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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ew Big Snaps- st, Block M , adjoining C. R. depot alte, 9500. Block 33, facing Y. W. C. alte, 2600. Herald , Block 23, 1000. Centra Park Water and gas, Block 16, 00. , Block 18, 800 cash. Block 4 (sewer, water and ) 1800, igh School Annex corner, Block 23, 1200. , Block 20, 1100. North Yuill. lots, Block 18, 700 each. South Yuill Tot, Blook 8, 1050: Rosedale lot, Block 7, 1200 cash; Riverside. lots, Block 14, 600. lots, Block 15, 560, 0 ft., Block C 1200. C. Pettet Co. oronto St. Phone 481, Jouses you are looking a Home, see Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder. ne 800. OTICE MILIFF S SALE gt; is hereby given that the ORSES me on the IT day-or July, der powers contained ina Mortgage dated the 4th day 1912, will be sold by LIC AUCTION lt;ON ust Ist, 1912 ck in the afternoon, at the ABLES, 1N MEDICINE HAT, ollows; that is to cay: am Black Geldings, ht about 1550. a lack Percheron Stal- registered No. 52772, sd- Chicago. ey French Draft Stal- registered No. 14873, od Montiego. ES ON VIEW AT ciTy STABLES, BENSON, Bailiff. he 24th day of July, 1912, 4, - Tailor less from Toronto d and Pressed by expert Cheese 2, f above pro- is week. We , Qt) ice officer. night. It appears that Blair told the hospital thi are John Patt and R Kiley. Pag) still unconscious, and-as there were no other, persons near at the time de- tails as to how the accident really occurred cannot be ascertained, but cars collided he was between them, HEAD OF STRONG ARM SOUAD ments tending to show that the an- nual graft collected by high officials in New York city from gamb houses and other ill gal amounted within the Tiet Attorney Whitman tonight. The statements were made to. the Dist- Lieut. Chas. Becker, Strong Arm Squad, who tonight began his second day r tion in the Tombs prison as an al- Jeged instigator of the murder Herman Rosenthal, the gambler. This annual yield of 2,400,000 pro- tection money, was. divided, accord - ing to among, four high officials-of the-Po- lice Department, one of them bein Becker and from evidence the Di trict Attorney has collected, he has Eteason to suspect that each 600,- 000. was further ate systems of bureaus of graft col Prosent Dally Average 1068 Copies, Advertisers in Daily get the benofit of the Weekly counter circulation. No extra charge. Books open to ad- vertisera, VOL. 3. NO. 18 lt; e,,, Hobo Shot Brakema Trainman Ordered Man Stealing a Ride to Leave Train Was Shot as Result Culprit Now Fugitive From Justice His Victim Will Likely Die. Morley, Jely-81. The bo who shot Brakeman Blair here last night, has not yet been caught... The B.N.W.M. P. and several Indians are on his trail and it Is expected that before night he will be canght. of the man is obtainable, Scouting the country the miscreant, Morley, July 31 A) brakeman on the C. POR, named Blair on train No, 3, was shot here by a hobd last matter, man to get off the train, but he re- fused, On being told he would be put off the unknown man shot Blair and the wound wil probably prove fatal. No doctor was procitable at the time and the injured man was rushed to the hospital at Calgary. Last night Blair was alive, but it was thought by the doctors that she would xpire at any moment. Conductor Muirhead, who was in. charge of the, trafn, reported the af- fair to headquarters, but no. partic- Hat and sentenced by the magistrate, Ulars are'to hand as to whether the) but this they state is only a yery hobo-was arrested or not, It is stated smal proportion of the number of however that on shooting Blair he bos that travel through the: city, House May Not. Sit Till January Will Take That Time for Them to Prepare the Pro- gram Immense Volume of Business to Handle. particulars of the (ase, The local the sentences passed by magistrates on these men. are altogether insuffi- cient. The matter they state, does not Seem to be viewed seriously enough by officials, with the result that thou- sands of hobos are beating thelr way from different points on the line ev- ery day. This month there has been no less than 27 caught in-Medicine made a bolt for it; and was not'seon afterwards, and that mo description The poll e in this district have the in hand and are at present in search of Local inquiry throws no light on the Beyond the fact that Blair jot, and not expected to live, Bie railway officials could give no 10.48 a provinelal Labrary Deo avail: himself of an apportunity make his own graft money, which Rose says turned over to Becker, is the-district-attorney is reported have sald: Over fifty witness: be subpoenaed to appear before alleged police blackmail. mation obtained from Rose, who ling houses, will be susceptible Proof , sald the district attorney. All records of gambling evidence in the case and District could be made to give up protection : Rose says that Becker took the and determined how much mo: each gambler was to be assessed the privilege of doing business little fellows got off with anywh. from 50 to 100-a month. Meanwhile prisoner in the Tombs, is saying not ing, and ther -is no confirmation the report that his defence will ee WHEY Liout. Becker will care to ing the prosecutor the receiplents of doubtful. If Becker ts disposed to tell his story it must be complete in every detail grand jury to tell what they know of The infor- he was Becker's collector, from gamb- arrests railway men are furious about the, Will be cJosely. scrutinized to obtain matter, many of them insisting that) torney Whitman is fn possession of a lot of names of big and little gamb- Jers given by Rose, who in his accus- ations against Becker, said that when the police Meutenant took charge of. the strong arm squad he asked for the names of gamblers who supposedly Six gamblers, Rose said, paid as high as 500 a month, while Police Lieut. Becker, that the three gamblers, Rose, Vallon and Webber, finding the case going against them, got together and framed story that would implicate Becker, Big Jack Selig, to whom Rose I. oc, B. N ARE , WAGE Boo (WEA Dinpaten) Halifax, Ny . July 31. The c Adian Broth of Railway Iployees will for an inorease bay for emplajes on the I. C. R P. EB. I, rallway'on the ground of to sI- he within the pase ployees will ir. About 2,000 fo. attected, will the Ployees and mechanics, ae PT. ARTHUR DOCKS COMPLETELY TIED E says of Ate its Shut SHIPPING WIL BE GREATLY for police list mey for un- Waiting to Take on - Their Cargoes. i (W. A. P. Dispatch) th. of be with thirt8 police and for a (W. A. P. Dispatch) Ottawa, July 31. That Parlis- of estimates and legislation of ses ent Wil or the tran- sion, than be meeting Parlement saction of business until early in with a programme of. work not ful: January is said to be quite prob- ly outlined. Each d pends of course able in. political and departmental om the headway which is made by cineles. The programme of work to 'the cabinet in the Preparation of be arranged is heavy and ministers business during the months of Sep- muay decide that the purposes of goy- tember and October and gt;a definite ernment may pe 'better served by Ge- announcement as. to the date the voting the months of November and House. will open will not be made December to complete preparations until in September. Two Brakemen Hurt John Patt Crushed Between Two Cars on the Crow 8. Kiley Knocked Down by an Engine Former s Condition Serious. : 2 Two-brakemen were admitted to the and got crushed. The full extent of, morning. Their nam his injuries are not at present known but his back is badly injured. Dr, Smith is to operate on him this after- Who was brought from the Crow met his accident by- 2 between two box cars. Kiley was knocked down by an en- gine at Coleridge, but his injuries are comparatively light, He received Several cuts'on the body and face, but is-surmisedthat when the two hospital. COT TWO AND A HALE MILLION YEARLY FROM-N.Y. GAMBLERS So Says Rose, the Collector For Lieut. Becker Probe of Crooked Police Work- More Important Than Con- viction of Gambler's Murderers, Says Attorney. OW. AP, Dispaton) New York, July 30. Sworn state- and his further efforts in this new stil at large. fict is in custody. HERE IS A MODERATE SPEED FOR MOTOR CARS that Selig witi tell- all knew of the 10,000 bail for acrrying weapons, The alleged assassins of Rosenthal, Harry Horowitz or Gib, the Blood, Lefty Louis and Whitey Louis are Dag Frank Ciro- conceal Quebec, July 31. Bight automobil Were condemned to pay a fine of 20 and costs. for Judi clared that he would condemn anyone who ran an automobile more nine miles an hour more than fifteen miles in: the coun- excessive speedin them, di Washington, D. C., il Dasis-on the America: PREMIER-HONORED W..A. P. Cable.) KNOX WARNS MEXICANS NOx WBpecial to the News) Washington, + July and most sensational police expos- has to of Dist 400, 1 in ee wee headquarters in a strict senso civilian employe. (W. A. P, D spateh: head New York, July. 31 Hyery Prasat feall ad led ta . be. tallewea tse earcera of The public prosecutor has arrang- the all summer to investigate the rela- tions between the, gamblers and the Police, which is in the opinion of the district attorney a matter of more Public importance than the Rosenthal 4 case. District Attorney Whitman poses to break up the relations to exist between the gamblers and police and he has indicated that will a0 80 if he has to protect every a story told by Rose, L by Aistributed. In her words there were four separ- sald the the ma ction, each headed -by a high po Mr. Whitman has learn- ice officials who Rose has named thal, except those Rosen- who fired Li Gladstone, Mich, July 81. istently no matter where it ends, by 8U8 convention ald tournament of District Attorney Whitman to T arn to the Upper Peninsula Piremen s-Asso- whom it is asserted 2,400,000 graft lation began here today with an at- graft money was finally distributed. cone of fire fighters from many d to keep the grand jury n session 7t the end of the week. he/or Japan, Ba UPPER PENINSULA FIREMEN (Special to the News.) The tournament will continue IN EMPEROR'S HONOR (W. A. P, Cable.) ndon, July 31 The war vessels the British fleet have been ordered the admiralty to fly their colors Pro- draped with crepe at half mast and Japanese flag at the peak as irk of respect to the Inte Emperor ave your coupons and get a free the shots. dinner set at B. E. Trider's, Third Ave, Says Tie Bent word to get men to slay Rosenthal, will appear wacn wanted, His counsel has told the public pros- than in the city and RE AFFIRM MONROE. DOCTRINE July. 31. The Senate foreign relations committee to- day adopted without dissent Senator Lodge's recommendation that the Un- ited States ri Sey ae april antennae Sts ation he Munro do fe ee eine Tong ia the a an oed reeciuen ie express disapproval of the purchase of any Posi continent by any foreign power, London, July 31. On Friday Pre- mier Borden and-his colleigues to be guests at a dinner of the Carl- ton Club, Lord preside. Tt will be the first time in ita history that this exclusive club has ever entertained strangers and Uekets are at a premium. Hamilton will 31. Secretary Knox today Informed general Pascual ure that New York has ever seen Tezco, leader of.the Mexican rebtle will be directed toward strengthen- that raids and attacks upon Americans ing the evidence which points against * d American property In Northern them. One of the officials named, Mexico, must be stopped immediately it Tearned, holds a position at ot the United States will take preven- aan Het eanse 2 ative measures, The an- der command of: Gai ne Stallard, and Ibe left im the ed Canadian police. tomorrow it is There were prac- tion withthe sti jured men are Dominik : Donzot, progress prised: the may survive altogether, Chief oi every hope: is entertained. that ts not in/danger: z. e- today. It is announced, however, that it will be: thrown go back willingly protection now offered. will he done places of the strikers. (W. A. P. Dispateti.) ginning to assume a serious aspect, A dozen freight n acute, Some St. Paul officials of the road are here looking into the situation. The strikers feel that they have won and that by Saturday the company are mands. The docks are guarded by special officers, The company is advertising for meti at 32 1-2 cents an hour with free board and lodging. The men who are being lodged in box cars, fifty in all, say that as soon as the company Quits feeding them, they will quit. (W. A. P, Dispateh) Port Arthur, July 31. Although the Canadian Northern Coal Or Docks Company announced that its plant would open this morning for those men who cared to return to under the protestion of the militia, there were not enough la- borers on hand to warrant com- mencement of operations and three coal laden steamers are lying idl there. The strike against the com- Pany seems so far to be very cf- fective despite the expectation that violence revorted to Monday night would act against the strikers. Since the militia men turned out there has been no sign of personal conflict and all is quiet about, the coal docks section. NEW LONG BRANCH THEATRE Long Branch, N. J., July 31: The Rew Broadway Theatre, just completed at a cost Of 100,000 and said to be the finest playhouse at any summer re- Sort In America, is to have its formal joPening tomorrow night. For the in- itial attraction Charles Forhman will Present'for the first time The Girl Efom- Montmartre, with Miee-Hattte Williams snd Richard Carle heading creased cost Of living. An adjustment Dlaced by th board at twelve per cent including clerks, clerical hd freight employees, to parlor, diniig-and steeping car em- len Are Work- AFFEGTED IT 1 FEARED Many Boats are Docked Port Arthur, Ont., July 30. Quiet reigns to-night in the section where last night strikers who had been in the .employ of -the Canadian. Northern Ore and Coal Cocks Coni- pany, met in hapd to hand battle time so threatened property and public order'that the militia were called been cut. down to one company un- ptains King and Pos: jands of the city and tically no developments in connec- today, The in- who: has five bullet wounds in his body, sur- doctors by pulling through the twenty-four hours and Police McLernan is improving and he will fully recover. The others are No attempt was made by the Canadian Norther to operate its plant at the coal docks open to those workmen who wish to work is. seen how many under the ample Nothing towards filling the Duluth, Minn., July: 1. The Steve- dores strike at the Northern Pacific docks in Diluth and Superior is be- ers are tied up forlack of. men to unload: them and with the strikers holding out firmly and no m n in sight to take their Place, the situation is fast becoming Will be willing to accede to their de- gr VEBEC TREASURER iT (W. A, P, Dispatch) Can- Em- ns and in- bec provinglal treasurer, ter of the late Mr. Penfold of M em- be spent in Quebec, of the treasurer's port fol absence, Ni duving BEVERIDGE FOR GOVERNOR (Special to the News) Indianapolis, nomination of complete form of city government by direst vote, Beveridge, Stilwell of Anderson. BULLETS FLY WHEN LONDON DOCKS TRY Strikers Attack 2,000 Form. . er Workmen Who Resume Work. Quelling the Dis- turbances. t W. A. P, Cable.) were wounded by bullets and several on the Victoria dock this morning. tacked by a mob of strikers, Bullets, tons. The police were taken surprise. Only a dozen patrolmen Were present and they were powerless ito face the big crowd. Riotous outbreaks also occurred at several other places. Groups of the strike union men had gone to work and min- or dnjuries were numerous. -. sThe police finally quelled the disturbances and at noon were n control of the situation. London, July 31 Seven strikers were shot, one of them dying later in the hospital, and twenty others ser- fously wounded by sticks or stones as result of roting at Victoria and other docks in London today. The chief encounter occurred at the Victoria docks were 2,000 of the la- borers who had been on strike for ov- er ten Weeks appeared at the docks in compliance with the manifest of the dockers federation, ordering them to resume work. They found, however, that their places were occupied by non-unionist or free laborers, who had been taken on during the strike, nd who wee detemined to continue at work. They defied the men belong- ing to the union to eject them and a severe fight ensued. Bullets, bricks and stones flew in all directions. The police, .of whom only a dozen were present, Were taken by surprise and were pow- etless to suppress. the disturbance. The steamer, City of Columbia, was the centre of the fighting. - Unionist workere tried to board. her, but were repelled by the non-unionists with re- Volvers, bottles and belaying pins, Many men were injured here, some of them with bullets, Large reserves of police were called upon and final- ly succecded in quellinz the disturb- ances. Both the unionists and non- untotilsts accuse each Other. of start- ing the trouble. INFANT PARALYSIS IN BUFFALO Buffalo, July 81 Twenty. es of infantile paralysis w: ered by officers of the Health Depart- ment in partial canvass of the city, and steps were at once taken to com- bat what appears to be a serious out- break of the disease. Foreign families on the east side furnished the bulk of the cases al- Teady located, although two children suffering from the disease live in JOINS BENEDICTS Montreal, Que, Inly L Tht Que- G, MacKenzie was marri d this morn- ing to Miss Catherine Penfold, daugh- treal, manager of the Bank of British orth Ameri a, The honeymoon will Sir Lomer, Gouin will have charge Ind, July 31, The and the election of United States s nators is the programme mapped out for the Indiana State convention of the Progressive party to be held here tomorrow. The party hopes to persuade Alberb J. former United States senator and an ardent Roosevelt man, to accept the nomination for governor. If Beveridge declines, the gubernatorial nomination may go to f rmer Congressman Frederick Landis of Longsport or Horace C. T0 RESUME WORK (MANY PEOPLE ARE INJURED BY BULLETS Police at Last Succeeded in London, July 31. Three persons were injured as a result of rioting Two thousand former strikers appear- ed for work at the docks and were at- bricks and stones flew in all direc- by tta ked-shipson which non- on his floating down the stream. He tried failed to do so, and as there is te ticket on a platform for tified the R.N.W.M. Poli woman suffrage, the initiative, ro- Sant. dares pay arene at ferendum and recall, a ininimum wagefor women, the commission 4 trip, much pleased, heen done. of August for Hudson Bay. He says when he gets back Ottawa after the sea around Labrador he will be in position to determine what Churehill and will ha ll supported W. J. Agland Was Fishing When ice Search Unsuccessfu lly. Walter James Agland, who while river to see fishing at the point where the body but he oreck divides saw a mans body catch it with his fishing line, dut fast current there, the body soon along the floated to the river. He immodiate- ficials that a the out for it, Minister of Rys. Pleased with W. Go North. OW. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, July 31. Elon. Frank Cochrane, Minister of Railways, re- turned here today from his western with whab has He leaves on the 10th to trip a tse shall be made of the ports of Port Port Nelson which Agiand has a human body, man s. It was a coat and black pat Word has been river not : bony and advising them to to Railways declined to commit self on that matter - of local interest, namely, the re the Grand Trunk Pacific gt; over the ompleted section ; National Transcontinental Superior Junction and ordered by the Government, he trad left that inthe hands of Dr. Reid at Ottawa. ficials of the railway eame out der the original contract they were not obliged to take over section until the claims,as the salt water terminal of the Hudson Bay railway. He add- ed that it would be a simple mat- ter to establish government. stations. in the bay and nfore particularly AT KAMLO 1 Distance Below High-w: Kamloops; July 31 The Canadian Northern Pacific Raflway fuas just siven to the national museum of Can- ada, in Ottawa, a collection of human bones and archaclogical specimens found during the construction of the Toad near Kamloops. The objects were sent by T. C, Holt, xeciitive for Mackenzie, Mann Co. at. Vancou- ver, In compliance with the orders of Sir William Mackenzie. * The, bones are those of three men HUMAN BONES FOUND ON EXHIBIT AT OTTAWA Was Made Accidentally By Workmen Some OPS PLACED. ater Mark, ahd were not buried very deep. They Were placed side by side and were found a ttle below the highest wat er mark. The discovery was aceidentally. These bones turned over to the physical logist, who is very expert im th of work, having been trained ford university, England. The specimens tnctud made of copper, tw tubes and an axe head Which He Says Are Mu St. Louis, Mo., July 28 Rey. Louis D. Durgh, pastor of the Wind- sor: Methodist Episcopal church, de- clares the following ten eommand- ments of his satanic majesty have taken the plate of those of Moses 1, You can have as many Gods as you want. z 2. You can make for yourself ono gtaven image in likeness of the al- mighty dollar. You ean bow down the God of greed for he is the. lord thy god, of the a to have less, showing mercy only to the blind parasites who love him. a 3.. You can take the name of the Lond in vain, provided you wish to hyperbolize in conversation with no malace aforesaid. 4. Remember the up-to-date Sab- ath. In it you shall get up at noon, go to the ball game and visit GIRL LOSES LIFE FOR SWEETHEART S PICTURE Constantine Maturl, Aged 16, Perishes When Roof Collapses Pittsburg, Pa, July 31. Returning to her burning home to get pictu of her sweetheart, Constatitine- Mi turl, aged 16, was burned to death at Axleton, near here. Just as the girl stepped across. the threshold of the front door, the room collapsed. Mrs, Frank-Maturl, her mother, when informed of the death of her daugh- ter, ran to the Monongahela river and jumped In, She was the crew of a tugboat. Days-Park;-in-the-west-stde residence the-cast of playert, section of the city. Three of the 28 cases resulted fatally. Claims Commandments of Satan ot Have Displaced Those of Preacher Gives Detailed List of Ten Laws of chant, aes the ae i ch in Vogue. + 4 the variety show in the evening, for im six days you are pe to work for a living and we good time on the Sabbath. 5. Don't honor your father amd mother lest the old, pair enjoy life. too long. i 6. Don't commit any remit ed murders on the principle porary insanity. a ibe 7. You may commit adultery, but look out you don't have to pay ali- ve: z 8. You may reasonably steal any- thing within- tie Taw of the Tamd, even a railroad. 9. You can. bear false witness against your neighbor behind his back if there is money in it. 10. You can covet your meigh- bor s house and his wife (whether you're married or not) and every- thing. that belongs to him. Also eat one another according to the law. TEN YEAR OLD SAN SHOT HS MOTHER Sad Fatality at Stettler By Accidental Discharge of Gun. (W. A. P. Dispaten.) Stettler, Alta., July 1. Accidental- ly isctiarging a loaded. revolver in the room above the kitchen where his Wed out, by mother was. cooking, the ten-year-old) Frink M Of George A. Lang, sri the father, and a brother, John, aged Gaised er death, the 16, were weverely burned trying to rescue Constantine, entering her brain through the ctiling. after . passing
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Image 180 (1912-07-31), from microfilm reel 180, (CU1772203). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.