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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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from us. handle, * MEDICINE HAT. The House of Fashionable Dressers ea dge by a We only build houses for sale, but on such terms that a person with limited means could 10 Houses to be Completed in three weeks. For particulars, apply to ADOLPH: SMITH Seeoeeeeoesoe Tre Glasgow House Neckwear More Dainty Things Opened This Week THE NEW COLLAR AND CUFF SETTS NEW BOWS NEW JABOTS NEW LACE COLLARS NEW DUTCH COLLARS NEW LINEN COLLARS All the Novelties shown. SLLSESHHOGEHT SESE SESH + PARTIES WANTING HOUSES TO RENT not making enquiries MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Medicine Hat News Published by The Medieine Hat News Uo, Lid, every, lamful evening at its office, Main Street, Medicine Hat, Alte. AL J. N. TERRILL, EAtor, understand what excuse there is for attow- ainst electricit ing acciden With modern installations electric dents m houses are an unknown quantity. With these facts in mind it is difficult to puoxe: HONE: iy such institutions as hotels or boarding Editorial, Advertising ouses to be equipped with-any but elec- Reportorhdl, and Cireulation and ;)j ,1 appliances. Electrie ea eee oe a gt; aaa al appliances. Electrical Journal. 13 BING RING 2 1 VALUE OF MANNERS IMSS EBS affect for goed or ill - the daily happiness of every human be- ing and the fortune and destiny of levery tribe or nation. Their influence on human existence profound and incessant. DAILY SURSCKIPTION RATES 1 y.a1, delivered. ,.84.90 3 year by mail... months; Wittvered.. Z.00 6 months, by mail 3 months, celivered.. 1-00 3 months, by mail, 1 month, detivered....a5 x Addresses changed as often as destred, but beta now and old ad resser at be given. WEEKLY NEWS Publishe avery Thursday in sixteen or mote pages, and) contains a eummay of the oews of the weak, is A CITY S PROSPERITY. visitor who does not know how to. with- NDER the above heading, a journal and prompt to helpful o-operation with styled New Business publishes) others. an editorial which fits into Medicine Hat conditions so aptly that it will prove of more than ordinary interest locally. The News is pleased to avail itself. of the oppo tunity of presenting to its readers the viev of New Business in toto on the subje of A City s Prosperity. Here they are: A city, generally speaking, is as pros perous as its mills. more than make money for their owners. they determine the financial status of pra tically every member of the communit. This has not been of all times and all land but-in-America to-day the song-of triumpl: is tuned and timed to the whirr of machin- ery. Take the average man working for. 2 living; whatever he can do by his public yeace and concord ; whereas bad manners cause frietion, strife and discord. aint ep THIS DATE IN HISTORY. Y ism, died: Born Oct. 28, 1585. of the king of France. 1794 United States ment established by act of Congress. adelphia. Born in Liverpool, 20, 1734. MOOSE JAW Se LENE SAAS spiritedness to advance th industrial -su- premacy of his city, he doey for himself. *He not only helps to make the city a better place for himself and-his children to live in, but, by accelerating the cireulation of money, he stands a better chance of mak- ing increased wages and of buying his provisions cheaper. How much more is this the case, if we consider a commercial enterprise of an individual. And how does this apply to us? Let us see. in Honduras, Sept. 12, 1860. Americans under Gen. Taylor .de ista. Charlestown, S. C. bank behind him. Banking organization. Fourth Avenue : Deedee deep deeded Se . CAPITAL AND RESERVES Many a man owes his success to the fact that he had the right Sortoetostoateetestoostoetesteeteete sieetesseegeeieeteateeioegetoetes aia i ROYAL BANK OF- CANADA, 16,000,000 This Fank offers its clients the services of a fully equipped MEDICINE HAT BRANCH C. H. McDunnough, Manager gt; eatesteteatecsoegeatoatecoateete LOOSE LOSEES SEEMS Imperial Bank of Canada - Capital and Rest .- - 11,993,800 S Total Assets . 72,000,000 A GENER E BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. ea 2. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES, 2 lt; RG. WILKINSON, Manager. Medicine Hat Branch. LPL Creo oe 1879 The first application for a patent fo: . an automobile was filed in the Unite We are selling gas for manufactt purposes that is. regarded as a distinct ranch of our business. We are aware of, the possibilities of increased revenue from this. We are alert and energetic in develop- ing the possibilities. We look to the time when forces will be accorded the complete recognition they deserve:as elements in in- idustrial progress. But how about the broader aspect of the: matter? How about the influence of our indus- trial success upon our busin ss in general? Are we fully aware that an industrial de- partment, properly managed, may exert an influence which will stimulate our business of whatever nature in the home, store and office, as well as in the factory? Mr. Grey, writing in New Business, ealls attention to the result of industrial gas activity in Omaha. While that city was not regarded as being of great importatic in- dustrially, but was considered as a jobhing centre, yet it was found that the gas com- pany, by installing appliances making poss- ible better increased manufacturing output was able to foster industrial growth. and y States patent office by George 2. the idea of a vehicle propelled by gasoline, engine. Nesey Se the Selden patent, but it earned fortune for the astute ited States. g a xe 3 So THIS IS MY 54th BIRTHDAY. Bertram C. A. Windle. SE s THE ME delay In withdrawals. 963,494,580. W. 0. JOY, Manager + Always Pleases Capital and Reserve Funds .. .. ., 0... 0. We give speciat attention to SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. No Two or more persons may open a joint account and either pary ean withdraw money. Our deposits have increased from 19,426,091 In 1901 to SATISFIED CUSTOMERS Are the Best Assets that any Company Can Have. Prairie Pride Patent Flour CHANTS BANK OF CANADA Established 1864 ss es SULA68878 3 Medicine Hat Branch greater results are looked for in the future. such results are brought about, the city must as a whole be more prosperous, peo- ple will have more money to spend; the pos- sibility of being able to buy the best lights, ranges and other appliances in the homes il be enhanced; stores will do more busi- mess, and will thus become better prospects for lights, ranges, ete. Surely the oppor- tunities of our industrial expansion are un- limited. Dublin. During his career College of Physicians in London. present time Dr. Windle is the president See Because Its the Best That Can Be Had. The Medicine Hat Milling Co y., Limited erous books ani sciences of anatomy and anthropology. Meee TL CONGRATULATIONS TO: Sir Edward Morris, premier of foundland, 53 years old today. Henry of Canada, 57 years old today. aia SA ge There is a Philadelphia man. who is ELECTRICITY vs. GAS FOR LIGHTING NOTHER fatal Toronto accident due to suffocation by illuminating gas brings up again the question of the advantages of electricity over gas for il- luminating purposes, especially in residen- ces, boarding houses, hotels, ete., where transients are accommodated and where people are apt to meet conditions to whieh they are not habitually aceustomed. Time and again it has been-advised that gas light- ing was not suitable under these conditions and that electric lighting should be install- ed. The expense should no longer be a mat- are unconsciously funny. one epitaph that is meant requirement. laying qualities. ting. POPP OI ESO PARTRIDGE PLYMOUTH ROCKS This is a breed of Poultry The utility bird of the century large, beautifully plumaged and unexcelled in Cote cte steed a a which meets every Eggs 2.00 and 5.00 per set- kerels for e. A. J. N. TERRILL, NEWS OFFICE ter for consideration as there are few local- earry a business a ities where electric lighting is not practi jally as cheap as gas and the installation probably costs less. That the electric method of illumination is many times safer there is no room for doubt. Modern meth- long after the d band, ried Mr. McCumber, business associate. of equipment place th ident from an electrical remote quarter. It is quite true that uniformed press from day to day that this or that fire or accident was c through defective electric wiring, but it is er late that five per cent. of the charges made ag-1 Company. Lippincott s. local and district. Good manners are founded on reason or eee ania rhe eee in ze 6 months, in advance 75e 3 months, in advance.. 0e common sense and good will. They put nospital about a week. When the us nee... 1.50 people at ease in social intercourse, wel- first symptoms manifested them- Wednesday, May Sth 1912 come graciously the stranger and the selves, Mr. Bellamy. returned to bis triend, dismiss pleasantly the lingering draw, express alert sympathy with others, They enable people to dwell together in 1638 Cornelius Jansen, founder of Jansen Thriving industries do 1689 Nicheias Perrot erected. a fort on Lake Pepin, and took possession of the Minnesota country in the name post office depart- 1806 Robert Morris, the financier of the American Revolution,-died in Phil- Jan, Swittt, Sivor suit born in Nashville, Tenn. Executed 1825 General Lafayette visited Louisville. 1846 In the battle of Pao Alto, the first engagement of the Mexican war, the feated the Mexicans under Gen. Ar- 1851 Southern Rights Convention met in B. Seldon on May 8, 1879, thirty-three years ago today. Selden was a pat- ent lawyer in Rochester, N. Y., when he first began to experiment with Considering that his road engine was not yet per- fected and that the times were not ripe for it, he secured delay: after de- lay, and the patent was not definite- ly issued until 1895. From the first doubts were cast on the validity of inventor-at- torney and for a long time dominat- ed,the motor car industry of the Un- 1902 Thirty thousand lives lost by the eruption of Mont Pelee, Martinique. Bertram 0. A. Windle, a noted. British educator and-an authority on the subjects jof-anatoms and anthropology, was born init of the best known figures In this Lincolnshire, May 8, 1858, and received his ** oU te couns He swas bomn edueation principally at the University of is an educator he has been attached to the faculties of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland and the Universities of Cambridge, Aberdeen, Glasgow and Birmingham and the Royal At the Queen s College, Cork, a.position he has held. since 1905. He is the author of num- i ith the New- J. Cloran, member of the Senate authority on pitaphs, serious and other - wise otherwise for, as every one knows But, many says the Philadelphian, it is not often that eConnell mai husband s The epitaph is as follows: Sacred to the memory of Michael McConnell, for twenty years the senior partner of the firm probably well within the mark to contend of McConnell McCumber, now McCumber Wednesday, May 8th 1912 See ect et eee OBITUARY. + + FEEL E EEE EET Tho Ingersoll Dally Chronicle pay the following tribute to the late Thomas A. Bellamy, who visited his son Bryon W. Bellamy, foreman of the Dally News here last autumn: The death of Mr. T. A. Bellamy oc- curred yesterday afternoon after an iliness of six weeks duration. Not until a fow days ago was it generally known that his condition was critical and there are many of his friends who did not know of his illness. While working in Galt, Mr. Bellamy was selzad with a-fever which affected his head, and was followed by blood- hare. to recuperate. For couple of days he was able to be around, but was then compelled to take to his bed, since which time his condition gradually grew worse: On Friday last the - announcement was niade that his case was practi- eally hopeless and he had been un- conscious since Sunday. The late Mr. Bellamy came to In- gersoll In 1866 as proprietor and edi- tor of the Ingersoll Sun, which he conducted up to about three years ago. He was a journalist of recog- nized ability and his career was char- acterized by an independent and fear- less policy. He held remarkably strong views on many questions, but was always actuated by the thought that a newspaper had an important duty to perform in a community and he at all(times had the courage of his convictions. He was a clever, argu- - mentive writer, and showed excep- tional ability in descriptive work. He: was a loyal citizen of Ingersoll and was always ready and willing to exert an influence through the col umns of his paper for the material town. While strong in his denuncia- tion, when denunciation was justified he was ever ready and willing to be- stow praise when it was merited. He was an energetic and vigorous advo- eate of the cause of temperance and made bis influence felt on this sub- ject at every opportunity. In politics be was a statinch supporter of the Liberal party, and in religion, a Meth- odist. The late Mr. Bellamy possessed sunny disposition. He invariably had a smile for every. day in the week, and for all of bis friends, and all who knew him will never forget his warm geniality. He always manifested 8 keen interest in all matters pertain- ing to the development of the town and rendered whatever assistance was in his power both as a journalist and as ratepayer. The deceased was born near Allis- ton, Ont, in 1852 and after leaving the publie school entered the Normal and Art Schools of Toronto. He fol- lowed teaching very successfully for some time and in 1885 joined the staff of the Dufferin Advertiser of Orangeville as editor. A year later he came to Ingersoll and tias made his home here practically ever since. He was a member of the Canadian Oddfellows, the S. 0. E.,,the R. T. of 'T. and the Typographical Union. He js survived by a widow, two sons, Byron W., of Medicine Hat, Albert EB. Of Chicago, and one daughter, Miss Hazel, at home. Interment will take place In the Dorchester cemetery on Friday afternoon. - qd a a The Woodstock Daily Sentinal Re- view in announcing the death om- mented : The late Mr. T. A. Bellamy was near. Alliston, Simcoe county, educat- ed in a country public school and graduated from the Toronto Normal School and the Ontario School of Art. He taught school in a num- ber of localities for fourteen years, among-them being Forest and Dor- chester, and in the year 1885, he went into the printing and publishing pusiness in the Dufferin Advertiser office, Orangeville. In December of the following year he came to Inger- so l and bought out the Sun. Bellamy was well known in Ing soll as a fearless journalist. Some years ago, while the Sun was, being printed over his name, he conducted a series of articles in con- nection with municipal affairs which were exceedingly acrimonious in their style. Whether one sgreed with his line of argument or not there was no doubting his courage in the pre- sentation of his case. He was, aside from newspaperdom, an exceptional- ly well-read man and a lover and competent eritic of fine art, having on several occasions been appointed a fudge at Art examinations. He was a clever writer and some of his des- eriptive writings were far above the of to with Fraternal life inthe town. He Was pronimnent in-the-Sone-of Eng- Idnd and at one time held the posi- tion of District Deputy Grand Mas- ter of the organization. le - average in point of literary style one, however, exists in an Ohio cemetory. Mr Bellamy was also connect It was the happy idea of the widow of a man named McConnell, a partner in an indus - trial concern known as McConnell Mc - When you build, consider QUALITY first. Don't be per- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's cheap use the very best. We have it, and ey- erything the Builder requires. A select stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for the celebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low Posts BEAVER BOARD FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE P. 0. BOX 29. PHONE 57 FOR SMUT 50c... Quart 25c....Pint - DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Drug. and Book Store : : : 228 H. B. CURTIS HOTSON LEADER CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS LET US FIGURA WITH YOU BEFORE PLACING YOUR CONTRACT FOR A BUILDING ESTIMATES FREE. * Office Next to City Hall. CROSSLEY SROS. Builders and Contractors. 708 4th Ave., Phone 434 A. CARPENTER Residene 711 0 Phone 626. Job Work See me abo are going to T will gladly pointers, estin OFFICE PHONE STABLE PRONE NO. 368, 402 723 THE J.-S. FOLLIS 108 TORONTO ST. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Gravel Exeavating a Speclalty. ..... Light and Heary Horses for sale at AU Times, e Ve CONTRACTS FOR HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale, Mh U P. 0. Box 304. Br show you I have put up Estimates Free. HOUSES - Plans Prepared. City Sal Heary Teams i Fo Light end Hay, Fred Phone 85. W. A. F Co gt (Estab Winnineg, Lethbi A. E,-Gibson, Phone No. 198 them in an air- tight tin. A little of this added to an apple ple gives it a delicious flavor- uill Street. Phone No. 416. P. 0. Box 81. ing. PILES CURED Ix 6 TO 14 DAYS W.R.Simmonds CARPENTER sawp CONTRACTOR J. F -CONT Phone 727;
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Image 783 (1912-05-08), from microfilm reel 783, (CU1771605). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.