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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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i EAT. LE: eo MSD RBs Fortunately your overals don't often run wp agaist a test ike the above, tut DON'T FORGET (Gat the sar goalties which wu stand this strain wil withotand the wear end tear of your Gay's work. Think what these things mean to you Your LEATHER LABEL OVER-HAULS wil bang teres ott te fic Nera They cont moe per garment but LESS per yea. Bape C.P.R. Men s Stere South Railway Street Fair Week ? Tor. Ottawa St. AT THE and Third Ave. Fair Store ? Phone 1 LEONARD FLANAGAN, PROPS. Up-le-Dale Groceries, Dry Goods, Ladies Wear, lc. A 5.00 Special During Fair Week WE ARE MAKING A SPECIAL OFFER THIS WEEK OF THE, FOLLOWING GOODS: 5 Ib, tins of Baking Powder, regular price 20 Ib, sack of Sugar, regular price .. 6 cans of Tomatoes, Moose brand, regular price 1 Ib. Coffee Beans, Empress , regular price. 10 Ibs, Ed, Table Syrup, regular price 3 Ibs. Blue Ribbon Tea. reealer aeien: THIS WEEK 5. 2 CASH We want yor-all-to try this Special. We guarantee all our goods. Money back if not satisfactory. GOODS SENT C, 0. D. LEONARD FLANAGAN. The Phenomenal Reputation OF THE 2 Gourlay Piano IS DUE ENTIRELY TO THE CHARACTER OF THE GOURLAY PIANO AS AT PRE- SENT MANUFACTURED. It does not rest upon the work.of an earlier genera- tion or depend upon the character of instruments made twenty-five or more years ago. THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIG 60 South Railway St. Under the Big Fiddle. Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work ealled for and delivered. PHONE 486, EACH MEAL A PLEASURE vere Mother s Bread LOOK FOR THE LABEL. Traveling to and From Fair If the automobile owners who ran passengers out (o the fair got off without paying-a special Heence most jof them had to donate a little to the eity coffers for exceeding the speed limit yesterday at the police court this morning, Every charge costs, Names are P. one and pleaded guilty to the all were fined 2 and Smith, Drake, Burns, 30 Auto Drivers Fined for Speeding AT DATL They Broke Speed Law Magistrate Imposed Fine of 2 and Costs on Each. W, B. Finlay, Penhill, M. Evans, Fillls, Ausley, Bryson, nr, La ser, Junr., Le Smith, Col ter, Porter, Bentley Pingle, H. Bell, Samis, Miteh- Smyth, Becker, Cocking, Ells ell, Preston, Thurn, 0F Finlay and Hollis Get Your coupon now for two Xmas Photos at our booth at the Fair Milne s Portrait Studio. 42-2 Were Returning From Fair Grounds When Wheels Skidded. Several people two of whom were ladies had an almost miraculons es- cape in an automobile mixup which occurred yesterday on the road from the fair. grounds. It appears that the car, which was driven by aman Auto Turned Turtle After Striking Pole named Thurn of Walsh, skidded, ow- ing to the skippery nature of the roads, and struck telephone pole. The impact caused the car to turn turtle, but the passengers were all thrown clear out before it turned over. The driver was badly bruised on the face and body, but beyond a severe shook, none of the passengers were hurt, The car is damaged al- most beyond repai Boyer the Sights of the Spoiled it All. Excuse. me This is my wife. sala half breed named Boyer to W. G. Lynch,who was showing Mrs Boyer around town, and just proceed- ing into the entertainment on the river bank to show her the hypnotist and dancing girls, etc- an Wednesday night, Lyneh disputed ownership, and on Boyer insisting on taking his better half away, shoved him away, and the resulting fracas culminated in police court proceedings this,,morn- ing. It all seems like a dream to me, sald Lynch, gazing at Mrs, Bayer, who, to express the matter mildly, cannot Iay claim to any ravishing beauty. I can hardly think, your worship that I wanted to, escort. this lady. Mrs. Boyer caused much amuse- ment in the court. She spoke good English, but insisted that she could not understand the magistrate Is Bayer your husband? queried the magistrate. Witness Uh wl Say yes or no. Iam bis wife. REAL ESTATE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 3-4, 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr., terms. * *--- RIVERSIDE * Block 13, Lots 11-16, 735 a pr. , terms. Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a pr., terms. HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr., terms. Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms. Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lote 39-49, 750 a pr. terms. CENTRAL PARK Block 29, Lots 1-2, 735. Terms Bik. 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. Block 27, Lots 31-32, 575, terms. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lot 32, 525, cash. Block 21, Lots 29-80, 1100 si Gal 6. Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance, 410 Main- St. P. 0. Box 816, Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion. Fully modern. Apply to W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. TASSIE BROS. Phone 800. ONE MAN HAD ANOTHER MAN'S WIFE---ROW ENSUED Mr. Lynch Was Doing the Handsome, Showing Mrs. Town, When Her Hubbie We'll presume that he is your hus- band then. Mrs. Bayer ithen gave evidence of Lynch escorting her around town and stated they were going into the show her. husband came on the scene ,and after some words Lynch struck him on the face. Lynch did not care to. go in the wit- ness box, but stated that he did not remember much about. the occurr- ence, He may have showed fight 7 Mr. Kealy remarked that Bayer had a perfect right to object to Lynch es- corting his wife around, if he wished to do so, Ss He bound Lynch over to keep the peace. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Mr, W. A. Buchanan, M. P. has-been in the city for the last couple of days as the guest of-Mr.A. JN. Terrill. He was here for the purpose of attend- ing the Fall Fatr. Misses Jessie and Margaret Mitch- ell left for Calgary at noon today to attend the Stampede, The music pupils of Mrs. Crisall, L. R. A. M, will commence lessons, fall term, on September 2nd. 40-6t Mrs. Gurgeson and her daughter Kathelean are spending a few with her sister, Mrs. Thomas ue Kay, Main street. The music pupils of Mrs. Crisall will commence lessons, fall term, on September 2nd. 40-6t KARKLIN-McFARLAND On Wednesday evening, Aug. 28th, quiet wedding took place in the Presbyterian church, The contract- ing parties. were Essie Myrtle McFar- land, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McFarland, El*water, Alta., and Wil- liam Charles Karklin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. M. Karklin, also of Elkweter.. Ths bride was given away by her uncle, George Karklin. Only the immediate relatives of the bride and groom were present, After the ceremony the wedding. party repaired to the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Kalwin, where a dainty supper was served. -The young couple will reside at Elkwater. Fall Millinery Opening Saturday, August 31. L. J. McLEAY, Imperial Bank Block Basement. Kaiser s Old Timer 10e Cigar. TODAY S MARKETS. Winnipeg, Aug: 30. The option market opened unchanged and flunctuations were within very nar - row limits, It is evident that the market is waiting for weather de- velopments and that general confit: ence in the crop situat is un- changed, as there was a decided weakness at the close. There was a good export demand and some buying for October deliv ery in this line. (Cash oats are in demand and some buying, while oat options were a little stiff, Fla prices also showed slight advance. Receipts are still small, although a little larger than yesterday. They consisted of 61 cars inspected and 65 in sight. Chicago;-Aug.30. Prices slipped downward as a result of free realiz- consequence of predicted t of the winter wheat. The and 3-4 net lower for 1-4 cents. Dec. at 94 Winnipeg, Aug. ened 93 1 98 3-4; May 95 1-4, 94 1 33 Oct. flax 161, 163, Cash Prices No. 1 Nor, 105; 2 Nor. 103 98; 4 Nor. 87; 5 Nor. 74 6 Nor. 64 1-4; feed 6 Oats, No. 2 OW 48; No. 3 CW 41 1-2; extra No, 1 feed 42 1-2; No. 1 feed 411-2; No. 2) feed 37. Barley No, 3, 45 1- Flax, No. 1 N.W. 155; No. 1 Man. 170; rejected 160; condemned 1 Minneapolis, Aug. 30 Sept. wheat Opened 91 7-8, closed 91 3-8; Dec. 93, 92 8-8; May 97 1. Chicago, Aug. 2,47 1-2, Sept. wheat op- ened 94 7-8, 93 5 Dec. 95 1-4, 94 1-4; May 98 5-8, 98 1-8. Liverpool, Aug. 30. Closing wheat: Spot steady; No. 1 Manitoba 6s. 7d; No. 2 Manitoba 8s 43d; No. 3 Mani- toba 8s. 33d; futures firm. October Ts. 644; December 7s. 54d. Chicago, Aug. . 30. Fear that threshing in the northwest would be delayed a week on account of rains caused strength to develop in wheat for a while, however, the markets suffered from a surprising lack of buying orders. It was apparent that many traders were looking for a re- action from the recent continued ad- vance especially as immediate arriv- als at Minneapolis were large. The opening varied from off to 3 and 3. December started at 95 to 954 cents, a gain of a shade to 7 and fell to 948 and then rose to.954 and 8. Absence of export demand kept oats relatively weak, Sept. started a shade lower at 483 cents to 323 and amd.Jater recovered to 333 cents. FIGURE BUE TG CORSET Oh, butt you have ure, you have no need of physical culture, said one woman to another as..they sat chatting over their af- ternoon tea. That's all you know about it, was the answer. I think .T have more troulle than any gther woman with-my appearance, but since I made the discovery that a well-fit ting corset was the first requisite, it has been an easy matter to and look well. Whose make of corset do you weart was the enquiry. Why, The Spirella, and every one who has worn them has recom- mended them as the best they have ever had. Doctors and nurses who are supposed to frown at corsets speak favorably of them, One's measurements are taken and one does not have to submit to wearing a corset fitted to anyone else's figure. Besides, they allow perfect freedom of movement while producing the ele- gance of figure attained in correct corseting. Another great advantage is im the fact that they are the lightest high grade corset manufae- tured and do not burden one as most ordered stays do. Then they can be laundered, too, for they are guaranteed not to break or rust. T did not know that you could buy them in this city. I have seen them advertised in all the leading magazines. Mrs. Matthews, Room 1, Pingle Block, represents the Spirella firm a splendid fig- REALTY REVIEW Many a thing that cannot be done has been done. You can make money in Medicine Hat Real Estate, even if you think you cant. The Rich Man of 1913 Will- be 1912 s Investor 2 lots, Block 20, Cousins and Sissons, 500 pat, 20 lots, Block 12, Central Park, 900 p: 20 lots, Block 14, Cousins and Sissons, 560 pair. Good Bullding Lots, Block 20, Herald, 8800 pair. WE REPRESENT: The Mercantile Fire Insurance Co. Tho Occidental Fire Insurance Co. The American Central Fire Insurance Co. The Great West Life Assurance Co.; Also the Loan Department of the Great West Life As- surance Co. Ocean Steamship Tickets all Lines. PERRY, SEWELL PERRY Hutchinson Block, Toronto St., Medicine Hat, Alta. IN BASEBALL PARK OPEN AIR DANCING Under the auspices of the Labor Day Sports Committee. On large platform, lighted by electricity. Rygg s Union Orchestra consisting of four pieces,Piano, Violin, Cornet and Drum Come and get in form for the Prize Waltz on Labor Day. REFRESHMENTS. Phone 105 McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is ona Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the same excellent quality. Try it once and you will eat no-other. F. B. McKINNON, President. J. B, RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEW in Medicine Hat and may be found there any day from 2 to 5p.m., or at residence 7 School Avenue, op- posite High School, in the evenings. She will call at your home if you phone the office, Go. 594, or resi- dence, No. 699, or drop aposteard to P. O. Box 72. She has taken her * training as a corsetiere and mows her business well. You shoul get a pair from her and you would never wear any other kind again. ous city of the West. in the world. Seize the opportunity in Real Estate. time. ROOME 1-2-3, PHONE 790, Now Is Your Opportunity INVEST IN MEDICINE HAT The live prosper- Industries are pouring in. will soon rank with the largest cities of Canada. Procrastination is the thie WRIGHT DAY OVER Has the largest gas field It for profitable investments f of ASSINTBOIA MUSIC STORE. We Offer For Sale Only High-grade Footwear Here are two lines that will appeal to those who wear dressy Shoes: LADIES . TAN. BUTTON Fine.. light z weight Shoe, single sole. price 5.00. LADIES TAN BLUCHER Of medium weight calfs strong double sole. A splendid slioe for Featlwear, .... Price 5.00 SEE OUR NEW FALL SHOES. H: W. Ireiand Co. Main Street. Prisinelelntefnfetnfnbeinlnlnlntnlatetentntntatatatetatatiter, Phone 54. ssarearreiosenyasansianans lin ae MAIN ST. LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS Present Dally Ave: Advertisers in Dail of the Weekly co No extra charge. E vertisers, VOL. 3 NO. 100 Engine and Fix None of th None Kille London, Aug. 31 er, which left Detr this morning, was west of Chatham. ' than 100 passengers Juries of those wh slight, Tho engine a overturned. It is said the ace the action of a wat Neving that another proaching, and a co threw the derail to serious consequence. MUNIATUR Wl He Shot Several, a1 Had Barricade of Them Are De Berne, Switzerlam frenzied Swiss soldier evening and transfor town of ;Romanskorn stance into-a minat strewn with dead ai soldier is a native o is named Schwartz. fit..of madness he apd shot everyone the window of his ho and wounding six met utes. He then barric ANCIENT FRE QUEBEC F MAKING Say That They Have of Land Which is WILL CARRY MATT TO HAG Will Ask States to S Case Proceeds: the Matter, (W. A P. Dis Montreal Que,, Aug. scendents of the Fre the noblemen who wer of the land in Quebec the French regim pr: who represented the in several ancient trea of the cession of Cai Britain, have met here to demand that their arbitrated before the al, They claim that despoiled of their lan vinee which they shou by virtue of the treat and that their claims argued before British Tepresent the crown only some internation arbitration is compete them. Their latest m up a memorial to th State of the United Sta his government insist be dealt with at the Hi arbitration is permit ama Canal case as th date those of the Brit tn the Panama Canal We have good buys the city, Let us shov Hollinger Agency. EEE EEE + + AN ADDED ATTRA The Labor Sports Cor have added Jeng list for Day. Corbe Corliss, who t Y, and mil pionship of G ain, will apy the Canadian also giving feature rac eluding a tag Oke obs ke ke he ode ode fe oD fe of ake ode obs obs fe obs ofp FREE Bh
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Image 393 (1912-08-30), from microfilm reel 393, (CU1772625). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.