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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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onprenar senor 2 ar i ra tt pt s al - at a Low P oe 7 lohakerPlanders. 20 is first iy, gt; The oe eae him. I : je was surronnded by res ifectig. same , of.alla sti lt;isome car. Your natural cgeghagins g pride and t ent: of your neighbors lashed about a are sa ae But i Fance in design; in constrae- tee , down int the Gf.eyery cotter pla Jock awk the 8 : 20 is a splendid automo. B transmission or wslng only the - tomobile mianufacture, we could it, wouldn t deserve - Hemember that for 60 years tho fer has stood for. the -hest that ean vo water casks. The Studebaker-Pianders 20 Roadster, onister, 050 0, b-aalker- r these up and stood p . Ville.. With Top, Windshield ana Speedompteys 1055. ee ae L Send for our catalogue, It will you. only the rescue of his mi instant and terribie The Studebaker Corporation sing distance, Then. launched eS axtle hurtied t ved deep. The caus rongh the foam came rk out agin for the e X sady for the grapple. Juggling it as.lightly He was almost over . White boy dodged be did not reappear, se ringed sp t'qs.the. ACT QUICK IF YOU WANT THEM m under water, teel- d-came up cautiously Th Srst intimation: s when the boat was to find ihe inked. if over the gunwial 2 7 lt; Old Towaslte Btock 52, 100 tt. taclii Toronto Street, Only 3750 2 the pair. Usual terms, Merald Biock 14, 4 tote at 950 a per, on the usual terms, Gblitral Bark piock 27,7 lots at 600 a pair, Level and a tine slew. Usual Terms. ; High School Apmex Biock*21, 2 lots, tine view, level, high, no A) slope. Only. 1050.00 a pair. Terms, Riverdale 20 ots, block 3, only 237.50 cack . Uusual Terms. Fine modern, 8; roomed house -New and up-to-date, block is, Cen- tral Park, Will trade for lots, G.G MacBean Co. (ONE, 237. * WPERIAL DANK BUILDING. of Canada, Lil. Mes Gilman, 52 of the women now engaged in a cra- sade against the conspirancy of-sil- ence on sex toples is Mra, Charlotte of her young . Her first: hus- ced herself as rely in favor of the prdposal to y the securing of health ertiticates obligatory upon all candidates for matrimonal bliss. Mra Glimin has be en called the bratna ot the suffragiet movement in America and those who have read her poe: jana novels ant her brilliant contrib utlons to the literature of economlcs and osclology, especially those works dealing with womdn and her problews will have-to agreo thi Mra, Gilman's head is far from empty of thought. Charlotte Perkins which was the maiden name of Mrs. Giiman came honestly by her brains. Her father was a distinguished author and librar- an of San Franscisoo, an Srandfather was Rev. . Dr i er; one-of the most tof American clergymen, She fs the Standneice of Henry Ward: Beecher jand Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom s Cabin ? Brains , it Will be seen, runin the family. Mrs. Gilman is fifty-two years old, today, having been born in Hartford, Conn., July. 3, 1860. Her girlhood was spent in the Connecticut capital and in San Fransclsco, and she imbibed both the culture of the Bast and the spitit of orlsinadity and daring that Was in the very afr of the California of heryounger days. Her first hus- band was C. W. Stetson, and in 1900 she married G. H. Gilman, a lawyer New York City. in advocating education along Mines in publicly declaring that protection of w and children se thi Santiago 1 pigs who, on s ually tightenin, d land, were grad- th m, - Today itorto the Little if Joan Gonzales Cobain coast, *-vilk thay see alt that remains of it wal fleet of the haughty Dons. Two rug and battered masses of iron rise of the Sea, not far from shore, Admiral Cerver: er. Almirante Oquendo. The cking it and yelling. gt; of bas foe to eprint : brace andistok with am lt; ermAN. e j rements. by THE, GREATEST YEAR OF: THE WEST'S GREAT FAIR * duly 10 th fe cla ging than if he had Te brought his lub- and the'savage. for to the bottom of the, Western Canada Lumber Co Screearigs Ltd, + like the falling of a 7 re op when Sherman, own belt and had The larid breeze stirring gently from slow but perceptibie Pees vad m with sullen hate, Paroid Roofing, Neponset Water- * i r mset Roofing, Felt, Tews dark when: . and Wall Board requires no Bae coco : further finish. - SEE.US BEFORE BUYING, er, aid ar Mast ie edt an the shore, 10 fall , YARD EAST ALLOWANCE. PHONE 467 inough Without mov : a io a z HO Lotte eed eee E : , leaving 3h the boat and ro nd one after hi Tasker : * crazed with tl I : ; ee Transfer Co. f Kawhta had b is Moving apid LIGHT and HEAYY erm, hegre Bec easonable - DRAYING o t he, mada drivel ty lable 446 Toronto Street, ocation, Sherman. Se facts by, earn concilfation BY. every 01 y came stilt rises above As Many Fliers in -* this -year, promises to four, in 1919 tilrty-two; in 1911 seven- 4 ed, making a total 8f one hundred and ntird, who fell at Btampes, The Viscaya, torn into pisces, : bears one ofthe finest vessels of the Span- ish navy. On several occasions the + project of raising the wrecksihas b Suggested, but abandoned, as the ves- sels are of no value except as scrap iron. . One, of the Viscaya s turrets sea, and. from it gun Points menagingly upward to- ward the sky. The portions above the water of oth ships are encrusted Tes and,rust AVIATION CUAL Washington, D. C. July 3 A new: high record in the toll of human. life has-been reached. in the progress of the science of aviation for the six months ending Monday. Last year was by far the tmost itrous, tnt r ipse tte-fx- ures of 1911. The vumber of fatal- ities for the six months of the presdat. year is 4i,eas compared with 75.for the whote-of tasty pel Beginning with the death of Thomas E. Selfridge, the first pet Killed'in angeeroplane, in 1903, 6 ts has rapidly increased. Hite, In 1908 one faen To i ty-three, and to-date for the present Year forty-one persons have been kill- fifty-one. een The countries in, which fatalities have occurred this year are (Brance, Germany, Bngland,- Russia, taly and tridited as many victims:this year as all. of the other Buropean countries combined, her number totalling tiftoen including a woman, Miss Suzaane Ber- on March Lith. 3 German airmen who lost their dives this year number 10, two, Rus- sian two, and Italian one. In adait- Jon to the two English avietors the number of victims in Bngland includ- da third, Victor Louis Mason, Young American, Who Was killed. May 18, while making: flight at Brook- sald had been ly-tndication e sf em all'thetr live xii Taxi Taxi CBERTA TAX COMPANY gt; Orders Promptty Attended to; New-Cars, Careful Drtvors; * Phone 666 Day, 211 Night. lands, with the English aviator, E. V. Fisher. Double fatalities, in which two rid- jers, or a rider and a passenger were Killed, were numerous this year, elsht, s Fi: (By 0. Terenca) rice 42 Ons of tho most titted and eloquent 7 MEDIOINE-HAT DATLY NEWS. Today, Opposes . Conspiracy of Silence dered Rec ssary-ttroverthrow of the conspiracy of silence so long main- tained by mere: mag. The demand now being made all over America for Miwa requiring medieal examinations for all applicants for marriage licenses 1s one of the results of the pioneer Work done by Mrs. Gitman and others. On this subject Mrs. Gilman recently ald: a If we consider the fanilly the sacred unit of the nation ag all politicians do, at least in. thelr public utterances Last Chance to Secxire One Greates: Yaitch a matter. of Mrs, Giltrian was among the pioneers Remnants of Cervera s Still on yi di ips ther. The. (orange st ravers a Tasty uae Vera pushed their iron: noses out of seven alg om Santiago, while the . Hiarbor and rushed off in a Viscaya ed to get about twice mass representing all. that.s left of that u flagship the Viscaya the year. 3 and the Other the remains of the cruis- ans extended from August 4 to Sept- latter ember 14, Teached Mich shallower water and a ever, large port of her shows above tho sea; little resemblance to what was once corresponding conditions for the an NE Fl - SICINS IN the Grave Yard as There Are in the 7 Air A-New Recordin the Interest of Scietice, the United States. France has oot sae 21 Fred J. Southisrd, an ama- the state should protect is. Is. shot 1 ce: te Btate requiring such an exa als gt; but that dows Hot Prove all divorce legislation worth- eis. Some-State must fake the lead, and others will follow. Certainly not: all of them wilt act simultaneously. fn Tt has been said by Wome would object t' stich wi law: Since we have 60 many women phyisic Women would object. This is not mere sentimental question to be decid- e4 with girlish fgnorance, but a matter to be faced with the: open . lt; s, of wo- manhood. The wiping but of the blnck plague requires direct action, did the matter is erious to await the. Slow proc ssesiof edugation. Women are: lialt-the World, and-in mintter that effects the welfgre and oven the Aives:of themselves thelr children tp be x 2 Citban Coast te Ogienddo Was asfar Bway before tufming Into shore. Tn uence the hulks are about Files aparts ; marks the beginning of the rom July 3 to. August 11.. The dog days is derived trom Sirius, p Star, which was anciently sup- pow to cause the insufferable heat sually prevails at this season of The dog days of the The rising of Siriis, how- has been so acclerated by. the Procession of the equinoxes during the Passage of over 2,000 years that the cient dog-days would not include them within the period between the third of July-and the eleventh of August, so that our modern dog-days have no con nection with fherising of:Sirius or any other star. In short, dog days are just another ancient superstition that per- sists because-the-majority of people even in this day and age of universal education, have no more intelligence allows, oe the Freneh army, and trained airmen, who. were killed when the biplanes they were piloting around the military flying ground at Doual c llided with terrific for e in midair, The American vigtims for the past six months, exclusive of Vicior Louis Mason, who was killed in England, umber t n, among them being one Woman. The list is as follows: Jan. 22. Rutherford Page, one of Curtiss aviators, Kilted by-n-fatt-of 50 ect in the international meet -at Los Angeles, - April 83 Galbraith P. Rodgers, the f st-to cros: the American continent in an aeroplane, killed by fall of 200 feet in the ocean at Long Beach, Cal. May 13. Ray Wheeler, an amateur, killed when his: aeroplane struck a telegraph pole at Kinloch Park, St. Louis. Peter Glasser, who fell with Wheeler, died from his injuries two teur aviator of Minneapolis, killed by a tall of 100 fect at the Wright aviation field near Xenia, Qhio. ne June .17. Mre. Julla Clark of Den- ver kifled af the State Pair, Grounds at Springfield, iL, when the wing of biplane which was malting a practice fifght struck the limb ofa tree. the id purity of families, which ed. In great jeopardy by naide- e question as to whe- e doe by requiring evious to mar- ems sgdry. How else Be done What if people w nl from a tg another to be magtied? ney go from*one State to another now to: get fans, I feel certain ihat few, if any, : or dog days, which con- - June 1 Phillip . Parmalee, young aviator who had sequited on- siderable a thember of. t Wright team of flyers, in tantly at North Yakima, Wash, When a gust of wind Caught the tall of his bipian and caused it to ovey 400 feet to earth, June 1.Leuten Hazelhurst, 17th i Macon, Ga., and tion expert of Raving Occurred, While on June 19 oc- ed at the Army Ay curred thie first deaths ever caused by lege Park, Md., when n w the collision of two acroplanes. The plane of the type, Hf which vittims were. Captain. Dubois and Lloutouant-Petgnan; doth-ofticers. in they were flying, fell to the ground and-Was-wreckeg; p kinds La Cigale (The Grasshopper ) byEdouard Bisson, the first-of-1 Daily News series of the world s greatest pictures, was honorably placed in the Salon exhibition at Paris, Itisa beautiful painting, on of the Dest of La Cigale isa story picture, Nearly everybody remembers La Fon- taine s fable of The Grasshopper and the. Ant. ? Done into American rhyme it runs this way: Nias Ange How spent you tne summer? Quoth she, tocking shame At the borrowing. dame, Night and day to each cot I sang, if you please. You sang I'm at 7 ae For it s plain at a glance, Now, madam, you must dance A grasshopper gay Sang the summer away, And found herself poor By the winter's first roar. Of meat or of bread, Till the season came round. I will pay you, shp saith, On an animal's faith, . Double weight on the pound Not a morsel she had; Ere the harvest 1s bound. So a The ant is a, friend, , i For the loan of some wheat, (And. here she mig Which would serve her to eat Little riven to lend. Ta Cigale is Bisson s id alization of the human counterpart: of the * the grasshopper of the fable. The summery figure shivering in the wind im- presses the story of the nobility and necessity of labor. A Photogravure 22x28 inches, Picture Never Sold Shan 2.50, a Readers i 1S be, sent by oy ily AERA. These, pictures cannot
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Image 10 (1912-07-03), from microfilm reel 10, (CU1772041). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.