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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, May 6th. 1912 With mutual help build your quict world, ses Medicine Hat Dews not allowing your dearest earthly friend Published by the Medicine Hat News Coy Ltd, every (0 be the confidant of aught that couce ff lawsul ereUtn at tts oftice Mi Alia +our domestic peace. Letamoments of THE CANADIAN TARIFF High satisfactory. Ladies Black Cashmere Hose, only Ladies Large Out Size 3. Lisle Hose, only ... 2Re a: ite Glasgow House Grade Hosiery Phat s the reason you are finding our lines so THE QUALITY IS THERE AND THE PRICE IS MODERATE We have just opened another shipment. Fine Sik Hose Only ... Childrens Hose, in white, pink, sky, tan and cardival, All Less 10 Per Cent Cash. The House of Fashionable Dressers 4 fay, S 0ME-OF THE SPECIAL LINES 3 3 4 handle, For particulars, apply to ADOLPH - 2 MEDICINE HAT. Roateetontetoatretoreatetoctentedte. coat + : ey. OMELET Sebecteteecteedeetectestente PARTIES WANTING HOUSES TO RENT ie ie We sae Ta oe for sale, but on sueh terms that a person with limited means could 10 Houses to be Completed in three weeks. SMITH MOOSE JAW Ooo hosertoete eonreat bank behind him. Banking organization. Fourth Avenue : Sedestedecte CAPITAL AND RESERVES. .... . 16,000,000 Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right This Bank offers -its-clents theservices of a fully equipped : MEDICINE HAT BRANCH : C. H. McDunnough, Manager Me 2, Mactecte ite o, Me ctestes oteteeceedy ceetetieteecteedeatenteatreeet : z en the important portfolio of Public Wo has fallen upon the shoulders of our repre- A, J.N. TERRILL, Efttor, 2 HONE: ortal, Advertising Reportorhal, and Circulation and News Dept oe Job D 1g BNE RING 2 4 DAILY SURSCRIPTION RATES 1 y-as, delivered..,. 4.90 3 year by mall... months. dslivered. 200 6 wouths, by mail. 3 months, delivered.. 100 3 months, by mall 1 month, delivered..,.35 Addressex changed as often as desired, but bots how a: old ad resser given. WEEKLY NEWS Publishe avery Thursday in eixteen or more pages, and contains a eumma-y of the news of the week. local and district, t 3 months, in advance. .50 6 months, tn advance 750 1 year in advance.... 1.50 -Monday. May 6th, 1912 PROVINCIAL CABINET CHANGES. api people of Medicine Hat and District will be keenly interested in the an- nouncement which appears in tli News telegraphic dispatches to- regard- ing the enlargement of the Alberta Cabinet and the recognition which has been given our Provincial representative, Hon. C. h Mitchell, who, it will be seen, has been giv which has always been recognized as ue of the most important offices in the Public Service of the Province, involving as it does the res i y of carrying out the construction of the public buildings, the building of roads and bridges in addition tv the control of the Surveys and inspection of various utilities of t nce. ; During the past eighteen months the Al- berta Cabinet has had before it one of the ta ich ever fallen Canada and has sueceeded carryi through its work in a manner which ean fail to fihd the highest commendation. 'Fhis great. work has led up to the inauguratic of the greatest railway building, telephone building, public works and highway build- ing program which has ever been launch- ed in a Canadian Province. To bring about the splendid condition of afairs which we have in Alberta today has meant a vast au ount of work on the part of the member: the Cabinet, a large proportion of wh If c entative. That he has acquitted to the satisfaction of his colleagues in Cabinet is indicated in Premier Sifton cision to entrust to his care the Departmeut of Public Works. . : In his administration -of the combined portfolios of Attorney General and Minis- ter of Education during the past two years each othe your vow. It will do you good ; and there- vd in that love which is icnation, if they oceur, be healed at-once. Ter, no, ne peak of it outside: but to :on. and all will come out t. Never let the mvrrow s sin still ind you at variance. Renew and renew h hy your minds will grow together content- stronger than cath, and you will be truly one. ee HE United States senate has passed the immigration bill, which is a drastic . Measure and, according to the report made by its authors, will restriet the im- migration from Southern Europe at least 50 per cent. It was aimed especially at this class of immigration. Its effect on im- migration from Northern Europe will be to restrict that immigration only about 2 per cent. in the judgment of its authors: The bill preseribes an educational test. A num- her of amendments were added to it. One amendment, which prescribes that immi- it shall be capable of reading and writ- g the English language or some other language to be admitted, was adopted by a vote of 50 to 9.. An-amendment to exclude persons of African descent whether me from Africa or the West Indies except Porto Rico; was defeated by a vote of 25 to 28, and later, when proposed a second time, : defeated by only two majority: The bill will now go to the House, where it is ex peeted it will have rough sailing. It is lik ly to be amended in such a way that it will have to go to conference and ij it will fail there. Minister of Finance Will WH BE-LEPT: MONE Government Has No Pres- ent Intention of Interfer- ing With It. APPLINTING COMMITTEE WOULD HURT BUSINESS Himself Look Into Tariff Conditions. Ottawa, May 6. Since the White Tariff Commission Bill was killed last session by the Senate, specula- tlon-has been rife as to the action'the Borden Government-would take in regard to rearranging the tariff sch- edules. Your correspondent can authorita-/ tively state that no attempt will now be made to interfere with the tariff appointing a committee Ste sate e cabinet, as was done in 1896 When you build, consider QUALITY frst. Don t be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because t's cheap uso the very best. We have it, and ev- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency fer the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR RQSTS, WIL LOW POSTS BEAVER BOARD travels fast. news about pianos has of Assinibota, plano or'a pl your chance, ceptional easy and talk It 0 fa ae rey 2 is govel on whether the masses of the eountry have formed. the-revolution-habit, a chronic ail- ment that long has afflicted Central and outh America. An analysis of the situat- ion shows that beyond gratifying personal ambitions the men who are fomenting the revolts against President Madero can hope to accompliesh nothing better than what the present government is trying to do. They profess to .represent virtually the same principles the advocacy of which was apposed to be the cause of Madero s over- throw of Dia: HE Home Secretary has announced in the House of Commons that the suff- ragette prisoners will be allowed certain privileges, among which are a par- cel of food weekly from the outside, lighter oste steam teste ste ste stn em Ms rgodertentecgostectoatecteagecgeste epee oo 2 Capital and Rest .. Total Assets ...- SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT OF CANADA Established 1864 Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. We-give special, attention t delay in withdrawals. . Our deposits have increased from 63,194,580. W. 0. JOY, Manager : Soto steseate ste ste te tees Se-afetho-ege-ate- fesse epoeze-ecoes + Imperial Bank of Ganada A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. R, G. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. Sete tetedetetestetetetee Se aSeatoezeets Po stest Sretestocecoctoatentecgoatectedtoete Gree Stores THE MERCHANTS BANK fo SAVIN Two or more persons may open a joint account and either pary ean withdraw money. - - 11,993,800 . 72,000,006 ALL BRANCHES, ce Je SULA5S 878 ACCOUNTS. No 19,426,091 in 1901 to + Medicine Hat Branch SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride jsphere. Se oe s he hopes to-grid-iren .witl 4 we generally understood that he does so only Mr. Mitchell has demonstrated Tis + ity for dealing with important and difficult problems of a new country and his long and intimate knowledge of Western con- ditions should make him useful in his new A pleasing feature in connection witli the Cabient changes which Medicine Hat will appreciate is the division of work eight men instead of four, thereby ing the Ministers to devote more of their time to affairs outside the Oapital and come in closer and more frequent touch with the people generally of this great and resourceful Provinee which Premier Sif- a aoe ee ee ALDERMANIC HONORS N no city in Christendom does. there-ex- ist the same view in regard to der- the local eligibles for office. Tf-a candidate offers himself-for clect- tion in Medicine Hat and he is a fairly good. man, there is, as a rule, no opposition forth- coming. The citizens do not crave office and when a candidate enters the field it is for the reason that he believes every good citizen.owes it to the town to serve at least one term in the Council. It is a very odd state of affairs and how such conditions were brought into existence is unexplainable. In other municipaliti it is considered an honor to hold a sca forms of prison labor, mouthly visits from e- triends and permission to write letters manic honors as are entertained by every fortnight. pe ces THIS DATE IN HISTORY May 6. 1776 American forces under Gen. John Thomas retired from the seige of Quebec. 1778 The American army at Valley Forge celebrated the French alliance. 1780 Fort Moultrie, S. C., surrendered to Captain Hudson of the British navy. 1814 British and Canadians attacked and destroyed the fort at Oswego, N.Y. 1859 Alevander-Von Humboldt, German traveller and naturalist, died. Born Sept. 14, 1769. i 1862 Henry D. Thoreau, famous author and naturalist, died in Mass. Born in-Boston, July 12, 1817. 1904 British, under. Col. Younghusband, defeated the Thibetians near Karo Pass. 1910 King- Edward VH- died. 9,-1841 ELE a THIS IS MY 82nd BIRTHDAY Born Nov. Abraham Jacobi Dr. Abraham Jacobi, president of the American Medical Association, was born in Hartum, Westphalia, May 6, 1830. His ed- Gottingen and Bonn. As a result of his con- nection with the German revoluntionary Concord ueation was received at the universities of contemplating future schemes. The dea would get: abroad that changes were to be made which, at present, is not the policy of the Borden govern- ment. Nothing will be.done to disturb the present feeling of business security in investing capital and embarking on new schemes. Hon. Mr. W. White, minister of fi- nance, who has returned from a pleasure trip to AUantic City, will, during the next few months, not be idle. He will investigate, departmen- tally, the tariff conditions of the Do- minion, with a view to having a thor- ough acquaintance with the condit- Tons Which ultimately regulate the framing of tariff schedules. He will be handicapped by the ac- tlon of the Senate in depriving him of the latter information he would have had at hand from the investiga- tion of the Tariff Commission, which would ultimately have been of benefit to the country at large. No Widespread Demand for Change. Requests are constantly reaching the finance minister from all parts of the country, but they are treated on their individual, merits. b en-no widespread appeal from any section of the community to charge any particular tariff, which would in- fluence the finance minister in re- arranging the tariff schedule of the country. t It is felt that the finance minister an experienced business man, already has the many and wide and varied Interests of bis department under his. close attention. With the daily at- tendance at the sessions of the House laid aside, he Will now devote him- self tothe regular decennial revision of the Bank Act and investigate the tarif questions which come daily to his notice. 3 PILES CURED IN 6 TO14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money: it PAZOSOINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 50c. LEPEEESEEP REET * + NOTICE TO * + ADVERTISERS * oe sees + Patrons of the News + who desire to change + their advertisements, will Reenter aye to *t leave the copy for the (same in the-business * + een atid ot + the issue in they * EEE EE There has i FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25c....Pint DON T PAY MORE Book Store . : lt;r HOTSON Decorating. CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS BEFORE , PLACING ESTIMATES FREE. Office Next to City Hall. P. O. Box 304. rates ae Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE NO. 868, Pingle s Drug and LEADER LET US FIGURE WITH YOU YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING selvleinlninivinininieielninieleiefeiet CROSSLEY BROS Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 STABLE PHONE 402 728 THE J. S.. FOLLIS when the Hon. Messrs. Fielding, Brodeur and Patterson travelled ouse they throughout Canads to collect data s which influenced the framing of the new tariff the following session. This G d could have been done by the pasging at eI of an order in council by the present ieee Now Read The feeling which prompts the sov- FINLAY CO. ernment not to Interfere with the tariff s that t ought to leave well THE LUMBER PEOPLE Pansi ; enough alone. PR. 0. BOX 29, PHONE 57 Ans128)) is expected might Disturb Business. te. -Reports indicate the increasing hardy, enov prosp rity of the country, and it Is aa considered that the effect of appoint- . ,, Ing wa gare the opinion of leading men in the ing, at the present time, a committee 7 Vegetab ity Of Mexico tha: Dility of of the cabinet, aided by experts, City 0 that the stability would be to hold up businessmen tf) 1 iW be ready s Situated at suitable for dri Wheel, heavy. ba P, Link engine; derbits 18, 1 head and elevate inch, drive and pair of 7-8 ina handling pipe, ete. Carpenter tools, steam fan order for 3500. Also 825 feet 1.45 per foot, 1 at 92 cents per The pipe, has For all partic THE WALLACE 78 Mitcheson St 241-16t. i Light-and Hes Prompt Attent Piano Moving a Speelality. Pareels Det + HONE Pee ieieiet e c : movement in the early 50s he was held im wish the cha ydalcest E - P t t Fil r the council board and during contests per-lactention for nearly tires years in Berlin + Sie. e change te take Z Contracting Co. - F aten ou sonal feelings will, at times, be quite as re- 1ng Cologne. Upon his release he came to + + Cecesnen ae Always Pleases Because Its the Best That Can Prehenstbly im evidence as at a federal clec- America, where he began the practice of b htt 4 -4+ nonvy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel CONTE : 2 i Be Had. wen Navipone fue pare ate, pndiiate medicine in New York City and soon estab- Y aeeavatiee a Spseiagy, ay Phone 727. Po eee ae pawieaeee year oF 80 ished a high reputation in his profession: -t+h fbb -f tbh hoe Light ana Heary Horsos for sale at x he Medicine Hat Milling Co he will have sufficient time at his disposal ),+ing his long career he has held impor- + + arate LOOK F OREN ue city ae pence oe eee tant Tosidion Sith nearly all of the lead- -++ IcE e . eeneeeay tee : ae i oll be of wee ill he pleased ne oapitale rand iedical Shona ee * Having turned over STolay 18 here SOSEOEPREP LES Greddy to do his hest to merit, the opinion which metropolis. He as ne odisal Bocisty-and + ccniny ee to The F. S. LYON Se they hold of him. He is just as well pleased, ti New York Academy of Medici d inl Medicine x could certainly ms : mH : y of Medicine and in * Medicine Hat Tee Co., * CONTRACT: Sn 3 PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS ey ve and AB many cases better pleased 1993 he was chairman of the American dele- T desire to thank my + Sek Ge rite. ot you. eee Y This is a breed of Poultry which meets every Bi palin, Bat it's a fact gation to the International Medical Con-)* many friends and pat- + : THE, BART requirement. The utility bird of the century . *eculiats : gress at Madrid. i rons for their generous GRADING AND-EXCAVATING ott, large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in J, w + - - if +he Gr: d Sand fo ver Bint Jaying pusiicn. Py gs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- s RECIPE FOR MARRIED HAPPINESS Your honor, said the arrested cliauf- + past 12 years, and t Phone No. 415, lol; ting. Cockerels for e. ps near ava fone ied 2 warn the man but the horn ia would bespeak for the * 0. Box 31. Shill ; ly VE sacredly the privacies of would not work. . jompany 4 -eontinu- * ; A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE 3 your own house, your married state, * Then why did you not Blacken speed ** ance af your esteemed + yy.R.Simmonds eR BS SOSSOSSSSSSSS SHES SEEEOES Se and your heart. Let no father or rather than run him down? - y + patronage. ; +l CARPENTER AnD CONTRACTOR For other or sister or brother ever presume to A light seemed to dawn upon the prison- ++ H C. COOPER. + oO the News Job Dep come between you or share the joys or sor-jer. That s one on me. I never thought of y + Repairs promptly attended to. : rows that belong to you two alone. that. Houston Post. EERE EE EEE ES
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Image 767 (1912-05-06), from microfilm reel 767, (CU1771608). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.