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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ANigCt UH, Wits USES WANTED Bere Setpete alps er Loe Se Or renee HPN ; - : y Pea iM * Small cottage for man ji - Ss ; or rooms for light -: Phone te, at : a3 Boston Wins: Two ast . To rent, four or five eee ' house by September Ist. 7 7 : driers Write Box 276, post 31-3t rO BUY AT ONCE One or six roomed fully mod- in good locality Also a ilding lots cheap. Reply ving best price and ett Sreteteatoatpcteateatectesteateete Peper Oe eemo? Sentence Reena os PSE PEP I LH MB SION CANADIAN BOAT PATRICIA foxse ss) sre on sy en atte ieitae was dull and featureless with prices At it 1 new little tigher than yesterday, but ) Bik 4 WINS INTERNATIONAL TITLB si Seve cei BEUAMFOF arco aS ; mith. i , limits. or Montreal ... + 4+ ar) Weather in Manitoba has been cool : 2 5 0 Pugilist Was Up in London TODAY S MARKETS. A 4 room cottage with i the first or 18th of Sep- wrnished or unturnished, ditt Baltimore and clondy; bright and warmer ui haere tape peeeee ee Smith and Burns. Court Again Today. Hiaieros' odd fields i: T AND FOURD ust opened won Yesterday s Heat of the Great Leki; Baee, Male Smith, Miller and Bergen. Mee Se my we eee jesurdaykectee Deuces our Fall. shipment- of ing it Three-to-One-in Heats Against Ameri- ee (W. A. P. Cable.) eral cutting will not be in order un- of keys. Finder please these. can Boat. r some quarters that the United States is q good demand but practically it News office and re Supsrior ... ...s-+ +--+ 8 18 1)government may Intervene in the no offerings. Receipts, 122 cars in- tt CELEBRATED HATS Gia. e. banat Wiipeg os ac sos sss 26 6) enae of Kia MeCoy (Norman Selby) eposted; 0 insight Sa ee 1 ; - Cummings and Beney. tho American boxer; who was arrest- Wheat, Oct., opened 924, closed 92; asoes. Newardlint: Swi Chicago, Aug. 15. The Canadian)a row for the Canadians. The Am . 0 Ort. a, ; : ee pr and we believe that we Gipsy Patina oaar won the inter- erican boat won the first race of the Peasley, McQuary, and Hasty. ed July 26 On a provisional extradi- Dec. 887, 887. Oats, Oet., opened very satisfactory entry of Driv-f 'y at News office, 29-3t, had a snappier nationai championship of the Great series. The Patricia won today by Grand Forks .../a+ +--+ 1 6 8)tion warrant on a charge of larceny) 34, closed 333. Flax, Oct. : opened ing and Heavy Work Horses ve never ha Sakea; this Vietory-tiaking * thives-ta gt; Duluth . - B68 3) auteged to have been committed at 157 , closed-159- and. Saddlers, age Robe, brown plaid. lot of hats in our store. Wilvon and. Edmonds, Ostend. Quantity of Sasa ORR Johnson and Hargrove, Sheldon L. Crosby, third secretary 5 Milk Cows, lease return to News 3 PEPER EEE AMERICAN LEAQUE + ty of Chickens, elve reward, 29-31, There is no better value ++ ; of the United States embassy, was One National Cream Separ- pag tear * ey TH TODAY'S SPORTING EVENTS present at the Bow Street police court ator, Democrat and other Wades D BOARD WANTED 5 on earth than + BIG LEAGUE + a pe 4 today when McCoy was again brought ons, Buggies, Farm Implements ee . + SCORES Vinee Yoo 11 3) annual tournament of the National up, The magistrate remanded the ND BOARD WANTED i s 00 * ve Sfuttin Dutue end Btanage, ASsoctation of Selentitic Angling clubs accused for another week at the re- Guiviad tor tac sla furnished rooms with . PEPE EE EE EEE n at Chicago.. . quest of the Belgian authorities. in private house, cen- te ewell, Mishee sad Sweeney: Now York yacht club races for the Although the papers connected ns up to 12 o'clock om day , for gentleman and NATIONAL 2nd game King s cups off Newport, R. 1. with the sult arrived here several Bost fo P. 0. box 619, 20.8 Detroit, 1 5 1) Fifth in the series of international days ago, the attorney for the Bel- yfinneapolis, Aug. 15. Sept. wheat. ee E 1st game ay ee ae 36 2 yacht races at Chicago. sian legtslation declared he was un- opened 02, closed O14; Dee. 928, 923; TBMS CASH. NO RESERVE ) RENE ae: Philadelphia... .-. --- - 2 6 1 lett and Cocher. - Grand American Championship mot- able. to proceed with the case until way 962, 964, ess se Pittsburg . 3 9 1 Ford and Sweeney. lorboat race at. Chieago. additional papers from Ostend had) Chicago, Aug. 15. Sept... wheat ici fe fe Offices, and Suites of Sites Mpore amd Hillifer - tat game First in the series of yacht. races been secured. o closed 938; Deo. ok, the new Hull block see . . Camnitz and Gibson. St. Louls ... - 2 Thtor the Lipton cup at Chicago. - William -Philtips, seefetary of the rental agents. 33 Turpin * 2nd-game Boston ... ere8) 82.1 United States embassy, is making an SE be i 3 Philadelphia 1261 Bagmgartner and Krichel. enquiry into the facts of the case on 5 NTED for vadint store ; Tear Men'a. Stove Where You: apurgu-ss 26 1 O'Brfena, Han ana. Carriga . NIPPED AT BUD Pehalt- ot: the embassy, advanced slightly today at the open- nee ff octet Btreet ; Get the Big Dollar's Worth Alexander and Walsh. 2nd. game i Belgian authoritics; 88 Ot bultish cables and continued. ote Hendrix and Gibson, MEA Mute ss. feces. cee oO 4 Al eee r je authorities, esos ae rene avi Both games 10 Innings, Boston ... 3 7 0 Chinese Revolutionary Lea- rinaing themselves involved in an seyonyle ee and Oneme i, Immediate posses- c Adams, Allison and Alexander. der Sent to Prison. inexcusable blunder ,are endeavoring POTS ne Sere : higher, and overhauling will be * AU Uge 15 IN PUSILISTIC A: Wood and Cady. to negotiate the unconditional release fees FP a mets dead . Sean MacB an Co ws . 2 AMERICAN ASSOCIATION tet game Hongkong, Aug. 15. The Chinese of McCoy. pe a ot OOF i 994, os hed 925 B. xu area 3 Met: it cent 1904 George Gardner knocked oUt) sinneapoli 8, 561 SOIR ae ote oe Ba Talc, Siege Waagaesteis are cents and stood at 924. polis. Philadelphia... .-. 8 13 1 lutionaries, wi eadquarters are) Grace Griswold /has been engaged ns TRAYED Jim Jeffries in third round at Butte, Fair demand kept the oats firm. : eee Columbus 9 13 2 Gregg, Mitchel and ONeitl: in the province of. Kwan Tung, was by William A. Brady for a part in Thevopening was from a shade to n July 26th from the 1908 Frankle Burns outpointea YOURE, Level and Ovens ith Bender and Thomas. arrested here teday, taken before 2 Sisters of Fear. gent, Mighell Deiter ctaxted 4,7. 12, R. Clarence Burns in 6 rounds in New Packard, MeQulllan 2nd game Magistrate apd-Spptenced to prison. ad Gand. a at 328 to + at beamaae e ew asa Milwaukee 3 8 3) cievelana 0 1 1 Documents and badges found on the on t + en eS Sabeate , on right ee Toled 6 7.3 ae accused, indicated that the reyolu- surge i white hind feet, fet- 1910 Young Joseph defeated Harry TO edo .- ae. Philadelphia . ee 7 we 8 wi Hoviik and Hughes. Bt d Carisch,, tionaries had selected their own of- : SF ee ea 0 Dahioan, fn. 6, rotnds at Lendae. b Krauss and Land. eee ficials to succeed those at present Liverpool, Ang. 5 Cet has an) Suq baretord Krauss and Land. Plank and Lap: f en thoee -at present ea : or delivery to owner. adelphia Jack O'Brien, bout stopped ansas City Chicago... ... - : holding lt;poslGoms ender the Shinese aa esta gteady, Oct. To. Sid, on S.W. 1-4-3. 24, T in fifth round, at New York. Indianapolis 2 0 Washington ... on government Dee., 7s. 384, initred. Gallia and James. Cicotte-and-Kuhn itt oen ni oS Ce Sa Wie ioe otectat ctax GaN player Taylor, McKee and Clark. Groome, Vaughan ani per ter gee a pau ad The above will be is seized with such a case of rattles St. Paul 3 8 0 i y scutes t ; i to Mrs. Lesife Oe Te Tore ut . i till Ist September, but posittrely a play called Myra to Mrs. Leslie information: that will as was Ivan Olson, the Cleveland Loulavitte 2 10 2 - Loose Leat System The News Job r Cartay whe will: produce it in New Boman. must be in by then. Milne s Portrait i : Stud 30-8 York. Subscribe NOW for The Daily News, when he made Leroy and Casey. Department-has every facility for sup- overy of one brown cade Richter and Scbi plying the most satisfactory. hite stripe on nose, welght about 1300 Iba. ogram on left should- elding weighing about ad ) on left thigh. r re last seen at the 13th of May. R. B. : Hat. 16 ate LLANEOUS a ITH SHOP just lge St. East of Elm se shoeing and genor- ores PACKED JAMMED CROWDED a ee Se, TO THE DOORS din t Take Advamase of uch Bargains as These ortstop, recently, seven errors in a doubt evolvers, ta putt hing, shoes, watcher casei DOE bicycles. ides and furs; horas f thers, bougit:nud he Harvard Tailoring bh avenue. oppo: ire. P.O. box 2 Best t selection of bud the city We carrs eS 7 i yj und Bedding, new Men s Shoes Men s os, Men's Underwear. 1 Clothing, Liocns, Tan, calf, tlets reg. 1.25 Riles unt, te viel, ete., ae Dress Shirts on a Suit, at line of winter goods, Values up to Bee Val. to 1.50 1.25 value. ng mertioned above 3.00. 4.00 value, i ices. Call at 504 it, or Phone 587, tt See Ee eye ACCOUNTANTS ee ON CO., chartered ind auditors, (estab- ors, city of Medicine Medicine Hat, Leth- bsen, C.A:, resident 198. Burns Block. 276att ONEERS CO, Live stock uctioneers, 519 Tor- Men s pay oor m Detach cl nm x Detach- ee reales 16 cera val . Consult us, our ex- oc 519 To ie pairs for a 182att alls 1.95 ed by ll Outfitter for Men Look forthe Store ler: Toronto Street, . . Opp. Assiniboia Holel ve Sik rane Medicine Hat, Alta. Blue Signs a for Factor . S- i
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Image 287 (1912-08-15), from microfilm reel 287, (CU1772473). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.