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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Tuly-28rd, 1913 th from Medicine ow with rope around 1. Reward for return tead, Dunmore Hil fedicine Hat, 9d3t ) bay geldings, white a on left thigh, 00 for return to oducts Co, -299dtf. y roan mare 3 years right should- be given for or to the finder, Ap- ssiter, or phone 675, O., box 861. di-w1 .NTED, md hand bicycle. Ap- 328 News office, 1043 M house or furnish- or several months, children. Apply to Hoe. att WANTED ung man, room in tate Furr purtictiars. ias AND Room. ARD Apply to 216 9a3 LANEOUS IES AND GENTS' ing, shoes, watches, volyers, valises, sult steal instruments, rat waggons, bug- bicycles. carpenter des and furs, horse thera, bought and Harvard Tailoring Avenue, opposite e: -P. 0. box 358. Best Prices Paid for 26Dit: HAT HIDE, FUR 0. The above have selection of Second he city. We carry and Bedding, : new Clothing, Clocks, Rifles, Guns, Re Buggies, Harness, ine of winter goods. ng mertioned dbove prices. Call at 304 . or Phone 587. tt ACCOUNTANTS ON CO., chartered nd auditors, (estab- ors, city of Medicine fedicine Hat, Leth- bson, C.A, resident 198, Burns Block. 2ibatt ONEERS CO, Live Stock uctioneers, 519 Tor jales every Friday at 1 o'clock. Ran b- Jes conducted any- rniture sales con- Consult us; our ex lisposal free. Phone 1e Co, 619 To- 1s2att CARDS. VRIGHT Broker. warding agent, as- uter of papers for into the, United mer in B. R, Real d General Agent. NE HAT, tt, B.A.Sc Engineer, arta Land: Surveyor ur Railways, ewage, Irrigation, . Ete. al Bank Bullaing. Phone 420 exclusive privilege efreshments at Ex- during Fair time, y the undersigned ay; 27th inst. The will be understood the tender, and provide hot meals and during the ictlars on applica- ry. HASSARD, Secretary. ERS for the erection of of five strand wo- wear Chin, one gn top, seven foot inches in ground, roperly braced at y between corners, price per-mile for erial will be furn- ary apparatus for digging post holes, tender not neces- yrite C. F. Lunan Building, Calgary. 10dtt m The News Job ry facility for sup- tisfactory. r the Daily News, SPuaeday, uly 23Fa, 1919 Meadetesteceadrteteeteteeges me Rs a 3, fe Win Much a Soegeateetoctoatpeteetestoateteatpat-ofecfeateetocteatec FALL 1912 First Shipmient of Fall Suits Just Opened up Fhe patterns are ex-- tra special and the style is all that the 20th Cen- tury people can make them, which means: the best that Canada pro- duces: Also Slater and-Valk- over Shoes for Fall, all marked off and in stock ready for business. Turpin Bros. The ue Stone Where You Get the Big Dollar's Worth 10 STUDY CONDITIONS Hon. W. L. McKenzie King Off On Trip to England. (W. A.-P. Dispatch) Ottawa, -Ont., July 23. Hon. W. i MacKenzie King, Ex-Minister of for England by teal George sailing fcom Montreal on Wednesday. Mr. King will, spend some . weeks in England and on. the- continent making special study of sociologi- al amd economic conditions. i A : S-MONTH SENTENCE Vice President of Federa- tion of Labor Tried on Buck Stove Case. (W. A. P. Dispatch.) Washington, D. C., July 23. John Mitchell, vice-president ol the Fed-' eration of Labor today was sentene- ed in the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia to nine months imprisonment for contempt of court growing out of the Bucks Stove and Range Co. case. An ap- 7 peal was-taken and 4,000 bail fur nished to abide by the decision of the Upper Court. In the case Pre- sident Samuel Gompers recently was sentepeed to one. year and Secretary Frank Morrison to six months. U.S. JUDGE QUITS His Conduct Has Been Un- der Investigation for Some Time. (W, A. P, Dispatch.) Seattle, Wash., States District Judge Hanford, whose conduct on the / pench has been under investigation for nearly a month by 2 sub-com mittee of the House Judiciary Com; mittee, telegraphed his resignation today to President Taft, giving ill- health as the cause of the resigna- tion. 3 INJURED IN WRECK Pitch-in of Freights Ended With Serious Results. Vancouver, B.C. rear-end collision between two freight trains five miles east of Spence s bridge at 10.15 o'clock-last night, three of the stew of second train were badly in- jured. Engineer J: Adams was in- jured about the head and his con- dition is serious. Brakeman C. Alban suffered the fracture of two) ribs, and Brakeman E, Buslin was cut bout the face and his left arm broken. The track was cleared . at 7.30 o'clock ithis morning. Tuly-22In a took . place Former Judge John W. Westcott, who made the nominating speech for Governor Wilson . at the Baltimore onvention, has annouriced that ho is a canddate for the Democratic Nomination for United States sen- eatedtoetesteed overstepped the mark by refusing ab- de aie eden dn ener eed soar pate aegeey t Bisley WHY ARMY HOWARD FAILED TO SHOW along with the other sprinters. Afte considerable argument Knox ordered him to do as he w Toronto, July 28. Jack Tait, Can- ada s leading middle distance runner, und a member of the Olympic. team, writes as follows from. Stockholm, Sweden: There is no use in denying that Can- sida counted heavily on Army Howard in the sprints at Stockholm, His in- ability to break quickly away from a mark was well known, but Coach Knox. expected to be able to make a great-improvement fn him in that re- spect, Espeelally in the 200 metres was the big colored Sprinter expected to get home in front. Much has been Lwritten of the erratic conduct of How- ard, but the following study of the black by Jack Tait explains pretty well why the Winnipeg speed marvel was beaten In spite of the good work performed by. the many members of the team, Mista James Army-Howard contin ues to hog the spotlight, Notwithstand- ing his promise given after the trou- ble in. Montreal, Howard, evidently considering himself safe once on this side of the pond, again decided to as- sert himself, Howard it must be,ad- mitted, is a Wonderful runner, bis on- ly fault being that he thinks he s the only runner living, and the only mem- ber of' the team entitled to considera- tion, He has bis-own ideas of train- ing, which change with the weather, (Coach Knox has exercised great len- iency to Howard in all things. Aithy has asked for special favors in the matter of food, training and so forth, all of, which were granted. He eats a steak three times a day, and holds forth by-the-hour as-to-what-agrees with him in training. For the first few days Knox let Howard have his way, telling him that he was willing to-do-everything possible for him--The only thing he asked: was that he be consistent, Howard's system of training proved ordered out of the quarter-mile race, Mr. Smoke insisted that he to the coach which is not allowed in atter Wondered whether Maua mule had moved to his immediate vi- clnity, Howard was. officially and you never saw such a change in man in your life. He was certainly dismissed, a very crestfallen personage, und af- ter-being advised by some of the mem- bers of the team that his only chance was to find Mr. Knox immediately and apologize, he jumped at the opportun- ity: The matter was left entirely in the coach's hands and naturally he did not feel Very much inclined to go out of his way to help Howard after his penitent-and-so profuse with his apol- ogies and promises that it was finally decided to leave it to the men on the team, A meeting was called, and Howard publicly admitted that he had been at fault He was thereupon re- Stored to good standing. Undoubtedly Howard's behavior in his trainiig prevented Coach Knox improving him as he might had the Sprinter been reasonably tractable. George Goulding s Olympic victory was the more remarkable because of the effect the death of his mother had on him. He could not train as Ke otherwise would have, and his race would unquestionably have been bet: ter had he not been bereaved so-short- ly before the big event. Eraie Webb, Had His Own Ideas of Training Which Changed With the Weather Walter Knox Was Very Lenient With the Big Smoke Constant Bucking Killed His Chances told or he would have nothing more to do with him. Howard refused absolutely, and was Yoft out of all the pictures, He was) but Hined up and insisted on running. Knox ordered him off the track, but was going to run, and that there was no- body on the fleld quite big enough to stop him. He also applied a name Polite society, and a second or two the many rebuffs, but the latter was so) MEDICINE, HAT DATEY GPE ose eee de PD Serene earns SPORT NEWS de eoeteaiecteatoatoate rege eeatrcfostoatectestosiratesdestocte itecfortedtecteatestoctoate oetesteeteetedtpatoeteateetectestedgedteateatrtoatstedpetectesteateet cocoons phoesscd gaye + x Oe ode oe oh ole ob ole oe + + BIG LEAGUE + * SCORES + + + RP ES eb hoe eee NATIONAL LEAGUE So afo- lt;So-soae-eSe-ace-atnetecte steatoste: CANADIAN TEAM WON 242 POUNDS Besides That the Indiyid- uals Copped 223 More at Philadelphi; 5. 6 10 0 Bisley. St. Louis .. 2.21 Brennan and Kililter,, (C, A. P. Cable.) o wee and Breen 0 6 a1, Bisley, Cambridge, July 23 Totai- ay erie ees 2 gy UBS, up the winnings of Canadians Brown et Rarldea, bd at this years meet, t is found that Cane ee the team won 242, divided among. New York . 4 ak its members, while individuals. won Sloman 1g between them/anather 228. Stated + SWiltee ana Mevane a jin shillings, the. individual. wWanings ehh anacaed Were as follows: Sergt Armstron; Seka i 3 19 1 Halifax, 706; Private Aula, Winnipeg, lcnteazo 10 a4 2/220 Sergt. Battershil, Winnipes, Barger and Mines Lieut. Blackburn, Winnipeg, Richie and-Arehadt Priyate Davidson, Winnipeg, 100; Sergt. Major McDougall, Victoria, 14; AMERICAN BEAGUE Sergt. Metunes, P. B, I,, 195; Private MacPherson, Stellarton, N.S... 321 st Louls . a 4 7 5 teut. Maggs, Vancouver, 381; Pri- Philadelphia i 15 6 vate Mitchell, Torento, 320; Corporal . Brawn aad BeRanbnS Mortimer, Quebec, 640; Corp, Regan, House oa: abet Edmonton, 207; Statt Sergt, Richard- Deteeie 5 3 7 1/80, Victoria, 256; Captain Sclater, Washington 125 14. 2 Vancouver, 405; Setgt. Smith, Ottawa, Works and. Siedaat 452; Lielit. Steele, Guelph, 280; Col- Johnson and Aingmith. paar. Stoddart: Hatstitea. 380. Chicago .. Se 8 4 e This does not include unattached New York . 18 13 1 Canadians. Corpl. Mortimer s big Bell, Peters and Kuhn. total Is accounted for by his success: Fischer and Sweeney. in the match rifle events. Cleveland 6 94 i Boston ...-. 8 11 2) JULY 98 IN PUGILISTIC ANNALS Baskette alld O'Neill. , O Brien and Carrigan. 1893 Kid McCoy and Ike Boone Ss fought 22 rounds at Munice, Ind., AMERICAN ASSOCIATION threats of police interference result- ing in calling the bout a draw. Boone Columbus ... 8 4 g had twenty pounds advantage in Milwaukee... . re 4 8 2/Weight, but McCoy had the best of the Packard and Smith, battle. Dougherty and Hughes, 1904 Bob Fitzsimmons and Phila- Toledo . 3 2 . 9 1/delphia Jack O'Brien met in a six- Kansas City ... 3 7 6 Fround, no-decision bout at Philadel- George and Land. phia. Maddox and O Conhor. 1908 Danny Webster defeated Billy Tadianapolis 3, 9.1 De Coursey in 20 rounds at San Ber- St. Paul 4. 7 3 Rardino, Cal. 4 Roberts and Clarke. Leroy and Murray. CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL. to -be-something-entirely new. H. would change his mind about every five mimutes as to what he was going to do, and then he would go to Knox and ask what he should do. He: also advertised that if he did not win'in Sweden he knew who he would see that everybody was in- formed that it was the fault of the coach. This. of course, could not be tolerated, and Knox finally told him that he must do as he was told. How- ard was very important and loud in his demands and assertions, and fin- ally the climax was reached when it was decided to run a trial quarter- maile to pick the Canadian relay team. The race was to be between Howard, Beasley, Golton, Brock and your cor- iespondent. Howard busied himself all morning telling everybody what he was going to do, but as he did not ap- pear to-have anybody:frightened very badly he changed his tactics, and said he was going to see whether the other runners had any heads or not. Some he told he was only going three hun- dred yards as fast as h could, and to others he asserted that he. was go- ish Champion walker, admit ted that Goulding could. get up froni sick bed and beat anybody who started against. him. TAGROSSE FIGHT HOT Vancouver Will Buck New Westminster s Games, Vancouver, B. C., July 28. Intense interest of lacrosse enthusiasts centre: about the meeting tonight. of the British Columbia Association, which meets to discuss the trouble between the Vancouver and New Westminster teams. Westminster defaulted the game last Saturday. Vancouver of- does not come into camp, an Eastern team will be played in Vancouver for three days during the- Westminster exhibition at the beginning of October. The proposal to force, Westminster to be good: is that of the Recreation Park Company, on whose grounds the lacrosse games are played here. ing to lay in bebind and finish, but) They propose to put up eight Eastern- I really don t believe he knew him- ers who are now available. Two self what he was going to do. local teams could fill in the days Just before the race some pictures until the Eastern team can come out. Were being taken and Howard here For all kinds of job printing, try solutely to have his picture taken the News Job Department. McGraw, a Tyrant on the Field, a Good Fellow Off (By Gravy ) When the National League was re- of making a man feel like the prover- duced from a dozen to elght clubs in Geeete - ae yosabutary. 26) lon. is. worked ov. 1900, Baltimore was one of- the cltles Fo eatiy starte out Sirens wiped off the- league's map, and Joba a tonguelashing, Ot the McGraw was sold to: the St. Louis fiela McGraw and the players ure on Cardinals, He remained only one sea- terms of equality, and no Giant loves son in the Mound Cjty; and-in 1901 or fun more than the manager. His prac- ganized-an Ameriean League -elub-in tical jokes are numbered by the scores Baltimore. Bad 4uck pursued him with and are,retold lovingly by the vic- an ax, and after an unhappy exper- tims, since Mac never pulls off any- fence he returned to the Natfonal thing in that line that 8 harmful or League, and has since managed the angerous: On one occasion, in Mem- New York Glants. In that capacity Phis, Tenn, McGraw had/ President he has shown himself the tyrant of John T, Brush ,of the Giants, and a baseball, but a fibenevolent monarch Umber of players, arrested and put whose rule is loved by the players. in jail: because of their participation An absolute dictator who could give in a poker game, The victims spent pointers toa Central American pres-/Several hours in a cell and had no ident on the far from gentle art of/idea that the arrest was a joke ar- dictating, McGraw is a thoroughly ranged by McGraw. The mapager of good fellow off the field. During bus- the Glants fs a close studert of po- iness hours John J. McGraw 8 the flitical affairs, and is more interested supreme boss, and his word: is law than. in the sport- that mist be obeyed. He distinguishes ing pages of the newspapers. He has clearly between errors that are Iikely often sald that upon his retirement to crop up occasionally: with the best from baseball he intends to take up jot players, and bonehead -plays that polities, and he-may yet go to Con- show that the player is not mentally ator from New Jersey. to succeed Senator Briggs. New Orleans will vote next month OR a proposal to adopt the com- mission plan. Gress from the Polo Grounds dis- lon the job, The former he overlooks trict. And Jawn McGraw, M. C., tell- for he reallzes that the mechanteally ing his political opponents what's perfect player does not live. The bone- what in carefilly assorted languase. head error he castigates with a ton- Would be worth going) fiundreds of gue that has no equal for the purpose miles to hear. Superior. Duluth Rhoades and Bent. Hoffman, Stark and Hatgrave. 12 19.15 1 Grand Forks: . 2e71 gressive party..mtovement will . meet. Winnipeg es 1lin Little) Roek, July 30, to select: S ison. and Edmunds. ago-convention- Seaton iad Hasty. delegates to-the-Chie: Mrs. Frances Beauchamp, the new INTERNATIONAL secretary of the Prohibition Nation- . al Committee, is president of the Jersey City. . 4/Kentucky Women s Christian Tem- Buffalo . 10 10 1/perance Union. --Manser, McHale and Rondeau: Jameson, Stroud and Mitchell. Providence . 6-9 2 Toronto . 2 10 2 Lafitte and D. Smith, Maxwell, Rodolph and Bemis, Baltimore ... -.. ... 2.2 10 15.2 Montreal . 5498 Vietor,,Smith and Breen. Mattern, Fletcher, Carroll and Mur- phy. Newark . Rochester... Lee and Higgins. Wilhelm,Holmes and Blair. 5 10 7-110 HORSE SHOW AT LONG BRANCH : (Specal to the News) Eong Branch, N.J,, July 23 Be- cause of the prominence of many of the. exhibitors and the large field of show and race horses entered, more than usual Interest has been aroused in the nineteenth annual.exhibition of, jthe Monmouth County Horse Show. Association, which will open-at Hol- lywood Pa k tomorrow and continue until the end of the week, During the four days competition a total of fifty-nine classes will be judged and an aggregate of nearly 7,000 in priz- es will be awarded:. In addition to the regular classes for saddle horses, hunters a ndjumpers, and harness horse classes, a number of special fea tures will be introduced in the nature of military jumping competitions and four running races. fe AT THE RANGE Scores Medicine Hat rifle range in spoon shoot July 20th: 200:500 600 . A. Krauss 31. 93 1 M. Fulton i 35 26 3G, T. Ready 0 28 23 81 T.. Hutchinson A 27 19 70 W. M. Williamson .....21 23 14 68 Patterson 28 20 63 J, D. McPherson 2. 7 52 J. Proby ... i9 16 16 51 E. H. Selhorn tl A. MeArter .. a D. L. Davis r G. McDonald .. s A. Freeman .. Aaron S. Watkins, the Prohibition nominee for Vice President, has been in turn farmer, lawyer, olergyman, coliege-president and public lecturer. He isa mative of se in 5 rounds at Maricopa, Cal, PPE EE EEE EEE + + T + POLITICS AND POLITICIANS +P Feaeseeeeeeeed Simpson, the Kans: a candidate for county superintend- ent County, Kansas. States minister to Feru is leading tional progressive movement in Ken- tucky. jeattletzan, has announced. his can- didacy for the Democratic nomina - tion for United States senator from Wyoming. He Francis E. Warren, whose term will expire next March. York, the new chairman of National Democratic Committee, in- for nomination. After being graduat- ed from Princeton and the Harvard Law School, New York lawyer. his law practice in order to work be the youngest man to manage a national campaign. chosen as standard bearer of the Prohibition. party campaign, is an old campaigner anil was the nominee Fprebident in 1906. At that time his home was in Chicago, but now he claims both Arizona and Illinois as places of residence. Mr. Chafin was born in Wisconsin and will be 60 years old next. November. Be is a ino. grade way yards here and in Port Arthur, eoived early. This action was de- cided on ab 2 mbeting of the Grain Commission held . yesterday alter- noon. Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. 1910 Jim Barry defeated Jim Cam- Arkansas supporters. of the Pro- FLAC GINTHER LAND COMPANY aoegedtp song RP Soon afeegoetost Parkdale is perfectly level subdivided into one acre tracts, Where is Parkdale ? Parkdale is located one mile from PRESENT INDUSTRIAL CENTRE of Medicine Hat. Why Buy Parkdale? Because Parkdale offers to the invest- or an exceptional opportunity to get acre- age at ground floor prices. You can buy acres at the price of lots. Then make your , own lots. One acre makes from 9 to 10 lots. Parkdale offers to you the big profits that come to those who have bought acres and then made lots. 5 fl The Prices are low. The Terms are ey, We want to show you PAREDALE. We are THE FARM: Cand Company 390 Toronto St. Phone 171. whe widow of Sockless Jerry statesman, is of the schools in Sedgwick tion Leslie Combs, former United the work of organizing the na- and John R. Kendrick, a. millionaire will oppose Senator William F. McCombs of New the itiatedWoodrow Wilson's campaign Mr. McCombs became He put aside for Governor Wilson. He: is said to Eugene W. Chafin, * who has been in the coming of the party for lawyer by profession. NO GRADE. CARS. (W. A. P, Dispatch.) Fort William, Ont., July 23. All cars of .grain in rail- he ownership of which cannot be. scertained, . will be dried without eference: to ownership unless in- itructions to the contrary are re- Loose beat System The News Job Ohio and comes of Quaker stock. Wausap, Wis, July 23 Two portant conventions, of the Wisconsin Paid Firemen s association and of the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, opened here-today and the city is fill- ed with delegates to the two gather- ings and visitors from all parts of the State who have been attracted by the double event. The conventions which opened this morning with the recep- remain in session until Thursday. The citizens of: Wansau have: made every effort to make things as pleasant and attractive as possible for the visitors cludes a ball game, a demonstration by flights, auto rides, dances, a theatre party and a big banquet, oe WAUSAU HOST OF TWO CONVENTIONS SUGAR HEARING RESUMED (Special to the Newsy San Francisco. Calit., July 23 The, hearings in the Government's euit in equity to dissolve the American Sugar Refining Company, last held in New York, were taken up here today and. * are expected to consume.severs weeks (Special to the News) im- with the prospect of being. res once morsin New York about middle of September. of the respective delegates, will Tt is a fact not generally kate that Charles D. Hilles, the ffman of the National R cun Committee, is resognized the entertainment program in- thority on juvenile corrective Governor Foss of Massashusebts (7 has decided to become a candidate for renomination. 4 local fire department, aeroplane The News In Nearly a Every Home a BE Dery Night a What Do Vda Would you be glad of the chance to rent a room or two to congenial peo- ple? Weald you ilke to seture a moro protitable position where the chances for advancement are more certain? Would you ike ty isp se of house- hold property or realty at a fair pric ? Would you ike to loeate a business partner. These are 9 fe put in touchswith those rooms to rent. Business was located, realty is bought employes and employers are together, buyers and sellers each day as a result of Ads that have to play portant part in modern Are you taking full the Wants?
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Image 132 (1912-07-23), from microfilm reel 132, (CU1772220). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.