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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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We Have Received Some Advance a Shipments of FALL NOVELTIES, CHIFFON VELVETS, CORDUROY VELVETS COSTUME CLOTHS . - TWEED SUITINGS. See the New Ratine Collar and Cuff Sets ? SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT. MEDICINE HAT BRANCR Fourth Avenue: Cc. H. SOP eres regu gedregeecteeacgee Imperial Bank of Canada Capital and Rest .... ... ... Total Assets A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT AT ALL BRANCHES. Glasgow House The Glasgow House The House of Fashionable Dressers ? 0. Pv R. PASSENGER SERVICE. Effective June tod, 1912, Arrive, Leave. 2.05 8.80 Imp. Ltd, Vancouver to Montreal. 3 11.15 22.35 4 20.00 20.26 Toronto Exp.,. Vancouver to Tor, 1s 22.50 22,15 St. Paul-Seattle Express, lis A00 4.20 Seattle-St. Paul Express, or 2125 21.50 Prairie Exp., Winnipeg to Calgary. j 62 536 6.50. Prairie Exp., Calgary to Winnipeg. 514-61T 6,05 512-518. 19.00 Local from Cranbrook. 516 3.00 Local from Calgary. 518-511 10.30 Local for Cranbrook. 520-518 23.00 Express for Kootenay Landing, 515 80 -Local for Calgary. a 2.20 240 Soo, Ltd, St. Paul-Port. 12 9.40 960. S90, Ltd, Port-St. Paul. Nos, 11 and 12 do not come into Medicine Hat. at Dunmore shown, lawfut evening at tts office, Main Street, Wedicine A. J, NX, TERRILE, E tor, POONE: DAILY SUBSCRIPTION RATES 3 year by mail. . WEERLY NRVS. contains eumma-y of the news of the week, 5 local and district. months, tn advance Toe 1 year In advance....31.50 Wednesday, August 14th 1912. - large erowd. would benefit the city. are many matters in hand that must be at- tended to. is in rather a state - Many of the members of the committee who have been one work in the past find it impossible to de is therefore necessary that a new commit: tee be appointed and.a campaign for the future work be carried out. All citizens interested in the welfare of the city should THE PIONEER BANK OF WESTERN CANADA. Established 1964, 180 Branches in Canada. Capital Pald Up, 6,000,000. Total Assets (Noy. 80th. 1911) over 81,000,000, A general Baukiog Business Transacted. Special attention to Savings Accounts. W, 0. JOY, Manager st: + Medicine Hat Branch ENOTICE TO BUILDERS We have opened an office in Suite II., in the Im- gt; perial Bank Building.. We will be pleased to re- ceive ANY ORDERS or PAYMENTS OF AC- COUNTS at our up Town Offices. 3 eee J. H. PRESTON PLANING MILLS Manufacturers of Sash, Doors Special Millwork x Phone Offices 760; Mill 60. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR BALED HAY No order too small, or none too big. Get our prices on car lots. The Medicine Hat Milliag Co y., Limited PHONE 66 /Transfer Co. a apid LIGHT and HEAVY Piaso Moving easonable DRAYING N liable 864 Toronto Street, New Cars, Careful Drivers, i Phone 666 Day. 211 Night. 4 PEP SORSBOn, attend the meeting. speration will figure largely in the attain ing of our aims. Eg A JOINT MEETING. is a good one. Why shouldn t he ? They put him power. And for just the same reason he has no love for the West; the West voted for Reciprocity: So there is a slight possi- bility that if not-closely-watched something might slip to the East at the West s ex- pense. A joint meeting would put Western Lib erals in possession of the facts of just what we want what we are entitled to and then it would be up to Mr. Borden to give them to us. oO TEST THE MILK. WHAT about the Hat s milk testing Bur- eau? Edmonton city has just tested * the milk being delivered to the citizens. As a result only: seven dairies were found that sold good milk: Medicine Hat took this matter up some time ago, but of late little or nothing has been heard of it. ee MARTYRS to the cause is the way the English suffragettes extoll their Dub- lin sisters who get free board for the next five years. Criminals is the Way the opinion. 7 er ee 20.20 20.45 Imp. Ltd, Montreal to Vanvouver Express from Kootenay Landing. tlieir statements. Passing HONE: RING 2 1 - 3.00 Te Publishe avery Thucsday tn *txteen or more pages, and 8 months, m advance. .500 TOMORROW NIGHT'S MEETING THE meting called by the Mayor for to- morrow night on behalf of the Indus- trial Bureau is expected to bring out a) Many of the leading citizens have donated their money to carry on the the restaurants. work*of the. Bureau in the hopes that it Right now there The Bureau at the present time of disorganization. executive on the vote the time necessary to the work, and it THE Lethbridge Heral in jail for stealing seems to bean inexcusable When the law is enforced so severely few ntiment. - xX of marriage as the reason for uon-martial bliss. Many jalone; they H only get another excuse i their latest is picked to pieces. o . GOD. grant-that the day will never come when Canada will have to build a sing: of the Detroit News. A Vermillion, Til, man has been fined 75, parolled, 156 years to square the debt. eh Ge his next sentence, ecb be Serb CHICKENS have come into their own. dicated. o we'll take John s word for it. Seg from oyerdrinking, say ey A she t. mE Sg ESN SL A TOLEDO physician says, with the high - price of beef, eat beans. No bones to pay for when you buy them either. month cherries punishment. it does not make people respect it; rather it Vancouver Exp. Tofonto to vVan. develops the anarchistic W YORK bachelors give the high cost their are ridiculing They might leave them le warship because of us , says the editor When they get it that bad its generally considered that a Medicine Hat Ne specialist on domes is next in order. ws pay Publighed by the, Medicine Hat News Ca, Lids every Tat Alte 000 for stealing 37,000. He is to pay 40 a month on the fine and has been At that rate it will take him A YOUNG MAN in the States has, through an oversight, been kept in jail too. long. - They should charge him board for the extra time and give him a credit slip on Wine, women and song have been vin- A Cincinnatti clerk short 20,- (000 says he went into the chieken business. EAT six times a day, says a New York doetor. We eat too much, says Jno. D. Rockefeller. With the present cost of living MANY more men die from overeating than scientists. ; Yet we never heard of a campaign to close BEEF, Bluster, Brains, or Taft, Roose- velt and Wilson the U. S. President- ial nominees, according to a Democratic WITH ME AND BE LUCKY CENTRAL PARK Corker, blk 23, lots 1-2-8, 1500 Terms. f Corner, bik 24, lots 37 to 40, 1650, Terms, Bik 29, lots 1-2, 900. Terms, Bik 25, lots 7-8, 850. Terms, ROSEDALE PROPOSED TRACKAGE 100. ft, bik 3, 4000. Terms, 183 ft, DIK 6, 4200 Terms, 50 feet on Main St, two blocks from railroad, 7500. Terms. 50 feet with shack on South Railway, 1800 cash. We have a few new houses in High School Annex. and Nor, Yuill for sale on easy terms. We are still selling Altawana and have good buys in all parts of the city. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. J. A. LANDRY Carpenter Builder 711 Ottawa St. Phone 626, Box sai. See me if you want s home. Special attention given to the - building of Modern Houses, Designs and preliminary plans supplied. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. B. Taylor's - THE MIKADO is to be buried at dead of night. Will they give him a lantern to We are all working for a biggerand better Medicine Hat for the industrial centre of the West and co- THE proposal to hold a joint Liberal meet- ing in the West before redistribution It has been made with the idea of seeing that the West gets its rights. Mr. Borden has been atering to the Hast. in judge described them: What a diversity ofjneer. find the way ? Se gh THIS DATE IN HISTORY August 14, 1756 Forts Ontario and Oswego destroy- ed by Montcalm. 1813 British sloop Pelican captured the American sloop Argus in the Eng- lish Channel. 1840 Steam packet Brittania established a new record by completing the trip from. Halifax to Liverpool in 10 8. 1857 The new Louvre, in Paris, inaugur- ated with great ceremony by Napol- eon IIL 1870 Admirel-David G: Farragut died. Born July 5, 1801. 1887 Prince Ferdinand of Coburg formal- ly proclaimed ruler of Bulgaria. 1900 Relief of the Peking Legation by the forces of the allied Powers. 1911 Henry. H. Atwood made an aero- plane flight from St. Louis to Chi- eago, beginning a trip to the Atlan- tie coast. FS Ee ee THIS I8 MY 5ist BIRTHDAY Bion J. Arnold. Bion J. Arnold, widely known as an elec- trical engineer and inventor, was born near Grand Rapids, Mich., August 14, 1861, and zeeeived his education at the University of Nebraska and Cornell University. He be- gan his profesional career as a mechanical engineer for a Western railway, but with- in a few years he-resigned his. position to become an independent consulting engi- Mr. Arnold first attained promin- ence by designi ilding the intra- mural railway at the Chicago World s Fair Transfer it and He Prompt Atznticn tonal Scdare Piano Moving with Piano Van a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea, CONE NO, 349. POSEN G FEO STIS SOSCOM E. M. CAWKER, Phm. B. Druggist ase meses Dispeasing z Physici Pe of ans scriptions specialty. 204 South Ry. st. Phone 75: ployed. PHONE NO. 8; Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will cali for and return the goods, City Sale Stables Heavy Teams, Drivers, Saddle Horses for Sale. LIGHT AND HEAVY DRAYING, ay for-Sale. FRED McCLAIN PHONE 85. PROPRIETOR WILLIAMSON MY feet hurt and nobody cares for me.* That was one man s excuse for commit- ting suicide recently. That's a case. where 4 paragraph of Lillian Russell s foot ease E chapter or two of Laura Jean Lib- bey s soul solaee might have saved a life. oe WHEN the news that the President of the Haytian republie had perished in a fire some of his subjects sang Glory Halle- luiah ., When T, n ated his followe sang the doxology. Which song do you like the best? A oS THE heights of ambition: T 9 pe. summit of Mt. McKinley summit of the beef market. i get BEER can be made at two cents a quart, ach the 3 to reach the y Roosevelt was nomin- k0 action system af a cost of 60,000.- William Penn, 56 years old today. '893. Since that time he has been in- dentified in a professional capacity with many great engineering achievements. Of late years his attention has been given par- ticularly to the construction and improye- ment of street railways and subways. He devised the plan for electrically operating the trains of the New: York Central road in and out-of New York City and later was appointed chief engineer to rebuild the Chi- a eet CONGRATULATIONS TO: Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of the German Emperor, 50 years old today. Earl of Ranfurly, a direct descendant of House Mover SAND FOR SALE EXCAVATING HEAVY TEAMING CONCRETE WORK. Phone 260. Says a Cincinnatti firm. And we pay two-bits Ernest Thompson-Seton, author, and naturalist, 52 years old today. artist J.J. LAIT Yuill Street. Pe, , When you butld, aonsider QUALITY first. Don't de por- suaded to buy CHEAP LUM- BER because it's ch ap yse the very Dest. We have it. and ev- erything the Bullder requires, A slot stock of LUMBER, DOORS, SASH, FIR FINISH, BEECH, OAK, MAPLE, BIRCH AND FIR FLOORINGS. We have the agency for. the Pelebrated Morgan Doors, THE DOOR BEAUTIFUL CEMENT, WOOD FIBRE, LATH SPLIT CEDAR POSTS, WIL- Low Posts FINLAY CO. THE LUMBER PEOPLE F.0, BOX 2, PHONE 57 FORMALIN FOR SMUT 50c....Quart 25e....Pint DON T PAY MORE Pingle s Deog and Book Store : 3: H. a Oa Ua wh HOTSON LEADER CROSSLEY BROS. e Builders and act 708 4th Ave.; Phone 434 P. 0. Box 304. Estimates Free, Plans Prepared. OFFICE PHONE STABLE PHONB M02 728 NO gt;8e5, THE J, S. FOLLIS Contracting Co. 108 TORONTO 82. Heavy Teaming. Sand, Coal Graves Excavating a Specialty, Light and Heavy Horses for sale as 4 HEAVY TEAMING GRADING AND EXCAVATING Gravel and Sand for Sale. Phone N, Box phone Ne. 416, W.R.Simmond: CARPENTER anp CO) CTOR CARPENTER snp CONTRACTOR Repairs promptly attended to 16 MONTHEAL STREET Phone No. 335: QUEEN Vic SEES Wife of Spa Gets Heart From He Fri PREDICTION Only Letter Ever Wrote - Would B St By TP. London, Aug. i somebing that tox turn from a. foreis own people and t sons why the you at this. moment welcome from all of men and: wome visit to the land It is-a curious young girl should quite-a child by that one day sh ness in the lovel his way to the which killed hin Battenburg whil hours of a comy raltar by runnins tles of Seville, struck him that letter to his litt lett for the unin the first time h for it was the 6 ever been separs this Tetter,after good girl, and te told her that wi able to travel beautiful countr Only Letter You will see 4 in words tha nowadays, that happy when you who received th ever did get frou years old. came to Englan country from written and.she each other and each other's des Even the hard ot the world cs and with sym which ensued. the tiie lover attentive, gene numberless littl and, unexpected
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Image 276 (1912-08-14), from microfilm reel 276, (CU1772405). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.