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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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MEDICINE HAT DAELY CENTRAL PARK, Price and terms. 800, 1-8, 6 and 12. 0, 1-2, 6 and 12. 1-2, 6 and 12, COUSINS SISSON Bik, Lots. Price and terms. 26, 16-24, 250 each, 1-3, 6 12. 2, 8-9, 825 pair, 1-3, 6 and LR 20, 86-40, 400 each, 1-3, 6 38. ALTAWANA, Block 3, all, 600 each Block 12, all, 600 each. Block 14, all, 450 each. ROSEDALE TRACKAGE, Bik, Lots. Price and. terms. 5, 6, 2500, 900 cash, 6 and 18. 8, 18-19, 4000, 1-8, 6 and 12. 6, 198 st, 4200, 1-8, 6 and 12. List with us, we ave buyers for your property. Donald Currie Room 1, Becker Block. Phone 776. J. A. LANDRY : CARPENTER AND BUILDER. Residence and. Office. : TIL Ottawa St. Phone 626. Box B31, Job Work Attended to. If you want a modern home, close in, I can supply you, as I have several good lots on which Iam.prepared to build for you according to your own idea and style, See me, and I will gladly show you the lots and some of, the Hotges F have. put up. Close in means 5 minutes from post effice. HOUSES FOR SALE. R. B. Taylor s ?Transfer Light and Hoary Draying. Prompt. Attention to all orders. Piano Moving with Piano Yan a Speciality. Parcels Delirerea. Pastoc Brooklyo Tabernacle. NN rn nana + Washington, D.C., July 14. Bible study must be coming quite Vogue if we may judge by the inter: manifested by the thousands gather- a Bere for. ten-daya Convention. Nothing boisterous or ludicrous has manifested itself, All day, and every ppears to be spent in searching the Scriptures and in quiet, spiritual rejoicing inthe promises found there- in. The testimony of our citizens. s that we never before had such Con- vention in our mids The people are from the middle walks of life poor rather than rich They have no outward badge of special clothing, but seem to b3 adorned with a meek and quiet spirit The entire Bible is their creed and they truly walk. in its light, which they tell us is growing daily brighter as Wwe near the Morn of the New Dis- pensetion of Christ's Kingdom. A peculiarity of these Bible Sta- dents is that during the entire series of the meetings. in which more than forty speakers have participated, no has ot even been mentioned from the platform. Asked why this is, the answer was that each tries to give to the service of the Truth what he is able according to his ability as unto the Lerd. A so far as is known there ig no lack, becatise the expenses ot ropaganda: are kept within the limib' I the offerings. The Conven- tion loses to-day. Extracts from Pastor Russell's Sunday address fol- low. His text was, But ye are come * to the General Assembly and irst-born, which an (Hebrews. xii in part: The oneness of the Church of Christ is everywhere made prominent in the Bible. Sects and parties are nowhere recognized. Nowhere is it intimated that Christ has various Churches: for instance, the Roman (atholic, the Anglican, the Greek, Presbyterian. Congregational, Lutheran. ete. On the contrary, there is but the one Church, which is: the Body of Christ, and that Body of Christ has Dut the one Head, Jesus. We not.only find that Christ and the Apostles established but the one Church, but we cannot think of any Feason why these should have estab- lished. more than one. Nothing is plainer than thst our sectarian di- visions ardse from our neglect and the loss of the ni unto the saints . (Jude 3.) As the divisions came ir, the errors came in with them; and, as the errors go out, 20 algog Will sectarianism pass away. As we are assembled here to-day. not under any human: or sectarian name, and not divided by sectarian creeds, but united as one people through our consecration to the Lord, through our desire to know His will by the study of-His Word, we well appealuhas been made for money; it Sectarian Divisions Arose From Neglect and Con- sequent Loss of Faith. FR of the flesh, against which w fight all these will then Have we not the promise, We shall 2 Hira for we shall see Him Have we not the promise Sown in weakness, we I be raise . in power; sown in honor. w shall be raised in glory; body we sball be hody? Have we not e further promise respecting that glorious resurrection. change, which shall lift us completely out of the human and into the divine ture, that We must all be changed, tor flesh and bec cannot inherit the Kingdom of Ged? (I. Corinthians xv, 50, 51.) (3) Another difference between this Convention and the great one prom- ised ta-our text is. that wo shall go from here to cor homes to engage afresh in warfare with sin within and without te continue our warfare as good soldiers f Jesus Christ under the Captaincy cf sur Redeemer. We shall go from. here realizing that our is and testings-are not-yet-ended; t the oup which the Father hath poured for us we have not yet drained, We shall go forth from here remem- bering that we have not yet unto blood, striving against si fighting the good fight of fai shall return to our homes with the thought that we still haye need of the i ion, Watch. Quit you like men ; Put on the whole armor that ye may be able to stand in the vi day, and. having done all, to. stand. We will go from here realizing that fn all probability this season of re- freshment we have enjoyed has been a part of the Father's goo providenc for us whereby we shall be stronger. the more courageous, the better pr pared for further trials, besetments. difficulties -and conflicts with the world. the flesh and the Adversary But when we reach the. glorioas Convention mentioned by the Apo all the fightings and trials and test: ings will he in the past. Por us. therefore, there willbe no more ing, no more crying, no more d: no more fight no mor OBESE: 5 more sufferin: but instead. lif: eternal. jog etrrnal, glory, honor and y our dear Redesmer's right hand of svor. Well do-I knew at this hope ot sharing te eral Assembly of the Church of * First-borns strengthens . your. heart and nerves you to loyalty, and faith- fulness to the Lord, the Truth and the brethren as the days ro by Let us console ouraelves wi thought that whatever is the God concerning us must nece: be for our b and by it is not the PHONE NO. 349, E. M. CAWKER, Phm: B. Druggist stock of Toilet Articles Drag Sundries, Proprietary Medi- Dispensing of Physicians Pres Dispensing scriptions a specialty. 204 South Rv.St. Phone 75. Steam Laundry Modern and sanitary in every respect and the machinery is the best that momey can buy. All white help employed. PHONE NO. 8. Your patronage solicited. And our drivers will call for and return the goods. Prepare Yourself for Business. ENTER THE SOUTHERN ALBERTA s yp 3 Now Students may enroll at any time. WILLIAMSON PATERSON we Contractors. Shop Fittings and Repairs Given Prompt Attention. See Us for Sereen Doors and Windows, BOX 353. 1s3-ime. 7 PHONE 712 eeseseesecooooosTeseon represent the Scriptural or ideal 4/Church of Christ .Regardless of na- tionality, language, caste and of all sectarian creeds and bondages, we are here simply and solely as children le students in the, . to Fearn of Him to* be fitted and prepared for glorio. joint-heirship with Him in His com- ing Kingdom, and meantime to learn at His fect the lessons necessary for a-coming service. correct. myself and say our little home classes very fittingly represent the Lo Church as it was in the days of Jesus and the Apostles. And our Assembly here to-day, far away from those classes, in grounds, is a picture rather of what the Apostle describes in our text, namely, The General Assembly of the Church of the. First-born' from every quarter, as it will be by and by, but gathered on the heavenly lane by the change of the First yesurrection. , How many of us have during the week said with reference to our fel- Jowship in spirit with the Lord, Tt is good tobehere But oh; dear brethren, I am sure that I voice the sentiment of everyone present whe T say, It will be better to be ther ob, so much better When by God ace we shall reach that Heavenly shore and perticipate in the joys of that greater and better Convention, The General Assembly -of the Church of the First-borns, it will be better than this grand Convention; and I will seek to enumerate some of the reasons why I think it will be so. 1). The joys of our present Con- vention are merely a foretaste of the perfect glory ye will experience when we enter into the joys of the Lord beyond the veil. Now we know in art the wondrous things -of- our feavenly Father's character and Plan, and of our Redeemer'slove and sympathy, and of each other's love and sympathy;, then we shall know even ss we are known, is the guarantee of the inspired. Apostle. Now we seo as through an obscure glass the things which the natural eye cannot see nor hear, neither can enter into the heart of the natural man, but which God has revealed unto us by His Spirit. But they are still more ot less obscure to us. We eannot weigh nor appreciate the won- derful glories which God has in re- servation-for us, but then we shall see Him fac? to face, as St. Paul declares. (2) As we meet here to-day as:New. Creatures in Christ, we seek to know each other as God knows us, not after the flesh, but after the spirit. But for all that we experience dif- ficult It is often difficult for us to entirely overlook the flesh of our fellows, as they no doubt have diffi- culty in overlooking our blemishes in the flesh. But oh, what will it be there All the imf--fections and PULWOOB EXPORT, 11 What Canada Could Do With Wood She Exports. Fifty-six per cent. of the pulpwood cut in Canada during the year 1911 was exported to the United States. This is the fact shown by statistics agi these - beautiful thee, for My strength is made perfect cause our Heavenly Fath and Redeemer have a work for us to do in the. present life either a work of further polis characters or a work of helping the ethren, for we remember the de lar- ation that the Bride is to make her- self ready for that event. We arf to build one another up in the most holy faith, encouraging, strengthen- , sympathizing with and assistin: one another in running the race for the great Prize. Another happifying thought .w should take with: us to. our homes is the Lord's promise, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. An in, My grace is sufficient in thy weakness know that all ti for good to those who love the Lord. to the call d according to His -p Romans viii, 23. So then, dear friends return to our homes like an arm corps in retreat, but rather as company of good soldiers who well fed and refreshed and encour. aged and stimulated; we will retur to our homes full of good) courage. full of joyful anticipation of the coming Great Convention af the Church of the First-borns; full .of renewed determination that, by grace of God, and with the of our great our calling and election sure by 50 running in His footsteps as to obtain the great Prize which He has offered tous. Let mie detain you a little longer that I may point out afresh that the context confirms. our glorious hopr respecting this Great Convention of the future, and shows that it is nigh at hand. St. Pau pictures before us the uct that God s dealings with Is- raal, in bringing them out of Egyptian bondage and to- Mt-+Sinai, pictured. Hthe work of this Gospel Age, inthe calling of Spiritual Israel out of the bondage of the world the bondage of sin and death. The Apostle thus shows that the giving of the Law Covenant to Israel at Sinai t cally represented the giving to e New Law Covenant in Mt. Zion in the end of this Age. . The Law Covenant was given throtgh a mediator, Moses, and the New Law Covenant is to be given through a mediat r. the Antitypical Moses, Jesus the Head snd the Church His Body. It has required all this Gospel Age to gather out of the world, and to try, test, polish and St-the members of the Body of Christ, who, under Hi: Headship, will be the Antitypical Moses, who will be the Antitypical. Mediator between God and men. Jeremiah xxxi, 31; Acts iii, 22, 93, : As Moses went up into the Mount to commune with God before the Law Covenant was completed, so the en- tire Church must yo up into the Mountain, into the Kingdom, with And again, We we will The total quantity of pulpwood cut in Canada during 1911 was 1,520,227 cords. The quantity exported am- ounted to 847,939 cords, while the re- maining forty-four per cent (672,288 fo The value of this pulpwood was 5,340,592, an average of 6.29 per cord. Had the wood been retain- ed in Canada and manufactured here, it 1s estimated that the value would coliected by the Forestry Branch of the Department of the Interior. have increased to about 15,000,000. cords) Was manufactured tn Canata-t coi people were so terrifi: that they en- treated that they eit mot he ther, but that Mose. wo mediator, and be did So it ll be here such man tations and opposition to sit that it will cause ti ble mentioned by by Jesus, A time never was since the no, nor ever shall b: xii, 1; Matthew is, The result of this creat time of trou ble upon the world will be a realiz: tion that they nee Mediatorial King fost what God rough the arral Covenant. Contrasting the ex: inauguration of the 2 nant with those to be expected at the inauguration of the antitypical, the New Law Covenant. St. Paul 's Gods voice then shook the,earth, but now He hath pro saying, Yet once more I shake not the earth only, but also heaven. nd the Apostle explains that the expression, Once more, signifies that this second shak- ing will be so thorouch that no furth- er shaking will ever be necessary, but everything of injustice and unright eousness which ought to be shaken will be shaken; and this, says Ne, implies everything except the Ohurch and the clorious Kingdom which we shall then receive: Where- ing 2 Kingdom whieh cannot be moved, Jet us have grace whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and fear. Can we not see the ii beginning? Let us te: time it will not be t literal earth, as in shaking of the symb: ir fur. act as There wiit be Divine Justice end. all iniquity time 0 trou. Prophet and Do you not already hear the rumb - ings the rumblings 0: discontert. an ger, malice, hatred, ? These tor- bode the reat earthquake, which was symbolical of the great Revolu- wherein the present.rorder of things shall collapse and give place to the New Order of Immanual -the Apostle, God inte is time to shake not merely the earth the social fabric but also the heaven the ecclesiastical powers of the present time, No: the true Churclt Will be'shaken, but the many systeins which more oF less misrepresent the true Church and faith once de- livered unto the sain Do we see premonitions of thi shaking? Yea, verily. In all,denom: rebodiWEs OF Cota y even fear that at Christian un- ion are not made with the proper mo- , but through a realization of the shaking. which the Lord is about t permit to come upon the ecclesiasti cal systems of this present tin dear brethren, in these comin: trouble. which may be very . the opportunity may come to you-amt to me to be either strife- breeders or peacemakers. Let us see the. will of the Lord. in this matter, that we are called to peace, and that the declaration of the Master is, Blessed are. the peacemakers, for they shall be called the children of Goa. Let us seek rather to subdue and calm the passions of,men in the coni- ing strife, and to do nothing to aug- ment them or to kindle the fires cf passion which we know are about ta consume the present social fabric. Let us point out to those with whom we have any influence that the worst form of government in the whole world is better than no government pettet than anarchy. a thousand times. Let us remind them of the tt in -God s providence .we have the best of all earthly govera- ments. Let, us remindthem, too, that the Lord has told us to wait for Him and not to take matters into our own hands. His words are, Wait ye upon Me, said the Lord, until the day that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon. them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy. For then will I turn to the people a pure language (Message), that they may all call upon the name of the Lord, to serve Him with one consent. Zephaniah iii, 8 9 of a large room atthe Optical Com ference Exhibition in London yester- day and told, without using the sense of touch, how many windows were in the room, and how. many persons were between himself and the wal He did it by hearing, light, and shade. The medium of the seeming miracle was the optophone,.s won- derful invention of Mr. Fourni D Albe, the well-known scientist. and, Celtic scholar. The optophone makes light and darkness audible. The invention is based on the metal selenium's wel light, trives to make the effect of Jight on the passage of electric currents through selenium appreciable in a telephone receiver, and clock work mechanism can be adjusted so that darkness is audible and bright light versa. The apparatus is contained in an oblong box about 96 inches long and . eight inches deep. Fournier Gold can be beaten go thin that it would take 282,000 gold leaves to duce the thickness of a single int Pretension. Where there is much pretension much has been borrowed. Nature Bev- er pretends. Lavater, duced,.she could have had enough to supply hundred an twenty-two mills of the average size of those operating in Canada, instead of the fifty-four she now has. Quabeg could bave supplied sixty per conte), more mills than she is now doing, and New Brunswick could have doub- led the numberof her mitts. Loose Leaf System The News Job Department has every fecility for sup- Hearing. : A blind man stood in the middle Your Last Chan kind. rhyme it runs this way: grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, Nota, morsel sho had: a-begging went, To her neighbor the ant, For the loan of some wheat, - Less Than -from-the front-page of The Daily News. mail. plying the most satisfactory, Had Cenada manufactured into Till the season came round I will pay you, she-saith, n an auimal s falth, Double weight on the pound Ere the harvest is bound. The ant is a friend, TAnd here she might mend) Which woutd-serve her to eat Little- iven-to-tend: A Photogravure 22x28 inches. This Picture Never Sold 2.50 Before To Daily News Readers THE COST IS e to Secure One of the La Cigale (The: Grasshopper ). byEdouard-Bisson, the first of:The Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in the Salon exhibition at Paris. It is a beautiful painting, one of the best of its Ta Cigale is a story picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the Ant. + How spent you fae summer? Quoth she, looking shame At-the-bortowing dame. Night and day to each comer I sang, if you please. You sang I m at ease; For it's plain at a glance, Now, madam, you must-dance: La Cigale ? is Bisson s idealization of the human counterpart of the - the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- 4 bility and y f Jal 10c. and Six Coupons These pictures cannot be sent by Done into. American - aK ee ee pai + our glorious Head nd Redeemer, vy A few of our SPEOPLE S PUL PIT sg i inicio kee coe int r e great manifestations i toe dignity oat n . the Divine Government. ne just so the closing of this Age. The Apos- Tw ES arias Best Buys ONENESS OF THE )itsciews ii ie Fee Pais y e by have terrifying experivuces on w stil eater scale. He says that thi CHARLES T. CHURCH OF CHRIST esscee. tere. atte And Po RUSSELL that the Divine voice sas heard. The q Greatest Paintings Of the Modern French School Particular travellers* 1 up on abort OPER Thre coy IS THE EY co Tom AND HIS PORTH in a reperto an OPEN The C 5 BIG VAUI Prices, 25c., sale at Pin it was for th - Uke to be a look natty 21 we introduced in Medicine H ing like it fo wardrobe in is b your vs garments pressed. and bringing then THE GLC ING PE Rear of Post 01 Sailings from Saturday for L Q Megantle, Jay Teutonic, July Laurentie, Ju Canada, July 2 SS. LAURENT Canadian tra steady. Excelle for all classes. MODERATE S.S. Teutonic Carry one class The best these moderate rates third-class two, rooms, For reservati lustrated book railway or stea W, M. Mel 333 Me CitySa Teams Horse: LIGHT AND H Hay FRED PRONE 55. Heavy
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Image 117 (1912-07-20), from microfilm reel 117, (CU1772049). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.