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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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Present Daily Average 16 6 Copies. Advertisers in Daily got/th bewotlt of the Weekly country elrculation, No oxtra charge. Books open to a vertisers, lential Property . Esplanade, 1500. Townsite Block 33, 5,000. ment house site.) er, Btock 1, 1600. jer, block 59, 4200. h School Annex rner, Block 23, 1200. ith shack, Block MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA. THURSDAY. JULY 18, PRES. TAET'S VOL. 3, NO. 7 gt;: 1912 England s Protest. HOO-H00 MERT AT ASHEVILLE BALKS AT 1 MARRIAGE FEE (Specal to thesNews) Asheville, N. C,, July 18. Agheville flung the banner of the Black,Cat to (Special to the News) pids Mich, July ., Creswell is not running 24, Rr nier 18 Poustice x1. ook 3 000 iS at Washin: OAs coca mere agency. He tx tho breeze today in b bor of eke men- Jentral Park clares he will not marry couples or I bers of the Concatepated Order of lock 4, 1300. 1 fee. He waa c upon by Chai Hoo-Hoo, who hav Jgathered , here Block 16, 1,000. pair. lt; f t f HH directic t attentl thels Riversid . Reached Secretary Knox Today and Sent-to-Pros: me dees or ae ae se atten ian: aw then ; Blocks 7, 18 and 14 at Member of British Embassy Presented It. old. Brown confessed to two previous iaI- Grand Orange Council at Lon don fraternal and'spojal character, 48 con- fined to thogs engaged: in. the Iumber trade or the allied industries, Nearly every sectiglt ok the Imarriages, Mrs, Henzy said she had jbeen married three times before. Brown had only a single dollar. Not Snough, : sald the Systics when re- ach. South Yuill t, Block 8, 1050 t, Factory St,,. 500. ge list of property Their Stand on the Home Rule Q est (CW. ALP: Dispatony Washington, July 18 -Great Brit-/legislation outlined in the note of Mr. in ( . A. P. Cable) cil ondgn. England, July 18. The have it (loud Heretot e, Fuller-Harlow, Rose: tawana, Herald, etc. PETTET CO, onto St. Phone 451. gle, Wales Bell a A okers, Notary Public, Phone 791. i corner of Esplanad , te fra Post Oftice, avo a Aice selection of es in the Herald, Riv- nd Riverdale. They are orite locations and we- g out a special nice lot in fact, these loca- t special gilt-edited fits for , our clients. who are. interested in ama Cans Bill in the senate was pre- sented to Secretary Knox today by A. Mitchell Innes, in charge of the Brit- ish Embassy, Secretary Knox will send it at once to President Taft, who probably will transfer t to Congress with special message. Mr. Innes met a British + mail Mteamer in New York yesterday and brought the note in person to Wash- ington. The- communtoation sur derstood to be an elaboration, sup- ported by argumenia of objections to. House of Representatives today unan- that Date of canat dies to. American ship- be detrimental to Australia The Australian Premier, ) Discovered Within Two Mile Timit By We have been omp.of our friends ere tings. It cH OF A BUY BOWE maker is. this bring: in 9 ing his is a proposition and In value, ave the largest Ustings ity 6r you to compare to Street, Only 3750 he usual terms. ir Level and vv : e.. view, Iivel, high, no Uusual Terms. o-date, vioielis, Cen- Ba (CW, A,B. Dispatch.) Newington steamer chased her and steered clear and Kept running full speed.. With another warning to heave to, which Was not answered, Of- ft vat moon today jaunch Benito, of the vessel Tun down and. capslz- cowered on then and working my ed in an it to escape. Th ering Bear with a rope they altered of two being picked up before the sel- their course and tried to escape. The zute ,was affected. On arriva lat Es- Newington circled around the launch. quimauli , P. J. Ledwell, fishery. pro* tection officer, turned the boat dver sea. The poachers knew that safety lay beyond the line of territorial wa- , ters. The Newington was headed loge to the launch an dafter running about the Jarge craft three times, a fusilade of Tifle fire being maintained meanwhile the chuiser closed in and while, attempt to get a line on the True ship on the port side and rolled. over the boat. The two men on board leap- ed as the craft capsized; Both were rescued and brotight ashore by the Newington. The launch, was righted, taken in tow and brought in as the Newington s first prize. The Newing- ton hag been protecting the island's fishing most effectively. navy and thp vesse Hes awaiting con- fiscation to H. M. The King as a prize. The, Newingtongwas returning trom Clay Quot-te- Sam Juan when the Ben- ito was sighted with her trool out less than-tw dinlles from shore. She was on-her fiiden voyage. The: cruiser. preticas 26 ipll dr Was sighted ny What are you doiie here? asked Newington e officer. 4 Making a I guess we'll bare fo look up some fdieb beens the Bera -Melbourne, Australia, July 18, The imous yadopted a motion setting forth in the opinion of this house any system providing for a bonus or a re- ping using the Panama Canal would the interests: of Andrew, Biaher, sald he hoped the matter would be amicably settled by the gover ts of the United States and Great Britain, e Jthe evening ho will address a mass -in capsizing of Prey Mr, Ledweil alternately firing over and near the vessel. The bullets ner mid- Assassinate Minister. minister. was Brown's reply. ASQUITH ARITVES IN DUBLIN (Special to the News) lot spectators, including visitors from from Kingstown to the residence of Chief Secretary Birrell in Phoenix Park, where the pretifer is to be a suest during his-gtay-in the capital. Tomorrow Mr. Asquith will pay visits to various public institutions and in meeting in the Theater. Royal. JUAREZ ANNIVERSARY (Special to the News) City of Mexico, July 18 The for- tieth anniversary of the death of Ben- Ito Juarez, the Mexican patriot, was capital and other leading cities: of Mexico. SONS OF ST. GEORGE Negaunee, Mich., July 18. The Michigan grand lodge of the Sons of t. George -opened out the State. The meeting will con- clude Saturday with a-big-parade. PUNISHMENT AS UNDERGONE CHANGE Only Life Ttniprtapnanent for Man Who Attempted to 2 (WHA PL AP. Cable) Hong Kong, July 18 The China- man who, on July rd attempted to assassinate Francis H. May, the gov- emnor of Honx Kong, by shooting him with a revolver, pleaded guilty to- day. He was sentenced to life im- prisonment at hard labor. PROGRI SS TOWARDS GOAL WILL BE SLOW, PACE, WOULD RESULT IN DISASTER NEED OF A TONIC .STANDARD. z 5 London, Jilly 18 Speaking gener th ally, the British Liberal press thinks Premier Borden's declaration thiat the overseas dominions shall have participation in the Imperial, ofelgh policy and naval control a8 condition- al on contribution, Will take a long. time to work out. The . Unionist press takes the-view that this must be done at no distant date. The Chronicle, Liberal, declares: We have met the cost of defending FREESE ELE Eee oT (C. A. P. Cable) ithe Dpminions, No war in which the British Empire has-been engaged in Napoleonic times, with the single ex- geption of the Boer war, has directly fmvolved any dominion in danger, trouble or expense. The balance is. on the side of the United Kingdom: There is no immediate prospect of the balance being seriously affected and we are unc 1o/ compulsion to decide quickly. According to. some the theory of the future is for formal relations between the Mother country and the doniinions, given the good will which exists, and of which Mr. evidence, time oe and circumstances * sk lwilt work smooth much that now in + Thursday, July 16th, *h)the ught of abstract reasoning seems + This coupon with five other ++/rough and hard. + consecutive coupons from the i) The Westminster Gazette, Liberal, h Dally News,,and ten cents, en- ++/referring to Borden's statement that ap; sh titles the holder to a photo i- the British parliament is not truly je + gramme reproduction of the + imperial, says: tamous painting, The Ci- . We are glad to see the idea thrown +b gale. Coupons and money +/cut and during the next few years +b should be presented at the -f hope to see it in practice. In thoight. + News office any time after - snd language self-governing commun- + Monday, June 24th, b/Ttles and British parliamentary in- This picture cannot be sent stitution are developing in a natural- he by mail. Elly federai direction, but a definite wt scheme can hardly at present be sub- BE be bb bb ob ob ob bt mitted by the United Kingdo e c g Time to Work Self Out Tn The Opinion Borden's Utterances on the Question Causing Great Deal of Discussion and Lead- ing to Many Forecasts and Predictions on the Part of Both Liberal and Un- jonist Press Hope to See Truly Imperial Parliament, Faye One. POST. ' of Exiglish Press BUT TO TRY TO FORCE WE WERE IN SAD The paper alleges as a reason for this that the overs as dominions wofild inevitably be ont in such an m- perial parliament. But, it adds, Such a condition may change In the life of childrem now living here and in Canada. The Morning Post, Unionist, de- elares that a system of Imperial part- Rership mtst be devised whtoh Wi enable each to play its partin th terest. No doubt progress towars this goal will be slow, but any at- tempt to forob the pace could only stanee and practice of cooperation canbe encouraged, the British race will evolve a constifiitional machin- ery est suited to its needs. Standard, Unionist, says that altogether from the specific ob- of his visit Premier Borden is fax tneatcutabtebenettttothre British nation at: this juncture. We were In sad need of a tonic, it says, and we have found the re- quired stimulant in the presence of a Canadian, representing as he does, And the couple walked out of the office. Dublin, July 18 Premfer Asquith Was. given a cordial welcome on -his. arrival in Dublin today. Thousands all parts. of Ireland, lined -the -route the--customary-demon- atrations today In the here today with an attendance reptes ny of welcoming thea THE GREATEST SCIENTIST settlement of questions of comm n in- withthe murder or Herman Rowen the pollee, went to police headquar- ed for two houra by Deputy Commis- sioner Dougherty, (W. A.B: Dispatch) Washington, July Honse officials and Chief Wilki of the Secret Service denfed carly today the clreuni- stantlal story of the attempted as sassination of President Taft. GOVERNMENT FAILS TO-FALL ON NECK: perial Cabinet at Ban- -quet Taken-as Affront - by. Canadians Abroad ACTION INTERPRETED Daily Express Gives Views of Visitors as to Evident (W. ALP, Cable.) London, July 18+ -Thd-Daily satisfied with the/ treatment meted out t the Domi British government, When Premier Bordon, it continties, attended the Royal Canadian Institute banquet he was accompanied by six of his 0 fexgnes mn the Dominion FRM) In view of the fact that Mr. Borf/ was to make his fist public.speesdal was expected the government mark the import ars of the occul by sending at least one member the Imperial cabinet, As it was, n6 a single member took the trouble to be present :and the splendid op Ur Visitors was missed. This is interpreted as What, they ask, would th . Engl people say if Premier Asquith and hf ministerial colleagues were to visit, Ottawa and vere entertained to great public function, which was boy- cotted by: the whole Dominion cabi- net? a nent London, England; July .18. The usual conference was iicld this morn- ingt between Canadian Cabinet. Mini ters and representatives of tho home government. Mr. Borden an- nounced that no statement regard - ing the outcome of the negotiationa would be made until the Ministers had returned to Canada. 18, White vigorously. OFA. BORDEN Absence of Members of Im- ASSDIRECT SLIGHT ministers by the Dorr wasiiichosen governor. custom of orning df the be ibugh larger: tendances Would . gt; Boggess: of oe a the AS With tn mufgnent erect- Milison- Dorr, 1841, at a mass Providence, the suffrage. iiitier Dorr s leadership : voted o calt a State constitutional conven- tion, constitution/was the right to a this con-/ fatitution an election was held and At the e time an election was held un- der.the old charter and, Samuel Was elected govern ps governments rj ized in PNewport in May, 1842, and King pro- claimed martial law, called out the militia and was recognized ty the na- tional government. Dorr was arrest- ed, tried for high-treason, found guil- ty and sentenced to imprisonment for tife, but was pardoned in a few years. Though Dorr was ridiculed and de: pisea by his enemies his rebellior made such a, de p public impression that the principles for which he and jis foliowers contended were, embod- fed in the Constitution of Rhode Is- land not long afcer Dorr s arrest. i x Qpder tq begig Ms an- at, the mystic fiour of ith day montl, This year, bow- E fo: change the time trom Septemiber-to mid- rkes e of g e8tS Ago, but the church-goers de- triemnial conference of the Impert Orange Council opened here las night when some 250 delegates were present including a number of over- seas representatives amongst - whom were Frederick Daye, Ontario; Wal - ter Foo, Manitoba, and Lieut.-Col. FSeott afd John Talk, British Co- lumbia. After the preliminary pro- ceedings which-included ac welcoma tothe Canadians, Rev. David Ness, it red to the home rule crisis saying that members of the Orange Order Were strongly of the opinion that the home rule bill had been intro- uced before the sonsent of the country had been obttained and there fore any objection Ulster might tace for tho establishment of home rule in Ireland would te amply justified because of the conduct the present government (applause). Col. Wallace, C. B., Grand Master of Belfast Orangemen and Imp rial Grand President, acknowledged -the welcome as an Trishiran ant Utster man. He could. assure them that the Orangemen did not mean to HOLDS SERVICE HUREH English Rector Boy- y His People. July 18 An extraordinary on. of affairs exists in Holten; herset village, where the church boycotted. The-Rey- Joseph , the rector, who Ts etghty-years eame to the village eleven ok ag Yeloped .a dislike for-him and ceased 'to-come to the church, and now, for iBome months, not a sox has attended fthe-services. The consequence is what lSe? thera are Wo funds Yor-treupkeep-0 he iureh. The wooden gate of the urchyard is rotting and is held Glosed by a piece of rope. The grass Hus been overgrown by weeds, the Sraveyard is neglected, and the tomb- Stones are almost hidden by rank veg- etable growth. There are twenty-one services each week, which the aged rector serupu- lously holds. At least twice a day he rings-the church bell ,a8, no one else will do it, and whether of noy anyone comes, the services are held. Some- times a Stanger in the village goes to the church and then, though the con Sregation is composed of only one person, the rector delivers a sermon as the church were crowded. As there is no organist, he starts the hymns himself, The rector lives in the Seouyy. ab- Grand Master for Scotlend, refer- mitting to it, when the time eam Present day would b one whit behind their who defeated King Jami Pattle of the Boyn. plause.) The men of Dert than shout no su were prepared for the sie what he know of the brethren at Belfast he- with confidence that any attempted to force home Ulster would have an uncom hot time of it. (Loud appla John Kennedy and brother A Weir of New York replied for 8 brethren of the United States. latter said he could assure brethren that in the States were a hundred: thousand stal of Orangemen who would stand them foot to foot and knee 4 knee and in pocket also, if need 1 to. help them wipe out the h rule noe They haa wibed woukl ae it again, Goat platise). BANK OF ENGLAND London, July 18 The. weekly state he Bank of England, shows the following changes: ota resotve, increased, 796,000; circulation, decreased, lion, increased, - 57: posits, Increased, 2,021,001 ment Se unchanged. the bank THability this week is Serve to per cent. Last week it wae 50.23.per cent, Gives Up His Life. (W, A. P. Cable.) Leipsig, Saxony, July 18. Lieut Prousserf German military aviato was killed here today as he was m ing a lahding after a flight. machine turned over twice struck the ground; the airman caught beneath the engine. 6,374,000 FLIES SWA One Week's Gat Gateh i Yakima Was Twi Pounds (W. A. P. Cable) Paris, July 18 The funeral of Jules, Henri Poincairne, the famous: mathe- matician, who died suddenly yester- day, will be held tomorrow with mili- tary honors, The Paris new ers are unani- Mous in asserting that Mr. Poincairne was the greatest scientist of modern France. Figaro. says his death is the Sreatest loss that the contemporary world of science could suffer.- The Matin thinks the body-of-the-selentist should be Placed In the panthcon. CARRYING OFFENSIVE WEAPONS C, H, Jenking had his revolver, and 10 confiscated. this morning at the Police court, as he did not appear to answer to.a charge of carrying of- fensive peabobe Sree FOR MURDER GOES 10 THE POLICE Man Was Eagerly Sought For New York Gamblers Murder. (W. A. P, Dispaten) New York, July 18. Jack Rose, wanted by the police in connection thal, the gambler and informer against ters this morning and was question- He said he was a with splendid adequacy and abound- ing vigor the shrewd practical n- sight and the enlarged patriotism of the greatest of Overseas Dominions. passenger in the automobile in which Rosenthal s Hotel Metropole, but said he left it before the shooting took place. murderer drove to the CONTEST FOR MISSOURI GOVERNORSHIP (Special to the News) Jefferson City, Mo. July 18: The Missouri primary campaign, with nom- inationg less than/a month off, 15 cc upproaehing-the final stages, On the first Tuesday of-next month the vot- ers of all parties will engage in a State-wide primary for the naming of candidates for governor and other State officers, judges of THe State courts, members of the legislature; representatives in Congress-and-num- erous county officers; The party lead- ers, the candidates and the newspap- jers are making thelr ast appeals to) th In both the leading parties the bat tle for the gubernatorial nomination ig the keenest, The Republican field consists of John E. Swanger of Milan, State bank commissioner and former ecretary of Sti hn of Unionville, former leutenant-gov- lernor and twice the Republican choice for United States senator; Arthur P. Murphy of Rolla, former .congress- man from the Sixteenth district; Ar- ar a Leon W, Quick, city treasurer of St. Louis. TheDemocratic field of guberna- torial aspirants consists of the same number as the Republican, The men who aspire to head the Democratic ticket are former Congressman Wil- Tiam 5; Cowherd-of -Kansas-Cits, defeated nominee four years ago: At- torney General Elliott W. Major, of Bowling Green; David A. Ball of Lou- fslana, who claims he was counted out in Cowherd s favor in 1908; Au- guste H, Bolte of St. Louis, former tor titteen days.Fifty. members were fined 10 a day for being absent for atone. FIFTY WERE FINED Members of Parliament Who Do Not: Attend Lose Their Pay. Ottawa, July 18. The accountant of the House of Commons has just concluded payment of sessional in demnities to members of the Par- lidment, The great majority of them draw very promptly, but some of the weatthier class delay indefinitely. While there are 221 members indem- nity was paid only to 219 individuals; Sir Wilfrid Lanrierand Sir Rodolph Forget each representing two seats. While the session lasted 189 . days, there were but 7h sitting days. Ab- sence without deduction is allowed various periods in excess of the stat utoty allowance. GAVE CHAUFFER BOOZE Port Alberni, July 18 Two hun- dred dollars was the-tine imposed on each of the proprietors of the Arling- ton and Somass Hotel of Alberni and Port Alberni respectively, for having supplied Hauo:- to an auto driver ag under the influence of 4 drink, This fa the sequel to the fatal ac- cident that took place last week when W. N. Clarke was killed in an auto accident while riding in a car driven by George Clarke, Both cases have lieutenant governor, and James A. Houchin, a millionaire contractor of) Jefferson Ci Iwarrant a conviction. been appeale on the ground that J. Sordbent, Victoria Gase- The firstgweek of the campaign Yhere, resulted in the ture of 6,274,000 Mies, at or near the various; fruit The campaign is being carried on der the management of Dr, A Lun- trap made by a local inventor. Th campaign will . continue throughout the season. The dead files were not counted, but the nium- ber was reckoned by weight. It was a found that a dram contained the bod- fes of 1,050, andthe weight of the catch was twenty-five pounds. ACCUSED OF CEM ROBBERY Suspect, Held in San Franscisco. San Frariciseo, Juty-18. J- Sord bent, alleged to have been one of a trio of robbers who secured 35,000. worth of diamonds froma jewelry store in Victoria, B.C., is being held here-after several days espionage by poli e detectives. CROPS AT,RED DEER GOOD Sergt. Harper of the R. N, W. M-Py who returned -from- Red -Deer, this morning states that the crops are Jooking better there at the present he remembers seeing them, All of the farmers are delight ed with the prospects, and all are ex- pecting bumper returns. The Beaver Lumber Company phone number is 166. 6-At there was, not sufficient evidence to the News Job Department. For all kinds of job printing, tre serve, Increased, 822,000; gavern- den of the United States Marine Corps. The flies were caught in a
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Image 96 (1912-07-18), from microfilm reel 96, (CU1772046). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.