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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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2 m2 i Ss Q Qa. PD meets Pee 2 Settee YRESCENT buy lots in ve seen val- S - 4 eee here will be ue by being EW be run ne K sossoeosge 2 - et Medicine roagee 2 oo Ss eo esfe-ate-ofe-ae - Pittsburg (ENT, BUT Seat 2 oates e Ms * lt;e personal Coats reer eee tener 50-4e-40-400-000-4 Coat ate e eseasoagostoctes ate RONTO ST. Seats rere fe we SESS Mo se ate ste seat ats Soefocfocte ofesfeage ips T THEM e reet. Only 3750 sual terms. Level and a fine - , level, high, no usual Terms. e, block 16, Cen- Co. ANK BUILDING. livery Unless e - Required. it ns when you keep o' 4 suit, Spots, nd baggy wrinkles y eradicated when BE CLEAN. ESSING CO. tiee on Fourth Ave, MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS- Page 9. aeeateatey Laat estes Co kote Bote cede eateateatesteateatectoateateetestosioee ny Seeteeteate afoatesteateateate sfo-sfees Soekeateste sfoagertesys PELL ESLA SLOT SISOS IIOED Seetesteeteatestoateste ste sieatoetoston hohe etpeto are ste ete eio dieser ss Re Soteste tories ey ostoeioets eageetet ar tah eee Me Soctecteate teste ete + Se epetentectetentectetestocteteetedtretetostesteestees veateeectosteatostecteatregre SSeS bse SS SOL TLE SITS HOLL LETTE OOO noateeteat ove F 4 + * s + 3 ed gt; 3, ea ' . . oo 4 . aw eae 3 3, 3 , y J vw Is 7 : ;, en se ateeteetorg os ctor oat e es rte 04 raat * ste-ste-dta-eteateatone tet wr obdorpode ostetestetes te - Re soe - Free Admission aa . a Z a cox te e Qeieteteeys e Me deters eS Steer straight for the Big Show, the only Big Show in town. Beware of the side shows, you always get stung ata side show. You will meet all your friends at ELLIOTT'S Big Show To-Night, and you will behold the Biggest and Best Stock of High Grade Jew- i elry, and the Biggest: Reductions in Prices- that you have ever seen in Medicine Hat. We are going to make a great effort to- night to getrid of a lot of goods; prices will be cut lower than ever. We are going to use the long knife to-night and prices will be cut to the core. Don t miss the big sale to-night for Bargains. We have just received-a large shipment of Wedgewood and Royal Doulton China that we are going to sell to-night for less than cost. The new firm that is taking the business over dont want the China so here it goes for what it will bring. To-Night at 8 o clock we will sell 250 pairs of Tf Links at 5Oc. We guarantee these Cuff Links Se DIAMONDS oo To-night we are going to give a special discount of 10 per cent. on diamonds. 1.30 Royal Doulton Cups and Saucers, tonight, 45c ; i 2.00 Wedgewood 10 inch plates, Souvenirs of Alberta, '7Oc. gt; 65.00 Cut Glass Punch Bowl, to-night, 35.00 7.00 Cut Glass Berry Bowl, tonight, 1.90 Sea eS One Gents Large Diamond Ring 7-8 ct. will be sold to-night for 188.00. Perfect Beene, 21 Jewel Gold Watch, 11.85 4.00 Gents Watca Chain 190. ibe ? fest be tecte featontoctees reefoatoatestes ee Ms Peatechest fosters eostedts ees SDD ee PPE PEO OS es ar eret RY toate sh oie Soak ver eeet oe Soeteeteetet te ? oo Sete tected eetery perieotiteded LEP E PLO IEEE OSORIO OOOO Oe , : Me S testeatoes bot e eo os o - o ee e toa RY ts Bs regengs RS so- lt;fes 044 ot RY 5 e dated Neer earerne ote h ofocteatedte-ofoes ? ot Seotee hottstedtoateetoatestedtrets e cs Me e setetoot POO os R res oe oats So foe Sof oe e Me drted deeded * oe, Ms ote fe be RY oe Me eS cog Re sto-oate teste toate ste dteeoete eter onto ne ero Gr Re oe te s fo toate Sa oes sete its Re 5 AGS of deste rtrn Sota Soateet beate-etee ? os toateat fog RY Re sees Me fost ree RY * doe Me oad Peatedt reer te Post Seafoetoes te he Seegertoy Me Me Seeteats Me ee Re cS oe iM Seetorter dodect to oo 2 cog s 1 gecececncettetedetotes be seats Me sootes RS oS 4 eres beta de ote Me oe RS Peake Seehof be fe oe a 5 re-set 5 be Se Preer eto Poets eS teed Soaks foafe-egoet boats Perr oS es eS ee * doatesteck vooteetors Coateatest nreeegees toate tosteateate-s Petoate foegoss to e ste gt; te eS ro ot e to Re e o roafoet mate cS of ste S os fea os to-ge Ms vey oe costes te Re oS detest ane ee RS e e iG ; PT ate iP mea Ol a i Oo i ag A gt; a ny Z sl * retest ete e 2 4 phe O OLE OP IELL ELA LLL LL OL OLE LEED LLL AANA ALAS LEEEPEPLIOOL OOOO OE a SELLE LED REP oa errers OSLO DELO EOS EEL ELE LE ELLOS EEE I POI TS TIPE LEE OD ar:
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Image 1026 (1912-06-15), from microfilm reel 1026, (CU1772020). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.