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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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house or furnish- several months, dren. Apply to idtf a TO WIKS NEOUS AND GENTS B, shoes, watches, Ivers, valises, sult ical instruments, t waggona, bug-* cycles. carpenter s and furs, horse thers, bought and Harvard Tailoring P. 0. box 358. So-ale-efe sfesfesfesieefestaete ote Pale Sho eo eH HH Roetaeageateseageateete siete soatveteste-eoete-cfoute ores aes PAH HH ANOTHER te Came to Bisley Prices Pata tor 29D4e. HAT HIDE, FUR The above: have election of Second city, We carry and Bedding, new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re- Buggies, Harness, of avinter goods. mertioned abot ices. Call at S04 or Phone 587. tf First Shipment of - Fall-Suits-Just Opened up The patterns. are ex- tra special and the style is all that the 20th Cen- tury people can. make them, which means the best that Canada pro- duces. Also Slater and Walk- over Shoes for Fall, all marked off and in stock CCOUNTANTS N CO., chartered 1 auditots, (estab- rs, city of Medicine dicine Hat, Leth son, C.A,, resident 98. Burns Block. ready for business: et 2T6att NEERS F a Turpin Bro The Man's Stope Where Get the Big Doliar s Worth CO., Live Stock 1 o'clock. Ranch es conducted any- niture sales con- Consult us, our ex- sposal free. Phone 2 Co, 519 To- saat Young Amateur Swimmer Again Trying Long Swim. (WEA. P, Cable.) Boulogner, July avez WOTITS, the well known. gohateur swimmer, started another attempt to swim across the English Chanii ll today. He entered the water in the vicinity Ot Cape GFisier at a qUarter past four thif morning and at seven d'clock was several miles to the north of that point on the French coast. -at that hour a brisk breeze had aprang up, making the water rather choppy. - Was accompanied by se other swimmers who alternately. ac- + companied him in the water. 3 CARDS. RIGHT Warding agent, as- into. the United ner in B. R, Real ad General - Agent. EB HAT. 9 De Engineer, rta Land Surveyor ur Railways, ewage, Irrigation, POLO (Ua AMPIONSHIPS AT THE PIER . Ete. (Special to, News.) al Bank Bullaing. Marfagancett Pier, R. I., July 22. Phone 429 - 1 Polo enthusiasts and society folk from (CA, P. Bisley CPM; Tuly-22. Commen on the general. work of the Canadiav im; the commander, teut.-- Col. 'The Canadian Assoc- ked by the team to voice their apgzeciation of the kind- nesa and consideration of Col. O'Grady and the adjutant, Lieut. Cot. Winter of Quabec. Corporal Mortimer is the biggest money trimmer of the team, tae Que- bec man carrying. off a hundred pounds Odd. But this was chtefty in the match rifle events wh re sho car- ried off the Edge and the and also the Hopton Cup. gt; H followed this. by annexing the King s Norton. -With the -service- rifle comsptcuous among the Canadians were Capt Forrest of Vancouver, who lea the Canadians up to the last range in the King s Prize. Eteut, Blackburn of Winnipeg, whose fourth was the high- est Canadian position in that event Sergt. Armstrong of Halifax, who won the Dally Telegraph Cup, and some whowerd (well/tp tn the aggre. gates Corpora? Mortimen.won the As odia- ton Cup, open to members of ha, N- came to Bisley. fated Press wus shooting, tor which was spathods up to the close of the meeting, with an aggregate of 68 and has the. alterna tive of the Cup or 25. Sergt Armstrong, of Halifax, sec- ond with the same aggregate, wins 10; Serst, Molnnes, Prince Island, fifth and Lieut, Steele, Gtielph, eighth, cach win 2, SPO1 Seeteetoctostectoateate deateeteate steateateatectoctectoateatecte steatbateates Pte, Auld, Winnipeg, Sot; Starr or- Better Canadian Team Never .-L.Col. O'Grady Commandant of Canuck-Squadron Pleased Corpl. Mort. ers, Cable) Sergt: -Richardson, Vietoria; -43nd Corpl. Regan, Edmonton, 53rd; Capt Forrest,-.60th;. Sgt. Battershill, Victoria, 69th; Color Sgt. Hamilton, 83rd, and Rev. couver, 85th, cach win 1. Gulland of London won the Burt, snapshoothing at moving figures, in which Regan; 34th, and Captain Stoddart, ages, Van- Schlater, Vancouver, 60th, each win 21. The. King s Prize man, Fulton, of the Queen's Westminsters, won the Becretary of State for elght shots at 500 yards. - Capt. Sclater, Sth, and Rev, A. R, Simpson, Rossland, 21st, jeach win 1. -Sorgt. Battershill of Winnipeg won the Pedestrian, snapshooting at a walking man and 5; Sclater 7th, 2; Blaogburn, 18th; Pte. Davidson, FWinnipeg, 27th; Sgt. McDougall 28 Maggs 29th and Mergt. Major Dy: fmiomd, Halifax, 63rd,cach win 1, rgt, Omundson, of Scotland, won the service rifle championship in whitch Sclater, 30th; Sgt. Smith of JOttawa, 35th: and Batterebill 40th, fWwon bronze Jewels. Sgti Keely of South Africa won the warded the, colonial placed highest in the King s Prize. The Curtis Cup, seven shots at 600 slyards, for-veterans and juveniles, was won by Anscombe of Middlesex; Statt Sgt. Bayles, of Toronto, won 1. and Blackburn 54th, each win shillings besides an individual ttey pool FOR DOMINION HONORS feated Them in the Final Game. a CW. A P Dispaten.) . Fort William, July 21 The Fort William . P. R, football team earn- ed the title of champions of Canada on Saturday when they defeated the LETRBRIDGE LOST OUT eso FOR THE WEEK Cireuit race Opening of Grand meeting at Chicago: Win- + BIG LEAGUE + + + SCORES + + NATIONAL EEAGUE - Alexander and Kiltifer. Cheriey and Archer Brooklyn ... ... St. Louts ... tT NEWS estoefediosie-se-sfeetentecfecteathete-o ChE EE EE EE eh PEPE EEE EE EE DETROIT BEGINS BIG CELEBRATION 211th Anniversary of . the Founding of the Big POPULATION INCREASES 63 P.C, IN TEN YEARS + - + + e * Sesto efoelesteereetoetentoss tion of close in acreage . i ce afforded by i increase al 2 Yingling and Mille Steele and Bliss, Boston Zz Cincinnati . aes 2 Donnelly and Kling. Fromme and McLean. New York Mewes 8 Pittsburg ... we. dy. Tezreau and Meyets. Robinson and Gadson. AMERICAN LEAGUE j . as , 1st game Cleveland pN w-ror a Thon : Bregg and Livingston. Warhop and Sweeney. 2nd game . Cieveland . Now York ... or and O'Neil. Caldwell and Sweeney. - Chicago ... Boston .. Welch and Sullivan. Hill and Carrigan, Jet game Detroit ... 3 Lake and Stanage. Plank and Lapp. 2nd game Detroit ...01.. 26 ees Philadelphia St: Louis Washington ... . Baumgardner and Krichell, Hughes and Ainsworth, count of darkness, Columbus . 3 Kansas City 3eConnangny-and- Smith AMERICAN ASSOCIATION wn aa 7 Phiindetphix gt; gt;-+------ 4+ 12-2 Iald the foundation stone for St Anne's Game called-in-fith inning on ac- eral of Canada offering subsidy to 6 6/500 in 1796, and/770 in 1810 12.11 4 it was 9,192, fh 1850, 21,019, in 2870 la This Week Will Be a Ga One Thousands of Vis- itors There. Detroit, Mih., July 22. The Cadil- laqua festival, in celebration of the 211th anniversary of the founding of Detroit by Antoine de Ia Motte Cadil- lnc, the Frenclt. soldier of fortune, was uShered in today with the city gorge- ously decorated and filled with visit- ors as never befdbe-in her history. All that the rounding out of two 3 and and deyelop- ment, of building and expansion, stowth in population and business, of goals gained and ambttions realized, of work performed and projects com- pleted, of ideals attained and prob- lemg solved, of things done means to a city is what Detroit will celebratee during the week beginning today. It was on July 24th, 1701, that Cad-. illac arrived at the site of the futur metropolis with fifty soldiers and fif- ty Canadians and artisans, and estab- shed Fort Pontchartrain on the 2 banks of the river. Two days later he through this property. : Perfectly level land. Within 4 year. church. In this church, some years later, Detroit's first white child, a daughter of Cadiliac, was baptized. The French called the new settle- ment La Ville d'Etroit. The pop- ulation of the village was increased in 1749 by the arrival of bal immigrants, who came in response to e proclamation of the Governor-Gen- LET US SHOW YOU. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY we will tracts of one to five or more acres of excollent PRO perty suitable for subdividing into city lots, yim within one mile of the industrial centre of the Ci Medicine Hat, being a subdivision called PARKDALE which is divided into ten acre tracts, LOW PRICE. EASY TERMS. listings for City Property: sell it. Each acre may be divid d into ten or twelve lots. The chartered electric railway right-of-way runs . This is an exceptional opportunity for you to own a number of lots that-will sell at a large profiy We will new settlers, Later there were more arrivals, including large parties of ex- iled Arcadians. i The population of, Detroit reached In 1840 FM Gl and in Cireult, meeting at- Brandon, Man. Opening of Cedar Valley Trotting Cireuit meeting at. Algona, Iowa. National polo championships begin at Narragansett Pier, R. I. Michigan State championship nis tournament opens at Port Huron. Young Ahearn vs far and near gathered here today for the beginning of the serles of annual polo championships utider the auspi- ces of the National Polo . Association. The competitions will continue for nearly a month and will take place as ustial on the grounds of the Point Jud- ith Country Club. The tournament will embrance the; Junior, senfor and open events for the championship titles, Most interest c fiters in the junior championships, for which the perpetual trophy is al cup presented by-Samue D. Warren of Boston. The competitions are for teams of four whose aggregate hand- icaps do not exceed twenty goals, none) of the player to have a higher hand icap than five goals, The entry of a team of officers of the regular army has excited gene erest, The oth- er entries include teams from the Meadowbrook, Rockaway, Riping Rock and Bryn Mawr polo clubs, the Kan- sas City Country Club and the st Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry. JULY 22 1N PUGILISTIC ANNALS ght to have his pic- sn t had a photo- funny looking one oat that he was a noon wedding, 3 twas -a good one ed then, but really, he family, there him as he looks pher In your town. :tT STUDIO, AVENUE. DERS exclusive privilege efreshments at Ex- during Fair time, yy the undersigned jay, 27th inst. The witi-be-understood n the tender, and provide hot meals and during the Heulars on applica- ary: HASSARD, Secre 3 airs ptween-Bob tenn mons and Jim Hall for the middle- gt; weight championship of the world and 12,000, scheduled to be pulled off in Mitneapolis, was prevented by the governor of Minnesota, who called out the State militia to disperse the crowds of boxing bugs. Hall, like Fitz, was an Australian, and a great fighter in hig prime. 1897 Kid McCoy and Dick Moore of Minneapolis fought for the third time at Buffalo, McCoy winning in the first round, PEEP EEE EEE ET + as DERS for the erection of , of five-strand wo- neat Chin, on on top, s ven foot inches in ground, properly braced at ay b tween corners, e price per mile f terial will be frn- ssary apparatus for- t digging post holes. y tender not neces- Write C. F. Lunan rButlding,Calgary. Toate + LACROSSE + 3 - ERR EE EE SEER EEEE EES N.L.U Nationals. 7, Tecumsehs 2. fast Lethbridge. combination here by three goals to none in the final game for the People s Shield. Canadian Sunmmer Victor at Hamburg Copped 500 Metres Race Americans Defeated Ger- man Relay Swimmers. (W, A. P. Cable) Hamburg, July 22. In a swimming meet: here yesterday the Hawalian Duke Kahanawoku won the 100 metres event in the world s record time of one minute and one-ffth sec- letic Club; Chicago, was second. George Hodson, Canada, won the Kaiser's prize in the 500 metre, race. in which his time was 7 minutes and 23 seconds. Nicholas P. Norich o the New York Athletic Club was second. Rathe, of Breslau, defeated Michael sociation inthe breast swimming, races of 100 and 409 metres. The American Oiympic swimmers defeated the Germany inen in ths re Iny ace. tonabaat Again sounds at New Orleans Powell and James, ist game (285,708, The latest census, taken In 1910, gave Detroit population of 390 Toronto St: We. are THE FARM Land Company SANT k PANY Phone 171. i Tuesday Central New York tennis tournament opens at Utica. Opening of Lake Erie Trotting Cir- cuit meeting at Erie, Pa. Opening. of Tilinois Valley Trotting Circuit meeting at Ottawa, II. Opening of Corn Belt Trotting Cir- cuit meeting at Canton, 8D. Wednesday. Annual Show of Monmouth County Horse Show Association opens at Long Branch, N. J. Swimming, rowing and yacht races at the Cadillaqua carnival, Detroit. Thursday Asinual tournament of Michigan State Golf League opens at Detroit. International canoe championships ont- P-C, MeGillivary, Illinois Ath- at the Cadilaqua carnival, Detrolt. Billiard match between Young Jake Schaefer and Marcus Catton begins in. Pueblo. Friday e Annual rowing regatta of the Pac- ifie Northwest Association opens at Victoria, B? C. MeDougot of the Chicago Athlete As-T- Michigan State athletic champion- ships at the-Cadillaqua carnival, De- troit. Satarday Start of the power cruiser race from Philgdelphia to Bermuda... .. Start of the power cruiser race from Marblehead, Mass. to New York. National elimination balloon races start from Kansas City. fore twelve hundred spectators Tom Opening of- summer-meeting of the Niagara Racing Association at Fort Defeats Cameron Indian Co Ten Mile * . Bee at : w Gl gow on Sabine atieewar tennis champ- ETING OPENS CW. A. P. Dispatch.) ae See ew-Glasgow, N, S., July 21 Be- Detroft, Mich, July 22 The Blue Ribbon meeting of the Grand Circuit opened at the Detroit Driving Club track today and all the indication: point to a week of great sport and attendance, The sta- Longboat defeated Cameron in -ten mile match race at New Glasgow yes- terday, Longboat won by about three yards, his time being fifty-six minutes-And-seventeen-seconds, THhIs Ashenfelder and Clark, Seattlor-end-Owens 2nd -game Indianapolis . ..... Minneapolis ... . Merz and Casey: Burns and Smith, INTERNATIONAL ist game Baltimore - Jersey City . Walter and Bergue. Gaskell and Mitchell. Covington and Schmidt. CANADIAN LEAGUE 5 9 -Mehone-and-Rendeat While Soldiers and Crew , Detroit appeared in 1809, On August 16t; 1812, General Hutt-surrendered Suffer From Cold, Detroit to the British and they retain- ed possession for a little more than a year. In 1818 the first steaboat ar- , rived here from Buffalo. In 1824 Se faving nartowly escaped being sent troit was chartered as a city and John to the bottom of the ice floes en R. Williams was elected as the first nountered in Bering sea, the Ufit - Mayor. d States army transport Sheridan Daring the gala week there wil a (arrived in-Tacoma last night with daily pageant on land, on lthe 16th U.S. : Tacoma, Wash, July 19, After infantry regiment and in the alr. There will be athletic fe events and amusements of every de- 90d for scription. Notables from many cities WSters,. of the United States and Canada have bave untold Hardships from. steaming facilities of the being inadequate and two Krarasky, watched on the bridge: of timlis the captain ship and at the 16th regiment, aboard the port, returning to the United St esented Captain Healy of Norton Louisville ... ... ... + 2 8 1/465,766, an increase o 63 per cent in St. Paal 3 6 2) ten-xears. Northrup and Searce, In 1774. the. first civil goveMn- : ten- Gardner and Marshall. ment was. provided by the British for ge : trom death when caught inthe grip 2nd game Detroit and the surrounding territor- Ear Vovage of the ice in Northem seas. Ray Temple, 10 Louisvilte ... ... 1 6 1 fty. In 1796 the town came into the if an For seven days, off St, Lawrence St. Paul 3 6 2/possession of the United States and oy U.S. Transp ort sland, to the west Richter and Scolte. was occupied by American (roops. Th Field of Ice sous; championship Karger and Murray The town was incorporated in 1802, lean lay ice bound, making but nine- ist game fand three years later it became the) 4 ins ty miles in this time. For. 48 hours Indianapolis ... 1 7 Olegat of the territorial government of OX Many Hours Ship Bat- fy miss i tt itealy aa Pilot. Minneapolis ... 2 8 Olnfchigan. The first paper printed in tles With Immense Floes, a mally received by Governor Osborne of Michigan and the official repres- entatives of Detroit. One night of the week is. to be given over toa mammoth industrial parade, with floats representing the Would you be glad of the chance to rent a room or two to congenial peo- ple? Would you itke to secure a more profitable position-where the chances for advancement are more certain? Would you like to'dispose of house- hold property or roaltx at a fair price? Would you like to locate a business Bae pete accepted invitations to be guests of Sermey: Oey 4 9 Oltne city of Detroit. Baltimore ... .- s::.+++ 2 10 41) One of the ofg features of the week's Doxcheg. spd Outi programme will be a great historical Enaneey ont Bergen . pageant depicting the voyage of Cadil- aa ee lac and his landing in Detroit. More a ee 1 5 0/than 4,000 persons garbed in the dress Hi In Nearly Freshers ee 7 16 6 the period will first be seen resting B eget Blake ir camp along the St. Clair Riv- Tig a nee is ne Cadillac completes his vovare Every Home he will be met by a fleet of vessels. 3 10 18 2/mne fleet will be made up of several Bl Every Night : 9 11 5 pnited States revenue cutters, six ves- Gaspar and Graham. sels of the naval reserve and many Holmes and Jaclitsch. oe ae ree ist game On setting foot in Detroit the eiteaet ee ; 7 a French explorer will be met by United and M * States regulars trom Fort Wayne, the Backes vasa Essex fusillers of Canada, the Michi- eee gan militia, and marines from the Uni- Reet os 1 2. g ted States revenue cuttersand the nav- ae. i al reserves, who will escort him to etica i - 2 2 3) Grand Circus Park. He will be met Moiese, and Morphy, at the park by a band of Indians, the a diightower and Mitehell. chiet of which will present him with Serene lt; lt; 2171. * ig gla pipe of peace. He will then be for- eee These are a few Of the score or more questions that may be asked. * and answered through the Want Col- umng each day. all 9, Montreal 4 t Ist game put in touch with those who have we Lo makes two. victories: for, the: Indias pals Sa nate Sitila'aa er onlt of ge aemasts 7 11 2 progress of the various manufactur- rooms to rent. Business partners aro Irish Canadians 12, Toronto 6. jover Cameron during the past week- i. i etings at Grand Rapids and Berlin ... . 9 43 2 ing and mercantile interests of the located, realty is BOWgMe ARES. bola, Capitals 3, Shamrocks 2. ee Kaldmazoo . Jacobson and Krelte. city. Then there will be an auto- employes and employers are brought FOR MICHIGAN TENNIS TITLES ae two big events on the week's) Branhow and Reld, mobile parade in which 8,000 motor together, bay rs Pe Soiemeny GUN CLUB programme-are the Chamber of Com- 2nd game cars will-take part, the object being each'day as a result ob Want Saturday evening shoot (Spectal-to the News) merae Stake, 2.13 pace, 5,000, which St. Thomas . 2 to call attentiok to the fact that con- 8 Ads that have to play 5a tens LY, Birnle made a possible at 25 Port Huron, Mich, July 22 A good wit be decided tomorrow, and the Berlin ... 1 8 2 siderably more than half the automo- portant part in mod eh budinees. tafgata; field of hifi ranking tennis players ciassic Merchant and Manvfacturers' Clements and Kreif biles made in America are built in Are you taking full advantage of Total scores at appeared on the courts of the .Portistake, 3:24 trot, 10,000, which is on Bramble and Matteson. Detroit. the Wants? event were: pes Tennis fac today in readiness ine programme for Wednesday. The oat whe : 6 2). In the hope of making their a i 17 21 25 for the annual tournament to entries events insure con- Hamilton ... 16 1)the future water-sports centre ot rs aS font x a1 a1 spe erate State open champlon testa of a me beat class, The fre0- Cetera and Trost. America the committees have ar Phone your Wants mer 19 18 ip. Play in the tournament will con- forall events, which come later in the wr er, ranged an elaborate programme of Reriohy 2 a ffnve through the greater part of the week, also have been weit filed. Guelph vaneete 1 7 Olaquatic sports. Yacht races, power 2 No. 13, Ring 2 9 A, W. Gleaves . 14 20 week. oat races, canoe races, swimming aS hoKeren 17 J. Fleming 13 For all kinds of job printing, try Kiiser s O14 Timer 10 Cigar. the News Job Department. Schuman and Daniels. Wileox andBoyle. contests and hydroplane competitions will fill in the week.
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Image 124 (1912-07-22), from microfilm reel 124, (CU1772109). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.