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Medicine Hat News 1912-07-02 - 1912-12-31
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the Loulsville Courier-Journal, is us- itary service began Wheli he was ually accorded the honor of being the/young man, and he was a volunteer 7 dean of American journalism. the matter of long and distinguished service in the newspaper field the em - LePAGE BROS. THE. ONE-PRICE CASH STORE Our Great:Value Giving Sale for Friday, July 5th a 600 Yards Wash Suitings cece and,stripes. 7i4e Per Yard. Worth double. and White Silk Check Gingham, Friday Special 744c Per Yard. 25 Girls White Silk Dresses (samples) slightly soil- crushed. Regular 5.00. Special for Fri- 200 Yards Black e day 1.95 each. 25 Girls White.Lawn Dresses soiled and crushed. Regular Friday 1.60 each, 3 Dozen Fancy Gi and childrens . (Samples). Gen. Felix - Angus, 2B * Dean of Aer Journalists ( y 0. Terence) Gat Mares iary gt; Watlereon, ot In nent Kentucky colonel is, doubtless, entitled to the deaning job. In res- pect: to years, howeverjthe title be Tongs to General Felix the vet- eran editor and publisher ofthe Balti- nore American, who te botany ths: re enty-third birthday. Gen. Agnus ts litile over Seven mon ie senlor of Col. Watterson, besides being superior in military rank, and is:near- ty two years older than James Gordon Bennett, the venrable editor and pro- prietor of the New York Herald. Gen, Agnus, but as a future citizen of the United States he celebrated the Fourth of July by being born on that date, His parents were well-to-do nd ke was given a good education at the'College Jolie Clair, near Paris, and att r graduating he spent four years in eh Special for Friday 25c.each. 4 Dozen Babies Muslin and Silk Bonnets and tams. Friday Special 50c;each. and Ginghams in fancy Special price for - Friday: samples) - slightly Special for -Sunbonnets, in women s Today, ae travel, ale the lobe. His init a under the third Napoleon in the Fran- co-Austrian was, and also served un- der Garibaldi, the Italian patriot; . in, the flying corps. Gen .Agnus came to America in 1860 and on the outbreak of the civil) war in hg enlisted as a sergeant in Fifth New-York Zoyaves. In September he was advanced to the son Kilpatrick, of Big Bethel... In the jummer of 1862 he became a first, ii it, and inthe same year he aided in recrulting the 165th New York Volunteers and was made its captain. He took part in the seize of Fort Hnd- ed to maj r and lleutenant-colonel. iext he served In the Nineteenth Corps under Sheridan and in. the De- partm nt of the South, displayingsuch ability and braverpthat. was brev- Hudson. Agniis has never held public office. Ladies of Gulture ican for bis service, for he was twice ser- foualy wounded, firat ot the battle of Gaines: Hill in 1862 and agen at Port Whih the crbet was was over Gen, Agnus was rewarded with the appoint- mont as assistant assessor of internal Tevedue in Baltimore, bet goon left the government seryive for the newspapo field. Becoming business manager of the Baltimore American, he was not long Jn making his influence felt and goon became editor and publisher. As a Republican, Gen, Agnus ha: been prominent in Maryland. politics. He supported Taft In the regent un- pleasantuess, and for that reason did not-go-to-Chicago-ay-a- delegate-at large, as has been his custom for many yoara, Although several high pos - Uong hate been urged upon him, Gen. President McKinley offered the veter- an Baltimore editor the portfolio of Secretary of War, and President Har- rison sought to reward him with the post of ambassador to Russis, Ths G neral refused both offers, as he has numerous othyrs, declaring that the supervision of his: newspaper proper- ty required allihis time and attention. In 1904 Gen, Agnus: supported Col, Roosevelt for the: nomination, but this year he used all the influence of his newspaper to get Maryland's support for President Taft. The Baltimore News, the property-of Frank A. Mun sey, supported Col. Roosevelt, and th wi finement Use Salvia Tonic. it Makes the Hair Beautiful. That Dandraft t caused by germs ts accepted by every, sensible Dereon. At Inst a remedy has been discove ed that vill positively, destroy this Dest, Dandruff is the, evils. -, SALVIA will Kill the dandruft germs and remove Dandruff in ten days or Pingle the Druggist guaran- tees st It will grow hair, stop Iteh- ing seatp, falling hair, and make the hair thick cad abundait, It prevents hair from turning gray and adds life and tustre, ee Toot of alt hair become the favorite with women of taste and culture, who know the spc- ia Ivalue of beautifal hair A large generaus bottle costs only 600. of leading druggists everywhere, and in Pitcher Tarbell, an Indian, who: has been twriling for the St. Michael's Col- etted brigadier-gencral junteers. His title was not All lege, near Burlington,-Vt,, has been. signed by the Clevelands. ount and show one s breeding. others such fer-woman- wilt xppreciate-thts little eral really beautiful .girls, and oa pee MEDICINE HAT DATLY NEWS. LITTLE THINGS THAT COUNT In lite jt Ia the Mttle things thay Consideration for others, rpapect and little acts of courtesy that in themselves mean nothjog but. to lot sented and an older woman enters the foom, and m0 chair ant or one is on the other side of the room. if that gir comes forward, gets the chair or gives her own, it lw reslly nothing, but the old- If a your act more than she may show and good impression has been mad It you are calllmg on a fflend on her at-home and-your hostess ie pouring-tea for those sn the room, it youspass the (ea and cake it is help and considerai act, and so Whon visiting there are many 1tte ways fu which you can be a help to your hostess, and not merely an orna- ment. You-are expected to. do your part in the entertainment of. others in the house or at any gathering, and do what yo can to make things easy for your hostess. Another small but really. mportant. Yhing is the prompt answering of in- yitations. Hither to aecept or reject. For instance, you ate invited to din- ner, and it yi cannot accept, your hostess will Waut to replace you, Dut if you delay: in answering, it may be too late to ask someone else, so dy friend to some little inconvenience, and may have spoiled her dinner. The girl or woman who is affected and bas great man mannerisms is far from being attractive. And on tne other hand becomes. a great bore. A ge manner is good, big don't overdo Pen mect-a. girl-who ia affected and at frat i please you, but belo: long you through it and well, you begin jo think, what a tiresome girl, how can I get away. That girl is acting a part. and has persuaded herself). that she has natural, at- tractive manner, poor girl. Ata summier resort there w who wis not plain exactly but far from pretty, but she was the one al- ways-sought out by the men and-t In. fact. nothing. was was asked. Ono 2f the girlg asked a man what her great attraction W4s, Why was she-sq poz Jar? Tho answer was: She is bright, whe fs fiatdral, sh has no affectation, she ia pcmanenee tural chirm Jane periand sali, and bake:in a hot oven until the edges. of the oysters curl Prepare a rich ream dish, pour over-the dish and serve very hot 4, Oyster Rabbit Oysters, two eggs. two teaspoons of bdutier, one-half pound of grated mild cheese. Re move the hard muscles trom the oysters. Parboil a cupful in their own Hquor and drain. Melt the but ter and cheese, melts add. the oyster liquor, the: reli soning and the eggs, slightly, beaten: When the mixture becomes smodth THOROUGHBRED STALLION TOPSAWYER (IMPORTED) Topsawyer,: winner of Gov- ernment, progilum.of 260 Jan. 1911, tw avbs m horse, 1215 Ibs bred froth proven stayers over two and a balf to four mile courses. Dg You want a 16 hand team that will road ten or twelve, miles for five and six hours at a stretch and.can be pushed 80 to 100 miles in a day? Cross Topsawyer with area of 1100 to 1200, with a Yash of standard and thorough- dred hlood....Do vou want. i good heavy welght hunter? . Cross Topsawyer with a good short- A gged general purpose mare with-a thorough-bred cross one or two g nerations back. Top- sawyer will stand at the Sarnia Ranch, Walsh. Throws no col- ore but bays or browns and puts bjs own head-on all his set, 297-128, WEEKLY AUCTION SALE THE MARKET SQUARE Friday, July 5 1 O'CLOCK SHARP .. The auctioneers announces a large quantity of single, double driving and daily work-horses. Cows, Poultry, etc., ete: A large quantity of single and double harness, 2 buggies, 3 democrats, 2 wagons, gangs, sulkies, and breaking ploughs, tower and rakes, A large quantity of po- tatoes and. other effects too mumterous te mention, Entries will be excepted up to 12 o clock on the day of sale. Specials: 1 purebred Hamble- tonian mare: several unbroken mares. and colts; two of -first-olass heavy Clydes. smarter oe a BU BROWNE . Live Stock-and General Market Offices 14 Fourth Ave. General Offices 519 Toronto St. Phone Nes. 519 and 295. AUCTION SALE Sa HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT THE Many a man is * Many an October porch of How umwise, It s the Advertising read in Saly thak boars fruit ia Sortie and October For to-day s ime OR HO. lead. to. fluence her selection of, Tonize for his F: To-day s. Impressiolis To-morrow s Sales Many a September purchase is really decided in July: Many a woman is gathering information to-day that will in- tove two months hence. rright n suit and overcoat. a summer en, that devel ina day, a-week or a month. Yet some manufacturers and merchants. still procrastinate until the first ni athe besiege the public with belated an- iothes, home furnishings, winter underwear, articles usually purchased in the Fail. Phrclfised i in the Fall oh, Decided im favor.of the ats advertised. ' lt; jouncements oi int the Summer. , that are continu about the store he will pat- 0 purchase i res i ly-determined-on the otel or home in August. put-off the Advertising of these and similar articles until the actual time of their use arrives. : es ee seldom. ates a fale. impressionis crea pont eee athanes bya deriving pub- ee oer tees impressions are seldom bi add the oysters and serve at-once- --Panned Oysters Place: - small round of buttered toast in a-patty-pan, spoisten, with the oyster liquor, cover With oysters and season with butter Bake, covered, In .oyen until edges ruffle, then season with salt, cook one minute longer and serve. sn pans. Oyster -Rigsoles Roll - puff paste Wery thin, dotting it over with large oysters in pairs, -whieh have been tewed, seasoned and drained very i dry. Moister the paste around the casters, pressing - more paste firmly borer the: cut into shape sith Fry golden brown in I. B, BROWNE CO. have been instructed to sell by auc- tion a quantity of high-class houseliold furniture of the very dest quality. e For further future issues. HB, BROWNE CO. Live Stock General .-Ametioneers. Market Offices 314 Fourth Ave. Phones 519 and 295 particulars see tenders will be received by the undersigned upto 12 o'clock noon of Saturday, July th, 1912, for the erection of a fr ine Exhibits buil- ding. etc., at the Fair grounds, for the 2 It is it up of and other KITCHENETTES Treat your servants well, for, in ithe case of good ones, finding is not necessarily keepings. ut decided upon es Give your s rvants a good table, and they. will. be less apt to eke out the game With the family skeleton. maid shouldn't try to dress like her temper, and if she succeeds. only loses her place. If you talk before your servants ay they. were deaf, you will coon out that the Jn spite of the exploitation of tw: the great Freneh dressmakers; th Skirt is not to be taken serious TERS. oR nEdnvk She No; he save (t serves me right s. (W. A. P. Dispatch) , July 4+In anawor to the yr carpenters for Regink, the ; Sect ary of th : Montreal Builders but he ean- Medicine Hat Agricultural Society. Certitied cheer for an amount, equiv- to ac- company each tender. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of the grehitect, Porter Block Medicine The lowest or any tender essarily acepted. WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS, Architect, it nec SEALED t tender will'bs recelved ad- Uressed to the undersigned a to 2 o'clock ol day of July, 1912, for the Rae of Medicine Hat School District No. 76, alent to 5 per cent. of tender to accom- pany each tender, Plans and specifications may be,seen (Porter Block, Medicine Hat, Alta, sarily accepted. Medicine Hat School District No: 76. aggaiat ee lt;He Does your father object to niy staying so-late? for being in when you call. Bogton Transcript. Gastomer 1 want a fon of coal. Desler Yee, sir. What size? Customer 8 nol too much, 1 like to have.a 2,000- June 20th, 1913. 29966t' masa 4; 5-room brick school. building for the Certified check for an amount equiv-' The lowest or any tender: not neces -APIER, Secratary, CLASSIFIED ADS. ad accepted for jess than 25 cents. must accdmpany the order. it will recs attention. i HBLY WANTED, month. Apply to 615 Main St. be- tween 7 and p.m. WANTED Two first Vlas exper- enced waitresses. 35.00 por month. Apply to W. B, ee Brooks, Alta 'WANTED Work for, boy.of a ranch. Apply ey 1001 Bast Allowance, P. WWANTED A capable eral house work. St-or phone 210. Mrs, FpotsbeanesR wanted to take * work. Good wages to right person. IANTED Good * general servant W. T,, Finlay, 503. Esplanade een W: eral n cal Wages 25.00 Apply in Berson to 616 Montreal St WANTED A few good salesmen for high class proposition. Big money to good-men.--Room-,-886 Main abrast yANTED A good servant, Apply to : 297att porter, Cos- matt planade: aepate WANTSD Smalt team. outfite ditch work. Have 2000 miles to WANTED Men and women to learn barber trade. Summer rate now on. Situations guaranteed. Special rstes to ladies. Particulars and cata- logue free. Moler College, 699 Cen- tre St. Caleary. 2oeatr SITUATIONS WANTED, POSITION WANTED Experiencea Stenographer, customs clerk a ral office man. Commences. we at once. Apply:ioP 2 RESPECTABLE poung man. requires situation -Distatice no object. Ap- ply to J. K, box 95, Clty 30248 , TEACHER WANTED VANTED For Woolchester school, teacher holding first or second class. certificate: Duties to commence ist. August. Apply, stating. exper- fence, class of certificate and salary) required to R, W. Armstrong, Sec. Treas. 8. D. No. 703, Woolchester, Alta. Tnly 4 4tw iS yon Er RK SALE 2Z first 2 ee ae ing cows. Apply) Kathi kes, Redcliff, Alta SS ee JrOR SALE Some Housittd fara ture. Apply -at-692-Montreal St. 80143 HAPOR Satna aan cow tor sale. Apply to 810 Ave. CS eas Aviomopine For SALE CHEAP 5 passenger, touring, In first-class condition, 0 horse power, fully Additional words at. same raje. No Mra. R. B. Taylor, 124 Braemar toket, n prrr aving the . (WANTED Geperal/ servant, 20 arug stage. 80243 JLOUND Diamond ring, A Apply Box. 1296, News otfice, 29att. WANT -Gapable of cooking. Apply Mrs. tools, ate; Faw, hides, and tu WANTED Apply to 492 Sez wo bob averpihing snectiet LOSP AND FOUND. POUND A bunoh of kera Owner , can have same. by calling at News Situations Wanted; Help Wonted, jotties end paying fon this wi. s0ats For Sale, Lost, Fount. - , ade under . tiose headings. J, 08T A chit siwedtey Cont, white, feo 2B- 00888, ote. 689.-- 04. 38. trimmeds with blue, and a child's. 4 25 words, three days .. 50 flot embroidery skirt partly worked. 28 words, wx days .. .. 1.00 Lost at . P. R. station. Apply to Phone youf ad to No. 18 ring 2, and LOST In Medicine Hut: Saturday, evening Inst, 0 pocketbook aining sum of money Finder silt Boll, 419 Park St 0ST bran ee Weighs 1000. Iyer Lost clothing, shoes, gung, revolvers, musical halr, wool and .tthers, sold: Apply. to. the Harvard T o:, 812. Fourth seen and a nice new line of and. pay the best Call Sa Bat ae CHARTERED let, Sizes of ditches trom 3 to 8 foot bottom. Jense, McDonnell Co., W:4 HENDERSON 200, Bassano, Alin: ae7ate , . Soountants and: auditors, ( Hat, Winnipeg, Medicine Hat, bridge: AE, Gibson, C.A,, Tr Phone 198. partner, Burns AUCTIONEERS onto St. Stock Sales: every. on Market Square-at 1 o'clock. and farm stock sales conducted ; where... Consult us, obr 108. HB. Bi Tonto St. Town Sane sale classes of insurance. W- Office 881. Main Street, * Industrial Spur Ralf Water Supplies, Sewage, Plans-Bte Room 14, Imperial Bank Medicine Hat Customs Broker. (orwardin sembler and executor of papers ship Estate Broker MEDICINE HAT. and Pi eautpped. Apply P.O. box 597. tt Rooms To BENT. TO RENT Fraraished oom in fair- Jy. modern house. Use of phone, ete, Apply 711, Ottawa St. sozatt 0 RENT Fornished room with Apply 14 Third Ave. 201-2 COMPORTABER room to rent. Three minutes from depot. House tally. modern, Apply oronto 1-8 0: RENT Furnished rooms to ren parlor, bed-sitting room, modern conyentencts, suitable for two gentle- men. Apply 420 Toronto St. ST4tt SCHOOL FOR ment Rolls Assessment Notices Tax Notices Tax Reminders ipt Books ; Letter Paper Envelopes, etc., etc. over V.. One bay) gelding 6 years old, white tate, Whltsshind legs, and big white pot 20 reward) Apply to B Paytiuck; Irvine, Alta. / July 4 4tW furniture sales perience at, your, disposal free, Phone oa and to, rent. Alt W.E. WRIGHT ments going . into. the United States. Commissioner in B, R., Real and: General Agent. OS 18 os Re CE? Bik. 21, 2.1 Bik, 24, 4:1 fk. 17, 2K ox PULY 4.18.3 Lee Burley in 4 rou 1907 Tomniy Bill Squires i ima, Cal 1907 Predai Grover Hayes i Greek, Col. 1908 Packey Joe Gans in 17 1908 Packey die Welsh fou Los Angeles, 1908 Terry 3 Twin Sullivan field, Nev. 1910 Jphany e Brannigan in 4910 Faok Jum Jeffries, wi ae fort 1911 Ad Wol -*Moran, English, Franscisoo. 1911 Joe Riv in 12) rounds, 5; Angeles. 1911 Young Forbes, gt MALcoter, 0 1911 Knocko qPommy,Ginty fr Pa. UNIVERSITY (Special London, July leigh, chaticello Cambridge, pres the Universities morning engag university. entra jthe mutual rei tests. Viscount recently succee Enra High Chen occupied, the cl session, When And tatoriat cl principle sutjec
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Image 15 (1912-07-04), from microfilm reel 15, (CU1772042). Courtesy of Early Alberta Newspapers Collection, Libraries and Cultural Resources Digital Collections, University of Calgary.