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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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For Work and Eve Our corner window shows v alues at 1.00 each. These goods are all excellently made s, worth from 1.00 to 150: PIOK THE SHIRT YOU WANT OUT OF THE WINDOW H, S. Ireland C.P.R Men s die Store. 4 Ladies Not Corset, and 1.25 for. Qur Mandy line in-Ladida Our balance of summ the kind yon pay 1.00 special, . for... Weave some intend. to sell gut at GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor business from Toronto ,- . Sold only by THE: MEDICINE HAT MUSIG C0 South Rallway Street, , Under the Big Fiddle: Phone 105 MecKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is on a Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread ean appreciate. Tt is uniformly the Same excellent quality. it once and you will eat no other. + Tae x . B. MeKINNON, Presiaent, J. B. RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. MOTHER'S BREAD eee eee And you will enjoy life, TASSTE BROS Phone 256. will buy a speclat in. under the notice of the Co way that fruit was exposed outside The fruit was cover- and he considered t the fruit stores. ed with fie: dangerous to health. Mayor There is a the work he should. Alderman Evans thought get a Jolt. 0. nothing. chureh to-morrow. dially invited. . Harry Plowman s day at Hillside, 000 worth of Realty in million, in-erecting building. ful lots. ALTAWANA Terms Bik. 4, lots Terms, Cash. RIVERSIDE PARK Terms. Terms. Bik. 12,-Jots 1-10, 1000 a Terms. 3 HERALD Terms. Terms. COUSINS SISSONS - Terms Bik. 29, Terms. Terms, Terms. Terms. 2 Blk. 5, Jots 16-17, 31000 a. pair Terms. Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. 18 room house, fully modern, newly built; has large stable. Location in N. Yulll, on a good lot 50x150, A good rooming house proposition This price for a short time only. HERALD Bik. 21, 826 pair. Terms. Blk. 10, 750 patr, Terms. Bik, 2, 700 pair, Terms. HIGH SCHOOL Bik. 32, 775, lote 11 and 12, BENDING Bk. 26, lota 1 and 2, 18 to 23, 250. RIVERSIDE Bik. 9, lots 28 to 28, 735 pair. OLD TOWNSITE Bl. 80, lot 26, size 50x130, 1300, Usual terms, We have a number of houses in all parts of the city ranging from 2000 to 6000, See us for particulars, For stores, offices, ana suites of rooms in the new Hutt Rock Apply WRIGHT DAY Over Assiniboia Music Store SHOULD GET JOLT So Says Alderman in Dis. cussing the Exposing of Fruit. At a meeting of the City Council last night Alderman Evans brought health officer who should take steps in the matter. I think our health officer ts not doing he should Alderman Brown said that he never attended a Council meeting and the Mayor remarked that they did not pay salary to a man (o spear around and SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Rev. M. F. Habershau will preach at-both services in the Ist Baptist Strangers cor- funeral took place this morning from Nott's un- dertaking parlors. Rev. Mr. Doris conducted the funeral ceremony. William George, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wicks, of Dunmore, who died yesterday, was buried to- SOUGHT IN EDMONTON ALSO. The Edinburgh, Scotland, syndicate that purchased the site on which St. Patrick s Catholic Church stands, has Just completed the purchas of 5 The land s ten lots in the business section and they will spend half a If you wishto build a house buy one of these. beauti- Bik. 4, Lots 5-8, 1200 a pair. 0, 1260 a pair. Bik, 10, lots 3-4, 1050 a pair. Bik. 13, lots 9-10, 650 a pair: BIk. 15. lots 36-40, 600 a pair. Blk. 5, lots 28-29, 1600 a pair. Blk. 20, tots 5-8, 1125. Terms. Bik. 17, lots 39-40, 750 a pair Bik. 19, lots 9-10, 750 a pair. lots 1-20, 300 each. Bik, 14, lots 1-20, 560 a pair. CENTRAL PARK - Bik. 27, lots 31-32, 575 a pair. Blk. 2i, lots 25-26, 875 a pair. Gs iy. etl Co, Fire, Life, Accident, Hail and B. 0. Box 816. 5, EASY TERMS ?0* c. To this ena our school ays- ,800 LOGKL SCHOOL SYSTE (Continued from page 1) Rosedal Will Toronto street school hola ade? was questioned. That is ing we shall manage until Christm: Those two buildings. you see bel ily sorve immediate needs in relievi Toronto street school. ready for use. puptls only. five room schoo in South Yuli? outline the policy which was heli Yuill primary school, in schools requires, like every oth, Sinning. It is most important th; conduce to the needs of the junior p in our schools. from home to school. come the more appreciated. become more centralized in centrally located will serve the whol school. and have them more numerous and better located. Rather astouinted by the high per- centage of pupils leaving school be- fore graduating to high School the in- ter put the training? How do should be done? the ne siasm. training. We are, this fall, ing some solution of it in our local Deraments as. displayed in a class of School children, are far too varied and widely different to be made to con- form to a course So inflexible and conducted by methods so uniform as is ours in the present day school room, After all, you know, personality is the thing we must strive to coach in the individual who sets out on life s course under our guidance success fn life for any one individual is not attained by following what may be termed the na- tonal bent of another individual. Salvation is a Personal matt r, To give one's life to noble purposes is achieved by the conservation and uti- lzation of one s own resources which, it must be conceded, come into his Possession. primarily by heredity, sec- endarily by envitonment, The school board of this city have wisely adopted the policy of; seeking to make the School means of touching as great variety of expressions of individual aptitudes as possible, thus developing as wide a range of personalities as tem is being extended to include such branches.of study as household scl- ence und manual training in bench- work. Music ag a training for th Young is being put under system of development that will insure a strength to appeal not only to the Pure natures of little ones but, (and where it 1s more needed) to the na- tures of older ones whose complexity, to desires need this refining influetce. Art work in pencil and charcoal, sketching, crayon-and-brush work is being emphasized with the same pur- Pose in view. Special teachers will have charge of all these different branches so that usurpation may be given latent powers along these sey- eral lines as they may exist in differ- ent pupils. Who are the special teachers en- gaged for these branches of study, the news-loving listener asked. Berore I give you the names of for some senior scholars to attend+ Bln street schoo from South Hill and puplig desiring to attend from the hill and old townsite on the south bard matter to judge, sald Mr. Hay amoy that by crowd- erected over on Lockwood street are Cottage schools which Will temporiir- At New Years we hope to have South Yuill school This will be for junior What was the idea in building only Leaning forward in his chair Supt, Hay began with much enthusiasm to process, involving systematic grada- tion, a sure foundation, a proper be- the primary grades attend, organiza- tion under the direction of a primary Specialist as principal: will be made to pil. Then too the innocence of child- hood is preserved for a much longer Period when the little ones are not under the influence of older ones, whose language and actions some- times-are not in accordance with the high moral standard we seek to reach Another advantage arising from adoption of this policy of School accommodation for the small- pase and yoeaer children can be local- nascnmil ined a ee -relleve-amxiety of par ents in that the little tots just begin- ning have not to go long distances As the city Stows larger this advantage will be- It fol- lows that the grades for senior pupils large buildings which may draw from more extensive areas; one large building city for secondary school education. The advantage of the system in-mat- ters Of exnense is seen when t is known that generally from sixty to Seventy Der cent of our pupils are in the first four grades and only two per cent of our school children enter high What causes us to build new schools is:the rapid increase in regis- tration of junior grade pupils. We Provide for these with smaller schools rection of our manual training map. M In choosing a director: for the work special attention was given tdqualifi- present but-aiso-olr future needs, Medicine Hat gives falr promise of becoming an industrial centre and it tg therefore the policy of the board to be prepared'to offer educational ta l- Mties in keeping with the demands Predominant in such) a community. Al Mr. Paul Bailey, bonor graduate of Stone Institute of Manual Training, Menominee, Wisconsin, is the man-en- a8. gaged for organization of technical n education in our city. He comes with training and experience equal to the task, About October 1 we expect to nS) de able to offer courses of training in bench work, mechanical drawing, house carpentry and joinery that will, I think, appeal to a Very large number of young mechanics. A general course of instruction is being prepared for any, young or old, who find that t Would be to their advantage to resume Studies in mathematics, arithmetic oF all ing Seometry, Engitsh composition and tested in the instance of the South He said You will readily understand that, for sat- isfactory results, education of children spelling, civics and history, etc. Simularily the household science courses will be extended to mect-de- mands of female students for further er training in the household arts, Miss Job, honor graduate of MacDonald In- stitute, Guelph, will take charge of at/ Instruction along these lines. Miss Job comes very highly recommended. For the music we have engaged the Services of Miss Fulton, recently sup- u- ervisor of music in schools of York city, Nebraska. Where will be the centres for household science and the techni al training classes? : For the present the annex buflding up for bench work and mechanical drawing. The household science equipment will be put in Alexandria school. Evening classes for ftoreign- born students will be held in new Elm Street school, and fir English speaking gtudents in continuation work, at ToYonto street school. Are there any new appointments to the staff of grade teachers? Yes, several Mies Curry and Miss Coursey of this city; Miss Coulson of Lexington, Ontario, and Miss Steph- ens, B, A,, of Napanee, Ontario, to suc- ceed Mr, Case in grade VIII; and it ie I may-express to you my one great de- sire as I consider, the personnel of our School system what we have and what we are getting it is this: That the citizen of our community may re- alize the very Important service which daily is being rendered to our city and to the State in each little schoo room; and with such realization may give to these deserving ones the respect and: favor that is their due that parents general may see to it that a warm Sations that would meet not only-our, at-Toronto-street-schoot-will-be titted A prisoner-in He bad made a hole in the wall and 368-Toronto St. Wooed by Letter Although in Cell, Priest is lealous Affinity of Father Dalmat- ius, of Poland, Gets Ar- dent Billets-doux From All Parts of World. QUEER FLIRTATION WITH A PRISONER Man in Next Compartment Cut Hole in Wall and They Exchange Notes.. Piotrkoff, Russian Poland, Aug. 10, Helen Macoch, affinity of Father Dalmatius, a Pauline monk sentenced to twelve years hard labor for the -murder of Helen's husband ina cell of the Czenstechowa Monastery, has many admirers even in prison, where she is paying by a term of three years the penalty of sharing the monk s Secret and accepting stolen money. Several letters have reached her from America with offers of marfiage as soon as she is free. One from a farmer in Maine states that he knows she alone can bring him happiness. Another is from a youth who read of her and conciud s that she is the monk's victim. Letters with offers also come from an engineer in Viad- ivostok, a clerk in Germany and an actor in Italy. Nearer at Hand. But she has jovers nearer at hand.; the next cell deing four Years for spying, has asked her to wait for him when she gets outside. Do You Intend to Build? iat? Stop in to our office and let us show you the ideal site for your home, 3 We have necured the exclusive sale of a block of land close to the High School, which Is served by sewer, water and gas. We can sell you 25, 50, or more feet, accordinig to your requirements, Get hola Of some of these lots as they will not last long. H.C. Pettet Co. welcome is ed faithfully in extended to incoming teachers; and to those that have serv- the past may be shown that theirs is a place of favor and privilege in our midst because of question: Should not some measures be taken to encourage the pupil to continue his you think this The speaker continued taking up task with increasing enthu- his troly-is our great prob- lem how to hold the child longer in attempt- school system. Disposition and tem- and full replies to Ms enquiries, The specifilcations, term reports, examina- tion papers, lt; which-In-the meanwhile had lain neg- lected upon the desk. Kendig' was fined 3 and costs for being drunk and incapable . this be counted one that. she is es- and considerate in regard to the teachers in her schools. This coming term it is intended that.the board will jead out along this line with a public reception in September and it is hop- ed that our citizens: will follow the lead collectively as church organiza- tions, social clubs, societies, etc., and also iudividually at home gatherings. If we could make Medicine Hat the teachers paradise we would always have the first choice of the best teach- ers. The scribe in rising to go craved indulgence for one more question How were you pleased with results of departmental examinations? This question dispelled the serious ness that had marked the speaker's features during his discourse upon the above vital points in the city s educa- tional welfare and with a broad smiles he answered I think I may safely speak for the staff as well as myself in saying that on the whole we were uite will satisfied. . In consideration of the statement made upon the au- thority of a department official at Bd- monton that this year there was for the province of Alberta a much higher Percentage of failuros than in any Breceding year, it will be granted Mat showing . On account of the ehange from the standard of the grade system many of our pupils were stretching every point, to win some-to thelr ad- Vantage and save a year, That as many of them accomplished this as the reports show is highly creditable both to themselves and their teachers. T am well satisfied on both scores. The euperintendent warmly shook hands with the scribe, the latter ex- Dressing his gratitude for his frank superintendent turned again to plans, * courses of study, POLICE COURT, At the police court this morning J. these who have Been-secuyred to serve us in these particulars I should like to add word in regard to provision being made-for'the-many who belleve the days of sch ul training over for them, persistently continued this 1 man of ideas, women s ailments, a scientificatly In connection with the institution prepared remedy of proven worth, of manual training, the school board is enlarging upon its scheme of even- ing class instruct for technical Dr. Martells FemalePills Nineteen Years the Standard The result from thelr use is quick tion and Is providing 4 permanent, For sale at all drug Prescribed and recommended for Such service. While the fame of Med- icine Hat is being spread far and wide and her urban characteristics are be- ing spoken and written in capitals, let pecially kind, thoughtful, generous is a stout, dark woman of ation: levesiyeiehesmiocs face and a they passed love letters when gentries were dozing. He was moved further off because, Father Dalmatius , who suspected her of flirting, told the au- thorities what was going on. Father: Dalmatius says he will kill aimself it Helen deserts him for another. But she and the ex-spy manage a quiet flirtation durinng exercise time. +:The monk, watching them trom his cell, goes mad with jealousy and writes notes full of reproaches to Helen. These have had no effect, so he has denounced her to the Governor again, and she 1s now without table and chair for punishment, This prison drama has culminated in the monk's writing to the prior of his old monastery. that Helen has 17,000 saved, all of which he stole for her from the Monastery's treas- ury, He urges the prior to make Helen give tt up. Is Not Beautiful. forbiddinng xpression.. At the trial it wae remarked that she looked so Phone 481 eEeEEEEEE ee Jealousy; that one day when Vaclay asked for- more money, Dalmatiue slew him, hid the body ins sofa, and threw It into a diteh. YAQ SENTENCED, 8. Moran was ch2rz0d-at the police court this morning, before Magistrate Kealy, with begging. Prisoner plead- ed guilty, but stated that he did not make a practice of beginning. He had been working at Edmonton and at the insane asylum at Battleford. When ask d where the asylum was being built, Moran stated between North and South Battleford, Mr, Kealy remarked that Moran should jearn to speak the truth, and sen- teheed him to two months imprison ment, ESTATE ACTIVE The Stomer Agency reports the sale of 45 lots yesterday to eastern buyers who expect to commence ing operations in the near fu- ture, Sane Save Your.-coupons, and -get a free dinner set at E. B. Trider s, Third Ave. acer can ES en CANADIAN PACIFIC EDMONTON EXHIBITION August 12-17, 1912 Fare From Medicine Hat To Strathcona And Return sy 8.80 Going dates August 16. Final Return Limit Au- gust 20th, 1912. R. G. McNEILLIE, Dist. Passenger Agent, Calgary. 10- Houses unprepossessing that only. a monk could admire her, 4 In court Dalmatius conttatea that he had loved Helen seven years; that te Married her to his cousin, Vaclav Macoch, on condition that the latter should not interfere with the friend- ship, paying him large sums of mon- ey taken from the contributions of Pilgrims to the miraculous picture of the Virgin sald to have been paint- Tf you are looking for a Home, see W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder. ed by. St. Luke; that Helen fell in love with her husband and grew cold to the monk, who was consumed with Medicine Hat made a very creditable Wear training- ander the dl- stores, e. -10mo. Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes . We Have Just Placed in Stock Several Lines of DAYFOOT SHOES Which We uGarantee to Give Satisfactory Price 3.75, 4.00, 4.50 -W.treiand Co. Main Street, Phone 54, Hie iinielet tiie iineiiineichnhbieenip Phone 800. Toronto, Aug. 1 rest of Walter D the clerk s desk yesterday and th later of Alice Da claims to be the come as a climay painstaking piece carried out in To and has le athe they have one o implicated in the ever committed 0 GERM. 120 C Collided wit men off th land Light FRANKFURT QUANTIT Steamer Ju Most of 1 Now at th A Potterdam, German Lloyd which yesterday German - steamer Hook of Holland the voyage to C: with 1200 emig Hook of Holland four tugs. OfJ were still aboard ing been transfer steamer June. Immediately af the Frankfurt sh ties of water, b officers she wa: sinking. The Barmen wh from Rotterdam has arrived at th BEEF PI Prime Corn-t weight it Cattle M Chicago, Il, standing the disso al Packinng Com name of the 80-cz price of beef co levels attained o: That.the people the Atlantic State an extraor beef in the imme no trust, was when prime co1 tained in the stoc Price of 10.10 pe price not reached 3867, just after th Athree-car 1 steers, bred by A TODAY S Chicago,. Aug. large yields from by the governme Plemented by Pri siimlar nature, h fect today on the for moderately general ght pr central valley wit ditions in the Cat 80 worked agains ing was limited o ening prices wer 8-8 lower, Decet 7-8 to 921-8, split lower and 4 ing at 91 7-8, Demand from dent in the oats ures were a shad cember opened a higher at 32 3-8 to 22 1-4, Winnipeg, Aug. holiday here and ness, Including chunge, Stock E stores are closed shower passed 01
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Image 258 (1912-08-10), from microfilm reel 258, (CU1772392). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.