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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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OMEN STRONG OMEN WELL. misdirected or her con- wrote for advice, to mca, Assocation, Dr. N.Y. movement once day. rch 25 of this year. was y the lady herself, sssage to the EV said whe had met vhile she was appearing es of 1911 at AUlantic 1 in love with him at he looked so handsome sult. it was announced that had determined to re- itrimony and return to River company, which rted for the good-look- heimer. They have not ogether since and there of a divorce, though it today that Miss Lor- 1Y positive statement re proceeding, you are divorced Misa asked. will you marry by was the answer, ac- something between a ggle what an a-w-f-u-? B, August 27 5. Har. P., for North Winnipeg, memb r of any Cana- re and the only Jew- MAY led Coda at che J yarents here to Misx of Winnipeg. August 27 The Hart . capitalized. at 40,000 ced today, will build a a cost of 150,000. The dy been secured. i Cedar ; Fir, Water- g, Felt, ires no 1G. PHONE 467 dedfeatentestestect ob NE c HAT wy Pridsy, August 30th, 1912. That ttle gir) of yesterday is a young lady today her frocks are most becoming, the happlest time of her ite. Nothing but a picture can keep her as she is, Now really isn't it worth a picture? Make the Appointment Today. THE BARTLETT STUDIO, FOURTH AVENUE. it is young If You Are Curious that ne de- send a to a transformation wili uetonish you and vontedly to be wished, suit of clothing, your fall over- coat or a tailored ladies suit to us and you will have it, It is astonishing haw our method of dry cleaning renovates your garments 50 that they look just like new wken they are return- ed from* THE GLOBE CLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. CANADIAN PACIFIC Stampede FRONTIER DAYS CELEBRA- TION CALGARY ALBERTA SEPT. 2-1, 1912 SINGLE FARE For the Round.Trip. Going dates August 31-Sept, 6. Fina Return Limit Sept. 9. Apply to Local Agent for Tiekets, BR. MeNEILLIE, Dist. Pasenger Agent,- Calgary. L. A. DOBBIN, Ticket Agent. Phone 201. Mediicne Hat. 422 Main St. My Wardrobe Phone 261, 422 Main St. Phone 261 -Ladies Silk Dresses, . Waists, Gloves, Feath- ers, Ete., Gents Svits, Felt and Panama Hats Dry Cleaned Particular attention paid to travellers work, suits pressed up on short notice. Thu-tt. House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. J.J. LAIT: 116 MONTREAL SPRERT summer i The Thow, Cock: Plym Cock Hei Hen Pav Outsider, Won Big Share of the Money Hat Exhibit Hea: Covkeral: sen: Pulie Pullet: re its of the poultry show as show that outsiders cop- erel: nouth aiven below, However, Did Well. Plymouth Itock, Barred 1, Warrington; 2, Esplen. 1, Warrington; . Babington. Warrington. jouth Rock, white 1, Haywood; 2, Ho; Rocks, partridge 1, Warrington. 1 aid 2, Warrington. Cockerel and pullet: Wyondottes. Block Wyondottes, Golden Laced Wai rington. 2, yt. lund 2, Haywood; 3, Hoyt. 3 Cock: 1 and 2, GN, Bartlett Hen: 1, 2 and 3, G. N, Bartlett. Wyondotter, Silver Laced Cock: G. N. Bartlett. Hen: 1 aid 2, G. N. Bartlett; Warrington, Warrington, Pullet: 1, Hoyt; 2 and 3, Riches Leghorns, C. . Brown ten. Dorkings, White Cock: 1 and 2 Warrington, 3 Hoyt. Hen: 1 Warrington, rington. Cockerel: 1 Host. Pullet: 2 Warrington. Dorkings, Silver Grey Cock and Hen, 1 aud Warrington, 3 Hoyt. Cockerel and Puliec: and 2 Hoyt. Dorkings, Colored Cock and Hen: 1 and 2 Warring- ton, 3 Hoyt. Cockerel and Puilet: 1 2nd 2 War- rington. Orpingtons, Buff Cock: 1 Thompson, Hen: 1 and 2 Hoyt; 3 Thompson, Cockerel: 1 Hayward, 2 Worthing- ton, 3 8, A. Wallace Wyondotter Buft Pullet: 1 and 2, Wallace. Cock: F. W. Thomson. Orpingtons, Black Hen, Cockevel and pullet: 1 and 2, Cock: 1 Warrington, 2 Millican, 3 PF. W. Thomson. Worthington. Wyondottoe. white Hen: 1 W, M. Currie, 2 Worthing- Mock: 1, Jas, Hale; 2, Esplin. ton. Hen: 1, 2, and 3, Esplin. Cockerel: 1 Millican, 2 Currie, 3 Cockere : , 2 and 3B. N Thomp- Worthington, son. Pullet: 1, 2 and 3, Millican. Pullet: 1. Warrington; 2 and 3, Orpingtons, A. 0. V. Thomson. Cock: 1 Warrington, Javas Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 Thompson, Cock: 1, Hoyt; 2 and 8, Warring- Cockerel: 1 Worthington ton. Polands, W. C. Black Hen: 1, Warrington; 2 and 3, Cock: 1 and 2 Warington, 3 Hoyt. Hoyt. Hen: 2 Warrington, 3 Hoyt. Rhode Talend Hada, O Cockerel: 1 Hoyt, 2 W. A. Fraser. Cock: 1, Warrington; 2, Hoyt. Pullet:: Hoyt, Hen: 1. Polands, Golden Cock: 1 and 2 Warriagion. Cockerel: 4, Hay woos : 7 Tfington: 3, Floyt. Hens 1. 1 dad By Wartineyan: Pullet: 1, Haywoods 2, Hoyt; 3, c aa yi Wwarviniton gee eam aa 8 at Rhode I i ens ica al, Pen . Pullet: 1 Warrington. ain pson; 2, Hoyt; 3, J. potands, White Heats, Hoyts Cock: 1 and 2 Warrington, ; Foyt: 2 and 3, Thompson. fen: 1 and 2 Warrington; 3 Hoyt. Cockerel: 1, 2, and 3, Thompson, Poladaa, AO: Pullet: 1 2, and 3, Thompson, Cock, 1 and 2 Warrington. auies;, Blick: Red Hen: 1, 2 and 3 Warrington. Cock and Hen: 1, Warrington, Hamburge, Golden Spangled ames, Brown, Red Cock: 1 and 2, Warrington, 3 Hoyt. Cock and Hen: 1, Warrington Hen: 1, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Hen: Cock: Thorntor Cock: 3, Frasi Hen: Hale Cocke Fraser. Pullet Legho Cock rington, Hen Hoyt Pultet Legho Cock Hale, Hen Raion fie nee a; Cock Games, Ducking 1, Warrington. mn, Leghorns, 3 1, er. 1 rel rns, 1 rns, 1, 1 any 1 Games, Pyle Cock and Hen and Pullet: Games, Inclan 1, Warrington. . 3, Warringtoi. 1, Vickinson; 2,, Hale; white Hoyt. 2, Hoyt; Hen: 1, Warrington; 2, Hoyt; 3, Warrington Cockerel ind pullet: 1 and 2, 1 Warrington. Games, Su natra Cock and lien: 1 and-2, Warring- ton. Games, Pit - Cock: 1, Wart's.gton. Leghorns, C. white Cock: 1, Warmegren: 2 Hen: 1, Johns on; 2, Warnngw., 3, Hoyt. Cockerel: 1, Thomson; 2 and 3, aston Bros.; 2, Hale Johnston Bros, 3, acd 2, Warrington; 3, Ha: wood; 2 and 3, War- a E lack oy nt 3, Hoyt. Hayward; 2 ani tet 2, Warrington. d 3, Cockerel: 1 and 2 Worthington. Hamburgs, Golden - Penciled Cock and Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt. Hamburgs, Silver Penciled. Hen; 1 Warrington, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Hamburgs, Black.- Cock: 1 Hoyt, 2 Warrington. Hen: 1 and 2 Hoyt, 3 Warrington. Cockerel and Pi 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt. Red Cap Cock and Hen and Pullet: 1 and 2 Warrington, Silkies Cock: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt; 3 Johnston Bro: Hen: 1 Jobnston Bros, 2 Warring- 4 sone Cockerel: 1 and 2 Johimun FEne Pullet: 1 and 2 Jonnsicn Bros. AO, V, Fowls Cock: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt, 3 War- rington, Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Cockerel: 1 Hoyt, 2 Warrington, 3 G. Phelps. Pullet: 1 Phelps, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Bantams, Black Red Cock: 1 Hoyt, 2 A. Wodlley. Hen: 1 and 2 Hoyt, Cockerel and Pullet: Bantam, Duck Wing. Cock and Hen: 1 Warrington, 1 Woolley. Hoyt Bantams, Phyle Cock and Hen: 1 Warrington. Bantam, A. 0, V. Game Cock and Hen 1 Warrington. Bantam, G. S. Cock: 1 Warrington: 2 Hoyt. Bantams, 8, 8. Hen: 1 Westbrook Bros. 2 Hoyt, 3 Warrington, Cockerel: Pullet: 1 1 Westbrook Bros, ,, Brown arriugton; 2, Hoyt: 3, arcington; 2, Hale: 3, is rrington; 2, Hoyt. Rantams, B, R. Comb Cock and Ten: 1 and 2 Warring- 2 Hoyt, 3 War- ed a bie stare of the money. War- Cock 1, Warrington, Beaks Wertaniah swore Fingion cy Cornwall, Ont, secured Hen: 1, Warrington; 2 Ricbes; yon; 1 and Hoyt, 3 Warrington. somethin exer 300 In prizes, and 3, Thompson. Bantams, Cochin Butt Hoyt, of Wirconsin, about half that Pullet; 1, Hoyt; 2, Riches. Cock: 2 Bartlett. much, cite of the local men did Leghorns, Buff Bantams, Cochin Partridge Well nowover, Johnston Bros. won ov- Cock: 1, Warrington; 2, Forster; Cock and Hem: 1 Westbrook Bros. er 100, 5 Bale Bantams, White Booted LIGHT BRAHMAS. Hen: 1, and 8, Warrington; 2, Cock: 1 Warrington. Cock: 1 , 1 Warrington; 2 and 3, Forster. Hen: 1 gud Warrington W. A. Hoyt Cockerel: 2 and 3, J. Worthington, Bantams, Japansse Hen: 1, A. Hoyt; 2, J. H.War- Puttet: 2 and 8, Worthington. Cook: 1 and , Warrington. rington; W. A. Hoyt. Spanish Hen: 11: Weegee Hort: Wats Cockerell 1d pullet: W. A. Hoyt. Cock Warrington; 2, Hoyt, TEM PA : BRAHMAS, Hen: 1 and 2, Warrington; 3, Canam Pout ston. Cock: 1, H. Warrington; 2, W. Hoyt. Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt, A. Ho . Pullet: and 2,Warrington. Warrington. Hen: 1 aw 9 J. H. Warrington. Minoreas 8. C, Black Turkeys, Bronze Cocks and pullet: 3, J. H, Hen: 1 Millican, 2 Warrington, 3 ysate: Johnaton Bros. Waring Female: 1 Johnston Bros. 2 Phelps Cockta mut, tand -2-Millican 3 Woolley. Co. wii nen: 1, Hoyt. : 1, 2 and 3 Millican. Male, under 1 year: 1 and 2 John- Cochin partridges Minorcas White ston'Bros., 3 Phelps. Cock and Hen: 1 W. A. Hoyt. Cock: Warrington. Female, under 1 year: 1 Johnston Mother Coshins: Hen, 1, W. A. Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt. Bros., 2 Woolley. Hoyt. Cockerel, 1 Hoyt, 2 Warrington. Turkey White Black Cochi s Pullet: 1 Hoyt. fale, over 1 year: 1 and 2 John- Cock, hen, pullet: 1, Warrington. Andaluseans ston Bros,, 8 Hoyt. Lirgstans - oo and Hen: 1 and 2 Warring- Fomaie, over 1 year: 1 Johnston Cock: 1, +2, fo. - ton. Marea, Warton Cockere and Pullet: 1 Warrington. ae posi chain Bree Hen: 1, Warrington; 2, Hoyt. Hoedans Male, over 1 year: 1 Johnston Bros. Cockevel ard pullet: 1, Warring- Cock: 1 Hoyt. 2 Jas, Hole. see Cockerel: 1 and 2 Hoyt. Female ovged Gaar::1 ana 2 Johe- Lengsean Greve Cosurs ston Bros,. 3 Jas Hole. Cock: He-, Hen: : Warringtoa. : Male and Female, under 1 year: Her: 1, ifuyt; 2, Warrington. Tableche Johnston Bros,, 3 Worthington. Ducks, Aylesbury male famale, over 1 year, and also under OHO-year: + ft, Tohn- ston Bros., and same in Rouen Ducks. Ducks, Indian Runner Male, over 1 year: Joanston Bros. Female, over 1 year: 1 Johnston Bros., 2 Hoyt. : Male, under one Year: 1 Hoyt. Ducks, Cayuga Male and Female, over 1 year: 1 Johnston Bros., 2 Hoyt. Male and Female, under 1 year: 1 Johnston Bros., 2 and 3 Hoyt. + Ducks, A. O. V. . Male, over 1 year: 1 Hoyt, 2 John ston Bros,, 3 Hoyt Female, undgfi ear: 1, 2and 3 Hoyt. PRES Male, under 1 yar: Hoyt. Geese, Bremen, or. Embder Male, over 1 Year: Johnston Gros. 2 Hoyt. Female, over 1 year: 1 Johnston Bros, Also male and female under one year. Geese, Touiouse Male and Female, over 1 Johnston Bros., 2 J. Hole. Geese, African Male and Female, over 1 year: Johnston Bros, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Male and Female, under 1 year: Hoyt, 2 Johnston Bros. Geese, Chinese Male, over 1 year: ston Bros., 3 Hoyt. Female, over 1 year: Bros., 2 and 3 Hoyt. Male and Female, under 1 year: Hoyt. : Geese, AL 0, V. Male and Female, over 1 year: Hoyt. Pigeons, Pointers: 1, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Long Faced Tumblers: 1 Riches. year: 1 1 1 Hoyt, John- 1 Jobnston 1 Jacobins: Johnston Bros. Antwerps: Johnston Bros. Fantails: 1 and 2 Hoyt, 3 Riches. Magpies: 1 Johnston Bros., 2 Hoyt. Homers Blue: 1 Johnston. Homers Blue Chequer, Red Cheq- uer and Homers A. 9. V.: Jo nston Bros., 3 firsts, Arcbang Els: 1 Johnston Bros. Owls: 1 Hoyt. Swallows: 1 Hoyt, 2 Jobnston Bros. Turbits: 1 Johnston Bros. Games, fowl: 1 Warrington, 2 ston Bros. Rabbits: 1 Hoyt Belgian Hares: 1 Hoyt. Eggs: one doz. light, J. Hale, One doz, dark: 1 Rich Esplen, Specials Best bird in show Warrington. Best Wyandotte Cock: Hole. John- 2 Riches, 3 2 CLYDESDALES. Stallion, two years: E. Pearson. Fill, 3 years: 1, M. Cameron; 2, M. Cameron; 3, M. Cameron. wae 2 year: 1D. Cargill; 2 D. Cargill, 3 Kelly, - - Filly, 1 year: D. Cargill, 2 D. Cargill, Brood Mare, foal by side: M. Cam- eron. * Foal: M, Cameron. brood M, Cam- Special for best imported mare with foal at foot: 1 eron. Special for best foal: M. Cameron. Brood mare, foal by side: 1, W. E. Anderson; 2, A. Cole; 3, E. Cole. Special by Canadian Bank of C merce for three registered Clydes- dales: Silver medal, 4. Cameron. Special by Merchants Rank for best Clydesdale Stallion, two yevrs old: Silver cup value 25.00, M. Cameron. Heavy Drafts (unregistered) gt; High School on Peel street at pub- led the motion Cock: 1 Warrington, 2 Westbrook, this class, best filly or geid- 3 Hoyt. ing: D. Cargalt Hen: 1 Weetbrook, 2 Warrington. Foal: M. Johnston 3. Hoyt. Special by Hon. C. R. Mitchell, fo Cockerdl; 1 Warrington. bes three anifhalx in this class, that Pullet: 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt. is foal, yearling, and two years old Bantams, W. R. Comb Silver cup, E. Cole Cock; 1 Warrington, 2 Hoyt Special by Hirnle Bros for best Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 and 3 Hoyt, brood mare with foal at foot: M Bantams, Cochin White Jobnston. Cock: 1 Warrington . Hen: 1 Warrington, 2 and 3 Hoyt. Cockerel and Pullet: 1 Hoyt Contestants on Michigan State (Special to the Detroit, Aug. 28. re- turns that are still coming in from yesterday's state-wide primary elec - tion show clearly that the few con- testants that existed on the state tickets were bitterly fought, Results from 49 counties give Amus S, Mus- selman, of Grand Rapids, 3,188 ma- jority over his opponent, Scrace, of state Martindale. Alfred Lucking, Democrat, of Detroit, was generally thought to have won the only contest in the United States senatorial race having shown a majority of 1,751 over his opponent, George Hummer, of Holland. DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION MEETING tion of desirable immigrants to aid in the industrial development of this section are td be exhaustively discussed by the Southwest Washing- ton Development Assotiation, which met in this city today for a three days session. An organized public - ity plan to aid the movement will be Proposed for consideration. BAIN IN EAST Toronto, Aug. 29. The dtsturbaice which went last night over the States, has moved to South India, being showers in the lake region, more es- pecially in the southwestern por- tions. CANT STCP SALE. Montreal, Aug. 28. The sale of the jie auction to-morrow takes place as usual. A judgment given this morn- ing by Justice Charbonneau dismiss- made on behalf of James McGreevy for an injunction to stop the. sale. AUSTRALIVS THIRD LAUNCHED. London, gt; Ang. 29. The protected cruiser Sydney built for the Aus- tralian navy, was launched today at Govan, Scotland.* This is the second of three Australian cruisers of the second class. NOTICE is hereby given to owners of property in the city limits to have all noxious weeds un their lands des- troyed by the 8ist of August. Proceedings will be taken after this date against all those with property harboring noxious weeds under By- law No. 175 of the City of Medicine Hat. (Signed) H. BAKER, Aug, 24th, 1912, City Clerk 39-7 THE SUPREME COURT OF ALBERTA, 1912 1818, Sittings of the Supreme Court of Alberta en bane and for the trial of causes, civit mmd criminal, and for the hearing of motions and other civil business, will be held at. the follow- ing times and places for Court or Sitting shall commen the day following such holiday: Sittings of the Supreme Court en banc Edmonton, Third Tuesday in September and March. Calgary, First Tuesday in Dec- ember and June. For Trial of Givil Non-Jury Causes: Edmonton and Calgary: First Tuesday each in October, Novem- ber, January, February, March, April and May and Third: Tuesday in June. For. Trial of Civil and Criminal Jury Causes: Edmonton and Calgary: Third Teesday In October, February and Ma; For Trial of AN Criistaal Causze Wetaskiwin Second Tuesday In Oct- ober and March, Red Deer Fourth Tuesday in Octo- ber and February. Medicine Hat Second Tuesday November and Third Tuesday April Macleod Second Tuesday in October, February and May. Lethbridge Fitth Tuesday in Octo- ber and Fourth Tuesday in April. For Trial of AM Civil Causes: Wetaskiwin First Tuesday in Nov- ember and Fifth Tuesday in April. Red Deer Third Tuesday in Novem- J in in ber and Fourth Tuesday in April. Medicine Hat Fourth Tuesday in October and Second Tuosday in March. Macl od Second Tuesday in Nov- ember and Third Tuesday in April. Lethbridge Third Tuesday in Nov- ember and Second Tuesday in-Mty Dated at Edmonton, Alberta, this Ninth day of July, 1912. L. F. CLARRY, Deputy Attorney General. Tickets Trimmed a Special Price for Fair Weel B. C, Granulated Sugar, 20 1b. sack. Regular 1.60; Fair Week Spe 1.35; 100 1b. sack, Regular 7.50; Fair Week Special 6.60, Coffee, finest blend Mocha and Ji Regular 50c; Fair Week Sr Jal 40c per 1b, or 5 Ib. for 1.90. Coffee, good and strong. Regular 40c; Fair Weeek Special 80 Wb, or 5 Ib. for 1.40. OUR SPECIAL FOR FAIR WEEK: 3 lbs. Challenge Cup Tea (Reg. 50c Ib.) for 1.0 This, Tea is equal, if not better, than any 50c Te on the market. Preserving Peaches (Crawfords) 1.25 per case. Red Rose Baking Powder, Regular 26c: Fair Week Special 2 for or 6 for 1.00. Tomatoes, 3 1b. cans. for 1.00. Corn, 2 Ib. cans. 9 for 1.00. Peas.(Early June) 2 1b, cans. Regular 150; me Wogk id 5c. oF 1.40 per dozen'cans, Greengage Plums, 2 1b. cans, Regular 20; Fats, Week Special 2 or 7 for 1.00. Monk Glass Jelly Powders. Regular 10c; Fair ve Spectal 3 25c., or 90 per dozen. Pegs One pint packet Custard Powder given free with every 8 pach of Jelly Powder. McLaren's Jelly Powders. Regular 10c; Fair Week Special 3 for 2 - or 90 per dozen. 6 glass dishes given free. With, every doa R.C. Soap, Regular 25c; Fair Week Special 2 cartoons for 4 Sunlight and Lifebuoy Soap. Rez. 50;'Fair Week Special 22 for 1 Cooking Apples, large 60 1b. boxes.- Resular 8.00; Fair Weeks Spe 2.50 per case. Bartlett Preserving Pears, 50 1b. case, Regular 53.00; Fair W Spectsl 2.75 per case. rabapples, 50 Tyrease, 2.96 For cnee. Sheriff's Maramlade, 7 Ib. tins. Regular 1.19; Fair Week Specials Spices Pickling Spices, White and Bi Pepper, Cayenne, Pas Spice, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Allspice. Regular 10 ; Bair We Special 3 for 25 . Regular 20c: Fair Week Special 2 for 35 0 i; Regular 12 ; Fair Week Special for i ROBIN HOOD Fi.OUR: Regular Price 3.90; Fair Wesk Special ia pe 98-Ib. sack. Extracts Lemon and Vanilla, 16 oz. bottles. Regular 1.00; F Week Special 75 per bottle. Valencia Raisins. Regular 12 c; Fair Week Special 5 Ibs. for 55c Currants. Regular 12 c; Fair Week Special 5 Ibs for 55e, Evaporated Apricots. Regular 25 per Ib; Fair Week Special 2 1 for 35c., or 4.25 per case of 5 Ibs Evaporated Peaches. Regular 12 per Ib; Fair Week Special 31 for 40c., oF 3.00 per case of 25 Ibs. Prunes. Regular lsc. per Ib; Fair Week Special 3 Ibs. for 35 ., 2.50 per cage of 25 Ibs. Marmalade (Cairns) 7 Ib. tins. Molasses, 10 Ib, cans. Molasses, 3 1b. cans, Regular 25c; Fer Week Special 20c per can. Sardines, Crossed Fish Brend. Regular lic; Fair Week Special cans for 26c., or 1.40 per dozen. Pork und Beans, large 3 Ib. tins. Regular 36 ; 26c per can. H. MORROW PHONE 177. NL RAILWAY 8 Regular 1.00;Fair Week Special 8 Regular 90c: Week Special 75 per can. Fair Week Speci Can You Beat This Section Hileven, Townshij Thirteen, Range Three, for sal at ELEVEN DOLLARS pe: acre. Two dollars per. ger down, balance term of Bigh Years. Interest at five pe: cent. Mvst be sold withir thirty days. Write owner, ; A. Jochem, Milk River, Alta 4t-rot, a 9 Taxi Taxi ALBERTA TAXI COMPAN All Orders Promptly Attended to. New Cars, Careful Drive: TOURING CARS FOR HIRE. Phone 666 Day, 211 Night; , EEE Taxi Filly or gelding, (wo years: D. Cargill, Brood mrac, foal by her side: 1, Cole; 2, Coie; 3. Cole. Foal: 1, Cole; 2, Coles 3, Cole Special, by OI Thay, a cham- pionship- suitably engraved for best Aug, 16-3WFr. Ze News Want Ads. Pay. Try E
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Image 388 (1912-08-30), from microfilm reel 388, (CU1772624). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.