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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Seateate-atete-etedteate toate efoste-efen Ste A Seepeteatete eceetonteatecateegeteate STILL ANOTHER FACTORY REDCLIF THH WALLOFF MOTOR CO, of Minneapolis, will start buildii immediately. Building to be completed in six weeks. The Redc EMMETT CD.. ontral Park Lota 47 to 60. - Price pair, Terma, Lote 47 and 48. Price Terma, Lota 1 to 4. Price air. Tterma, Herald 100 feet, for 1900, ns and Sissons Tota 1 to 20, Price Altawana Lots 3 to 21. Price Terms, Riverside Blocks 6 and 7 for Terma, nto St. Snap Lot 12, Priee 11,- plant will Be known as the Redelitt Motor Co., Limited and start ai with '75 men, which will be largely: increased in a short space time. This. means money to the wide-awake investor. recommend sour customers, ranted in all parte of. ennett Co. to St. Phone 265. Three Factories Secured in One Week and More to Follow. ; REDCLIFF IS RAPIDLY BECOMING A BIG MANUFACTURING CENTRE AND POPULATION IS POURIXN + IN. IMPO RTANT RAILWAY ANNOUNCEMENT SOON TO BE MADE. LANDRY Redcliff now has industries and their pay roll is as follows: ee Redcliff Brickand Coal Co. 150; fey Roll 12, 500 Redeliff Realty Co. 6; Pay Roll 900 as shes am Redcliff Clay Products Co. 70; Pay Roll 5,000 Redecliff ie Company - 10; Pay Roll 800 nin High School ock 25; one on Ot- finished, Block 837 ighland St, finished, ral good lots on an build a house ac- your own design, ary plans supplied AlbertaQegeaaatel TronCo. 65; my Roll 5,000 Stores, Bank, fins ard ete. 12; Pay Roll 1, 0 Redcliff Mill ElevatorCo. 9; Pay Roll 800 McLean MeLachlan 15; bay Roll. 1, ant a (CONTRACTORS) for your alterations Hk of any kind, Will ompt attention. FACTORIES TO BE BUILT AT ONCE ARE: ; . THE DIAMOND FLINT GLASS CO., OF TORONTO, LARGEST GLASS FACTORY IN THE WEST. H. MUNDERLOH COMPANY, OF MONTREAL, LARGEST WINDOW GLASS FACTORY IN CANADA. WALLOFF MOTOR COMPANY, LIMITED, CANADIAN FACTORY FOR WEST. e ee oe . Tay : ansfe r 3 THESE THREE NEW CONCERNS WILL EMPLOY FROM 500 TO 1,000 MEN. Heavy Draying. Now is THE INVESTORS OPPORTUNITY TO GET IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR, BEFORE PRICES BEGIN TO SOAR. THINK WHAT THESE NEWF. EW FACO fae Pass tan TO REDCLIFF S FUTURE AND THEN BUY ALI, THE REDCLIFF PROPERTY YOU CAN HANDLE. lity. ACOTRIES WiLL WILL MEAN Delirerea, CAWKER Toronto Street, Medicine Hat hecesecectetesteateatesietectonteatentetoatpafentecdeceteatentectectedeatenteet sesseseesceesecvecereeeeoteess cose epee eee tooooeseroopenmeeoteceoetores eee eers tee sees sys mame Ooo oeo eee SSS SS ee UPTON SINCLAIR HAD five cent thrillers, he moved to the Soclalist novelist to write a novell completed the work coimenced in HARD: HLL 10 CLIMB; out of thirty-four as busy years as thereabouts to write a series of thril- his abode with his young wife. In the portunity, and after several monthe reality. Today: the red-shirted Garl- ere ever spent by a man of letters. ling boys stories for a nickel brary. primevel wilderness thelr first child in Chicago, where he-tived as- sic yiela HAS BIRTHDAY TODAY Teteees was the birthplace of the These yarns dealt mainly with army was born. Mr. Sinclair continued man in tho stock yards and packing through the streets of the Sterna author of The Jungle. Upton B, and navy life, and what Upton didn t/his Mterary work, writing The house district, he wrote The City, and Socialists and free thinkers a aa Talia. wny Other 2nd Priscilla Hardon Sinclair were know about the army and navy was Journal of Arthur Sterling, which Jungle. First published as a serial will assemble around the statue of Sci nes is 4 Today. The man who upset the world s unita. Both Chureh State de- his parents, and Sept. 20, 1878, the more tha made up for by the thrills/ was published anonymously and was lin the Socialist paper, this story was Glordano Bruno that they have erec- plore the situation, be om i date of his arrival in this capitalistic he managed to inject into his tales. fairly successful. Prince Hagen later brought out in book form. Im- tum-tum by his exposure of alleged the machinery is conditions at the Chicago stockyards; ted in the very face of the Vatican. equally powerless to world. Upton secured his higher) Writing nickel novels was easy for 4nd Manassas followed, but brought mediately Upton Sinclair attained in- Thus will be brought to the fore- education at the College of the City Upton, and left him a lot of time for no aur financial braid rd ternational fame and a considerable front the problem for which there is iat money can buy, t fasting 1a 0f New York, where he graduated as thought. Thus it came about that he couple lived from hand to mouth unti fortune, and all his subtequent books no apparent solution the conflict be- help employed. 3 z Fee eth at is isd an A. B, in 1897, and at Columbia soured his occupation, gave up his 1906. have been very successful, although tween the King of Italy and Govern- ONE NO. 8. the human body, and Socialism the University where he served four comfortable job, and devoted himself Mr. Sinclair had in the meantime none have equalled the tale which led ment of Italy and the Homan Pontiff. tronage solicited. cure for the numerous ailments, that Years doing graduate work. He was to real literature. His first novel, become an ardent Socialist, and had to a Government investigation and The King must rule in his capital, drivers will cail for afflict the body politic; the man still undergoing the educational pro- Springtime and Harvest, whitten in become known to the editor of a many reforms in the meat packing the Pope cannot be subject to tem- turn the. goods, whose wife deserted him for a tramp cess when he met and fell in love 1901, created no tremendous demand, Socialist paper in Girard, Kan. The busiess, zens se the Stoner Agency About it; who but you know who I mean When he left college Upton decided renunciation of teiuporal power Upton Sinclair, novelist and reform- upon a literary career, and was en- wilds of darkest Jorsey, built a hut sbout the conditions prevailing there. 1648 by Garibaldi and Mazzin Italy's the Pontiff ta out of the er, is today celebrating the rounding gaged at a hundred dollars a week or with his own hands, and there took up/Upton Sinclair was offered the op- dream of a capital at Rome became a id sanitary in every The man goes an old farmer in the A small want ad in The Daily Se eee poet, on the ground that he Was an With Meta Fuller, of whom more and soon Upton found himself out of latter had invectigated the Chicago Faithful to her husband in his days Classified Column will: bring essential monogamist ; the man/ anon. funds. Rather than go back to the stock yards, and wanted some able of adversity, success turned the head Se Mover of Mrs. Sinclair, and last year she 5 ra left him to become the free com- ) FOR SALE rade of Harry Kemp, a Kansas poet. sAvAriNG a coco aie Balletin of Bargains. ete eons, WAT : estes fae ISSUED BY LAIT Wh ar Ne wae oe aunt aioe THE HOUSEMEN Mr, Sinclair is the author of several advocate of the fasting method of Real Bargains in close-in stuff. Get in now while NTREAL STREET curing disease. ees eth the prices are low and take advantage of hone 260. LO T ES the future advances. Celebrating the BAVERRIDE 50 ft, in Block 7, facing 2nd Ave., 750, one-third cash, 6 and 12 mos. Capture of Rome 60 i aiock 1, facing 2nd Ave, 850, one-third cash, and 12 mos, 100 ft. in Block 20 facing 4th Ave. 1600, one-third cash, 6 and 12 mos. Made to your individual measure, from any of the Hundreds of Samples we show. 42 Years Ago the Eternal Clty Be- lots in Block 19,............5... 735, one-third cash, 6 and 12 mos. ; YES our clothes are ready to wear and also ame the Capital of Taly. aang ? MEDICINE HAT Soldiers, that which I have to offer y ps Sas yu is . iS vid, Block in Bendta; 200 rw lot... .. Good terms. aia eee made te measurs Which ever way you prefer. ae ee tees eS oe cage Ro a - it all 1 fe sd hes, charge ey at Melba Sagas Suits or Overcoats equally well made as our stock garments, but peck sign SERS deel el HERALD. the office of the City y be inspected at any office hours, Revision will be hela November 4th, 1912, at m., and all applications nts to said Voters List on or before October Garibaldi, that grizzled soldier of 50 ft. in Block 17, . one-third cash, 6 aud 12 mos. Snap. iberty, addressing his men before St. 2 pair in Block . 1. 760, one-third cash, 6 and 12 mos Poter s.. His was an irressistible ap peal, more powerful to hold bis fol- f . CENTRAL PARK lowers than promise of-loot and-trea 59 f-corner Sie ss, chird oda, 6 aR sure, It was this spirit that cement- net ne. ed warring states into a united taly, REDCLIFF this spirit that resulted in the cap- ture of Rome 42 years ago to- cut to your own liking and having the little details you fancy, form part of the making. If in doubt as to our ability to give you what you require in ready to wear clothes, let us demonstrate to No cost for trial unless abso you through our Special Order Department. hhiveemt saithcncr 150 ft. In Block 76 on Broadway, H. BAKER. cS day, whereby the Eternal City. became OUR SPECIAL HOUSE SNAP TOD City Clerk. 2 the capital of a great and united z 912. 57-6 HION- RAFT, nation. Fully modern 5, room Bungalow in Block 20, 3400. 1 Today Italy celebrates the anniver- ance arranged. Shops sary of that Sept. 20, 1872, when the Italian troops stormed Porta Pia and LIST YOUR HOUSES WITH UB. entered Rome amid the enthusiastic acclamations of the people. It Is this anniversary that is the national holiday of Italy, and it will be cele- brated today wherever the sons of tlett. B.A.Sc cipal Engineer, Alberta Land Surveyor s Spur Railways, es, Sewage, irrigation, Plans, Ete. vi i iperlal Bank Building, Phone 426 BARKER PATTEN ys MEDICINE HAT. that sunny land have settled. The entrance into Rome In 1870
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Image 508 (1912-09-20), from microfilm reel 508, (CU1772627). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.