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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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The Glasgow House Ribbons Another -Lot of Our Special Ribbon- All Shades. a Only 15c. New Fancy Ribbons The Very Latest,in Plaids, Stripes and Figured, Prices 3O0c, 35c, 50c. SEE THESE, VALUE TELLS. The House of Fashionable Dressers . 50s Sear eeeeen Godedtoagetosioniecteeioateatectedge IN SIX WEEKS? we shall haye ten 7-roomed houses finished and Y Seated MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS, DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES month, delivered....850 Old ad resser ret be given. WEEKLY NEWS. Publishec every Thursday tn sixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the aews of the week. local and district. 6 months, tn advance 75. 3 months, in advance. .50e 50 pril 27th, 1912. HOW ABOUT OUR FUTURE? Ts COUNCIL has not yet taken the steps ineidental to the appointment of a town-planning commission, althougl it is understood that Mayor Spencer is giv- ing the matter his serious consideration. As The News has pointed out before, it is not the mission of such a body to usurp the funetions of the council, but rather-to re- lieve the Mayor and Aldermen of those por- tions of their multifarious duties whicl have not a direct bearing on the present needs of the municipality, but still are of to consideration. Take, for instance, the question of paving the roadways. Without doubt this is for sale. In three weeks we shall have ten small houses x for vent Anticipated buyers of houses on easy terms, keep cos - in-touch with us. We-are building 25 to 35 here this season. WANTED- Six first class Carpenters. easels e Me am Others PITAL AND RESERVES 16,000,000 Many a man owes his-success to the fact that he had the right bank -behind him. vs This Bank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped eaters Banking organization. + MEDICINE HAT BRANCH * Fourth Avenue: : C. H. McDunnough, er Sohectotecteatedtostoratotecoctoed eleereateetoetoetoairetoetoctectocteste Imperial Bank of Canada 3 z Capital and Rest . . 11,993,800 -Total Assets ... 72,000,006 4 y 64 we A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ee o SAVINGS BANK DEP. AT ALL BRANCHES. 0 3, R. G WILKINSON, Manager. oe lt; Medicine Hat Branch. * mS S BANK OF CANADA Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. .. .. 2... .. .. .. G11.458,878 We give special attention to SAYINGS ACCOUNTS. No delay-in withdrawals. Two-or-more -persons-may- open a Joint weeount and either pary ean withdraw money. at Stet Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 in 1601 to pee e ee ones 0 jos We. JOY, Manager: : Medicine Hat Branch SATISFIED CUSTOMERS : Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride . Patent Flour Always Pleases se the Best That Can ie . ledicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited Ps Dadiiets:Sncercal POLO OLE CLOTHS TOSOOD PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is 4 breed-of- Poultry which meets every requirement. The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged- and unexcelled in layimg qualities. Eggs 2.00 and. 5.00 per set- ting. Cockerels for 12, A. J..N. TERRILL, NEWS-OFFICE-- POPS OO OOOO tried Re e . tof Ms oe 5 eet KS - factoril; -body-expeets-support-in-its-undertaki municipal undertaking which will have. bedealt with in its initial stages next Fear: Before any paying can be done, the route of th Civie Street Ry. will have to be decided upon, in order that the rail laying and pav- oe M ae Nie a hea Fania UAy eed * ing can be carried on concurrently. If it he ice higher than there is any real need; + need not apply. / thought advieable, for a start, x5 pave a nd all because the man on we land feos i SMITH Flcouple of blocks on Main and. Toronto far refused to grow these products, forcing ADOLFH MOOSE JAW pireets ane oe Comuecting hornets cobeuiiers to import them over long distan- . i :. nm er side 0: ne railway tracks, a prior ces, ree pe eues seo: vee pea decision will have to be reached settling the So i ae eS Z 3 - Zoe on SOOLEOH OPS SEL HHMOEGES te clectric milway wil be epee an THIS DATE IN HISTORY . This is no small question, but on the con- April 27. Geiteentrtenteeteatenteetenteetente qeafeeteegearretoeteateteefeateedvate trary is one demanding most careful thousit 1822 Gen. Ulysses S. Granf born at Point e t after consultation with expert advice. With Pleasant, O. Died at Mt. McGregor, THE Y AL BA couple of council sessions-a week on top of N. Y., July 23, 1885. p J 4, committee meetings, the Mayor and Alder- 1863-Ship Anglo-Saxon wrecked off Cape OF CANADA. men cannot give this and similiar big ques- tions the attention which is their die and consequently the appointment of a town- planning commission is a necessity if the Sopra ine wee TROUBLE LOOMS UP. F AULT is being found with the pro- cedure followed by the council in han- dling the question of seleeting land for purchase as industrial sites. Tenders were called for and received, but only two of these reached the open council. Many rate- payers regard this as an error on the part of the council and hold that even if the bur- gesses are-asked to only: vote upon two of the tenders, yet all offers should have heen made public. If these tenders had been laid before the council and discussed open- ly, the voters would have learned why two special sites were selected for pu As matters stand at present, the citizens learn through rumor; that some remark ably cheap offers of land were made to the city for industrial sites, but were turned down. Are, or are not, the ratepz titled to know why these tenders w fused? Doubtless the method followed eliminating these other sites can be satis. explained-at-a-publie-meeting. In fact the burgesses will have to be ta to the full confidence of the council re- in 9 FREE INDUSTRIAL SITES A QUESTION-which requires thought is one which arises through the granting of free sit s to new imdustries. The News-is-pleased-to see that the Council, ap- parently, is seized of the import of the sit- uation which is developing. Our cheap power and great prospective railway trans- portation facilities are such that the ci 3 can afford to go easy in the matter of being too prodigal with free sites: It is, of course, commendable policy for the municipality to acquire tracts-of land for industrial py poses, but this policy should be foll wholly and solely t d S a protective adminis- ion action, to prevent seekers for indus- sites from being forced by property- owners into paying prohibitive prices. for real estate. The city should turn these lands over to manufacturer: cost price no more and no less. By drafting the by- laws in such a manner that a prospective manufacturer is given a couple of acr with anoption on-severat-more a price, the Couneil is acting wisely and well and doubtless in a short time we will be in a position to abolish the free end of the in- A Want Ad in the Daily News Will Bring Results, dugement altogether. Medicine Hat Dews Published by the Medicine Hat News Co, Ltd, every) lawful evening at Its office, Main Strvet, Medicine Hat, Alla. SVStem A. J. N. TERRILL, Edtor. jmeans hing almost. The placing of PHONE: -HoNE: boxes for the reception of bits of paper, at Baltortal, Advertisios iitervals along the busin treets would Alene rier and Ciresiaties a assist a great deal in pre ng the neat- ore D er Via less in appearance of this particular secti Se Tiyin 27 tess a a IS particular section by RING RING 72 I Yas, delivered:::; : 4.90 1 year by mail... ..35 ae oaths, d lvered. g00 outs, by mail-...81 A ND SO.HIS EXCELLENCY, the (iov- 8 months, delivered.. 1/00 3 months, by mall.....7: Addresser-chauged AS 0-EN AS WesIred, hut bots wsw wt such importance as to suffer if not taken in- gt; bridge these days, and not here atone interests of the city-arete-be-safeguarded. 1876 Queen Victoria declared Empress of . facturer and dealer in lumber. :- heard the sound of childish revels and, hay- INOW that the city is cleaned up, what are we going to do to keep it clean? The installation of a garbage collecting vhich will be inaugurated shortly, of the city ernor-General, is going to pay us a visit . in Qctober T -will- hustling to get a cocked hat and robes fice out from England by that time.. se PUBLIC OPINION. Montreal Gazette: Chicago matrons are urging a eampaign against bad dances and smoking by women in society, habits which are rapidly becoming g neral-in-some Am- crican cities. Furthermore, they intend to begin the work of reform right in their own homes. This is the proper and effective way to go about it, and if the Chicago wo- men in.questien sueceed in thei war on vul- garity they-will set a good example to some places in the more pretentious east that at times cast slurs on the metropolis of the West. Stratford Herald: The bravery of the men who obeyed the women first rule on the lost Titanic is the brightest ray which has pierced the dark cloud which hangs ov- er the Newfoundland banks. Lethbridge News: No doubt about it, costs of the commodities necessary to exist- e are higher than should be in Leth- th . We have been hearing something about the cost of butter lately, but butter is not the only thing by uy means. Practically everything that be produced from the land is high in Race, with loss of 237 lives. 1873 William C. Macready, famous actor; died at Cheltenham, Eng. Born in London, March 3, 1793. keep Mayor Spen- eq 347,000 Pounds Smel- COPPER PRODUCTION SASHES RECORDS If Output Continues, Gran. by Mines Will Turn Out 21,000,000 Pounds. 4 SOME FACTS AND FICURES Week s Shipments Amount- ter Receipts High. Nelson, April 27 1f the present production of the Granby mines is continued until the end of the year, the company will in 1912 exceed all records and will produce blister cop- ber, containing copper, gold and sil- ver, totalling. twenty-one million pounds. For the year to date the company-has-shipped a weekly aver age of four hundred and five thous- and pounds of blister copper, a total ot 6,490,500. The shipments last week were 347,000 pounds, High grade copper matter shipped; last week from Trail smelter reached a total value of 23,829. Snowslides, soft roads and other transportation difficulties that occur every spring last week resulted in the cuttin goft of shipments fro mall pro- perties except those which adjoin Tallroads or are equipped with tram- ways, The Slocan shippers are the Sreatest sufferers in this respect, such Propertids as the iRambler-Carfiejo and the Richmond-Rureka being com- Delled to stop shipments temporarily. In spite of the diminution of -pro- duction by the high grade properties the total for the week is little reduc- ed as the big low grade producers are so situated as to be exempt from the yepring-transportation-problems The i total foe the wena see EEO tate giving a figure for the year of 579,- 910 tons. The smelter receipts for the week were 44,049 tons and for the Year to date 656,353 tons. BANDITS HOLD UP BUTTE SALOON Forced Occupants to Kneel at Bar and Then Went Through Them. Butte, Mont., April 26. Four or pos- sibly five bandits held up the Atlas saloon, Park and Wyoming streets, 300 yards from the police station, at midnight, forced twenty men to kneel at the bar and secured 1,500 in cash, Running at top speed fromthe scene of the robbery, they encountered Pa- trolman Peter MacDonald of East Park street, and in the exchange of India. : 1892 British House of Commons rejected a Bill for the extension of the parlia- mentary suffrage to women. 1911 President Taft in an address at New York urged Canadian reciprocity. SS ea THIS IS MY. 44th BIRTHDAY James K, Flemming, -James K. Flemming, premier of New Brunswick, was born in Woodstock, N. B., April 27, 1868. As a young man he taught school for'several years, afterwards engag- ing in mercantile pursuits. For a number. of years he has been prominent as a manu- A His polit- ieal career dates from 1895, in which year he was an unsuccessful candidate for the legislative assembly, He was elected in 1900, and re-elected in 1903 and 1908. He entered the Hazen administration in 1908 as provincial secretary and receiver-gener- al. When Mr. Hazen resigned. last fall to enter the Dominion cabinet, Mr. Flemming succeeded him as premier of New Bruns wick. ae gy eee John E, Wilkie, chief of the United States Seeret Service, 52 years old today. William Lorimer, United States senator from Illinois, 51 years old today... Frank Goteh, world s champion wrestler, years old today, meen eee gs see et JUST A LITTLE FUN The house-to-house merchant was travel- ling in books, and the particular stock-in- trade was a charming little volume entitled Tow to Bring up the Young. Coming down the. road the traveller ing inquired from the children where their mother lived, he felt assured of a sale. *Ves? said the lady, as she opened the door. What can I do for you? *4-little book, -he*murmured: No mother can afford to, be without one. No mother can bring up her children: 2 But she had cut him short by taking the book from his hand and bringing it down with a resounding thwack on the edge of the door.- H m she said. Idon t think T ll have one. I find the ordinary slipper is just-as good. Your book s not springy , first day of May In each year, to some shots the officer was wounded in the chest. The men escaped. It is thought that ont of them was wounded in the fusilade. Wisnipeg, Man, April 27. Fire which broke out early yesterday af- ternoon fn the offices of the Brown. and Rutherford lumber yards on Huggins Avenue, destroyed that building, the stables and some sheds. The total loss is 320,000. TO CURE A COLD IN OVE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure, HE. W. GRO'B'S signa- ture Js on each box. 25c. Extract of By-Law No. 202, regard- ing the Disposal of Rubbish in the City of Medicine Hat. Clause No, 45. It is hereby made the duty of the occupant or occup- ants of every dwelling house or other building in the City of Medicine Hat to provide a suitable box, vessel or Place in which the occypant or oc- cupants shall also causesthe contents of such box, vessel or place to be taken twice in each week, from the first day of May to the first day of November, and 6ic in each week from the first-day of November to the place without the limits of the City orto such the Health Officer may direct, and to be there deposited or destroyed by burning, Certified a correct extract trom By- law No. 202. H. BAKER, Gta, Synopsis of By-Law No, 281, which will come into effect on May Ist, 1912, No dog will be allowed to run at large upon the streets, Avenues, Al- leys, Parks, or Public Grounds of the City, Licenses are to be taken out on May 1st, in each year. License Fees, Dogs 2.00. License Fees, Bitches, 5.00. License Fees, Spayed Bitches, 2.00. Any dog with collar and tag found Tunning at large will be impounded, the owner notified and same may be Tedeemed within seventy-two hours upon Payment of 1.00 for impound- ing, and 25 cents per day for each day that the dog is impounded. if any dog not wearing a tag is Impounded a notice will be posted on the pound ate and if such dog is not. redeemed within forty-elght hours it will be sold, No dogs shall be allowed within any of the City Parks or Cemeteries, not even when led by a chain. enough 246-6t. City Clerk. Yuill Street. Saturday, April 27th, 1912, e --When...yau. butld, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM: BER because t's cheap use the - Yary best. We have it, and ev- erything the Bullder requires. XK select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the ageney for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOUD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- LOW Posts BEAVER BOARD p FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0,.BOX 29, PHONE 67 FOR SMUT 50c.... Quart 25c....Pint x DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug and Book Store : : : Phone 740 P, 0. Box 525 BUILDER and CONTRACTOR Plans Prepared. Estimate Free. (285 Braemar St.) HOTSON LEADER Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUELDERS os LET US FIGURH WITH YoU * BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE, Office Next to City Hall. PEP CROSSLEY BROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 -P.-0,-Box 304. STABLE-PHONE : 402 728 THE J. S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO ST. HeavyTeaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Excavating a Specialty. Light and Heavy Horses for sale at AW Times. F. S. LYON CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, rn Phone No, 415, P. 0, Box SL. Loose Leaf System The News Job H, BAKER, Department has every facility tor sup City Clerk. ptying tho most satisfactory, no PER TO B Pay Of or Improv. SEE Ot write, Pt The Cana SOUTHE Stenographers Always 1 2 WILLIA PATI Contr cs Fitting: Given Prom BOX 183-1mo. SS J. A. I CARPENTER Residence 711 Ot Phone 626. Job Work See me abou are going to b I will gladly pointers, estim: or show you 0 I have put up HOUSES City Sale Heavy Teams, Ho For Light and I Hay f Fred Phore 85. WA. H Cor CHARTERED AC DA (stable Ratings Balin A, E. Gibson, Phone No. 198 House SAND F EXCAY HEAVY CONCRE? *Phon J.J. I 176 MONTH GAS CIT VACUU CLEANI Is now- ready Ing. Have your the Vacuum Pr only way to ge and for less. cos way, Place your 0 disappointment Phone 707,
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Image 700 (1912-04-27), from microfilm reel 700, (CU1771607). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.