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Medicine Hat News 1912-01-02 - 1912-06-29
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me Ts Peak Poste So stpatostoateatoste-shoate-etocte-stoatecfoateeteete of Raa aaseas seetoetoetestectoetestostoet MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Monday, June 17, 1912, Soeteatecteatect The Early Bird, Like the Early Investor, Picks Up When Picking is Good; 4 THERE ARE HUNDREDS OF MEDICINE HAT PEOPLE WHO HAVE NEVER MADE ANY MONEY ON REAL ESTATE, ALTHOUGH THEY HAVE SEEN THEIR : NEIGHBORS MAKING MONEY DAY AFTER DAY. VIEW lies between the surroundings such as these on te: ues jump sky high in other parts tion to bear on the situatior. of CRESCENT VIEW and consider what the prices will be as compared surrounded by industries which will represent the biggest manufacturing centre in Western Canada, 5 Bring your i located in e vicinity djoins Ogilvi 3 ake 4 CRESCENT cent aausteial site where the new industries will be established and the new 250 acre site on which the big Fire Proofing d balance in two full years with only 7 per cent. interest you are Lt - a pe specu. of a lifetime. .. People who have seen val- is being bought up. Buy Property In. The Wake of Developments e Mills, Other close in subdivisions have increased in value and have been built up on the strength of residential developments only. plant will locate. . When yeu can buy lots in il off without getting a slice of it. CRESCENT VIEW is backed up by the ambition of every citizen of Medicine Hat. This city is sure going to grow some. rms of one fifth cash an of the city are not going to get left out in the cold this time, according to the way CRESC. In two years from today, when you are making your final payment on CRESCENT VIEW lots, consider how many factories there will be This property is going to, be enhanced in value by being If you have faith in this growing city, you cannot afford to let CRESCENT VIEW be run with other valuations from 1910 to 1912. Your financial resources will grow up with it. CRESCENT Let Medicine Hat be a city of wealthy people. Let CRESCENT VIEW be the medium. I CRESCENT VIEW cannot help but climb the value ladder when all of the property behind it is to be built up with factories. Supposing someone offered you a lot 1 mile from the Pittsburg Post Office for 150, would you take it ? Then when you know yourself that all you have to dois to get the Pittsburg + prices is to wit ay two years, (and you have two years in which to pay for your property in CRESCENT VIEW, too) is it not worth while considering ? USE YOUR OWN JUDGMENT, BUT USE IT. eae eM : : + Prices 150.00 per lot and up; terms one-fifth cash and two years on balance . You can handle twice as much as usual on these terms and reap double benefits. We will make personal choice for out-of-town buyers, or written or wire orders, and guarantee selection will suit purchaser or money will be refunded. ; a lt; The Six Biggest Manufacturing Plants are Less than 300 feet from Crescent View. The Canadian Northern Railway haye Bought a Right-of-way into the City. 3 Buy at bottom prices and reap the benefit of a sure and rapid advance. Wire or, write for reservations. Every lot guaranta nd level. 4 : 3) 4 s - p err Sewell Perr a eC a I: : Estat 2 8 9 state 3 HUTCHINSON BLOCK. - MEDICINE HAT, ALTA. e TORONTO ST. at BS aS aS aR a a aa OO Os ao Mente ceave teste 70 s100 00'e-0r-ore 10 Ne Toate CONES HOES NERO COO NS Sosleele-eZeaZeaye- ere ese eLe-1ie 450-050 0-0 He NO TP eO Ne HONs HITTIN Ae ONC OHaA Ge a8 Vy meets ectectest SPN a oon eso Ora eee we oa Ky oa soaseatee e e 2 50-450-' eee tees - Me 2s Se-poeseatees KR * 2 * fe 04, rine HOLLINGER AGENCY 21 SOME EXTRA GOOD BUYS TOWNSITE. 2800 pr. terms, lots 16-17, bik. 5A, 1100 terms, lot 15, block 80. 1200 each, terms, lots 25-30, block 54, im 200 . terms, lot 5, block 58. 2000 terms, lot 2, block 63. 3000 pr. terms, lots '9-10, bik, 85. *. 1500, lot 3, block 87. HERALD. 600 pair, lots 35-40, bik. 1050 pr., lots 29-30, blk, 1: 4000 pr. lots 5-6, bik D, With small house. BUY A RED ROSE FULLER-HARLOW Beautiful 100 ft. by 300 ft. river lots for 1800, Snap. The ideal spot for your future * home. HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX. 1100 pair, terms, block 22. 400 pair, terms 31-32, bik. 2. 3850 pair terms, block 28. 1100 pr terms, lots 5-6 bik. 20. ROSEDALE. 1300 terms,:lot 10, bik. 8. 2200, lot 3, block 6. FOR POPPER AND SEND THE BILL TO DAD 3oiicte cores cates tro a ie Like Mother, Father Has a Yesterday, the day dedicated t6 dear old dad, for in recent years the third Sunday in June ha sbeen set aside from the other 364 days for the glorifi- cation of that more useful than orna- mental adjunct of the family popu- larly known as popper . On Fath- ers Day, if the suggestion of th or- iginator is adhered to, the gov'nor will blossom forth with a red, red rose on the lapel of his coat, for that flower is. declared to be the official emblem of fatherhood, just -as the white carnation was chosen for the observance of Mothers Day on the second Sunday of May. Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Spokane, Wash., was the mother of Fathers Day. In some places the movement has been taken seriously, but for the most part its usefyIness has been largely confin- ed to furnishing a topis for jibes and Jeers from the newspaper paragrapb- ers. In 6ome places many young Women lly forth with red. roses on thelr breast ana also, the chances are that the bill from the florist will de Sent to dad , As for popper he Was probible unable to dbtain much nutriment from the. celebration. Mothera Day has inspired numerous poets to write songs in honor of motherhood, but as yet no bard has Day All His Own Woman gt; Day- CENTRAL PARK. 600 pr., block 27. 840 pair, block 20, snap. 500 each, bik 13, facing park. 840 pair, block 21. 850 pair, block 22. 700 pair, block 19. COUSINS SISSONS. 700 pair, block 19, 650 pair, block 13. 800 pair, block 2. 3735 pair, block 2. 750 pair, block 11. 709 pair, block 19. Facing school site. marriage of the Swedish Crown Prince and Pringess Margaret was tle over a century ago, and was foun- ded by Napoleon's general, Jean Bap- tist Jules Bernadotte, the son of a peasant, He ascended the throne a8 Convent In view of the fact that tomorrow will witness the opening in Chicago of the Republican national conven- tion, it is interesting to note that the first national assemblage of that party for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Presient of the United States was convened on-June 17, 1856, Just fifty-six years ago today. Phila- delphia was the scene of the pioneer gathering of the representatives of party that was fated, after an init- jal defeat, to remain in power for many decades to come. Harmony marked the convention from first to last, and on the first formal ballot John Charles Fremont, of California, was nominated for President, reveiv- ing 829 votes to thirty-seven cast for McLean of Ohio and one for W. H. Seward. William L,. Dayton, of New Jersey, Was nominated for Vice Presi- dent. The platform dealt mainly with the ssucs that were soon to plunge the United States into a bloody Leivdlcar isveared-againat the rent peal of the Missouri Compromise, against. the extension of slavery into the free territories,'and. called for the admission of Kansas as a free State, The Presidential candidate, John C. Poetical tribute Everybody Works But Father. Today the Swedish people will celebrate the fifty-fourth birthday of King Gustaf V. of the house of Bernadotte, the youngest royal dy- nasty of Europe. Personally the Sweish ruler is among the most democratic of monarchs. He is very fond of athletics and all outdoor sports and wll be a very interested spectator of the Olympic Games to be held in bis capital next month. When 3weden was convulsed by labor troubles not long ago, the King as- tounded his advisers by donning over- alls and working as a stevedore, car- rying sacks of coal, in order to get first hand information as. to the la- bor side of the controversy. His dis- guise was not penetrated for several weeks and be was able to meet the tollers on terms of equality. On num- rous occasions he has contributed to jtunds-tor the benent or men on strike or iocked out- from employ- ment, and has given audiences to the leaders of the labor unions and to Socialfst politicans. King Gustaf's heir, Crown Prince Gustaf Adolphus, married Princess Margaret, daughter of the Duke of Connaught, Governor wooed the muse to produce a pacan Of praise to popper, unless it be that. General of Canada, and they have three sons and one daughter, TheSUBSCRIBR NOW for the Dally News. King harles XIV., and reigned more than a quarter of a century. Upoa his d ath in 1844 it was found that totooed on his arm was the picture of a guillotine, and the phrase Mort aux Rois etvTyrans, which means Death to all kings and tyrants. A strange sentiment, indeed, for a mon- arch, but one eitirely in accord with his opinions when, as a private in the French republican army, he had stood on duty .at the foot of the scaffold when Louis XVI. was led to execu- tion, and bad cheered when the royal head fell Into the bloody basket. PRATT INSTITUTES SILVER JUBILEE (Special to the News) New York, June 15. Pratt Insti- tute in Brooklyn, one of the pioneer American Institutions for industrial education, today began a four days celebration of its silver jubilee. Founded twenty-five years ago by Charles Pratt, it has developed from Fremont, was a Free-Solier, while Payton, the Vice Presidential nominee was an old Whig. With the rally cry of free soil, free speech, free men, Fremont, the Republicans waged a vigorous campaign, but was defeated by the Democrats, who had chosen James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, as their standard bearer, The Repub- leans, however, elected ninety-two out of 237 Congressmen. The Re- publican party originated in 1854, when the name was applied at a con- ference held in Ripon, Wis., and was later adopted by State conventions In Michigan, Ohic, Maine, Indianq Illinols and Iowa. The party was an amalgamation of various factions that had been split from the Democrats and the Whigs by the slavery agita- tion, while a considerable element was the Free-Soil party, which had attained prominence through its agi- tation to prevent the introduction of slavery into Kansas, The leaders held very diverse opinions on various matters, but were held together. by oe First National Republican ion 06. Years Ago Abraham Lincoln was elected Presi- dent and Hannibal Hamlin the Vice President. Asie from opposition to slavery, the platform in that year ad- vocated a protective tariff, a home- stead law, and a railroad to the. Pac- ific. The Whig party held its last national convention in 1856 at Balti- more. Hamilton College, of Clinton, 3 will celebrate the centennial of founding, in connection with the commencement exercises today. The institution was the outgrowth of Onelda Academy, founded by. Samuel Kirkland in 1793, and later called Alexander. Hamilton Academy. The college was chartered in 1812. Since its organization a century ago it has had over 3,000 graduates. The Rev. Azel Backus was its first president. It has had nine presidents during the century, all clergymen, the present head of the institution being the Rev. Dr. Melancthon Woolsey Stryker. Today is Bunker Hill Day in Mass- Real Snap ACT. QUICK IF YOU WANT THEM Old Townsite Block 52, 100 ft. facing: Toronto Street. Only 3750 Usual terms. lerald Block 14, 4 lots at 950 a pair, on the usual terms. Central Park Block 27, 7 lots at 600 a pair, Level and a fine sual Terms. High School Annex Block 21, 2 lots, fine view, level, high, no sslope. Only 1050.00 a pair. Terms. the: pair. Riverdale 20 lots, block 3, only 237.50 each, Uusual Terms. Fine modern, 8 roomed house New and up-to-date, block 16, Cen- tral Park. Will trade for lots, G.G. MacBean Co. PHONE 287. IMPERIAL BANK BUILDING. achusetts, the anniversary of the first great battle of the American Revolution, June 17, 1775, A great wonument-to-commremorate the battie was dedicated on the fiftieth anniver- sary, in 1825, 10 DEDICATE THE CECIL RHODES MEMORIAL + (Special to the News) . London, June 15. Earl Grey, form- er Governor General of Canada, sail- ed from Southampton today for Cape Town, where he. is to dedicate the memorial to the late Cecfl Rhodes, recently erected on the side of Table Mountain. The dedication will take place next month on the anniversary of Mr. Rhodes birth, COMMENCEMENT AT YALE 4 New Haven, Conn., June 15. Once again Yale alumni and friends are gathering in New Haven for the an- nual commencement festivities at the university. President Arthur T. Had- ley will deliver the baccalaureate ad- dress in Woolsey Hall tomorrow modest beginning Into ove of the largest schools of its kind in the world. The initio class-in 1887 com- prised twelve students: Today there are more than 4,000 students on the rolls, Nearly every branch of indus- trial knowledge can now be studied at the institution, the etermination not to see the terri- tories, and especially those nortl of the thirty-slx-thirty line, opened to slavery. A natonal organization of the party was completed at a meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa., early in 1856, when the national nominating convention was called for June 17 of that year. Defeated Its first campaign, the par- ty was successful in ts second, when morning, Class Day exercises will be held Monday, and Tuesday will be given over to the alumni, The com- mencement exercises will be held on Wednesday. The next day the most. of the students and visitors will go to New London for, the annual Yale- Harvard boat races Subscribe now for the Daily News, COR. 4th AVE. and ESPLANADE. PHONE NO. 745, ice Supplied Daily The Company Cannot Guarantee Delivery Unless Order is Received the Day Before Required. Putting Life In A Man s Suit is what it means when you keep your clothing cleaned at this es- tablishment, but it is death .o clothing bi Every suit clean- ed by us has the elegance of a freshly tailored suit. Spots, grease, shine and baggy wrinkles are permanently eradicated when cleaned at THE GLOBE OLEAN- ING PRESSING CO. Rear of Post Office on Fourth Ave. Monday, J War To the Here is double . y within 30 now in Al sure mone Block 6 .. Block 3 .. Block 7 -- Block 8 .. Block 1 . This pre 3 minutes the post o Donal Yoom 1, We Want have goo part o Freight paid Cash offer puts 13, Attractic Jimmy Curti Victor J. A. CARPENT oye Phone 626 Job 1 If you close in, J have seve Tram pre according style. See me show you the house Close i trom: posi HOI
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Image 1033 (1912-06-17), from microfilm reel 1033, (CU1772001). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.