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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The man who puts Qual- ity and Style first and price second and buys Invictus Shoes obtains the best results from every standpoint. Jook better, they. cost less In the erid, for two will outwear any (hree pairs of ordinary Shoes. Nothing but the Sest Of seasdned. thather: That make: them keep thelr shape. You pay fot eeooa shoe. SHOE. Invietus gives you THE BEST GOOD a P. Ry Men s ras 9 Cor, Ottawa St. H. S Trela Thee Fair LEONARD eee High-class Groceries, Dry LEONARD FLA In preference to all other Pianos BECAUSE The Gourlay is not swinging on a pedestal so,to speak, or in other words, trading onthe good work of a past generation it 18 BUILDING IT S. REPUTATION NOW. BECAUSE The Gourlay is the only Canadian: made instrument using the-White and Wi cox player patents, which have cost their in- yentors many thousands of dollars to protect they have invested their best in the Gour- lay oF s BECAUSE We want to put our money into the best line of pianos obtainable We have sel- ected the cream of the market under which to : place our firm name. WE HAVE INVESTED OUR BEST IN THE r GOURLAY. WHY NOT YOU ? The Medicine Hat Music Co. South Railway St. . Under the Big Fiddle. A GOOD D HUNG. THE MARKET REPORTS . Winnt, h se Police Arrested Man 00) wneat openea tee. . Slewee 5 Suspicion, Let Him Go, Oct. opened 8 1-2, closed 83 1-2 But Now Want Him. May opened 905-8, closed 89. Oct outs dpened 36, closed 36 1-4; On Saturday Detective Campbeii Dec. opened 83.1-2, closed 32 learned that a mai hiimed Jos. Mc- 160, closed 1 Roy Kerr sold two revolvers andl other Oct: fax opened Cash Prices things at loci pawn shops. . Act- ., Wheat. No. 8 Nor. 98; Nop ing om Chief Bruce's instructions the lo 6 Non i Oats No. 2 CW, 60; No. 3 man was arrested and held til yes- U0's To 2 GW. te: No terday. Bfforte to locate any thefts VO ) NO. emt 42: So Were unavailing and the prisoner was po 116, No, Tia; Nos 4, let go: This morning the owner of the fhird pawnshop called a the City Hail ana complained of a theft ease. The Chief is now looking for Atteriean Murkets Minneapolis, Minn, Sept. 9. Sept. wheat opened 84 7-8, closed 84 7-8 the-man and knows where to locate pec. opened 87 3-5. closed 87, 1-4 him. May opened 92 3-8, closed 92 1-8, Three Dyiand D. s paid 2 to the et court today. Chicago, IL, Sept. 9 Sept.. wheat 3 opened 90 1-4, closed 90 1-8: Dec. op- Sh hth bbb bb et t+ ened 90, closed s9 1-5; May opened 94 1-2, closed 94 Liverpool, Sept. 9. *h Spot, stead; No. 1 Manitob: 53d.; No. 2 Manitoba 8s. 4d; No. 3 Manitoba 8s, 2d. Futures, firm Dec. 7s. 440. i iG THE +0 OHUROHES + Ms. Seer ttt te A-meetiig to discuss the forming of loegi ic Society will be held i in St. Patrick's church, Ws expected that tho new St. Barnabas church wil be completed at the tirst tworweeks in Novem- fas x Tenders have bebn. called. for tho rection of the new Catholic churca dy Altawana. The, work is to be -d tits fall, he work on the exterior of the dist, church is rapidly iz lt;peipistion. Winnipeg, million bushe,s of contract wheat and the best cop the west has ever seen, is the Way W. H. McWilliams, man- ager of the Canadian Elevators Co., esse ap his automobile trip. to over a different country. Phe best amd most uniform erop I ever saw, he said. Wheat is all out; 60 per eent. is cut and 70 per . Everything is in Winnipeg, Sept. 9. Wheat options were, steady but after some strength at the opening; closed considerable weaker. The market is waiting the movement of the new crop, given a week of fine weather, will commence in another week. There is a good export demand for oats. Fine weather and higher tempera - tures arevailed today generally over the west, but heavy rain last. night in southern Alberta will delay for a couple of days winter wheat. thresh- ing. There is exedllent cash demand for low grades but;Kttle enquiry for higher grades, millers waiting for the new cfop. nS Receipts were light, being 43 cars Frocetnd, Aad 66 in pagbt-. Cables slosed 4-lower. Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 10th, at the home of Mrs. FW. Mills, 535 Main Street. 49-4 The regular monthly meeting of the Women s Missionary. Society of St. John s teriam: church, will be hell in the basem nt of the church this evening at eight o'cjock, Mem- bers and all interested are asked to be-present as several matters of bus- iness are to be discussed. The Woman's Mission Cir8le of the Baptist church will hold the tegular monthiy meating-on Tuesday after- noon at 8.30 p. m. in the Class Room of thechurch. At the close a social half will be spent. All the ladies of the church and congregation are cor- Ghigago; Sept. 9. For: the first time this season wheat dropped be- pialiy Hayes. 54-2 )iow 0c. a bushel. Primary-arrivals ae ee for the week were the langest om re- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL cor jor the present time of the sear- The opening was unchanged to 4 lower. December. started at 90 to 904, varying from lower to up, and declined to 89 split. Bidding up for ,the September delivery made Misses Murgaret and Mary Stew- Art left last-night for Winnipeg wher they will attend school. Their father, Mr. Henry Stewart, accompanied them on the trip. ai AVI other options in oats relatively firmi, oe a we although actual business was small, Hon, . company- December started a shade to.g and ing the party of English capitalists who are looking over the Southern Alberta Land Com) igation system, The party is travelling by special train. 4 higher, at 32 to 328 and, seemed disposed to hold within these limits. ENGLISH CATTLE. (C. A. P. Cable.) Liverpool, Sept..8 Jobn Rogers Company, Liverpool, cable today that the general condithions of the Birk- entead market are undisturbed, and quotations last: cabled, Cadanian steers from * -4-to 14 1-4e per Pound, remain unaltered. Edmonton Bulletin: Hon. . Frank Oliver and Mrs. Oliver announce the engagement of their-danghter Anna to Mr. Julian Garrett, of this city, son of Mr. and Mrs, Edmund 4H, Garrett, of Boston, the marriage to take place in Ottawa late in October. The charming bride-to-be, who is a favorite In Ottawa society, where her friends will bid her a reluctant au revoir, will be warmly. welcomed (C. ALP, Cabley Liverpool, EVERYBODY KNOWS that the wealthy men of today-are those who Wisely invested a-small Saving a few years ago, while the knockers of today are those who stood by-and now envy the other fellow. Let us show you some good prospects that will appeal to the most consefvative buyers. Now are opportunity Don t be a knocker. BUY A HOME INVESTIGATE on Balmoral St, a 6 roomed Saad wat paitt a eran paint We also have one of the best Vedion large lot 50x150 tt, t Acreage tracts close to. Indus- trial sites. WRIGHT DAY en Be RENTAL AGENTS for Stores, Offices and Sultes of rooms in the new Hull Block. SAMPLES ARRIVED OWD AND GET AN UP. OVERCOAT. 8 TO CHOOSE FROM. and Press: AIRED. iA CAMPBELL OPP. C, P. R. DEPOT 81 NORTH RATEWAY. FIND our HOW. MUCH YOU ARE MISSING. THERE 18 ONLY ONE WAY. TRY A LOAF OF eee tes BREAD TASSIE BROS. PHOND 256 and Co., Liverpool, cable today that general action of the Birkenhead market is undisturbed and quotations Jast cabled Canadian steers from 133 to 14 cents per pound, remain un - ultered today. back to Edmonton, where many friends extend best wishes to herself and Mr: Garrett, who s very. popu- lar here and who will receive heart- fest congratulations. The regular mecting of Ruth Re becea Lodge, will be held tomorrow (Tuesday) evening in. Becker Hall. Degree team requested td be present at eight sharp. Miss Lottie McNeely leaves tonight for Toronto to resume her studies, STORM CAUSES DAMAGE 3 CW, A. B Dispatch) International Malls; Minn. Sept. 8 A storm, here today wrecked -valued at 10, buildings and destroyed property valued at 10,000. At Fort Francis lightning struck the office of the Fort Francis Times, setting on fire and destroying the + piant. The loss 1s estimated at last 20,000. R, J. Hopper went to Calgary last night. Jas Auld left for Toronto night, NO AGREEMENT REACHED. OW, A. P;Cable) Rome, Sept. 8A semi-afficial statement has been made denouncing pbsolutely unfounder various news- Paper reports that an agreement bad been reached respecting the. conelus - fon of peace between Italy and Tur- key. Mr. and Mrs. W, R. Penland return- ed from Calgary this morning. Miss Laggan returned last*night. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Cameron re- turned from the coast today. Thos, Baswet-returued from the Stampede at Calgary, as did also Mra. A. P, Day, Mr. and Mrs, . .E, White and Mrs. Legh. OIL FOR NAVY. (W. A. P, Cable.) Glasgow, Sept. 8. The govern ment has asked for tenders for 200,- 000 tons of oil fuel for the navy. Great storage tanks are now being constructed at Rosyth-on-the-Forth, and it is supposed that one of the Mr A. J. Day, who was one of. the Stampede official, timers, has rey turned home, SY WEEK FOR JOHNSON. x (Specal to the News) Chicago, Ill, Sept. 9 With an ex- it vi y oil ceedingly busy week in prospect, 77 battleships will burn only oil. Governor Hiram W. Johnson, of Call- y forla. the vice-presidential candidate SRBMENS DON ee 4. P. Cable.) Newport, Eng., Sept. 8 The La- bor Conference has adopted by a vote of two to one a resolution pro- Posed by the Cabmen s Union pledg- ing numbers of the trade unions to Feluse to work with non-unionists. ee on the Progressive ticket, left Chi- cago today on a two days swing through the northern half of Tilinols After leaving this state Governor Johnson will begin his northwestern itinerary. If his present plans are B jcarried out he will be heard in Wis- consin, Minnesota, South Dakota, cw. Sept. 9. Two tiundrea Saskatoon through Regina and back) which, ) THEREASON We sell so much property is be cadse we. always. make. our clients large, sure and- quick returns, ecially Selected jnbeatable Snaps corner, fac only 750, facing per Ottawa St.,- only 3735 pair. Usual terms. Block 2 Magnificent view of and city, only 700 Usual terme. RIVERSIDE Block 13 50 feet on the boule- vard, commaading magnifi- 1 cent View of the river and city, 735. Easy terme. Block 16. Only 600 per pair. Usual terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS i Block 20 Practically tacing new school site, 736 per pair cash, or 800 usual terms, Block 19 700 per pair. Usnal term: Blocl 00 per pair, Usual terms. F DAWSON CO. REAL ESTATE, ENSURANCE AND MORTGAGE BRO) Phone 586. Toronto St. REAL ESTATE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 3-4, 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr, terms, RIVERSIDE Block 18, Lots 11-16, 735 a prs terms, Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a pry terms, HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr., terms, Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms, Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lots 39-40, 750 8 pr., terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 735. -.Terms Bik. 5, 87 ft, 875, terms. lock-27, Lots 31-32, 575, irs. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 2 , Lot 32, 525, cash, Block 21, Lots 29-30, 1190 pair. Terms. Gs Gl) Realy 60 a Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Pinte Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0-Box 816. SOUTH DAKOTA STATE FAIR (Special to the News) Huron, S. D., Sept. 9. With every- thing in readiness for the public ana Prospects for a successful season, the South Dakota State Fair threw open its gates here this morning. It will Sent. 9.John Rogers most complete ever staged in this part of the coun- try, displaying the .agricultural and other resources of nearly every coun- ty of South Dakota. The array of free amusements s unusually large, with the speed meeting and aviation flights as the big features. Subscribe now for The Daily News. Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to We A ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. HOUSE FOR SALE At a Bargain. New, fully modern, at 2600; 800 cash; easy terms. Small House and Lot, Ottawa St. S., 1800. 1050 Lot 18, Block T, South nill. 2100 Corner e000 Eat, St. N. 900 pr., Lots 3. 4, Block 1, H. on Columbia Block 11, Main S. Annex, with water. B, F. SOUCH, Phu. B. and Towa before the end of the week, Subscribe now for the Dally News. STORE, TORONTO ST. REALTY im Medicine Hat Real Estate Call on us for Investment Enquire for particulars of these Below s listing form, Perry, Sewell Perry, to usual handling. commission: Sub-Division Improvements (Signature) COLORADO PRIMARIES (Special to the News) Denver, Colo., Sept. 9, Colorado Yoters of all factions and parti2s will go to the-polls tomorrow to cast thelr ballots in the first primary election under the new State law. Candidates are to be selected for two United St tes senators, representa- tives in Congress, governor and oth- er State officers. judge of the preme court and members of the leg- islature. Both Democtats and Re. publicans are divided into th: fac- tions and-each faction has a mote or less complete set of candidates on the primary ballot. Governor John Loyal Order No. 1 ONCE to the Secretary, no other. F. B, McKINNON, President. Men are born with two eyes; but with one tongue, In order that they hiay see twice as much as they say, If man cannot seo that there Is money to be made await the Investor in Cousins and Sissons now, One Half Section land close iv for sale cheap on easy. terms, Also first-class Sub-division proposition now open, please fill in this blank form and majl tous, M dicihe Hat, Sept; T hereby list following property for sale with you, subject REVIEW he was not born right, Opportunities. Big chances two snaps, If you have property to sell F. Shafroth and former Governor Alva Adams are, the regular Demo- cratic candidates for United States senator to succeed Senator Guggen heim, with. Charles Thomas to: ffl the vacancy causetby the d ath of Senator Hughes. The regular -Re- publican candidates for the senate are C. C. Dawson for the, long term. and GC. W: Waterman Tor United, States senator, while one or two others are running independently. For governor there 1a an equal num- ber. of aspirants. Loose Leat System The News Job Department:has every facility tor sup- plying the most satlafactory. Of Moose Medicine Hat Lodge o073 Meeting of Lodge to be held in Becker Block on Wednesday at 8 p. m., prompt Dues to 30th September should be paid AT Mr. H. E, Howard, Im- periai Bank, Medicine Hat, or at Lodge meeting. 51-2t Phone 105 McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is on.a Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satigtaction about good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the same excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat getting J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. ORDER T A New Pair of gt; MEN S, WOMEN S, BOYS , GIRLS AND CHILDREN S. NEW FALL STOCK JUST OPENED. H.W. lreiand Co. Main Street. . Phone 54. BRR eben iid Print ODAY. 104 Pupil Is At Schoc 940. pupils a at the Hat's ing to Superit near the prest ported that he to fll, and ha: fi Berlin, Se not attempt to is encouragin is acknowledg beyond the cc complaints: at England has a territorial inte lin, it is presu Britain for a the Chinese forthcoming ft not strained. the Chinese G 10,000,000 in Wa PAYS kicp 10 Fen. C R. Partic Works aaremain here tug otrer po He arrived featists who the Southern rigation wor prevented the they cam started out f I convers of the opinic versed was e heard: of it expresved at
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Image 441 (1912-09-09), from microfilm reel 441, (CU1772603). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.