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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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5 mt MEDIOINE HAT. DAILY NEWS. VE 2s HI LOST HONORS 2 e of the Fiigton Oonstabulary eee enclose hich, FJou of the Lives of Eight Men Who Mutinied Under the Lax Command of a Filipino keeps the peace of the Prilippine Islands, mile they aie ty ae Denia teoioent even Constabulary Officer Is Demanded by Him, and Notches on His Revolver Handle Tell of how. have een for the most part kept hidden. df , 5 Alightest sign cf feat, pull forever toes thet . His Success After a Harrowing Experience in a Jungle Chase ? authority over the natives, have lived in the wild interiors for weeks with thelr lives fn cuartel was fm darkiesa Els mind conjured up a constant danger. Their work is taken as a mat- Perilous Adventures Told by and- of. Living Persons ai coating ana fowr ofthe esas ne dire picture of-the mutineers. What were they do- er of a : EZ I ZE. ing? Then ba ahadowg farms cross The story disted by Lieutenant Command iy Le CF Yi Ce fing steaithily the plaga before him. Apoualnge hin Aistory. It ts true with the exception of the Lx, MAM. Which Have been changed tor-obvious t reasont and is well remembered among the men of the constabulary. Much of the wild pursuit self, he posted men burriedly on the ees Kis ownstattion-at-the-window aboweithe aigBle en- 4 fgance gp. the Tbnlides:. . Twies: ra evn? tad: Psunrise-the litle band. spoken, but the ashes only made heavier the strain yement. His men drow beck tmldh mas d y of waiting and the etho of the reports mocked him. jobos were the wild hea ee ee ee eee ee his tal ipdgment i . j Uff pe The talety phantoms at which he gf fred remained fetion even cauntballnn ind Been i and even now feels worse over the mutiny of his Ui Mi ai Hey were Noramswering-snops;oad-come-to- die Hlgntenane eck, feaclely entered men than praise of his after exploits can coun- A ALY yf aN pel. the itluston of an tmpending Manger. pretentious of the rude grass huts, the. teract. iy YY G 5 Vaimos, he called, straightening up from his headman of the village. Bs : i crouthing-posttion, You, Mantel, stay bere with A stalwart chief appeared at the door, BY YATES STIRLING, JR. Oy pt withdrew fn sudden suspicion as he recogtk yout p licla, he gala to the presidente. Torm of the officers of tho lav law Wl ; Stirling. U. 8 N., is an annal in Philippine f 2 lt;AK i NOMTHLANE, OTL Weithe New York Werald Co. ATE rene reserved: : oe i followed tin almost Joyfully down a ae aoe rae thought of peril N the northwest shore of the Isiand of Min: Vali : ae eck, quietly. but firmly forced bis way dunno, of tse Philippine group, cutting deep wey house, heckoning Ms men to follow. The into the*meced const line. the Bay of Dap agdltist the far wall, his groat knife held me 3 3 omen scurried to the far end of tan opens wide to the southward, Prom out i Ey darkened room. 4 the vivid green of the hills and close to the Za 3 Ideutenant Beck made the sin of. peace, Deach the town lifts to view throush the sea haze. 4 F x 7 ais ae his shauds over bis head and calling one-o ae 4 a forward'to interpret. The chief lowered his kt jed In on farce skies by ulinoat Impassable I fire dying slowly out of his eyes and a look of anges. Dapltin was chosen in the days of AUN z gt; Superstitions wonder taking its place. Hurriedly the Spaniards to be one of Its penal colonles. Scarce- S Wr aetna told of his quest and asked the beady ly fifty milles In an-air Une ts. Misatmls to the west- AIRY MaircODA ct ee ee ee ward, while Zamboanga Itself is tess than a hundred SA j; thelcobniry asan alls. not a Toe, aud called upon the thiles to the south, Dapltan Is Isolated from these N bo to Join him In apprebending or wipiug outif towns by th Bercest of mountain tribes. To pass A ) N ; i ots thes: murderers aid thiltors.: H efuntry of the Manobes Ip safety ftvis th, reward mM the powerful country Y 0 Ben to whom they all owed their first allessia y tike a laren escort, fully armed, C a im they red thelr frat allessiance a Z lt; The old chief wax visibly attected after Lie 1e Presidencia S f Z Cl Meck s words hud been given bin. He dihined and the-cuartel. the litter occupied by the Filipino A f 5 cthe reward, but advanced and luid bis sword al dm yf Meutenant s feet, bowing bis head. A hasty weal was eaten, constabulary. Off to the)right-several bundred yards y jf 3 Vf L Muhobo guides Lieutenant and across the plaza a whitewashed wooden- house, 7 once the Chinese store, serves as the residence of the ts ry Wepths Of the forest. Runners were went jul f cclaie ceee aati ine si coans i g Yy rectl hs and the weird notes af tlie couch hen Wh wo Ameriean aificers serving with the native com i Z Ly ; sounded from the hihest ominguces to tell tie fH) : : aay Ri E p people that the stranger was amouye thou a stat hamlets fron the flerce ralds of YY) molested. y oe the fourth day The parmrr cough ap with mutineers on the trall. A fight followed. The exeh ved and Jay tug- 1 N Z tj) was entrenched jn vatural sutrouudinige. (it Stel dk gitone a tikGw Rea y tenant Beck charged. The enemy retreated. ow sand splt thrown ip by: the ging at ber anchor Inside the one of their number dead. Lieutenant Deck cut fe lt; Rotch on the hindle of bly revolver aid ted th - aah 2 lt; Z onward. A-second.deud body of a wutiiiee mis, a sual boat lay beached, while near by stood . Dy Wa found in the trail the next morning. plerved by wit two men inbhakl, with red trimmings, the uniform of . Less Gy aA y * 4Aet arrow, He bad died in fearful ax the Philippine constabulary. other notch appeared on the leader's revolver, There were now. but five of the mutiveers,. Lici- tenant Beck's force had not fared much better. Two hi oy 4 is y E of bis men were woutided and could barely Hmp along advice. be added, in an auxtoud yolce. 2 ig the trail. The officer took their rifles, .teiling the, an native, descended ns be is from the Zi A - men to, follow the next stream until i feached convict. bax bioud in bis veins that makes him doubt- af sea. a Te earful Study each situation as fe ay +O men aguin belng. seen, Maw atter til of the Sigs ou tet. and above all don't buiniliate i samalning with Lieutenait Beck fell out, weak and ait q warns : ge Limseif too. serlotsly. * ; iy, a he, dread dysentery appeared, At-iast only four me were-left and that day they surprised they enemy, aia --exbausted: The food was neither nourishing nor iy palatable; great sores. appos ed on thelr bodies; ma the youuyster s unspoken thouglts. What can i ig mn z Tt be to witnage thirty-seven natives that should give a ai . their guides by an Acta... Lieutenant Bees cur Wwistne nat-w-moment's-worry? a gt; s 5 yj more notches on bis revolver handle. : ss : Lethargy Fills the Town. End of His Quest. The enemy was again encountered, One more Ww: shot by, Lieutenant Beck ds he charged: desperately. There were now six notehes on the handle-of the otit- cer s revolver. The Manobo guides refused to go further. The last of Lieutenant Beck's men. was too feeble to travel fur. ther. The officer sat on-the side of the trail and cried: in his bodily weakness. The sergeant, the last: and most important of the mutineers, was yet to be ike counted for. Even in bis deplorable condition Lieuten ant Beck did not give a thought'to turulug buck. 3 The Manobos shook thelr heads as he thanked them facoherently for their loyalty. He plunged for and blindly. He found mure Louw at tue springs, he was too Worn aud weak to eat. At Inst, too y summoned, Lientenant Beck al- ul ierbarey te creep in upon the dalle Dapliau. Even th tle bovored inspections uckx and town be-falled to make. This duty. entirely wzreeable to his captain, seemed dis- x ei fasteftil to th younger mans He did not see the ne- LASS GAFER gt; AO lt;GnY Of eXioshuR Dhuselt tw the Heat of a seorching 1uts cvuld do this duty, and they, snd- 7 apathetle, soon grew more indepen- dent, Ht must be knowe-that-a mative sergeant stinds . 7 igh in the eyes of his people, even higher than do to stand, he was crawling on all fours ike an ani thelr wihiite olers ing sun cutting the grass with the short bolos pro- His reason was deserting him, yet hls stern. pi Seared in iis y chair. with book on knee, Lieu- vided. e Nid forced his tired body on Ward, though be scareely un neccadlh Husker sazluk Wore. tan ediboseal Tomine Still Holds Authority. . X OTS linal panini took the place, of the tala od vf tin eu orced exile. he summer tains During the short Interval before mess call the pris- Abthe sche RBIs Phe lleutenen Beat veRuU and ihe air was beavily ladened with the gners clustered together out of earshot of the sentries, ; 7 clone fo the earth. Ils eyesight begat to fall Gata peritiur of ihe ear. The ticker eftlamps in and when the call sounded the work was completed. i 5 would awake after-hours viueousciwusuess Loli the Villuge cut wjstly Lhe moimdarkness. His s . The constabulary soldiers had already fallen in ranks ae had pitehed head first from a beight which a vanes lund times would have brought bis end. OC the priugs, bluaen away in w protugiolpe ne ved the remauis vs als lovely repast and bequ marched to a shelter bebind the barracks E z Arol , aud uud gone to thelr quarters ip the rear of the where the men messed. The prisoners fell. in aud be ae eae fern uid aids, be was aware of tie preseuce of am a huuse. Through the vpen door the sentry ou post tween the two sentries marched hack to: the cuartel. : enemy, ie knew not bow. He irst of The coutd be seeu pacing Urelessly. A fusillade of shots They held thelr forination ander the taunting and de. Z. hoipter bar be gave iecgo chOuuiit, ie: mage y placed-in brought the youns mau to his feet, while un unknown risive eyes of thelr comrades at must throngh the Zam Knowledge of ite use, (tiet belure litt Wasa uli ae gt; best of its * dear giipped liu The sentry stood rigidly alert, bls. wide entrance of the barracks und up the stura to : qr He lus uside tlie spritiy, ahcoussivus uf Lidliaaue : cine beid iefore blu, facing the town, HL dounitory: where were kac-all thesardactop ie wi ? Leck s nearness until the oltices wits 30 Clusyceee oe Netty Y the Heutenant exeidiiied anxiously, command. a fed 2 putomt his band and touched his quarry. Chea the La Fon- 2s, erasing hls evolves be sted by the seutty s side, This Liouteniut feck saw fron his poreh and A Cudden Pain in His Back Fottowed'e Mysterious Whining Sound and the Sergeant, Uttering uth turued aud laws, weakly anu uetvutiyy 4 Cae American striintug bis gaze through the murky atuwsphere. stalled trumplituty AS the prisuners- disappeared + Shrill Cry of Suffering, Withdrew Coweringly from the Sleeping Lieutenant. vacuntiye. The two foes att sileuuy on the orulk ut No sube, Seilor, the mau auswered, within the cuartel the-teuteniut turned te eurer bis the sprung, guziny at each other with Guwiisk Lieutenant Beck strode down the steps aud turtied house. The ralu of the ulght before had. been drunk the plaza. Hulf way a sinall bind of natives by .the thirsty ground: ov talus to the yea Kach kbew that the other was au eli iay. Thea veces a tirel ss wate. Byery movenieut both gUdrueu, vaca the first sergeant 1d those who had foliowed bim sud- the steps and Into the storm: Each clitched a sharp tne summer? denty retreat frow the cuartel, Ina panic they rushed bladed bolo a deadly hand to hand weapon tn the . us tod Weal to tieke tue oneusive Sw ag akeise wet him. e Sonthward omined clauds lung black wid thre: ii a mad dash across the plaza.: Muny of them fell. hands of the Filipino. The ruin still came down to The sergeant was wuiruied aud his eyes were ever dame. Help us, Seier th. Tiklieued presidente en- ing. fee MIE Dy the mutineers bullets before reaching the shelter, Corrents, Int the Nighining fisher tnd become less directed tv the revolves Leuieut Beek ay easevcsniy Sack oocier reacts wale ny ev coyrt Aue Utena That will euch thew vot 49 disrexant wx orders of rie houses opposite. The Hleutenant sobbed aloud ax frequent -Luddl d close tthe presidencia to bear MiskweArued. Mie Wax, drew to lie, Liviu saa Ti tack Wbzect apr le sok he exelatined vindletively. If the uews of this Sbo0t- no say hie frat sergeints wounded and on;handsand the gasping instructions of thelt leader. a blinding guuncs Stew BERGE with, xreewney ee ae 2 diers are killing inuecent yeuyw. tug up the town getsito Manila 1 suppose 1 shall Have yoo, drag flimself palntully across the recently cut flash of lightuing made the.plaza and surrounditizs a8 fewer us the while mans bouy tudwucd aioe cue oe , The Fall force of lus owuasou iriy swept the to make a lengthy explanation. Well, think tlt will gras in plalngcien of the men at the cuartet windows. oright ax noonday. There were the -bodles of big grouud. ue Mauye's mud Stoie steMiLully: acevos Lue: nat da dinauedant from tis tect. LISS Seeyulins powers ide ROW sein Sor warble (ee: endell Saray Fuscinntvd, oB watched the gallant attempt te escape murtyred meu in the plant grass: the euartel windows (MOK OF tne atkins. He teil ty tise ie bay) of tow : must dance. serted him at the luceptivi OF tuls crisis. A great geane will be eating out of my hand before 1 get tne withering Bre directed upou the man, the xpurteof seemed deserted. * ioe RIE eunetols 1a is as pe auger swelled uy Wo ulin Lhis get he refused titough with him. daxt showing how good was the alm. Theu the ser- Grasping his revolvers firmly-Lieutenant Beck led Luck touuwed a uysterious whitriig suuuad, wid We rt of the fw vonsiver ju the gut vi tu Uutrage against the AS If in expostulation, contradicting the spoken geant fell prone on his face, clawing the grass in the the way to the cuartel door. They reached It and. setgeatsy Ullering shrill cry of sucering. Wistucew e wind im- Peuceable citiweus of We twu, ko Ind At was but thoughts of the white man, a Jet of fame shot out frat spasms of death. without a second s stop mounted the stairs. Their coweEtKIy Hiya oe eee a cn 4 lawless act directed agulust is own suyreitiacy, Trou: the winduws of the euartel, while the tattle of yjeutenant Beck naw that the barracks w re Jost footsteps were holscless In the thunder of the storm; ue UM 1h THE aby nnd. tne surest was elnalinoudet ty Beside himseit Hage. le Kedcbed the cuurtel, 4 Maged volley uf uiusketry struck terror to the heart ang when bik betiuinbed senses bad revived te ran Crouching at the entrance to the barrack's room (bey Quiginy shiverlug und gasping near bin, He watebed, gasp Sees Where he tyouu le urse sergeant nie Luv guru of Of the young otticer on the threshold of bik. House. tyward the presidencia building, a target for the mu- waited with close drawn breath, The darkuess Juuguing with chiidisd glee at the sight. Then the the day under urins aud ready. Taking these he 1eg With eyes dilating with anxious fear, he saw his Sol- tineors. He reached -lis goal without injury, on the lessed upon them from ull sides. The: a weleome . yuu sunk and night settled over the forest. ae flash of lightning illuminated the disorderly interior. Captain Winthrop bad returned unexpectedly, bring- them on a/run oward the sceue of tue riot, where dl rs a moment before seated quietly eating thelr yay encountering a handful of bis demoralized mien, he room was eeopty of human occupants, hig Wick; Hunk wulpaeaiaeehentvons Siceaata where tes desultory shots were still being fred, while in nis noenday meal rise In quick alarm, some to fall back gnq ordered them to follow. At the presidencia he Striking a Tight Lieutenant Bee cautiously ad- had heatd rumors of the mutiny; news that had tray rear timidly-folJuwed: the presideuie aud his territied writ nthe ground. Too unnerved to move,-Lleu- sound four policemen, excitedly talking und gesticulat- vanced and lighted*(be celljng lamps. Che mutineers elied in that mysterious way so common and yet fn- tenant Beck yuw his men huddle. together for a few. ing. Now, calm amid the turmoll, the Lieutenant or- Had gone. His foot touched an object on the floor and explicable. among: the savage tribes. He had received he recoiled with a low ery of alarm, pointing bis re-. jsurenant Beck's report and had forwarded it te Ma- ganlred his forces to defend the bullding against at- volver menielngly downward, It was the body of ijia and. was Just Of Ue polut of wore io seecels of Cr a sew a e windows almost directly above, He ty r singh i I da half dozen one of the mutineers. There were then but seven left. li ke be ae a They submitted to arrest without a.slow of force, hem from the win iy. tack r single action revolyers and bal one his Heutenant? As he satvon bis porch gazing sadiy x rect fo the officer's amazement the rifles had not been crus the plaza Captain Win ie A sergeant and seven men wer placed Ls Lentenant -S W the tall Azure of ibis native first sergeant erect, pocket pistols were the only arms avallable outside of To the officer's an ucross the plaza Capi ithrop saw a group Riga tars chalne ts'tbe igoid bouseehs fearlessly driving the demoralized men before ti s own, And for these arms only twelve rounds of sturbeds forty stood there In thelr racks and bis men aif clad men sutrounded by soldiers walking slowly. had already grasped thelr own pieces. Several boxes. (vc itu vas they a tenant returned to lis gtiar 0 follow him in munition could be found for each. of ammunition lay broken open on the floor and Toose toate on-she chouiinrw afcthe gieaigent: pak a Lie: S Sie charge up the steps of the cuartel, The rifles o Natives Lend Soine Aid. cartridges littered the room. Many thousands more Several of Lieutenant Beck's mes bat teen brought : hole ommiand-wete in the hands of the muthioers, were stored in boxes against the walls, The bodtes-of ju 'ieit dead bo the mative of he eee The plasa gram 1s t00 Io tals hl The lnwbreakers were encountered and disarmed, dtlef seconds, while a deadly tire was directed toward he thought, as he Statloning his met, nutabering sixteen, at the win- the butchered sentries were found on-the stairs, where A ote prepared himself for the night. Sentry, he called Hastlly eet the house, Lieutenant Beck snatched g,,.., J.ientenant Beck ordered a few volleys fired to they hid fallen in thelr efforb to give the alarm. nto, unheard of proceeding ae aes eee suddenly, and the soldler sppeared. saluting stittiy, UP Bis revolvers, but as he regained the porch be was 1, the mutineers that-the-buttding was defended. Tells of Grim Purpose. hore, Captain, Winthrop Tose hurriedly to meet flea, Tell the first sergeant to turn out all the prisoners Ct With sucha Well directed yolley from the windows 41, shivered as if with cold as his eyes passed over the Lieutenant Beck wrote his report to headquarters, He Tecognlzed the old -Manobe ebiefiin the lead. The at Teveille to cut grass in the plazt. - of the cuartel that he recofled in sudden alarm for bis jiuza, Fifteen of his men lay there dead or else nisatenan iS pot a * rongbly built litter was. plix iced ON the grass of his own life: It was a faithful account of what liad happened. oni ana the officer drew back In. of The unhappy sergeant awoke from his spree to To cross the plaza in face of that fre be fatany wounded. Twelve men, and some of those f e made uo effort lo excuse himself, but suid. he TOE ay he caught th ft the form lying withingg gt; knew would be tempting almost certain death, sorely wounded, were all that now were allve and loyal, would remain in the fleld unt all the mutincers had * bt . s te br over this Ombeard of husillation. or a, 124 PT0AY of anger and impotency be fred hls re pga, ed by a sergeant ld ble harvacke nn Sears fev accounted for Eeag the eter wit the prea. eutenant Hace Cd 0 RH Baye rahe 88 . : ents next atl, and de d with the J0 actos astive to. Joes caste: with: hla people: je: 4eGcee tHlaa, volvers at the windows where be knew the mutineers all the arms and ammunition. wounded mento remain bebind, the lleutenant start- drew bis revolver fr bie aud poluted a notehes owt fy its tundie, le 1 wasted finger at the were, yet he could discern no single frure to alm at iis brain in a fever of nxlousness, Lieutenant in the storm with the remnant of his garrison. Be. gC cing amen cal within: the dark interior. With sinking beart be sa peck gazed out lt;throvgh the open wiadow. The fore leaving they buried the dead with all yolemnity. hen raised. the (rea death Itself. The wore the sergeant brooded the fedder became the mist before his eyes. Sullenly be ar carried: byw Aenobe before allowed himself to be marched out on the plaza and. wewwneianeneerevpeenenyeeeeeeseverii ten neeT iinet titi teteReennninn BnVen THAR Tenee en HAT eA AIM MAtIIEMNeMennseeneinneenn Dill. 7 fe ig captain Winthrop gave an: tims e ander guard of two sentries with loaded rifles, and ane athe cad ane eee eee ace with the eyes of a curious throng of villagers upon : an Avia atrowsuult stickiig out from between them he aud bis fellow prisoners tolled under a burn-
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Image 134 (1912-07-23), from microfilm reel 134, (CU1772226). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.