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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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ST AND FOUND Ss se containing sum of 1t 8.00, milk tickets and. ets. Reward. Mrs. Pon- Bt 289dL Ween city hall and exhibi- unds, the lower gear part ter, Finder please return ake and receive reward. 289d2 : pe DOMS WANTED. SHED ROOM WANTED er requires no attend- om, nO board ;but would sind people wherewith to mancy, Moderate terms. ses for box 12100 News 288d3 ICES TO RENT. Furnished, 8 offices on Ave., from. 15.00 per B. Browne Co,, Auction- sronto St, Medicine Hat. or 295, 27eate ee eee ) RENT Fine large office et in size, corner of 4th Main street, upstairs in lock, Modern convenien- Il Ughted. Most. central the city. Apply at the SCELLANEOUS -LADIES' AND GENTS clothing, shoes, watches, 18, Tevolvers, valises, suit musical instruments, Democrat waggons, bug- ess, bicycles, carpenter aw hides and furs, horse and f-ath rs, bought and to th Harvard Tailoring ourth avenue, opposite theatre. P. 0. box 701. The Best Prices Paid for 2Die. lt; lt; lt; ICINE HAT HIDE, FUR INK CO. The above have best selection of Second ) in the city. We carrr Stoves and Bedding, new hand Clothing, Clocks, swelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- agons, Buggies, Harness, new line of winter goods. rything mentioned above ) best prices. Call at 504 ray St. or Phone 587. tf zRED ACCOUNTANTS DERSON CO., chartered nts and auditors, (estab- auditors, city of Medicine eg, Medicine Hat, Leth- E. Gibson, C.A, resident hone 198. Burns Block. 275att UCTIONEERS IWNE CO., Live Stock eral Auctioneers, 519 Tor- tock Sales every Friday jquare at 1 o'clock. Ranch ock sales conducted: .any- use furniture sales con- here. Consult us, our ex- your disposal free. Phone Browne Co, 519 To- igzatt SINESS CARDS, ae EWING MACHINES an Manning Pianos and sale and to surance. W. J. Fleming, ain Street. rtlett, B.a.Sc nicipal Engineer, 1d Alberta Land Surveyor al Spur Railways, les, Sewage, Irrigation, Plans, Etc. imperial Bank Building. J Phone 420 Tuesday, June 18, 1912 THINGS TO KNOW KJ EST t sult will be a smooth and snow-white top. Pasteboards may be treated in the same way. poach an egg 0 that the water not touch it, put a piece of but the bottom of an old teacup, BY-LAW NO......- A BY-LAW to authorize the Issue of debentures to the amount of 5630.- 00 secured partly by special rates and partly by special frontage assess- ment upon the credit of the Municipal- ity at large for the payment of Plank Sidewalks constructed on the portions of the streets therein named. WHEREAS in the opinion of the ounci) of the Corporation of the City of Medicing Hat It fs destrab p dient to construct plank sidewalks as local improvements on the por- tions of the streets hereinafter nam- ed, AND WHEREAS the sald Council have given notice of their intention to undertake and construct the sald Works and to assess and levy 1653.59 part of the cost thereof upon the real property fronting or abutting upon. the portions of the streets aforesaid. AND WHEREAS although duly not ified, as aforesaid, of such proposed works and assessment respectively, the majority of the owners of the real property fronting or abutting on such portions of sald streets respectively representing at least one halt in val- Lemon Roly-Poly Take three-quarters of a pound of Ifour, six ounces of lard, the juice of lone lemon, One teaspoonful of sugar, land one extra teaspoonful of flour. Mix the flour and lard into a smooth and roll ft out to the thickness it half an inch. Squeeze the juice (strained) into a cup: Stir the teaspoontul of flour and sugar nto the juice to make a stiff paste. Spread this mixture over the paste ron 4t up. Then tie the pudding floured cloth, Boll for tvo hours. Stewed Chicken. * Take a chicken, cut into joints; put fimto a stewpan two large onions Mohopped fine), four tomatoes, some ee: a little sage, a few bite of cut small, and half a cupful.ot stock. Stew gently for two Just before dishing up, add iB wineglassful of sherry. Barley Pudding Take half a pound of pearl barley, well washed; add one quart of new milk, half a pound of refined sugar, end half a nutmeg, grated; then bake ft in a deep dish. Remove it from the oven when , beat up three eggs, mix well togeth rpour it into well-buttered dish, and bi for nearly an hour. i. Fish for an Invalid Halt saucepanful of water boiling, and place a nice cutlet of fish fn a soup plate with a tablespoontul of cold water and a nice piece of butter on the top of the cutlet, and cover with another soup plate. Place this over the boiling water and steam gently for twenty minutes. By cooking it this way you have all the nutriment that the fish contains. Croquettes of Cheese Four ounces of cheese, three ounces ial of breadcrumbs, one egg, one small onion, pepper, cayenne and salt to taste. Grate cheese, and put in a mor- tar with breadcrumbs, minced onton, and seasdhing. Pound to a smooth with enough beaten egg to mois- ten, then make into little balls, flatten out slightly, dip in frying batter, and ook in deep fot (which must be poze hot before they are put in). a delicate brown, drain Well, end pile in a pyramid, garnish, aad serve as quickly as possible. Iced Frult Cakes One cupful of butter, one cupful of sugar, two cupfuls of flour, four large eggs, one teaspoonful of baking pow- er. Beat the butter and sugar to a qream; add each egg separately. Mix the flour and baking powder and add to the rest of the ingredients, stirring well. Cut the paste in thick, narrow strips, and set in rounds, so as to form a deep cuplike shape; place on fa well-buttered tin, and bake. When done, Hl Witt 7 pared follows: Take: rich, ripe peach (canned ones will do , cu: in dice, dip in white of egg that has been slightly Ibeaten, and then into pulverized gugar, and fill centre of the cakes. Set in the oven until the meringue is nicely browned. Serve with rich cream and coffee. council against any of the said works or assessments. tained: and determined that the real forth as follows, that is to say: 516 feet on the north. side of Toronto St. Bast, between East Allowance Woodman Ave. side of Ottawa St. E., between B. Al- lowance and Woodman Ave.; 1032 feet on the north side of Braemar St. E., between EH. Allowance and Washing- ton, Ave.; 268 feet on the north side of Ross Street from Washington Ave., westerly; 550 feet on the eastside of 'N. Railway St,, between Balmoral and Prince St.; 724 feet on the north side of Maple St, between EH. Allowance and Gerald Ave.; 516 feet on the north side of Government Trail, Victoria Ave. and EB. Allowance; 766 feet on the South side of. Hill Rd., be- tween Highland St. and S. Railway St; 333 feet on the south side of High- land St. and School Av the west side of Macleod Trail, tween Toronto will benefit directly or indirectly by the said works. sum of 914.08 to be raised annually for a period special rate on the whole assessable sum of 380.29 to be raised annually ue thereof did not petition the said AND WHEREAS It has been ascer- property comprised in the limits -set: and 516 feet-on the south between 776 feet on be St. and Ottawa 8t, AND WHEREAS it will require the of twenty years by a property of the municipality at large. AND WHEREAS it will require the for a period of five years by a spec- frontage assessment upon the; said property respectively according to the frontage thereof. AND WHEREAS according to the last revised assessment roll the to- tal value of the land charged with the special frontage assessment for plank sidewalks is 74,975.00, and the amount of the whole ratable property of the said Municipality is 7,012,585.00. AND WHEREAS the said debt is contracted on the credit and security of the Municipality at large, but, as to the sum of 1,653.59, the said Cor- poration is to collect the same by way only of special frontage assessment as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS the existing deben- ture debt of the said municipality is 947,966.86, of which no principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE THE COUNCIL OF THD OF MEDICINE HAT enacts as fol- lows: 1. The Municipal Council of the City of Medicine Hat will expend the, sum of 5630.00 in constructing the said plank sidewalks, and for the) purpose of raising said sum deben- tures of the said city to the amount) of 5630.00 as aforesaid as follows: Five bonds of 1000 each and one bond cf 630.00 shall be issued on the first day of July 1912, each of which said debentures shall be dated on the the final passing thereof. 7, The vote of the burgesses of the said city shall be taken on this by: at the following times and plac that Je to say, on Friday the fifth day of July next, commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock im the, afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy Returning Officers, Hall, by T. , Blatchford, Deputy Re- turning Officer; for Wards 3 and 4 at the Court House by John Benson, Deputy Returning Officer, turning Officer. 9. On Phursday the fourth day of July, 1912, the Mayor shall attend at his office In the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon persons to attend at the various poll- ing places as aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the Returning Officer on bebalf of the persons interested in, or promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law respectively. 10, The Returning Officer shall at- tend at his office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Satur- day, the sixth day of July, 1912, to feum up the number of votes given for or against this by-law. Read a first time this fifth day of June, 1912. ; NELSON, SPENCER, Mayor. H, BAKER, Clerk. Read a second time this fifth day of June, 1912. NELSON, SPENCER, Mayor. H. BAKER, Clerk. City. AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue Debentures lof thes aid City of Medicine Hat for said Clerk, 4. During the curyency of the sald east side of Fifth Ave. between To- ronto Street and Balmoral Street; ing fund for Debentures there Shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all the rate- able property im the Medicine Hat, the sum of 750.00 for payment of the interest on the said Debentures, and the for the purpose Of creating a sink- payment of the debt here- the sum of 1208.68 to be raised annually by P me special rate aforesaid, during each of the said years, 5. This by-law shal take effect on 8 Herbert Baker shall,be the Re- the date of the final passing thereof. 6. The votes of the burgesses of the said City shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and places,*that is to say, to appoint) day of July commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day by the following Deputy Returning Officer: For Wards-1 and 2 at the City Hall by T. . Blatchford, Deputy Return- ing Officer; for Wards 3 and 4 at the said City inal) sum of 453.63 on the fifth 1,360 feet on the west side of Fifth Ave, between Toronto Street and of Balmoral Street; 1,020 feet on the west side of Sixth Ave., between Montreal St. and Balmoral 1,872 feet on the east side of Fourth Ave., between Montreal St. and Few- ings St.;1020 feet on the east side of Sixth Ave., between Montreal Street side of Fourth Ave. between Brac- mar St. and Balmoral St.,; 1,540 feet on the north side of Montreal St. be- tween South Railway and Sixth Ave.; 530 feet on the north side of Ottawa St, between Fourth Ave. and Fifth Ave; 580 feet on the south side of Ottawa St. between Fourth and Fifth Ave.; 560 fect on tho north side of Ottawa St. between Seventh Ave. and Bighth Ave.; 916 feet on the north side of Braemar St. between Fourth Ave. and Sixth Ave.; 885 feet on the south side of Braemar St, between Fourth Ave. and Sixth Ave.; 885 feet on the north side of Balmo-al St., be- tween Fourth Ave, and Sixth Ave; manner as other rates im the shall have attached to them coupons 380 feet on the ei eod property in the said city of Medicine roll. for the payment of sald interest, Trall, between Toronto Street and Hat the sum of 619.02 for the pur- 6. This by-law shall take effect on which coupons shall be signed by the Montreal Street: 1360 feet on the pose of creating a Sinking Fund for the payment of the debt hereby secur- ed, and the sum of 1028.45 for pay- ment of the semi-annual interest in respect to the said debt, making in all the sum of 1642.47 to be raised annually by special rate aforesaid St.; during each of the sald twenty years. 5. A special rate of 4.02 cents per foot on streets and 2.01 ceiits per foot on avenues is hereby imposed on the real property above deserib- d-accarding to the frontage thereot over and above all other rates and taxes, which special rate shall be sufficient to produce the said sum of 1164.91 and shall be annually in- serted in the tax roll and shall be payable in the same manner as other rates in the safd roll. 6 This By-law shall take effect on the final passing thereof. 7. The votes of the burgesses of the said City shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and places, that is to say, on Friday the fifth day of July n xt commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing until five Court House, by John Benson, Dep- uty Returning Officer. 7. On Thursday the fourth day of July, 1912, the Mayor of the said city shall attend at bis office in the City Hall at 10 o'clock in the forenoon to appoint persons to attend at the var- fous places aforesaid, and at the fin- al summing up of the votes by the Clerk on Behalf of the persons inter- ested in promoting or opposing the passing of this by-law respectively. 8 The Clerk of the said City shall attend at his office in the City Hall lin the said City of Medicine Hat at at the Court House. H, BAKER, for voters residing'tn Wards 3 and 4 - City Clerk. 560 feet on the south side of Balmoral St. between Fourth Ave. and Fifth Ave.; 1444 feet on the south side:of Montreal St, between South Railway St, and Sixth Ave.; 560 feet on the north side of Bsplanade between Third Ave, and Second Ave.; 1829 ft on the East and South sides of Third Avenue between Esplanade and Main Streets; 340 feet on the north side of Third Ave. between Es- planade and Main Street; 1020 feet on: the north side of Third Aye. between Montreal St. and Balmoral St.; 40 feet en the south side of o'clock in the afternoon of the same day by the following Deputy Return- ing Officers, namely, for Wards 1 and 2 at the City Hall, by T. . Blat- chford, Deputy Returning Officer; for Wards 3 and 4 at the Court House by: John Benson, Deputy Returning Off - cer. 8, Herbert Baker shall be the Re- turning Officer. 9. On Thursday, the fourth day of July, 1912, the Mayor shall attend at his office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the -forencon to appoint persons to attend at the various places as aforesaid, and at the final mming up of the votes by the Re+ turning Officer on behalf of the per- sons in, or promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law respectively. 10. The Returning Officer shall attend at his office in the City Hall at ten o'clock in the forenoon of Saturday, the sixth day of July, 1912, to sum up the number of yotes gtven for or against this by-law. Read a first time this fifth day of June, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. KER Clerk. Read a second time this fitth day of June, 1912. NELSON SPENCER, Mayor. H, BAKER, Clerk. PUBLIC NOTICE 18 hereby given , that the foregoing is a true copy of the proposed by-law to provide for raising the sum of 35,000.00 for the construction of curb and gutters which has Deen introduced and, which may be finally passed (in the event of the assent of the burgesses being obtained thereto) after one month from the 1ith day of June, 1912, that being the day upon which this notice ig first published in the Medioine Hat News, Medicine Hat, and upon the bth day of July the voting thereon will be held between the hours of nine o'clock am. and five o'clock p.m. at the following places fixed for the tak- ing the votes of the burgesses: For voters residing in Wards Nos. 1 and 2 at the Council Chamber in the City Hall; for voters realding in Wards Nos, 3 and 4 at the Court House. (Sga.) HH. BAKER, Clerk. Medicine Hat, June 10, 1912. thereof. AND WHEREAS according to the last revised assessment roll the total the sum of 15,000 as hereinafter provided (which is the amount of the debt intended to be creat d by this by-law the proceeds of the said De- bentures to be applied for sald plur- pose and to no other. AND WHEREAS the total amount required to be raised annually by special rate for paying the sald debt and interest is the sum of 1203.63, whereof 750.00 is to be raised an- nually for the payment of interest juring the currency of the said De- and Paperhanging. olds Stewart. ue opposite Binnings) Paper Estimates cheer- first day of July, 1912 and bear 1m terest from that date and shall be payable on the first day of October, 1917 at the principle office of the Bank of Montreal in the cities of Med- nually for the purpose of raising sinking fund for payment of the debt secured by the said Debentures. AND WHEREAS the total amount ued on cost of Pspering Phone 156. O TUNING : and REGULATING of repair undertaken at charge consistent with anship. Work Guaranteed. HAS, A. ADSIT und at Anglican Church, t. cifications, Superintend- 28706 IMPOUNDED 1 June 14th 1 grey geld- light bay mare, weight lbs, branded B on left vill be sold on June 28th, clock unless claimed and es paid, W. Funnell, Poundkeeper. NOTICE having left my bed and undersigned, will not be for any debts incurred y, June 17, by her. Mr. Ernest 8. Nelson. ape broadcloth, used toxsthers good silt for between This model has a distinc? CONFERENCE OF STEAMSHIP MEN (Special to the News) Buffalo, N. Y., June 17. An impor- tant conference between members of the International Commerco Commis- sion and representatives of all the Jeading water transportation lines of the United States was begun in this city today. A uniform system of ac- counts and a plan of co-operation be- tween the steamship companies and the Interstate commission are the feine Hat, Toronto, Montreal, peg or New York. 2. Each of the said debentures shall be in the form prescribed in sections seven and eight, title twenty- two, of the Medicine Hat charter, and shall be signed by the Mayor of the said city or some other person auth- orized by by-law to sigh same and by the treasurer of the sald city and the clerk of the said City shall attach thereto Municipality. 8. The sald Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cen- tum per anntm, payable yearly on the first day of October in each year at the same the principle in each and every year during th sur- rency thereof. . Hat, the sum of 715.39 for the pur- pose of creating a Sinking Fund and the sum of 198.70 for payment of an annual interest iif respect to the said aforesaid five years. and above all other rates and taxes, the Corporate Seal of the 4. During the currency of the said debentures there shall be raised an- nually by special rate on all ratable property in the said City of Medicine debt, making in all the sum of 914.09 to be raised annually by special rate during each of the said 5, A special rate of five cents per foot frontage is hereby imposed on the real property above described ac- cording to the frontage thereof, over which special rate shall be sufficient to produce - sald sum of 380.27and of the whole rateable property of the City of Medicine aHit, according to the last revised assessment roll there of is 7,012,585.00, fet AND WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said City of Medicine Hat is 947,966.86, of which no principal or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE THE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF MEDICINE HAT enacts as follows: 1. The Municipal Council of the City of Medicine Hat shall issue De- bentures of the said City for the pur- pose of improving the streets of the sald city to the amount of 15,000.00 which shall be issued in sums of riot less than 1,000 each, each of which said debentures shall be issued . on the first day of July, 1912; and shall bear interest from that date, and shall be payable on the 1st day of October, 1982, at the chief office of the Bank of Montreal at Medicine Hat, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, of New York. 2. Each of the said Debentures shall be signed by the Mayor and Treasurer of the said City, and the Clerk of the said City shall attend thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. 3. The said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cen- tum per annum, payable half yearly at one of the said branches of the Bank of Montreal, on the first day of chief subjects of discussion. shall be annually inserted in the tax ro and shall be payable In the same Medicine Hat, June 10th, 191 BY-LAW NO. . pality at large secured partly ly by spjecial rates, fgr the struction of Curbs and Council of the Corporation of after named. 580.76 part of the cost thereof aforesaid. z AND WHEREAS although ed works and assessment respectl' real property fronting or abutting ively representing at least value thereof did not petition works or assessments. property comprised in the Hmits Highth Ave; 1,590 feet on the Eighth Ave; 569 feet on the Ave, and Fifth Ave; 560 fect on October and April in each and every year during the currency thereof, and between Toronto St, and Ottawa A BY-LAW to provide for the bor- rowing of money by issue of Deben- tures upon the credit of the Munict- Special frontage assessment and part- con- jutters in the City of Medicine Hat to the amount a Se rae aan i picte- oe retect ans oe 200,000.00, em S : Hrenture debt ofthe sald Mubictpal- WHEREAS in the opinion of the the City of Medicine Hat it is desirable atid expedient to cimgtrnot Curbs and PEE CO Gutters in the sald City as a loc M se improvement on the streets herein- AND WHEREAS tho said Council have given notice of their intention to undertake and construct the said works and to assoss and levy 14,- purpose of raising sald sum deben- upon the real property fronting or abutt- Ing upon the portions of the streets duly notified as aforesaid of such propos- ly the majority of the owners of the such portions of Safd streets respect- of the Bank of Montreal in the citles one-half the said Council against any of the said) 2. AND WHEREAS it has, been ascer- tained and determined that the real forth as follows, that is to. say: 410 feet on the east side of Seventh Ave,, between Esplanade and Main Street; 415 feet on the West side of Seventh Ave., between Esplanade and Main Street; 1,590 feet on the north side of Main Street between Fifth Ave. and south side of Main Str et between Fifth and north side of Toronto Street between Sixth south sigeot Toronto Street between Sixth Ave, sd Fifth Ave; 880 fect) 4 on the west side of Macleod Trail, special frontage assessment for curbs and gutters is 1,296,140.00 and the amount of the whole ratable pro- perty of the Municipality is 7,012,- 585.00. z AND WHEREAS the sald debt is contracted on the credit and security py lof the Municipality at large, but, as to the sum of 14,530.76 the said cor- poration is to collect the same by way only of special frontage assess- ment as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS the existing De- ity is 947,966.86 of which no prin- ciple or interest is in arrear. THEREFORE: THE COUNCIL OF RATION OF THD CITY 4. The Municipal Council of the City of Medicine Hat will expend the sum. of 35,000 in constructing the said curbs and gutters and for the tures-of the city to the amount of 35,000 as aforesaid as follows; 35 bonds of 1,000 each, shall be issued on the first day of July, 1912, each of which said Debentures shall be dated on the first day of July, 1912, and bear interest from: that date and shall be payable on the first day of on October, 1932, at the principal office ve- of Medicine Hat, Toronto, Winnipeg, Montreal or New York. Fach of the sald debentures shall be in the form prescribed n sections seven and eight, title twen ty-two of the Medicine Hat Charter and shall be signed by the Mayor of the said City or some other person authorized by by-law of the said city to. sign the same and by. the Treas- urer.of the said City who shall at- tach thereto the Corporate Seal of the Municipality. 3. The,sald debentures shall bear interest at the rate of five per cent- um per annum payable half yearly on the first day of October and of April in each year at the same place as the principal In each and every year dur- ing the currency thereof. During the currency of the sald set the Debentures there shall be raised an- valne-of-the-lan -charged with the About Business Soetotosteny Pot oeto-ete-t re Peake So-eteh' So-48 fe os et quickly, and ne aot Po teste cesto-eteate - oo es so-0 Me - teste foe oe one s self. sate 2 + that cannot be advertised. fot soto age-otestete ae eo teetgs attention. Me . a oe e Poste can please you. 0-4 es Post ot eo-08 es e PEAY nually by special rate-on all ratable St; Septet lt;Be If the average business man lad time to carefully investigate every proposition put up to him, h would pay less attention first impressions and judge less by appear- ances. But he is called upon to think and act et oan Yo ea aS 10 o'clock in the forenoon of Satur- Third Ave., between Montreal St. and et 5 se PUBLIC NOTIGH le hereby eiven d ; the sixth ay. of July, 1912, for Balmoral St.; 1020 feet on the south CURE: 2N GUSTER city. Property, See aegis a rue copy of th Durbons, ommmmins up the niin- side of Third Ave. between Montreal BE sact ag tee ae) 1 that oposed By-law to authorize the ber of votes for and against the By- St and Balmoral St.; 2080 feet on the seroot, From. To. Feet. jasu of Debentures of the City of Jaw. north side of Second Ave. between Fooisnade W. Thi Second 56080 500. 500 sactidine Hatto the amount of 5680. Hemverl mae the Clerk shall Esplanade and Balmoral St; 875 feet eplanade H. Main Second 1820 140 rig9 1189 Go fortis payment of Plank Sidewalk gt; 86 Hetupaaie Se ticer: on the south side of Second Ave, Be) rning N, Esplanade Main 340 80 260 280 Oe erin ta the Olly of Medts , Read tieeeetiew this firth day. of tween Esplanade and Main St; 1071) ying, Montreal Balmoral 1020 240 . 780 780 Sine Hat, which ies been lt;intro- 7006 A.D. 19132 feet on the south side of Second Ave.) ring g, Esplanade Main 340 80260 260 duced and which may be finally NELSON SPENCER, oe Montreal and Balmoral Sts.; qyirqg, Montreal Balmoral 1020 240780 780 passed (in the event of the assent of Mayor. ae feet on the west side of Toron- secongN, Esplanade Balmoral 2080 440 1640 1640 the burgesses being obtained thereto) Ga B. Baxan) 0 St bebwaen Soest and Rd.) secona S. Esplanade Main 375. 80 295 295 one month after the 11th day of June, Clerk, Alowance; 1,028 feet on the east Secongg, . Montreal Balmoral 1071 201780 780 aoe nate peing the day upon which Read a second thne this fifth day side of Toronto St. between Second roronto W. Second Rd. Allow. 1071 120 951 951 this notice is first published in the of June, A. D, 1912, Ave. and Rd. Allowance; 1,736 feet oronto.H. Second. . Rd. Allow. 1028 120 908 908, Medicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, NELSON SPENCER, the west side of Ottawa St, be ) Ottawa W. N. Ry. Rd. Allow. 1736 260 96-1380 1380 96 and that upon the 5th dey of July, Mayor, tween N. Rallway and Rd. Allow- Ottawa BN. Ry Ra Allow. 1684 200134 1850 1950 184 1912, the voting thereon will be held H. BAKER, 8nce 1,684 feet on the cast side Of) Braemar W. N. Ry. Ra. Allow. 7482 200 82 1200 1200 82 between the hours of nine o'clock a. Ghiy, jOttawa St. between N. Railway St.) Braemar E. N. Ry. Rd. Allow. 443-300 180 1113 1113130 m. and five o'clock p. m. at the fol- and Rd, Allowance; 1,482 feet on the Batmoral W. Ny. Rd. Allow. 1240 200 75 985 965.75 Towing places fixed for taking the PUBLIC NOTIOH ts hereby given west side of Braemar St. between N. Baimoral E, N.Ry. Rd. Allow. 1193 301 892 + 892 lowing Phe burgesses: For voters that the foregoing 1s a true copy of hay or St, and Rd. Allowance; 1443 seventh EB. Esplanade Main. 410 50 360 360 voniding in Wards Nos. 1 and 2 at the the propsed by-law to authorize the fecton the east side of Braemar St. seventh W. Esplanade. Min 415 50-365 365 Council Chamber in the City Hall, for issue of debentures to the amount North Railway to Road Allowance; Main W. Fifth Bighth 1590 90 1500 1500 coe vesiding in Ward and 4 atlof 15,000 for the purpose 1,240 feet on the west side of Bal- Main s. Fitth Righth 1590 90 1509 1500 the Court House. oF Sirset EFRaME,zravetting -mmamoral St. between N. Railway St. and) Toronto N. Fifth Sixth 560 60 500500 Tee ems panleraralng aR me: Olly , of Meds 22: AOWOMEe) 1100 feet 08; Che eens rerontoy Bye wi a ee ss 60 500 100 aig Giochi arate OAM taMe han) beamstae eee oe etncene CU Dae N. Rail- Macteod W. Toronto Ottawa 980 165 715 78 Medicine Hat, June 10th, 1912. troduced and -wBigkemay ve(finelly ey, and Rd. Allowance; 1s Im-) Macleod E. Toronto Montreal 380. 80 300 Le 300 passed (in the event-of the assent. of mete ae ae ae oC Fitth E. Toronto Balmoral. 4880 a me 386, ue a0 tt a 5b thereto) Pecially. benefitted by the construct- Firth W. Toronto Balmoral a x yO BY-LAW NO. .....- Be oe Ee ic oer fon of the said works and improve- sixth W. Montreal Balmoral 1020 240 780 780 ae 1912, that being the Way upon which R's. Sixth B. Montreal Balmoral 1020 240 780 780. Sekar detente Lanne ee eee tnted m the AND. WBAMAS f wal reguire the yourin ws . Tore ee 1s72 60 280 1032-1032 280 of debentures of the City of Medicine wegicine Hat News, Medicine Hat, 5 of 1642.47 to be raised annually) Fourth W. Braemar Balmoral 280 280 280 Se eae gi SuNL HE 1 000 100 Ch ec urte P con que RARE Way. of daly; (toe A Perea Ok Creme, Seare Pee Maree sixth 1840 110 400 1030 1030 400 purpose of street grading, sravelliN 1912, the yoting thereon will be neg Special rate onthe whole assessable) Ottawa N. Fourth Fifth 530 30 130 370 370-180 and boulevarding. betreen the: hoorieeeainn p otook PODT of the Municipality at large. Ottawa S. Fourth Fifth 530. 30 130 500 500 , am. and five o'clock p.m. st the ANS WHEREAS it will require the Ottawa W. Seventh Eight: Beo 60 500 500 WHERBAS in the opinion of the tonowing places fiked for taking the of 1165.91 to be ralsed annually Braemar N. Fourth Sixth 916 30 150 736 736 159 Couniel of the Corporation ot the yotes of the burgesses: For voters period of twenty years by a Braemar 8S. Fourth Sixth 385 20 130735735 180 City of Medicine Hat, it is advisable resiaing in Wards Nos. 1 and 2 at the *Peclal frontage assessment upon the Balmoral N. ,Fourth Sixth 885 20 180 785135. 180 te imprcve-the streets (of the: 8i0l coanct Ghumber- BOERS City Hall; PPOBO fronting os the sald respeo. Balmoral 8. Fourth: Fifth 560-20 130-410 410-180 * tive streets according to the frontage Montreal 8. 8. Ry, Sixth 1434 80 280 1084 1084 280 39659 5477 12954 21228 21228 Some Things You Should Know STATIONERY Perego upon what he can take in at a glance. Using poor stationery or printing is poor business however you look at it, because it represents you, and you cannot prevent it. The safe thing, therefore, is to use paper and printing so good that you are willing to have your work or your goods judged by it. There-are certain things that are impossible to say about For instance, your character, the esteem you hold for your business, your integrity, these are things But you can suggest them through your stationery and printed matter. ' A -bandsomely printed letterhead on good stock will at once impress your man favorably, while an indifferently print- ed letterhead on ordinary paper might have scarce gained It is not exaggeration to say that the success of your let- ters often depends upon the printing and paper you buy: We will gladly submit samples to you. We know that we Medicine Hat News, Limited. Medicine Hat, Alta, PEE SEEPS SII he
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Image 1040 (1912-06-18), from microfilm reel 1040, (CU1771866). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.