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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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uu utld, consider irst. Don t be per- uy CHEAP LUM- it s cheap use the We have it, and ev. y Builder requires. stock of LUMBER, iH, FIR FINISH, K, MAPLE, BIRCH LOORINGS. a the agency for the forgan Doors, DR BEAUTIFUL 00D FIBRE, LATH AR POSTS, WIL W POSTS pe AVE) i Y CO. BER PEOPLE . PHONE 57 ALING SMUT - Quart -Pint AY MORE Oa Drug and . CURTIS BEER NI LEADER rating. TORS AND LDERS IRE WITH YOU AGING YOUR )R A BUILDING ES FREE. to City Hall. t inininlnlnlofefefefat :Y BROS. Contractors. ., Phone 434 30x 304, 2s Free. STABLE PHONE 402 728 . FOLLIS ing Co. INTO ST. and, Coal Gravel a Speelalty. Horses for sale at mas, EAMING EXCAVATING and for Sale, Phone No. 418, ox 81. Imonds CONTRACTOR *e RE IN OPERATION - And making Redcliff famous as the high-grade building products centre of Western Canada. These factories have a present pay roll of over 80,000 per month. ASK THE STONER TORQNTO STREET ss se reek Soecosteter ieee nip tortie to eo atone ie ose siete aera ar eerhontonte deste ostedtisoetorontocteateiteat 3, ies Say o-sho-rreedeaeuteste teste toatectectect SeSorzergesrcnge-efe-efoekedfectecte ote azeets WONDERFUL DEVELOPMENT The Industrial Suburb of Medicine Hat oot OUR LARGE FACTORIES More Factories are Coming bahar a aa e 2 What The Toronto Saturday The town limits take in a space five times that and if one multiplies the town lmits by two, one arrives at the vast area which the free thinkers have cut up as avaitgble for the man or woman who is determined not to More Railways are Coming Real Estate is Boo tholisand cubic jfeet. The Alberta Clay Products Co. has a mammoth plant at Medicine Hat, where they manufacture brick, sewer pipe, and other products, thelr power costing the equivalent of 7 1-2 p. per ton ENCY about TELEPHONE 396 . ae Brahe estetetecraeeteenteteto cater etn stotetoonte Hoe ete rere tr eee stetecretetestetetoetetontetocedtedeetetee neg. following to say of Medicine Hi and one-half miles from the-post office are on the market, The sub-dividers are pumping artificial Ife into their isolated patches of desert. by. dwell- ing on the natural advantages. Medi- cine Hat enjoys. tell a. Medicine Hat resident that a supply of natural gas, said to be in- Night Critic Thinks of The Hat The Toronto Saturday Night has the exhaustible underlies the town or that manufacturers will be given free site and free power for five years as business bonus for locating at the Hat. The residents know all about that Industrial Annex, 3 1-2 miles from the post office is also two mile from where the factories are build- ing. It is the canny outside buyer who gets stung on this kind of stuff, In Medicine Hat, Alberta, lots three will be aimed at Tather than at the other fellow. Medicine Hat is that wise man afar off. The real Medicine Hat knows that Industrial Heights, for instance, is removed quite a di official site of industries controlled by the town. He is fully aware also cluding factories may pe jenclosed in an irregular square four inches one way on the map by five inches the other way on the map. A sec- tion and a half will take in every building erected in Medicine Hat. to the town. You don t have to F YOU want your new gown to fit and look well, first get one of the new /ca la Grace Corsets. There are so many models to choose from each designed for a particular type of figure that no-woman need sacrifice. comfort for fashion, if she is particular to get the rnodel intended for her. CORSETS are more popular than ever this year, because no other corset so successfully preserves the pliant, youthful lines now so fashionable, new model expecially designed ia figures. Lightly boned to give No. 687 gives youthful lines to more mature figures. Gnsually flexible and comforsble, Low bust for average figures. Tf you would like to see all the new la Grate models vaite for our free style book to Crompton Corset Co., Limited, Toronto allow posterity to point eth finger of of scorn at him because he could not grasp an opportunity when it came his way. Later on, there will be lots of fingers pointed, but the majority him who. bought The town will supply all the natural gas any manufacturer can use free of charge, if he agrees to employ enough hands, otherwise he will be given a free site and gas Power at the rate of five cents per of coal, if they used coal. The Ogilvie's are tearing out an excava- tion for a 3,000 barrel flour mill to be increased to a 6,000 barrel mill later on. At Medicine Hat, they run gas Pipes under the furnaces from a well, touch a match and create a Medicine Hat has potential power roaring blast of flame that is melt- who tried to get a strangle hold on/that. The individual who gets Every business and residential build- right under its cellars that should ing fron in a rolling mill, baking the conduct of the town and failed pumped full of hot air regarding ing in Medicine Hat today, not in- and d es rank as a tremendous asset brick and sewer pipe, running a plan- ing mill and doing a hundred other things besides lighting the houses of Medicine Hat, and cooking their food at a cost of 13 1-2 cents per thousand cuble ia In Medicine Hat a shrewd gentlemah named Euberheim is run- ning a vegetable hot house and rosery with an acre and a quarter under glass. .Cheap power and good. soil enable him to raise superb flowers and vegetables which he ships to a hundred: points. He will this year double his area urider glass, and most of the industries at the Hat are do- ing the same thing. The officials of Medicine Hat defeated an attempt to have a street car line laid down to serve outside subdivisions and at the last-show of-hands, the citizens re- fused to vote the street car franchise into the possession of private inter- ests. They may or may not change their minds. At present no street cars run. Medicine Hat owns its gas supply and most everything. elsa Realty prices are where realty prices ought to be, on a fair revenue producing basis, Some towns in the West I have seen where they are expending large sums of money to induce manufactur- ers to locate, at the same time thelr land prices are so near blood heat, Tesulting in rents so extravagant that.the average mechanle or work- man could not live on an ordinary wage, unless he built a shack a mile or a couple of miles from his work. A good business site In the Hat runs from 500,00 per foot; some may be less. A fair situation for a residence comes at 10 per foot up to 50 per foot. Lots are mostly 50 feet front, Tuning from 500.00 to 2,500 each, with certain very select stuff at 5000 per lot. The present popula- tion of the town is some 8,000 people. This is a wholesome increase from 1902 of 2,000 people. In 1906 the figure stood at 3,000. The Hat is of a mind to develop into an important manufacturing centre. I do not see how it can fail to attain this ambition, its gas holds ont. Already half a dozen im- portant industries are -located there, and more will come. They don t like the froth-and-bubble real estate in the Hat. They keep him in subjec- tion-as-far as possible. We want manufacturers and new business; we fear an artificial real estate boom, says W. G. White, Sec- retary of the Industrial Bureau. tively the wovst I have over seen in, this country, and I've travelled, ally over it. ee I know it, answered the land. Jord. And I have a kinder pride in it. Lemme tell you something about Every time we git beat outer a board biil it s sure some atisfie- tion to know that we got the best of the feller that, done it. Cleve- land Plain Dealer. THE WORST IN THE COUNTRY. Are you the landlord of this ho- tel? asked the guest who had his baggage on the porch. TI guess I be, answered the man Missouri Progressives are to meet with pale eyes. in St. Louis soon to decide the ques- Well, I want to band this little tion of putting Roosevelt State and sentiment: to you. Your hotel is posi- County tickets in: the flel ON aia Peele es CURED Perfectiy in Three Days CT Le ede Sd MN ae Meta) Crees Cae raed THE NEAL INSTITUTE. 820 13th Ave. W. a CALGARY, ALTA FAIR WINNERS have often been produced by thehelpot ABSORBINE as i strengthens the muscles and liga- i Q ments, keeps out soreness, prevent y fatigue, stops pain, reduces swelling ti and intiamnation, Te isa Posie ANTISEPTIC AND GER: LICIDE ing cuts, sores, Is, bs ete. i Used by successful exhibitors and trainers because ABSORBINE does not blister, stain or remove the hair, and horse can be worked. Rin ccmominan te oaty eae eee Ee a A,poitie of AbSOMBIN ES aflated ta poe etal oe hat aared seam abpieation, Jos im getng al yous hese es Wettes Sae pog oe al nd tw a Hite take a prise winner Oy temoving sabe Sem Et ate eeoe mlgaed you might and therefore especially effective in KILLS PAIN AND STOPS LAMENESS QUICKLY writes May rst, 1913. : Vents 2 esculed wi contrac Tietancls eienty ttm completely. weed ap Rae ia ae tiady UR het for ano ad won't ak USE-ABSORBINE 292 Bevel Enlcromeat, Spavins, Tho- Setniat Swalines apa Rieetsne to autinny See Pnatg Devos, balped Vang Fuptured tendon mrengthven any part ents or nittecies fat needs it You can buy Absorbine at regular dealers, price 2.00 per bottle br seat to you, ExDrces Peete tatnstractfons, rice ne abit tae epee ae ea eo eel fice savice. Horse book free: Manulacturcdenty bye ee sulactured-outy W. F. YOUNG, P.D.F.,416 LYMAN'S BLDG:5MONTREAL, Can. es rnibed bp Blartin Bale Wye Coy Wlanipeg, Tho Raton Dror and Coamiea Cox Winnineg und Onigars aad Hendereon b7sa: On Lids Vonccooe.
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Image 336 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 336, (CU1772482). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.