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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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The Scratch : Finish Hat Made in many different styles and color combina- tions is the order for Fall You should our window which shows we see a wide range of new ones. 2.00 to 4. BOOMER BRAKENAN For Cowardly Assault On Policeman He Gets Just Deserts He Says Officer Assaulted Him. At the police court this morning, belore Magistrate Kealy, Joseph jomers, a boomer brakeman froth Pittsburg, Penn., was sentenced to j three months imprisonment for as- saulting Constable Bruce in the ex- eoution of his duty, and one month for being drank, . putting the prisoner in the cell, he dropped the key and while stooping to lift i , Somers struck him on the Cor. Ottawa St. *THE FAIR ? Groceri sups By Goods a ae TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THESE SPECIALS TODAY THEY ARE -MONEY-SAVERS . 20 Pieces of Anderson's inghams and Cruni s Prints are marked down to 12 ; the quality you pay 15c for. A, beautiful range of patterns. 8 Pleces of Art Muslins, 37 inches wide. Big.range of colors, Marked down to 12 . 9-Pleces of Frilled Ourtaln Muslin, 8 inches wide; beautiful designs. Marked down to 18c, A big snap. We Hare a Big Range of Furniture Sateens ti art shades, fash wash- ing colors. We have them on sale at 18 per yard. THE FAIR LEONARD FLANAGAN. OUR GREATEST ADVERTISING ASSET IS A HOME IN WHICH A Sold enly by THE, MEDICINE HAT MUSIC C6. South Rallway Street, Under the Big Fiddle. OPEN EVENINGS. Phone 105 McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is on a Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread edn appreciate, It is uniformly the pune eee quality. Try it once and you will eat no other. F, B, McKINNON, President. J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. Political rumor in Ohio says that The Dorchester N.C. Wright, editor of the Cleveland Leader and an ardent Roosevelt sup- Porter, probably will become a can- didate on the Progressive ticket for United States senator to succeed Theodore Burton, whose term will ex- Dire in. 1915, M Sunday oO Monday F Tuesday H Wednesday E Thursday R Friday Ss Saturday Historical Society of Boston has been presented with ai banner which was carried by the ad. herenta of Henry Clay through the New England States at the time Mr. Clay was a candidate for Presiden. It is thought to be the only one in existence, Look for tne Label considerable difficulty getting him in the cell. Accused denied being drunk, and deposed that he never struck Bruce. When putting him inthe cell the constable kicked him on the leg, and also struck him on the nose. Pris- oner then showed the Magistrate the wound he alleged Bruce had caused by kicking him, but Mr, Kealy re- marked that prisoner no doubt took them to be very simple in this eoun- try, but he was not.simple enough to believe that the wound was re- ceived by prisoner sst night. Prisoner also drew attention to his nose, which was of generous pro- portions, and cherry-hued, but the Magistrate described it as being simply a portwine nose. ' In passing sentence, the Magis- trate said assuming that prisoner's story was true that he was sober at the time, it made the case worse, for the assault: on the constable was a very cowardly one. MISAPPROPRIATION ia gt; WimwipegMan., Aug. 14. October opened higher but the market was weak and dull and speculative Complainant stated that while- No,-3-Nor.-201; No. 4 Nor, 863; No. jmnaking the arrest Somers struck' . Nor..69 ; No. Nor. 89. . Feed, him in the face and body. When 56. - Oats, C. W. 38; No. 8 TODAY S MARKETS, terest seemed entirely lacking. There is no change in the crop situation. There is a very fair cash and ex- port deniand, but offerings are light. Harvest commenced at many points throughout the West and will be general in a few days. Oats and flax are steady and dull. Cables closed 3 higher. Receipts, 75 cars. 75 in sight, October wheat, 124, 91 ; Dec., 894, 882. Oats, Oet., 4, 34 . Flax, Oct.;, 160 , 187. CASH- PRICES No. Nor./106; No. 2 Nor, 1033; . W. 37. Ex. No. 1 Feed, 38. No. 1 Feed 36 ; No. 2 Feed 333. Flax No, A Manitoba, 168; ondeninied, 122. AMERICAN MARKETS. . Chicago, Aug. 14. Trading in wheat inclined to the bull side to- ay, light receipts and strong cables contributing to strengthen prices. The early demand rom local traders was supplied by commission houses, Opening figures were unchanged to higher, Decethber started at 93 , an advanes of . 2 fell off to 925 and 93 conts and rested at 933 cents. Oats were firmer at the start but helling pressure was quickly felt. De- cember started a shade off at 342, advanced 4 cent and dropped off to 32k and , where it rested. Minneapolis, Aug. 14. Sept wheat, 92 , 914; Dec. 927, 92 ; May 97 268. ae Chicago, Aug. 932, 93; Dec. 933, 921; May 968, 963, Liverpool; August 14. Closing wheat: Spot steady. Bo. 2 Mani- tobay no stock. No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 11d. Futures, firm. October, 7s. 5d. December 7s.3-34- Glasgow, Aug 1/ Watson and Ba- chelor, Limited, report a firm demand rejected, 159; 14. Sept. wheat If you wish to build a house buy one of these beauti- ful lots For One Week Only SNAP 4 50- t-building Lots in Block 54, 1,175. including corner in Blogk 22, Cousins and ALEAWANA I sons for 3,100, or 630 a pair. Blk, 4, Lots 5-8, 1200 a pair. You must see these to realize the exceptional value, POR iso 25-90, 1260 par. Terms. Blk, 10, lots -4, 1050 a, pair, B Cash. McGregor erry RIVERSIDE PARK Bik. 18, lots 9-10, 650 a pair. MAIN STREET. p.8-tf, Terms, J Bik. 15, lots 36-40, 600 a: pair. Terms, Bik. 12, tote 1-10, 1000 a pair, the Kent Quarter Sessions before Terris. MEDICINE HAT eae RESSED BIG Tiaraenosctars soos SPOKANE MFCR, HERALD BIk. 5, lots -28-29,- 2600-apatr Term Bik; 20, lots 6-8, 1125. Terms. Blk. 17, lots 99-40, 750 a patr. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS Bik, 19, lots 9-10, 760 a. pair. that the jury here were as eager to aqquit the prisoner the Worcester jury wero to conviet. The accused was an eklerly man ; his character was bad; all the evi- In Interview on Arrival dence went to show that he was Terms guilty of a particularly cruel as- Bik. 29, lots 1-20, 300 each Home He a Alors Toit: yet the Jury reterael 6 vee Terms. ta les. dict of guilty of a minor assault on- Bik. .14, lots 1-20, 560 a pair, ly, and recommended him to mercy Terms. on account of his age. Lord Med- CENTRAL PARK HAT S CHEAP CAS AND Way was Very angry. (He turned the Bik. 27, lots 31-82, 575 a pair. SITES APPEALED TO HIM scr cc 2's testsa a emetic my dered them to be seated at the tiask Bix. 21, Lote 25-26, 875 a patr. of the court, there to remain for Terma. May Open a Canadian the rest of the day until the whole Bik, 5, lots 16-17, 1000 pair, Branch of His Factory, of the business a2: been disposed of. Terms. : : He 8a: He gave the prisoner a sharp sen- ys. tence of imprisonment. A case ogeurred. in. September; 1907, which created a big sensation. A woman-was tried at the New Bailey for keeping a disorderly house. f Two well-known clergymen, as well as the deputy registrar of St. George's Hanover Square, gave evi- Spokane, Wash., Aug. 14 The Al- -herta cities which are blessed with natural gas deposits have the strong- est possible appeal for factories and should become the greatest manufac- turing centres in the west, declared . M. Loyestead, of Spokane, yester- Gis Gly Rely Fire, Life, Aceldent, Hall -a1 Piate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. . Box 816, eo: : ee : ro elaceeeeeat Naas Fe Present Daily Avera Advertisers. in Daily ot the Weekly cow No extra charge. Bo vertisers. VOL. 3 NO. 3 Today There, is Pounds of T chasable in FARMERS HAVE CUT QUARTER Blame for Situ at Door of 1 day on his return from Calgary, where he went to investigate factory cities . Mr. Lovested is head of the Ornamental Iron and-- Wire Works, one of the largest manufacturing dence in her favor. So did a num - ber of other independent witnesses who had stayed in the house or liv- ed in the neighborhood. REAL Real Estate Dealer The Case Adjourned. Magistrate Kealy yesterday after - noon allowed Guy L. Dunham, the Iceat real estate man- charged with this week at the following quotations, Steers, extreme top, 17 1-4 to 1 81-4 cents per pound; current 16 1-2 to 17 cents; secondary 14 to 16 1-4 cents; bulls is to 14 cents. The jury, after 20 minutes de- 7 verdict o guilty. Sir F. A. Bosangquet, who was try- ing the case, said cuttingly: In my opinion the verdict. is entirely wrong. It ought to-have-been one city I have not yet decided to cpen a Canadian factory but Icertainly ani impressed with the proposition of cheap sites and cheap gas, particular- ly in Calgary and Medicine Hat. GOOD BUYS N, YUILL -N. Yuill, Ross St, Block F. misappropi bail amounting to 2000. Mr. Mahaffy prosecuted and Mr. Davis defended. The only witnesses examined were McManoman, who laid the information, and Bawin Guy. They gave corroborative evidence regarding asking an agreement. of sale fror K ago, and in reference to a telegram they sent to Roy Le Mills of Wimiper (the own- er of the lots sold to McMano- man) asking if the lots were his and if he had received payment for them and of the reply they had received stating that the lots were his, but he had received no monies-on them, The lots in Block 13, Cousins Sissons. McManoman in his evidence told of paying the money to accused and getting receipts for payment, one on the back of a visiting card, and the other ona letter heading. These he thought at the time sufficient. Mr. Davis objected to the tele gram from Mills, and a copy of the one sent him being used as evidence, but Mr. Keily overruled the objec- tion: He thought, however, that Mills evidence was necessary, and adjourned the case for eight days so that the prosecution could have him in court. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL J. D. Oakland, Brooks, is staying in the city. R. H. Roberts, of Suffield, is at the Royal. J. B. Babbage, Seven Persons, is in the Hat fora few days. H, A. Holt, Winnifred, is at the Assimboia. W. E. Kuehue is registered at the Sse TAD BINDER TWINE SHORTAGE AND. NO BOOST IN PRICES (Continued from-page one) supply will be found to correspond. The only trouble will be that the Yarmers will not be able to stock themselves up. with a complete sup- ply before starting to cut their crops as they have been accustomed to do- ing. The note of optimism, however, is confident to these conditions, and others take a less favorable view. The ffact underlying the whole situation is that th world s mark d ) his suffer- ed an unprecedented drain and that there were no big surpluses to be- gin the year on nor were there any large increases in manufacturing fa- cilities, thus the western Canadian crops being the last to be harvested, must suffer from the shortage if any should exist. Commenting on the present critical condition of the Western Canadian twitie market, a prominent dealer said this morning that the English mills had twine on hand which could be brought over. on cable orders and further advocated that the quality test be removed from the American Product. It was only a few years ago, he said, that English manufac- turers of binder twine were shipping fair quantities into Western Canada, the most .ggressive being the Robin Hood Cordage Co., of New Castle on Tyne, and the Gourick Hope Works, but they practically abandoned the market because of their loss through the credit system prevailing. One of these firms on 9 five year old debt were able to collect only forty or fifty.cents on the dollar and another lost twelve Rundred on orders aggre- gating a Jittle over. three thousand. HOUSE, fully modern, newly built; has 6 nice large rooms, of acquital, and no reasonable per- MEETING OF LUTHERAN SYNOD. could think otherwise. I. shall 1 k 5 large bathroom, stone base- bind you over in your own retogniz - ment, furnace, etc, Lot 50x Saginaw, Mich., Aug. 14. Delegates yaplaee s i id L. tr every Lathari 7a of the ances to come up for sentence next 150 and fenced. Price 4,500. Terms... N. Yuill, Balmoral, Block H., 5 room modern HOUSE on a choice lot 50x150. Price for sessions. Juries can be punished for giving wrong or foolish expressions of opin- ion. Some little time ago'a fitter Quick sale 2800 in cose pron was accidentally killed by the col- - ments. ree lapse of a gangway at Vickers A United States are attending the Syn- Qdical Conference which assembled here today for a week s session. All branches of denominational work will Se meNeat brithe ooktenenad and on Sunday fext a sp eciat-meeting will be first-class, thoroughly sipbiaidine watch tected, modern 15 room BOARDING held m the auditorium for the consid- tq giving their verdict tho juiy HOUSE, full (Blzed basement : wi ce. eration o fnegro missionary work. added a rider that a more search - Stable, Lot 60S1602 For ores ing, examination should have been or for sale on good terms, ag * made on the gatigway. The coroner HERALD Punishment For regarded this as against the weight Block 21, Ottawa St. 525 , of evidence, and communicated with Pal : An exceptionally good Unjust Jurors the Home Office. The Home Office BENDING ordered the jury to met again. Block 26, choice lots, 250, Some Preposterous Ver- They still stuck out for their rider. each. We have a number of houses in all parts of the city rang- ing from 2000 to 6000. See us for particulars, For Stores, Offices, and suites of rooms in the new Hull Block Apply WRIGHT DAY Over Assinibola Music Store Phone 790, Main Street. The advice of the Coroners Society s taken. The jury met four times in all, but the deadlogk continued. The coroner then told them that he refused to record their rider, and if they still persisted he would bind them over to appear at the Liver - pool or LancasterAssizes, where the matter would be laid before a judge. He added that they would in this case be compelled to pay the whol: of their own erpenses. This, of jeourse, was a very sharp fine om each individual mem- ber. dicts Rendered in the Courts in England British newspapers have been x- pressing their amazement as the result of the trial of the French wo- man, Marguerite Pascal, who has been acquitted, after actually con- fessing to the murder of her busband and his aunt by shooting them with a pistol. - But-it need not be supposed that juries on this side of the channel are by any means infallible, says Pear- son s Weekly. Every now and then case crops up in which the jury's Verdict is so totally against the evi- dence that the judge is driven to use the powers entrusted to him, and to set it aside. At Worcester Assizes a, metal worker was charged witha violent assault. For some reason or ather the jury seemed set against the pris- oner and wanted to stop th case and convinct as soon as they had Subscribe now for The Daily News. Netice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Ladies and Gents Clothing Repalred, Clea: and Pressed by expert heard the plaintiff's story, and be- fore they had listened to any cor- roborative evidence. The defence was an alibi. The prisoner was supported in this hands. Work called for and delivered, 2 PHONE 486, Royal. D. 0. Doherty, Seven Persons, is in the city. I. M. Anderson, Bassano, is regis- tered at the Cosmopolitan. These English firms do business at home on a strictly cash basis and) were not prepared to undertake the veayy expense of collection here. The twine market s on a cash buying ba- sis and it requires a year's capital ahead to run it. It is unlike any oth- er commodity for it is impossible to POLICE COURT. take a lien note on it like on farm SS machinery, as the security evaporates At the police court this morning the harvest proceeds. If selling: -F. Seaton was fined 3 and costs ere on a cash basis, the selling price by the testimony of no fewer than three separate witnesses, and there * was not one tittle of evidence to support the plaintiff's story. More- over, it. was distictly proved that the latter was an hatitual liar, The jury considered for-two-hours, and then, in deflance of the judge's di- rection, brought in a verdict of guilty. MADE JUDGE VERY ANGRY. Men s Solid Leather Work Shoes or being drunk and incapable. J.,Keonig, who was charged with might be cheapened and incidentally these British manufacturers would be BREAD being drunk and disorderly, did not encouraged to re-enter the field. But appear, and of course many farmers are not in shape to pay for twine till after har- vest, I do not think the seriousnes: of the situation has been exaggerated, sald this dealer in conclusion. The THEY EAT IT the government test except in the EVERY DAY Present emergency, but now I would like to see every pound from every IN THE ayailable source, ncluding American - prison labor and English twine admit- WEEK ted without restrictions. The trade has surprised the real pride of the a. i tbs PHONE 256 situation and-something must be done at once. Parties holding coupons for two Photographs, can have them extended till Ist September, but positively must be in by then, Milne's Portrait TASSIEH BROS. demand has taxed the supply to Umit. I am in favor of keeping up Mr. Justice-Day-ignored the ver- slict, released the prisoner on his We Have Just Placed in Stock Several Lines of DAYFOOT SHOES Which We uGarantee to Give Satisfactory Wear Price 3.75, 4.00, 4.50 A very similar case was tried at 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion, Fully modern. Apply to W. H. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800. Studio, 80-8, Dedication of I ial in four Duke Attenc wW. ALP. Halifax, N. S., today extended a tive weleome to the ess of Connaught a ricia on the. oecasic Harve Nearly 3,000 1 For Speci Winnipeg, Aug. 1 eleven hundred har vance guard of the ty thousand men r the crop, of the Ca arrive to-night on secti which will be in and the last just The men detrain fatewise across. the More than two t Washington, D. said to be certair protest will be nad on behalf of Britis ests against the if it finally takes yesterday from th mittee, The Briti laid against discri British shippng. 4 not now privileged American trust, w 119 F Fourteen Sp Storm ot Bilbao, Spain, A dred and minetee men belonging to lives by the sinktr ing boats during WHEN So Long as Bride T ins to When your k your head feels gosh ding it, you J Galiaco, a -Ge on the Informatio
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Image 282 (1912-08-14), from microfilm reel 282, (CU1772416). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.