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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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ARE YOU ON YOUR FEET ALL DAY LONG? INVICTUS SHOES are the acme of value, for they are kept up to one standard the best. INVICTUS SHOES are not cheap; but mpst econ- omical. eee t, Store te * LABOR MEETING SATURDAY NIGHT NON-UNION AS WELL AS UNION WORKERS ASKED TO ATTEND CANADIAN TRADES CON RESS ORGANIZER WILL AD- DRESS GATHERING. Mr. J. W. Wilkinson, Western Or- ganizer of the Trades Congress of Canada, will arrive in the city Saturday moming and the Jocal Trades and, Labor Council will hold a meeting in the Eagle's Halt on Saturday night at 8 o'clock at which it is hoped the workingmen of the city will turn out in large num- and Labor at MEDICINE HAT DAILY NEWS. Cor. Ottawa St. THE FAIR ? tii thi ave. Leonard - Flanagan phone 81 Groceriesand Dry Goods We have just opened up a full shipment of Red Rose Tea and Coffee. 8 Ib, tins Red Rose Tea, black, .. .. .. ...... .. 1.20 per tin. 1 Ib, Blue Label Red Rose Tea, black, ...... .... .. 50 Ib. 1 Th, Green Label Red Rose Tea, black - M0 per Tb. 1 1b, Green Label Red Rose Tea, green - 400 per Ib. 1 Ib, Red Rose Coffee, RED ROSE TEA bers, whether union or non-union. Laborers, moulders, store cTerks; printers, carpenters, plasterers, bricklayers, barbers, painters, plumb- ers, railway employees and repre: sentatives of all other trades will be assured an interesting evening. PRISONER CARRIED MUNATURE. CANNON YOUNG MA NWANTED IN LETH BRIDGE, GOES DOWN FOR MONTH. At the police court this morning Arthur Chadwick was charged by Sergt. Johnston with carrying offen- Calf Working Regular Sale price... ... ... Blutcher Men's Gun Metal Men's Gun Metal Shoes will not squeak. 4.50; Sale price ALTERATION SALE OF SHOES i. Just. four months of shoe selling enlarge our store handle the trade speaks well for our way of selling shoes for cash at small profits. In order to make room for the workmen we are forced to sell a lot of our new fall goods which arrived sooner than we expected, at cost. In view of the fact that all our fall goods were bought before:the rise in price this makes these prices exceptionally good shoe buyings. Men s Tan Elk Working Shoes With Goodyear welted soles and n's Tan Calf Button Shoes Goodyear welted; new goods on the high toe last. Regu- lar 5.00 ; Sale price .. 95 Re 3.65 See Our Men s Window For These Bargains Shoes Men s Elastic Side Men s Tan Calf Dress Shoes Present Daily Aver Advertisers in Dail of the Woekly et No extra charge. B vertisers. ing . Barrow Fell Into Not As Yet Gordon Tetrie, a sides on. Elizabeth employed by the C. plank where he wa Tillway bridge this drowned. It appear Rails Wre PET, S0e per Ib. sive weapons. IS GOOD TEA The weapon in question was an 7 Sp Aas a, lt; Fi 7 ae ieie aciks YOU SHOULD TRY A POUND. ancient type of revolver, about a foot With Goody ear welted soles, Made from gunmetal calf, suit- Ti diene Ree Section Men I eae Jong, and as the Magistrate remarked, leather lined; new fall goods. able for ironworkers or railway ithe new shapes. Reg- Short Ti it would be an deal one for a hold't Regular 5.00. ; Sale men. Regular price ular prie 2 up, adding that it would rather star- price. (All sizes.) .75; Sale price .... .. e. THE FAER LEONARD FLANAGAN. HIGH-CLASS GROCERIES, DRY GOODS AND LADIES WEAR. CANNOT PROVE TO YOU THAT the GOURLAY-ANGELUS is the only Player Piano that anyone can play artistically. IF WE THAT the ANGELUS is the only Player action that does not detract from the TONE of the instrument. THAT the tendency of the GOURLAY TONE is to improve with use as should the tone of any stringed instrument. THEN this advertisement is not worth the paper it is printed on. THE MEDICINE HAT MUSIC UNDER.: THE. BIG FIDDLE Phone 105 : McKinnon s Ltd. Our Bread is on a Pedistal of its own The public demands good bread and we supply it. There is a certain satisfaction about getting good bread that only those who have tried our But- ternut bread can appreciate. It is uniformly the same a quality. Try it once and you will eat no other. F. B, McKINNON, President. J. B, RICHARDSON, Gen. Mgr. Notice of Removal GEO. CAMPBELL, - Tailor has removed his Tailoring business from Toronto St. to 331 North Railway St. Suits made to order as usual. Yadles and Gents Clothing Repaired, Cleaned and Pressed by expert hands, Work called for and delivered. PHONE 486. ad YOU CAN TEACH A PARROT TO SAY: JUST AS GOOD BUT HE WON'T KNOW WHAT HE I8 TALKING ABOUT. fAother s Bread is 'TASSTE BROS. tle a man to hold that up t his tace. Accused was sentenced to a month's imprisonment at Lethbridge. It is stated that Chadwick is wanted at Lethbridge on another charge, PROSPECTS PLEASE HEAD OFFICIALS OF UNION BANK MUCH TAKEN WITH WEST. The high officers of the Union Bank who arriyed here yesterday on a visit, left this morning on the Gro. They are on a tour of the three prait ie provinces where the bank,has,over 170 branches. . 5 They are much taken with the de- velopment of:the ses, and also Med- icine Hat, and the crop conditions, the prospects of which they say are very bright. The head offices of the bank was, on July ist removed to Winnipeg as the grist of the bank s business is-in-the--weet- In the party, were.Jobn Galt, pres ident, Winnipeg; R. T. Riley, vice- president, Winnipeg; E. L. Drewry, Winnipeg, M. Bull, Winnipeg; F. E. Kennaston, Minneapolis, G. H, Thom- son, Quebec; E. E. Duvernet, K. C., Toronto; Sam. Barker, M. P., Hamil- ton; Lt. Col. J. Carson, -Montreal;-G. H. Balfour, general manager, Winni- peg; H. B. Shaw, assistant general manager, Quebec; F. W. 8. Crispo, supt. of branches, Winnipeg. TE ALTAWANA Block 10, Lots 3-4, 1,000, cash. Block 4, Lots 25-30, 1260 a pr., terms. ot RIVERSIDE Block 13, Lots 3-6, 700 a pr., terms. Block 13, Lots 11-16, 785 a pr., terms. Block 15, Lots 36-40, 600 a pr., terms. HERALD Block 5, Lots 28-29, 1600 a pr., terms. Block 3, Lots 8-11, 950 a pr, terms. Block 7, Lot 16, 600. Terms. Block 17, Lots 39-40, 750 a pr., terms, CENTRAL PARK Mock 29, Lots 1-2, 735. Terms Bik. 5, 37 ft, 875, terms. Block 27, Lots 31-82, 575, terms, - HIGH SCHOOL ANNEX Block 27, Lot 32, 525, cash. Block 21, Lots 29-30, 1100 a pair. Terms. Gos Gly Realy Gi. Fire, Life, Aceident, Hail and Plate Glass Insurance. 410 Main St. P. 0. Box 316, Houses 24 of various kinds under construction, some nearing comple- tion, Fully modern. Apply to . any cotton lining and 240; Sale price ... With short Reg. TONIGHT TONIGHT Grand opening of the roller rink. The Medicine Hat city band will play every night at the rink except Saturday. Morning, admission and skates, 25 ; afternoon, admission 10 , skates 25 ; evening, admission 10c, skates 25e. it. TWO OUTBREAKS OF FIRE. The fire brigade received two calls this morning within one hour. The frst was to a shed behind Grah- am's fruit store on.-South Railway street, but the flames were quelled within ten minutes. after their ar- rival, The second was at Mr. Ir- vine's residence in Montreal St., and owing to the prompt turn-out of the brigade practically no damage was done. The damage in both cases was not over 50. HAT HORSES WIN. Ezra Pearson, of the Hat, cleaned up at Lethbridge. His two-year-old colt Drumerey (16,550) won.first in his class, and also the grand cham- pionship for the best Clydesdale on the grounds, taking with it the sil- ver cup; beating Royal Robin, that stood Qnd at Regina in age class at the summer show, and also at Saskatoon, and third at Edmonton in 2 class of 16, and first in his elas yesterday at Lethbridge. RIDING BICYCLE ON FOOTPATH. For riding a bicycle on the foot- path John Fry was fined 1 and costs at the police court this morn- ing. UNBURR. BLISTERS, SORE FEET. W. Hl. ROSEWARNE Builder and Owner. Phone 800, one of the best makers. Sizes. --14-to 138-Regular price- 1.85 a Women 's Giin Metal Blutcher made by Boys American - Elk Shoes In tan and black, the best, shoe known for wear. Reg. 1.95. MOTHERS, HERE IS AN EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD CHANCE TO OUTFIT YOUR BOYS FOR SCHOOL AT PRICES THAT YOU WILL BE ABLE TO BUY TWO PAIR AT THE PRICE OF ONE Boy s Soft Grain Leather Shoes Made from solid leather without Boys High Top Shoes Made from-black elk, 10 inch Regular price 2 85 Winnipeg, Aug. of a deliberate atte Canadian Pacific pa 108 on the Stonew point two miles 80 made made by a 8 this morning. The -Winntpeg at 8.50, an seven o'clock it wa spikes had been ex bars removed from t the front ends of th ed out until they the ties. Marks 1 men had been worki new high Regular price Sale Price ... . Wanev's Tan Button Shoes Women s Vici Kid Strap House Slipper Bee Ps S135 toe. Fall goods. oP 1.85 CASH SHOE STORE MAIN STREET Loans 3,000,000 To Loan on City Property and Farm Lands. j Interest 8 per cent. Prompt Attention, INSURANCE C. Az KRAUSS Porter Block, Main Street. Medicine Hat, Phone 250, NOTICE On and after Saturday-noon next, private boxes on grand stand and au- tomobile: space inside enclosure, will be on sale at Pingle's drug store. Boxes will be 5.00 each, exclusive of main gate and enclosure prices. Au- tomobile space shall be 10.00 for six passengers or less. Passengers shall pay the usual fee at main gate. These prices for box and autos, entitles the holder to the exclusive use of box and space during the whole time of the exhibition, at H, HASSARD, Sec. EXCEEDING SPEED LIMIT. W. H. Lockwood- and A. F. Kap- fel were each fined 4.and costs for exeeeding the speed limit in their automobiles yesterday. Magistrate Kealy intimated that every time a case of this kind came tefore him he would increase the fine 1. Mr. Lockwood There'll be no next time for me, then. Loose Leat System The News Job Department has every facility for sup- plying the most satisfactory. WRIGHT DAY NO SPECULATION BUT SOME SOUND INVESTMENT AN EXCEPTIONALLY 600D WHY PAY RENT? when you ean buy a gaad home on Bal- FARM with 80 acres under moral street for 2800. Small cultivation. Every foot can be first payment; balance easy. . his house is fully mod plowed and cropped. All new a ly modern on buildings. Good wen , with * SBolee lot S0x160. HIGHLAND ST A beautiful home, new, seven room house with concrete basement and all plenty of water. The 160 acres completely fenced. For sale. at a very low prica Owner / modern conveniences, for only retiring. 4500. Cholce Jots and houses too numerous to advertise. See us before buying. Arrange. now for your store, offlee or sulte a rooms in the new OVER ASSINTBOIA MUSIC STORE. ROOME 1-23 MAIN ST. BY GOVERNMENT ANALYSIS Our Spices and Vinegars were.found to be pure and unadulturated. This is an important feature which should not be overlooked. SPICES A stock now on hand large bought especially for the pickling sea- son. VINEGARS White Wine, Malt and Cid- er, bottled and in bulk. Crosse Blackwell s and Red Cross brands. H.W. Ireiand Co. Main Sireet. Phone 54, bbb bic keer hee re Phe rrr rt Last Functior Today at Tol Tokio, Aug. 23. Emperor of Japan, the formalities conn cession to the thro cluding: function wa the premier of a spe to the members of tl in extraordinary se: ment was as follows I have ascended imperial ancestors. a low in the footsteps New York, Augu: was stifling hot and cation when the p Becker. towered al Standing in one grou their.cases to be call that of Becker. A the indictment, cha the first degree, Jo Becker's counsel, ai was prepared to ple meent which the g up some weeks ago. But that indictm perceded by the pi Judge Mulqueen. Claim T To The Judicial Was Begun 1 Some D: Evide CHIEF INTERF COMBIKATI Is Clerk s Ex Changes Sh Boo Lethbridge, Alta. first day s proceed Jal investigation 1 against Chief of F this city before Ju
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Image 341 (1912-08-22), from microfilm reel 341, (CU1772470). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.