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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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LITY GUAR. r. INCE YOU. + PHONE 499. 78. 6 1-2; Dec. 78.; Oct ec. 7a, 1-24, Hu LICENSE ORDINANCE PPLICATION FOR. Se , OF LIQUOR PIQESEE a 2 hasbeen made by Wil Lean for consent to the. imself of the license gran- E McLean (Willian Henry illiam John McLean,) in he Assiniboia Hotel, sit Ui, 12, 18 and 14 in Block Hat, Alberta. this application will be- y the Board of License r at a meetiiig to be held: Hall, Me Hat, og igust Srd,.A912, at ase ae Simonton. this-third day LF. CLARRY, yudy, Attorney, General: some otherwise. fish, milk mat- ; amefoot cham- best, RATOR-* herefore the best to ARE CO:; LTD. icine Hat past seven years and begs to state be carried on as a ie for the company an assurance of a has, always been SKIN NON. oaasdtt 1-2; futures weak, July a Pe Prevent Dally Average 1646 Copies, Advertiners im Daily get the penefit the Weekly country oiretffation. No extra charge. Books open to: ad- vertisars. VOL. 2,NO 306 lt;u, Permanent Body - to Handle Disputes Dominion Government Considering Appointments Says ae Labor Minister -Vancouver Wants Enquiry With ae WN R., B,C. Construction. : a. 4. P, Dispateb) v Ty a eer fos of conferences with Hon. T. W, Crothers, minister of labor, at Ot- tawa,a deputation representing the Vancouver organized labor, asked for the appointment of a board under the Lemieux Act to investigate the Conditions generally tn the. construc tion companies of the Canadian Nor- ay in Brit(sh Columbia, / he Inbor men stated they had been fsked to do go by the railway worker COUNCIL DISCUSSED GRANTING. He said: It is just, whether the Dominion would appoint a permanent mites. Hoh. .feltement, E Wednesday. delegation from the Alberta Mono-rail Company, and from the Agricultural Society attended at- a meeting of the city. council last night relative to th agreement of the lay- ing of a mono-rail line 1vom a point wittiin the. elty to the fair grounds, gt; toFun: during Fair week. Seyshal members wefe- not attatied with fie Aagreement as-it-gave the Monpo-rail Company permission we operate the. system for 3). days and they thought-It would block the road 4 for tod long. Mr. Procter, financial agent .of the Company, assured the council thet they would only. sperate it for four and build. gold stock in Medicine Hat or not. point. streets, and if anything happened, or if the line were built, they could not do. anything . Mr, Proctor sald labor troubles or - inability to get their material here in time were the only things that could Bossibly prevent them from erecting the: line. The minister promised to give his, serious consideration to the matter. question . government * body composed of first class. men at good salaries to deal with all labor dig- I may add that the imatter ig now being: giten official considera- The statement created no Ane ex- APERMTT TO QND-RAL, LINE * Company Will Likely Be Asked to Put Up a Bond as An ; Evidence of Good Faith Matter. Laid Over Till tate in giving permission to go ahead Mr. Proctor sid the Ine Was going through regardless of whether they -Ald. Brown also raised. another It the company had good in- tentions, ther was no reason why they should not put up a bond. They: Were going to run through the city unforseen not couragins a mix up-in, Tm tho first place the time was dertaking. The Ine was-also to put there as ayertish thousand dotiars. Ald. Robertson thought should be some bond put up. Mr, Proctor thought he could go far as to eay the Company would willing to put up a bind to show their good the matter. Mr. Hassard, of the rest of Medicine Hat to. MEDICINE HAT, ALBERTA, CANADA.-TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1912 short for the completing of the un- ther they sold Stock in Medicine Hat schieite, at a cost of seven oF elght thore the clty that te city would perterlt r Agricultural Society, thought t would be to the in- ment by this difficulties to be experienced by the anything of this kind in-the line put through, and he thought the blocking of traffle while tie railway city, but the thing did not look to him counci should Strain a point to have wa slaid. matter the city council should this demonstration. He had been up interfere with hig right of way to Calgary an tho principals of the added; 5 Company, had, informed him that whe- wet through? I have got to- have peor not they would put the ling ing Hhrough. Ald. Doty thought that if they would sive a sufficient bond to safeguard down, by it, and thatedt would zlso greatly benefit the August Gxhibition. They had suffered -Wery much every year from, lack-of ways to get to. the grounds, and this year the Mono-rail Company: would solve the difficulty. Ald, anslgy caused much amuse- ly pointing out the operated. 80 be morning to give the pa and thes, Industrial Commissioner recent extended trip been called tar tell him, herice the word Har was em Phasized, ethbellished, as it Sometimies more. a) advantages that the city of Medi- cine Hdt has, to offer apologized, Eastern-Manufacturers Incredulous: The Hat s Great Resources Call-Industrial Commissioner Brown B. G, Ladow, Kansas Multi-Millionaire, One of Them Visited the Went Away Plena Back Manufacturers ra Coming. More times than he has fingers and aE Brown .of. Medicin Hat, has, on his a in sdme instances the busi* hess men took a little more time to; were; with adjectives, some times one, and They dfa not believe; could not be- Neve, his statements as to the hatur- Prospective When Told of - A Liar ? But all or LatefApologize lett the city. i fe with a Vastly aif- statement that he has made about the ferent opinion than when he stepped city have been verified. off the train, x They won't believe me when I tell The Ind them, said Brown, but a man don t itation in alloy the News to use need to le about this town. Mir. Ladow's: They do not fear Practically every city between tiere that he, may De enticed away to any /ad Pittsburg and all through . West other. lty' . Higvbad promised nothing. Virginia have received a call from. but'said that heswould put up to his Mr. Brown on his trip. He made colleagues just. what he . discovered speeches before . clubs, chambers here. The Bureauvare satiation. with Comm ree, ete., all boosting . Medi that. Hat. I heye got advertising: in Three timeg recently has it been er ta the value of 8,000 easily, Proven, on three distinct occasions, Said. 4 eZ have manufacturers coms here and During the next few days Mr, Bureau has no hes- He said it-was going to He It you have a right to, on struct a railway how am I golng to road graded through there Before the me yau are to have the thing taken Ald, Ansley was: assured that his work Would not be Intertered with, ex- etpt or the few days the road was After muck furftier discussion the matter was adjourned till Wednesday Agricultural Soclety time to hold 9 meeting and to resolution af to wether they think favorably of the matter or not. a Fight Getting Hotter With Election Away Voters List Used for Firs Deal of Trouble May Follow Ca * Strong Appeal Result Will Attoct Dispatch. CW, A. P; Dispatch). ey Regina, Sask, July The Saskat- what they will do for shadow. of the yclone at over the capitsl, the bi beon taken out of the cau 2 the fight 18 an excepti Peale to the electorate. Saskatehe- one, wan has had many bitter campaigns, In the citles the personality * ut none ever to equal this fight, It/candidates count for a lot, as i is desperate le for- the con- for that matter, all-over the p jtrol of the. province. it is becoming /especiatly in the n e we *, /more shin that, ft tw becoming a gen- The fight is growing more eral fight for the west. As Saskatche- daily afd both eldes are a a Ae ee se oe wholesale arrests on election eral feeling. All politicians. evi- Thero. promises to be a great dently: how both sides have many trouble.over the lists. . This: is *, Dackers and workers in the province. first-time Saskatchewan has ever? The issue also ar becoming more printed ists. and mdre federal, the adoption by The Tiberalg claim that they: Hat Premier Scott ot winter markets as/hit as bad as the Conservatives. 3 Hat 13s. mein election ory, the Conserva- Fespeetive of polities, it 1s certain, tU tives point out what the Horden gov- many old settlers will not haye vot ermment 18 Prepared to do to meet/this election. Through the count the grievances of the western farmer. not understood that a man In the cities the fights are largely)mo longer swear on iis yote, and. local, In Prince Albert the Hudson s is stated ihat-there-may be serio Bay Railway and the development of trouble at the booths, At rite polit the north are the main issues, both/dlstrict in Gull Lake, fifte n rone sides claiming candidates for these ers have been left off the lists. Thy Policies . While in Saswatoon both say jf they are not allowed to vo sides are making levis proinises Toronto St. Subway Cothuniftoe Bepsris That Property Owners Woult Nc to Street Co manufacturers. It was impossible, But Justias often as these men have called Mr. Brown a liar, just so often fave they retracted their statements and a days. It wou too much to ex- abect thent to Tay croi space of time. The Mayor stated that the Company had claimed they could make cross- ing . This was the time for them ts Ulnstrate that, The whole thing was for an ailvertisement, and -wedfd. that not be the way to-advertise it? He added that if this wae not a stock gelling proposition-he would not hesl- Ings for that Ald. Ansley raised the point about the -aiffioulty.thesreal...estste men would have in showin; proppective purchasers Jand'in this vicinity while the railway was completed. Mayor Don't be upset about. that. I wish there was a rail 11 fest built before Selling any of these outside Subdivisions. He added that he did not want to be understood as dis- SHARP FIGHT IN ATLANTIE. TY Municipal Elections Follow Graft Causes Some Fighting. : aor Atlantic City, N; J., July, This Most famous of the world s seaside Tesorts has experienced many sensa- toma in its time, but it is safe to say nothing has ever roused its in- ibitants to such a high pitch of ex- citement ds today s municipal lection the first to be held here under the commission plan of government. The commission plan was adopted about a month ago following the ex- Posur of alleged political corruption and graft in municipal affairs that Would Have put to shame the political ringsters in some of the largest cit- fes of the country. The exposure + was brought about Iargely by Det c- tive Willlam J. Burns and his dicta; + graph, When all the evidence of alleged Bratt iss bee made public the bet- ter-element arhong the citizens decid- ed they had had enough of the old or- der of things and turned to the com- mission plan as the best remedy in Bight On une 11 a primaty was held for the nomination of ten candidates for members ofthe Board of Commission- (Special to the News) x, R t the selection of five of the ten:, These lt; list, of candidates for commissioners. upon Burn s Charges of tive will comprise the board. When the results of the primary. were tabulated the public was some- what jarred to find that Mayof Harry MMecharach, under whose administra- tion the grafters are alleged to have flourished, received the highest vote and was-entitled bo first-place on the Also among the successful ones were Dr. Jesse4B, Thompson, millionaire banker jotel man and leader in the. fusion movement a year ago .to oust of machine from office, and Dr. P. L. Hawkins, a negro- physician. A peculiar feature of the--situation was the fact that in today s. election Bacharach in office last tall worked etiuously-to prevent his election as commissioner. The teason for this to be found in the practical certain- t of Dr. Thompson's election to: the. hoard and who,-with Mayor Bacharach ticket, are pl dged to sweep-the city hall clgan of ait the present office- holders, The new commissioners: will take office on July 16, when the pres- ent system of government, will ease + f and today s election Was held for to exist. BETTER GRADE THROUGH ROCKIE LPR. Kagisiers Elated A Big Five-Mil Tunnel Through: Selkirks Will eA Revelstoke, B. C., July 9 Canadian * Pacific officiais hore are elated at tne results of the, engineers in trying to Set a better grade for the proposed double track of the line through the mountains, It is stated that sur- , veys show. that by driving a tunnel for a dfstance of five miles through the Seikirks, starting at Bear Creek wnd emerging below Giacler, a new urade Will be less than one per cent (W. A. P. Dispatch) Just east of Kamlooys, and the grade company will proceed with the work Solve- Question. agalnst western traffic and will be available by diversion at North Hill, there could be cut down to make one grade from Calgary to the coast. The that the real estate men had to SumP/o one Of the biggest gas and the old Machine which put Mayor . and.others running wit them on the Miss Adams, lady-in-wafting, given than the fact that right at the tendering him an apology. B, EB. Ladow, of Kansas, City, head oil fields of Oklahoma, genefal manager of an tmmense clay plaHt gt; and a big glass plant, is the manufacturer in: question, Mr, Brown is-back in the city. Mr. Ladow has been in the city for three , days. He came here personally with another big manufacturer of Kansas to lodk over this city. In other words, he partially believed Brown, but o the whole he thought he was. a. liar and. he told him so, He has changed his mind, however, fand is more than glad that he came to Medicine Hat, He's more than pleased. with the courteous manner in which he was received. When -he No better evidence of this can be present.time, there 183 multi-million- aire of Kansas City ho is waiting to See-Mr. Brown so that-he .. may have the gpportunity of: at 3 o'clock and will be met at. the verified gtatements.that Industrial Commissioner Brown bas, made to them: Utter. unbelief, but a feeling that he might be right have sent them this Way ani oneach occasion every: expects to have some large turers drop nto the Hat. He ii back here to secure a little more for a few manufacturers: who information. bi ANERIDAN Medicine Hat will This We Bodies* of Leading Man Jand, Other From the U The British Manufacturers wHl ar rive in the-cit? tomorrow aft rnoon depot by the varidus- civic pftidiais a fac has ben arranged for The manu- factiirgr and everything now ready. A meeting will be held in the which City Hall in the evening at bt a eee owa about th city A grand) Con ek Entertain Two tae uf ers One From Eng- ni tates. speeches. will. be made and this will be followed by a banquet. Saturday the Hat will entertain an- other big party of visitors. Thirty re- Dresentatives of Chicago's Chamber of Commerce, all big manufacturers of the Windy City, will visit the Hat. They -will be in the charge of the In- dustrial Bureau and a splendia tinie 1s being arranged for them also. DUKE WELCOMED AT FORT WILLIAM Despite Early. Hour Big - Celebration Greeted the Special Train Due at Peg Tonight. (W. AP Dis Dispatch.) Fort Williain, Ont,, July 9 There Was a oglebration here this m rning wher His Royal Highness, 'the-Duke of Connaught, passed through on his Way to Winnipeg. Owing to. the tly hour and brief stay, the special with George Bury's private car ba, attached, departed at 8.45 ot Conductor William Fog of Winnipds, This makes the eighth special train te has taken care of since erftering the employ of the GP. R. + Stops will be made at Ignace and Kenora, the divisional poiits, and al- 80 at Wabigoon fer luncheon: and at Selkir kfor dinner, hifriving in Winni- Deg at 8.40 o'clock. Those accom- panying Canada s Governor General are his daughter Princess Patricia, Lieut. Lowther, Captain Buller and Captain Long. . (W. A. P. Dispatch) Winnipeg, July 9. Never in our history has Wimn peg looked 80 gay, as this afternoon in preparation for the-vice r gal party this evening. All arrangements ate complete, even the Osbortie Street bridge which ill give access to, the Hon. Robert Rogers residence, where his Royal Highnesa DUKE WILL SPEND MORNING OF OCTOBER 1178 IN MEDICINE BAT Edmonton, Alberta) July, I T Rave been requested by Lieut. Col. Lowther, Milltary Secretary to. His Royal Highness the Governor General to annopnee that-the itinerary of the visit of His Royal Highness has now been arranged and is as follows His Royal. Highness will arrive in Edmonton on the morning of Tues- day, S ptember 8rd, and will remain there until 11,0 the following evening When he will entriin for Calgary, stopping at Red Deer from 9 to 10 O'clock the next morning and*will ar- frive in Calgary at 2 p. m..the Sth and Will-remain in the, vicinity of Cal- gary until the 8th. The Irrigation Works: near Gleichen wi be officially jepened by the Duke on the 7th. His Royal Highness will then tour British Columbia and, on: returningf, will visit Macleod on the-evening of ,Oc- tober 8th id remaining there until 4.30 the following afternoon; The Darty will be in Lethbridge trom 6.16 D. m. of the 9th until 10 p; mi, of the 10th and will spend the morning of the. 11th at Medicine Hat. se G. 1. BAYBIT, Secretary to Lieut. Gor. Windsor, Ont, July 9--Wm. Mack, bFdge with Winston Churchill, WILL RESUME BANK INOUIRY Stratton Calvert and -Beat tie Nesbitt will be: Called. (We A P, Dispateh) Toronto; ' July: 9. That. the. Farm- ers: Bank enghiry will be resumed on Suny, 18th at Ott is thre-segort this morning. At the session Mr. Stratton, Mry Calvert, Dr. Beattie Nesbitt thd oth- er witnesses will be called in con- fection with the 3,000 check dis- closure of W. R .Travers at the last sitting of the commission, It is stat- ed thatsthere will not be another sos- sion in Toronto: GREATLY IMPRESSED OW. A.B. Cabley London, July 9 Canadian minis- ters today attended the imposing naval Teview at Spithead, Leaving Ports- mouth dockyard this morning on the admireity yacht. Enchantress, and) Steaming throlighy the lines of war Bhips, being saluted by eadh ship in tra, Premier Borden stood on the Firat Lord of the Admiralty, and was vis- Sbly impressed. After the review the Canadian Premier returned to London where fonight he'is din- aged 40, a prosperous farmer:of the township of) Maldem, near Amherst- burg, -was found hanging from the rafters of his tool. shed by his mother, Mack had suffered: a attack of neuralgia and this; hot: weather fg. theught 04 of double trac at once 'in order win stay, to have th easy-gradeg,avatiable for . the handling of. the wheat crop by F, J. Metin and W. 8. Kershaw of the time of the opeuing of the Panania' the Big Four ranch re resisteted Canal, at the Alberta: i settled his, wilni. A Suffield ner of Lewis. Harcourt, the Colonial Secretary, but Mr. Hazen remains aboard the Enchantress for the night. Ambng the Premier's futire social wagem nts is a week-end with Rud- will dine and slegp at the Command. * with tc eee te haw ie tomeare on South Rafiway St. towards the lane jin the rear to make it easter to con- ct the subway on Toronto Bt, we flnd it practically impossible to get ter. many acres of standing grain at Wald North Saskatchewan River and was sald to be three miles wide, pling and shortly he and Mrs. farmers lost th lr total crop, among them being J, K.Bubler, Peter Jun- ger, Henry Junge At a meeting of the city councit jheld last night, the following report was: a trom: ee D, Milne: the interested property owners to, agree to such un arrangement, In discussing the matter all seem to ap- Brove of, the plan to elevate South Hallway St for the subway at To- Tonto St, and we recommend - that this pla be adopted with respect to both North and South Raflway Sts. WThe Mayor said it seemed as if the committee hud practically. given up of the street. if Ald. MeCleNlan did not think the committee had. finished- their work: They bad not given. an estimate of the deoreciation of property. The. Mayor said he had spoken to the committe, and they had stated the Property owners would not entertain the idea, Ald, Johnston did not consider the fcommtttse s 1dea a Y ry 00d one. Ald. McCleilan thcught the plan of changing the street should not be given up merely because. this report had failed. He did not think, those men could attend to,the matter as well as disinterested person , He was Sure they: did not understand the mat- Ald, Johnston said if all-the people in M dicine Hat knew about the mat-. ter it would be better. As long as you Keep qvfet, he added, it with never be done, We have got. to let everybody know about it 4 d. Brown thought the matter had not been kept qufet. Ald. Johnston-said that beyond the members of the council, practically nO one knew anything of the matter, Ald. McClellan moved that another sea the ideg-with regard to the altering , Agree. South Railway - Face to Face With Difficulty Members Matter aes Not Had Publicity y Snoughy i Aid. Brown thought this would wasting time. They would only he th same report again, : eauttelortyinyThey were ant They werernotg eee the subway this. ye He thought if the right committee's after the matter 4 more fayorable report. Ald. Ansley asked what would: n overhead bridge cost. And the Mayor replied the: esti was, 20,000. Ala: Ansley: Woyld the 0. P. Ra anything towafds the payment 0 that? i The Mayor repli d he had aske them that question, but they sald the did not want to, Whether they woul or not hie, eould ot say. The City Engin Plans were much more and he was gure in years toc would. get ample proof, of, th thought in the interests of 2 Hat the tirst tded should be Tegardless of the damages, ual property, No. matter did they had to spoll S St it they had 6 per o tion it would mean a 400 making one Dart of the stre the o1 over the other plan sug reason they did not plan of that was that section of+Main Street St. Were really exclu be somewhat cheaper, Ald? apres Suppose ten year hence we decided to change to, Yau frst plat; would st Cost mach more Engineer sald they would loose their bridge, and have to go, to expense of moving the cohcrete ; taining: wall, Then: there. would be the difficulty of increased. land val ation. The problem he- thought should be faced at otice. There was no time like the present for doing it and Committee be appointed, -with a view ot getting the property owsiers tor con- aby makeshift. Bent to the chang he did not think they should: adopt (Continued on page. tour) HAIL RUI Damage Great- Dakota Rosthern, Sask., July 9 A disag- trous bail storm on Suaday destroyed heim. The storm came up from the Many Halbert, Sask, July 9 A heavy Conway of Seven Persons, are + and southwest of Halbert yesterday bail storm with wind struck west 4 (W. ALP. Dispatch) NS CROP Saskatchewan Farmera Hard Hit By Sunday 's Storms Also Struck. afternoon, The crop damage was heavy. ie Winnipeg, July 9 At the Grain Exchange today. a number of pessimis- tic yumors were afloat rega age to crops Minnesota but no ve cduld be gathered fs this city? practically cut oft from tel communication with (the outh. ling dam- in North end hail: and windstorms, definite. information; Messages were being routed itd Montreal or Vancouver Gn thelr 9 ee
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Image 38 (1912-07-09), from microfilm reel 38, (CU1772038). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.