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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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All the rea Goodness of Canada s finest wheat is contained in Royal Household Fa TENDERS Consulting Engineer s Re- port and Recommenda- tions Presented to Council: AN OUTLINE OF THE BUILDING AND MACHINERY Tenders Are to be in By August 26 and Work is to be Rushed. At a meeting of the city council held last night, Mayor Spencer pre- siding, and others present, Alderman Brown, McClellan, Doty, Pratt and Ansley, a long report was read from . R. Lee, consylting engineer for the new water works system . His report. dealt with recommendations for the acceptance of various tenders for the carrying out of the work, The report was adopted without - Unionist Members Foster Rebellion Are Planning for An Uister Parliament and Militia Which is Sure to Lead to a Clash Bonar Law is-at The Head. London, Aug. 16. The opposition jeader in the House, Bonar Law, has not yet replied publicly to the lat- est broadside of Winston Spencer Churchill, the First Lord of the Admiralty, who denouneed the action of the Conservative leaders in incit- ing Ulsterites to revolt, but there is ample evidence that the Unionist leaders are taking up the govern- sh Plans have completed, it is alleged, to establishment of an Ulster provin: cial government for the diversion of Ulster taxation from Dublin and for the raising of militia, ete. The plans it is asserted. will be divulged op Ulster Day, September 28, when religious services will be held in the chief towns in Ulster province, after which political demonstrations will be held, the participants pledging themselves by solemn convenant to resist Home Rule and to support the Provincial government. Between September 18 and 29 great: demon- strations have been arranged to take Place in the principal Ulster cit es- gt; the spectators including the Duke of ED A SAD TRAGEDY OW. ALP. Cable.) 4 Abercorn, the - Duke of Devonshire. the Marquis of Londonderry, the Mar- quis of Salisbury, General Lord Char- les Beresford, Lord Creil. Sir Ea- ward Carson and Frederick Edwin Smith. In Belfast there is-more feeling of excitement and some anxiety prevails over the outcome of the strugxle. Rumors are current of continued drilling and arming. It is also ru- plates the concentration of troops in Ulster, during the latter half of Sep- tember. No confirmation of the lat- ter rumor ean be obtained in any re- liable quarter. According to the industrial accident record of the Canadian department of labor, sixty-two persons were killed and 249 injured in the course of their employment in the month of June. The International Alliance of Thea- trical Stage Employes of the United States and Canada at the present time comprises 250 locals and forty-two branches. AT MOOSE JAW Aged Man is Killed By Falling Under Wheels of Heav- ily Laden Wagon Was to Care for Grandson While icine Hat. bs OW. ALP. Moose Jaw, Sask.,.-- Ang. 16. A Pathetic tragedy took place near Parents Went to Coast Latter Were Caught at - sna Dispatch.) Byer little lad- in the absence of his par- ents and was taking hin) with him Mortlack on Thursday. A kittle boy to the farm, accompanied with a load six years of age was found on the Of implements. Tt is presumed that road crying that his grandfather was the load toppled over and threw him under the wheels of the vehicle which dead. The man who first met the passed over his head killing him in- 4 boy approached the spot amd found stantly. the infant's words were true. The His son, C. EB. Armstrong, is. a dead man was Richard Armstrong, a barrister of this city, and was reach- farmer aged 5, who was returning to his farm near Gravel-Bourg, after his wife seeing his son and danghter-in-law immediately for off at Mortlack on their trip to the motor car to coast, He was to look after the. his widowed mother. fd at Medicine Hat-by wire. He and returned today. He left velbourg in his break the news to COSTER ALTA. 5.0.6. 5 REQUEST Society Has Been Doing Remarkably Well But Their Demands Are Considered a Little Heavy. OW. AL PL Niagara Falls, Ont, Aug. 17. The Supreme Lodge of the Sons of Eng- land devoted part of the day to deal- ing with the request from Alberta to establish a provincial Grand Lodge in that Province. Alberta s demand was, however, considered large. They wanted a grant of 1,000, the pay- ment of all funeral benefits by the Supreme Lodge for one year and re- Ladies? Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. witsmade to order as usual. and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands. Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486, Diapatch.) duction of the per capita tax from 40 to 20 cents. The delegates thought that the terms previously offered to Manitoba were ample, namely, a Brant of 500, the payment of funer- al benefits for six months and the re- duction of the per capita tax to thir- ty cents, It was pointed out that the Alberta lodges had been doing re- markably well, the membership hav- ing been doubled in the past year. tt. any discussion. The News will on Monday publish a complete report of the engineer's recommendations. Mr. A. K. Grimmer, city engineer, went over the plans of the proposed ew building in connection with the new water system fo be erected, with the News today. He stated that. the size of the boiler room will be 92x47. In this boiler room will be four 400 ufactured by Babcock-aiid Wilcox. In- stead of using a chimney, as it might not fit in with future extension, an induced draft system is being install- ed, consisting of two steam..driven fans, and a sheet fronstack 30 feet high, This latter equipment is of, sufficient size to handle a boiler oom twice the present capatity, and so arranged that it can be connected to the future extensions. In addi- tion to this there will be two boiler feed pumps. The Turbo-generator room is 66x36. In this It is proposed to install for the present, two turbo- generators at 750 K.W.H., or approx- imately 1000 horse power each. It's which unit may be larger than those installed at the present time. On the west side of the turbo-generator room space 13-66 is reserved for switch boards, and electrical apparatus. The arrangement provides for ample room around each piece of machinery, and for convenience of operation a ten ton crane willbe installed, in the Elgin, Leeds County, Ont, Aug. 17, Four children of Thomas Harrison, a hired man on the farm of Thomas Dwyer, three miles from this. village, were burned to death today. Harri- son and his wife had gone to. the barn to-milk the cows, leaving the four children-asleep in. the house. They had been out only a short time HEAD HERE NEW FANCIES FOR AUTUMN, White ostrich is still used in the stiff-tall effects-on-hats. Some three-quarter coats are of corduroy, lined with satin. Button trimmings from waist to elbow are seen on long sleeves. Buttons of crystal, pearl with rims of color and covered molds are still being used. Coat suits of satin are considered in. good taste. Shirts of black have short coats of white with collar and at black and vice versa. Buekles have almost entirely sup- planted the pump bow. All the even- ing slippers show a buckle of some kind, but those with brilliants are especially chic. Jackets that contrast with the cos- tume are in much favor, especially in sporting costumes, A velvet jack- et may be worn with a cloth costume and vice versa, The old fashioned silk purses of our grandmothers time are back again. Some are knitted and some beaded and always they close with two small rings. Scallops remain a popular form of trimming. These have rounded or square corners and are edged with same material are frequently used. Union labor throughout Australia is uniting to fight the bill in the Queens. land Legislature for compelling in- dustrial peace. The measure pro- hibits strikes under heavy penalties until time has been given for a gov- ernment arbitration board to attempt W WATER SYSTEM - SPECIFICATIONS. RE horse power rater dai. lle sna Sitied rth contractors and a de- size provides for an additional unit, tu Elgin County, Ont., Parents Left Childr n Sleeping House Took Fire and They all Perished. OW. A. P. Disyateh.) SS CHICAGO PLUMBING CO. THEIRBRANCH FACTORY Bas MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. ARE CALLED FOR bullding for the bundling of the heay- ler prices. Adjoining this room to the nerth wilt-be-focated main pump room, which room will be 33x66. This rom will consist of two levels, the upper level being for the high lift) pumps which are motor driven. Each unit consisting of a (wo speed centri- fugal pump, operating at revolu- tions per minute, directly connected to 325 horse power, On the lower level the low lift pumps will be sit- uated, This will raise water from the river to the sedimentation basins ftom which it flows into the filters. Each unit will consist of a motor dri- ven centrifugal pump, having a ca- pacity of 3,000,000 gallons each. In this building ample proviston is being made for the future extending of the units installed. On this same floor space has been provided for a mall) office 10x12. The floor above this room has been designed for the storing of aluminous sulphate, used in connection with the filter plant. There is also to be a machine shop. The toilet room is also provided for convenience of operators. For, the handling of the chemicals an eleva- tor is being installed between the Pump room floor and the equagulant Store room. -Adjoining this on the west will be situated a filter plant which will be of 6,000,000 gallons ca- pacity daily. The details of this plant fave not yet been finally sub- tailed description will be submitted at later date. This it might be pointed out, will embody all the lat- est features of a mechanical filtra- tion plant. The whole -structure throughout will be of brick, rein- forced cement and other fireproofing materials, with the exception of the windows ahd doors. With reference to the generating machinery, the rec- ommendation of the consulting engi- neer bas been submitted for the steam turbine, manufactured by Par- sons, Chalmers Co., Glasgow, Scot- land. It is-directly. connected to aj Brnce Peebles alternater. In connec- tion with this, this company is also rnishing a switch board, manufac- tured by Semans Brothers. The Pumps supplied in their contract will be Known as the Drydsdale pump, Which will also be operated by Bruce, Peebles motor. The iow lift pumps are supplied by the filter companies, which will be directly conneeted to motors manufactured by contract by the Frazer Chalmen 4 CHILDREN BURNED 10 - DEATH when Mr. Dwyer, who was in the field, noticed the house in flames. He ave the alarm and rushed to the burning building at-considerable risk to himself, got out the eldest boy who was badly burned and lived only a few hours. The children were aged one, three, fiv and six years. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison keep house for Mr. Dwyer, who js a bache TOLOCATE W. J. O Brien of O Brien McIntyre Says the Hat s the Spot. MUCH TAKEN WILL THE. NATURAL GAS Also the Location of the * City in Regard to Shipping. W. J. O Brien, representing Messrs O'Brien and MelIntyre, Chicago Man- ufacturers of plumbers goods, Is in the elty with the idea of locating branch of thelr plant in the West. He is greatly pleased with Medicine Hat. He had a long talk with L. Y. Birnie of the Industrial Bureau today, and will be shown oyer the city. Medicin Hat Is a great clty, he says, and after looking over the west says that this fx the spot for them. SCHOOL CHILDREN S GARDENS School children who Intend compet- ing for prizes given for the best flower and vegetable gardens must let Mr. Hay know before August 20th. Phone No. 284 or 495 or call at Alexandra School between 9,30 a. m, and 11.80 a.m. Judging will take place Thursday. August 22, School children as owners of gar- dens may enter vegetables Fair in special classes. settlement. these may be made at fair grounds SPECIALS TO-DAY are: SPECIAL OFFER ON BROADWAY, . Riverside, Block 13 fac- ing river and city, 50 feet for 750, terms. Hustle up, for this all around on Broadway is now 1,000 per lot. The last cheap lot left, RIVERSIDE Block , solid brick House, 5 rooms, bathroom and: pantry, Price 3500. Usual terms. ROSS STREET 50 ft. by 150 tt. with good Shack at 1600. Usual terms, MARKET GARDENS Easily irrigated. Ideal spot in the valley of the river, 6 miles from city. 100 per acre, Easy terms. Nothing lke it, 20 miles each side of the city. Sold in acre lots, Land runs-along river banks, NORTH AND SOUTH RAIL. WAY STREETS, Most valtable property for sale Just listed: ALTAWANA, 123-feet frontage near park for 1200. CORNER OF WINTER ST. and EAST ALLOWANCE 5 room Cottage and 3 room Cottage, shed and garden for 800u. SPECIAL LOTS IN THE HERALD At 750 per pair. RIVERDALE We have the best buy at 185 per lot. Pingle, Wales Bell 4th Ave. corner of Esplanade, Half-minute from Post Office. PHONE. 791, TAKE NOTICE Unexcelled. EUREKA BRAND BLACK SHINGLE STAIN PRESERVATIVE PAINT WOOD PRESERVATIVE PURE COAL TAR PITCH PURE REFINED TAR COAL TAR : ALBERTA TAR DISTILLING, CO, Calgary Alberta. MADE IN ALBERTA Toronto Conservatory of Music EDWARD FISHER, Mus, Doc, - Musieal Director. REOPENS TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3rd ATTENDANCE LAST SEASON 2,040 STUDENTS Faculty. of 100 Specialists, CONSERVATORY RESIDENCE For Young Lady Students. is being greatly enlarged and will be ready fe YEAR BOOK, 170 pages, mailed on ap plication. ene SS E. Bartlett. Municipal Engineer, Dominion and Alberta Land Surveyor Industrial Spur Rallways, Water Supplies, Sewage, Irrigation Plans, te. Room 14, Imperial Bank Building. Mejlicine Hat Phone 426 Painting and Paperhanging. Reynolds Stewart. (4th Axenne opposite Binnings) New Wall Paper Estimates cheer- fally ufrnished on cost of Papering your rooms. Phone 156, Wanted by HOLT RENFREW C0, LTD. Winnipeg, Experienced Fur Cutters. Experienced Fur Finishers. Experienced Fur Salesladies, Experienced Fur Salesmen. Assistant Foreman for Factory, 28-6 T. F. Reynold PAINTER, ETC. Late of firm of Reynolds Stewart 120 Eighth Ave. 33tf The American Federation of Musi- clans has at present a cash balance of 89,000 In ts treasury and 588 at the locals on its roster, all in good stand- Entries for ing. Fellx Haney s In vaudeville with Monday, August 26th, 82-2t Votes fur Women. Situations For Sale, Lost, Fou thowe peadings, 7 Help Wanted, ty ads under 25 words, ome day... .. 25 25 words, three days... 50 ) 25 words): dayg .. .. 1.00 Addiuonal woras at same rate. No ad accepted for less than 25 cents. Cash must accompany the order. Phone your ad to No, 13 ring 2, and ; jt will receive attention. HELE WANTED. JANTED Laborers by the Canad- fan Stewart Co, 30c per hour ' Apply Ogilvie Mill site 2a-tt stables, 519 Toronto St. Apply H. B. Browne 93-3t YWWANTED AT ONCE 50 carpenters on Ogilvie Mill job. Boarding camp on site, Canadian Stewart Co., Ltd. 33-tf YOUNG business men wanted, per- manent position to right men. Apply, in person to Room 4, News building. 32-6 OOD, remunerative work for lerks, office men, ete., In spare time, Apply in pergon, Room 4, News building. 32-6, JEXPERIENCED SALESMAN want- ed for clothing and gents furnishings store. Apply at once at 384 Main St. 82-8t. PAINTERS WANTED First-class men only. Apply on job, Stew- art's house, Esplanade. 1-8 (CARPENTERS WANTED Apply to R. Appleton, foreman, new Un- fon Bank building, corner Toronto and Fourth Ave, 31-8t. WANTED Dining room girl. Apply Redcliff Hotel. 31-tt WANTED Pen and ink artist. Must be good. Can arrange for spare hours Highest price paid right person. Ad- dress Pen and Ink box 550 city. 3t WANTED Laborers dian Stewart Co. Apply Ogilvie Mill site. ate (WANTED Young man to work in and 8rd Ave, by the Cana- 'T WANTED TO BUY WANTED .TO. BUY Building lots in old survey, Herald or Central Park. Give 'price, terms, ete, to P. 0. Box 570. Owners only. n ed apply. 5 38-3t ROOMS TO RENT. T LeT Furnished room in mod- ern house, two blocks from sta- don. Apply 304 Second Ave, or Phone 593. 81-3t TU Kb FOR Stores, Offices, and Suites ot roows in-the-new-Hull. block see Wright Day, rental agents, 31-3t 'T NANT WANTED for vacant store on the corner of Montreal Street Fine location for any iness. Reasonable. rent. Living Tooms overhead. Immediate posses- sion, Repairs and overhauling will be done. Apply to G. G, MacBean Co Imperial Bank building. Lodte HOUSES WANTED WANTED At once, five or six moii- rn house, H. B. Brooks, 310 Brae- mar St: s 38-3t WANTED Small cottage for man and wife; or rooms for light housekeeping. Phone 114. WANTED To rent, four or five roomed house by September Ist. No children. Write Box 276, post office. 81-3t WANTED TO BUY AT ONCE One or two five or six roomed fully mod- erm houses, in good locality Also a few good building lots cheap. Reply to box 18, giving best price and terms. 2ett WANTED A 4 room cottage with bath, by the first or 18th of Sep- tember. Furnished or unfurnished. Apply to News office. S1-tt NURSIKG NURSING When. in n ed of mater- nity nurse call at 308 Balmoral St. Phone 227, 33-3t TEACHER WANTED (CHER WANTED For Bow S.D., 1912, first or second certificate; Protestant. class Apply, stat- B1-8t Rela anc tc This Foul D Has Sex People Crime a Their 8 Brought of Course of th plished Who, C Was At Dead I New York, Au world and the New-York are or marching under of murder while in axtonishment, the measure will lockstep of the pr paraders and th will take others A squeal of Bignal that starte and crime from and set in moti strange and disto eign to the time be the carmagnol volution danced Herman Rosen who squealed vy fectually silenced. as he left a hotel Tenderloin and glare of the whit supposed to typify Out of the pist above the prostrat dered gambler the multitude of ga gun men, guerillas whose existence the law was so. the usual walks of month. Apply to Mrs. W. Hig- gins, P. O. box 772. 21-tt SALESMEN are drawing - 76:00 to 100.00. per week selling our oils, Sreases, and paints direct to the con- suming trade. Big opportunity. Men with team preferred. Inland Oil Works Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. - Ju 30-dim a A WANTED- Small team outfits for ditch work. Have 2000 miles to let, Sizes of ditches from 3 to 8 foot bottom. Jans , McDonnell Co., Bassano, Alta. aeTaet WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special Tates to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St, Calgary. f 2o4dtt Bs ing salary. 60 usually pajd. A. E, WANTED Experienced night clerk Pentland, Secretary, Bowell, Alta, 31tt PP GeemepolitanHotel. 26tt STRAYED WANTED Servant girl, 20 aj SSTRAYED On July 25th from the NE. 1-2 8. 4, T. 12, R. 5, one bay mare 4 years old, branded C7 on right shoulder, two white hind feet, fet- locks clipped, weighing about 1050 Ibs, with leather halter and shank. 5.00 reward for delivery to owner. A. J, Butzon, on S.W. 1-4 8. 24, T. 11, R. 9, at Winnifred. 0 REWARD The above will be payed for information that. will lead to the recovery of on brown gelding with white stripe on nose, years old, and weight about 1300 Ibs. Brand HF monogram on left should- er;*one gray gelding weighing about 1300 Ibs., branded on left thigh. These horses were ) last seen at Pote Weiss on the 13th of May. R. E. Starks, Medicine Hat. isatt eee MISCELLANEOUS SITUATIONS WANTED, ANTED Young lady desires po- lon,-5 years business experience, Apply H. G., post office box 818. 30tt WANTED By a girl ten years old, with good family to work for board and go to school. Write her father, Alois -Sauex, Medicine Hat P. 0, 81-3t SITUATION WANTED Experlenced cook wants position on farm, ranch or for thrashers in a cook house. Ap- ply box 1340 News office. 28-6 SITUATION WANTED Person liv ing in country requires positiun: as house keeper, or man and wife to- gether. Apply to box 1338 News of- fice, 6 FOR SStE . FOR SALE Automobile, this years model. Run less than 2,000 miles. A-bargain for somebody, Might take well located lot for part pay- ment. Phone 782. P.O, Box 3, 33-tf FOR SALE For sale or exchange, for city property, 22 acres fruit land in West Kootenay, 1 miles from Castlegard Jct station and same distance from West Robson, facing Columbia river Good stream of wat- er running through centre of pro- perty Apply Box 1342, News office, Medicine Hat 33-6t ULD you like a bouquet of choice Sweet Peas or Asters de- livered to any part of the city? 10c and upwards. T. E. Mills, 217 Yuill St. Phone 95. 31-3t FOR SALE Furniture, Wilton rug, gas and electric light fixtures, 518 Ottawa St. 31-3 FOR SALE OR TO RENT FOR SALE or to let A fully mod- ern 7 roomed house, richly furnish- ed, all modern convenience: A NEW BLACKSMITH SHOP just Opened on Bridge St. Kast of Eim St. school. Horse shoeing and gener- al work guaranteed. H. Galbraith. 30-6 WANTED LADIES' AND GENTS F cast-off clothing, shoes, watches, cases, stoves, musical instruments, furniture, Democrat waggona, bug- Sies, harness, bicycias. carpenter tools, etc., raw hides and fura, horse hatr, wool and f thers, bought and sold. Apply to the Harvard Talloring Co, 812 Fourth avenue oppoxite Dreamland theatre. P, O. box 363. , Phone 295. The Dest Prices Paid for the-above. seDtie ce ee (HE MEDICINE HAT HIDE, FUR AND JUNK CO. The above have on hand the best selection of Second Hand Tools in the city. We carry Furniture, Stoves and Bedding, new and second hand Clothing, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Rifles, Guns, Re- and a fice new line of winter goods. We buy everything mentioned above and pay the best prices. Call at 50 South Raflway St. or Phone 587. ot CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS. W: 4 HENDERSON CO., chartered accountants and auditors, (estab- Mshed 1882), auditors, city of Medicine Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, Leth- bridge, A. E. Gibsen, C.A,, resident Partner. Phgne 198, Burns Block. 275att AUCTIONEERS. eee aC STOCK and Furniture sale a spec- lalty. Prices right. Call or write. P.O. Box 826. t02-Main-St; Medi- Cine Hat. G. L, Satterlee. 33-8t Hi. 8. BROWNE CO, Live stock nd General Auctioneers, 519 Tor- onto St. Stock Sales every Friday on Market Square at 1 o'clock. Rancb and farm stock sales conducted any- where. House furniture sales con- ducted anywhere, Consult us, our ex- ly located. Can give pos im- perience at your disposal free. Phone mediately, Apply Box 341, News 703. H. B. Browne .Co., 519 To- office. 32 iszatt Tonto St, it was little susp Tass OF Tie peop But behind th there is an even dreadful spectac overshadowing fig police pointing mi work because h batt Gon a pare threatened, The people of believe that the 1 the protection of perty.are leagued evil In a conspii peace and safety They are afraid bond is so strong can demand its + and that the poli tween Slayers and They are afraid beck of the polic the night an orgs assins to silence ens exposure of t the police and the Yet the developr of Herman Roser public. opinion in have led to ama: conditions almost work of the police derers has been s that it has been ; from thetr hendts+ determined distric S. Whitman, who i dently, The plot, the act tres Jn this moy; York life are of 1 similar crime in city, and the insi ings of the unders system has not.on cern but ap angr mystery be solved punished. GAMBLER WH Herman Rosentt the Bast side, H struggle and a b his legs grew str him out into the newsboy and le the sidewalks. 3 the police and kn thelr ways to ha them as represent He held this feel Was able to mock seended upon the As he grew olds senthal became a most grown who hassmatier boys does odd jobs, with his earning dreds of hustlers Rosenthal grew this type span Hustlers have know the under feal assets pr vec When Rosenthal old he was propri on the east side weekly trips to t pay his tribute the hands of the had had dealings Practicafly all bis tribe, And his
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Image 302 (1912-08-17), from microfilm reel 302, (CU1772391). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.