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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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IGHEST n the, dry cleaning have attained in the Men's and Ladies We are proud of our tbis Ine and the that we give to our our artistic methods 1 handling of all entrusted to tis at LOBE CLEAN: PRESSING CO. Office on Fourth Ave, TAN PACIFIC To N10, ONT. id Return Medicine Hat ail route 60.80 and rail 68.60 sale Aug. 22-28 eturn limit 30 rom date of is- her particulars to Local Agent. McNEILLIE assenger Agent. Calgary. A. DOBBIN, Ket Agent. Mediicne Hat. AN PACIFIC BRIDGE BITION Ee eareipetsieeesaeeseoegn Friday; Avibust-20ch, wiz, class bu: Boing to sell these lots fast and THEY sell these lots fast and ILL NOT LAST Sei NOT LAST LONG, and the and the roperty. that you buy will make you Be PROFITS. ran dvie. THIS IS OUR PROPOSITON : We have Two Blocks, Numbers 27 and 28 in GRANDVIEW division that we are going to sell at oa per Lok These Lots are all Good Level Lots, Guaranteed. THY DON T WAIT. GRANDVIEW is one-half mile from the new CITY RESERV( 0 SHE US AT ONCE. THEY WILL NOT LAST SO GHT HERE FIRST. GRANDVIEW ; Imperial Bank Bui F or Sale dings NOUSTRAL BREAD with it. I would suggest as Mr. John- iG. G. MacBean C Behind F. C. Lowes Co. Sotetosetee ecto dte ete stole te etens IPOS OHOO COSC SI PLO CUETO TESS FE OTC OO OME OS along with these people too. We con- keep on going and the meeting should Sider that has been done by the bur- suggest the best way to keep it go- eau for the council had nothing to do ing. Mr, White said, baving in mind that YOU, MR. INVESTOR, made money in North Yuill, Central GRANDYIEW is well known and has increased double its value GRANDVIEW next year will be worth 300 per lot at the least. GRANDVIEW is on the direct line of the ANSLEY SPUR. GRANDVIEW is in the direct line of the growth of the city; . GRANDVIEW is next to Bepding and adjoins Riverdale division -FERMS :+- 200- per Lot;-Only. 50-cash; Balance in 3,6, 2, and 12 mos., interest 6s per ce on TALL THESE GOOD POINTS Go to show that we offer you a first- in GRANDVIEW. We are GRANDVIEW is the best investment now for 5; other divisions are too high priced.te make much money on a small b contin. If you buy in GRANDVIEW now you will make more within a years time anywhere else, same amount of invested. Park and-Cousins.and Sissons. Now it is to start the cheaper propert; : that is where the big increa ses son will ba from. now on. i this year already. being just the same distance from the Po - Office. 2 miles. and is therefore sure of water. is only one-half mile from the new INDUB- TRIAL SITE. x ston says, Saskatoon, Call il ST 19th-24th (Continued from pase one) Tetnbridge spent a lot of money, but would be big tomorrow. He would 912. L. . Birnfe, chairman of the In-lsogicine Hat seems to be the oniy lin hg: teavortom: He (dustrial Bureau, sald : I think after Leta cogeney a the a Mke to add to the list of industries . Ps Se ee cit in aaiee made any progress in mentioned by Mr. Jobnston that of Ooo se ena re from industrial development, (applause), the Kalser Cigar Co. They employ . IN ee hase stood what the object is for calling and Medict Hat hi a Mi , E HAT - the meeting tonight. It has never most thin, te nib a en ck DL MERE pr ten firet-clags, workmen and . 8 has 3 To 10 Teams Heavy Work Horses fifteen sy ricssre to wore amonsst Cpionaliy nara year tom a Bost- eeminsiy Good iatagement thee BRIDGE Weight 1400 to 1900 each. a more whole-hearted: or unanimous cia, standpoint. The securing of would grow, Another industry, as he RETURN. eigl each. ee ee ie dave ae money for bonds had been acquired, told a traveller. from the East, who oy wee etfor metjand considering the year, everyone was selling a high grade calander, if 3.55 12 Sets of Harness. 20 Wagon Gears, with the proper siiccess in your est -lwin agree that we haye done well- nis tirm wanted any engraving, em- vi mation. In that respect we are Ike) rhe men behind this bureau deserve poss any high class printing, to tes Ativost 18 ra es, oxes, seo. ing or any high printing, ugus' Coal ja litle boy; we want to be patted on iot of credit, for while if they af6 come to Medicine Hat and they would io 24, : 14 Boxes, 2 Ice Racks, Chains, the back if such was the case. Welnot directly responsible for bringing do it. He was referring ta a firm who on Limit, 1 Heavy Dray, axe tnder tie. bnpraesion. some, sort eracy industry that coma to Melitine/ waa ousting tp s blent that apes stot 1912, E Teorganization, or more new Hat, they certainly last November and 1290 to move that plant across the a 18-barrel Water Tank and Running Gear, and enthusiasm should be given to December got a lot of citizens nter-lgireet. It would employ from twelve We can supply you with MeNEILLIE, 114-barrel Water Tank and running gear with pump f this work. We are aware of the ested in regard to developing the clty/ to titteen high salaried men, and they the latest improved Loose assenger Agent, 4 Plows, Mowers and Rakes, fact that thie uppeign could: be cas: slong industrial nse. Wille OS aero. au. Jr a Opemible WONing: UE sey Bick 3 te ried on with less money than in the have spent a considerable amount of married men, as in all probability Leaf Systems at Eastern o gary. Wheel Scrapers 7 Blip Scrapers: past. We have learned this by ex- money, the amount s mall compared they would move with their families Prices. ee Donan; 1 Filling-in Scraper, perlence. At present our funds will with the benefits received. (Hear. tp the city. apron not admit of any extravagent expend- hear.) It is now just a question of acca citizen he ks aa 1 Wagon Loader for excavations, ture for some time to come. It snow to carry on the work to secure eat always ar ee at the i 2 pair Sleighs, 1 Hay Rack, that question which is troubling us industries for this city . We are NOW inaustrial work should be carried on Keep the money at home, 1 new 5-ton Derrick, complete (made by American at present. It is a question for you rather short of money, but we havelrrom the city hall, and that the funds ; . gentlemen whether you are going to iaid out our plans accordingly, but) should come out of the Fatepayers Hoist and Derrick Go.) sige oa oF Bot we did not lay them out soon enough. pockets. it was mot everyone that ; Winch chairman understood the In- -We are laying them out now, and they eoula make a big subscribtion, as Get i bef 18, Assorted Blocks and Ropes, dustrial Bureau were up against it are costing us a lot.of money. Wel those put eee list last year. Some Sur prices are. NN SAL furniture, Horse, buggies, ete. Co. have been instructions Fou sell by auction on F, AUGUST 17 Jock sharp, ises situated at wance, the whole ehold Furniture, . NO RESERVE or particulars. DWE CO. Auctioneers 519 Toronto St. the case that you the-gatreral adop- form, free from the are now so strong 0 justly) felt by h clergy. Refuso rm, and you will ve practical griev- ons and get a tree Trider's, Th: for the Daily News. 1 Capsole for removing buildings. 1 150-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with vertical boiler-and engine, 1 50-yard Concrete Mixer, complete with gasoline engine. Tar Boilers, Barrows, Shovels, Picks and Hoes: Mortar Boxes: Sand Screens, Lanterns, Post Hole Diggers, Blacksmith s Outfit complete, Oak Rollers, and yarious other items connected with contracting outfit. Also a full stock of Window Sash and Frames, Doors and Frames, and sundry Mouldings, etc. Builders Supplies including Cement, Wood Fibre, Plaster of Paris, Building Paper, Roofing Felt, etc ete. ALL TO BE SOLD AT ONCE. APPLY AP. BURNS CONTRACTING CO. LIMITED ve Yo Wo Je es jobject of the in the way of not being able to col- lect the amounts promfsed by the subscribers. He thought the main what would be done with regard to would, however, like to hear from the elty council ag to the value of this Industrial Bureau to the city along the line of getting industries. There was no doubt fn his mind but that the organization was a good one, but he would like information from the city council on the matter. Mayor Spencer said: You have ask- ed a question that is easy to answer. Mr. Johnston had said they were tr - Ing to make Medicine Hat the Indus- trial centre of the West ,and you 'yave heard of some of the results, and read of others. We have them. here in the shape of one good, sub- stantial building. It is an industry that I, think will amount. to some thing in the industrial affairs of Medicine Hat. It is the first of its kind to open up in the Dominion. Mr. McKay is also here to assist In the glass plant, something we have been trying for a very long time. Also Mr. Wright, who Is bringing his plant for the manufacture of chalk and graph- ite kalsomining, and has got his plans ready for building. That is three plants that have been brought by the influence of the Industrial Bureau. One secured by the late Commissioner Brown, and the other by Birnie and Day, and I believe Mr. McIntyre was meeting was to see, that matter, and beyond that he did not think they could do much. They, (are going Into proposition for the expenditure of 400,000 in a water aystem. We cannot expect to carry the burden of financing verything upon this community, on the popula- tion we have here. We have every faith, but there is no use-having faith if you don't get the people. It is hard work. If any man thinks the city will go sbead without working, he Js going to be very badly mistaken. We are not go- ing to get the people and the indus- tries. without working for them. I see Winnipeg has set aaide 50,000 this year tu carry on their industrial work, You may think that is big, but Medicinec Hat will spend in indus- trial work 6,000 We have a limit of 6,000, and I don t know how we are going to get through on that, but unfortunately that was their limit. You take 6,000 and compare it with a population of 10,000 against a city the-sine-of Winnipeg spending 50,000 and you will find our contribution is just as great. But I believe we have more to offer manufacturers than any other place in Western Canada. (Applause.) It is interesting tp know how many friends Medicine Hat has, any one that travelles through the East or the States will tell you that, and a great deal has been done to help our town by influential out- siders purchasing real estate here. The clty is growing now, and it. is much easier to that work up now than for to revi The thing to do Were of opinjon that certain people had done good work for the city and had got no credit for it, and as Mr. Birnie had sald, if any one had done good they wanted patting on the. back. That was the feeling of seyeryone. If they did a good turn ley given credit for it.-He would like the opinion of some one else on that question. Mr. Haggard, as a citizen of Medl- cine Hat, said he appreciated the good work done by the Industrial Bureau, but thought they were working against the stream. He thought, as the chairman did, that this thing) should be worked from the city hall or probably from the board of trade, (Cries of Oh ) He was in- the board of trade bullding, and there were but few of those present had any idea of the number of strangers that came into the building every day inquiring for the secretary of the board of trade. It was his painful duty to tell them that the board of trade was out, and there was no sec- retary acting. So far as he was aware the Board of Trade was not in active operation. Sometimes people came into the building who appeared to be monied men, and while he know they would be weli treated at the bureau headquarters, yet it seemed Painful to him that they had no Board of Trade. (Applause,) His op: infon was that if the Industrial Bu. Teau,-and the men who support it, pending out of the city for these goods. We carry a full stock of Binders , Indexes, Ledger Sheets, Account Forms, ete. for this work. We make a speciality of Loose Leaf Binders, in Cor- duroy and Leather, Canvass and Leather, Canvass ete., and can make them any size to order. put-their finances in conjune- (Continued on page seven) LIVE MERCHANTS ADVERTISE IN THE NEWS
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Image 295 (1912-08-16), from microfilm reel 295, (CU1772458). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.