, Salgary one Inch bove the chimney. through ayplying the match too quick. Jy that so aany mantles ar destroyed. AEWS- ODDITIES Old Relixsle Army Mule Defeats the Up-to-Date Auto, , United Btates-Army officers, who have been experimenting in Wiscon- sin, report that tests of the auto truck at a substitute for the army mule indicate a victory for the 1ule. While fhe auto will prove valuable, the offictrs aay it would be unwise and unstfe t0 -euppreede the- mules FIRST THINGS Today is an important one- in* ry of Amerinan tranap6 stone of the ploneer rafiregd, Baltimore and Ohio, was-tald7at imore, with imposing ceremonies, line, like other cariy Toads, of wooden Falls, fastened to. of wood 6r stone buried in che: nih Flat bars-of tron were apiketat the jledo With the 01 rail : This. method was soon found commenced el, ighty-seven years ago to- pomp: to be-dangerous, owing tothe Toosen- day. of and wajjms with other form of locomof:tan. wand and ctashed thrangn/the tpt of the cary so that passengers never sty (arias is years later, tow ery pone Maima:Canal, Intended Mo the Newa Job Department, y might be BROOKLYN'S NEW BALL PARK (Special to the News) New York, July 5. A big bunch of hattan baseball fang will journey hut Inifover to the big burg at the end of the eheInEs wore bridge tomorrow to attend the laying exeayating the Of the corner. stone for the future ninety-five jlenre of the Brooklyn National league qlub. The Brooklyn club and the New nedt Lake Erie at To- York Giants will attend the. Coremon: hhio at Cincinatti, was which wil be conduetod wi buseball plants, The superbly located, being exact gepgraphicat Ger New. York and-easily a of the 4,000,000 or m of the big city. The 1 about 175,000. The ; steel and reinforced c 800 feet Tong and w 20,000 spectators. Th djg Club house for the visiting teams and the ornate structure at th 1 of the the im- front, tier 2 kinds oF Jo i big 19506 the News Job Dopertios
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Image 18 (1912-07-05), from microfilm reel 18, (CU1772121). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.