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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Present Daily Average 1676. Coples. ME Advertisers in Daily get th benefit S 2 * ot. the Woekly country clrculation. 3 No extra charge: Books open to ad- vertisers, ER IS HERE OR RR x THESE HOT DAYS, HE PRICES SPEAK VOL. 3, NO. 12 . Ash, Guaranteed to other Grand View ie corner, only 350; ny of them we could Co, ent Citizens Assembled in the Evening. Between thirty and forty of the town s principal citizens assembled at the Cypress Club last evening for the purpose of speeding a parting friend on his way, the occasion being a pres- entation to Mr, J, L. Peacock, who is leaving Medicine Hat to take up time. guist of the A. P, ranch the day of y. ie permanent residence in New York, reat factor In our regrets in this con- aa That. Mr. Peacock: Was popular was Nectlon is wccasioned by the circum- rlstad, if in the ity, amply demonstrated by-the -compll- stance that. the change from the old * mentary references mad to him-dur- te the new order of things inydives the severance of je ties which lt; have bound you to tilidistrict for so long. As a parting token of our fegard, We ask you to accept. this little me- mento of the days that are past) and gone, trusting that ft may serve to oc- ing the evening by the various speak- ers, and the address which was read voices the opinion most comprehen- ely, of his numerous friends, rs. F. Corby, Suffield. are ke and E. E.:Bennett ican. iB, Brooke, is spending a the city, of old times in Medicine Hat. i: A. P. Burns, A. 5) N: Terrill, J.B Davies, C. S. Pingle, JW. Cousins, W. A. Begg, W. G. Lyncti, W. . Margh- LICE COURT: ice court this moming, ho was caught riding a fined 3.60 and costs, one month imprison K. Grimmer, J. G. Millar, J. C. grave, James Fleming, Wm. P, don, AP. Day, J. J. Quail, arks, W. Huckvale, R. R. Stones i Tweed, F. 0. 8 ta H.W. Bodine thet pre Pann Wy, aikcbeaiteW. P. Ggodieon, Al- ie Wednesd aie fred B. Whiffen;J..E. Lussier, AUR. maa okt eae Perry, BR. A. Sewgiff'T. F. Dawson, W. ond Coulee, near exhibi- . Members of the con- friends are cordially Parkers Sidney T. Hooper, B.C. Drake, E. Smyth, James Mitchell, W. Galloway, T. B. Jenkisigony, 1. Welsford,, W. R. Martin, Apiscie Spen- MAYOR. NBSPENCER The chair was occupieg by Dr. J. , Hargrave, pfesident of the Club, who after briefly explaining the ob- ject for whieh the friends of Mr. Pea- sock had assembted gt; spoke of the many friendships which the guest of. the evening had formed during his twelve years Of regjdence. in Medicine Hat and the reg which the leave- ng created. Since prepara had deen. completed for the presenta- tion to Mr. Peacock, it had been learn- ed that there was a possibility of him assuming such furtherinterests in the district as would necessitgf Bis pres- ence in the city periodically and he hastened to convey the .. assurance The gift consisted of a, gol Wateh- charine-in the design of cow-boy hat, one and a half-inches in diameter, wwith.a diamond fnserted in the buckle. Mit Peaeock in reply stated that occasions ofthis natuife certainly ap- pealed to a man's sentiment and to his pride. He had lived amongst those pre afternoon, July Mr. and Mrs. Joke Scott; Ave, New Westminster, le Leslie Eagles, form sine Hat, was uhited-tn Villlam Jame nnett Rey..S. Everton. After w days in New Westmin ouver, Mr, and Mrs. Mc return to take up resi le, d Timer 10 Cigar. development of the country by your heavy investments and the stock-rais- Ing Industry owes much to the splen- did importations of high-grade horses which you have made from time to We all realize, however, that e rancher s run and a MEDICINE HAT. ALBERTA, CANADA. WEDNESDAYS JULY-24, 1912 lt; - GOOD-BYE WAS SAD Presentation to: J. L. Peacock.on the Eve of His Departure to Take up Residence in New York---Many Promin- Cypress Club Last He regretted exceedingly leave the Hat and he regarded him. It represented to him recall to him the many Club, His friends evidencing their feelin; Mr. Walter Huckvale was then call- ed upon for afew remarks and bore casionally recall pleasant reminisces - EX-MAYOR .COUSINS testimony to Mr. Peacock's sociability asa citizen, in club, life and on, the ranch. had always found him the best of good fellows. He -was al- ways there, bright and cheery, under all conditions and all would miss him oma great many occasions when some- one was needed with a word of cheer. His absence would always be a mat- tervof regrets Mr, C. S, Pingle, after indulging in a number of amusing perfonal rem- iniscences of old times spent with the guest of the evening, refused to be- lieve that he intended to remain away from Medicine Hat for any very ex- tended period and sished him bor having to the present a something which he would appreciate more. than anything else whieh could have been selected for some- thing away and beyond its intrinsic value and would serve to constantly pleanant evenings which he had spent in the in Mediciiie Hat certainly had a most agreeable way of bbb Eb bt + CHURCHILL'S POLICY SENDS, CONSOLS DOWN + + + ib + + + x + * + Londow July 24. Consols sank to the low figure of 73 on the stpek exchange. imniediatg cause was the statememt- f Churchill con- cerning th new naval policy, and any attempt to put on the market m'a small Block Is the signal for a decline in price. + Another of Hat s New in- dustries Gets Under Way Hayy: Fine Plant YET 10 BE INSTALLED Full Number of Hands Will Be Working in a Week Or So. 2 The Inte gnational Supply pie meen Spr ed for business. All their machinery is not going yet as they have several mach- ines yet to erect, but it is ex- pected that in a few days they will be going full force. one, costing 20,000, says W. R. Martin, the owner and manager. Million Dollar : bee + eet pbb bob tek fa ie fe) sed has yet been reported. Eager tenancies OW RUNING CONSIDERABLE MACHTNERY Their plant is-an excellent Flood perdedeeee ees HEAVY EARTHQUAKE + SHOCK AT EQUADOR + Quayaoull, Badagor, July 24- The heaviest. shock of earthquake in mahy years oc- curred, at7 o'clock today and caus d a great Panto among the inhabitants.of the city, the +f most Week oe oleete oe eb bbb bo bok ob ob e+ heb b eob bbb hbo THE CEMENT PLANT. + + While Mr, Frank Jones of the Canada Cement Company ces not state direetiy where his compan; Intends to build its million dollar Western pInt, re goes-so-far-as-to-say t- that there is to be a plant bet ween Winnlpeg and Calgary aud tbat no point possesses as many of the Company's re quirements as Medicine Hat. Pee be pee * + Pb bbb bb bbb bbe TODAY S MARKETS. Chicago, IIL, July 24 Dentali of rust damage today pulled the wheat market down. Occasional fields are said to be struck by the. plague but in general no. lt;erions damage has yet been Town, Morcover,-eabtes-were Aisappointing to the buils,.the firm- mess on this side being offset by more faorsble crop advices from Russia. There was also assertions that the advance here had shut off business, The opening waa 5 -to.1 1-2 cents low- er... September started at 9 1- to 94 cents, the Same change from last night as the market taken altogether and declined to 92. Scantiness of elevator stocks made oats comparatively strong. Never- theless depression-on other cereals tended to drag down the whole mar- Ket, which descended to 93 5-8. Winnipeg, July 24 July wheat 107 TB3-3-8, 92 1-2. July oats 38 1-4, 38 1-8; Oct. 36 1-4, 36 1-8; extra No, 1 feed, July, 40, July flax 181, 181; Oct. 167. CASH PRICES Wheat No, 1 Nor. 106 1-4; 2 Nor. ithe city treasurer of Tor come over to dispose four per cent. stood that a certain Logon bank atees footy fair to add that G Bested about 91 subjeckate warket ape provi c positively, to take atany price with th close at hand. eral investment markgh ft. fing: from bad to worse andy, not yet on the eve of cessation of the struggle between Great Britain and 1-2, 106-4-2: Qe t-te 8 -3-8 DassSermany forunly for-universal eupremac the expert opinion in France, in com: menting oti Winston Spencer Church: ill s, speech in the House of Commons. tw en the two countries causes.a note pe es WAP, AND Go Be beim sh. 3 SERVICE of whom lett their te: aoe ang alt the 338 Forty of Porous Offered But 91 for Their ir Fouk Per Gen Bonds at Liendon Oficr Was Refused Gutlook Says Dispeiggie poets Uusstintactodaamma ee ne 6 A. P. Gphie) a ciass stocks Can: London, July 24. Mayor Gedry tO bal dina governitiont gig: ke eltys Sfocks in particular ares Ht tinter outlook highly unsatish bonds. fs was, ho sui sterling 3 Led by int. allowing for interest. ays of cheap money for thi colon: jal, borrower on the London g) stato of cony Is Not Yet Near Is the Expert Opinion Given in France in the. Comment On Engle: 1's Message to Germany Contained In Churchiii s Naval Budget Speech More Praise for Canada. 3 CW. A. P. Cable.) * Paris, July 24. That the world ts that Italy. and Austria, at the instiga tion of Germany, are about to bill additional superdreadnoughts in re jg S2td to Which nothing has been per struct six of these yes els, 20,000 tons displacement and of steaming at a speed while Austria is fo build three ead or them displacing 26000 tons Ph The Gontintation of the rivalry be- of togret -here tmt tere Is an Tacli nation to belleve that it must go on. newspaper continues: The fulfill inent of this programme will dratro3 that the news was indeed welcome. The appended address was then read: : . J. L,, Peacock, Esa. Dear Sir As a rale, gatherings of + this nature- whieh: Have taken place ja the past within tese walls, have D.. HOUSE ton utranged-th 6 least a saga erms. s cum of jeyfulness. Tonight no ray of hope exists to pierce the depths of uth. 2 despondency to which we are reduced 5 2 by the announcement of your depart- ys cere j ure to take up permanent residence EX-PRBS. C. S, PINGLE per month fn. the far East Of Board of Trade aw It isd difficult matter to convey to sent and had done buisenss. with them. you our feelings in respect to the leave-taking. During the long years You-have been with us you have come to be regarded as an institittion Medicine Hat. Your faculty of alwe being able to tind the silvers any. dark cloud which might arise in municipal or club life is one which has done mich to brighten the out look of your friend and is a gift, tie powers of which we hope will never wane, The art of britiging joyousness to the heart and laughter to the lip is indeed an attribute. of which to be proud, and though this parting may be for years and may be forever, we ask you to believe in all sincerity that your-friends who are gathered- here tonight will always entertain the When it came to the time to part they assembled to do him honor and he freceiyed their expressions of good Brill ith gratification and great ap- i the good-hearted, whole- souled, nature of the men gathered together, During the years of his residence here he had derived a great deal of pleasure through knowing them. The address had re- ferred to his proclivity to laugh. Well, if he saw the bright side of things he thought it was the assoc- jation with men of the class which were with him tonight, which de- veloped this faculty. . Fate had led him around the-world in his wander- imgs and be tred mete many warm svitrmest. remembrance of one from friendships, but-never in his wand- yet to hear a lerings had he met such big-hearted se lps we have h word or unkind expression fall. men and nowhere had he formed such x have assisted materially in the true friendships as in Medicine Hat. HEH HALFORGED ESCAPES FROM PRISON Isadore Laframboise, Horse Thief, Escapes From Peni. tentary Was Sentenced from Medicine Hat in 1908 oval Tailor from Toronto d Pressed by expert tt, Ottawa started a search for him. Tn- auiry was made of other prisoners at the mouth of the mine, all of whom said they had seen the Mexican enter the place but did not see him leave it. Deputy Warden Cummings notified the Mounted Police of the escape and all the available men at the local bar- tacks were put on the case but up to noon today nothing had been heard of the convict. Sentenced at Hat Mexican Pete was sentenced at Med- leine Hat by Judge Winter, Feb. 1 1908, to ten years fn the Alberta pen- Itentiary on three charges of horae Stealing. In i906 he broke jail at Prince Albert, after he bad) been re- nanded on a charge of appropriating Edmonton, Alta., July 24 Unable jonger to resist the temptation to re- turn to his old haunts in the circus ring, Isadore Lafamboise, a Mexican half-breed prisoner, better known as Mexican Pete, (ook French leave from the coal mine of the Alberta peniten- tiary about 4 o'clock yesterday after- noon and has not been seen since by the penitentiary authorities. Mexican Pete was working with sev: eral other prisoners in the clay pit, a distance of about 100 yards from the mouth of the ccal mine, when he ask- z R. P, Ottaw: 9 could g0 to the mouth of the mine to get a drink, The giard granted the prison- sr the privilege of going to the month esh ship- voyage and a good time until he te turned again. Mr. Wm; Cousins expressed his genuine regret at Mr. Peacocks im- pending departure and stated that he could heartily concur in all that had been sald concerning his qualifica- tions as an entertainer both in the club and outside of it. to hear that Mr, Peacock was pos- sibly coming back to Medicine Hat, as he felt that in losing him the olty was losing one of its institutions: He was a good fellow well met. No matter how he felt he always put iur- ward the bright side and cheered others. In every way he had been a most valuable member of the club and had done much to hold th mem-j bers together. Peacock s many good qualities, after which Mayor Spencer sald some very pleasant things concerning. Mr. Peacock s good fellowship and lik- able characteristics. Mr. W. J. Christie, of Winnipex, and Mr. Frank Jones of the Canada Cement Company, both spoke briefly in re gard to'their appreciation of the guest's personality and also gave the reason of their faithin-Medicine Hat, After several photographs had been taken, the very pleasant evening was brought to a close by the singing of Auld Lang Syne. the spring of 1907 he joined Miller Brothers 101 Wild West show which recently played in Calgary. Mexican Pete was a crack bareback rider and it was while the show was in Edmon- ton in Angust, 1907, that Pete was injured. In-making a turn while, go- ing at top Speed the horse slipped and threw its rider against a tent pole as Pete was in the act of picking up a handkerchief with his teeth. The -rider- was und r medical care for several days and in the meantime the show left town without him. It Was-atter-th: stole the horses near Medicine Hat, that Jand d hinr in the penitentiary. He is known throughout the western part of Can- ada and the U. 8, as a desperate char- acter who, while imprisoned is a mo- del prisoner, but takes plenty of time to plan an escape. It is generally be- leved that he had confederates fol- lowing the show who assisted him to escape and the temptation to return. to the saw dust was too much for to resist, Baltimore, Md., July 24. -Leaders of the Roosevelt movement have arrang ed for a Stat convention of the, Pro- gressive party to be held in thls elty tomorfow to select the Maryland deles ' horse that did Dot Delong to-Hm In wate r.T. B. Jenkinson followed with a few Wo M: brought from the breaking of dams in Wausau. Three buildings city have been washed out and fourth has been All electric power including today the flood caused by the break- inb of -the big Brokaway dam is estimated to have done damage to the extent of from 10,000 to 500,000. Part. of the cofferdam at was dynamited this forenoon caus ing the flood terially and it is said normal con- ditions im Wausau will be reported by to-morrow. PETROLEUM DROPS New. York, N.Y. July 24 The Standard-Oil-Company, of New York, today. announced a reduction of 15 Points in the price of refined petrol- eum, making refined in. cases 10.35 cents per gallon, refined in tanks 4.85 and standard white in barrels 8.45. ee eg Tem ee z PREPARED TO START if + ? + + Mr. W. J. Christie, of Win- + nipeg, announces that the F Glass Company at Beausejour, *f in which he ts interested, is prepared to spend from 75,- 000 to 100,000 in installing the first unit of its Medicine Hat plant this year. bebe be * + + + + - + - + + - + + eee hebb bbb + + + -- Weidmesdity, July 24th. + This coupon with five other ++ consecutive coupons from the +h Dally, News, and ten cents, en- + fifles the holder to a photo + gramme reproduction of the me tamous panting, The Ch. ++ gale Coupons and money + should be presented at the + News office any time ifter 4 Monday, June 24th, + This pleture cannot be sent by mall... ae COUPON NO. 38. to the Chicago convention. 7 PE ti be ee ee : TOS Tir ST NOF, OS 1-4; 7 Nor, 83 1-2; 7 3 8 Nor, 48; feed 55. , Warsaw, Wisconsin, Wreck- Oats No. 2 GW,38; No. 3 CW 3 e- Collapse of TWO parley, relected 43. Big Dams. AMERICAN MARKETS e. Minneapolis, July 24 July wheat Warsau, Wis-, July 24 Flood 107 1-2, 106; Sept. 94 3-4, 94 3-8; Dec: damage estimated at 1,000,000 was 93 3- 2 1-2, two the Wisgonsin, north of in this) a partly destroyed. street ear seryice has been put out af tion here tomorrow arrivedin town commission. today. The convention will be cailed Wausau, Wis., July 24. At noon to order at 11 o'clock tomorrow morn- at Tomawke and another smaller dam in the. Wisconsin. river north of here Rothehild, six mttes north--of here, to recede very ma-j Ppbb beh bbb kee a Shes heb oleh obo che ode France should learn a l sson from England's proceedure and her navy. ject, says it is in a position to state the present-naval equilibrium in the Meditteranean and:give a big advant age to the Triple-Alliance. (Continued on page four) The Matin, commenting-on the gub- IOWA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION Cedar Rapids, Ia, July 24 Nearly all of the 1,034 delegates who will comprise the Democratic State conven ing, V. R. McGinnis of Leon, as tem- porary chairman, will deliver the op- ening address. The work of the con- vention will be confined to the adop- tion of resolutions and the nomination of two candidates for judge of the su- preme court, The nominations for gov- decided in the primaries last June. B. G. Dunn of Mason City, candidate for governor, and the other candidates on the State ticket are expected to attend tomorrow's convention. ROOSEVELT CONVENTION IN IOWA Des Moines, Iowa, July The third party movement In Towa was shoved down the ways into the polit- lical sea at well. attended State con- vention held in this city today. Dele- gates to the national convention. at jChicago August 5 were selected and resolutions strongly indorsing the oO FACING BINDER Big: Firms Who Practically Supply Western ernor and: other State officers were inquiry shows that prairie west on is confronted by what may develop in Western Canada have into a serious binder twine famine. no supply in sight. The Local agents of the two great con- Co. is, refusing to fill any America cerns which practically, eontrol twine industry in the United States Canadian requirements, and Canada, the International Har 4 jocal departimental store vester Co, and the Plymouth Cord- handles a great deal of twine age Co., admit the Bhortare which fused orders for twenty they * put unprecedent demand of the Western alone. South. West Alberta and Southern States which hag not somewhat from a slight famine 1 been anticipated and the wonderful + expansion of production in-the Can- put this. is an exception, The adian West. TWINE FA Arve, on the Eve of Harvest, Practically and Are Turning Down Ondera Stringeas Are Necessary. (W. A. P. Dispateny Man., July 24. Carefuk that all the available supply. the Canadian gaged and the demand is far the eve of harvest being filled, indeed Winnipes, the orders so as to ee ee th whic down to the altogether pinder twine during the year. and 1s now well stockud: The situation is such (Continued on page four.) stand of Colonel Roosevelt were adop- ted. : THIRD PARTY IN ALABAMA Birmingham, Ala, July 24. At a mass meeting in Birmingham today the Roorevelt supporters in Alabama completed a permanent organization and took steps looking to the adequate representation of the State at the national convention to be Weld by the Progressive party in Chicago next month, GEORGIA PROGRESSIVES ACTIVE Atlanta, Ga, July 24 Tomorrow Is the day set for the holding of a State convention of Roosevelt Republicans of Georgia in this city. The convention will elect d legates to the national convention of the Progressive party campaign in Georgia. Salt Lake City, Utah, July 24. Pioneer Day, the sixty-fifth anmniver- sary of the arrival of. Brigham Young and his little band of Mor- mon colonists in the Salt Lake val- hey, was celebrated today in all of the principal * cities and. towns throughout Utah. : a Te Fi One Year Ago Today the First Iron Was Cast in Medi- in Chicago and formulate plans for-the+ cine Hat Firm Has Doubled Its Onan and co ployees. One year ago today the Alberta Rolling Mills east Mts first resi in other words, one year ago today the first from ot In Medieine Hat. July 24, 1911, the Rolling Mills opened for welads ities today the management are celebrating the fitst anniversary. The out. look as a result of the first year s business Js Ome which warrants a cele- bration, The rapid development of the rolling mills has been won- derful. Their staff has been vractieallg doubled ined thelr. busintes inerease phenomenal. When they opened for business a seadbugs thay faced a pile of or- ders that they thought would keep them going year to fill. They fn- creased thelr plant, howerer, and soon got them te be over: whelmed with a recalar storm of demands for Today, with a plant twice the site of the one they Started with, they are further behind with orders than they: Were: first east was made: Zoag Gas Gas Gas is the whole story of thelr success; thelr profits ai? are much larger, they are able to tern out thee Work 8 exest esl or snd. 101 9 aah avian. stake
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Image 136 (1912-07-24), from microfilm reel 136, (CU1772241). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.