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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Corsets The two well-known high- grade Corse THE ROY- AL WORCESTER and The BON-TON are just to hand in again and are shown some new models for this coming season. Prices from 1.00 to 6.50. Always 10 per cent. less for cash. The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers va AOLLINGER AGENCY + A Good Buy is Good Business GET BUSY TOWNSITE HERALD. Block 85, 50 ft., 1250, terms. Block 3, 62 ft, 1050, terms. Block 85, 100 ft. corner, 3100. Block 3, 50 ft. corner, 1050, Block 86, 100 ft. corner, 4000, terms. COUSINS AND SISSONS SEMI-BUSINESS Block 2, 50 ft, 800, terms. (On Toronto St) 2 Block 5, 50 ft, 700, terms. Block 51, 100 ft. corner, at only SOUTH YUILL PHONE 433 384 MAIN ST ST 100 per . foot. Compare Block T, 50 ft, 1050, terms. prices and you will find this Block 11, 50 ft, 1250, terms. REAL SNAP. CENTRAL PARK NORTH XUILL Block 5, 50 ft, 1150, terms. Block 9, 50 ft, 900, terms. Block 13, 50 ft, 1050, terms. Block 7, 50 ft. corner, 1050. Block 3, 50 ft, 1350, terms, These prices will never be any lower but will soon be a heap higher. Who is going to make the heap? You or the other fellow? NOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite IL, in the Im- perial Bank Building. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS: anufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork . 5 Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. : DPipeetedosirocdontnetontectonte, lt;tpeserteesesieetontecteatoetodioetoaty Poeeeeresrtreteetenteatocsorteeteste syeetoase ete eteteete ete etocteaeehetn ROYAL BANK: eee 1869.) 2 Total Assets'..... ...,---- +--+. ++ 115,000,000 ee ad Soot iM nie eevee Special Attention Given to SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCH 4 rourth Avenue. C,H. McDunnough, ee Skeetosteddodeodecestesieceag gt; Soeooeseeosees SPOS or eeeeniny POPE EE Ee Imperial Bank of Canada ? Capital Paid Up . 6,460,000 Reserve 6,460,000 A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TEANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALI, BRANCHES. B. . WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Soeteetoeat Coats eel THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1s 4, 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Paid Up, 86,000,000. Total Assets (Nor. 20th. 1911) over 81,000,000. A general Banking Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts, W. 0. JOY, Manager: ; 0: Medicine Hat Branch j Published by th Medicine Hat News Co, Lid, every GER SERVICE. June 2nd, 1912. Imp, Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. Vancouver Exp. Toronto to Van. Toronto Exp., Vancouver to Tor. St. Paul-Seattle Express. Seattle-St. Paul Express. Prairle Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. Prairle Exp.. Calgary to Winnipeg Express from Kootenay Landing. Local from Cranbrook Locai from Calgary. Local for Cranbrook, Express for Kootenay Landing. Local for Calgary. Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Py Sod, Ltd, Port.-St. Paul 2.30 9.40 2.40 9.50 Dunmore shown. Medicine Nat News lavtul evening at its office, Main Stree. Wedicine Hat, Alta. A. J. N. TERRILL, E teor, PUONE: HONE: Editorial, Advertising Reportoriul, and a Circulation and News Dept Job Depts. 13 RING RING'2. 1 Q DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 1 yaa, delivered.:..84.90 1 year by mall... 6 months, dslivered. 300 6 months, ty mait.. months, delivered.. 1/00 3 months, by mai). 1 month, deliv ted....35 - 3.00 1.50 ++ 760 ld ad resser at ba given. WEENLY NEWS. Published every Thursday In sixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the news of the week, local and district. 6 months, In advance To 3 months, in advance. .50e year in advance.... 1.50 Saturday, September 7th, 1912. DECORATE FOR THE DUKE ARRANGEMENTS are fairly well under way for the reception of Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Con- naught in Medicine Hat. It must be borne in mind, however, that, while the Commit- tee, backed by the Council, can prepare al certain portion of the program, yet it is . largely up to the citizens themselves to give the Vice-Regal party a good impres- sion of Medicine Hat. The route which the procession will take in escorting the distinguished guests from their train to the new school, where the corner-stone is to be laid, will shortly be announced, and every) householder whose property is passed) should make an attempt to decorate to some extent. All of the business section of the city will, of course, don festive garb for the occasion, and it is to be hoped that the res- idential portion viewed by the: party: will do likewise. Orders for flags and bunting should be placed immediatelyrorder that there may be no disappointments. It must be temem- bered that the merchants can hardly -be ex- pected to carry extremely heavy stocks of this material, and an opportunity should be given them to secure the extra supply which may be required. 0 APPLIED CHRISTIANITY. UNDOUBTEDLY the greatest strength of the Salvation Army has lain in the rescue work, and .in its practical helpful- ness to the unfortunate of every kind. It has been able to bring to the masses of the people the magnetism of the personal touch; and with the machinery at its com- mand to accomplish much which other re- ligious denominations have scarcely been able to attempt. A few figures as to its strength and its work will be of interest at this time: Corps and outposts. . 8,972 Officers, cadets and employes 21,203 Local officers . 593270 Bandsmen .... 22,916 Services held annualls 000,000 Weekly attendance at same . 000,000 Persons annually eonfessing conv- GTSION .. Sepsis ere oan Countries and colonies operated Weekly and monthly periodicals Languages in which printed. Circulation per issue. .. Ex-criminals homes Rescue homes .. Slum posts Food and shelter depots i Labor bureaus .. Labor factories . Farm colonies ... Children s homes . Total social institution: and women Officers and others ployed m same Accommodation in same .... 33,502 Poor persons daily assisted . 21,000 Figures at best can afford but an inade- quate idea of the Army s achievements, but those above given are sufficient to show why the Salvation Army has been so 959. entirely em 2,611 pofter co-operate State in philanthropic and immigration work, 0: LIGHT and HEAVY ie DRAYING 864 ' Toronto Street. A COUPLE of weeks of just such weather as we experienced yesterday will spell wealth in big letters for the farmers id 12 do not come into Medicine Hat, Passing ; Addressex changed as often as desired, but bota nsw and THE situation in Moroeco is each day be eoming more serious The French ment has decided to avoid any fur- ing about of forces over long ind General Lyautey is to keep roops well in hand during the present fanatical outburst of Moorish tribes. It is predicted by competent military expert the an additional reinforcement of 60,000 Gov ther dis his meu will be required within the next five mienths. ee sigh TUE time is about ripe for Ald. Johnston n urge the Couneil to get busy and have the police take a census. When he broached the sub; felt that new residents we pidly that it would be wiser to wait for more tled conditions. In another month, however, conditions should be ripe for the census-taking, and even pessimists expect the returns to very nearly approach the five-figure mark. 0- THE wintry weather in England of the past ten days has proved disastrous to crops, many being ruined and others great- ly damaged. Some districts have been ex- ceptionally favored by the weather, and have been able to keep up the harvesting, but even in these the quality of the crops has been affected adversely. coming 0. eal gt; THREE addresses will be r ad at Leth- bridge .to the Duke of Connaught (poor man). The City, the Board of Edu- eation and the Overseas Club haye each an- nounced their intention of paying their res- pects in this manner. ey IT is to be hoped that, with the installation of the new water system, a set of regu- lations for lawn services will be announced which will allow the use of the water for the full twenty-four hours. o - IT seems a pity that the Vice-Regal party could not be induced to spend an even- ing in Medicine Hat, as the blowing off of a well is a singular ly effective way of dem- onstrating the power of the natural gas. Be eg a SIR THOMAS SHAUGHNESSY has left Montreal for a trip over the C. P. R. system. O, what a difference a few months jmake 1 te we ge ee 4 IN certain of the school rooms in Leth- bridge, the pupils are relieved of home preparation. That listens like good sense. : See THIS DATE IN HISTORY. September 7. 1781 Lafayette prevented the retreat tof Cornwallis into North Carolina. 1828 Earl of Dalhousie completed his term of office as Governor-General of Oan- ada. 1831 Warsaw captured by the Russians. 1856 Alexander IL. of Russia crowned at Moscow. 1886 Compulsory abdication of Prince Alexander of Bulgaria. 1892 John Greenleaf Whittier, famous poet, died at Hampton Falls, N. H. Born at East Haverhill, Mass., Dee. 17, 1807. September 8. 1760 General Jeffrey Amherst assumed office as Governor of Canada. 1781 Americans under General Greene and British under Col. Stewart en- gaged in the battle of Eutaw Springs, one of the most sanguinary battles of the war. : 1853 Religious liberty adopted in Holland: 1855 Russians retired from Sebastopol, and Allies entered the city. 1860 Steamer Lady Elgin sunk in colli- sion with the schooner Augustas on Lake Michigan, with loss of 287 Z lives. WOODS OO OOOO OLEDOOD . E. M. CAWKER, THIS IS MY 49th BIRYHDAY. Phm. B. Bishop Anderson. z ; Fare si Rt. Rev. Charels P. Anderson, Episcopal s lea Bishop of Chieago, is a Canadian by birth, eae, aes ae having been born in Kemptonville, Ont., some months ago, INVEST WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corner, bik 23, lots 1-2-8, 1500 Terms, Corner, blk 24, lots 37 to 40, 1650. Terms. Bik 29, lots 1-2, 900, Terms. BIk 26, lots 7-8, 850, Terms. ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100 ft, bik 8, 4000. Terms. 183 ft, bik 6, 4200 Terms, 50 feet on Main St, two bidcks from rallroad, 7500. Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Railway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex and Nor. Yuill for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the city. Donald Currie -Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. / and bring forth your Fall and Winter garments from their Summer resting place in the moth proof chest. Send them around to us and have them cleaned and pressed and put in apple pie order. Soon the Aut- umn winds will be reminding you that it is overcoat time and that Winter will soon be here. We will make your clothing look equal to new, 80 much so that you will not need to order a Winter suit. THE GLOBE CLEAN. ING ,.PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Aye, J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St Phone 626. Houses for sale, One under construction in High .. Schoot Annex, Block 25; one on Ot- tawa St, finished, Block 83; One on Highland St, finished. Have several good lots. on which I can build a house ac- cording to your own design. Preliminary plans supplied Tree. See me for your alterations or job work of any kind. Will give it prompt attention. Box 881. ibbitekbekbeehirrik R. B. Taylor s: Transfer Light and Heary Draying. Rrompt Attention to ail orders, Plano Moving with Plano Van a Speelality, / Parcels Delirerea. *PHONE NO, 349, i of Physicians Pre- scriptions a specialty, with the CONG RA Sept. 8, 1863. He received his early edu- cation in Port Hope, Ont., and was gradu- ated from Trinity University in Toronto with the degree of D. D. in 1800. Later he attended the Western Theological Semin- ary in Chicago. In 1887 Dr. Anderson ws created a deacon of the Episcopal Chureh and the following year he became a priest. He occupied a pulpit in Beachburg, Ont., from 1888 to 1891, and then was called to Oak Park, Ill., where he remained until created Bishop of Chicago twelve years ago. See Qe 204 South Rv. Laundry Modern and sanitary a All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8, Mrs. Russell Sage, noted philanthropist, 84 years old today. Jan Kubelik, the Bohemian violinist, 32 years old today. ; Frederic Mistrah the, ench author and of the West. poet, 82 years old toda; Phone 75. Steam. respect and the machinery is the best that money can buy. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods. Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Avenue opposite Bim New Wall Paper -Estimates fully ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156, every nings) cheer i When you build, con ider QUALITY first, Don't be por- led to buy CHEAP LUM- because t's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Bullder requires, A select stock o LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We lave the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL LOW POSTS BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE B. 0. BOX 23. PHONE 57 FORMALINE FOR SMUT .- Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : i H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURE WITH you BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall CROSSLEY BRO: Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 P.O. Box 304, Estimates Free. Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONE NO. 368, 402 723 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming, Sand, Coal Grave) Excavating a Speclalty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at 2 eh ER ee F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Yuill Street. P. 0. Box 81. T. F. Reynolds PAINTER, ETC. Latest samples in Wall Paper. 120 Eighth Ave. Phone 690, City Heavy LIGHT A FRE PHONE Astracted DUNNE 6 Miles 2 P At the 1,000 250 mar weighing fr pounds. TI tered Clyde will be sok 100 dry x to 1600 anc 100 3 yea good saddle 90 2 year 115 2 yes 90 yearli 90 yearlix 50 saddle in car load 7 register Hons, 4 high gr lions, 1 register Wednesday Comm Absolute cash. These hor inspected by tation in sa eeptionally with the ab: We would public that be sold wit Further 1 ed upon ap MEDICINE Horse Rear 12 Dre Beg to annc pleted arrai the busines General Fe double outf sale or hire The Comp tlons of exy automobile. Enquiries Ba Dominion at Indust Water Supy Room 14, Medicine Ha
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Image 427 (1912-09-07), from microfilm reel 427, (CU1772610). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.